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File: 167 KB, 1080x684, Screenshot_20201225_213247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5086634 No.5086634 [Reply] [Original]

They say this but

>> No.5086638
File: 275 KB, 1080x1764, Screenshot_20201226_004128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double standard much?

>> No.5086660

isn't that what art literally is? "stealing" shit and making it your own by changing it?

>> No.5086669

at least he direct links the tweet, imo you shouldn't have to ask for permission if you've been able to get the tweet embedded so that anyone can interact with the original

>> No.5086677

I did not consent to inspiring you
I draw like this for me, not for you

>> No.5086691

Only I can be 'inspired', if you do it, you are stealing.

>> No.5086695
File: 418 KB, 1282x536, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the model i studied here whines about people drawing her, then she blocked me after the picture was removed, so i decided from this point on im just going to do whatever i want and use the original creators response as a litmus test for if i give a fuck about them or not

>> No.5086698

Oh yeah I follow this chick, yeah all her photos are really nicely lit and great for doing studies but idk why she's so intense about people using her as a reference

>> No.5086700

Awful thread

>> No.5086702

in my experience, women hate being studied and analysed, even just visually without putting pencil to paper
cutesy stylised cartoons are cool, but nothing more

>> No.5086705

i always find it ironic how they want to thrive off mens attention but openly hate it when they get it

>> No.5086708

Lolololol did he ask for consent if he can draw the hamster into 2d art?

>> No.5086714

no, they want attention, what they don’t want is analysis and scrutiny, that’s my point
you can make her a cutesy anime image and she’ll get her fix, but don’t you dare look at her intently
they hate it because women are insanely insecure and they’re afraid you’ll perceive their horrifying imperfections that literally nobody cares about
like most of them are convinced they have disgusting noses and ears

>> No.5086780

That’s retarded obviously. Rembrandt himself lifted architectural features right out of books into his paintings

>> No.5086804

just realized the op tweet is a "nb" chink attentionwhore so their opinions invalid anyways

>> No.5086853

Women don’t like being stared at by a nuclear-grade autist, imagine that.

>> No.5086867

You consent by putting it on the internet. If you don't want people to do what they will with your art, only show it to non artist friends.

>> No.5086868

Most people are uncomfortable with aspects of their body and often feel uncomfortable being scrutinized. Insecurity and body issues aren't exclusive to women.
>inb4 b-b-but men don't do this
They absolutely do. Men who post model-tier photos are an outlier and as a group are under different selection forces but the average man is just as uncomfortable being analyzed as a woman. Men only give you a pass on occasion because they aren't used to getting attention.

>> No.5086869
File: 271 KB, 220x166, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5086877

you sure about that lmao

i wouldn't tweet studies at people though, that's cringe. unless the person is known to retweet stuff but still.

>> No.5086884

spoiled kids

>> No.5086885

>Men who post model-tier photos are an outlier and as a group are under different selection forces
ah yes, unlike women who post model-tier photos
>average man is uncomfortable
[citation needed]
every man in my social circle is completely comfortable with being analysed, I can’t stop them from showing me how fat they are, showing me their fucked tooth or vividly describing their trip to the urologist and “completely normal” papules on their dick
if you meant analysed by women, you might have a point, but from my perspective that’s bullshit

>> No.5086893

>twitter thread

>> No.5086930


Wait this is a mans artwork? Damn onions is real.

>> No.5086939

men who dont want to be scrutinized or analyzed dont beg for attention with public body pictures

>> No.5087018

If I were popular I would only get mad at people reposting stuff as if it were theirs or removing signs or watermarks of my art work, I could care less if they draw one of my characters, in fsct that would make me quite happy.

>> No.5087030

who is that?

>> No.5087038

I don't ask permission so invalids can jerk off to their power play

>> No.5087043

it should be this but the word filter is bad. its so yogi_maru no space >>5086877

>> No.5087070

Thanks fren!

>> No.5087165

Based. Who this bitch so I can draw her too

>> No.5087180


>> No.5087245

twitter threads are complete cancer no matter what board they are on, but I'm sure you could make these people choke if you just hit them with something like "that behavior is discrimination against artists with severe social anxiety" or something. These types of people are always afraid of being the next target of "the mob"

>> No.5087323

It's a fucking hamster, it can't consent.

>> No.5087334
File: 303 KB, 1500x1494, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have images disabled on this board but if this is a
>someone stole my fanart!!!
thread then they wouldn't choke at all, they know exactly what they are doing, it's always women or men posing as women who do this and they are signaling to a personal army they already have and that is completely loyal. I have seen these people get called out on just about every topic and as long as they handwave with a half assed justification nobody else will engage past the first 2-3 posts in the thread. They can block the person or get their comments removed, if anybody has half a negative thought about it they'll forget 30 seconds later.
You guys are stupid if you think that 99.9% will actually look past the first post. Your point is hidden in the equivalent of the 10th page of google results, it may as well not exist. You don't understand that people have the attention span of a goldfish and zero critical thinking, they are functionally illiterate so if they see a block of words where their idol seems to make sense (because it's many words) they will agree that she's right. This is how it works. I engage every day with complete retards on this site who don't even read the posts they reply to.
Like your mistake is thinking that normies think like you do and understand the same amount as you do. They do not, they're retarded.

>> No.5087529

>Most people are uncomfortable with aspects of their body and often feel uncomfortable being scrutinized.
Why the fuck would you post your pictures online then? Such dumb fucking logic, don't post your pictures online if you don't want people to see your perceived imperfections.

>> No.5087539

why would you have images disabled on a board that is entirely based on artwork.

>> No.5087544

bold of you to assume hes here for the artwork

>> No.5087545

I want to post but I want to spare myself looking at the "art" here it literally disgusts me

>> No.5087585

yeah sure lets generalize an entire gender based on one (1) womans reaction to people posting her pictures without credit

>> No.5087594 [DELETED] 

Nah, that is too reasonable and good of a take for 4chan.

>> No.5087596

seething roastoid

>> No.5087600

This place seems to attract a lot of incel types. Just try and ignore them.

>> No.5087607
File: 459 KB, 604x630, 613640E5-213C-494E-A8DB-AC8E591DFED8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but seriously, I have to ask. Why do you bitches talk? Literally why? It’s never even anything funny or insightful, it’s always basic observations at best or downright retardation/nagging at worst. I cannot think of a single thing you’ve contributed that a person with a penis can’t do better or hasn’t already done before. You say don’t generalize your gender, yet almost all of you act more or less the same. I’ll even humor you, if you can find me ONE woman that isn’t a carbon copy of the rest, that isn’t just a “le quirky gamer girl”, one woman that can actually say something that stops and makes me think, “Huh, this chick is pretty cool and smart”, I’d concede.

Until then, keep seething and have sex roastie.

>> No.5087608

yes. universals vs particulars. most people get a raging boner over the idea of being adored by the public but then get flaccid when that adoration is hyperfocused on a single literally who pedestrian

>> No.5087620

i mean, you don't know if they DM'd them and they also did directly quote retweet ir

>> No.5087626

>one woman that can actually say something that stops and makes me think, “Huh, this chick is pretty cool and smart”, I’d concede.
There are plenty but they're just pretending. It's usually pseudo-intellectual proud degenerates

>> No.5087642

You sound like a faggot who is mad that chad choose the pussy over his dirty asshole

>> No.5087671

study artist here, i quote retweeted her model pics the same way the OP's guy did, so regardless of your point, downplaying her reasoning with "no credit" doesnt work

>> No.5087740

I Don't interact with people on twitter because twitter is cancer. that was my best assumption on how to "attack" it but honestly I just mute or block twitter idiots that post that kind of nonsense

>> No.5087819

Are there even any men who post model-tier photos online? I can't ever find any, just women.

>> No.5088209

>all my value is a wet hole
No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.5088229

I don't even enjoy women sexually but even I have to admit there's some cool ones out there, even more when they aren't bogged down by social warriorism. College girls with a witty or crude sense of humour that exceeds "suck my dick" are awesome

>> No.5088239

nice anecdote

>> No.5088247

She’s hot as fuck. Sucks that shes weird about fanart and studies.

>> No.5088251

>Most people are uncomfortable with aspects of their body and often feel uncomfortable being scrutinized. Insecurity and body issues aren't exclusive to women
nigga most of her pictures are of her almost naked.

>> No.5088400

Why would you post fanart or studies at her? Why wouldnt you just use her to learn how to render and then just apply that to your own coom works? Seems like she would be an excellent use for that and nothing more.