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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5071419 No.5071419 [Reply] [Original]

We are all art-friends here.

>> No.5071433

it's impossible to have drawing tablet discussion on this website because the OP of /dtg/ is a schizo who doesnt even draw and thinks everyone is a Chink shill.

>> No.5071436

no we aren't

>> No.5071444

We are friends, whether you like it or not!

>> No.5071450

All the contradictory advice in the /beg/ thread burnt me out and now I’m trying to start drawing again

>> No.5071456

Tbh the best thing is to just stick to the books. 99% of your problems will go away when you revisit the basics.

>> No.5071471

I just want to die and make the world forget about me.

>> No.5071473

We need more shizos spamming why they’re not gonna make it

>> No.5071572

I'm so fucking tired. I do not want to spend effort to entertain an audience I dislike and I am not motivated by money or sex.
Why do you people still draw?

>> No.5071574

It's 1 am. I'm having a psychotic breakdown. I have no future. No ability. No love. No friendship. I have been deluding myself. What is the point anymore. There is no point. No more hope.

>> No.5071580


A group of people hate me for absolutely nothing till this day. Thankfully they’ve been muzzled and can no longer bully me whenever they feel like.

>> No.5071582

I've being drawing since 2007 non stop and I'm still not sure how to study shit, it's amazing that i know a lot of things about anatomy, composition and perspective since I never read Loomis, Vilppu or any of those fuckers.

>> No.5071585

i'm drawing 5 to 7 hours a day

>> No.5071591

Only alcohol can give me the courage to drink

>> No.5071593

*The courage to draw

>> No.5071594

wrist hurts

>> No.5071599

i want to draw more realistically

>> No.5071609

why are too many self centered artists of my age in social media?

>> No.5071623

I have the money, the ideas, and the UX/UI skills (literally my job) but I have no idea how to actually make my art site idea happen. It would just be by artists, for artists, none of this pandering to normies with hashtag spam shit. The site would have a set list of tags you can use with the ability for users to submit new tags for approval and there would be a smart recommendation thing but mostly a focus on connecting with other artists and growing your skills. It's a pipe dream.

>> No.5071624

Artists don’t want other artists to see their art, their is no money to be made

>> No.5071626

Yeah, I think that might also be part of my problem. I'm coming at it from someone who does this for fun, not an actual artist, so I might just end up with a site full of fellow hobbyists who only really slightly care about getting better but are mostly here to have fun and socialize away from the eye of zuck.

>> No.5071666

Release of power
Organized energy

>> No.5071672
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>be /beg/ coomer
>be improving
>start noticing details in art and porn
>one image has bad anatomy
>another has interesting rendering
>a photo has really good lighting
>turned off each time I notice something
>keeps happening for every coomer image I look at
>hate myself for looking at the work of artists worse than me
>hate myself for not working to get better
>want to draw instead of coom
>the more I learn, the less I can coom
Is this the price of getting better?

>> No.5071713

I'm drawing oddly better than normal today?

>> No.5071716

I'm falling behind with my education and drawing because I'm addicted to weed

>> No.5071722
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>some guy bitched he wasted month
>he doesn't know humanity and life is waste it self
>be me
>just learning no reason

>> No.5071723

seriously have I been possessed by someone else?

>> No.5071724

people who are giving advice in /beg/ are /beg/s themselves. It's fairly rare for an /int/ to drop by and give critique.

>> No.5071726

being in a call with a friend and drawing together, even in silence, sounds so comfy

i've tried to make friends here before, i learned my lesson

>> No.5071736
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I must be the devil or something?

>> No.5071740


>> No.5071748
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It's been 2 days and I can't draw an appealing body for this bust... hell, I don't even physically draw it at this point.
I'm just trying to imagine poses while keeping that exact same head and ribbon, but I can't come up with anything good.
Front poses are kinda boring I think... no, they can be good... but I can only think of stiff poses... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Well I haven't been in the best mental health this week, tomorrow will be brighter and I'll know if I failed college or not.
Nah that's just excuses, I've never been one to draw worse because of stress, I just can't think of a goddamn good front pose

>> No.5071750

I haven't drawn for many months, got back into it and draw better than when I left off.

>> No.5071752

That's... probably it. I reached my drawing limit for the time being

>> No.5071755

Your brain just might need a break, but don't break off as long as I did.

>> No.5071940


>> No.5072005
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I want to make new friends but I feel like there's nowhere actually go online anymore. /soc/ and omegle are both just sex pits for simps and whores and anywhere else is normies that would stop talking to me for using the word whore. It's frustrating because there's billions of people on the internet but the few hundred I might actually be able to carry a nice conversation with are hidden under these massive piles are garbage I really don't want to dig through. Honestly the internet might make me feel more lonely than I already am
Also my drawings look cool when I just draw without any construction underneath but when I actually use construction it looks terrible and soulless reeee

>> No.5072008

I’m new to /ic/ and I’ll tell you what I see.

1) about 2% of the artists have natural talent, another 13% have some creative leanings and may progress into developing that

2) a massive amount of people who suck, who’ve failed and stuck around to keep making bad art and providing criticisms on subjects they’ve failed out (god - like art teachers)

3) sincere art lovers who have no partisan art leaning who have little to no talent, but understand and enjoy it

4) a very small amount of shit posters. I’m from /pol/. It is 70% shit posting whereas here it’s about 10% on the high side.

Still don’t now what /beg/ means.

>> No.5072010

most male normies don't give a fuck if you say whore. maybe you're probably just a loser or something

>> No.5072014
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You should go back to /pol/

>> No.5072020

I find /pol/ easy to leave (which I do every election year) because I don’t vote and don’t hold hyper partisan views. No MIGA for me faggot. Not riding with Dementia either.

>> No.5072031

so you're a braindead centrist? how nice

>> No.5072039

No. I’m a Francoist.

>> No.5072044
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my crush blocked me on social media, fuck, i cant stalk him anymore, my life is over

>> No.5072046

you’re a girl...right?

>> No.5072047

no one on the internet is a girl, you should know better

>> No.5072052

i wish we could go back to wonderful times when this statement was true

>> No.5072053

Sounds like something a girl on the internet would say

>> No.5072062
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I want to learn and master
and I know how to do it

but I can't let go of my past and the pain, the distractions

>> No.5072077

I am sneed.

>> No.5072093
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There are plenty of ways to stalk your online bf. You should have made him install a stealth tracker by making him press a link unknowingly for example. Other techniques include an automated bot to record known social profiles so you can understand his habits and whereabouts. And then when he thinks he's gotten rid of you for good, you still are watching him with an account that looks perfectly normal, but is actually a pretend account for the purposes of following your bf!

>> No.5072095

I'm a girl btw. Totally not a guy!!

>> No.5072119

I know it would be living hell to have a stalker like that and I wouldnt ever wish for something liek this , but at the same time out of my sorrow, I kinda wish I had a girl being this obsessed with me...

>> No.5072127

Do you really want a bitch to be calling you every hour on the hour while you're wagecucking or taking a shit?

>> No.5072136

Stalkers don’t reach out, they just observe. Although I guess I do sorta hint at things sometimes...

>> No.5072304

What drugs did I take today.

>> No.5072313

Oh, that’s right. It isn’t drugs but Boyfriend Love <3

>> No.5072329

Learning to draw is like this: “ If you know how to draw this, great! Step aside and wait for my further instructions. For the rest of you munchkins follow my method that may or may not work for you and by the end of my training if nothing worked for you then go fuck yourself find someone else.”

Seasoned artists benefit the most. Begs suffer the long way in.

>> No.5072360
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Anyone. Tell me why the fuck indesign decides to exist to make me feel this stupid.

How? How does this happen? Can any help pls

>> No.5072365

>i learned my lesson
whats the lesson that we can learn anon

>> No.5072375
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I'm get gud over 2021, then come back here to shit on all of you.

>> No.5072377

Isn't it weird, that the more you want to improve in something, the less motivation you have to do so? It's driving me fucking insane

>> No.5072384

super normal stimuli, stop rotting your brain anon

>> No.5072430

That'll be two of us. Hang on to your balls and ovaries anons

>> No.5072475

indesign, on boy, the memories, oh noo, the nightmares, i must forget those times

>> No.5072484

im not gonna make it and i have no cool art friends im so pissed

>> No.5072485

how long have you been drawing

>> No.5072502

Not quite for making personal friendships, but I'd just recommend joining /a/ or /vg/ and merging yourself with the shitposting culture and hivemind. That pretty much satiated my need for human socializing... Hell, I do have friends and I ignore them because writing on /a/ is more fun.
Mostly discussing Boku no Hero and Higurashi chapters at great length, talking about which characters suck to start a fight, or creating some good OC that gets people talking about it. It really feels like you're part of a chatting group

>> No.5072513

not art related but i hate hypocrisy
im soo mad because lately event from all over just blasted in my face a reminder about that
not in mood for art at all

>> No.5072518 [DELETED] 

Why aren’t you drawing? And why did you delete your blog again?

>> No.5072528

Ah, I shouldn’t have said that...

>> No.5072529

the lesson was most of the people trying to make friends on 4chan most likely have a reason they don't have friends

maybe i met the wrong people, im sure some of you are cool but the chances of making a legitimate friendship here are too low that i cant be bothered trying

>> No.5072535

umm i stopped drawing for a few years and picked it up again this year

>> No.5072546


Well actually almost everyone I met here was actually pretty alright. It’s only when something happens that creates drama do you see another side of anons. Online is just bad miscommunication.

>> No.5072590

Had the opportunity to apply to UCL Slade/Goldsmiths but decided to go for a 'comfy' uni instead, now I feel like a big fish in a small pond
On a scale of one to ten how bad did I fuck up?

>> No.5072758

That awkward moment when the song says the word you say outloud at the same time.

>> No.5072784

I spent all my time in quarantine watching anime playing vidya and jerking off like was there not a better opportunity for me to start taking art seriously ahhhhhhhh I HAD OVER 6 MONTHS THAT I COULD HAVE BEEN PRACTICING 8+ HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER TIME IN MY GOD FORSAKEN LIFE LIKE THIS ONE!

>> No.5072789

same except ive been a neet for over a year and didnt take it very seriously until the past month or so
depression is real

>> No.5072793

Well at least I have a few weeks off for xmas and the way cases are going up where I live looks like I might be blessed with a second chance; fingers crossed.

>> No.5072803

Men, if I was neet....wait I was already neet for a month again, well anyway I would just play video games all day. It’s not like you’ll get that opportunity again for a long time.

>> No.5072867

stop cooming then, it lowers testosterone anyway.

>> No.5072871

stop being a retard and move on with your life.

>> No.5072912
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>> No.5072919

idk, I should just turn off the internet at this point

>> No.5072959

Will a hobby apart from drawing help my depression? I was thinking of taking up league of legends

>> No.5072961

Instead of trying to improve then, draw something for fun. Idk what you like. A superhero, smoome cute girl, perhaps draw from real life. This one is always good to kill time if you don't know what to do, just start drawing a chair or a pencil or a TV, whatever you can look at, it doesn't require much motivation I think and you WILL be better.

>> No.5072966

Dude... no.
League of Legends is specifically one of the most toxic videogames ever created by design. One of the two sides WILL be stomped, getting rekt for 20 minutes straight like a punching bag, that's the nature of it.
And the game has algorithms that are very likely to put you into the side that gets stomped if you trigger one of its dozens of invisible flags, or perhaps it happens just at random, but no it definitely doesn't help depression unless you think you won't be affected by losing and having teammates insulting you.
It can be fun though, that's why some play it, but it's a tough call.
And people who play with friends are very happy.

You can try choosing another hobby like anime, manga, visual novels, reading... or just another videogame.
Even so, I think some depressed people actually enjoy spending their time in League of Legends, you can sink hours on that while not thinking of anything else.

>> No.5072979


league brings out the worst darkest gunk hidden in the human heart and holds it up in a golden chalice for the devil to drink. almost every victory is devoid of any real sense of accomplishment and only brings a fleeting and hollow relief of not having a dumbass teammate. sooner or later you realize that the only way to enjoy this game is to not play it in the first place or to not give any shit and play as a troll all the way through. pick something else anon

>> No.5072983

just draw.
playing mobas will eat your fucking time without even you even noticing whats happening.

>> No.5073076
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NO way you are mine, faggot.

>> No.5073230

how does one pick something drawing that's worth their time?

>> No.5073235

ever just wanna go drunk driving, maybe help the odds and see if you kill yourself

>> No.5073251

not that anon, but the more i draw for fun, the more i realize what i can't draw and just know i need to keep studying

>> No.5073256

why do i feel like life is getting worse when it's not?

>> No.5073270

the future's looking worse. You're losing hope

>> No.5073283
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>> No.5073339

Sounds good to me.

>> No.5073494
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>Instagram is like screaming in the void, completely owned by advertisers
>Twitter is useless unless you broadcast every second of your life on it and have the same thoughts, humor or style as everyone else
>DA only hosts Sonic inflation porn
>PIxiv only hosts weebshit
>ArtStation is just corporate garbage that all looks the same
>Every public Discord server is full of underage people trying to get followers on Twitter
>Forums are just boomers copying photos of their daughter or dog
>This place is just porn, drama and shitposting and no art
>Everywhere else there is simply no conversation about art
I have no idea about Reddit outside of /r/art which is Facebook tier stuff. Why is it so unbelievably difficult to find a decent art community? With other hobbies it's easy to find a pleasant environment where people are normal and interactions are normal and healthy. Is this what happens when something revolves around social media?

>> No.5073498

>I was thinking of taking up league of legends
pick up something healthier, like heroin

>> No.5073508


I play some gachas and chat with others in /vg/ about the lesbian waifu parings and stuff. It helps a bit. I think spending too much time on red boards warps perception of 4chan/channel as a whole.

>> No.5073522

I have been stressed out a lot lately and fell into the coom meme
But not only this doesen't make me any relaxed,it just make me sleep and I Feel like I struggle more with 3d thinking after cooming.
Do you are in a similar situation?If yes,did you found some strategies to counter that?

>> No.5073563

Weightlifting, team sports, running, cycling. Try a couple and pick one you like.

>> No.5073583

become friends with people who have private discord servers, those can be fun sometimes

>> No.5073587

>become friends with people who have private discord servers
I have never found a difference except scale between private discord servers and public ones, they're always full of the same things, same people, and if they are inherently unpopular it's because they're based on fetishes or politics

>> No.5073589

Most small discord servers are centered around a friend group. Through I have yet to find someone with a decently active one. Most people seem to use it more as a team speak server.

>> No.5073592

>become friends

>> No.5073595

I don't want to play vidya with people. I have found myself doing this in smaller communities of "friends" and it's nothing but "hanging around" with people who just draw anime titties in their spare time or things like that. I don't want to be in a community of teenagers, I'd like to find people who care about art. Is everyone really a cumbrain or a soulless merchant these days? Is it just that people don't open up anymore? This lack of intimacy is driving me insane, it can't be that people literally do and say everything with a public display in mind.

>> No.5073601

>Is it just that people don't open up anymore?
>people literally do and say everything with a public display in mind.


>> No.5073619

Have you considered going to an IRL art meetup in your area? Maybe not the best idea for right now with corona and all, but you can still look up what groups there are and write some down to check out.

>> No.5073625

Same, except the part where I don't drink. But I do like the part where I drink and draw.

>> No.5073632

>Have you considered going to an IRL art meetup in your area?
There were none even before Corona, and the few that came up somewhere in larger cities are just those sunday workshops for old women
everyone who does something different defaults to social media
I hate social media so much

>> No.5073644

You should consider organizing something to make art friends. Instead of just waiting for someone to do it, be proactive about it.

>> No.5073653

My medicine (antidepresso, SSRI, benzo) are literally killing my soul bits by bits. I hate my life and I want to end it all.

>> No.5073656

>be proactive about it.
I did. I have tried many times to open some kind of community but people just use these minor venues to promote themselves and never engage, and the thing usually dies off in a short time. With other hobbies it's very easy to build something organic. It's uncanny how much difference there is when it comes to art communities.
I quit them and it was the best thing I ever did. Get off the consumerism and the internet as much as you can, read some philosophy or unironically embrace a religion, anything is better than that zombie shit.

>> No.5073658

That's what you get for taking the (((medicine)))pill and not just jogging like you were evolved to.

>> No.5073671

>I did
I'm so sorry to hear that. Yeah the art community is filled to the brim with self-interested individuals. There are gems out there and people who would make fantastic friends but they are few and far in between.

>> No.5073756

Ever work on something late at night only to open up the next day and realize it's a piece of dogshit?

>> No.5073803

I'm actually satisfied with my current drawings but i dont want to stop here. I want to improve. But I don't know how.

>> No.5074099


>> No.5074107

all the fucking time

>> No.5074135

sure, you hosting?

>> No.5074333
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>Join art discord
>Vast majority of work is crap
>Doesn't even have that "tails gets trolled" heart to it that makes it interesting
>Just boring, cliche, and sub par
>Genuine discussion about art is rare
>Endless shitposting and circle jerking

I just wanted to network...

>> No.5074361

>Join ..,. discord
this was your first mistake. nice trips though

>> No.5074419

I am afraid that my waifu won't like the wholesome paintings I made of her.

>> No.5074723

I don't just do that, I'll actually completely ruin a painting and save it before bed. Now I stop painting the moment I realize I'm tired.

>> No.5074751

Do you have mockups or a feature list, etc? How fleshed out is your concept?

t. programmer monkey

>> No.5074754

For some reason alcohol really, really impairs my ability to draw- moreso than any other faculty Even just a little bit tipsy and I just cant produce anything worthwhile. It sucks because I like to drink, but I guess it's a good incentive to stay sober.

How high do you guys prioritize drawing? Im incredibly busy at work right now, and find art slipping out of my routine before other daily activities. Very unfortunate.

>> No.5074813

I figured out why I'm suddenly now just drawing better. I don't care about the rules anymore.

>> No.5075036

Server?, checked.

>> No.5075049

My improvement exploded when I just drew for fun. Made so much manga, and now I have art that I'm proud of

>> No.5075061

My art is so inconsistent, I'm capable of doing beautiful artworks sometimes but, recently, I'm not doing anything that I like.

>> No.5075129

Guys I think I lost my sense of smell. I tried sniffing some shaving alcohol and the effect wasn’t there. I sniffed other things and nothing. I think I have COVID.

>> No.5075139
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how do you guys deal with wanting to practice drawing as much as you can while also wanting to do other stuff with your free time. i just now got the urge to read berserk for the first time and i bet if i started now i could read through the entire thing with the rest of my weekend. but at the same time i finally motivated myself to draw something. it hasn't turned out well so far but my struggling has made me want to go back to the marco bucci asaro head videos i downloaded a while ago and learn more about head structure. but... i also want to read manga. i wanna feel something and read a story, but this has been my entire goddamn life. i never get better at drawing because every time i get into drawing it only lasts so long before i just want to do something else, and then the next time i return to it i still suck because i spent the whole interim doing other shit and not practicing.

when i'm into something it's all i can think about. i've gotten into projects in the past where i wouldn't even eat anything all day because i was so focused that i didn't feel the physical discomfort of hunger. i wish i was one of those people who only had one interest and all i wanted to do was draw. if i was that kind of person i bet i could get so damn good at drawing, but i'm not that person and it makes me so frustrated i can't stand it.

>> No.5075151

I went through the same, my creativity and mental images I could form are simply impossible for me now after a long period on SSRIS and anxiolitics, it kills your rebel and creative ideals and turns you into a comformist zombie.

>> No.5075160

This is sort of a positive-ish vent. I am a beg andd normally when I draw anime heads I start with a cirlce of about 3cm to 3.5cm circumference. Today however, I realized I should try changing it up and starting with different circle sizes. So I drew a circle of about 4.5cm circumference and drew a head and body from there. Then I drew one at about 6cm and did the same. Then I did one at 8cm and so on.

I sort of liked the results better. It didn't look great obviously (I'm a beg and I wasn't used to drawing characters this way) but I feel like I was able to pay attention to the details better because everything was bigger. So I'm going to practice drawing characters at different sizes from now on.
tl;dr: I figured out I should draw bigger.

>> No.5075163

Yeah, i experienced this when i started acrylic painting.
I tried for hours to do a self portrait following "rules", etc etc and it just came out stiff and shitty and it felt frustrating

Painted my deceased childhood cat without thinking so hard about it, just tried to paint the shapes and colors in my head, teared up remembering him, and it ended up looking like a child's painting, but i loved the process and result so much more

>> No.5075168

which rules are you referring to specifically? can you give me some examples?

>> No.5075173

I'm praying for you

>> No.5075178
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Vitamin B3 and zinc. Tonic water with Quinine. Avoid the ventilators. Don't say we never told you so.

>> No.5075183

Many people draw and have lots of experience. But when they see something, they go back to their library of knowledge to recreate it. They don't look at it. That's how you get soulless works. Some people look hard at the object, and they may not be skilled at lines or shades, but the intense attention they gave at what they looked at gives them soul.

>> No.5075185

congratulations anon! i remember when i attended live drawing sessions the teacher encouraged us to use bigass sketchpads and to draw big as well

>> No.5075191

that just sounds like you're describing drawing things as they are instead of drawing symbols

>> No.5075772

I have become so utterly enamored and head over heels for this artist and his work that it has caused my confidence in all of my own art and ideas to come crashing down. I look at their characters, their designs, their overall unique aesthetics and tastes that I find myself obsessed with; and when I look at what I've had created throughout my life I feel ashamed of dull it is, and how it will never be anything close to this artist that I marvel at.

I find myself thinking something along the though process of, what am I doing? What's the point in continuing when this guys art captures me so deeply, and does everything so much better and more? I can look at their art and find the satisfaction that I know I will never achieve in my own work.
Its rather hard to describe my feelings into words, but I guess this artist made me rethink all of my direction in my artwork up until now, and it makes me not want to draw because of how much I love their work/ideas/etc and that nothing I do of my own will never provide that sensation.

>> No.5075975

You sound like a girl who had her husband to be put on an engagement ring and said some words that took your breath away. “Oh my God, Oh my God yes! Yes, I do!” (now I can get fat and do nothing. I’ll just admire my husband).

You found something you like, imitate it with what you like. What’s the issue here?

>> No.5075978


Thanks. Hopefully it’s just a flu or the only symptom because I feel better now but with a slight stuffy nose. Never happened to me before.

>> No.5075981

*better meaning no coughing, headache, etc

>> No.5076009

So this is how I woman would sum up what I'm feeling.

I got you though anon. Recently started chatting with a fellow hobbyist who is leagues above me and that's not even mentioning the amount of pure soul in his work.

But the funny thing is his work has always inspired me, like this anon is saying >>5075975 , but chatting with him has inspired me even more. It's like I have this urge to prove we're equals. It's great.

>> No.5076016

Same, this girl unfriended me and I check her social to download any new pictures she uploads or any of her new work is uploaded. She isn't that good desu

>> No.5076038

>people keep telling me to go to therapy
i know, i just can't afford someone who's gonna tell me what i already know and need to do

>> No.5076039

better than a girl who you thought you had a nice date with immediately ghost you after the fact

>> No.5076041

Composition. Gesture. Proportion. Anatomy. Color and Light.

How come when I actually try to draw something, all the techniques I've learned immediately go out the window and I can't stop making the most basic mistakes?

>> No.5076045

you have an intellectual understanding of these concepts, but not a physical
or maybe you're not observing your subject enough

>> No.5076051

you are my friend and you will be happy.

>> No.5076054

It seems the more I improve, the less my other art frens like me.

>> No.5076058

Strap in anon, it only gets worse the better you get. Unless you hit the big time, in which case you'll find everyone wants to be your "friend", just not the kind of friends you want.

>> No.5076059

thats because they're not your friends. if they don't encourage you and envy your talent. fuck them. they are neet cunts with no talent. you need to hang around people who are better than you too, so you stay motivated and can set a goal. " I will reach his level"

>> No.5076062

>if they don't encourage you and envy your talent

What if they're just tsun? I know I am.

>> No.5076066

unless they're being mean in a way to help you improve. some friends ( who secretly like you the most) are mean so you can get good. but be careful, dont swim with those people that bring you down.

desu i dont teaz any art friends, artists are sensitve creatures.

>> No.5076071

Hm, I've been teasing my friend for a while now. I wonder if he thought I was being mean. Actually now that I think about it my teasing has really just backfired everytime.

>> No.5076084

Nevermind I think he knows by now. We've been acquainted for a year.

>> No.5076103

art friends aren't friends, they're just people who like feeling smart

>> No.5076204
File: 174 KB, 439x797, OPM_136_20 Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sketch looks good
>inks come out decent
>add greys/halftones
>suddenly looks like shit
How the fuck do they do it? The whole thing starts looking too busy and horrid ugh.

>> No.5076213

Want to know a secret the pros don’t want you knowing?

>> No.5076275

>people tell me i shouldn't draw even if I'm trying to get better

>> No.5076284
File: 97 KB, 484x639, 1606437305809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't practice drawing to get better, just become better.

>> No.5076288

that's what i do already

>> No.5076311

no, you don't understand. they said you shouldn't draw, so don't. just improve through sheer force of will without actually practicing.

>> No.5076314

that what me do

>> No.5076315

yaah mon

>> No.5076357
File: 141 KB, 367x368, 1526472498060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am regressing more and more everyday for about 2 years now. I understand anatomy better and I know what to learn on a technical level but everything else is dead. Everytime I try to create, the result is nothing but a bland and soulless attempt at doing... something. I don't even know why I keep trying.

>> No.5076407

You enjoy the pain. Good.

>> No.5076410

you sold your soul for knowledge. unlearn all that shit and draw from your passion, you aren't doing anatomical references for medical books so why study that shit?

>> No.5076448

Newgrounds is very good for an artist, honestly. A lot of creative people that don't act like the retards on twitter.

>> No.5076477
File: 307 KB, 878x1200, ELNVl9sWoAAlJmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 years in and drawing with people around still scares the shit out of me- but I've been actively tackling that.
Today my sister played on the PS4 while I drew, felt sick but basically forgot she was there in a few minutes

Knowledge should be freeing, not a set of barriers you need to fight through.
Studying help me put what I had in my head better than I imagined it.
You're not using it correctly. Break down those barriers. Look at some wild, incredible artists and how their work still stands on fundementals.

>> No.5076508

Today I was looking at normie art communities and I couldn't believe that they are the same as this board but repressed. It was such a weird feeling. Everything is semi-pornographic at best, lots of sexual shit everywhere. Lots of teenage communities with "RP" stuff and they all draw porn obviously from the way they draw. People even use the same reactions as 4chan, post pepes, etc. There's a normie layer above all this on Reddit where people post his really milquetoast artwork but there's no real engagement for it except the likes, it all looks like a back alley sorts of deal where things are not what they seem. Can you buy likes on Reddit?
Most of the other art Reddits keep perpetuating the same old art from Magic or whatever, same known few names everywhere. All the commission stuff is completely run down like a brothel. All the new blood sells porn outside of the predictable pet portraits etc., all the chat communities revolve around porn and at the very best the art looks mildly fetishistic, it's so bizarre to see this outside of 4chan.
It really feels like walking through a run down city, this place sucks but at least it's familiar. Where have all the people gone? Somehow it's even more sad outside of here.

>> No.5076512
File: 27 KB, 990x145, 145653465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked my analytics for the first time in forever and turns out december was my most popular month, the worst thing is that I have no idea why. One drawing gets 2k likes the other of the same quality posted on the next day gets 500. Social media is such a joke.

>> No.5076519
File: 22 KB, 329x244, D134CF4A-C24B-4C34-B660-27B51C76593E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My twitter is set to private and yet somehow I have about 1/3rd your views. Where is it coming from?

>> No.5076529

people care about content more than about quality

>> No.5076531

>same quality
Quality as in amount of effort put into making it look good? That's less important of a factor when it comes to appealing to the masses than you think. What is being shown tends to matter more than how it is. Check for common themes in the peaks, I'm sure you'll find some common factor.

>> No.5076535

Relatable art is the best for normies, anime coom for coomers, furry for quick bucks, loli for tight community, quality and consistency for commission work

>> No.5076560
File: 37 KB, 600x481, 1532542342354235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out of ~50 mutuals as the time progresses I can only see 5 of them liking my works but we still follow each other out of politeness

>> No.5076566

I am unironically suicidal over the state of art. People are hollow shells, holy shit.
Are there any people who still like art in the normal sense, like expression, not coom not anime not trying to get a job?

>> No.5076569

>not coom
>not anime not trying to get a job
fuck you faggot

>> No.5076572

sorry if I triggered you, try clenching some ice between your buttcheeks and you'll feel better

>> No.5076576

I'm clenching my buttcheeks right now while pounding your mom.

>> No.5076604
File: 199 KB, 1536x2048, Dn0qNZFXoAYw2tV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of my own mediocrity. I don't even give a shit about twitter likes or money or whatever, I just want to make a picture I'm satisfied with. Everything is just so fucking wobbly and full of guesswork and not solid at all.

>> No.5076629
File: 69 KB, 938x477, 1608409998659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any way to keep track of my progress this year since I snap on every drawing session and I end up trashing my old drawings due how mediocre they look. I just want to stop this self destructive behaviour

>> No.5076663

It's perfectly OK to trash your drawings if they are mediocre. Don't worry about it. You will get to a point where you will think that your drawings are worth preserving and you will do that naturally. Follow your heart, don't question it.

>> No.5076694

Do you smoke? That fucks your sense of smell, too. If you do smoke, consider tapering off or quitting.

>> No.5076723

I know it may shock you, but people from other communities come on 4chan a leach whats left of board culture from here. They sniff around and grift old memes from here and reddit and cross-pollinate other communities with their bullshit.
I've seen people from other collapsed chans AND /ic/ in places like Kiwifarms and fucking Youtube of all places. The ubiquity of technology (thanks, smartphones) and the centralization of the internet (thanks to social media!) means EVERYONE is in everyone else's sandbox and nothing is sacred.
A lot of the old guard of the Internet, those fabled bros from Massive Black and Conceptart.org, have largely moved on to be industry professionals or have aged out of the community. Which means only Redditors and bridgetrolls from super-niche fetish communities on Tumblr (now defunct and no longer a containment field) are now allowed to infest the former gated communities of the arts.
You only THINK you are seeing normies. The real normies are still on Instagram making hyperealistic paintings of Spongebob and Morgan Freeman.
The reality is much much worse.
Nothing gold can stay.

>> No.5076739

I don’t and I still can’t smell anything. For some reason I can still taste my food
because I thought if that goes then the other goes as well

>> No.5076741

>Another art shared on discord server that for "some reason" causes the room to go silent for extended periods until someone else posts
>Another art shared during the down time of the server room hoping to get some comments and critique only for someone else to post right after me within the minute.

Im gonna lose it!

>> No.5076893

Nothing makes you feel better

>> No.5076897

You make me feel better.

>> No.5076902

I’m so sick of you faggots with your bullshit pleasantries

>> No.5076920

I wanted to buy you a new laptop for Christmas. Oh well, maybe next year.

>> No.5076923

Fuck you.
I'm not your friend.

>> No.5076924

Hi frend

>> No.5076926
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>> No.5076927

i'm gonna rape you with friendship. just accept it, it'll all be over soon

>> No.5076931
File: 53 KB, 1080x609, 6ABCFF8C-F121-4FCE-84F2-2C8C17C3D1F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put the weapon down and haggu me

>> No.5076935

Quitting my job again tomorrow lol!

>> No.5076936

what is your job and why are you quitting and what are you gonna do instead

>> No.5076943


It’s a work from home job but it isn’t going to work out because I’m no good at selling things. I will try looking for something else in January.

>> No.5076955

maybe I won’t quit. I’ll give it another go.

>> No.5076965

>Finish sketch
>Desire to continue the drawing and fixing mistakes takes a nosedive
I'm starting to feel like I'm just pathologically afraid of commitment

>> No.5076974
File: 9 KB, 250x250, EpkeCP8VQAEZel0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw something
>there's nothing i actually want to draw

>> No.5076985

im getting sad about drawing but they're trying to tell me i shouldn't draw if i get sad

>> No.5076993

oh, i thought you meant before that they were saying you shouldn't draw because you're bad at it.

getting sad about your art skills and endeavors is normal. idk what it is about drawing and painting in particular that makes people wanna kill themselves so much.

>> No.5076997

>create art discord
>unfollow everyone on social media and tell them to join it if they give a fuck to interact with me personally
>the art channel is constantly good art

things are going well

>> No.5076998

>getting sad about your art skills and endeavors is normal. idk what it is about drawing and painting in particular that makes people wanna kill themselves so much.
are you saying this as someone who draws but don't understand why others feel bad or do you not understand why you feel bad yourself about it

>> No.5077018

no, i draw and i've felt that plenty of times and there's that well known stereotype about artists that they all hate themselves. i guess i was speaking generically about humanity and artists as a whole. i think it's just a facet of the human condition. what i meant is that i wish i understood why making/learning art makes you want to kill yourself.

>> No.5077022
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Pic related

>> No.5077044

the learning itself isn't the issue, the art is part of the issue, but not all of it
There are SOME dumb people who want to get better as artists but don't really do anything, they are not the majority (people like to assume they are though)

I honestly can't write this in a coherent manner since its so much but
>Not being something you want can make anyone feel like shit
>you're constantly comparing yourself to others. Not just with better art, but better art because they have better lives than you
>if you're poor or had a shitty upbringing you're basically destined to ngmi
>no one is helpful in the art community
>people are constantly comparing you to the dumb people mentioned above no matter how hard you're trying
>you get blackpilled and find out that art isn't about feeling at all and you were stupid for so long
>people constantly telling you to give up or just coddle you instead of guide you
>people will treat you like you don't really care about art just because you're ignorant and never got to have all the opportunities they take for granted
>you're just getting older, you should have known this shit already, oh god why is my life so shit that i had to learn this now. why couldn't i have gone to art school or have a mentor

You're probably spoiled tbqh

>> No.5077113

I was completely obsessed with improving my drawing skill to the point of insanity. I felt that I would get there if I just tried hard enough, if I just willed it into existence. I started a sketchbook thread on ConceptArt.org in which I posted with relative frequency. I was always humble. I always criticized my own work, and though I received many compliments, I never responded to compliments left in my sketchbook. Over the years, due to my insane obsession with improving, I grew more and more frustrated with my relative stagnation and became increasingly desperate to figure out what I was doing wrong. Eventually I became so frustrated, I finally resorted to asking for help on their general forum, in which I presented some of my own drawings that I disliked and compared them to some that I liked and essentially just asked what the difference was and what I could do to improve. A poster there, one of the "big guys" on the site, attacked me, accused me of trying to brag/show off, and basically lumped me in with people move from deviantart to ConceptArt with an attitude expecting the same kind of praise and get "owned", except that I had already been posting there for years at that point, was well aware of how things were on ConceptArt, clearly had some legitimate studying under my belt already, and had never claimed to be a good artist (I was always harshly self critical in fact), and had never once been arrogant in my entire time on the site. I was just asking for help for the first time out of sheer desperation. Then his post got dozens of likes/upvotes or whatever it was, seeming to imply that they all agreed that I deserved to be "owned". I had already been so frustrated, that this basically broke me. Not only did I stop posting there, but I couldn't even find the will to draw any more. I'd pick up a pencil and feel all the strength in my arm disappear, and I'd just put it back down. It hurt me so much that I'm only just beginning to recover 10 years later.

>> No.5077137

No because some of us are artfags

>> No.5077158

lose what?

>> No.5077395 [DELETED] 

he definitely crabbed you hard crabbed you hard anon, I hope you can recover quickly

>> No.5077399
File: 326 KB, 720x544, 1485233380870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stopped drawing for months at a time and thought maybe that was the end of it for me. But I keep getting the urge to draw things. I started a project I've been wanting to do for a while, felt like I was making good progress on it and doing well, then took a good hard look at the work of the artists I was originally inspired by. My desire to work is waning and I stopped to take a food break. I'm on either my third or fourth pot of tea and I didn't realize how little caffeine I've been consuming lately because I was sitting here sweating and shaking and realized I probably self induced some kind of anxiety or manic phase. I'm really tired of feeling that feeling... it's like an emotional and a physical feeling at once, it feels like it hurts to be awake but if you tried to sleep you would wake up at the slightest sound. I just want to make something other people like and that I can be proud of.

>> No.5077414

why do i feel so much hate within myself

>> No.5077516

the more I improve at drawing the worse I feel about the fact that I only really seem to enjoy making worthless coomer bullshit. how do I finally step up and start making something that actually has value

>> No.5077554 [DELETED] 

I have been working on the pencil lines for this drawing for a week (normally a day thing for me) and I so badly want to give up, but my art goal has been to NOT give up the second something doesn't go perfectly smoothly so here I am venting instead. It's time to go back in now. Wish me luck.

>> No.5077612
File: 404 KB, 800x800, UUUOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw something lewd
>Get incredibly horny
>Start edging as you draw
>Wagecuck tomorow
>Gotta go to bed
>Can't sleep because you want to continue edging
>Can't coom because you will lose motivation to finish the drawing
I am in hell.

>> No.5077661
File: 1.52 MB, 268x160, juliet gif4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boyfriend is lazy and irresponsible. weed, masturbating, and video games > school, driver's license, finding a job. he's 20. constantly makes excuses for why he cant do shit and apparently refuses to have his first job be a normal minimum wage retail/food service/etc because he's too good for that i guess. he eats like crap and stares at a screen all day, and he still wonders why he's depressed? i suggest he get back into lifting like he used to when he was like 15 but refused. he wont even go for walks. wut
early childhood instance of sexual abuse by an older girl + obsessive over-use of tumblr and instagram in middle school = "mom, im pansexual". and that has led to a new flare up of gay shit to deal with in my head recently. images of maggie lawson in the later seasons of psych will not leave my mind. im a catholic convert so you can see why this is an issue. not to mention im trying to improve at drawing women and it doesnt exactly help that i have to stare at that neck and those legs to do so tbqfh. im having dreams about her. niggaaa give me a break

>> No.5077677
File: 137 KB, 1000x448, 1608528658476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im crying right now
4 months anon getting back into it
This is the shit I can do, its horrible
Other anons are way better in less time, whats my problem? Im like negative talent
Im fucking crying

>> No.5077680

This hit me hard today

>> No.5077681
File: 310 KB, 3000x3000, hoodybutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was stuck at this level for like 3 years

Stop stressing, especially if this is what you've managed after starting from nothing

>> No.5077692

I just dont have talent on
Unable to improve

>> No.5077694

You don't, so work smarter to make up for it

>> No.5077706
File: 201 KB, 823x745, 1608532373922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talent beats hard work, every asngle time.
The art of my heores turns insulting because I can never be like them, they were talented, Im just a lowly parasite forcing its way into art, failing to do so.
Art has no need nor the want for someone like me, gave me no talent, robbed of all hope, I'm without skill or grace, completely crushed and wasting my time, chasing delusions.

>> No.5077713

I said smarter, not harder

You can sit and grind the same shit daily and it can do nothing for you if you don't know why you're doing it. If you're as depressed with growth as you come off, then it means you've identified your issues, now you need to figure out how to resolve them.

Check references for things you're having trouble with in real time, even if it's minor, spend time looking for it and applying it to whether you're doing. Check from multiple sources and cross compare for differences so you can build a better understanding of whats actually happening.

Your heroes also struggled, but they likely weren't as impatient as you, you'll need to cast away your impatience and learn to accept it'll be a long process that you may never be fully happy with.

>> No.5077715

You're at a great start anon. That's way better than others I've seen who have been at it for years. you have a good grasp of form & volume, keep working from reference and you will continue improving

>> No.5077718

Also, break down your goals.

"I want to be like my hero" is not a realistic goal. You will never be like your hero, when you get that far, you'll be your own hero.

Set smaller goals that you can actually fulfill in reasonable time, such as "I will study eyes today in as many angles as I can manage" or "I will see how this artist colors this thing by trying to copy it". These all build up your experience and visual library so you can finally create something more more cohesive; but don't be fooled, you'll still hate it. Be proud of what you achieved and continue the cycle of breaking and healing your art bones.

>> No.5077740

i fucking hate twitter

>> No.5077741

Cope, I wasted 4 months, do you really think 1 more is going to make a differencre? you have talent I don't.
Takent>smart work
My best shot is getting a tablet and stealing, tracing art. Art denied me talent? I'll deny it honesty.
Don't fucking lie to me,others are way better 1 month in, 3 months in, I wasted my time.

>> No.5077763

If you're resorting to tracing, what are you even drawing for?
If you want to make original content, then cool, tracing may help you build up your skills enough to eventually apply it, or give you a jump on breaking out of tracing to study. Not everyone's journey is the same.
Do you skip straight to the end of a movie to see its conclusion? Does cheating in games bring you pleasure? If not, it won't in drawing either. You won't feel good when you don't feel like the skills you spent countless hours seething over and flipping out on basket weaving boards are actually skills you earned, no matter how much you feel you haven't grown.

>do you really think 1 more is going to make a differencre
Every artist you like has been at it for years, many of them decades or their entire lives.

>Talent>smart work
I agree, your options are to either give up or keep struggling to overcome it. Unlike me, you aren't years into it and entrenched, so you could back out still and focus on other things that you may have "talent" for.
If that itch is still there later, you'll know whats best for you.

>> No.5077769

Tha russian guy is doing fine tracing, I get my revenge in art for not blessing me with talent lol.
Going to steal the effort of people like you hahaha

>> No.5077771

Good luck anon.

>> No.5077781

Fuck you too, shove it up your ass.

>> No.5077801

You dumb nigger youre doing really well. I was serious about the form and volume thing. 4 months and you can do something like that? you're already leagues ahead than a million fags out there. Stop pitying yourself because you're not sakimichan or something. If youre going to wallow and mope you're ngmi. you're your own worst critic. If you think your work is perfect for more than a month you're complacent, stagnating, and ngmi

>> No.5077806

I'd rather steal and trace lol

>> No.5077808

also, talent is a spook. if you seriously give up because "wahhh im not talented enough" youre never going to accomplish anything in life, much less accomplishments in art. you want the Bouguereau skill? earn it like he did.

>> No.5077812

Then you're a faggot. trace to study and understand, dont claim that you actually did that shit

>> No.5077813

>earn it like he did.
The more talented people practice and do, I'll just steal from them hahahaha
This is my revenge against art, denied me talent? I'll fuck you over.

>> No.5077815

are you missing chromosomes?

>> No.5077816

I loved art but sincee others are improving faster than me, I'm going to work smart and not hard, guy landed a gig on GITS! I'll do the same, plagiarize, repackage, lurk /ic/ for blogs or whatever, already know ehat I need to make it be unidentifiable lol, this is my revenge.

>> No.5077817

Work harder for me, my trace folder needs more material, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.5077819

>Look at clock
>It's only midnight, I don't wake up for work until 9AM. I can draw for a little longer.
>Look at clock five minutes later
>It's 2:45AM

>> No.5077827

>ignores advice
>incessant whining
>victim complex
>not an internationally famous master in 4 months
>gives up
>"i-i-'m..getting...r-rEVENGE. you bakas work 4 me muahah"
you're a troon who watches too much anime. go outside

>> No.5077830

Just admit you don't like drawing, just the idea of it

>> No.5077831

I'm stealing work nonetheless so seethe all you want, work for me motherfucker work for me.

>> No.5077849

Why bother stealing work on an anonymous board when you can just post art from art masters and claim you made them?

>> No.5077890

Normies won't know the difference.

>> No.5077896
File: 193 KB, 893x1200, appa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it trigger people so hard when people start drawing with a tablet as opposed to pencil and paper? I see common arguments like:
>"you'll learn bad habits like relying on undo"
>"it's not normal"
>"you need to learn to draw IRL instead of from pictures"
>"you'll never be a real artist"
and etc but I just don't agree. Why does it matter if somebody can fix a stupid mistake by using layers or pressing undo? Why does it matter if they can some reference pics nearby as they learn and develop their skill?

I view this mindset as no different from musicians shitting on people that start with FL Studio instead of picking up a guitar. They can still learn to make music by using a computer as opposed to analog instruments. Technology is changing, so why does it matter if people embrace technology to kickstart their drawing hobby?

Basically it just sounds like an "okay boomer" moment to me.

>> No.5077962

youll get out of ngmi. stop being a pussy and get back on the tablet.

>> No.5077963
File: 83 KB, 1024x1024, 1601165574330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sakurai pls dont

>> No.5077965


>> No.5077977
File: 1.07 MB, 2194x2817, akuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard time believing people who say they can't do this or that, I think it's safe to assume they've not tried hard enough, or they underestimated the effort they would have to make. Unless "talent" means having the right brain wiring for the job from birth, then I don't believe in "talent", and if you lack that wiring, you can always acquire it through smart practice. It takes time, but everyone's brains is plastic and if you've not gotten at the level you're satisfied with, then you:

a) Are too impatient and need to keep going;
b) Have not put enough effort;
c) Underestimated the effort you would have to put into this;
d) You're not practicing correctly;

FURTHERMORE, having the wrong attitude won't help one bit. Studies have shown people who believe they can get good at maths get good at maths. Whining and being unsatisfied with your work is creating a negative loop, you're blocking yourself out of learning. Also for fucks sake try to understand what is it you're trying to make. You're not drafting lines on paper, you're projecting 3D things on a 2D plane, the drafting and lines and etc. is only a means to project that, but unless you see the object in your mind's eye in 3D, you're not gonna make it, you have to be able to do this. If you can't do this, then the journey will be steep, hard, but not impossible, you'll have to build that brain wiring from 0, of course it will be hard.

>> No.5077983

Absolutely based

>> No.5078015

The other 2 retards who open the store with me are gonna be 30 mins late and I fucking took my sketchbook out of the car yesterday to scan some stuff and forgot it at home.

>> No.5078020

how to be friends with another artist, when all you draw is anime cute cringe? I don't know how im suppose to tell you guys that i draw cringe stuff

>> No.5078340


>> No.5078344

Why thank you anon. Democracy is cringe and retarded.

>> No.5078405

i just wish there was someone i could aspire to be
someone from a poor life that actually "made it"

>> No.5078416

can we see

>> No.5078469

>>if you're poor or had a shitty upbringing you're basically destined to ngmi
how true is this

>> No.5078478

I'm thinking about how I want to reshuffle my social media next year. I think I want to spend less time on Twitter and FB because they made me feel bad because I keep comparing the accomplishments of others to myself. I will probably make my twitter private. I don't really talk to anyone on there anyway
Otherwise, I'll keep up my IG and Artstation account, plus try to update my Pivix more.
Anyone else have any plans for their social media shit next year (I know another option is just nuking it but I still need to use it somewhat to make sales)

>> No.5078506

is this really a vent

>> No.5078522
File: 471 KB, 1171x1347, 1567655736744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go from paper to iPad Pro
>skill, mindset, muscle memory dissipates into thin air
When I step back and look at what atrocity I created, I can see what went wrong, but with paper I'm able to just apply them all as I work, not only after stepping back

>> No.5078568

I always give up when I don't see progress. But when I revisit drawing again a month or two later, I realize I improved by a lot and I start drawing more. The cycle repeats itself and I'm always ashamed to not be able to consistently keep practicing.

>> No.5078581

you should be ashamed of what a disappointment you are in other aspects of your life too

>> No.5078721

god forbid you mention huion products in any context aside from shitting on them

>> No.5078749

Because it’s literally harder since the screen is slippery, not to mention the disconnect if you use a screenless tablet
And so that begs don’t waste a hundred bucks on a tablet when they probably quit drawing in a week anyway. Pencil and paper is just more accessible

>> No.5078837

same, how the FUCK did it become the main platform for posting art

>> No.5078887

Drawing from life is important,it gives you an idea of how perspective works in the real word.But you can also study from photo to fill your visual library.
Also,by doing to much undo you basically like relaying to much on your eraser on paper:the result will be more scratchy than if you just made one or two wobbly strokes.
There is a reason why you see artists online that go straight with pen or brush.

>> No.5078948
File: 334 KB, 2000x2000, 1582713795946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 months anon here
I just want to draw like this or Basquiat but I have no talent
I hate grinding, I hate fundies I hate courses that don't work for me
I hate realism, I hate conventional animation, I want to make art that feels alien

>> No.5078966

Buy watercolor, put it on your hand, put your hand on a paper, there, you have an alien art

>> No.5078972
File: 259 KB, 1382x1008, 1584119477983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat shit, I already did watercolor and failed
I'm talentless, look at my shit

>> No.5078986

because normal people actually use that site. You think you will get that much success from only posting in shitholes like DeviantArt, conceptart. and tumblr?(post-coom ban)

>> No.5078991


Think about the outcome.
Start give the hate his space in your drawing, till all hate is drawn out of you and slowly you see the pixels of love are starting to grow in you for the craft you are now to challenge for the next 679 years.

>> No.5078993

you didn't print your alien hand onto the paper to make it alien

>> No.5079043


>> No.5079198

About half of the entire social media artist-sphere/creative industry are scum-sucking misanthropic criminals. Everyone who tries to convince you that they're GOOD PEOPLE because they JUST CARE SO MUCH are carrying around insanity between their ears that would make Charles Manson's balls shrivel up like raisins, and the only reason they hang on to this paper-thin facade for dear life is because dangling it in front of your face knowing you can't do shit about it is the only thing that makes them feel like not killing themselves for five minutes. These people smile and tell you how much you matter and how special you are and how much they care about black people, but at the end of the day, they'd saw their each others' mothers' heads off over a pair of Dan Harmon's shitstained underwear.

>> No.5079259

its true
i don't think i've ever met an artist who wasn't a shithead

>> No.5079323

Just get some non-lethal blunt force head trauma and you'll be on your way, repeat the process for better results

>> No.5079619

I simotaniously do and don't care about my followers and likes I get miffed for like 40 seconds and move on when I notice a surge in unfollows but that's it. Still enough of an issue to note

>> No.5079659

Are they considered bad? My girlfriend got me one a few years ago, it's the first and only tablet I've ever had but it seems to do the job well enough.

>> No.5079676

they're adequate if that's all you can afford. people who shit on huion apparently don't understand that not everyone is rich and has a bunch of fuck you money to throw at wacom.

>> No.5079755

My style is constantly impersonated but the second someone else from Europe uploads at roughly the same time they all think I have dual accounts.

>> No.5079758

Why the FUCK is everyone so fucking intimidated by me? I get that I'm clearly a more skilled artist than most of them. But I'm a nice guy, I like to goof around, I'm polite, passive, and I'm not a coomer. I just don't have the same spastic level of energy as everyone else my age seems to have. Sorry I don't speak exclusively in memes you shitlords, I'm more interested in achieving my goals than fucking around in your discord groups. That's why I'm a better artist than the majority of these fuckers in the first place. I try to make friends, pass out some compliments, and they pretend I don't exist. Well fuck you too.

>> No.5079763
File: 49 KB, 500x323, tumblr_81f82be2b1f9c879a2868dc7fdfbf4a6_6f66ae08_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-bro just don't hurt me. please don't draw as good around us it makes my lil pussy quiver

>> No.5079765

You will never be a W*man.

>> No.5079766

I don't want pussy god fucking damn it I want FRIEEEEEENNNNDS

>> No.5079770

i do not wish to be pussy anymore. i only want to be friendly

>> No.5079772

You have to crouch and shake your mouse up and down rapidly so I know we're cool.

>> No.5079777
File: 1.18 MB, 480x640, __original_drawn_by_cal__b9874405d0bd00c16b4928c65c93d95d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very well. i hope this is a low enough crouch, my liege

>> No.5079780

I'm only replying to acknowledge your trips.

>> No.5080207

Yes, but it's not a new thing. Human nature is just amplified by social media. The answer is the same too. To be something better. And to focus on the people who can and will see that.

>> No.5080233

Just wanted to give my worst wishes for a horrible Christmas and a painful death in 2021 to all of you.
I hate you all.

>> No.5080239

find discords with a lower level of energy or people with that, or attempt to have high levels of energy whenever you go in to socialise.
it doesn't matter if you're extroverted, it matters if you act that way, and in discords with younger audiences, people tend to be a little more excitable.

or just be less of a dick. i don't know how you behave, despite what you claim, though your post's attitude certainly makes me guess.

i'll put it clearly: people won't know that you're a nice guy that goofs around if you don't act that way. if you don't want to 'fuck around in [their] discord groups' and all you do is 'pass out some compliments' and consider yourself a nice and personable person, you have some news coming to you.

>> No.5080258
File: 187 KB, 570x630, let go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad at drawing
>want to get better
>if I grind fundamentals I will lose all motivation, it's just too boring
>if I keep drawing for fun I'll be forever bad or improve at a glacial pace
Not looking for advice, just venting. Being lazy is the worst.

>> No.5080263

I hate being bad at drawing humans,I dont know where to start.

>> No.5080534

I refuse to use discord anymore. What you're suggesting is that I force myself to act like a spastic kid despite the fact that I'm in my mid 20's. I've tried that shit and yes it works, but it drained my soul and everyone ghosts you the second you go back to behaving like an adult. The friends you make that way are not your friends. I put myself out there. I've put on the act. It amounts to nothing. They all make a big deal of keeping kids under 18 out, but I'm having trouble believing any of them are over 18 themselves.
>your post's attitude
This is a vent thread cocksucker, it's the only place I get to be pissed. Fuck off.

>> No.5080560

Not him but I understand what you mean. You're shit out of luck, act like this or be completely isolated. You have to put up this public persona and it has to look exactly like that. You have to be excited and enthusiastic about the right things, if you are militant you have to be militant about the right things. Everything else you have to take "ironically" because iconoclastic irony is how you allow everyone to be comfortable being a disgusting degenerate snake asshole. It's not a real contract but it's an implicit one. It's all about subscribing to this little digital human trafficking business where people sell themselves and do not want friends but only business partners.
It fucking sucks and it's just the way people have become thanks to the internet and the destruction of everything traditional. I'm no christcuck as le ironic agent of modernity would call me but I definitely lament how openly degenerate this life has become once all vague morals have gone out of the picture. Just look at how many people put up an onlyfans for a buck, it's fucking disgusting how everyone's OK with being a whore all of a sudden. What a fucking terrible time to live in. I'd rather have died 30 years earlier but without this disgusting display of stupidity in front of my eyes 24/7 and not even the pretense that human beings should be something more than money grubbing little shits.
You are probably better than the others but woe upon you if you make such a bold claim while making a negative statement, you can only say you are good if it's to "motivate" others and sell them good feefees because people see you as a product even on /vent/ threads, they engage with other people as an entertainment side-quest, you always need to always sell a thing or be useful, even helping out someone who's suicidal is consuming content these days.
Fuck this shit, and fuck people.

>> No.5080604

Reading shit like this makes my fucking soul shrivel up. My only consolation is that at least you, a singular anon, get it. But we're outnumbered. We're fucked dude. I doubt these people will ever grow out of it either. I can't put it as well as you have but I'm trapped between wanting to create art that will move somebody, and not wanting to involve myself with superficial consumer husks. If there's any silver lining it's that all of this has taught me how to better ignore the futile competition for likes and popularity. Not that it makes it any less depressing to be ignored. But oh fucking well. Shit dude if you have any true friend, any true friend at all, hold that motherfucker close and tell him he's the best goddamn friend a guy could have.

>> No.5080668

Y'all are distorted and entitled as fuck

>> No.5080700

The majority of you have absolutely nothing valuable going on in your heads

>> No.5080744


>> No.5080777

It’s hard for me to make art friends. I have always been a persevere and pull yourself up by the bootstraps type. I had a shit childhood so it was either that or die. I meet so many people who just resort to shutting down as soon as things get bad or they have a family to fall back on and take full advantage on that and never stand on their own. It’s frustrating because you get friends asking you how to fix their shit and you spend all this time helping them and it turns out they never wanted to fix anything, just the thrill of pretending they were going to. I’m sure other hobbies have these types of people but it feels so pervasive in art.

>> No.5080780
File: 18 KB, 473x357, 1522561691811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, fuck EVERYONE on social media. Everyone there are a bunch of snakes who pretend to care but then stab you in the back if you say something against the norm.

I'll only have a Newgrounds and Pixiv accounts, I will never use Twitter, Discord or Instagram ever again.

>> No.5080831

I’m about to just say fuck it, take your equipment back and find a new job. Just got a huge sale on my hands and this manager is dicking around.

>> No.5080887

What are the pros and cons of this platform? I used to watch animations there in middle school but I never looked into the art/illustration side.

>> No.5080908

I still refuse till this day to even spend enough time to get to know what Newgrounds is. All I knew from grade school was that it was a flashware game site.

>> No.5080917


>> No.5080945

>Place mostly filled with creative and genuine people
>Can host everything from art, music, animation or games
>Don't have to worry about what to post since controversial content is locked behind Adult rating and nothing gets censored
>Monthly events where you win prizes and participate solo or with a group
>Hard time getting a commission there since it's a smaller userbase unless you're insanely popular
>Forums are pretty much dead, making a sketchbook thread is a waste of time since rarely few people give you critiques
>Making porn is the easiest way to get more views but that can be said about anything
>Hosting shit for animation on youtube is a much better way for exposure than on Newgrounds
Dunno what is there to be afraid of considering the state of social media these days.

>> No.5080965

learn the emotional weight that a line can carry

>> No.5080977

It sounds comfy, and I heard the creator of the site is still active and basically runs the place out of passion for it or something. I'm only hesitant because I imagine the audience there is mostly the kind of people who consume oney or psychicpebbles style of comedy or weirdness. Like if I just wanted to post regular illustrations I'd get no traction compared to if I posted something bizarre or funny

>> No.5081014

I would give you my contact but because of >>5080780 I have learned to never socialize across social media, especially on 4chan. It's probably better to express yourself in a positive way so you are more likely to make friends than enemies, but it's hard to incite a genuine reaction from other alienated people if you do that. I also confess I would expect you to not be half as decent as you claim you are.

>> No.5081020

I'm so fucking sick of isolation I haven't spent time with anyone in over a year. I'm sick of being in the same place. I miss doing observational drawing and not having to wear a mask everywhere

>> No.5081040

why do i live with so much bitterness and jealousy in mmy life
i don't want to be a hateful person, but why do these emotions still pile up

>> No.5081088

Newgrounds is good as an archive for your works since it does not compress anything

>> No.5081096

Good. Don't give me your contact info. Because you're right, you don't know who I am or who anyone here is. I wouldn't do it for the same reasons. I know I'm a decent person and I don't need you to verify that for me. I live my life terrified every waking minute that if I do something wrong bad karma will make my shit life even worse. I'm going to die and lay there underground waiting for the good karma that surely must be on its way. Any minute now.
It doesn't even matter, I've been had so many fucking times by leeches and shallow airheads that I don't trust anyone enough to open up anyway. I'm a broken fucking person doing his best and inevitably some small act of self preservation will make me an "asshole" to you. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.5081172

Try again in another context. The issue is not that there are no people because you are in the same predicament as I, and we are both here in this limbo. I have seen many similar people work these feelings out. The issue is that everyone flocks to the same contexts, where the agents of evil have power. I have burned a few bridges I shouldn't have burned and missed opportunities because of this all-fearing mindset. What I said just applies to all-inclusive, popular platforms because any broad and accessible context will be poisoned by the agents, but once you move outside you start coming across other souls. Imagine yourself exploring the world, where would you go? You should not overestimate this natural drive. There's a reason why you and me are here right now. Move outside and there's the chance you will find good people on the same path. Always be on the lookout for opportunities, as I said send positive signals so you can associate positively instead of negatively. It's always better to associate to people over a common love than a common rejection, and you will spill less blood for the sharks. Play things safe but do not play into fear, fear will bring total annihilation. But right now it's difficult to be an enemy of the system, so you have to be safe. But anybody involved will understand, and outsiders will be filtered.

>> No.5081184

>This is a vent thread cocksucker, it's the only place I get to be pissed. Fuck off.

sure, okay. I'm just saying that if you're willing to "goof around" then you should do it, and if you're not willing, then you shouldn't say that you are.

>What you're suggesting is that I force myself to act like a spastic kid despite the fact that I'm in my mid 20's.
Or that you find communities with an older userbase, yes. And if you can't find any/no other older users want to befriend you, consider what you can change in your own behaviour, because "be true to yourself" is a bullshit lie. Obviously, this is an extreme example to illustrate the point, but if someone tells me "I can't handle them behaving like an adult" and it's because they're actually a pretentious /pol/ack faggot, then no, I am not going to be willing to handle them "behaving like an adult". It could be the case that you genuinely are a nice person, and that you simply have had atrocious luck. But it could also be the case that you aren't, and many people who aren't nice in the least still think of themselves as "nice."
Hot damn, talk about pity party mentality. Am I reading genuine autism? "I'm glad that another anon has the maturity to be incredibly mature, because I, too, am very mature, and our maturity and high-brow views and morals are what separate us from the decline of society. But I want to be friends with normal people that don't spend the entire day wanking over their roiling inner turmoil. (Even though I'm better.)" Do you see what's going on?

>You are probably better than the others but woe upon you if you make such a bold claim while making a negative statemen

Yes, you can't do this in public, because it's really fucking obvious. I sure hope olympic athletes don't go down to the local pool to piss on the kids or the casual adult leagues. That has little to do with "the destruction of everything traditional", because the concept of good sportsmanship is not new.

>> No.5081195

I can smell the coomer stank from here, kys

>> No.5081201

I mean, come on. Do you fuckers actually realise what you sound like? You can say that you're just venting and this is a vent thread, or that you're *actually* nice and pleasant and a charm to be around in real life, but this sure is a lot of wallowing self-pity I'm reading about. I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say that people can pick up on that.

"Everyone else is wrong, and there are no communities that will ever accept me for me, and my behaviour is inherently good and decent. Why? Because I consider myself a decent person and therefore do not have to think about my actions, and only ought to criticise the behaviour of those whom I find shallow and distasteful. The world is on fire, not me. I'm just watching the rest of these plebs and mourning the state of society."

There are many communities with older userbases, or active userbases that aren't nearly as spastic as the young ones that you're describing. I wouldn't even consider myself particularly socially active, and yet I've found myself in some. If you cannot find literally ANY communities that generally suit you - and of course there will be people you like less in any community you join, but you can still befriend the ones that you do like - you should do some self-reflection.

See? I argue for good sportsmanship (a traditional value) and not behaving like a pretentious faggot, and you call me a coomer and tell me to kill myself.

And you goddamn spergs wonder why you don't have any friends. Face it: it's not the world. It's you, retard.

>> No.5081209

Goddamn dude you really don't see the irony here do you

>> No.5081213

By the way, if you can't even pretend to advocate for good sportsmanship while bitching and crying about not having any real friends, then it's pretty obvious what sort of despicable trash you are.

Write out for me. Do you think I'm being pretentious and unfriendly in calling you fucks retarded autists? Sure, but I'm also uninterested in befriending a load of spergs from 4ch when I already have friends, and I'm not bitching about being entirely unlikable (but "nice"!).

>> No.5081216

It is not surprising at all that your advice is to fake it till you make it

>> No.5081223

Lmao, are you genuinely retarded?

My advice isn't to fake it until you make it if you don't want to.

My advice is "you should find older communities" and "seek out people that are more similar to you in energy level/not 15-year-old-spazs".

And barring that, that you should assess your own behaviour and see if there's anything reprehensible about it.

It truly is interesting that you consider self-assessment "faking it", though.

>> No.5081238

>inb4 "you're still telling me to fake it!!!! kys coomer faggot autist nigger cuck!"

If your kneejerk reaction to being told to look at yourself and see if any of your behaviour is genuinely reprehensible is to tell someone else that they "just want you to be fake" and that they should kill themselves, maybe you're not as much of a nice person as you think, huh?

And maybe you're not entitled to friendship from people that aren't embittered wallowing fucktards and don't want to put up with your bullshit?

I already said it: sure, maybe you're the odd one out, so you've never had friends/have had a hard time finding online friends for very genuine reasons. And yet despite me explicitly including this exception, you're still telling me I want you to fake things because I'm telling you to take a non-shallow, surface-level look at yourself?

Okay. Loyalty and integrity are important to actual friendships, and if you won't even defend yours on an anonymous internet board and just think I'm telling you to "fake it", that says a lot.

>> No.5081244

Easy there schizo, I'm not reading all this bullshit by someone who gets so fucking assblasted by a couple people on a Himalayan basket weaving forum lamenting that they can't relate to their peers. It's very funny you say anything about self assessment when you can't stop yourself from writing a light novel any time you're challenged

>> No.5081250

>I don't have friends and nobody likes me
>But I won't try to improve on that in any way except to bitch on a chink cartoon board
>Btw I'm actually a great person please like me
>I-it's not like it's my fault I have no friends!

>> No.5081257

>and you call me a coomer
well am I not right? you talk like one
answer honestly if you are capable of it

>> No.5081263

Mental illness is scary anon, perhaps you could use some professional assessment, self assessment doesn't seem to be helping you

>> No.5081266

I'm a coomer for espousing the value of good sportsmanship and self-reflection and finding people like yourself? Are you fucking reading what you write?

I'm not. I don't draw porn and rarely ever look at it, and yes, my anatomy is good enough for me to do so.

How's all the seething zero-friendship-self-pity working out for you anon, maybe I'll give it a go since you're clearly doing so well

>> No.5081269

>he comes to a vent thread to pick fights
Everything in this thread is self pity sweaty, you really have no awareness at all

>> No.5081271


No, I'm trying to fix a problem, lmao. Unproductive venting is retarded whining for pissbabies. If you're venting, then you have a problem, which means you should attempt to fix it if it's fixable and not something like "my mom died".

>> No.5081272

No I'm calling you out on being an agent of the system. "Just change yourself lol", implying that if you don't act like a meme spouting degenerate you are some sort of unlikable grump. It's your assumption that is loaded.
Your attitude is exactly the same attitude as the pornfags I have had to deal with, who would simply go with the flow and do anything that made them fit in, including prostituting themselves

>> No.5081274

Most people's morals are based around "if it directly causes unconstentual harm, it's bad". If your set of "morals" is based around the puritanical residue of a secular abrahamic society, then of course you're going to suffer. That's the price of refusing to think for yourself.

>> No.5081275

You're a very presumptuous arrogant person to be helping anyone with their personal problems

>> No.5081277

>if you don't act like a meme spouting degenerate you are some sort of unlikable grump. It's your assumption that is loaded.

I said that was an option in my first post, and then offered a whole slew of alternatives. Can you not fucking read?

If you hate pornfags so much, then go find your idealistic Christian art discord. It probably exists, and if the people are pleasant, that's great. If the people are focused more on tearing others down than actually working on art, then it won't be productive and in the end you'll just mire yourself in more trash.

Do you think whining this much is going to make you any less of a little bitch?

>> No.5081278

People have no morals at all today except "don't get caught", don't pretend it's anything but that.

>> No.5081280

>absolutely seething
Kek you're the one who needs help schizo

>> No.5081283

>then go find your idealistic Christian
Typical pornfaggot who thinks anybody anti-porn is a spook. You're lying through your teeth when you say you don't do porn. I'm not a Christian.

>> No.5081285

t. friendless professionally diagnosed autist

Again, here come the pornfag accusations, lmao. Genuinely, do you think everyone is retarded?

It doesn't matter if you're a Christian. What matters is that you're espousing values normally attributed to Christiandom, and that, in the English-speaking world, such a place would be the best place to find people with similar values (if you hold them so dearly).

Use your brain for one fucking second, for the love of God.

>> No.5081287

Better to be friendless and sane than have "friends" and mental illness.

>> No.5081288


>> No.5081293

Wow anon actually, it's funny, I think you did help! I feel better now, thanks!

>> No.5081316

>What matters is that you're espousing values normally attributed to Christiandom
Any civilized society came to despise degenerate hedonists, anon
You're not even playing this on a one on one level, you're clearly preaching to the public here. You really are a filthy agent of the system.

>> No.5081336

> in the English-speaking world

Then go for another religion, or a relatively conservative/hardline conservative discord that will be sure to enforce the rules you want. It isn't rocket science, retard. "If you are unable to stomach ideas/values contrary to your own, then exclusively seek out people with similar moral values to yours that are willing to enforce said values."

kek. None of you faggots actually want friends or art or improvement, you just want to sit around bitching to feel better about being pathetic.

>> No.5081386
File: 79 KB, 1280x719, D8Dj_RVUwAAokh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that you don't like seeing people showing weakness or feeling helpless in their situations because anything that reminds you of your lowest points in life disgusts you as a weak man yourself, but that's a personal problem. Everyone has problems and most are not immediately repaired or as easy for some people to work out as others. Like all these other problems you keep self righteously talking about needing fixing, that's your torch to carry. I hope you figure out what you carry it for someday.

I haven't even posted in this thread to vent yet but all of you in this conversation are fucking stupid, combative, defensive and paranoid, convinced that you are the smartest person in the room at all times and the only one whose opinion matters when it comes to finding meaning in something; it's not a wonder that in this whole wide fucking world with all the things there are to do, this is where you'd be. And that doesn't exclude me, because how else would I know just how miserable it is? Take a fucking walk, every one of you. If your legs don't work, roll.

>> No.5081397

>Sorry that you don't like seeing people showing weakness or feeling helpless in their situations because anything that reminds you of your lowest points in life disgusts you as a weak man yourself, but that's a personal problem.

Nice projection. Did I ever say that? No.
Try reading the thread next time, retard.

>> No.5081401

>Take a fucking walk, every one of you.
I take walks every day and I despise every fucking human husk I see on my path.

>> No.5081404

Truly the blind lead the blind.

>> No.5081405

I want to point out that there is no way to accept things as they are right now if you have any morals. If you do, you are bound to come off as a contrarian. It is impossible not to be combative about this shit. Moral relativists are the enemy.

>> No.5081416

the trick is allowing yourself to feel these emotions, and let them pass through you, rather than bottling them up inside

>> No.5081520
File: 69 KB, 1280x719, D8DkC9XUwAAsZeA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should anyone trust only what you say as truth when you don't do the same for others?
I don't hate people nor do I feel nearly as frustrated by them as most posts in this thread convey.

Stop looking at the humans. To someone else, you might look like a husk.

I don't necessarily disagree with you, however, this website is full of people who come here to be contrarian. You will not change billions of people with only your outrage but that doesn't equal accepting things as they are. I am probably a moral relativist, as you call it. Thinking of other human beings as enemies rather than self centered is just disingenuousness to me. I am self centered. You probably are too.

You take yourselves seriously. I think a lot of people spend so much time valuing themselves so little, side stepping for others and hoping for change that when it becomes unbearable, they feel resentful and become angry. People take advantage of you or overlook you and interacting with other people starts to only taste bitter. You assume the worst. I don't find fault in that, but don't expect other people to be welcoming to you, open to your ideas, or to appreciate your visions - including your art - if you can't do it. You're not entitled to it.

>> No.5081565

>I don't find fault in that, but don't expect other people to be welcoming to you, open to your ideas, or to appreciate your visions - including your art - if you can't do it. You're not entitled to it.
Except I have done it and besides technical appreciation I never managed to shake people.
Sometimes I feel this powerful call to do great things with my life because I value the words I am inspired from. When I listen or watch something I actually think about what I see, but I know nobody else does and all this effort would be all in vain just like it was for those people I am inspired from, and out of self-preservation I keep myself from wasting more of my time, and not just that but also protecting me from the disappointment I know will come.
I know that trying yet another time would make me even more unbearably sad and bitter and I wouldn't take it because I am already at my limit. I have seen this pattern countless times with both myself and other people. I see this every day whenever sincerity comes about. Nobody cares anymore, people just despise sincerity, sincerity makes you an enemy, the heart is completely gone, everything is just consumerism. This is the worst time to live in because of this.

>> No.5081604

My kindred spirit I too weep for those who have cast their pearls before the swine. The world is cold and hard. And sincerity is a beautiful weakness that they despise. Don't create for them. Create for creations sake. It feels like a miserable loneliness, but if you could find me here, surely there are more than we realize.

>> No.5081665

You see consumption as negative because you assume that everyone cares less than you, that it's mindless and has no meaning. Not everything needs to have meaning and the people you've engaged with either didn't show you what was important to them or had no such thing. It doesn't matter how many times you've experienced the same thing or for how long, you're wrong. I can't connect well to people, but I can connect to them through their work. Books, shows, games, even shitty fanart or an essay. It's impossible not to put an essence of yourself into something you made, because even subconsciously while measuring ingredients for a cake you will do it differently than others. You'll frost it differently, with different frosting, or none at all.

I'm a cripple so getting out to see people is hard. Getting to know them is hard. Understanding them is hard when we're different. But when they make something, I can know them through this. This is why I want to make art. I want to put something out there for other people to connect to. It's okay if no one but one single person ever interprets my work correctly and knows me. If I am able to touch one person, it will have meaning. There hasn't been a month in my life for a long time where I've gone every day without thinking that being dead would be easier than dealing with what the world is to me. But that is what we have. As long as I continue on, even if it's unbearable pain and misery, even if I'm let down at every opportunity and my morale destroyed, there will always be a chance for something meaningful. When we give up, that chance is zero. I'm hurt but I'm not angry, because there's still a chance. By the time I've lost it I'll be dead and won't know.

>> No.5081681

>Not everything needs to have meaning
guess I don't need to read the rest of your post then, stupid coomer consoomer agent of the system

>> No.5081698

No wonder you can't connect to anyone, you're just a pedantic, paranoid asshole. You don't take a shit or respond to every polite greeting expecting it to be meaningful in the end. The other guy was right. The reason you're miserable is just you, sorry.

>> No.5081746

when i let them out i hurt people

>> No.5081894

You simply choose to do it anon. But search for those answers, because understanding is key to it. And it starts with just caring enough to not want to hurt people. What that is, is called love. And it ends- as fitting of something transcendent of human nature- as a sky's the limit transformative power in people's lives, for the rest of yours.
It's nothing short of becoming a force of nature anon, so don't sell your experience here short.

>> No.5081896

>miserable loneliness
I'd contend this means you're still doing it wrong, anon, as much as I understand the sentiment.

>> No.5081918

Even saying which one it is will probably reveal who I am in it.

>> No.5081931

Told you so lmao

>> No.5081939

i never wanted to be a moody person

>> No.5082008


>> No.5082093

So don't...? Resolve yourself to find the grit and stoicism deep down when you need to apply it to whatever you face, and it will go a long way toward breaking through to enjoying life wherever it happens to bring you.

>> No.5082382

so. what does one do when they’re a failed artist of nasty fetish shit, they’ve had art block for literal years and they have nothing left to live for?

>> No.5082462

>why are you so le serious XD
things always mean something, there is no such thing as "not everything needs to have meaning", everything does have intrinsic meaning, when you consume coomshit anime and le ironic funnymemes for lizard brain stimuli addicts you are making a statement and my answer to that statement is fuck you.

>> No.5083149

Wow I never thought about that dude