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File: 181 KB, 699x439, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5057784 No.5057784 [Reply] [Original]

Im such a lonely artist..

>> No.5057786

Hey I want art friends too! But most don't wanna talk about art or hustle, rather it all devolves rather quickly to autistic intrests in mass media. I'm surrounded by ngmi

>> No.5057787

your local college

>> No.5057788

Lonely and horny?

>> No.5057792

I’m starting to think these threads are shitposts

>> No.5057797

join a discord

>> No.5057803

Im going to try to join a discord server. Maybe im a bit autistic and cant socialize well even online but i will try

>> No.5057804

get a little good and offer less good artists to do art trades with you. they'll be so happy

>> No.5057805

it's all trannies and SJWs now, no thanks

>> No.5057810

>I’m starting to think these threads are shitposts
You must be new.
and no, most of the post on this board is 90% shitposting and autism

>> No.5057812

I’ve been here longer than 90% of you.

>> No.5057814

Community colleges are based and redpilled

>> No.5057817

OP doesnt go to college

>> No.5057856

maybe, i was talking about art schools specifically

>> No.5057863

I think it’s cause some of us poor fags had it rougher than middle class Whitey with too much time on his hands, but there are still quite a few pink haired faggots at mine

>> No.5057866

Go back where you came from, faggot.

>> No.5057869

Same way you make regular friends

>> No.5057872

Kek, brutal

>> No.5057875
File: 2.61 MB, 498x469, eh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make regular frens?

>> No.5057877
File: 20 KB, 112x112, 405382963057000458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon , how that works? if i cant make them online, how i can make them irl

>> No.5057880

Followers are your friends (-:

>> No.5057883

Most of them are japanese and they seem very shy to talk

>> No.5057884


>> No.5057888


>> No.5057889

I dunno then, sorry >>5057883

>> No.5057890

You guys have art friends by the way

>> No.5057894

I had an art friend before. He was cute.

>> No.5057897

Join a discord but don't just join and lurk, force yourself to participate in the conversations even if it seems like you are intruding. The more people are active the better it is for the discord group's health too, so everyone wins.

Whenever I'm in a discord I try to talk to people as much as possible, especially new people as I know some guys are just shy and need that little kick to get going. So if you are in a discord and see new people or inactive people drop in the conversation from time to time, try to include them in the conversation as you might really be making someone's day with that small thing.

>> No.5057900

Thanks anon, i will try right now .. lets see how it goes

>> No.5057924

yes but im too autistic to make talk with them

>> No.5057949

How do I have SEX with HOT female artists in my area?

>> No.5057953

Show them your hard round brush

>> No.5057955


>> No.5057962


>> No.5058001
File: 147 KB, 689x473, 1534443512738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to help you, but I'm probably in worse shape than you.

>> No.5058020
File: 6 KB, 271x186, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5058028

Now kiss

>> No.5058032

i want art frens, most discord groups just devolve into drama and shit, forums are ok but i want an irl art fren to get together and draw

>> No.5058036

Me too. Mine lives kinda closed but he's been reclusive since the rona

>> No.5058042
File: 108 KB, 850x944, 1604696176029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you make friends? How do you carry conversations? How do you make people like you?

I love everybody I meet, but they just don't seem to love me back.

>> No.5058045

How can I get an art bf?

>> No.5058057
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 755513317413486593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i get an art gf? imagine how nice that would be

>> No.5058058

i used to have several in art school but now that i moved i just have a couple of friends but they are busy with children and stuff, felling pretty lonely
idk, most of the time i am the only one carrying the conversation, friend dont write or call so i am the only one keeping touch
strangers are kinda the same, people just dont care or pretend not to care
go to some art event and seduce ppl idk

>> No.5058059

art girl are mostly crazy, so i advice against it. they are kinda kinky tho

>> No.5058079

I’m only pretending to be gay for art bfs. I think.

>> No.5058087

The only way to get a female art friend , is on those cringe discords

>> No.5058228

Why do you everyone?

>> No.5058231

i want to join a cringe discorrd anon please.....

>> No.5058363
File: 119 KB, 800x750, 1598303435477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too fren, never interacted with anyone nobody ever interacted with me, felt completely invisible even if I had a some thousand followers

Recently I started the minimal amount of interaction with other artists and they mostly ignore me but one of my favorite artists ever made some sketches of my OCs completely unprompted, I couldn't believe it frens, I think I'll make it bros
Just be confident OP you can do it too

>> No.5058503

>most of the time i am the only one carrying the conversation
Know that feel, I felt both free and sad when I decided to stop initiating conversations. Free because I didn't feel obligated to keep a one-sided friendship alive and sad because I had to come to terms with the reality of only having one-sided relationships. I don't even want art friends, just art connections so I don't have to worry too much about unemployment, I feel like I just don't have the energy or will to make friends anymore or the patience to keep them "interested".

>> No.5058659
File: 253 KB, 1000x800, 1603332253120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love some art friends. If you're into drawing anime and shit, drop your discord handle.
I draw for like 5-6 hours a day. It's mostly beg-tier shit, but still. I'm improving.

>> No.5058668
File: 109 KB, 1412x1036, 0CD3A2AA-6E5B-4CAA-8A3D-F59EC0CDADEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually got a lot more artists willing to talk to me the better I got, and I don’t have a big social media presence or a huge follower count so I’m mostly sure it wasn’t people trying to play the social media game. The secret to art friends is to git gud, unfortunately. People will go out of their way to talk to you if your art catches their eye.

>> No.5058791


hmm i wonder why you have no friends...

>> No.5058792

any rec me some good art discogs?

>> No.5058796

shouldnt we just make our own art discord from this thread

>> No.5058803

It will end in one of 5 ways
1. Server is made, admin vanishes next morning
2. Server is made, admin deleted server next morning
3. Server is made, nobody talks until the bubbly anon joins and is 99% always a woman who will get the mod role down the line and powertrip while the admin simps for her under the fairytale that she is his artgf until eventually he finds out she already is a) married b) has a bf already c) is underage d) is actually really fat and ugly to which he then deletes the server and nukes his identity in shame
4. The server splits as a rogue decides to poach everyone to his discord
5. Everything goes fine but then a shitposter will join, manipulate everyone and break down the friendly cliques that everyone formed thus creating drama and then brings said internal drama to the board.
6. The server dies a rapid death because the person who made it just plays video games all day and goes ghost
7. It ends up getting infiltrated by furries and used as a dumping ground until all who isn’t a furry leaves.
8. Nobody uses the server but to just post their social then fucks off.

I’ve joined just about every ic made community over the last 8 years and that’s just a few examples.

>> No.5058808
File: 10 KB, 360x194, En_U_95VoAE6769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ why are art discords such a shitshow

>> No.5058812

stalk them until they do something illegal or immoral, then blackmail them to hang out with you. it's super easy, most people in relationships have a side bitch for example.

>> No.5058821

Artists are naturally born, sensitive bags of blunder.

>> No.5058822

channers are socially maladjusted, not very surprising they can't manage a chat server either. i've been part of a couple art servers for a few years now, they're still good and no, i'm not linking because you shits will just stink up the place

>> No.5058829

Actually beginner artists are just that. If you ever notice the really good artists tend to stay out of everything and give basic advice while everyone in the server worships them. You want to be that guy and not the bottom feeders depending on other begs for comfort.

In my experience, art community should just go back to independent forums. But those days are gone. Things like discord just brought upon a whole lot of problems.

>> No.5058830

Most of art girls are into degenerate sjw stuff and cringe fandoms. Unless you find an art gf who draws realism and semi realism. Then you can be sure that she is cool. And a lot of them are kinky and/or into yaoi

>> No.5058841

The answer is simple: Do art daily.