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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5042496 No.5042496 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

>Recommended tablets:

Intuos 3 - Best budget tablet.
Intuos Pro M - The best non-display tablet.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet
Galaxy Tab S7+ - Good premium alternative to an iPad Pro


XP-Pen, Huion, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand - Poor build quality, lackluster pens, bad tilt, struggles to register light pressure, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized. Also watch, Chinese companies shill HARD on /ic/. Check out the webm to understand how bad they are.
Cintiq Pro - Terrible value. The drawing experience might be good, but you're paying way too much for an unreliable product. Dead pixels are frequent, as are black screens of death.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Lenovo - Bad drawing performance.

>> No.5042511

Should I buy a Cintiq Pro 24?

>> No.5042596
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>> No.5042613

Is the iPad pro 2nd gen still the best option?

also inb4 the schizos start posting giant wall of text memes about the OP

>> No.5042700

It depends, are you ok with display tablets on the smaller side? If so, yes.
You have to get used to drawing on glossy glass too, unless you're prepared to buy a matte screen protector.

>> No.5042790

I currently have a Wacom CTL4100 and have a hard time drawing from my shoulder on such a small tablet. My arm gets cramped whenever I use it for long periods of time. Is the Wacom PTH660, the medium sized version, any different or it just a slightly bigger tablet? How is the Wacom One display tablet?

>> No.5042809
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I love Chinese tablets! (XP pen, huion, gaomon)

>> No.5042810
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I just got the kamvas 13 bros
my first screentablet

>> No.5042938

iPad Pros are the ONLY legit choice for digital art.
If you buy anything else, you're a fucking moron.

>> No.5042970

You literally don't need anything else to make good art except one of things. Or even just any reliable screenless-tablet.

Display tablets seem to only excel in hand-eye coordination when it comes to quickly inking line art, and having to do less CTRL-Z's

>> No.5043047

This, this is the take of the guy who hosts these threads. This needs to be highlighted for all to see, capped

>> No.5043083

But you get stuck in the shitty apple walled garden I'll refuse to use apple till the day I die.
Display tablets are like a 60% speed up. I have tasted the experience of the screen and I can no longer return to screenless, screenlet.

>> No.5043220

Based weeb making the OP seethe

>> No.5043295

>got intuos pro recently
>keep accidentally touching my forearm to the lower left hand side, away from the buttons
>app minimizes and changes to switch window mode

how do i turn this shit off?

>> No.5043299

By reflecting on the fact that you bought a non display tablet for $350 in 2020. The fucking state, honestly

>> No.5043300

disable touch

>> No.5043319

Is chinaware (xppen) worth $60 bucks for the most basic medium sized screenless tablet?

>> No.5043325

How's the tilt on other cheapo brands? Huion's tilt is essentially pointless to have, it's all over the place.

>> No.5043330

Works just fine. For the record, I use a cintiq pro 24, but I still use a kamvas 22 plus at work and tried out many screenless tablets over the years. They all get the job done. Wacom offer no value with their intuos pros that makes a $250 price gap worth it.

>> No.5043564

I bought an intuos pro M for $460 (after converting from bongs) It felt exactly the same as my cheap bamboo fun from 10 years prior and I felt like I got scammed. I had no choice at the time though, my bamboo broke in the middle of a job.

>> No.5043702

Wacom is holding on to the Tilt Rotation patent for dear life cause that's the last thing chinese pens need to be decent. If your art doesn't rely on tilt and you're good with just pressure differences, you can get to work with any of them. if you NEED tilt, like for paintings, just save up the few extra hundreds for the tilt.

>> No.5043711

Painting software good enough for replicating real life media also have brush options capable of letting you set the brush shape to pen pressure, removing the need for tilt entirely.

>> No.5043743

For efficiency, bang for the buck, and overall quality for what it is, XP's Deco line is very solid. The only thing better as a screenless would be an Intuos Pro but that's over your threshold. But at that pricetag you might as well start saving for a cintiq.

The Deco01v2 is best for a budget, Deco Pro M is best overall in the price range. Huion is just about the same, I suppose. At $60 you would be lucky to get a used/refurb Wacom of a decent size unless you planned on toughing out their regular square Intuos.

>> No.5043796
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what is even the point of an intuos pro if an entry level wacom tablet does the same thing? the only benefit i can see is a few more hotkeys on the side, but does anyone serious about digital drawing actually use those stupid things? you're far better off using your keyboard like a normal person, or if you're like me, get a tabmate. if you use something other than CSP, get a tabmate and use it with joytokey, or get a wacom remote. i swear to god built in hotkeys and touch inputs on a tablet are the biggest meme of a feature in the world of tablet design.

>> No.5043814

Wacom are pursuing brand value as their main strategy. Its the only way to sustain their prices/paychecks/investor revenue projections.

There plenty of ways to make the intuos pro not shit. Just give it the same etched glass surface as the cintiq pros. That way, the price is justified and the drawing feeling is great. But thats not good enough, because they do NOT want an amazing tablet that lasts forever with absolutely no contact with the customer for decades. They want frequent contact, so they changed the surface to be abrasive, and redesigned all the nibs so that they wear down in a matter of hours. They then redesigned the pen so all the older, harder nibs people have stocked up already wont be compatible, because then they wont buy their nibs. They sell it with "its like paper!!11!" and watch the retard boomer artists who still use the old sturdy forever-lasting tablets they bought when they began recommend everyone use wacom because its the industry standard.

It wont last, of course. But honestly they probably already expect to be acquired by microsoft or apple later down the road and have been planning all of this for ages.

>> No.5043838

I have an XP24Pro and I live for the hotkeys. But it's because my keyboard shelf isn't comfortable to use with a tablet of this size. Plus keeping my arm on the side of the tablet keeps me mindful not to lean over it like it's 2 inches wide.

Really the Wacom Pros are all about the Pens. Which is how most people could tell the [Wacom]One was garbage. The pen is trash.
Once you spend more than 500 with them you start getting the viable stuff.

>Alternatively I hear the screenless One by Wacom is actually really good and getting buried by the screen couterparts failures kek

>> No.5043841

oh yes, i'm well aware of the sandpaper drawing surface shit. even if that wasn't the case, i still don't see the point of buying an intuos pro when you can buy one of their "beginner" tablets of roughly equal size to the one you want and just using keyboard shortcuts or a remote, which is going to give you an virtually identical drawing experience. is it a psychological matter of marketing of people smelling their own farts? if they spend more money on something with "pro" in the name then they feel like they're more professional than if they were producing identical art on a $150 bamboo create?

>> No.5044365

there is no real difference which is why they gimped their budget line by removing features

>> No.5044435
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i've talked before about my distaste for non-display tablets and how i struggled a lot with my first couple of tablets before i finally got a display tablet, and it's like something about it finally clicked for me, but i was curious to see how that has held up, so i switched the active area on my display tablet from the tablet to one of my monitors, and i actually found it slightly easier to draw what i was intending to draw, while using it like a normal tablet. i'm not sure why that is. there must be something different from drawing on a 13 inch screen with my eyes less than a foot away vs drawing on a large display sitting like 3-4 feet away. it almost makes me want to get a normal tablet to try out. i could continue to use my current tablet like this but there's something weird and wrong feeling about using a display tablet without using the display. also if i'm going to use a static tablet, i've heard xp-pens are better than huion and i have a huion, so i may as well get one that's optimized for what i'm using it for.

i think it's possible also that angling it up with a stand may have made it more natural feeling. i remember the regular tablets i've owned and tried to use in the past, i just kept flat on the table, so angling it up could make a difference. it's the only meaningful thing i've changed about the configuration.

the problem though is what should i use as a display. i currently own 3 monitors and only one of them would be good for drawing. a dell U2415 which has 99% sRGB but it's small at only about 23 inches and i always keep it in portrait mode and there's no way i'm going to move it around and rotate it to landscape every time i want to draw, i have too much shit on my desk to be able to move my monitors around on a whim. the big display i tried it on is a TV, and not a super expensive one at that, so it probably has terrible color accuracy and would be bad for painting.

>> No.5044438

Any resources for workspace ergonomics? I recently got a display tablet after using a non-display one for years and my neck and back are killing me after only a few days.

>> No.5044452

are you experiencing back pain from being hunched over the display tablet? it sounds like the solution would be to change something so you don't have to hunch over. either buy a chair that can lower down far enough that you can use your tablet with a straighter posture, or maybe figure out a way to mount the tablet on an arm to put it higher up. what kind of tablet is it? does it have a vesa mount on the back?

>> No.5044469

Yeah, I end up hunching over. I'll play around with my chair and stand height once I feel better. It does have a VESA mount on the back.

>> No.5044485

I'm surprised the Artisul D13 isn't on the list. I own one & love it. It's a great graphics tablet monitor & only $300.

>> No.5044488

you should definitely take advantage of the vesa mount then. although going from my own experience with different things, i imagine having it standing up right in front of you so you can keep proper posture would create the separate problem of making your arms tired from having to have them lifted it in front of yourself for long stretches of time. maybe it wouldn't though. plenty of people who paint and draw on an easel do so in the same configuration and they don't seem to have problems.

>> No.5044812

What's wrong with the Wacom Intuos Pro M?

>> No.5044813

It's a $300 device that doesn't need to be. Now with improved Nib eating texture.

>> No.5044817
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I need a medium sized tablet. What's a good upgrade for this?

>> No.5044824

In Price order lowest to hghest that will work on windows and Mac:
>Deco 01v2 (02 and 03 are also okay)
>Deco Pro M
>Intuos Pro M

If you're anti-China, you're stuck with no tablet cause they're all made in China. If you're just trying to det a tablet and get back to drawing but want it to last you a few years, get a Deco or Intuos.

Basically all the screenless tabs are fine, the Wacom budgets have driver issues, Pros are designed to burn nibs so you have to keep buying them. XP is chinese but their stuff just works. Not a lot of bells and whistles like touch screens but the Deco Pro has a touch wheel, their pens are cheap and come with a shitton of nibs you'll never need. Deco Pro is about $100.

So if you're an American with money get a Wacom. If you're a normie who's broke and likes to draw: Literally anything.

>> No.5044839
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i know problems tend to be experienced by a minority of users but for whatever reason this review stuck out to me. honestly i do not trust wacom drivers at all. the last product of theirs i used was for a bamboo tablet which i didn't use all that much, but it worked ok when i did use it. i have read from multiple different anecdotes that wacom's quality has gone down over the years especially with their software and drivers. if i were the guy you were responding to, i'd just get the deco pro M.

>> No.5044850

This is the model that I currently have, but it's too small for me to draw on so I need to upgrade to a medium sized tablet. I've been using it for about two years and its been fine so far, (just not for very long periods of time) so I thought the next Wacom one would also be fine. The Intuos Pro M. But, I don't understand what's so bad about it beside the cost.

>> No.5044884
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the drivers could very well suck asshole for you. the nibs and drawing surface were designed together to wear down at an accelerated rate, with the drawing surface being made out of what is essentially sandpaper, and the nips being made of glorified moistened gelatin, basically creating a printer ink business model. you can buy a smooth texture sheet for the tablet, and even then i have heard that the 1st party sheet still has enough bite that it doesn't reduce nib wear that much and you have to get a 3rd party smooth sheet to get what the 1st party sheet should have done. basically they invented a disease out thin air just so they could sell you the cure, and even then it isn't a cure, it's just a treatment that reduces the symptoms.

as far as cost is concerned, it costs a retarded amount of money for what it is, compared to competitor's products which do the same thing and function just as well, if not significantly better because wacom hired a retard to program their software. wacom is only the industry leader in name and in the perception of people who keep it this way as an established formality, kind of like how adobe is the industry leader now only because a lot of places like educational establishments and a lot of professional jobs won't hire you or work with you unless you know how to use adobe shit and use and own adobe shit. it's a very artificial and superficial way of being the "industry leader" of your industry.

>> No.5044891

S-so I’m okay buying a Huion?

>> No.5044908

yes, huions work perfectly fine. i personally own a huion kamvas pro 13 that i have been using for the last year and a half roughly, and the only problem i've run into with any frequency is sometimes i plug it in and the active area is one of my regular monitors, but i just open the huion settings program and change the active display to the tablet and it's fine. although i recently tried out the pro 16 and i did not like it. the pen had a manufacturer defect (which huion would have sent me a replacement pen for, had i not returned the tablet to amazon), and the cursor calibration thing was super shitty. i don't know if this was a defect or if it's just how they are. my 13 has never had a problem like that, the calibration has always remained pretty tight as long as you hold your pen in a consistent way.

an anecdote i have heard, but cannot confirm from personal experience, is that huion makes better display tablets than xp-pen, while xp-pen are better at making regular non-display tablets than huion are. so if you want a display tablet, the huion offerings will be slightly better, and if you don't want a display tablet, xp-pen offerings will be a little better.

one thing i have heard though where wacom are superior to the competitors though is their tilt functionality of their pens. whatever technology they're using for tilt is noticeably better than what the other brands have, but tilt is kind of a niche feature that you really only need if you're doing traditional type painting where brush alignment is important. there are a lot of other forms and ways of doing digital painting where this doesn't matter though, like i said it's a niche feature that doesn't matter to 99% of users.

>> No.5044954

yeah. for screenless XP and Huion are the only reasonable choices without being able to continuously pay for nibs, replacement cables, "smoothing sheets" to save nibs.
A Wacom is an Investment these days. If you wanna /just draw/, grab one of the 3rd parties.
You wanna go pro, get a Wacom. You have to pay for it.

>> No.5044955

Is this Medium size any good?

>> No.5044962

So, is there a better medium sized Wacom?

>> No.5044965

Intuos Pro M.
Cintiq 16.
and so on.

>> No.5044966

are you asking if there's a better medium sized wacom than the latest version of the intuos pro? there is an old version of it. never used it but from everything i've heard, it's good because it was made back when wacom wasn't bullshit and they actually somewhat cared about the quality of their products.


>> No.5045120
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i think i'm actually going to go back to a normal tablet from a display tablet. i've found a display tablet to be helpful for digital painting, however after trying to use it as a non-display tablet to see what happens, drawing felt quite a bit more natural and less stilted. i'm gonna hang onto the display tablet but i ordered a deco pro to try out and see how it goes. has anyone else had this experience? it seems like display tablets are almost always seem as linear upgrade but i wonder how often someone gets one and then eventually concludes, after using it for a while, that it may have been holding you back or actively making you shittier for whatever reason. maybe it was the small size of the screen, maybe it's something else. before i got a display tablet, i felt like i couldn't get used to the hand eye coordination dissonance of drawing one place and looking somewhere else and that a display tablet would eliminate that, and there's still a tiny bit of that as it doesn't feel super precise, but mostly it feels fine.

the forehead and brow shapes above are what i was doing while using the display tablet as intended. it was just really stilted. i managed to make something passable inside of the face that i mostly drew while i was using it as intended but it still felt harder and more trial and error laden generally speaking, than how it feels now. i feel like i could make the same thing again now but faster.

>> No.5045131
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>the manufacturer has commented on the review below

>> No.5045152

that dude has transcended the 5head. we are looking at a 7head.

>> No.5045345 [DELETED] 
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By all means, let yourself be conned by the scamming chinese here: >>5044908 >>5044954

In reality, Chinese tablets fucking suck. See webm related.

>> No.5045400 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5045412

Both those posts recommend Wacom.
Wacom is also made in china.
Shut up.

>> No.5045413

Never forget the last couple of times some retards took the schizo's advice
>one purchased a intuos pro M, got reassured by the schizo that the nib wear 'wasn't bad' and had a nib sawn off in record time, went to purchase an additional smooth sheet and found out that it still didn't do shit all for nib wear
>one wasn't even able to purchase a smooth sheet because it was out of stock
>one poor unfortunate had their wacom tablet stuck in the mail for god knows how many weeks until they finally got it
And my favourite posts on the internet are of all the dummies who decided to buy an iPad and now find themselves stuck on Procreate forever being too poor to afford eternal subscriptions for CSP and PS while that shit gets cracked all the time for PC. And then they find out that they have to buy a whole new tablet so they can connect their tablets up to a computer because iOS screen mirroring is stuck in the stone age or also requires a subscription.

Remember to thank the schizo, who hasn't posted a single drawing that it has ever drawn because it never even draws, for giving you the advice you need to stay /beg/ forever by buying an expensive Wacom and iPad whose upkeep cost an unnecessary amount whilst delivering almost zero improvement to your actual art.

Remember never to post in this thread for advice because the schizo samefags to itself and you should either make your own thread or ask in threads where people actually draw rather than post in a thread where the only response you'll get is from a LARPing retard.

>> No.5045436

As an owner of a Huion, I can confirm these issues since the driver software is a mess sincerely, and the hardware is an unportable, clunky mess.

I sincerely enjoy drawing on my Note more, and if the android version of CSP wasn't such a pain in the ass for animation, I would have just sold the Huion off.

Wacom is too far out of my price range, though, and I'm struggling to find something in the middle, not assembled by CCP-mandated sweatshop labor.

>> No.5045442 [DELETED] 

Lmao at the chinese damage control: >>5045400 >>5045412 >>5045413

>Wacom is also made in china.
It's just manufactured in China you stupid idiot. It's designed in Japan.

The thing that actually matters is design. Chink garbage like XP Pen and Huion have horrible chinese design that still have serious issues.

>> No.5045443

Why not just pick up an S6 Lite, then pick up superDisplay and use it with CSP on your PC?

>> No.5045444

who the fuck said nib wear on the intuos wasn't atrocious? my first nib died in a week. This is not an exaggeration, I was working long shifts trying to get work done and the thing fucking melted. My shitty wacom from 10 years prior never needed a single nib change that entire time.

I complained to wacom since I was in the first round of buyers and they offered me a smooth surface for free, they fucked it up and sent me another piece of sand paper then ghosted me.

>> No.5045445

An example of a retard who does not understand how patents work.

>> No.5045447

I unironically read on leddit that you can grind the sandpaper down in order to make the scummy standard sheet (of sandpaper) usable. I think the implication is that you use real sandpaper to grind the intuos sandpaper sheet down.

>> No.5045448 [DELETED] 
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Post you work, champ. Only then will your opinion matter.

>> No.5045452 [DELETED] 

No, you're not getting anything, Chinese idiot. You don't post a shred of your work either.

It doesn't matter anyway, more than enough evidence has been posted that proves your chinese tablets are hot garbage, and can't draw a straight line properly.

>> No.5045457

Confirmed ngmi, I bet this retard doesn't even own a fucking tablet and can't even prove it even owns one (lol

>> No.5045459

Again, you haven't posted anything. This webm >>5045345 says a lot more than a braindead chink shill like you ever will.

>> No.5045463

Put me in the screencap. Imagine being too artistically retarded to draw. No wonder it relies on youtube reviewers for its information, it is even worse than those retards.

>> No.5045464

This is exactly what I did, It's fucking ridiculous I had to resort to that. They made the nibs shorter, thinner and softer so they still wear down after a few months rather than years/never like the old nibs. until this point I liked wacom, After this intuos I'm never buying their scummy shit again.

>> No.5045470

I hope VR takes over so Wacom will kill themselves. Just imagine not being able to digitally wear the nibs down. Or maybe they'll try and scam people by instituting a forced scarcity of VR pen 'uses'.

>> No.5045482

Pff, thought so faggot. I already discarded your opinion months ago but thanks for updating the newbies not to read your drivel.

>> No.5045485 [DELETED] 

>its only manufactured in China.

So you agree.
It's made in China.

>> No.5045487 [DELETED] 

>factory location is all that matters in design process!
keep telling yourself that zhang. won't make huion or xp pens capable of drawing straight lines.

>> No.5045488
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>> No.5045489 [DELETED] 

You're trying desperately hard today, aren't you chink?

>> No.5045494
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Just report and ignore. Maybe one day the mods will actually fucking moderate.

>> No.5045501 [DELETED] 

Keep coping, it's just fucking hilarious. I've been invited to publish my work in multiple fanzines, I've freelanced for multiple websites and my comms sell for 300 bucks a piece. I'm not going to doxx myself to prove you wrong. What do you have? LARPing and being a shitty /pol/tard. Also, unlike you I don't spend all my time giving purposefully shitty advice and samefagging to purposefully shove sandpaper and Apple shit which can barely run any software worth having down the throats of everyone who enters this thread crippling their artistic development so they can only use procreate.

Why should I prove anything when I'm not the one trapping people with purposefully bad advice? It seems like you have no advice at all for the people you've lied to and let them stuck with literal sandpaper for a drawing tablet or the people who you've ripped off and trapped on procreate forever.

All you have is this useless shitposting. So I ask again, why are you recommending people tablets that you have never used if you never even draw? Shouldn't artists recommend other artists tablets?

Answer my fucking question.

>> No.5045503 [DELETED] 

These threads have by far the worst shitposting on the board aside from the dad threads.

>> No.5045505 [DELETED] 

At least people on DAD fucking draw. I would trust Banana far more than this psycho who can't even shit out a single sketch to recommend me a tablet.

>> No.5045510 [DELETED] 

Stay in your container like a good boy.

>> No.5045511

No theyll throw a lithium battery in there from 2003 that has no charge. So you have to keep getting pens or recharging or whatever. The schizo is right about that, Wacom s run by Jews who just want to bleed artists dry.
The Chinese companies focus more on short term improvements so while you have sturdy nibs and tablets that can last a few years, the tech is what Wacom has let go, like their bare minimum.
If Wacom wasn't so jewy with their patents, passive pens wouldn't have taken so long to be an industry standard, tilt wouldn't be a debate since Wacom only ran out of ONE of their tilt patents, and nib eating wouldn't be an issue.

Honestly this should be a red flag for Wacom products.
If your 350 dollar device needs to be sandpapered to properly or comfortably function, that's a fucking problem. Why are you sanding a fucking tool that should have come to you in working condition? Taking apart pens to tighten screws, understandable. Taking an abrasive to the main device for a workable surface? Being strong armed into proprietary shit that's not in stock? If you actively buy an Intuos you should be in Wacoms mailbox batching about the texture being defective from eating those nibs that way. Its obscene.

The Chinese drivers are very hit and miss. I agree. I've had 3 XPs and 2 worked right away. The other had driver issues for a year before I figured out what was wrong. Had replaced it by then.
But I've also had 5 Wacoms in 10 years. The Bamboo lasted all ten and the pen finally exploded, the baby intuos' i were gifted? Right to the pawn shop. They're not bad they not good either. I want to recommend Wacom for quality, but its not there anymore so I can't.

>If you wanna /just draw/

>> No.5045514

Wacom and Adobe, a pair made in hell, what is it about having artists as consumers that turns these companies into greedy fucks. CSP is moving in the same direction and don't forget apple and all their bullshit.

>> No.5045518 [DELETED] 

Funny how you keep deleting my legitimate concerns rather than respond. Keep doing that and I will be reporting your behaviour on the mod feedback and IRC tomorrow.

It won't be the first and the last time.

>> No.5045520

I'll consider that. Thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.5045521

>he agrees.
>Wacom confirmed for Chinese garbage.

>design process
>straight lines
Software and hardware are two separate things, honey. I'm assuming you're a woman based on how emotional you are over a piece of plastic.
There are no mods, just jannies from /pol/ 2who defend the schizo. Thats why the OP has been messed up for the past few months.

>> No.5045525

it’s just a tablet guys...

>> No.5045533

More like the fact that they won't notice what's going on until you talk to them on the IRC

>> No.5045534 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother with XP-Pen or Huion, they still have obnoxious problems that affect drawing performance.

>> No.5045540

And moving this over from /g/ was a fucking mistake

>> No.5045541

Here is a better idea. Ready? It's called ignoring him. You're dealing with a ban evader at this point who probably doesn't draw and bought an expensive Cintiq that sits on his desk collecting dust whenever he doesn't decide to use it as a glorified Osu machine. An anon who spends more than 6 hours per day in a thread about digitizers because trolling the 4chins is much easier to do than, oh I dunno, draw.

>> No.5045542

>was a fucking mistake
You sure love saying "fucking" a lot, don't you sperg? Your angry posting style is embarrassing.

>> No.5045545

There's literally no point in not bringing it up. This thread, as it is, is one of the worst threads on /ic/ because of this shitposter.

>> No.5045551

So this retard is from g? That explains much. Just a fucking tech hoarder who doesnt do any inkling of art who in his utter delusion thinks his opinion matters here.

>> No.5045553

And I think you also forget how frequently rangebans were instituted when hiromoot first came. The pass is a big demotivating factor for any shitposter.

>> No.5045557

No he's reverse /g/.

>> No.5045564

I have that model of intuos pro M. It's ok, in terms of nib wear and surface quality. A lot better than the modern ones, it seems. I've been using it for three or four years and I've gone through maybe one or two nibs. The surface has gotten a little shiny, especially at the center, but there aren't any notable non-cosmetic scratches. Wacom's default cord failed pretty quickly but my replacement cord has held up for at least 3 years, I bet. I don't unplug and move it around too much, because my last intuos got fucked by that loosening the internal port, but I do sometimes, and it still works fine.

For software, the drivers are ok-ish. Sometimes it works if I just plug it in. Other times I need to restart the service. Very occasionally I need to reboot because my pc won't acknowledge the tablet after I've unplugged it fof a while (but normally it recognises it). When that happens too much, I clean out and reinstall the drivers, and things go back to working properly. I've only had to do that once, for this issue.

However, I only install drivers from ~2017 or earlier, because last time I tried updating in ~2018, the newer version immediately bricked pen pressure. Kek.

>> No.5045565 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother with XP-Pen or Huion, they still have obnoxious problems that affect drawing performance.

By the way janitor, this is relevant to the thread. More relevant than the constant bitching and moaning you're letting fly.

>> No.5045567

Sounds like he's nailed you good.

>> No.5045572

I'm one of the people who discourages chinese tablets, you're the definition of a spastic. I pop in like once a day, and every single time I discourage purchasing XP pen or Huion, you go berserk.

>> No.5045575

Don't be scared anon, all things must end.

>> No.5045578

Why are you popping in once per day for equipment you purchase once every 5 years at best? Does that sound right to you?

>> No.5045582

Wacom tablets are literally made in China though. My pth51 was, and it's apparently one of the less shit models of intuos pro.

>> No.5045583

More like the only person, when the IP counter doesn't even increase.

>> No.5045584

Why are you here 10+ hours a day desperately trying to convince people to buy your shit quality Deco trash? And getting extremely aggressive towards anyone who discourages it? It's Lmost like you have a vested interest...

>> No.5045588

quality projection

well have fun I guess, not my time being wasted.

>> No.5045589

Just stop

>> No.5045590

Buying a tablet that eats nibs at a hundred dollar inflated rate is retarded, dude. Also, I know quite a few people who have switched to xp or huoin, and they have far fewer (or no) tablet driver issues. The problems probably still occur to others, but if the rate is lower, it's still a, better driver. Not that anon btw.

>> No.5045593

>ching chong samefagging on multiple devices in sheer desperation again
lol, so embarrassing...

>> No.5045594
File: 18 KB, 275x275, 1596756761805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just dont know what you're talking about. Almost in an innocent way, you dont use any of them. You dont draw. You assume that with a bit of line wobble that makes the entire tablet worthless, even though it immediately gets squashed by even the smallest bit of stabilizer, which virtually everyone uses. You'd know this if you were an artist.

Instead, you continue to tell beginners to literally throw money down the toilet based on nothing whatsoever but your personal, superficial political beliefs.

>> No.5045599

>he still thinks its one person he's been arguing with

Jesus, the schizo part wasnt a meme was it

>> No.5045600

Not that he would know anything about the fact that I had to write a fucking bat script so I didn't give myself carpal tunnel restarting wacom services. Did you know it actually takes two restarts of every wacom service to restore tablet pressure when it fails sometimes?

I didn't know either, until I bought an intuos pro M. At least it doesn't happen every single day like my old bamboo.

>> No.5045603

It is one person, and it's very clearly you. You've done it several times in the past as well, embarrassing idiot.

>> No.5045606

Keep projecting your insecurities, Zhang. It won't fix the line wobble on XP Pen garbage.

>> No.5045609

The cope, lmao.

The same ineptitude that limits your vocabulary is the same that hinders you from noticing that its just you vs several people.

>> No.5045610
File: 1.07 MB, 1439x1534, Tab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Nah, I never counted, just kept restarting or rebooted if I had to as a last resort, but my drivers are from 2017 and csp is less picky than sai, so things ended up not being too overly shit. That's fucking insane, though.

You must be genuinely anencephalic. God, some of you retards belong in a goddamn straitjacket. I'm >>5045564
This anon.

>> No.5045615

Just use a bat file, there's a great one on google that automatically restarts wacom services in admin mose. Restarting/rebooting is a waste of time and breaks your concentration

>> No.5045618

I completely forgot about all the times I had to restart my work pc when I had a tonne of important shit open because my wacom driver failed again, days where I was working overtime to get something done and it died, making me stay later. In less than 2 years I used every replacement nib in the pack.

>> No.5045620

Before the sandpapering, I think I went through two nibs in wacom in like 5 years

>> No.5045627

Oh, thanks for letting me know, didn't realise that that existed. I'll go look it up later, but thankfully my tablet has been really cooperative since my last driver reinstallation.

Funnily enough, I recommended installing older drivers to someone else and it fixed a lot of their issues, too. It's really pathetic how much worse the modern drivers have gotten.

Are they literally sandpaper textured, out of curiosity? Or just an incredibly wasteful paper texture? I've never felt one of the newer intuos pro models (any that look different from the old intuos 5).

>> No.5045635

Was about to ask myself, surprised on how these anons managed to use all the nibs when I'm on my second (Intuos 5), why do you all sandpaper it?

>> No.5045648

I'm assuming it's something to do with the newer tablet surfaces, and apparently a decrease in nib hardness as well? The intuos pro 5 and older intuos 5 I own (that look like the same model, pretty much) are both fine for nib wear, and the centre of the screen is getting shiny but not scratched in any detrimental way, so if new wacoms are wearing shit down in weeks, that's utterly depraved.

>> No.5045650

I tried a new intuos pro out at a demo in the techshop downtown, the nib was burned to shit (no surprise, public use) but the surface did feel somewhat rough. Like paper, but very high quality paper. The thing is, the surface texture on the cintiq 24 pro feels awesome to use, AND the nib doesnt burn down at all. They could just use the etched glass on their intuos pro line, somewhat justifying the price. But experience isnt what theyre looking for, theyre looking for frequent customer contact and a justification for it.

>> No.5045651

I sanded mine down so I forgot what its like, it doesn't feel terrible, probably what some people would refer to as paper texture. It was a concerted effort alongside reducing the material and strength in the nibs, they even made the entire surface replaceable so in case you actually smoothed it out you could pay them for the privilege of turning it back into sandpaper.

>> No.5045662

No, they look and feel awesome but slightly more chalkboardy. Especially if you're new to tablets, the old ones you'd believe would be too smooth. It's not literally sandpaper. It just eats up nibs and is rougher than the old texture. Other than the driver issue and the texture there is no issue with the tablet. Other than the fact that my pen died like 2 years in. I believe it's because someone killed it while I was away, but yeah (it wasn't in the same place where I left it). And I also dropped it three times and have hardwood floors so maybe it was me but I think it died while I was away because it worked perfectly before I went. That's another misery I'm not going to forget anytime soon and the source of my longest drawing hiatus in 2 decades of drawing. There appears to be an annoying issue in 3dcoat where wacom flicks cause zoom to zoom forever. And a minor one in sai 2 where setting the opacity of the layer causes the cursor to flicker like crazy and an annoying one in PS where you can't alter curves and crops with your wacom tablet it snaps. A mouse works fine so it has to be the driver.

My old bamboo had shoelacing in PS, however, a dying usb cord which was replaced with a 2$ one from ebay and the aforementioned driver issues especially noticeable because I used my bamboo for sometimes over 8 hours.

>> No.5045667

So sandpaper actually works?

>> No.5045670

you would need to use a very fine grit, You could also just use a piece of plastic and rub it for a few hours to simulate years of nib use, I did this with my first one and it worked.

>> No.5045676

Okay, thanks for telling me!

>> No.5045677

Oh, interesting. I've never tried a Cintiq, but that sounds pretty nice, though I suppose smoothish plastic isn't so bad after you get used to it. It's atrocious that they haven't added that much despite boosting the price by at least a hundred dollars (I think it's actually nearly a difference of 200$ here).

Damn. I guess paper tex would feel nice, but that's retardedly wasteful, and decreasing nib quality is straight maliciousness.

One of my pens ended up separating into bits and works, but has insane lag. The other one I did get into water but it's fine, which does say reasonably decent things for their durability.

It's really incredible that wacom still hasn't managed to improve their drivers, despite how much time they've had.

Anyways, thanks. If both my tablets die, I sure hope I won't be buying wacom, kek.

>> No.5045684

you can use a credit card or something to rub it, the nibs will still wear down but it'll take months instead of days.

>> No.5045701

>It's really incredible that wacom still hasn't managed to improve their drivers, despite how much time they've had.
Yeah, but they also have to deal with microsoftshit cancer APIs. And Wacom has had the longest time to understand it. I'm pretty sure that they have to tweak their drivers for every single art program in existence to get it to work smoothly, which is why I think that purchasing old wacoms sounds good on paper but could end up as a really bad idea. The fact that they fuck up frequently might be to do with Windows.

It's probably the same reason that I'd be iffy about xp/huion. I've noticed that there are no official Wacom drivers for Linux and I thinks it's again to do with the tailoring to programs that they can't be assed to do for linux.

I'm still hoping that they'll reverse the sandpaper decision. No one likes it. In fact, I don't think anyone outside of the crazy in this thread even recommends wacoms anymore and even on the pro forums/discords people are picking up wacom's competitors. I think it's likely Wacom as a company will die before they remove the shittty texture though. But I'll wait and see if they reverse decision before picking up a new tablet for sure before deciding.

>> No.5045706

Thank you to those with Galaxy S6 Lites for the help, I've just bought mine today!

What kinds of apps do you guys use? I'm thinking of getting Autodesk for it.

>> No.5045722

The failed replacement for wintab (windows ink) fucks with a lot of stuff, after updating windows and my drivers I'm getting jitter in Photoshop that goes away temporarily when I disable or enable it in wacoms pen settings. I don't know whether to blame adobe, wacom, microsoft or all three.

Every professional artist I worked with was put off by wacoms recent actions and was thinking about alternatives but they were all too scared to try any of the Chinese brands, myself included. As soon as another company provably matches their performance everyone is jumping ship.

>> No.5045729

Autodesk sketchbook was the last drawing program I ever learned for fun before I became soulless and only ever learned industry standard art programs. It's very fun to doodle in but I think it's a bit abandoned although it will remind you why you like drawing. In any case, that s6 should be basically a mini cintiq so you can experiment with both android apps and use it for interacting with computer programs so experimenting is the best part.

>> No.5045742

superDisplay is a must-have because it lets you use it as a display tablet for PC, and functions surprisingly well.

Make sure to check out all of Infinite Painter, Ibis Paint, Artflow, Autodesk Sketchbook and Medibang too. And make sure to get your 6 months of CSP free from the Samsung Store (not google play).

>> No.5045744

I've gotten no jitter with wacom intuos pro m 2 on the latest driver in photoshop, except for the fuckery with the curves and the cropping which is painful to say the least but I guess I shouldn't complain because I got off easy. I am using the PS October 2020 update from m0bkrus but I understand if you're on an older version and don't want to update because photoshop became an even bigger ramhog. But if you are on a newer version, that's oof. You can report on photoshop feedback issues but they barely patch any bugs at all. But you might get lucky...

Also if you have the psuser config I'd try it without it as I have noticed that it introduces angles into my strokes and significantly degrades the quality of them. Probably not your jitter cause but..

>> No.5045745

I guess I also have windows update permadisabled so maybe it could also be the newer Windows Inks fucking it up

>> No.5045748

I was thinking of experimenting, as I do use a Cintiq and Photoshop - I wanted to grab the S6 to doodle on the go! I've used sketchbook on my phone but I don't have a pen for it so I just play around!
I have been seeing that, would I need to connect my tablet to my computer constantly for SuperDisplay to work?
Thank you though! I'll make a Samsung Account once I get and set up my tablet!

>> No.5045764

Kojima forced me to update windows. I'm also using PS 2017 or something, I know it has something to do with PS using windows ink instead of their own shit like every other drawing app, it wouldn't surprise me if wacom is optimizing for modern Photoshop versions. I can fix it by removing psuser config and switching to windows ink but then I have modifier key popups which are impossible to turn off and drive me crazy.

Instead of putting up with adobes shit I just bought a copy of CSP and its working out fine so far.

>> No.5045771

So I have a Cintiq Pro (it was a gift from several years ago) and my laptop recently kicked the bucket (tldr the hinges died). I'm looking to get another laptop instead of a pc for mobility reasons, but it's hard finding laptops with compatible ports. Cintiq Pro users, what is your computer situation like? Would it be easier to just say fuck the Cintiq Pro and get something else entirely? The tablet itself is still in top condition, the only problem with it is the annoying fucking drivers and specific port requirements.

>> No.5045788

Wacoms drivers have to fight Mac and Windows to do what they need too. Windows updates so often there are bound to be things that interfere.
I was apprehensive about XP when my Bamboo finally gave out. After dealing with Wacom for so long I was actually overwhelmed that in exchange for not having an eraser on the pen I got an extra pen, nibs, a display, and they actually responded when I asked for driver help.

I've never used a huion but I have no need or desire to try them. I have something that works.

>> No.5045792

It only needs one hdmi output and one usb output, so Im not sure what you mean with specific port requirements

>> No.5045802

So my HS611 just fucked up and the Stylus won't even register with it. I found about this thread too late it seems. Any good affordable non-display tablets that I can replace this one with?

>> No.5045804

Nice try, retard.

>> No.5045807

Not every laptop has mini displayports, and most of the ones that do are higher end, and I don't really want a mac, which is the only type compatible with their usb-c alternative mode bs which they expect you to use. I just want to see what other Cintiq Pro users have and compare with my other requirements.

>> No.5045810

Used Intuos off ebay, brother.

>> No.5045822

I just use a pc my guy. The cintiq pro is for studios, its the least mobile tablet family imaginable.

>> No.5045827
File: 252 KB, 1200x1200, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could afford a wacom cintiq 24 pro, but the question I have is, do I even need a display tablet?

I am a complete beginner who is studying in uni a programming degree. I want to, during the next couple years, also learn how to draw so that in the future I can create my own video games as far as the art and code is concerned. That is my dream.

Should I buy a display tablet or get an Intuos Pro M instead which I see is the best non display one apparently?

What is the difference between a non display and a display one in reality? I realise with a display tablet your hand would "block" a little bit of the screen, but obviously with a display tablet you at least get to draw "normally" on the screen.

Thanks anons!

>> No.5045829

Also in case of someone recommending me to go with the non-display route, what sort of monitor should I look at? Specs wise

>> No.5045833

Huh? My lenovo laptop has an usb c.
To others: apparently with hdmi u dont get the 4k res so while that's common, you wouldn't want to use it for the cintiq pro

>> No.5045836

You go with what you can afford.

>> No.5045838

You know what? Yeah, go buy an intuos pro medium. No, get a large in fact. Theyre really the best on the market, and offer tremendous value for money. Wacom is the best after all! Itll make your skill increase ten fold. $350 for a non display is a really good choice, because its reassuringly expensive. It must be good because its 3 times the price of its competitors.

>> No.5045841

350 bucks isn't that much to 1st worlders with good career prospects, anon.

>> No.5045847

>its the least mobile tablet family imaginable.
Unfortunately true, as I've come to realize.

Is it compatible with usb-c alternative mode?

>> No.5045854

You don't need a display tablet, plenty of pros use standard intuos tablets. If you have no experience with them they will take a couple months to adjust to so you can pay triple and overcome that temporary hurdle I guess. I purposely don't upgrade because I value portability.

When I'm buying a monitor I just make sure its at least IPS, there's probably more in depth statistics about color range you can look into.

>> No.5045858

Im aware. I spent 2k euros on my tablet. But spending 350 on something thats not better than a same thing for 60 makes you a dumbass, in every objective sense, especially since you are as you imply a first worlder without any supply limitation and all the choices in the world.

>> No.5045892

When buying a monitor or screen tablet you need good contrast ratio and screen resolution, and good color range is nice but you should focus on contrast and resolution first.

With IPS didplays, never buy bezel-less displays by the way. I did that not knowing about the awful light bleed. Its been a month and already the bleed is growing, it really bothers me.

>> No.5045916

>Budget up to $400, but prefer to spend less
>Display tablet, doesn't have to be portable, but would be nice
>At least 12 inches

Fairly new to drawing and I'm thinking of getting a display tablet to work digitally any recommendation or should I wait for sales?

I was thinking of getting pic related, but I was wondering if there are any better options or if the Samsung Galaxy is the better choice.


>> No.5045918

>for university
If you want a display, cintiq 16 pro if you can. Unless this is going to be your only tablet and its never moving for the next 10 years, then get the 24.

>Source: i got a 24" drawing tablet, my guy. Would never recommend for student life.

>> No.5045920
File: 139 KB, 1500x1375, HUION Kamvas 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post pic

>> No.5045925

What's a cheap and shitty laptop that I can use with my shitty and cheap non-display tablet that can actually run Photoshop?

>> No.5045928

>1st worlders with good career prospects
Okay but people who do art for a living, aka anyone here planning on making it, know art is not a good career for money. So if someone asks for something that gets the job done on a budget, Intuos Pro is the wrong answer.
You just missed the black Friday sales. Kamas 13 or XP13 Pro should be fine. Both are sub 400 and have decent unpaid reviews. Next option is the Wacom One but its been performing awful for its price and name.

Alternatively, If you're one of those Americans afraid of anyone not white, pen and paper work.

>> No.5045929

Xp pen 15.6 pro is around your price range at a comfortable size.

>> No.5045939

>or if the Samsung Galaxy is the better choice.
Easily the better choice because it has a Wacom pen.
Chinese pens still have line wobble.

>> No.5045943

Even wacom has some line wobble. They just have stabilizers in their drivers whereas others have to apply that from their program. Are you high?

>> No.5045951

I'm aware of missing the Black Friday sales and it seems most of Cyber Monday sales are over, but there's probably going to be Christmas sales coming and I'm wondering if there will be some better options by then.

>> No.5045972

oh, art will never be my main thing for money

>> No.5045979

oh, that explains why my bezel-less LG has a fuck tonne of light bleed and my old dell doesn't. I never cared too much about buying the best monitor beyond color accuracy because 99% of people viewing the art are going to have worse monitors than me.

>> No.5046095

>/beg/ buys a more expensive tablet than me
i know this shouldn't make me mad but it does

>> No.5046202
File: 3.98 MB, 2654x2661, mfw micro usb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i assume it has a micro usb port, correct? did you know that that port loosening thing is actually relatively common any device that contains a micro usb port because, generally speaking, micro usb is the least mechanically robust usb connector. during the era of micro usb being the standard, manufacturers would add it to everything, even when they could have used mini usb instead, which is sturdier and more robust and never had this problem of ports shitting the bed after so much use. it's also not that much bigger, not big enough to make an appreciable difference to compactness in most use cases. the only valid reason to use a micro usb port in a device is if the device is so small that mini usb is too big for it, well aside from "muh universal standard". mini usb should have remained the standard while micro was a niche thing that was only used when it was actually a necessity. i'm so glad we're past micro, because the C connector does not seem to have any long term durability problems. it's what micro should have been in the first place. a good way to look at micro is not that it was it's own thing, you should view it as C alpha, because that's what it is.

>> No.5046230

>Other than the driver issue and the texture there is no issue with the tablet

kek, just wanted to point out how silly this is when you put it into perspective

>other than the fact that the engine in my car is a piece of shit that just stops running randomly while i'm driving it and needs to be restarted constantly, and that the car only uses a special type of proprietary tires that wear down so much that you have a new flat tire once a week, it's a britty gud car tho, all else considered.

>> No.5046310

The Huion Kamvas 24Pro model seems pretty damn solid.

>> No.5046341

>They just have stabilizers in their drivers whereas others have to apply that from their program.
That is complete and utter bullshit and you know it, idiot.

>> No.5046349

Except it's not, because it's cheaply made, breaks easily and still has pen jitter.

>> No.5046353

Is a Huion KAMVAS Pro 16 (15.6 inch display) decent? Not going pro or anything, I just want a big draw area + can't stand non-display tabs + don't have $2000 for a 24incher

>> No.5046359

If its available, grab the 22 plus instead. 104% adobe RGB coverage, 1200:1 contrast ratio and a comfy 22 inch display

>> No.5046377

Hmm. I could have sworn one of the recent Chinaware tablets didn't have the line wobble.

>> No.5046378

Thanks. Not much more expensive than what I was considering and the size is perfect.. Is there any considerable difference between these?




>> No.5046385
File: 2.96 MB, 1280x720, chinesetabs_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webm related is the latest, most expensive XP pen on the market. It has wobble, among other issues.

>> No.5046386

Anyone have anything to say about Veikk display tablets? I'm favoring the VK1560 Pro over competing models because it ships with more stuff and doesn't have an octopus cable. I can spend up to $550 before shipping to SA. Wacom's outside of my price range.

>> No.5046427

This was similar to my experience with huion, for what it's worth.

>> No.5046444

>look, I posted it again!

>> No.5046447

lol look at the back of the pen when he's drawing the line with the ruler, blow the video up and look at it fullscreen you can actually see him wobbling it back and forth slightly

>> No.5046577

If everything is chinese or made in china then what do I buy....

>> No.5046583

Chinkshit tablets work fine.

>> No.5046586

I heard that Huions work fine at first but then stuff breaks and support is terrible to deal with even if it's still in warranty. Is this true or a meme spread by an army of Wacom and XP-Pen paid shills?

>> No.5046589

As outlined in the OP, this thread is filled with chinese shills, including the guy you're conversing with.

Just buy a used Wacom. Affordable, and still much more reliable.

>> No.5046597

depends on how long you consider "at first" to me. i have a huion that i've been using on and off for over a year and a half and it still works fine.

>> No.5046606

Is it a display or regular tablet?

>> No.5046607

There are no Wacom shills in this thread. Buy a Wacom.

>> No.5046608
File: 218 KB, 606x606, 0befbdb5230c824a04d95309b30bcf4d10fa5efa437f9ff265c6b93e2ef037fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


something can only be affordable compared to something else which is less affordable. wacom alternatives are affordable compared to wacom. what the fuck else are you looking at that makes wacom look affordable by comparison?


>> No.5046609

If youre unlucky, youll get a shit unit. But thats the same with cintiq pros and ipads as well. The same rule applies to all, especially if youre in the EU, just get it sent back. Amazon takes it back no questions asked within the first month anyway. Keep in mind that you could buy 4 of those H160 V2s, and still be $110 under the cost of a single intuos pro, which comes with its own huge load of nibwear issues.

And like the schizo suggested, you COULD also just buy a handmedown tablet, but youll be without warranty and using someone elses secondhand shit. And itll STILL cost way more than the H610 V2.

>> No.5046611

What is it about the word "used" your small brain is having difficulty understanding?

>> No.5046618

I mean, even if a $60 dollar tablet breaks in a year, which it wont if you just use common sense when handing it, you could purchase a new one yearly and itd take you 7 fucking years to spend the amount you would have spent on an intuos pro medium.

>> No.5046621


I'm >>5045610, so I have two slightly older screenless wacoms, ones that would count as "used wacoms" as per the other guy's standards. my first tablet was an intuos 5 (back when it was bamboo/intuos). the internal port shat out really quickly and I had to get it sent in to get it fixed, and it was still under the 2y warranty, so I thought it'd be fine, since upon googling, I found that a lot of the tablets had port issues.

instead, it took forever to ship it over and get it back, and we had to pay about 90$ on top in the end, I think, or something around there.

so I still have my wacom intuos 5 and now I have an (almost identical) wacom intuos 5 pro, or whatever. the first pen started collapsing a while ago and the top and bottom halves came loose, but it was still functional, just with quite a bit of pen lag. i switched to my backup pen, which occasionally creates a few trails here and there but is still perfectly fine otherwise.

inb4 shill. i've never used a modern, battery-free huion, or an xp-pen. however, i've heard excellent things about their drivers from people I know personally that have switched over from wacom.

i would not buy a used tablet like this retard recommends. you won't even get their shit CS and warranty.

also, the inflated price of int pro mediums is patently ridiculous.

>> No.5046625

yeah i caught that after i hit "post". too bad we can't edit posts, but that would cause more problems than it's worth

>> No.5046630

I see. Considering the Kamvas Pro 16 on newegg, my budget is about $500 and I want a display tablet.

>> No.5046665

what is newegg's return policy on tablets? if you get a 16 pro and it's anything like the one i got from amazon to try last week, the cursor alignment will make it unusable. i don't even mean from moving it around, i mean it is impossible to get the cursor under the nib even if you always hold it the exact same way, even if you're holding it so that the pen is perfectly perpendicular to the tablet standing straight up.

it's off in a spot, like 3 mm under and 1mm to the left of where you tapped, so you try to correct it by offsetting it in the opposite direction the same amount that it's off, and now it's off again, and no matter how much you do this and how precise you try to be, it never centers. now imagine that, but instead of just one calibration point to tap, there are 9 of them. don't buy it unless you can send it back to wherever you got it from for a full refund.

>> No.5046687

>what is newegg's return policy on tablets?
Newegg's return policy on stuff looks reasonable enough, but I'll keep that in mind, although I'm edging towards XP-Pen since I know a popular artist that not only shills, but uses XP-Pen products as his daily driver, not a single Wacom in sight.

>> No.5046747

Still shilling as desperately as ever, eh Chang?

>> No.5046762

Professionals don't use Huion or XP-Pen.

>> No.5046768

Are you that legitimately retarded, or is this newfag bait?

>> No.5046771

too terminally braindead to come up with a nonshitter response to the criticism of wacom tablets that exists in this very thread, huh? it's positively insane that you think that shilling for wacom isn't the same as shilling for anything else. stop being a brand-loyal faggot, and remember that wacom is made in china, just like everything else.

>> No.5046785

Welp, Chang's getting angsty again, and back to samefagging on multiple devices.

>> No.5046799


sincerely wonder how this schizoid faggot functions in real life. does he just convince himself everyone that disagrees with him is a samefag so that he doesn't have to use an ounce of his barely existent brain to process any contentious opinions?
do you realise that larping or pretending to be this retarded on a shitty anonymous tablet help thread isn't pretending, it's just being a massive fucking retard? stop fellating wacom's two bit schlong and get help, or go draw, or do some shit that doesn't involve flailing at imagined ghosts on 4chan.
we type differently, I have identified myself previously as an owner of a tablet that the other guy probably doesn't have, and I really don't know how else anyone is supposed to convince your type-b disordered ass that, no, there are, in fact, multiple people that disagree with you.

>> No.5046836

>professionals only use adobe software so shut the fuck up and pay the subscription. c'mon paypiggy. we wanna hear your wallet squeeeeal

>> No.5046848

>paying for adobe products

>> No.5046863

>restating my point

>> No.5046880

Let me hear your recommendations then.

>> No.5046987

This post was already deleted for ban evasion.

>> No.5047121
File: 870 KB, 892x1635, wacom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a matter of time before pros start recommending xp pen over wacom's outrageous prices.

>> No.5047182
File: 668 KB, 775x436, Aleister the invoker invoking cocytus yugioh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intuos Pro M - The best non-display tablet.
I guess this is a good choice, I'm basically just gonna draw some shitposts for a /vg/ thread I follow. Is the size too small for more professional work? Should I get an L or is the M better for the portability?

>> No.5047209
File: 38 KB, 351x352, 3b26539d2dfbe16a8b944498944a48bf22130ea97c1ae1883fbe7ba5be3248ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


current gen intuos pro line has been talked about to death already in this thread, thoroughly discussing it's glaring flaws and why you should consider alternative options. for portability, the M or an equivalent sized alternative is always going to be more portable than a larger one. the L or something of equal size is kind of like a cintiq 24 in that it's only practical as something that sits in a studio and hardly ever moves from place to place

>> No.5047267

Anyone here with a huion 22 or without a recessed usbc port able to tell me if they can use a usb c extension cable?

where I have to put the monitor is to far away from where the ports are so something needs to give, either a usbc extension or a sub/hdmi from the computer side, and i'm trying to find out if just a usbc extension cable will work.

>> No.5047300
File: 192 KB, 2000x1250, extension cords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't have experience with the problem you're talking about but the only way to find out is to try it. personally i think it would make more sense and have a higher likelihood of functioning properly to use an hdmi extension cable and a standard usb extension cable on the hdmi and usb plugs coming out of the end of the 3 in 1 cable. when you use a usb extension cable on it's own, it's possible that, due to extending the length the signals and power have to travel, they can lower in current below spec and it won't work properly. the solution to this is to use a powered extension cable to boost the signal so that it can make it all the way to the end of the extension without any loss of signal, but i don't know if that would be necessary. my advice is that all you can do is try it. i would go with the hdmi and usb extension first and see if that works. the thing that makes me worried that putting a C extension on the tablet side of the cable is that there's a current going through it from the wall adapter. i don't know enough about electronics to know if that makes a difference but it puts it out of the bounds of my knowledge. if i were you i would try the hdmi and usb extension thing first, and if you need to extend the wall adapter cord as well you can just use any wall socket extension cord, you can get pretty short ones only like 5 feet long with 3 outlets on the end if you don't need something super long.

>> No.5047310

usbc is known for powering laptops at this point so there are many extension cables capable of delivering 100 watts, signal degradation could happen regardless of which side I extend, I do have a question though, as this monitor can effectively be placed behind my desk without a care in the world about cable management, how long are the leads on the other side of the 3 in one cable? its possible I could set it up with the 3 in 1 and not have to worry about an extension cable to even use it.

>> No.5047313

i don't know about the 3 in 1 that comes with the huion 22, like if it uses a non standard cable, but the one that comes with the pro 13 and 16 and a few other models, according to this listing, is 1.8 meters long. not sure what that is in freedom units. https://www.amazon.com/KAMVAS-Graphics-Drawing-Monitor-Included/dp/B07NV73DBQ

>> No.5047316

5-6 feet, closer to 6, but some slack is needed to not risk fucking up jacks... that's possibly long enough to get by but not permanent.

>> No.5047320

whoops sorry i just realized you were talking about the leads specifically. from where the come out of the splitter to the start of the plugs (the power cable, usb, and hdmi), on my 3 in 1 is about 15 inches. i tried a new huion tablet recently though and i noticed the 3 in 1 it came with, the cable overall was a few inches longer so the leads might be slightly longer on a new tablet, or 15 inches at least. i'm not going to take my cable out of my desk but i guess the usbc lead is 1.8 meters minutes 16 inches to account for the splitter.

>> No.5047323

I have a few non pretty ways I could run the cable, thanks.

>> No.5047378

How did it get fucked up? Did it happen to the stylus or the tablet or was it a driver issue?

>> No.5047412

is pen pressure a meme? not saying it isn't important but sometimes i suspect that anything over 4000 or possibly even anything over 2000 is imperceptible to a person, or at least imperceptible to 99.9% of people. really try to wrap your head around how many 2000 is.

>> No.5047465


>> No.5047539
File: 58 KB, 325x300, 1596149531396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just spent the last few hours reinstalling windows because when I uninstalled an intuos driver to troubleshoot an issue, it also deleted the driver for my mouse.

Thanks, Wacom!

>> No.5047564

Wrap your head aroun it like this.

In theory 2000 pressure levels would allow you to make a smooth taper with 2000 px brush if you used the entire pressure range.

But that is if everything worked flawlessly.

Having 4000 or 8000 pressure levels allows you to only use a part of your pressure range. You don't need to bottom out your pen pressure, you might just set it to max at relatively light pressure.

But in reality the numbers are all past the point of importance. What does actually matter is how ACCURATE it is.
The shittier ones might report spikes or jumps like from 0 to 600 which is basically 10% of max or a spike between
5% and 10%

I tested the samsung pens in the store they were on the shittier side and had pretty high initial activation force.

As for the chinks they arent fine tuned at the factory. You might either get a sample that's really insensitive or a sample that immediately jumps from 0 to 10% pressure but the good thing is that you can actually fine tune it yourself, there's a tiny tuning screw inside the pen.

>> No.5047709

>there's a tiny tuning screw inside the pen.
Looks like this is true of Samsung pens too

>> No.5047718
File: 129 KB, 314x278, 1597952264003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's a tiny tuning screw inside the pen.

>> No.5047723

There's a fucking potentiometer with a flat screwdriver slot on the pcb inside the pen.

Adjusting it fixes the initial force/ shoelacing on the chink tablets.

>> No.5047727
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>> No.5047728
File: 30 KB, 600x800, 1589975945720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I've learned something new today. Thanks anon.

>> No.5047906

You keep saying this word, angryboy. You sure love emphasizing your ferocity in this thread, don't you shill?

>> No.5048072

How do you actually take the pen apart to get to the potentiometer though? My huion pen always seemed like took two parts of a shell, put the components inside, and closed the whole thing by flying the two shell pieces together

>> No.5048074

*Gluing the two parts of the shell

Really gotta proof read my phone posts before hitting post

>> No.5048080

On my Deco Pro its right under the rocker button, its enough to simply pull the button and there's an access hole for the potentiometer.

On other pens you might need to unscrew the front tip or find a tiny screw under the rubber grippy thing. Im not sure how exactly are the huions put together google it or something.

>> No.5048259
File: 53 KB, 800x450, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons Help! Time-sensitive question
I'm fucking retarded and i bought ipad pro 4th gen instead of 2nd gen, don't even ask why or how. My question is drawing-wise:
-Is it as good/better than 2nd gen and i should stick with it
-Is it worse than 2nd gen and i should return it while i can and get proper 2nd gen

>> No.5048271

It's better, but far worse value. You're paying a large premium for a better camera than the 3rd gen, which is a meme for drawing hardware.

Return it.

>> No.5048777
File: 323 KB, 1004x1283, yukarigun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone tried to pull off a "my tablet never arrived" scam? asking for a friend

>> No.5048805

Yeah, maybe 20 years ago that would've worked.
Now all the delivery companies check and triple check if the package has been delivered and i'm pretty sure most companies pay for delivery confirmation.
If a deliveryman tried to fuck you over and take your package, he could, he just would need to confirm delivery.
Unless you have hard video evidence of the package not being delivered in the timeframe it has been confirmed to be delivered.
If you can't provide that and still claim that you didn't get the package, you could get in legal trouble.
If you claim the package has been stolen because it was left outside of your door, you must provide evidence.
That's why many people now have put hidden cameras in front of their houses, exactly because packages have been either stolen or not delivered but confirmed as delivered.
Does this answer your question?

>> No.5048873

My amazon guy is obligated to photograph the package on my porch with my house number in the picture.

I don't think so.

>> No.5048904

It only works if the delivery doesn’t have a photo. My last order didn’t have a photo taken and I got a refund. Of course, I never really did get my order and it was cheap stuff.

>> No.5048913

Time to settle the debate
Vote on best tablet brand: https://strawpoll.com/u66zczb4p

>> No.5048922

I recently purchased an online course on illustration/digital art. I have never done digital art before but the author of the course recommended the Wacom CTL4100 Intuos (or the Wacom CTL6100WLK0 Intuos, if I wanted to get something a little pricier) as good 'beginner tablets'. I really don't know what I'm doing and already feel out of my depth, are these decent options if I'm a complete novice?

>> No.5048930


Overall wacom is the best. they're just not the best for everyone all the time. This is a stupid poll.

>> No.5048967

if it was shipped through amazon logistics (but not bought on amazon) does that mean they necessarily have a picture?

>> No.5048975

I demand the SuperDisplay program for the Galaxy tablets be added to the OP, it's an essential program for the use of the tablets in any practical way. Otherwise the tablets aren't useful in anything other than studies and sketches.

>> No.5048979

I dunno but I wouldn’t try the self scam in current year. It would have worked maybe 5 years ago but now they got wiser.

>> No.5048984

i dunno
ive had it work with other companies before like massdrop. my friend even got a $300 refund on amazon last year.

>> No.5049308

It won't be unless you make the new thread before the schizo does and add it yourself.

>> No.5049328

My friends make fun of me for not having a screen tablet, which one should i buy in the 300-400$ range im currently using intuos pro medium

>> No.5049335

The XP-Pen Artist 15.6 Pro is currently on sale on eBay for approximately $340 by the official company account last time I checked, they ship to USA.

>> No.5049337

A friend of mine recently did that with a computer monitor to get another computer monitor for free. I guess the only way to see if it's going to work is to try it, but I think if they have evidence that it was delivered and you tell them that it wasn't then they might note you down on their record as being a shithead and they might treat you differently in the future

>> No.5049339

Aren't you happy with what you're already using? That's pretty stupid to give that up just because of peer pressure

>> No.5049358

But you're drawing and they're wasting time measuring up. A screenless is fine. If you're that weak to peer pressure, Kamvas 16.

>> No.5049359

Thanks bro, I'll get the intous pro M.

>> No.5049374

You are all too kind, thank you!

>> No.5049421

I'm sure the Chinese shills you replied to are thankful for your gratitude.

>> No.5049423

XP-Pen is a Japanese company.

>> No.5049434

No it isn't you stupid idiot. It's a subsidiary of a chinese brand they started in japan to enter the japanese market. XP-Pen is 100% chinese, their paypal address is full of chinese characters and they even have an aliexpress page.

>> No.5049439
File: 48 KB, 1181x422, xp p en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and they even have an aliexpress page.
That means nothing. Anyone can have an aliexpress page.

>> No.5049442

Notice how you ignored the rest of my post like the coping idiot you are.
They were founded in Japan by Chinese people you moron. The whole point of the company is an entry point into the japanese market. They literally use the exact same chinese pen technology as Huion, which is why they got the "battery free" upgrade at the exact same time.

>> No.5049449

Whatever you say.

>> No.5049594
File: 20 KB, 500x278, 0921_ncr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered this bros, what am I in for?

>> No.5049598

you're ready to hack the CIA

>> No.5049768
File: 699 KB, 1175x2409, PW507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is weird. it turns out my pen just doesn't have a potentiometer screw inside of it. it's a huion PW507. i even popped the PCB out of the housing to check on the other side, and the the other side is totally blank. not a huge deal since it works fine already, but i was interested by the possibility of being able to fine tune the activation force since i feel like it's a bit light. if i touch the screen at all with the nib it activates, i wanted to make the activation a tiny bit heavier so that it wouldn't activate by the lightest touch. i also suspect that activation doesn't start at level 0 but at something higher.

actually after writing that, i turned the brush size up to 1000 pixels to see how accurate the sensitivity really is or if i just have a heavy hand, and at the lightest pressure i could use to make it activate, it drew only a single pixel, so i think it's actually pretty good as is and the problem is with myself. still though i wouldn't mind it having a heavier activation threshold

>> No.5049782
File: 16 KB, 438x297, pressure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i get when i try to draw a line with a 1000 pixel brush. if i touch artificially lightly then i can make a single pixel mark but i guess it wasn't as good as i first assumed and it probably does have pressure level spikes. still not that big of a deal because i've never done any kind of drawing where this interfered and i didn't even know that my pen does this until i performed this artificial test to put it through it's paces. i'm curious what would happen if i tried this with a wacom pen.

>> No.5049813

Are they noticeable with a reasonable sized brush?

>> No.5049828
File: 431 KB, 3165x1893, pressure test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all. like i said, i wasn't even aware my pen does this until i did this artificial test with a brush so much larger than anything i would ever use in normal usage. i tried to partition off the different tests i did to make i clearer. for the 1000 pixel brush i had to put the two sensitivity squares as far as they could go in the corner or else i kept getting the pressure spikes like i did in the last test. as i said though unless you're painting in a super enormous canvas with a huge brush you wouldn't even see such a thing. the other two, the 10 pixel and 5 pixel brushes have anti aliasing applied and the pressure settings were what you see in the huion settings program.

>> No.5049849
File: 274 KB, 2000x1250, pressure and tilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another test showing some bigger brushes. the ones on the right also were to test out the sensitivity of tilt. one had a static size but the tilt was controlling opacity, and the one on the far right was static opacity with the size controlled by tilt.

>> No.5049850

Thanks very much.

>> No.5049938

Interesting, so they are actually different

>> No.5050106

I would recommend you to buy used wacom pro

>> No.5050252

Should I buy wacom cintiq 22? Or is the 16 big enough? I'm too paranoid to buy a used product so I want a new one with warranty, etc.

>> No.5050286

16 is a crappy form factor. If you go that small you might as well buy an iPad Pro.

>> No.5050810

16 is perfectly fine.

>> No.5050905

t. coping idiot.
Is 16" manageable? Yes, but it's pointless. It's not big enough to make a significant difference over an iPad, whereas the 22" form factor lets you draw with your shoulder properly.

At the end of the day, you're just a moron desperate to rationalize your purchase.

>> No.5050943
File: 5 KB, 460x201, 6000198531824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah just like how 8.5x11 paper is too small now
i only draw on 24"x200ft easel rolls now.
fucking retard.

>> No.5050945

Paper doesn't have UI, idiot.
Again, the key point here is that 16" isn't a big enough upgrade over 13", or 12.9" to justify paying extra, or using an inferior drawing tablet to an iPad.

By all means, keep missing that point like the braindead idiot you are.

>> No.5050955

the guy who asked mentioned absolutely nothing about ipads.
There is still a major difference in that you arent forced to run ios on your wacom.
not to mention you can hide/minimize UI well in 2020

>> No.5050961

>not to mention you can hide/minimize UI well in 2020
You are so braindead idiotic it's funny.
No, there isn't a single desktop software that minimizes UI anywhere near as efficiently as Procreate. Even the operating system itself makes that inefficient.

No matter how desperate you are to rationalize your purchase, 16" is a shitty form factor, and 22" is better in absolutely every case unless you're buying a portable tablet like an iPad or a Galaxy Tab S7.

>> No.5050977

Obviously bigger is better you retard
thats not the question. 16" is still completely viable and its pretty clear from the question that theyd prefer to spend less. so its a fine option
little every paint software has a one click "hide all ui" button. and cintiq pros have multi touch. or you just space bar + slide cause its really that fucking easy
also pyw so they can see what a fraud you are giving such shit advice

>> No.5050979

You are such a moron, jesus christ. Come back when you have a real argument and aren't just flailing desperately in post purchase rationalization.

>> No.5050999

>conveniently ignores all arguments to save face
uh huh
if it helps, i switched from a 22" tablet to a 16" one to save desk space. no changes to my drawing ability obviously

>> No.5051005

12.9 = 15.6
You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.5051021

>still coping
Doesn't make you any less of a moron with no real argument. Way to get conned by the marketing you braindead idiot.

iPads actually utilize 12.9" far better than your garbage 15.6" chinkblet utilizes 15.6" on a windows pc.

>> No.5051043

Stop giving the Wacom schizo (You)s.

>> No.5051050
File: 78 KB, 500x500, 201907AM190000001_15717730315914360084306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really working for me, although ironically I"m drawing mostly with the top screen.
hot all my wheels and layers on the bottom.

>> No.5051375

Does anyone have these? https://cubebrush.co/tsvetka/products/aptjsa/ink-brushes-paper-textures

>> No.5051483
File: 41 KB, 678x452, Note101-0860_678x452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just dropping by to say that an old samsung note plus a surplus full-size pen is a super cheap and perfectly valid way to get into screen tablets
even when you grow out of it you can still keep it as an on-the-go sketchbook as it's completely standalone

>> No.5051520 [DELETED] 
File: 3.93 MB, 2400x2400, 1606240027179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TODAY I WILL REMIND THEM! That the Wacom Troon is a shill.

>> No.5051543

>That the Wacom Troon is a shill.
Like that wasn't obvious.

>> No.5051587
File: 66 KB, 220x612, Серафим.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My XP-Pen works right for me.

On the other hand, any recommendations for the IPad pros? Do I go with OP and check out the gen 2?

>> No.5051599

What is this thing?

>> No.5051611

Asus Zenbook pro duo. They have a gaming version where the 2nd screen comes up at an angle but its in real short supply because of the pandemic. I was trying to buy all year (it was 3400 retail so people were scalping it for around 4800) but decided to get the $3k zenbook instead.
Unfortunately my one complaint is that the screen doesn't come up at an angle lmao.

>> No.5051618

>My XP-Pen works right for me.
Which XP-Pen do you have?

>> No.5051629

I second this.

Having the Galaxy Note 4 for a phone was what got me into digital drawing tablets, and the phone line is obviously smaller.

Looks pretty dope, not that I have the cash for that right now. How's the pen? Keyboard also looks real awkward to actually use in your lap, but I don't think anyone buys this for its typing prowess

>> No.5051649

>How's the pen?
Pretty good although I don't have much to compare it too other than my old intuos pen which broke twice. On their website it says 1024 Pressure Levels, 10-300 g pen tip force. The keyboard is kinda cramped yeah but i don't really use it anyways (the whole thing is arm mounted by my desk and hooked up to an external keyboard). I'm a lefty so I leave it off most of the time so I don't swipe keys by accident while I'm drawing.

>> No.5051829
File: 2.03 MB, 3000x1500, pic_unrelated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of buying a Thinkpad tablet, is there any differences between the wacom touchscreens between the x200, x220, and x60 models?

>> No.5052262
File: 9 KB, 275x183, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good phone drawing apps?
Im stick of medibang, crasaye thmhes too much and and lblispaint artst n

I just want to sketch while on bed.

>> No.5052409

24 pro iirc

>> No.5052858
File: 655 KB, 640x480, 1586993793240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krita Android is the whole package on your phone. Lags like ass but it keeps getting optimized, it would fry my battery with initial versions but now I can run it just fine. The biggest issue is that flipping the canvas requires 3 whole clicks.
Infinite Painter is probably a straight Medibang upgrade but features cost money, however the brush customization is miles ahead. And it somehow runs even worse than Krita, though it too might have gotten optimized over time.
I just stick to Medibang for now. I will definitely more over to Krita once they add a fucking canvas flip hotkey. Also which app did you mean with "Craseye"?

>> No.5052867

That's big. Is the size comfortable for you?

>> No.5052889

Artflow has the comfiest UI in my opinion. It's brushes don't have all the fancy blending options some other apps do, but if you mostly want to sketch, it's perfect. Pro version is 5 bucks. I use it every day.

>> No.5052892

I genuinely can't tell if XP-Pen is actually viable or not with the amount of arguing that goes on in these threads.

>> No.5052908

Go watch some reviews. Even if they're paid off by the manufacturers, they can't cheat the laws of physics to make them look better than they actually are. Even better, listen to those who use it as their daily drivers, like MaSTAR Media.

>> No.5052970

So functionally what exactly is the difference between the Intuos M and Intuos Pro M?
If I were to go for the Pro why not just go a little bit higher in price and get the Wacom One so I could have a screen?

>> No.5053003

I have a screenless and a display from them. They're fine if you're not looking for a million bells and whistles.

>> No.5053010

sorry ive typed while sleepy

I meant that the app just fucking crashes too much each time i draw something or magnify.
Sane with Iblis, for some reason it crashes on start.

>> No.5053044

The pen technology.

Intous Pro is the real Intuos wacom are famous for, it has a good pen, tilt, rotation, fine pressure sensitivity.

Intuos Pleb (intuos non-pro/ just intuos) is a rebrand of Bamboo tablets. It has a cheap pen with poor pressure sensitivity, no tilt no rotation and diagonal jitter.

Wacom one is just like the Intuos Pleb but with a screen. Both are incompatible with the good wacom pens.

Only the Pro wacoms are worth your time. Intuos pleb is more of a toy for children to try and see if they like drawing. And if they do you buy intuos pro.

There's one upside though. Intuos pleb have no internal firmare stabilizer so they are snappier for playing osu.

>> No.5053050

15.6 Artist Pro user here, it's fine.

>> No.5053052

Thanks anon

>> No.5053114

From the research I've done they're fine, as long as you temper your expectations. The less you pay the more corners are cut, just like with anything.

Read/Watch some reviews if you want to buy one, only listen to the reviews that talk about the negatives as well as the positives. See if they are sacrifices you're willing to accept to save money. Not everyone needs every feature, but if it's a feature important to you that you're going to miss, you're going to hate it

>> No.5053117

They are rubbish. Been proven crap countless times.

>> No.5053219

Do you have problems with the initial activation pressure like reviewers have said?

>> No.5053223

I have the same. Do you also deal with vertical scratches that make like a rainbow looking line? I'm thinking of pealing that screen protector off

>> No.5053355

Few posts before schizo rushes to make a new thread with another paid bias OP.

If someone would be kind enough to type something more impartial out for the next threads, that'd be great.

Wacom isn't the only screenless brand.

>> No.5053384


>> No.5053386
File: 47 KB, 960x1280, s-l16030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5053387


>> No.5053389
File: 84 KB, 750x529, artisul-d13-tablet-animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5053390

New thread:





>> No.5053746

Yeah, my only complain is that for some reason when I'm not drawing on it for a some time and I suddenly want to draw the thing doesn't work and I need to restart the whole computer for it to work again, but I think that has more to do with the computer than the tablet and it might have an easy way to be fixed but I haven't figured it out