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File: 229 KB, 960x637, art_supply_safety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5061572 No.5061572 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for questions and discussion about art tools.

>> No.5061575

you are the only /tool/ I see here

>> No.5061582
File: 147 KB, 670x901, ligne-rouge-magali-cazo_19_670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody using inks here ?

This shit is pure soul.
Show me other great examples of ink uses.

>> No.5061605
File: 65 KB, 1464x1159, 61cC8KksgqL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hell of a time finding a desktop platform like this. It would allow me to tilt my sketchbook on my computer desk since I am not in a position to buy an actual drafting table.

Something lightweight and plastic I can buy on amazon.jp would be ideal. Would I be better off going to a brick and mortar store?

>> No.5061669

do we need it? just buy any hard and any soft pencil and a no line notebook, you're probably not gonna see any gains on a nitty gritty Pencilicus 9000 on Papyrium XHD

>> No.5061728


Thats called a drawing board.
Amazon has a lot of them, but there construction is bit shitty.
If you have the space and the tools it may be possible to make one yourself. But youre prolly better off going to an IRL store to pick one up.

I've seen some people people use stands intended for screened drawing tablets to prop up sketchbooks, but it seemed unwieldy to me.

>> No.5061733

*their construction.

>> No.5061736

Probably not as attractive as what you're hoping for, but I just use a piece of mdf that's a bit over A3 size and either wedge it up on desk or lean it against edge of desk in my lap. Quick and easy option to get a comfortable drawing surface if you've got random wood like an old shelf sitting around.

>> No.5061745

one less thing to buy and take up space. Maybe I can use cardboard.

>> No.5061757

I've seen vids on youtube of people gluing a few sheets of cardboard together, dunno what kind of lifespan they get but it'ld probably do for a while and be nice and lightweight.

>> No.5061758
File: 134 KB, 1055x1497, page_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suggestions for good watercolor paper? saw this art and decided I want to give it a go; I think the tooth would have to be pretty fine to have the graphite look as smooth as it does in this pic
watercolor markers besides Faber would be nice too

>> No.5061822

that almost looks like it was done in digital, the pencil is too uniform and looks like a brush sample

>> No.5062058

how /beg/ are you

>> No.5062063

200-220 grams, acid free imo. Italian made are good.

Anyone got tips on how to minimize eye strain for digital work?

>> No.5062098

I use a tablet stand and clipboard. It's ghetto as fuck but cost $2 and it works.

>> No.5062157
File: 216 KB, 991x1531, the.maxx.13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I need to paint like this?

>> No.5062160

acrylic and skill

>> No.5062299


Arches watercolour paper. Very expensive but its qiality can't be beaten.

>> No.5062303

Ohh, and what about this
What tools were used to draw this?

>> No.5062305
File: 381 KB, 980x772, 2011-09-30-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5062308

what the fuck is happening in this pic?

>> No.5062310


Tan paper, pen and a type of alcohol based marker

>> No.5062322


its gouache.
with some photoshop overlayed on it.

>> No.5062362
File: 1.13 MB, 1371x1494, 291+(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know much ink use like that, more black and wash. That reminds me a bit of Richard Mayhew who used oil and watercolor.

I wrote a post a bit back >>4985211 in the archives. The prices for a lot of this stuff has gone crazy and there aren't many options.

Something 100% cotton and acid free, look up hot press and cold press. I personally wouldn't recommend watercolor markers.

>> No.5062369
File: 571 KB, 1565x2048, two sisters .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, isnt it?

Okey, heres the last one...

>> No.5062390


Tan paper, pen, coloured pencil, marker for the patterns and a white gel pen or something sinilar

>> No.5062507

Of you want cheap you can go for Baohong. Expensive go for Arches.

>> No.5062971

>minimize eye strain
Go to an eye doctor and tell them you have eye strain when you do digital work

>> No.5063986
File: 171 KB, 807x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tools do I need to draw like this?

>> No.5063994

pencil, watercolor or gouache or just go digital

>> No.5064001

>Go digital

>> No.5064047
File: 610 KB, 889x645, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been using the most worthless paper imaginable most all year because it was cheap at costco
>finally splurged on some Premium printer paper
>can get smooth tones and clean lines in pencil again
>ink no longer a soft feathery mess

>> No.5064059

>printer paper

>> No.5064163
File: 313 KB, 2560x2560, PREMIUM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5064844

Have anyone tried using calligraphy markers with chisel tips? I kinda like the effect the normal markers give but with their fat tips you need a page the size of a whole table to draw - but not needing to do a lot of lines multiple times to get proper line weight seems like a really nice advantage.

>> No.5065135

Is this actually convenient for drawing, I have this paper but never used it

>> No.5065350


It's called premium, anything called premium is good

>> No.5065359
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 631035_11654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have a good system for containing my paint thinner, for cleaning my brushes when I paint with oils. Would getting something like this help, or should I just store it in closed glass jars?

>> No.5065501


These things get gross with sludge on the bottom. Using glass jars is much easier and economic. You can pour your solvent over to a clean jar after it has settled and get rid of the old jar.

>> No.5065536
File: 2.08 MB, 2272x3064, painting BLUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive mostly done digital stuff but when I started doing paint stuff I noticed if you are using shit brushes you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.5065539

How do I avoid activating all the bottom sludge in the jar when I clean the brush? Should there be some kind of horizontal bar inside that I can beat the brush against?

>> No.5065542

when you stick your brush in just wipe it against the walls of the jar after that wipe it on a rag.

>> No.5065553

its premium in relation to being a printer paper. it serves for drawing and inking, but printer paper always feel cheap when compared to even decent actual drawing paper, though you will still have to find one that suits your needs.

>> No.5065557

Makes sense, thanks. I assume the sludge filled jar will have to be deposited at some hazardous substances site?

>> No.5065560

painting without solvents is possible.

>> No.5065571


Yes, you assumed right

>> No.5065576

you let it settle and decant the clean solvent into another jar. take sediment out of jar. let solvents in sludge evaporate safely. now it is just a sludge of pigment and broken down oil. pour solvent back in.

>> No.5065575


I think you misses that anon's sarcasm

>> No.5065583

I know, but as long as I keep solvents in lidded jars it seems most of the problem is gone.

>evaporate safely
What, outside?

>> No.5065585

treat yourself to some thicc paper in a real sketchbook for christmas

>> No.5065622

mostly not near fire as goes with anything volatile and you dont want more fumes in your studio than necessary. place it in a container even. its also just one method.

>> No.5065997

i don't have great points of comparison, but it behaves exactly how I want with pencil or ink from nib/brushpen.
no weird textures getting in the way, doesn't get scored or turn into a spongey mess after first pass with a nib, no feathering, no bleeding so both sides are usable and I don't need to shuffle around sacrificial sheets. not sure what more i could ask for from paper for practice tbqh.

>paper binding guild internet defense force arrives on the scene
I've got a clipboard.

>> No.5066018

What liners can you recommend? Been using faber castell for two years but they dry out in hour if you leave them open. Need 0.05mm ofc.

>> No.5066138

I use copic and Staedtler. I tend to put up with anyone who carries a .003 liner to be fair.

>> No.5066721

What do you use such a small liner for?

>> No.5066726

kuratake is pretty good for its price

>> No.5068166
File: 34 KB, 700x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Extends your microdick.

>> No.5068784
File: 154 KB, 963x862, i_view32_8AKdzh5Jy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dries fast
>non water-resistant
>Stylish glass vial

Does anyone else uses it?

>> No.5068795
File: 1.27 MB, 1440x810, Mitsubishi_Pen_rendrv3edit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a Mitsubishi Hi-Uni 2B Pencil and fell in love with how smooth they are... But I found this gradation smudges too much.
Planing on buying a 12 pencil box of this brand, Should I go HB, H or 2H?

>> No.5068839
File: 33 KB, 900x900, 11966892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21st century
>still encasing your leads in wood

>> No.5068858

I've heard good things about the F

>> No.5069030


They both serve different purposes

>> No.5069055
File: 9 KB, 300x229, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just want to whittle wood, grandpa.

>> No.5069277
File: 273 KB, 640x480, Weeb Ink Starter Set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't be a trad weeb without it.

tachikawa model 40 kinda shit though, not sure why it has so many good reviews.

>> No.5069308

before wood-encased pencils were commercialized lead holders were much more in use, predating even graphite in being used for chalk or charcoal.

>> No.5069317

You'd probably have better luck looking for "desktop easel". I have one around here somewhere, that I use once in a while, but I have a full size easel and and a drafting table.

>> No.5069318


It's a Japanese brand, so it should be on the Japanese Amazon.

>> No.5069321

My brand is Arches, has been for years. Most of the big brands are good, if you want a smoother surface, get cold press. Or get bristol, for markers.

>> No.5069323

Goauche, and talent.

>> No.5069329

Fine for beginners and practicing. He can upgrade to better papers later.

>> No.5069334

You shouldn't be putting the bristles that deep into the jar. You only stir the brush. And, if there's a lot of sludge, just periodically strain it through a coffee filter or some cloth.

>> No.5069338

Your town dump should have a place to get rid of it, but you can filter/strain it for quite a while before needing to replace it.

>> No.5069341

Try bristol. It's better than paper for inks, and has a similar surface. It's not too pricey, either.

>> No.5069364

Redpill me on drafting tables, please. Should I be expecting to spend 200$+, ideally? I came in to some money recently, and I want to upgrade from my old desk.

>> No.5069381
File: 338 KB, 585x633, 1607479184113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 dollars for 20 sheets instead of 500 sheets
nah, i'm good m8

>> No.5069460

if you only ever intend to do rough sketches your entire life that you fix in digital than you do you

>> No.5069536
File: 42 KB, 306x344, 1559246595184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i limited to rough sketches, where did i suddenly acquire digital tools, how is saving a few hundred bucks on practice paper a permanent life altering choice?
what does this pile of words even mean?

>> No.5069572

>It's not too pricey, either.
$15 postage

>> No.5069761

>I've got a clipboard.
yeah and you can buy loose leaf if your autism demands it

>> No.5070175

Is there a reason to use it over water resistant inks? Are there benefits to it being susceptible to water or is it a compromise to get good consistence or something? Genuinely curious
t. ink/beg/

>> No.5070181

I got a flask of that ink, and also got some water resistant inks.
I save the water resistant ones for when I'm going to paint with markers such as copic or tombow dual brush, water brush.
I only use the Pilot ink for manga manuscripts and monochrome drawings.

>> No.5070191

>Something lightweight and plastic I can buy on amazon.jp would be ideal
Cheap art tools will usually let you down. Mabef, though expensive, are a good easel maker, their products come with a lifetime guarantee and they are made from proper hardwood, so you can add modifications without them immediately breaking.
Just an option to consider. They might be out of your price range or not available in Japan.

>> No.5070208

You know you can just clean out the sludge?

>> No.5070226


I'd rather not, I use cadmiums

>> No.5070239

Use gloves?? Cadmium isn't radioactive...

>> No.5070409

no, i use waterproof inks because i do watercolor. a lot of people buy inks because it's what others buy instead of doing their own research. they see manga artists do it so they buy it themselves.

>> No.5070416

manga artists use it because they don't apply anything on top of the ink besides black fills and tones.
But yeah, people often see mangaka using these inks, proceed to buy them and then get a nice surprise when they try to apply watercolors or alcohol markers.

>> No.5070601

My prismacolor markers were a disaster, but I’m not going to sell my kidney for copics. Ohuhu or chameleon?

>> No.5070654

Buy what you can afford. A decent one, with a formica top, is $100-$120, cheaper if you search - and Craigslist has those pop up all the time even cheaper. I started out with one, and upgraded over time to better ones. Irony, I hated the wood top one I had, it was too soft a surface, and it got banged up fast. The first priorities are size, stability, and easy adjustability. A lot of the cheap ones these days throw in a lot of bells and whistles like storage trays and such, but a basic drafting table and two swing arm lamps are all you need.

This would get you started, and it's pretty cheap.


If you have $200 to spend, it opens up a lot more options. Or haunt Craigslist for an old Mayline someone is getting rid of, like I did.

>> No.5070666

Cadmium is only dangerous if you ingest it, and in large quantities, or if you inhale cadmium dust in large quantities. The solvent it's in is way more toxic than the cadmium. Some of you pedes really need to study up how some pigments are toxic, and why. You could carry around a ball of pure cadmium and have no health issues. Cadmium is all around you, it's used in a vast variety of products, you interact with it daily.

Just wear gloves in a well ventilated room or outside when filtering the solvent - mostly for the solvent fumes - and put the sludge in a sealed container. You'll be fine.

>> No.5070671

If I want to start with drawing in color but I'm a beg, what are my best options?

>> No.5070679

Cool, if you never plan on doing finished work. Copy paper is great for practice, but if you're in any way serious as an artist in having an actual career, you're gonna have to up your supplies game. Art is not something you can cheapskate your way through with, unless you're part of the gallery scheme making art out of literal trash.

>> No.5070682

Start drawing in color, come here or to other art forums and ask.

Little kids figure out how to color, with no instruction. If they can do it, you can.

>> No.5070686

>light pencil + inks + Watercolors

>> No.5070708

I mean, what pencils would you recommend? I think I will buy the cheapest brand and be done, enough for a start.

>> No.5070744

learn to read idiot.

>> No.5070748

if you want to be ignorant thats your problem
you really don't need expensive paper to make good art, but keep in mind people aren't getting different kinds of paper because they like how it feels

>> No.5070750

Put a piece of wire mesh at the bottom.

>> No.5070751

whatever feels good to you, experiment a little

>> No.5070772

The ink and the graphite go where I put them, and the paper is sturdy enough to rework the same area multiple times.
What value would an extra 64 cents a sheet add to my practicing experience?

>> No.5071019

yeah thats fine

>> No.5071083
File: 110 KB, 1024x580, 1608204557248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason to use watercolor-specific paper over mix-medias papers? An art chain store has their home brand for mix-medias for more than half the price of any watercolor.

>> No.5071115


Based anon. Thank you! I'll try what you recommended.

>> No.5071434

Once you go arches you never go back

>> No.5071437

Mixed media paper is usually crappy, thin, not 100% cotton. That's why its cheap.

>> No.5071769
File: 345 KB, 1092x1538, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you recommend these?

>> No.5071775

mixed media paper is fucking awful wood pulp. it doesn't come close to behaving like good watercolor paper. look up watercolor paper sizing.

>> No.5071975

I use some Canson paper called made for technical drawing, its not too thin and very smooth.

>> No.5072423

you get what you pay for dont you think?

>> No.5072434

I can read just fine. That's not the issue - you being a cheapskate is.

>> No.5072443

Bog standard yellow pencils are the bare minimum, until you can afford better. I don't even mind those cheap plastic office supply mechanical pencils, if I don't have anything else.
To me, getting a kit of all of the different weights is a good starting point, something like this:


>> No.5072449

Watercolor paper is linen or cotton based.

Mixed media sheets are usually a blend of linen/cotton and wood pulp. Not archival, and will be more inconsistent with washes. I found that kind of paper really takes too much work to soak the page for washes, but it's a good paper for a lot of other things, I used it for some rough studies with goauche and didn't have any problems with it - i prefer bristol, because I can do washes with it better. I think I still have the remaining half of that pad around here somewhere...

>> No.5072450

colored pencils are miserable, especially chinkshit supplies. assuming you're in germany, get some faber castell or staedtler. you don't need more than 36. watercolor as the other anon said is a better choice. get some 12 pan set from winsor newton, schmincke, royal talens, whatever.

>> No.5072486

I was actually asking for colored pencils, I have different graphite pencils already.

>> No.5072540


it's probably bristol

>> No.5072573

Anyone know a good cheap surface to practice oil painting on? Been looking at the Canson Oil Paper pads.

>> No.5072614

Get the cheapest fucking paper you can find and paint tradesman's acrylic undercoat over it.

>> No.5072998

is that a brand?

>> No.5073114

dont know about that particular product but these oil pads usually have some texture on them which isnt the best for small works.
any paper that wont wrinkle up when wet and any kind of cheap gesso should work. you can even use elmers glue or any acrylic glue with some plaster or other whiting if you have some on hand.

>> No.5073168 [DELETED] 


The castle ones that were 120 for 34€ (Instead of 55€) on German Amazon yesterday are pretty okay except for the white/ light greys and the black.
But you can substitute this ones with ordering the specific Polychromos/ Prismacolor from ebay.

>> No.5073183


The castle set of 120 pencils was sold 2 days ago for 34€ (Instead of 55€) on German Amazon and they are pretty okay except for the white/ light greys and the black.

They're not outstandingly great, but are pretty nice with a soft waxy tip and in most colors are pretty nice.
There are hwever some colors (esp. in the blues) that look pretty similar and I'd really recommend to buy some additional browns and greys.

But that's not much of a problem as you can expand the set by buying the specific Polychromos/ Prismacolor from ebay.

... and for 34€ they're a bargain

>> No.5073197
File: 258 KB, 1028x714, mabef prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300 USD
Yeah you weren't kidding about the prices. Thanks for the recommendation, though.

>> No.5073218


No, you retard, it means it's the stuff house painters use

>> No.5073225

how can artists even afford these. time to get good at wood working and sell drawing tables and easels instead.

>> No.5073400

I read quality has decreased in recent years, and some pencils come with the lead broken.

>> No.5073419

charcoal over watercolor

>> No.5073458

zzoneart watercolor pencils are kinda shit, or so I hear (from Taobao and other places).
Try PAGOS watercolor pencils and or Faber Castell Goldfaber wax colored pencils.
Theyre both good at layering, transparency and sharpening without breaking the bank.

>> No.5073460

Mabef is such a fucking meme now you're honestly fine buying whatever well rated amazon brand there is for 1/3rd of the price. They truly don't make em like they used to and buying a new instead of a gently used decade+ old mabef anything is absolutely retarded. Do plenty of research before committing to anything, as usual

>> No.5073518
File: 43 KB, 600x600, Transon306-Stainless-Steel-Double-Large-mouth-Painting-Palette-Cup-oil-container-fine-art-painting-tool-in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil bros, what is this?!

>> No.5073524

I have one like this, not this specific brand and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with it.

>> No.5073538


You put your mediums in it, solvent in one, your linseed oil or whatever in the other and you can clip it onto your palette.

>> No.5073550


Idk when ordered mine a few year back I was quiet happy with them.
I'll let you know how the recent ones I ordered 3 days ago for 34€ will work out... actually they should arrive in about 5 hours.

>> No.5073573

Nice, waiting your review anon.

>> No.5073605

Hey, however you want to spend your money. Either pay a lot upfront for a Mabef that will last for the rest of your life, or pay a third of the price for something that will reach the end of its life in 10 years, forcing you to pay a third of the price again for another, rinse and repeat. I've got 3 Mabef easels and they're easily the best easels I've ever used.

>> No.5073609

It's for mediums. Absolutely pointless really since you can just buy small glass jars with airtight lids.

>> No.5073626

>any paper that wont wrinkle up when wet and any kind of cheap gesso should work
If you paint gesso over it it doesn't matter if it wrinkles up or not -- once the gesso dries you can just roll and unroll it a few times to remove the wrinkles and then you're good to go -- the dry gesso will hold it together.

>> No.5073633

I dunno, can you afford alcohol, Netflix, video games? If so you can eventually save up to afford one of those easels.

>> No.5073637

there are some that come with screw lids which could be handy if you are out of your studio, but i agree they are generally useless and you always worry about spilling.

>> No.5073639

no i cannot.

>> No.5073640

I used to have one of those with the lids. Filled it with medium, popped it in my box easel and went out to paint. Set up after a half hour walk to find it had leaked everywhere inside the box. Don't recommend them.

>> No.5073643

Well fair enough then, no shame in that. But for those who can afford them they make a lot of sense.

>> No.5073727


My teacher dislikes them, they get dirty and you cab't really clean them out very well

>> No.5073743

are they really that good? ive never had to buy an easel so far, just have some cheap ones around from xmas's and such. one is really bad at staying in position unless i ruin my hands tightening the nut. I assume a quality one will never develop this problem?

>> No.5073977

>one is really bad at staying in position unless i ruin my hands tightening the nut
That's basically the problem with cheap easels, yeh -- they don't tighten well and the joints tend to have too much give in them, causing the canvas to wobble about as you're working on it, and these issues only get worse with time.

>> No.5073993

Can't guarantee a good one would never exhibit behaviour like that, though.You can buy the most expensive radial easel on the market for instance, but if you put a large canvas on it it will always struggle to cope.

>> No.5074011
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Amazon is still telling me that the package will arrive by 10 pm... but I have my doubts.

>> No.5074043

highly doubt you'll get it today.
If not monday between 10am-14pm then the next day guaranteed, freundchen.

>> No.5074284
File: 71 KB, 877x1500, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just been using a stepladder as an easel all this time.
>Costs half what a real easel does
>sold everywhere
>Works with most formats except the ones you could do on a table anyway
>can hold all your stuff on the other steps
>and I mean all of it, like 80kg worth of paint cans and water if you want
>lasts forever
>you probably have one in your garage already

I just glued some plastic on the top steps to hold the canvas better and a nail on the side to place a bucket.

>> No.5074318

Buy Noodlers inks , by far the cheapest and highest quality I've found

>> No.5074524

I feel like normal pencils are more tactile and I can move them easier

>> No.5074538
File: 95 KB, 1194x918, 90f5bd230cf2343a9ca3b7a571fccc3fd8509210966b1a84f679793724806305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Pitt Artist Pens from Faber-Castell worth buying?

>> No.5074542

>I've just been using a stepladder as an easel all this time.
How long is "all this time", out of interest?

>> No.5074659

i think most artists that could save up for costly easels/drawing boards at the expense of consooming netflix would probably sooner spend the money on art materials, paints, brushes, books, etc.
women artists who married rich and retired boomer hobbyists exempt.

>> No.5075471

It didnt arrive, right?

>> No.5075500

lmao genius, can probably take off the few bottom steps too

>> No.5075515

4chan seal of quality.

>> No.5075524
File: 20 KB, 374x250, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About three years on and off. I'm just doing this for fun, I manage to sell a piece every now and then but I mostly give them to friends as decoration.

>> No.5075558

Is there any worthwhile colored pencils besides prismacolor premier?

>> No.5076366

I need a light table for studies and inking. Recommendations?

>> No.5076373

Are you saying out of all the types of coloured pencils and all the manufacturers over the globe you honestly think a Mexican wax pencil range might be the only worthwhile one?

>> No.5076376

Pick a random major European manufacturer of pencils and you've got yourself a superior one to Prismacolor, lmao.

>> No.5076387

In the dark as to why you'd think something like that, but regardless, the exactly same dilemma emerges for buying paint and brushes -- buy cheap stuff or save up for something better.

>> No.5076602


wax or oil colored pencil?

>> No.5076603


>> No.5076608


Id recommend something from the Derwent professional lines. Derwent "Artists" specifically. Their price/performance/lightfastness ratio is pretty decent for the price.
Besides them, Faber Castell makes a worthwhile student grade pencil that almost no one talks about. I recommended it upthread. Its the Goldfaber line. Fucking nice layering you can get out of those things. I can get about 5 layers. And they dont break like Prismas either. Which is another huge point for them. The only caveat is that Goldfaber only has 48 colors. Theyre fucking awesome, though.

>> No.5076623

Thank you kind sir
I’ll try to get one of em

>> No.5076627


No prob, pencilbro!

>> No.5076651

In Europe they're much cheaper and the quality at that price point is worth the price. I have no regrets about mine, although I wouldn't be able to pay some 300$ for it

>> No.5077218

brush and paint quality affects the work directly, and they arent as steep of a spend. a well placed board is not as luxurious, but it serves the main fuction except drawers. not just with art, but a lot of people hold off on buying new if they believe they can snag a deal on new old stock or gently used goods.
habitual consumers of netflix and video games also find it hard to give up the switch even as they complain about not having money for art.

>> No.5077237

>I just glued some plastic on the top steps to hold the canvas better and a nail on the side to place a bucket.
Take a pic, please.

>> No.5078492

Nah it didn't and it won't arrive today either since the fucking DHL managed to send my Package to the wrong parcel center, which was only noticed once the Package was loaded to the wrong delivery vehicle.

I guess they'll send it overnight to the right center and if I'm lucky I might receive the pencils tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

>> No.5079181

Will using cheap materials actually make me a worse artist?

>> No.5079964

Some mediums it's shooting yourself in the foot trying to learn on the cheap stuff, some it doesn't really matter. And then there are ballpoint chads who only grow stronger.

>> No.5080158

>if you want a smoother surface, get cold press

Don't you have that backwards?

>> No.5080197

cold press/hot press technically isnt an indication of how bumpy the surface will be, it's more to do with how the paint dries.

>> No.5080461

Cold Press (or NOT) has a texture to it and absorbs more water so the paint dries quicker.

Hot Press is smooth and absorbs less water so the paint dries slower.

I use hot press watercolour boards for learning gouache and acrylic, after watching videos by Jeff Watts and Jesper Ejsing.

>> No.5080474

>brush and paint quality affects the work directly, and they arent as steep of a spend
I don't believe in a direct/indirect distinction when it comes to art; anything that changes the context you work in affects the work. And as for spend: A simple red yellow blue + white palette from a professional oil paint brand in 225ml tubes will set you back £250, and that stuff's gonna run out; an easel's for life.

>habitual consumers of netflix and video games also find it hard to give up the switch even as they complain about not having money for art.
Someone unwilling to make financial sacrifices for their art is not even worth considering. They are beyond ngmi, they're not even art enthusiasts.

>> No.5081910

yes, they are pretty cool
the ink is pigment based, not alcohol based. it means it won't fade as easily as with copics

>> No.5082058
File: 266 KB, 1500x1500, 76259DF9-4806-4D40-9939-6AF70A5EEBE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re an actual poorfag, get Ohuhu. If you are just being cheap, get some copic ciao, anons here can probably point you to some decent starter set that won’t cost 400$.

>> No.5082229

If you are really-really cheap get Tinge.

>> No.5082237
File: 284 KB, 1476x1445, 81KpzWg8OVL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get into gouaches, would these be a good set for a beginner or should I look at other brands? It doesn't have to be artist grade since i'm just starting out.

>> No.5082402

not good if you know how to colour mix.

>> No.5082742
File: 122 KB, 600x1043, 1599658367799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, arteza are garbage. you want artist grade. it depends on your budget, to start with you only need a few. a big tube of titanium white and then some primaries. or an ultramarine blue and burnt sienna. M Graham and Holbein make nice little CMYK or RGB primary sets. Winsor Newton is ok but overpriced and includes a shitty green.

>> No.5082777

This, just get the Holbein primary colors set, they’re inexpensive and crazy good quality for the price.

>> No.5082784

it can be a detriment, but you don't have to invest to super expensive stuff right away. I started drawing using staedler pencils and faber pitt pens, which are middle grade, and went from there.

>> No.5082792

>art supplies are middle grade at best unless they are japanese

>> No.5083531

best water brush brand?

>> No.5083539


>> No.5083621

I had that issue. I was pissed because the maxx wasn’t even in it. I didn’t realize it wasn’t really a super hero book as a kid.

>> No.5083847

what the hell is an f pencil

>> No.5084582

>Some mediums it's shooting yourself in the foot trying to learn on the cheap stuff
Consider pencils for example, if I buy a cheap brand like this anon did >>5073183, would that be dangerous?

>> No.5084586

I did not say that? I use Daniel Smith watercolors, Arches paper and Prismacolor pencil.

>> No.5084606


A pencil that is harder than HB but softer than H

>> No.5084810

For watercolors W&N or Holbein?

>> No.5084906

I recently started investing real time into drawing, what pens & pencils should I get that would be an upgrade to the Bic pencils and ballpoints I've been doodling with for years?

>> No.5084949

you don't really grow out of ballpoints, and more expensive pencils won't necessarily make you better. it depends on what you'd like to draw. do some research yourself. on the different kinds. it comes down a lot to personal taste. there's a ton of guides on jet pens for different topics you can search https://www.jetpens.com/blog/guides/ct/9 but don't fall into a trap of buying a bunch and just hoarding.

>> No.5085215

colored pencils are a good example of a medium where the low end in quality is unusable trash: they're made for preschoolers to ruin. but i think anon is talking about buying a middlin one on sale.
Regular pencils don't fall off a cliff like that, although I'm sure the chinkshit can manage to prove me wrong.

>> No.5085309

learn to sharpen your pencil correctly with a sandpaper paddle and a knife (make sure to make your pencils the finest of points)
paper is more important the quality of your pens and pencils for finished work. You really just need "good enough" for studies though

there's so many different kinds of pencils that grades you want will just depend on your preference after use
you can get a complete pack of stadeler's mars pencils for 15 on amazon, but blick has cheap art pencils that are actually good quality too. my favorite brand is faber castell 9000 though

>> No.5085310

why does it even exist and have its own letter

>> No.5085339

why not

>> No.5085532

why aren't the letters just shifted

>> No.5085890

depends. but when it matters you're more likely to create art that either doesnt last as long, in some cases actually doesnt look as good. it isnt just about being expensive either, but how much you have done your research. if you make your own art materials you could end up with something less expensive but also of a higher quality and more suited to your requirements.

>> No.5087471

Welcome to the exciting world of legacy systems.