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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5032595 No.5032595 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you guys shill hard round brush more than any other digital art brush

>> No.5032601

because its more of a brush for learning and studying than say making finish work, sure you can do a fully flesh out illustrations with it but with some bunch of different brushes and other doodads you could get the same result at a faster rate than say mainly relying on the round brush for everything.

>> No.5032603

as long as it is hard edge it's fine

>> No.5032605

it’s a meme
you don’t actually use it for painting, you tell retards to use it so they stop asking about brushed and learn to paint

>> No.5032607

What's wrong with soft edge

>> No.5032610

nothing, he’s a retard
airbrush and lasso was the thing 10 years ago, now it’s muh hard round
as long as you can control your edges, you can paint with anything

>> No.5032652
File: 1.55 MB, 1161x1284, Hins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5032659
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>> No.5032664

me: 1
you: 0

>> No.5032668

>muh sinix
>muh hard round
>sinix doesn’t use a hard brush, but a blend brush

>> No.5032669

I have no idea about digital but traditionally you have to use both soft and hard edges to make a good painting, so the idea of using a "hard brush" all the time makes no sense. Maybe for practice purposes or if you are working on very large canvases. But many digital artists I've watched used a variety of brushes, including smudge/fingertip or airbrush types. You can make a full painting with the airbrush tool but it will have a very smooth look to it that is the opposite of painterly.

>> No.5032673
File: 3.65 MB, 1754x2480, Penitent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sinix used a smearing brush which is a hard edge brush,
Also he literally uses a hrb in his brush video.
Also, I am not going to post my various works so that I can call you a faggot retard here without IGfags followers seething
Also, you haven't posted any of your work

>> No.5032675

Traditional airbrush works using real word physics which creates randomness. Despite that it look like shit

Digital airbrush is just a math formula which makes it look even shittier

>> No.5032681
File: 110 KB, 1126x846, 43E6C7DE-FCBC-4308-81C8-C44ABC4C7A16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it doesn’t make a hard edge, it’s not a hard edge brush, you fucking imbecile
If I set a brush to apply blur at low pressure it’s not a hard edge brush
if I set a brush to low hardness at low pressure, it’s not a hard edge brush
if I set a brush to smudge it’s not a hard edge brush
a hard brush has hard edges on all strokes, you soften the edge through color mixing
calling this a hard edge brush is like saying you only use a hard edge to render when you use the smudge tool

>> No.5032707

Why everyone so salty and confrontational on this board? Every simple discussion takes the tone of a nasty argument.

>> No.5032712

Because this is 4chan and only edgy faggots use this website.

>> No.5032725


>> No.5032726

go back to where you came from, retard

>> No.5032734
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>> No.5032748

>shills hard round brush with image showing how it's better than others in side by side comparison
>asks why people shill hard round brush
You tell me OP.

>> No.5032749

>why does everyone say hard round brush, pic related uses other brush-
this board is extremely volatile even by 4chan standards, take your meds

>> No.5032762

no one is forcing you to be here

>> No.5032882

because random immature people mistake themselves as artists and feel the need to project their delusional superiority complex onto others. They grow salty because they can't progress and feel the need to misinform and hold others back.

You probably shouldn't look for actual knowledge here, nor for company

>> No.5032895


>> No.5033405
File: 45 KB, 1442x785, FeelingTheForm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now post yours

>> No.5033412

uh based???

>> No.5033492

As >>5032882 says, good advice and actual camaraderie is in short supply on /ic/. Most of the board is not worth it.

Browse until you find threads with actual constructive criticism, meaningful back-and-forths, and vetted advice, and stick to those threads.

>> No.5034071
File: 19 KB, 699x707, 1606716608647[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said as long as it has a hard edge you faggot. That brush has a hard edge on top you retard fuck.
Mixed edge brushes still have a hard edge.
Every traditional tool has a hard edge except for airbrushes, powder etc.
Airbrush has no hard edge which is why it's fucking awful because hard edges are essential for contrast and realism, unless you are using it with a lasso tool. Then it does have a hard edge.

Permanent ngmi /beg/tard will not try to understand from people who can actually render and just call them retard. No shit half of this board is just ngmi fucks

>> No.5034075

The shape of that smearing brush is a fucking hard edge
The smearing is the fucking physics not the shape.
You can mix with a hard edge brush just like in the pic rel. That's a complete hard edge brush you faggot

>> No.5034221

I've seen multiple posts by anons who didn't even know what hard round meant or couldn't even find it in Photoshop so honestly it doesn't really matter what brush you use or what gets shilled because the lot of you are legitimately fucking retarded and will truly never make it.

>> No.5034230

hard round pp :3

>> No.5034234

Yeah, I'm thinking based.

>> No.5034242
File: 55 KB, 960x540, consid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard round has a lot of good properties:

>Everyone has it out of the box, guaranteed

>Beginners have a bad habit of gravitating towards other weird brushes that they think will be their "shortcut to success", Screaming "HARD ROUND" at them is the easiest way to shut this anti-pattern down.

>Hard round is a decent guarantee of reasonable-looking line work that is not scratchy and has intent.

>Hard round gives you much better color-palette and values control. By using a hard round, you avoid accidentally introducing new colors or changing a solid value midway through a piece, since you aren't aliasing your colors

>Hard round is the most "Finished looking" brush - it's a modern digital art trend that people expect hard edges in non-painterly work on outside borders of people and objects, and soft brushes give an undesirable impression of an object being blended with its environment.

>It most closely emulates sketching in simple pen or pencil, as with both, while you can apply more ink or graphite with additional pressure or additional passes over the same line, you don't really control opacity.

>It is a mathematically complete brush: All other brushes can be simulated with a hard round set to 1px size and appropriate colors

For the above reasons, hard round is best girl

>> No.5034282

Whats the equivalent of hard round brush in krita?

>> No.5034325

>Permanent ngmi /beg/tard will not try to understand from people who can actually render
Who are these people who can render? If >>5032673 and >>5032652 are yours you should probably get off 4chan and paint some more

>> No.5034740


>> No.5034745


>> No.5034764

>setting hardness to 0 on a hard edge stamp so the computer softens it
>not hard edge
>setting smudge to a hard edge stamp so the computer softens it
>hard edge
if you use a blending brush that softens the edge for you in any way, you are not using a hard edge brush
Hard edge means hard edge throughout the stroke on all strokes
Painter specifically has a shitload of brushes that soften the edge automatically on low pressure. Those are not hard edge brushes they’re the equivalent of using a hard edge for blocking and a soft edge or smudge to blend.
That is okay, that’s a normal workflow, but don’t meme beginners into thinking that was achieved with a hard edge.
HRB specifically means hard edge, pressure to opacity and flow, and nothing else.

>> No.5034768

Most people intuitively want to blend and soften edges. They smudge and blur the fuck out of any hard edge and end up with a mess.

It is similar to learning oil painting traditionally. It is so easy to blend with oil paint that people do it automatically and end up with everything overblended and soft edges everywhere. Watts recommends learning gouache first so you discipline yourself to work in tiles and it dries so fast you cant blend it unless you go back later with water, which is also recommended later on when you want to start learning WHEN to blend.

Then when you start oil painting you have the discipline to keep your hard edges and consciously pick out edges to soften.

It is the same with the hard round brush. You start out with only hard edges, use tiles and get a flat graphic approach that your eye blends together when you zoom out. Then you slowly progress to softening some edges with other tools. Then when you are consciously making choices of what NEEDS to be hard vs soft vs lost edge you are free to use any brush.

>> No.5034772

>people are now unironically claiming smudge brushes = hard round brush
do you retards even understand why people are told to use the hard round?

>> No.5034773

Hard smudge brush

>> No.5034790

that’s a complete non statement, using that brush is the same as using a hard round and smudge or a hard round and airbrush or lasso and airbrush
hell, you can get a hard edge with just an airbrush if you lower the size