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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 17 KB, 310x162, 1607898329655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5072965 No.5072965 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here kind enough to share a link to this?

I didn't have my PC for the past few days and I missed the whole thing

>> No.5072975

MEGA Thread OP here.
I'm adding some stuff and should post the new link tomorrow. This thread.

>> No.5072984

thanks man

>> No.5073404

Please, don't forget me. You know who I am.

>> No.5073510

Thanks :)

>> No.5073513

I'm going to punch you so hard you pirate piece of shit. Villpu, Mike and the others worked so hard on their books and YOU, YOU PIECE OF SHIT STEAL THEIR WORK!? A BIG FUCK YOU!!!

>> No.5073596


>> No.5073599

Thank you so much.
Not him but I still buy their stuff out of fairness. I just want to see the stuff first to see if it's helpful to me. I can't afford to buy expensive stuff and then find out I didn't understand it / didn't work for me.

>> No.5073642

>t. crab

>> No.5073723

we still buy it anon

>> No.5073741

But not everyone can afford to buy all this stuff

>> No.5073750

Kill yourself

>> No.5073795
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>> No.5073954

I think most of these artists would like as many people learning the joy of art through reaching them, even if they couldn't pay for their lessons. Most of them are fucking old anyway I doubt they care about a hundred or so anons getting their stuff for free.

Not everyone is a miser, and you don't get into art in the first place to make the big bucks. Most do it out of love and teach out of wanting to share it and better learn themselves.

>> No.5073984
File: 1.35 MB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5074053

>reee art is for the rich

>> No.5074425


>> No.5074428

I greatly respect the NMA and all the effort they put into their videos and everything that goes along with it. I am not a rich man but when I will get a good enough amount from my art, I will buy their one year subscription or whatever, since I respect their efforts. As such, I think they would not be 100% against me using their methods and techniques to further my drawing and painting skills to such a level where I can actually start making money from it.

>> No.5074444

5 hours

>> No.5074452
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>> No.5074690

kangaroo Poses

>> No.5074936


>> No.5075147


Thanks for all the people that have put this content on MEGA and from whom I've cloned.


1. Clone it!

2. Don't presume to answer on the reasons why I'm sharing this.
If there is an answer without a new link just discard that as it's just someone wanting attention they don't deserve.

3. There is a lot of content here. If you are requesting something extra please explain why do you need it and post an image of your current work to differentiate you from 99% of the hoarders. You may be asked to have a conversation over at Discord. If you don't like it, that's your loss.

4. If you use expressions like NGMI or TLDR I won't even dignify you with an answer.

Be kind for a change.

If you have access to a course/book that you think should be included here, put it up on mega and I'll clone it to my own and keep sharing it on the future.


>> No.5075152

Yeah, the anonymous posting is not good for people being constructive. But that's why you need to move on to other places (discord, maybe) or build them yourself. I'm working thought perspective and construction drawing/dynamic sketching myself at the moment so we can help each other at that.

Thank you for the heads up. Done.

Thank you again! You guys delivered so fast that I might get greedy with the next batch of requests.

"Release notes":
Since there are already many courses being shared here I wanted to focus on motivation/discipline for now before adding more courses. I find it's more important to have have a north and find a way to sort through these courses in a manageable and consistent way instead of just hoarding them and not even ever downloading or watching them let alone doing the exercises. Most of these I've tried to get as both audio books and eBooks so that you can have your pick.

Jeff Watts constantly quotes from Robert Henri's The Art Spirit and has a video review of apparently his favorite book: Mastery from George Leonard (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM_bjhD1WV0Q2hW_yH9rLZ-Fw03yfZ7er))

I've added good books on how to make new habits [Motivation/Discipline] and starting being productive. I suggest you take a look at "Changeology", "Triggers" and "Getting Things Done" if you are having a hard time getting organized to tackle art studies on your own.

There is also a FZD/Design Cinema Podcast about "Learning on Your Own" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3Al7QAS89s)) that goes quite in deep on how to self-learn focused on Concept Art/Digital Painting.

Added print-screens and booklets of some prestigious Art Schools Curriculums in the learning paths folder so that you can take a look at what are the formal institutions teaching and try to adapt that what you find of first necessity to your own curriculum and schedule.

Added some new books.

>> No.5075155


The Steal Like an Artist Audio Trilogy - How to Be Creative, Show Your Work, and Keep Going - Austin Kleon [AUDIOBOOK] (https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Steal-Like-an-Artist-Audio-Trilogy-Audiobook/1649040547))
Turning Pro - Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life's Work - Steven Pressfield [AUDIOBOOK] (https://www.audible.com/pd/Turning-Pro-Audiobook/B07FWJ4QBZ))
The Artist's Journey - The Wake of the Hero's Journey and the Lifelong Pursuit of Meaning - Steven Pressfield [AUDIOBOOK] (https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Artists-Journey-Audiobook/B07FK3XFLQ))

The Little Book of Big Change - Amy Johnson PhD [AUDIOBOOK] (https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Little-Book-of-Big-Change-Audiobook/B01E5W9I2O))
Eat That Frog! - Brian Tracy [AUDIOBOOK] (https://www.audible.com/pd/Eat-That-Frog-Audiobook/B08NMQFKFD))
Start Finishing - How to Go from Idea to Done - Charlie Gilkey (https://www.audible.com/pd/Start-Finishing-Audiobook/1683643917))
Procrastination Habit Hacks: Steps to Breaking Your Procrastination Habit - Nick Reynolds [AUDIOBOOK] (https://www.audible.com/pd/Procrastination-Habit-Hack-Steps-to-Breaking-Your-Procrastination-Habit-Audiobook/B07T9FWXZB))
Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation From Procrastination - Neeraj Agnihotri

Cours de Dessin - Cours Elémentaire - Bernard-Romain Julien

Rendering Violence: Riots, Strikes, and Upheaval in Nineteenth-Century American Art - Ross Barrett

Figure Drawing for Concept Artists - Kan Muftic

Morpho: Skeleton and Bone Reference Points
Morpho: Simplified Forms [good scan]
Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds [good scan]
Morpho: Hands and Feet
Morpho: Joint Forms and Muscular Functions
Morpho: Muscled Bodies

Becoming Creative / An Artistic Guide to Creativity - Brent Eviston (https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Becoming-Creative-An-Artistic-Guide-to-Creativity/1997385358))

(^ Mastering Folds - The Seven Essential Folds + Storytelling - Through Action Folds)

>> No.5075190
File: 3.68 MB, 828x1792, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit man : ^)

>> No.5075202

Michel Lauricella - Morpho - Anatomy for Artists
Michel Lauricella - Morpho - Fat and Skin Folds
Michel Lauricella - Morpho - Simplified Forms
Best scans I could find. None of the others have been scanned yet as far as i know.

>> No.5075449

Eat That Frog! - Brian Tracy
Start Finishing - How to Go from Idea to Done - Charlie Gilkey
The Steal Like an Artist Audio Trilogy - How to Be Creative, Show Your Work, and Keep Going - Austin Kleon
Turning Pro - Tap Your Inner Power and Create Your Life's Work - Steven Pressfield

>> No.5075454

I trusted you and you didn't deliver OP >>5069771 I won't believe in Christmas anymore.

>> No.5075493
File: 7 KB, 225x234, 1589292325238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just wanting to download references
>half of it says not found

>> No.5075533

which course that covers fundies do you guise recommend?

>> No.5075545

Hey im looking for environment sketching from cgma, anyone got it?

>> No.5075546

Brent Eviston - the art and science of drawing

>> No.5075620

Hey good shit on the curriculum and motivation/discipline books. Definitely parts I needed.

>> No.5075657

can you quit shilling the fucking meme course you cunt

>> No.5075685

Brent Eviston is the course a redditor does after googling for 5 minutes.

>> No.5075748

Thank you, anon. Merry christmas

>> No.5075808

I didn't see your alternative.

>> No.5075831
File: 203 KB, 498x372, AAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is DOWN.

>> No.5075845

works on my machine

>> No.5075888

Still works for me as well.

>> No.5075906

pointing out a flawed recommendation does not obligate one to provide a correction.

>> No.5075940

A flawed recommendation (implying there are perfect recommendations) is better than no recommendation. And btw, why is flawed? I supposed you watched the course and have and informed opinion, right?

>> No.5076007

all of them. shuffle between them after finishing a different course. like lets say you just start with dynamic sketching then decide to go into steve hutson's portraits, after that do NMA's beginner course, then you do proko anatomy, then do brett eviston.
rinse and repeat
you don't need this order
Just remember the benefit of a teacher/tutor/mentor is that they can re-explain information in different ways to you if you have misunderstandings, you're just watching videos. This is how info will be recontextualized for you for better understanding

>> No.5076012

I’m wondering why despite all these resources that we still don’t have a high skill bar on this board. What is the reason?

>> No.5076013

we'll see how high skills get in a year

>> No.5076037

they dont draw
they just hoard

>> No.5076047

>they just hoard
need this is a torrent

>> No.5076070

How to get that in a torrent:
Step 1. Download it.
Step 2. Make a torrent of it.

>> No.5076127

You may not have noticed, but this board is kind of a shithole. A common theme (aside from all the memes and shitposting) is people wanting to improve but without putting in the effort.
Frankly, I'm just here for the downloads.

>> No.5076139

False >>5060565

>> No.5076150

Few people actually do the work required to get better but even fewer keep posting on /ic/ once they develop good habits and discipline. Which also means there are very few people here worth getting critiques or feedback from so it just compounds the lack of good artists.

But mostly people just see anime and coom and get inspired to draw but realise its too hard and return to their regularly scheduled life.

>> No.5076154

The resources aren't that useful and it takes way too long to get through them

>> No.5076306

>tfw absolute /beg/
I don't know which of these I need and I doubt I'll get a chance like this anytime soon.
Any reccs?

>> No.5076328

- The books folder
- CGMA > Analytical Figure Drawing 1+2, CGMA > Dynamic Sketching 1+2
- Gary Meyer Gnomon Perspective
- New Masters Academy > anything by Vilppu or Steve Huston
- Proko if you don't mind him
- Schoolism anything by Nathan Fowkes, Craig Mullins, anything else that interests you
- Watts Atelier Online Program > Drawing folder. Anything else that interests you
- Will Weston folder is good too

>> No.5076440

I really don't get what's supposed to be that great about this sketch

>> No.5076649

Great thanks a lot

>> No.5077162
File: 373 KB, 830x3052, 1608209038808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hello Mega op

anon who reported on the watts drawing course folder(90gb ver) here

Im really happy that you are back!

Ive been taking the russian course so far and it is exellent. Im also half way through the proko course, you gave me the parts I needed. Ive also studied Vilppus' drappery course But I feel like ive been cut short on that subject matter. Theres an anon here who requested the parts about the casts and the drappery for the russian course. Could you please add those later on? I would really appreciate it. I barely have anything on cloth courses besides vilppu.
I dont care much about the cast ones but they would be very nice to have aswell as I would eventually get to them.

Pic related is the image I took that other anon's post.

Thanks again for everything anon! Best Christmas ever by far

>> No.5077168

btw If you want proof, I can post my anatomy studies so far. I think I'm doing pretty good so far.

>> No.5077192
File: 98 KB, 975x561, Olson 1 - 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man can you post the rest of the Erik Olson courses? I got my 6th copyright strike for pirating Glass. I'm that guy that posted the scuffed perspective studies last time.
I've finished the whole introduction for the Erik Olson Perspective course in this format.

>> No.5077197


>> No.5077200

what do you mean pirating glass. not the mega anon btw.

>> No.5077202
File: 320 KB, 770x1100, MV5BMTY1OTA2MjI5OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNzkxMjU4NjM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell me you thought I was pirating physical glass.

>> No.5077228
File: 199 KB, 376x302, 1585162864985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pirating actual fucking glass

no anon im not retarted(not that much atleast). you made me kek tho

>> No.5077515

I'd like to see you anatomy studies,yes. But I don't have access to the updates on the Russian Drawing Course.

If you are focusing on drapery right now the Daarken videos that I've requested are pretty cheap at cube brush. They might fit your wallet. [Mastering Folds - The Seven Essential Folds ; Storytelling - Through Action Folds]

But you have other options:
1. Watt's MaterClass on Drapery
2. NMA's How to Draw the Costumed / Draped Figure
3. Ron Lemen's Painting From Life (Emphasis on Drapery & Folds)

Nobody will ever explain anything better than Bill Perkins, anyway.

BTW, if you are the one that posted the drawing of the Asaro head on the other thread I really think you would benefit from Viktor Kovalchev's Deconstructed - Drawing People. Being Bulgarian he comes from a similar Russian Drawing tradition and explains precisely how to build tone with pencil hatching.

Don't have the hard drive space to make the upload right now.
1. Matshall Vandruff's Perspective Drawing Series
2. Fundamentals of Perspective with Gary Meyer
3. https://online-courses.club/linear-perspective-master-course-by-erik-olson-level-1-3-as-perspective-1-21/

>> No.5077600

>tfw on vacation and don't have the hard drive space to hoard this
Hope you stick around for a few more weeks before this all gets taken down, MEGA anon. Or maybe someone will make a torrent or something

>> No.5077648
File: 490 KB, 1586x1646, 5113906534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a video course on realistic facial expressions?

>> No.5077654

Thanks for the other perspective resource reccs

>> No.5077672

how do i keep all this before it goes down

>> No.5077700

>1. Clone it!

>> No.5077707

i cant download all that

>> No.5077711

cloning isn't downloading, it's cloning to your account.
you can make a mega, if you need more than 50gb pay for a month of however much you need while picking what you really want, and download it with the higher dl limit. or you can make a bunch of the new 30gb accounts and clone things but it will take forever.

>> No.5077724

My question from the last thread
>Is there some way for jdownloader to automatically create a folder structure like in the mega folder itself?
+ sorta-kinda answer from >>5068174
>It does it automatically to begin with. Just use the linkgrabber on the highest level folder's link and wait about 10 minutes for it to crawl the entire thing. Then every folder and subfolder will be in your linkgrabber list to sort through. Sort the rows by 'save to' to make it easier to sift through

I meant to ask if jdownloader could automatically create a folder structure *inside my designated download folder* like in the mega folder itself

>> No.5077794

>But I don't have access to the updates on the Russian Drawing Course.
Will you have access in the future to them? Can any other anon upload them?

>> No.5079220
File: 56 KB, 720x720, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, no slacking anymore, time to get some learning resources from ic-
>2 fucking tb
g-guess i'll dl it another day..

thinking of upgrading to mega pro for just a month and then cloning it to my acc for the time being. would i still keep everything after i end the subscription? never dealt with files that large but i'd love to finally get to art one day

>> No.5079356

would i still keep everything after i end the subscription?
use qbittorrent

>> No.5079393

Watt's Facial Features & Expressions
CGMA's Head Drawing and Construction

>> No.5079442
File: 23 KB, 493x592, mega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then what's up with pic related which I've been having for a while now? I'm .4GB over the limit back when I had bonus storage from some of their "achievements". last i checked, I can still download everything.

>> No.5080397

Any course recommendation for colored pencils?

>> No.5080821


>> No.5080874

MEGA anon, do you have any estimative on how much time you will be able to maintain the Mega?
And will you make any drastic changes or will just keep adding stuff?
I'm planning on cloning it when I get a premium account.
Also, I've noticed that around 100GB were gone from the last time. Were it just cloned or broken stuff? Could you post your recent activity or some kind of log?
I know I'm asking too many questions, but it's because it's rare to see someone share so much stuff on this board full of ungrateful crabs.
Thank you.

>> No.5080877

I want to contribute aswell, i just subbed to an art streamer on twitch to get his older vods, how can i rip/download his vods now? twitchleecher dont work on channels that need subscription to watch vods

>> No.5080919

Please put it up on MEGA an I'll clone it. [If that artist happens to be Peter Han I'll be greatly grateful. :) ]

>MEGA anon, do you have any estimative on how much time you will be able to maintain the Mega? >>5064714
>Also, I've noticed that around 100GB were gone from the last time. Were it just cloned or broken stuff? >>5064757
>Could you post your recent activity or some kind of log? >>5075152

>It's rare to see someone share so much stuff on this board full of ungrateful crabs.
Be the force of change and start by being respectful and not cursing other people, level up to sharing useful reference, courses and providing constructive critiques to others.

>And will you make any drastic changes or will just keep adding stuff?
I'm trying to finishing organizing the books, I'll try to add "The art of..." books and then reorganized the courses and add more when possible.

>> No.5080929

Scott Eaton facial anatomy course.

>> No.5080932

Do I need a premium account in order to clone the 2tb link?

>> No.5080964

Its now him, buf if theres no one different that i want to sub next month i will sub to his stream

>> No.5080974

Are these good courses or did you simply use google to find them? Do you have any experience with them?

>> No.5080995


>> No.5081153

Any recommendations for a particular course from the mega to learn to draw in PhotoShop? I am doing "Photorealistic Digital Painting from Beginner to Advanced - Austin Batchelor" now

>> No.5081214

(the Udemy one)

>> No.5081232


seems like all the files about digital painting use Procreate

>> No.5081234

someone make a torrent for the love of god

>> No.5081248

Nah most digital courses use photoshop but they aren't about using photoshop. Like schoolism for example.

If you want to be hand held through photoshop then use ctrl paint's free videos.
most of these courses just assume you can use the software.

>> No.5081254

Thank you for everything, even though the questions were already answered, I wanted to be sure.
I am the anon that shared some jojo stuff on the Artbook thread, so I'll gladly help peopke when I can.
But I'm still a bit angry from some months ago, when the Weston's course got leaked and people here demonstrated that they don't really deserve some of the stuff they get for free.
I know that it's not everyone who does that, but seeing it over and over again gets frustrating.
Probably shame on me for getting mad over ic.

>> No.5081452

more minor duplicates: "super pose book nude" + "super pose book nude collection"; "HYPER ANGLE" and "hyper angle 1". Also you could save about a gb if you removed the folders in the "reference" folder in 02 - Reference > Reference, since art models/hyper angle/pose file/real action/super pose book are all in 02 -Reference > Poses.

>> No.5081603

Thanks, exactly what I was looking for

>> No.5081777

Did anyone download Aaron Blaise's Fundamentals of Animation Course while it was available for free? Now that I finally have a new HDD, it has a price again (RIP me)

>> No.5081779

Wasn't it possible to "overload" a free mega account and keep it that way for a limited time?

>> No.5081935

yeah apparently you could do that by downloading the app when prompted, which would allow you to clone over your limit
but after a while allegedly going over limit restricts your account from downloading/linking
personally i just upgraded to 400gb and picked the courses/books i found most pertinent to my needs

>> No.5082069

If anyone can make a torrent of this, I will suck your dick.

>> No.5082109

i figure i ask here instead of making a thread. where or did robert beverly hale ever set his canon of proportion with the cranial units in a book?

>> No.5082235
File: 1.69 MB, 3492x2328, KTD - 1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read/study Bridgman's Life Drawing before Constructive Anatomy? I see a lot of people talking about and recommending Constructive Anatomy but I don't think I've ever seen any discussion about his other books. Currently going through Keys to Drawing.

BTW thanks Mega OP

>> No.5082240

No one here actually practices. We're here to bitch and complain and argue

>> No.5082975

While I appreciate that there is a mega and I can pick and choose what to download, is there even a fraction of this collection contained in a magnet link somewhere? I don't see a share thread where one would be posted.

>> No.5083001


>> No.5083034

Oh! Thank you! For some reason that doesn't show up when I use the search function in the catalog. Weird.

>> No.5084158

Checking on the metadata after some downloading, that appears to contain only half of what is currently in OP's mega folder. I assume mega-anon is not the one who posted the torrent, but in case he is and is reading this thread. Do you have a magnet link to go with this?

>> No.5084286

You asked for only a fraction. Anyway, not it doesn't exist a torrent with the new stuff, and that torrent is one year old.

>> No.5084355

The guide to life drawing book is just a curated selection of the pages in the other small books.

>> No.5084917

online-course.club has missing/incorrect parts :(

If anyone could provide a link to the Erik Olson Perspective 1-21 Course I'd be eternally grateful

>> No.5084939


>> No.5085010

the torrent on /t/ has it in perspective

>> No.5086438

https://gfxpeers.net/ Registrations are open.

WARNING: Your ration WILL be counted. Don't drop below 1.00 your account WILL be frozen afterwards.

Enjoy! Merry Christmas!


>> No.5086463

Thanks buddy I imported my 100gb of NGMI files (had to pay 5 $ for the monthy 400gb but from 1000+$ the courses cost ill take it).

Again thank you much man

>> No.5086618

do you own the site anon?
why should i get a gfxpeers if I already have a cgpeers?

>> No.5086630


>> No.5086716

much appreciated on the jack faragasso books