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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 156 KB, 1280x1810, 1606111887609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5050089 No.5050089 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many artists render an ultra-realistic body and then put an anime blob head on top?

>> No.5050090

cause it looks good

>> No.5050092

It makes people horny and thus money and likes

>> No.5050093

Because real women cannot compete with anime girls

>> No.5050095
File: 106 KB, 1024x768, 3C2BF244-6313-438F-9CAB-BE7625DA486B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5050112

Because they are commissioned to do it :)

>> No.5050113

Post your real woman's head.

>> No.5050120
File: 47 KB, 500x346, thumb_carrusel-Hayao-Miyazaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You see, whether you can draw like this or not, being able to think up this kind of design, it depends on whether or not you can say to yourself, "Oh, yeah, girls like this exist in real life." If you don’t spend time watching real people, you can’t do this, because you’ve never seen it. Some people spend their lives interested only in themselves. Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It’s produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans. And that’s why the industry is full of otaku!

Miyazaki was right.

>> No.5050122

why just animate real people? miyaziki can f off with his boomer anime

>> No.5050123

It's what the people want. Including me, and including you.

>> No.5050126

Undeniably correct.

>> No.5050143

Incel response

>> No.5050150

they can't draw a head

>> No.5050151

Im a woman

>> No.5050155

you'll never be a woman

>> No.5050157

people wish anime is real. it brings them closer to reality so its easier to fantasize about them.

>> No.5050159

I thought people that are against “incels “ will support trannies? Sounds contradictive.

>> No.5050171

congratulations, you missed the point
it doesn't

>> No.5050174

Holy shit he's absolutely right. Most western art went for realism because westerners are OBSESSED with themselves and their image. Literally every artistic current or movement in Europe was centered around the human body. We even believe that our God looks akin to a human meanwhile Asians are more reserved and some downright hate themselves. Probably that's why anime attracts a certain kind of people. The ones who are insecure or displeased with their image. I watch a lot of anime and I'm starting to reach to the conclusion that anime proportions are idilic caricatures of the human form.

>> No.5050182


>> No.5050300

easier to draw than a real face with simpler emotions while not looking like a noodle-arm western cartoon

>> No.5050325

it sells.

>> No.5050348

only learning to draw one face gives you more time to study rendering

>> No.5050354

idk but it looks gross

>> No.5050360

Something tells me this was taken from an ewhore then slapped with an anime head

>> No.5050378

>that chin
oh no no no

>> No.5050397

They use reference from real life for the body to make it at accurate as possible. However, they don't do the same for the head. Hence why it comes out looking like they pulled a head from a different universe and plopped it on a real human.

>> No.5050420

So what should i take from this is Miyazaki likes to pass the time near kindergarten and female schoolyards? "To watch people" of course

>> No.5050427

Not directly related to OPs question, but I think that a lot of people in this day and age deal with a number of neuroses in which they immerse themselves in the fantasy of the"perfect" world, in which they can impose their desires without fear or risk.

In doing so, they rob themselves of the chance to accept that the world in which we live is imperfect, and seek to improve their small corner of the world.

>> No.5050434


It's the ultimate escapist blackpill, based on an ultimately cynical nihilsm. A perpetuated sense of powerlessness in the face of an unpredictable world.

>> No.5050437

>If you don’t spend time watching real people, you can’t do this, because you’ve never seen it.
Is he talking about anime here?

Because he contradicts himself two sentences later and says "Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know."

>> No.5050456

Think he was speaking more specifically on his own work here but I'm no 100% sure.

Essentially, "you can't do what I do without looking at other people".

>> No.5050463

Because they dont want to draw some roastie e thot or ugly old cunt from a posing website

>> No.5050476

He means that anime suffers from the incestuous copying of styles. In a general sense he isnt that wrong. Tons of shows are entirely built on tropes and clichees only found in anime and are completely detached from reality.
Dont think he means all anime and artists, then he would be wrong.

>> No.5050558


>> No.5050606


>> No.5050611

Artistically, I hate it but my dick still got hard
The duality of the male specimen

>> No.5050613
File: 91 KB, 447x447, 1559235070244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like an old hag, how you get hard from looking at wrinkly overly rendered skin is beyond me.

>> No.5050621

There is no gym for your face.

>> No.5050631

the booba too flat

>> No.5050657

Because they like the anime style and want to push it further, and are able to do so without the limitations and shortcuts required when making animation (or manga).

>> No.5050714

Pyw op

>> No.5050736

Opp pyw now white woman

>> No.5050745

I hate this trend. Flat stylized cel shade all the way

>> No.5050843
File: 1.93 MB, 277x313, Gavin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5050933

She looks like turkey

>> No.5050944

There was a japanese artist who does something like that but i forgot his id, he likes to draw some girl from ranma 1/2, someone here remember?

>> No.5051232

Photobash/trace the body, draw the head. It's also why a TON of coomer art you see will have well drawn bodies and dogshit misaligned heads.

>> No.5051243

If you think ops pic was photo bashed or traced then you’re a beg coping lmao

>> No.5051277


>> No.5051551

it's supposed to be hot shit but looks laughable
no, it looks godawful

>> No.5051605

This doesn't look traced or photo bashed. Looks more like someone who's incredibly techically skilled but lacks taste.

>> No.5051723

Human bodies are beautiful
Human heads are not
Simple as

>> No.5051732

The weebs despise this man because he speaks the truth.

>> No.5051837
File: 198 KB, 1696x714, proxy-image.jpeg-60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So unique
So original

>> No.5051840


>> No.5051932

Hogwash and braindead take. People criticize Franzetta and Sanders for drawing women who upheld 'unrealistic body standards.'

It's not a western or eastern thing, it's a design and politics thing.

There will always be people who prefer stylized over realistic and vice versa. True patricians can appreciate when someone referenced from real life but stylized it in an aesthetic way.

>> No.5052350

>I watch a lot of anime and I'm starting to reach to the conclusion that anime proportions are idilic caricatures of the human form.

Imagine consuming so much moe animu it rots your brain so bad that it warps your perception of real human bodies and instead idolising cartoons with childlike bodies that appeal to closet pedos. Perma-incel / 10

>> No.5052394

God that looks fucking disgusting
Why is she so wrinkly and DETAILED not even real humans are that detailed.

>> No.5052934

tldr whiny geriatric

>> No.5052999

girl about to take a shower in treblinka 1942 (colorized)

>> No.5053099

Why won’t anyone give sauce, I really like this drawing

>> No.5053112

just a wait a few more hours bro
don't worry the sauce is coming
just don't press the image search button dude you will die from that bro

>> No.5053134

>render an ultra-realistic body and then put an anime blob head on top
They're trying to get the appeal of a real life body but without the inherent ugliness/imperfection of a face. I believe it could reach uncanny valley if they went for the face without some kind of stylization at render level.
Well at least it's not washizutan.

>> No.5053193

Is this thread a joke

>> No.5054663

coping weaboos is funny, so yes

>> No.5054687
File: 173 KB, 800x1102, 800px-Guido_Reni_-_Saint_James_the_Greater_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes, I agree OP why waste your time making something realistic and then pair it with something that clashes so hard and creates such a hard uncanny valley effect.

Anime warps peoples minds I guess.
I mean it's fine if you want to make "sexy anime girl with cat ears kneeling" but why not keep it in that style????

Jesus wept.

>> No.5054723

>noooo you're not supposed to experiment, just paint jesus, vases and muh trad wife

>> No.5054728

>anime head on a realistic body

a real trailblazer move

>> No.5054732

>Anime warps peoples minds

>> No.5054733


>> No.5054739
File: 292 KB, 1350x1351, 81K+39dP4xL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha i knew i shouldnt have posted religious art.
I'm not a delusional rigid /pol/cel
I'm just talking about consistency of style.

This is the kind of stuff I'm into generally. Its Ashley Wood.

>> No.5054740

Fuck off christfag

>> No.5054742

yeah I'm not really saying the op image looks great, it looks kinda grotesque but I like it

>> No.5054743

Haha ok, but I'm not a Christian just to let you know.

>> No.5054766
File: 219 KB, 960x1200, ENh0VnMVUAQcZ1o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost forgot

>> No.5055724

Because trying to make the face realistic just makes the character look middle aged.

>> No.5055732

Tl;dr 2d > 3d

>> No.5055782

Making a face look realistic attractive is much harder for the majority of artists than making a realistic/semi realistic body.

Its easy to just put an anime face on and the majority of people paying are happy with that. Most people have no concept of what drawing takes or how to analyze and understand the logistics and skill behind art. They know what they see and what they have been taught to see.

Anime faces rake in dough, they are mainstream and provide a great deal more potential buyers.

Less coomer's care if you spent hours creating a proportional renaissance tier godmode face that other artists can admire.

>> No.5056484

miyazaki IS an otaku and also a lolicon.

>> No.5056603

it's a fuckin paintover beglet, the hair and face show the real skill

>> No.5056606

it's obvious, he's talking about the anime industry in general, not his work.

>> No.5056616

Post one his stories while he’s drunk and talking about highschool girls

>> No.5056667

you first

>> No.5058534

wrinkled and old? ok lets see
the position the feet are in will cause wrinkles,
being over 18 will cause the notable crevices in the pelvis unless you are fat
the waste that is how the body folds into itself, but note the ribs, you can see them, so this is a sub 20% body fat woman the got the model off of, while not athletic, note the left underarm area and seeing those muscles, that means they did work out and were focusing on I believe that is back/pull up muscles... not 100% sure.

the way the underarms are, again, most women/people don't have smooth underarms at any age, and the way they are holding their arms up causes a crease

teh boobs however are not pancakey, so the person was most likely under 30 or had fantastic genetics to retain them looking like that.

beyond that note the rendering style here, the rendering is fairly sketchy, so it will make things look a bit worse then they really are.

flat and cel is good for comics, but a more painterly approach is better for one offs.

we are very simple below the neck, as long as fat does not extend further then the hips, we find it attractive/see it as female.

however the face... look at white/black/brown/asian faces and tell me how many of them are similar? you remove the face from the equation and make it anime, you suddenly open yourself up to a far larger market then you closed yourself off too, and this is also assuming the person could make a realistic face attractive which very VERY few people are capable of doing.

>> No.5058539


I have seen enough anime rendered realistically that it starts to look ok, there are ones that make a face like lina inverse, there are ones that stay far too real, but look at the eyes those eyes on anything not rendered more real then not dont work.

they could have probably did more work on the mouth, but beyond that i'm drawing a blank as to how to improve without ringing what's there.

>> No.5059383


>> No.5060334

People like familiar characters.
People like porn of familiar characters.
To keep them recognizable they need to have roughly the same artstyle.
Hence the important parts are emphasized.

>> No.5060340

this guy is probably more talented and popular than all of you combined, so i guess your opinions are shit. hue

>> No.5061971

Lack of experience, sheltered from the world. If these inbreds are savagely attacked, they quickly learn. The only language they understand. Talking or teaching is pointless, they'll double down and feel invincible stewing in their shit.

>> No.5062013

How else are you supposed to draw a body with an anime face?

>> No.5063030

Sounds like you can't comprehend that people don't fall neatly into two categories for you to either hate or agree with.

>> No.5063154
File: 75 KB, 740x416, porco-rosso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even this nigga's animations are based on realistic people; how much senile has this old man gone

>> No.5063325
File: 50 KB, 640x480, porco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Cherry-picking the only non-human character out of entire movie.

>> No.5063434
File: 604 KB, 940x1200, 83679076_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5063440

oh god

>> No.5063470
File: 17 KB, 420x354, 1477458375220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want it on me.

>> No.5064958
File: 226 KB, 929x834, 1607426791608-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5064985 [DELETED] 

anyone that disagrees with miyazaki is a literal pleb and brainlet and a NGMI retarded autist moeblob anime lover retard fuck LMAO
if you can't see how that characters based on a human there's no hope for you, if you cant understand what miyazaki was talking about ur a brainlet, im sorry

>> No.5064993

imagine this dudes room

>> No.5065984
File: 66 KB, 558x527, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus is a great example if you want more like OP's.

>> No.5066004

>why do so many artists

You just answered yourself.

>> No.5066102

How do I find more drawings of this style? Is it called something?

>> No.5066898
File: 9 KB, 190x168, Yeah+but+no+flavor+_eebc8a7dc27521f21dee3165d5be7a41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is fucking disgusting. How desensitized to normal porn do you have to be to find this shit sexy?

>> No.5067627

i fucked you

>> No.5067724

Ashley Coom

>> No.5067817

Desensitized is such a stupid fucking word, especially considering how people on this site love gatekeeping? Not being desensitized almost just means you've barely seen any of it and don't know shit

>> No.5067836

we get it, you jerk off 8 hours a day and you got desensitized to the usual grot. no need for a superiority complex over it.

>> No.5067838
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 1FC4FBBA-4517-4C76-B81D-D0F2194F7DBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5068313

truly a philosophical question, very deep, anon , very deep

>> No.5068319

>Bragging about knowing more about degenerate coom fetishes

>> No.5070714

based coomlord, I totally agree

>> No.5070734


>> No.5070739

>Why do so many artists

That's actually very, very strange among japanese artists. I'm not talking about tracing or making realistic bodies + manga head.

But drawing an old woman body like that, or fat, brown, with skin conditions, etc.

One key difference between eastern and western art is the standards. Most anime girls both in body and face are white, young, with a standard skull (forward viscerocranium, round neurocranium), and slim. The character is defined by the eyes, hair and in some cases an irregularity in the body (bigger tits than usual, wider hips, but in general it's standarized).

Now the western art is completely deranged in that sense, it's always some fat nigger brown hairy melanotic albino transgender animal with vitiligo. And the face always tries to be defined by the nose, jaw, browridge, skull shape, etc. Which causes the art to be highly unappealing.

This is all regardless of effort, time and skill put into the pieces.

>> No.5070741


With white I mean fair skinned, altough race always seem to be something between caucasoid and asian.

>> No.5070771

You'll never be a woman

>> No.5072084

much better

>> No.5072233

Not that hard to find sauce for anything man, just use the "yandex" image search, it usually helps find artists by reverse image search.

>> No.5072269


>> No.5072289

>he's at it again

>> No.5072695

These are nice, thanks for sharing.

>> No.5074113

nice you just made it 1/10th as appealing. she looks like a barista now.

>> No.5075390

inconsistency does NOT look good

>> No.5075421

Lol i hate how her face looks like a botched taxidermy

>> No.5076507

This nigga gets it.

literally gay faggots. It looks fucking great. I wish more people did this shit, it's the hottest fucking thing ever. You fagaloons can go eat a bullet while I prefect my craft of a perfectly rendered female body with a superior animu kawaii desu head.