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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 68 KB, 870x870, sanic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5020906 No.5020906 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.



1.-screenshot the image and post that instead

2.-change camera capture settings to something smaller

3.-send to computer and resize in picresize.com

There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


Take your time, you can do it.

Previous Thread

>> No.5020923

Stop posting professional art for /beg/ ffs

>> No.5020932

is uncanny valley anon still posting here?
I have not visited for quite some time.

>> No.5020939
File: 846 KB, 2448x2347, rsz_my_beg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg here. I've posted here many times but I'm just not sure what to do now. I want to do illustration work. Maybe move on to digital stuff, but I feel as though my current art comes off as stiff and flat. How do I fix that?

>> No.5020940

He got yelled at a thread or two ago. Still posting tidepod girl.

>> No.5020959
File: 145 KB, 1000x1000, 83010398741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5020962

study hands and how to convey emotion through hands. you have this one symbol you use and it doesn't work in all situations

>> No.5020963

You are only really using one or two levels of value for your shading. You could have more grey tones to show more of the volume.
The "I don't pick up my pen" style always gets me. Like, I don't know how to critique it because it's problems are inherent to it's style and I am not nearly a good enough observer of it to give a critical eye, all I can say, is I feel sorry for whatever bullshit job that dude has.

>> No.5020968
File: 2.09 MB, 3600x2498, C272C032-D4DC-4E05-99C8-FD1FF429C826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawwww DRAWW

>> No.5020976
File: 144 KB, 886x867, sunbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sun Warrior

>> No.5020984
File: 68 KB, 702x702, head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick head from imagination

Critique, advice? Are the feature's proportions ok? IMO Looks a bit like a caricature. Mainly big nose. I can't do eyes yet.

I feel a little embarassed but i'm posting it anyways, who cares

Are the values more or less ok?

>> No.5020986

Gotcha. I want to get better at hands. I'm sorta decent but I wanna be really good at them.

So it's the shading. Not the actual picture? I guess that's the importance of values. I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.5020991
File: 953 KB, 1000x665, 1593088028469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting again

>> No.5020992
File: 238 KB, 1518x699, 1586668325952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5020993 [DELETED] 
File: 180 KB, 796x973, Illustration63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figures give me aids I also don't paint

>> No.5020995

Well, there's always room for improvement on the pictures themselves, just like the other anon said, you draw the same hands, but I wasn't going to do the nitpick your lines and say this was a little that or this because I felt it was more important for you to try to imagine a wider variety of values.

>> No.5021002

Paint her skin.
Be selective on strokes.
Water brush more for more spread on first stroke.
Use second strokes for value.
Practice curving your brush stroke.
Use painters tape if you really need to.

Also loomis.

>> No.5021005
File: 465 KB, 1004x1578, Screenshot_20201124-231634_ArtFlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm losing 'soul' whenever trying to refine my work, any crits? or examples of 'messy artists for inspo?
>Be intentional with every line
solid advice man, really applies to me cause I overindulgence in the vague lines/chicken scratching

>> No.5021007

Oh I see. I'd be fine with criticism in general so there's no reason to hold back. If there's anything you feel seems off I don;t mind hearing it.

But hands and values are something I will look into.

>> No.5021010

oh ffs

>> No.5021011

Try drawing kafka from reference for a similar face.
spider man bad guy, I feel like you tried to foreshorten his whole body but forgot to do it to his face.

>> No.5021012
File: 158 KB, 650x965, Illustration63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pain I'm taking old sketches and trying to do paint overs

>> No.5021018

Yes I know the arms and figure is wonky af

>> No.5021017

Looks like you are compensating line thickness with your chicken scratch. Try using something with a chisel to add the variation in your thickness you look for instead of chicken scratching. Also, still try intentional cross hatching.

>> No.5021020

very nice. Keep going fren

>> No.5021023

oh shit dude nice

>> No.5021026

Do you want critique or will you call me a crab if I say anything

>> No.5021028

whats wrong?

>> No.5021029

I won't call you a crab if you don't say some dumb shit like "loomis"

>> No.5021035

Well her neck is extremely thick for the body size, it looks like a grown woman’s head on a child’s body

>> No.5021041

Your lines aren't confident.

You cartoon the face but don't cartoon the hair, causing it too look weird as fuck.

Really just what the fuck is wrong with that hair.

Your outlines are heavy for everything on the outside, but then also her right arm, but then the rest of the inside work outlines are all super dull because you are attempting two different styles at once of thick lines but also colors defining the lines between.

The entire thing is like 50% opaque because I think you lack confidence in the entire skillset, which would be okay, but it makes all the highlight work you tried so hard on mean absolutely nothing because there are no dark darks.

I also have never seen a head that is both too large, and too small at the same time.

Where the fuck are her fingers, why are you hiding her hands.

Her left eye inner corner is higher than the other one, but not in a foreshortening way.

Do you even know what hot pants and sports bras actually look like?

Again, such scratchy lines. GUH.

Also, no love for the white socks that have no detail work put into their stretchiness.

>> No.5021046
File: 334 KB, 2000x2000, 1583109455361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loomis is good advice but I was actually imitating an art style here, something like this.
>Paint her skin
I'm afraid Ill ruin it, I still have to add the black outlines

>> No.5021052

bro.. I forgot about vilppus bean method but it makes life so fucking easy. Thanks for reminding me, I just made something actually look decent cuz of u uwu

>> No.5021053

You have to learn to order things right with water color. Just be confident dude. If you fuck it up you learned something. Perhaps you should paint the skin first? WHO KNOWS UNTIL YOU DO IT.

>> No.5021057

>Perhaps you should paint the skin first?
Huh, I never thought about that, first time so what a mistake.
Red and yellow plus water for skin right?

>> No.5021058
File: 209 KB, 1493x1919, 00074(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the reference.

>> No.5021061
File: 565 KB, 1124x1441, B29FFFCD-9320-4F2C-B3E5-2ABE621413DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going through Brent evenwhatevers figure course and it’s giving me more faith

>> No.5021062

I assume this is in response to the "hot pants" comment? It doesn't make anything else I said not true. I believe in you senpai.

>> No.5021070
File: 182 KB, 531x678, y0ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on smtg for a project

got the gasmask inspiration from one of these threads actually as it actually lines up with the theme I chose to do. Make me feel retarded, /beg/

>> No.5021072

Brah, I like this but that jacket is giving me really weird vibes. Like, each individual part of the jacket makes sense, but when put together, no jacket would act like that. The arms are stiff, but the sides move like silk, the neck is for an xxxl while the jacket itself is, at most, a L.

>> No.5021073

oh no I just wanted to give the reference, I understand I have glaring painting and figure issues. I also understand the scratchy lines, I don't understand what you mean by cartoon hair through. As in anime hair?

>> No.5021075

Yeah I don’t know clothes! I’m trying okay...

>> No.5021077

In your picture the hair is drawn strand by strand, leaving it to look like hay drawn by a child with a brown crayon. That style isn't necessarily bad on its own, but the rest of the drawing, because it was based of an anime picture, and your features themselves are cartoonish, completely clashes with that style of hair you drew. It should be more like anime hair, in the sense that it is a body of planes and works in chunks as opposed to every single hair.

>> No.5021083

It's all good dude, but decide what kind of jacket it is and go look at how the parts of them act. Like if it's a bomber jacket, it's going to be super silky except for the wrist and neck, but if it's a letterman It looks like you confused the two together.

>> No.5021084

yee, im terrible at keeping up with the teachers (as if not already obvious..) since I cant sit down to concentrate for even myself since I just spaz out and end up accidently browsing my phone or solving my rubix cube 5 times while thinking about what Vilppu was saying.

You give me inspiration to go hard ;-;

>> No.5021086

but if it's a letterman, the whole thing is going to be thick and stiff and bulky*

>> No.5021101

It’s one of those jock sport jackets and she wears a button down shirt under it
I kinda want a Rubix cube
I get browsing your phone but I think seeing some posts on this board should make you want to get back to practicing because there are some awful posts here that just make me wanna improve instead of rolling in the mud. Also brents course are like 20 minute videos and then several reels of references to draw from, so the go draw part of it outweighs the shh and listen part. I’m going through it because my construction is incredibly weak and I have a lot of misconceptions about the figure.
Also I don’t really go hard, it’s ok. I just draw for a few hours daily, I think it’s very manageable since I don’t play games or watch anime too much most of the week
I find inventing appropriate folds and rumples pretty difficult right now, maybe I’ll get it in time

>> No.5021110

Right, a letterman jacket. Which is made of wool and thick leather with a cotton lining. It’s going to act as a more stiff material than say a bomber jacket (think the movie Drive) which is they way it kinda looks like it’s acting partly. It isn’t any fold in particular, it’s the nature of the jacket drawn.

>> No.5021162

A few hours a day?? Christ.. Thats what my uncle, who has been doing art since he was a kid, and is now 43 recommends but I cant do that for the life of me bc of my crippling addiction to vidya (league in particular) so I def still admire u xd

>> No.5021174
File: 189 KB, 600x3031, 4533AF32-E3FF-4D7C-8487-0E3122A5EDBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop playing league or I’ll literally strangle you with my thighs
You are playing some Chinese free to play game with autistic Brazilians for dopamine hits when you could be getting sick gains to draw cool and sexy things one day

>> No.5021180
File: 45 KB, 500x500, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imposter syndrome

>> No.5021184
File: 428 KB, 1920x1080, 86609210-76B1-4D02-AD32-A6C2FC677E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started drawin this I dunno why

>> No.5021192
File: 43 KB, 190x205, Oh kay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think I want to stay in that hellscape? I am trapped within the dimensions of league by my friends, myself, and my mental illness. I managed to leave for a month back in the summer but I came back to it with a plan to leave after one game but... but.. FUCK WHY DO I HAVE TO FIND RENGAR FUN???????

You know? This new season might actually help me. I might finally be able to leave and live life how I want to. They gutted my champ with new items and he can never be played the same way again and maybe that is a gift from god himself, helping me leave that hellhole

>> No.5021203
File: 12 KB, 240x212, thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon >>5021174 is right, I stopped playing league a long time ago, and you don't want meaningless ranked feels-good points, the first month or two is hard, but after that, you will forget it and it doesn't become an addiction.

>> No.5021205
File: 9 KB, 170x170, 9c062255-756b-4d5b-a487-de99517bd020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5021210

I quit DOTA and LoL after I realized it was stealing all my time. I had taught it to my friends even. But one day I quit. I just couldn’t make the time or else I’d end up like you, anon.

>> No.5021215
File: 51 KB, 746x512, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it dear anon.

>> No.5021219

/ic/ is my addiction

>> No.5021224
File: 35 KB, 437x151, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will. I hit the uninstall button after Dec 10th. Thats when the prestiege shop opens, I spend the prestiege points and leave (otherwise I would waste 200 of them which would suck). I am finished. I quit. Im done. I want to go do something. I want to be productive. Thank you, anons

>> No.5021231
File: 1.14 MB, 771x1147, Talking to People.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily watercolor, any feedback appreciated

try setting down some background tonal layers first, then shadows, then midtones, then highlights. that helped me a lot when I was experimenting with trees to give them some feeling of volume.

>> No.5021232
File: 224 KB, 979x935, 155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5021234
File: 142 KB, 875x877, 156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong one my bad

>> No.5021241
File: 102 KB, 400x317, F0055E50-9F9A-47C6-BA65-4746ED33E748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of me wants to tell you to uninstall it now because you’re only procrastinating about quitting, but I also understand that you want some kind of closure. If you end up keeping it installed after that date you’ll only be fooling yourself, since your addiction is inconsequential to the rest of us

>> No.5021243

You have to quit now. No procrastinating it because of "meme points".

They won't matter eventually since you'll stop playing, so you will "waste" them anyways.

Stop justifying your addiction. Sorry for being harsh, but addiction is like that: "Let me just finish smoking this pack, since I bought it and there's still 10 cigarettes inside, it would be a shame if the money went to waste, and after that i'll stop" - same thing.

But what's better: to lose a couple of bucks and stop smoking RIGHT NOW, or to be a slave for 10 more cigarettes (or in your case, another 16 days - more than 2 whole weeks - of slavery to that game)?

>> No.5021245
File: 9 KB, 236x236, hapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headanon.. You've gotten so far since this summer

keep it up! before ur features were all like lvl 1, but now theyve raised to level 4 for example and I see you're a little stuck. My recommendation is starting to now individually raise each level in order to progress. For ex: one week focus noses, one week eyes, one week mouths, ears, etc

keep improving my boy ;-;

>> No.5021248
File: 201 KB, 1373x1405, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im the guy who went ballistic last thread, I feel pretty bad for trying to shit on an entire thread because of 1 crab. Im sorry. I know I said Im gonna leave this place but I realized the only way I can progress and find out what I did wrong is if I get critique on the work I do, and this is the only place I can do that. So I guess im stuck here
I drew this after for a drawthread. I tried really hard even though I know It sucks. Face is bad, hair looks like plastic, soft round brush rendering just looks awful also, I need to find another technique. Just tear me apart.
Im gonna go study values. Its the only fundie I haven't studied yet. Itll probably help the most now

>> No.5021254
File: 310 KB, 1080x1319, Screenshot_20201124_163843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to draw rappers using the Loomis method but nothing seems to work.


>> No.5021257
File: 424 KB, 1080x1505, Screenshot_20201124_163827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fifty Cent. >>5021254

>> No.5021258

thank you for the kind words anon <3, i do seem to be at a standstill with the features, i have a good basis and form to the head but features are just meh, youve bought up a good idea though and i think i will do that, my issue is my obscene laziness, god speed with your own work anon

dw bro eveyone spergs out now and then, just follow a course like villpu or even drawabox, im doing dab right now and its been nice so far, i love the structured approach or even a book like drawing with the right side

>> No.5021259

Oh no no, I will stop playing today. I wont play anymore. I will merely keep it there to finish what I started. Close it out completely and whole-ly.

if I recess, I will tell you guys, but I am not playing anymore. I am closing my client till that date. I will do it to make my anonymous friends proud. I will do it for FREEDOM

>> No.5021260

(you)s are mine :(

>> No.5021262

>Just tear me apart.
it's flat
lacks contrast
lacks understanding of form
symbol drawing
little understanding of anatomy and perspective
composition/storytelling is weak

BUT! ... we've all been there. stay strong
(appreciating the humility btw)

study all of that above. Youtube/Books/Courses/Study from life and from masters

>> No.5021263

heres one :) hope it made your heart flutter

>> No.5021269

it is beg, but you did get their likeness tho

>> No.5021271
File: 297 KB, 1280x1027, Eugène_Delacroix_-_Le_28_Juillet._La_Liberté_guidant_le_peuple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Freedom!

It's not about drawing, it's about your life

>> No.5021278

Yes.. Yes it is, anon. I want to do more good. I want to pursue my dreams and goals. I have done nothing throughout my highschool years because of that """""game""""" and wont allow it to transpire during college. I want to do clubs and get experiences, do SOMETHING. Curing this cancer is the only way

>> No.5021280

What to do to improve? I read the Loomis book but he mentions nothing of shading or making things appear 3D. And can we adjust the Loomis method? Sometimes the ratios don't work for the head and face of a certain person.

>> No.5021282
File: 793 KB, 2133x1600, 7F1976DB-5807-410C-B9B2-26E6351FC8D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to pick and choose an artist you like and observe how they draw faces. That looks like a fire emblem character or something which is video game anime, the face you drew seems to be what you’d come up with when you try to draw a face from imagination at an early stage in art skill. Pic related is a result of beginners being inspired by an artist and attempting to recreate his style for the most part

>> No.5021284

remember to do what makes YOU happy, dont go to clubs cause society says its doing something with your life, go party cause you want to party, if you want to stay in with some bros or shitposting on 4chan then you do you bro, i know you will probs ignore this but it took me about 10 years to realise this, i was always chasing experienecs so im 'living life' but in reality what i like doing is sitting on my ass smoking weed and playing video games

>> No.5021294

I agree, never went to clubs and never did normie social meetings, and I met my wife at 24, doing the things I like

Don't feel obliged to become a normie because of social pressure or craving for women or "experiences".

Any life experience is good experience, as long as you learn from it.
And I assure you that you will learn more by painting, maybe by joining a local art group or something, than clubbing with thots

>> No.5021295
File: 32 KB, 500x611, Phil_Hale_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, fellow league addict in the past

I struggled with this couple of months back, I'm playing a lot of games but majority of it is playing league with or without friends. I've been playing this stupid game since season 3 and I never stopped, after dropping out of college I became a wagecuck and found comfort in league even more. But after some time thinking while being an automated robot in my job I realized that league has been taking a huge chunk of my life, for what? For literally nothing. I definitely noticed this when I was playing with friends and all I feel is stress 9:1
9 being the stress, and 1 for fun


>> No.5021300
File: 101 KB, 323x250, hR31WWW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this more than any of the other drawings there for some reason

>> No.5021310
File: 27 KB, 368x648, Phil_Hale_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After that I talked to my friends one by one to never invite me to play league, and embrace that league only gave me stress and pain. And if you play long enough your stats will flatten near 50% winrate, and you'll do this cycle everytime, forever like a fvcking tool. League is literally taking my dreams away, just because... it's fun for like 10% of the time? Yeah fvck league. I associated stress to league, so whenever I think about playing it, all I remember is that heavy feeling when I'm behind or if it's generally a bad game.

Good luck anon, you can do this, cause I did it too.

>> No.5021312
File: 239 KB, 659x431, apple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practicing coloring with the digital hard round brush meme

>> No.5021316

the dog wants chocolate but for what? We cannot explain to them why it is bad. I enjoy playing videogames but I enjoy it because it is an escape. I may come back one day when I have my life figured out but that day does not come soon.

as for clubs and stuff, I meant clubs as in shit like signing up for environmental club, or like an art club, or whatever. Not parties. Fuck parties. Parties fit right into that "dog likes chocolate" analogy along with league of legends.

Maybe I should have specified what I meant when I said clubs lol

>> No.5021318

Shits rough.. But if I managed to do it for 1 month, I can go for 2. And like an anon said earlier, after 2 that should be the key to leaving forever. Thanks, anon :)

>> No.5021319

I like them all because of several things
You can see the love the fans have for the manga and they’re expressing it through drawing, their ages probably vary from young kid to grown adult, the author puts encouraging messages below all of them. Being encouraged to draw as a beginner is worlds different from being ignored and rejected. Of course there are times when too much positivity is a bad thing but that comes later

>> No.5021323

Thank you guys.
Do you know any draw along video courses relating to form (and making my drawings less flat? I think the main reason I sperged out was because I kept drawing flat images but never could stop. I found on Udeny by Brent Eviston but I dont want to pay money if something better (or free) is already available

>> No.5021326

>What to do to improve?
no idea, I am too beg to know, sorry.

>can we adjust the Loomis method?
proko says you can. if I remember right.

>> No.5021325


>> No.5021327
File: 68 KB, 732x83, fvck league.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 2 months, feeling great with my art

grind is real but getting there

>> No.5021329

Youtube has good free content:
Check out Sinix, Marco Bucci, Sycra, Proko, and there are more I can't recall right now

>> No.5021331

nice job now use a filter to add the details automatically or use a texture brush

>> No.5021333

last one my guy

This video opened my eyes about my bs with league, hope it helps

>> No.5021335


>> No.5021337

wella non what are your dreams? and did you achieve them now youve quite league?

its not just the game, the game is an extension of who you are as a person, you must address this core, i quit league but i still sit around doing nothing

>> No.5021340
File: 40 KB, 414x640, D6E68580-7738-4F0F-B6FB-C8800C5DE73A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5021348

Is it easier to draw in perspective by drawing the background first then the subjects in perspective? Or would you rather draw the subject then the background its going to interact wiht.

>> No.5021351

what the actual fuck. is this some insectoid or something? unless those legs are being supported this pose is highly unnatural.

>> No.5021356

lol where are her hips joints? does she have full 360° hip rotation? or a rectangular butt

>> No.5021357

ok have one more qt

>> No.5021358

Rule out a perspective grid and you can rough in the bg and the character at the same time.

>> No.5021359
File: 205 KB, 613x479, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5021366
File: 34 KB, 492x654, Phil_Hale_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved to japan from my 3rd world shit hole country cause of my weird circumstances (half jap half said 3rd W shit hole)

I haven't learned the language yet, that's why I'm forced to do the lowest of the low wage slaves job *Physical labors

Experienced it for a year, save enough money to survive a year without having a job.

After I left my job I realized I never wanted to do that job or that kind of job ever again , and embrace my interest in drawing and make this my end goal, To do it profesionally. (been drawing all my life but never took it seriously)

Since I quit, I've been able to draw more, embrace the fun in art, extend my network of friends who draw, join a bunch of communities and realized that this shlt is way better than putting all my energy to win a single game of league of legends.

It's more of a change of mind set, I think
I'm always asking what do I get from this? In league? In the long run, none. In art? The good shlt feeling of finishing something productive, which is also converted as practice, which overall will improve my skill to be professional. A win win feeling.

I embraced this words:
"I would rather be dead than live my whole life not making my dreams possible"

>> No.5021368


>> No.5021373

The random pyw made me laugh after anons were discussing their life circumstances and their reasoning for pursuing art

>> No.5021375
File: 2.28 MB, 2260x1357, 22novsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do this once
about 80% done

>> No.5021376

pyw and what 3rd world country you come from

>> No.5021379


>> No.5021380


I can't even say it

>> No.5021382

based anon, live your dreams

>> No.5021383

may still not be perfect, but by god anon good job.

>> No.5021384
File: 352 KB, 1024x861, figuredrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My figure drawing is sadly not good. I think one of my biggest problems is accuracy, it is also challenging to map out still life sketches as I ruin the composition I'm supposed to study. My figure drawing goal is to be able to do quick-ish sketches like on the right (by ikki_huikki). This artist is able to draw dynamic poses in various angles without reference due to the amount of life drawing she has done. It would be a very big help to my skills to be able to draw simple full bodies from imagination to be able to show various scenes/concepts.

I will be very thankful for any tips on how to approach figure drawing. If I still have significant trouble with anatomy and proportion, should I take my time to map out everything carefully and move onto rendering? I have tried to keep sketching with Croquis Cafe and not worry too much about the technique, but there was only negligible improvement. Figure drawing is my worst nightmare and a very big obstacle in improving.

>> No.5021388
File: 1.72 MB, 802x1276, Phil_Hale_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Defintely, as long as I learned something new with every finished piece, I think I did a good job

>> No.5021390

I go to japan twice a year and went to the Philippines for the first time last year and holy shit I had the worst time ever there.

>> No.5021391
File: 522 KB, 1053x736, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to study this drawing, should I noticed the jawline isnt the same as the orginal and the ears on my copy dont really sit on the skull properly. Should I go back and fix it if filling in the flat colours took me like 2 hours or should I just move on to rendering, if that was what I intended to focus on since I suck ass at rendering. I'm guessing most of the proportion issues should have been fixed in the sketch phase.

>> No.5021392
File: 91 KB, 400x583, Phil_Hale_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far more worse If you're unlucky enough to be called a citizen in that god forsaken place

If you're white, they will kneel down for you
Other than that they're racist, even with their fellow people lol

>> No.5021395

draw cats

>> No.5021400
File: 339 KB, 800x790, WhenTheKINOSCry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just happy I was able to draw this, feels like the anime doodles I usually like from some pages or images that I download from /draw/nons so I'm sharing.

>> No.5021401

Dude... if you're going to study anatomy use a real model. You'll pick up other artists bad anatomy this way

>> No.5021403

>filling in the flat colours took me like 2 hours
What in the googly moogly are you doing. Flats for that should’ve taken 20 minutes or so. You need to learn to use the wand and masking layer tool. Remove that line connecting her breasts too

>> No.5021407

do you have the fundamentals of drawing from observation down?
Can you draw simple objects accurately from observation, without screwing up proportions, measurements, angles, negative spaces, etc?

The body's just a big still life with "gesture" to give it dynamism.

>> No.5021409

huh my plan wasnt to study anatomy with this, it was to study the rendering style.

>> No.5021413

What do you recommend to build a figure that feels three-dimensional? My gestures are fine, but after that, I can't build it without it looking flat.

>> No.5021416
File: 529 KB, 1746x667, 1600544654386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5021424
File: 1.79 MB, 2289x3080, 20201124_163321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfinished because i ran out of time

>> No.5021428

I think I might have a big problem with this. I'm self taught and never paid too much attention to still life. I can't accurately transfer nearly anything to paper, suddenly it's all zoomed out/in and the composition is ruined. Face proportions etc. are ok but as soon as it's an entire body it turns into a monstrosity as the arms are really long, torso very short etc. Negative spaces always look terrible. I will look into the basics of measuring and into still life. Thank you so much anon

>> No.5021433

What does Peter Hans Dynamic sketching course teach? What fundies will I learn?

>> No.5021437

draftsmanship and basic forms

>> No.5021440

You will learn how to eyeball your perspective and convert everyday objects from life into simple, easy to manipulate forms. Supplement it with other art books and courses though

>> No.5021444
File: 344 KB, 1586x254, QvnLiTs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thanks.
Is there supposed to be no week one?
Can I do these faster then 1 lesson every week if Im a NEET?

>> No.5021447
File: 103 KB, 668x797, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the time its spent trying to fill in the gaps with the selection tool, like pic related, or erasing what its bleeding into. I am understanding it a bit better since it took me like 4 hours to do the flats for a previous drawing, but not understanding very well still. I'm not sure how much not using hotkeys, and a semi disognized UI for brushes erasers and such is slowing me down.

>> No.5021448

no idea, just do what you want if youre consistant i guess, maybe he tells you at end of episode 1

>> No.5021460

If you give it 8-9 hours a day like a job than you could get a lot out of it in 7 days. Still, using other books and resources along with it is beneficial as well. Scott Robertson's book on perspective is more for study purposes on techniques and accuracy, but is impractical most of the time. Peters method is more efficient

>> No.5021464

Week 1 is available for free on YouTube

>> No.5021467


>> No.5021468

Thanks again.
Im gonna doing a lesson ever 2-3 or so days so I get plently of time to practice. Just gonna try watching the lessons without drawing, then after watch the same lesson again and drawing along, then on my own do whatever assignments or practices I need to do.

>> No.5021470

Oh cool, didnt notice. Thanks

>> No.5021477
File: 732 KB, 2224x1628, BAC37D59-F3C1-4939-B783-14CDB1616042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be selecting it from the outside of the drawing first. Make sure your line art is completely enclosed then
>select wand tool all areas outside of the drawing
>make a new folder, layer mask selected area. Then make new layers within that folder, nothing will be paintable in the previous areas that you selected so it only leaves your drawing. You can merge the folder and apply the layer mask
It’s kind of hard to explain only through text but it really speeds up the process once you know the basics of it. Flat coloring for one character should just never take hours like that. I haven’t used hot keys for a few months now since I’ve been iPad only

And yes I know boobies dont work like this. Just did quick flats as an example

>> No.5021481

Last Peter Han Question
Do I have to buy all the supplies he recommend or could I do it on a tablet? I understand the point of the supplies, Im just poor.

>> No.5021482

Thank you so much again anon, I've just been looking for resources and most books are a step further for people already very familiar with still life. I will stick to this book.

>> No.5021486

You can do it on a tablet. Just don't use ctrl Z too much

>> No.5021488

ll try to understand that. ill try on some basic objects like a baseball orn lamp or something. It gets really messy on stuff like hair.
also based futachad

>> No.5021495
File: 268 KB, 788x1280, E234BACC-13DB-4DA1-8874-A10480D4E756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watched 2 hours of Glenn vilppu. Am I feeling the form yet? I feel like I was observing slightly differently than normal.

>> No.5021496

The form is not being felt.

>> No.5021498

How do I feel the form? I thought I was feeling it in the top left girl a bit. As if it took the first two girls to even feel it a little bit. Not even a smidge?

>> No.5021500

Why are you chicken scratching with a pen when trying to follow vilppu. Use a pencil or stop chicken scratching

>> No.5021499

Top right*

>> No.5021501

Learn perspective first and take the Peter Han pill.

>> No.5021507
File: 274 KB, 1584x1597, IMG_20201124_234757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally was able to draw something today. im so happy

>> No.5021532
File: 685 KB, 720x720, 2020 11 24 American gunslinger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how to make this better, but I know it's shit.

>> No.5021538

i think you should memorize your proportions first. it will make following along and drawing a lot easier if you have a ballpark idea of correct sizes.

and clean up your lines

>> No.5021552
File: 183 KB, 806x604, 20201124_220455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its taken 9 months, but I think I finally understand gesture. 2 min gestures here.

Steve Huston gave the key. Limbs are curved cylinders joined by corners. Elbows, knees and shoulders are corners. Drawing the limbs as single spaghetti lines has not worked for me but this has. If I don't think in 3d I don't get the gesture.

And draw slow.

>> No.5021554
File: 102 KB, 798x796, D2eC9jG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I suck

>> No.5021555

Doesn’t look like a very interesting subject, combined with sloppy shading, perspective, anatomy etc, the whole randomness of it makes me think you should just drop it and move onto your next artwork

>> No.5021559

>crabs spreading the peter wuhan virus
rip to the poor fuckers who caught it

>> No.5021561

besides studying form and perspective?
Only thing you can really do to this is put some colour on other points of interest. The red lines are really ugly here not sure what the intention is the gun is already pointing towards the target and the swooshing lines aren't adding to that focal point since its already at a vanishing point.

>> No.5021564

I just wanna learn form dude. What do you recommend?

>> No.5021569

You know the rules anon. Post your work and who you learned from.
Ignore him til he shares some solid work

>> No.5021571
File: 337 KB, 1280x1600, peter-han-ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solid work

>> No.5021573

>chicken scratch

>> No.5021577

Well the vehicle does look very good. Share your work or not, I don’t care anymore

>> No.5021586

not him but where do u see chicken scratches

>> No.5021589
File: 1.67 MB, 2500x1436, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it if i keep progressing like this?

>> No.5021590

The rest of it is pretty good but the face should have been cleaned up. Thats the only part that looks scratchy.

>> No.5021591

you get better. I've been doing all the warm up exercises for a while now.

>> No.5021595

What have you been working on or studying? I was gonna say yes but then I saw bottom right 2020
Not that you can't make it but you should probably change things up

>> No.5021597

hah fuck no

>> No.5021599

nothing and i feel fucking autistic for doing it
>bottom right
thats probably the oldest out of all these and i did it to piss of some autistic shiczo on /vp/ so didnt really put much effort into it, only really added it since it was colored kek

>> No.5021603

Do figure drawing.

>> No.5021605
File: 509 KB, 999x1200, figures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5021630
File: 1.66 MB, 2500x2500, More Gesture Drawings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brent who? Seriously, your gestures were fucking god tier and I need to do stuff like that. Mine are ass.

>> No.5021632

so the goal is to basically use references till it comes naturally right? cuz i can't for the life of me come up with poses for my own character

>> No.5021638

Probably refering to Brent Eviston

>> No.5021640

you're on the right track bro. the only difference between yours and that guys gesture drawings, is he has cleaner lines.

>> No.5021641
File: 494 KB, 1125x615, 758FE60D-57C3-4C14-A896-2DF902124075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goy
>god tier
What the heck don’t say that anon, I’m still very new to gesture drawing
Also only on lesson 4 of it

>> No.5021648
File: 84 KB, 854x1445, Screenshot_20201124-222112_Clip Studio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5021651
File: 2.87 MB, 3112x4594, ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I figured that out but in this pastebin
the link to Brent Eviston's course is dead.
Do you really think so? I think mine are flat and take too long to do and I find a hard time transferring those gesture drawings to actual drawings I am doing. I am not confident that I am *really* feeling the form.
Well if you got that good that fast following that course, then I really want to try it.

>> No.5021658

Your gestures look better imo, I get caught up in detail or over think the proportions so I run out of time easily
As for the paste bin I’m not sure where else to get it then, for some reason the bideo course thread hasn’t been up for a while despite it being the most helpful thread on this board

>> No.5021663
File: 1.24 MB, 2500x2500, Spelunky Fan Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay wait, apparently this Brent Eviston course is fucking $11 on Udemy. You people are this poor?
>Apparently there's four courses of his on udemy
>They're all $11
Okay, I can see how this would add up. Good thing I work 12 hours a day so I am super rich... h-haha ; _ ;
Which ones should I get?
Here's more examples of stuff I have done recently.

>> No.5021664

I can see you are going places, good work

>> No.5021668

was this from ref

>> No.5021673

>You people are this poor?
nah, it's just i rather get it for free if i can :^)

>> No.5021678

>4 years

anon, how old are you

>> No.5021679


>> No.5021685

Well the prices look like they’re currently on sale. Standard price seems to be 100 dollars each

>> No.5021689

True, but I feel like that's a scam and that they're always on sale. I've gotta go to sleep for now, but after work tomorrow, I'll bang some of these out and tell you guys how this goes.
They're not even that long, only like 3 hours for the basic-er ones and the Figure drawing gesture one is like 11 hours.

>> No.5021690
File: 170 KB, 800x600, 1598801623806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, I feel lost, is it ok for me not to practice fundies, I barely did 2 hours today, maybe even 1 hour 30 min.
I'm lost on what resources to use, I don't know which ones I should continue on and the list is huge.
>Keys to Drawing
>Perspective Courses
>Perspective Made Easy
>Dynamic Sketching
>Vilppu Figure Courses
>Drawing on The Right side of The Brain
>Fun with a Pencil
>Courses on Shapes

>> No.5021694

“The goal”
You mean your goal? Decide that for yourself

>> No.5021697
File: 709 KB, 1358x1186, 72E0ED37-DFC7-4DD2-ACD4-EBBAE5C6AF53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one shoots mustard gas don’t do it

>> No.5021698
File: 58 KB, 540x640, 686bab1117c26da3c487b779515ee232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is loomis right? Does loomis explain how to make the face 3d and draw the eye socket and depth of the face?

>> No.5021700

>You mean your goal? Decide that for yourself
i didn't really mean that as a thing everyone should do, i was just wondering if that's how people learn how to make poses, cuz like i said, i suck at making up poses for my characters.

>> No.5021703
File: 143 KB, 433x387, phil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw big titty shortstack porn
>stuck drawing boxes and old people
Bros... I just want to draw my goblin wife..

>> No.5021704

That's not loomis lol

>> No.5021705

go with which one helps you understand the best. i'm an autist that has trouble learning shit from books so i decided to go with video courses and just picked the first one for beginners.

>> No.5021710

you gotta make sure you also draw for fun, anon. if you focus too much on grinding and studying, you'll burn out.

>> No.5021712

What technique is it then? I like it better than loomis and I wanna try it

>> No.5021714
File: 274 KB, 561x675, nZpOPFa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks similar to hampton method, [Michael_Hampton]_Figure_Drawing_Design_and_Inven book

>> No.5021719
File: 649 KB, 2500x2500, Gaming Goblin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Drawabox, he literally says NOT to grind fundies. He says 50% fundies, 50% for fun.

If all you do is grind fundies you will literally forget what you started drawing for in the first place. It happened to me and it took forever for me to get back on track. Why not just draw something you want to draw, evaluate the good parts about it that you enjoy, evaluate the bad parts, then work to fix those bad parts?
If you don't at least partially enjoy the drawings that you've made, you won't find that there's a magical point where you're "good at drawing" now and then you're fine. You'll always hate your drawings and feel like you're never good enough.
When I finish a drawing I go, "damn, I really made that? That was fucking sick, I'm a god," because given where I was before, anything is an improvement and that's how you need to see your own drawings.
Who am I kidding though? You're some random anonymous 4chan poster that avatarfags instead of posting your own art. You've probably been here for months.
This goes to you too. Seriously, draw what you want, but spend some of that time practicing fundamentals and other things that will help improve those drawings. Don't just grind boxes. Turn those boxes into shortstacks or whatever.
Sorry for the wall of text, but this is what 4chan's /ic/ board does to you. It makes you think you won't be happy until you "make it" but unfortunately, you literally NEVER "make it" because "it" is never good enough when you operate under such a toxic mindset.

>> No.5021722 [DELETED] 
File: 775 KB, 3238x4146, cumgoblin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know but it feels an insult to the art life made when you try to draw something good and it turns out like shit

>> No.5021728

it'd be an insult to art to be afraid to draw something shit, anon.

>> No.5021729

Draw a loomis

>> No.5021732
File: 362 KB, 2856x742, IMG_20200712_1816357012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just always feels shit when you try to draw something good and it turns out bad. Like youre insulting your own art. I'm in the fundie grinding stage
I suppose so

>> No.5021735

You've missed the point.

>> No.5021737

Are you the guy from earlier? The many hobbies one, you're pathetic.
already posted my new shit so don't go around thinking you're a guru, don't grind fundies only? Thanks for the news asshole. Go back to your drawthread where you're some kind of authority, they'll take your shit, I won't.

>> No.5021738

that's a good feeling anon, it means you wanna improve, but you shouldn't beat yourself up about it if the drawing doesn't turn out how you want it, yah know?

>> No.5021741

No I get it, I'm just being hard on myself.

>> No.5021742

lmao what the fuck

>> No.5021743

The crab is back

>> No.5021745

I'm not a crab, I already posted my work, and piece of advice, you need to care about others to be a crab, you're not even real to me.
You came into this thread begging like a bitch, and on the last thread you too were whining that people wouldn't suck your cock on the first try, drawthreads got you cocky, I don't give a shit. End of conversation.

>> No.5021750

If you were one of the 7 dwarves, you’d be grumpy

>> No.5021754
File: 18 KB, 96x96, 1583572168215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the absolute fuck are you talking about

>> No.5021767

am i missing something here? did some petty drama happen in the other threads?

>> No.5021769

why are there so many schizos on this board

>> No.5021772

He’s trying to make fake drama against a thread enemy or something

>> No.5021774

Last thread a guy went absolutely ballistic to some ESL crab. He apologized earlier in this thread. Besides that I sont know

>> No.5021784
File: 1.15 MB, 1163x976, Value Study 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd refine this more but I don't got all day to do it. PS: what's this Qt's name?

>> No.5021788
File: 687 KB, 1728x2304, rsz_img20201125122359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWP p1-18

>> No.5021796
File: 1.23 MB, 1438x1875, Screenshot_20201125-003456_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bee-girl sketch :>

Her claws look funny but I'm not sure how to go about them? Make them thicker?

>> No.5021819

Nigga how is this beg

>> No.5021831
File: 1.53 MB, 950x1425, i-tired-so-hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told to post here :(
Am I really eternal /beg/?

>> No.5021850

Sonics arms aren't blue.

>> No.5021864
File: 293 KB, 911x907, 1599839953198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent studied construction, dont know where to start

>> No.5021865


>> No.5021866

Really? I copied all the heads from the book, and did a contour drawing of the Gigachad.
These >>5021784 >>5021831 >>5021532
>>5021375 are not /beg/

>> No.5021867

The colors are way too contrasted and saturated so it’s kinda hard to look at and there’s not really any appeal in the method of shading you used, I think because it lacks any kind of hard edges. Then there’s the uncanny face and half, also you clearly didn’t draw the tattoos yourself which are the best part of the artwork

>> No.5021878

What kind of shading method do you think is best for digital painting? Any youtube video or example to share? I need to learn fast.

>> No.5021883

vilppu, huston, loomis, proko, etc
just pick the teacher you like the most

>> No.5021897

There is no best. Observe artists works you like and study them. Why do you need to learn fast. Also if you need to learn fast I recommend you don’t sit on one piece for hours asking how it can be improved

>> No.5021902

Well, I've only been painting for a week but I did alot of shitty anime sketches in highschool a decade ago. Guess I'm not /beg/ then :c

>> No.5021904

Im doing content my dude. And i have commissions to do.

>> No.5021909

So do I breh so stop looking for youtube tutorials and learn from some real fuckin material

>> No.5021912

Need to improve fast...finding a way later.

>> No.5021917

The eclipses will break you.

>> No.5021920
File: 620 KB, 1920x2560, 1125200204a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Capture (via the Sacred Chakra) of Ouroboros

>> No.5021927

Very esoteric

>> No.5021929

Vilppu what? His figure drawing course? How to get him? I failed at his Drawing Manual book

>> No.5021933

You might be closer to intermediate, people are just saying that because you made mistakes in specific areas that makes it look really uncanny. Head is slightly big and attaches to the torso weirdly which makes it seem like she's straining it forward. Your light areas are almost completely white which looks way too jarring.

>> No.5021934
File: 167 KB, 1640x812, 1FF5D86C-4B2F-4EC7-827E-C0B52191E176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time either tilt the head down or bring it back

>> No.5021941

What's with the appearance of rendered uncanny valley art lately? Same for tidepod girl pic. Is this because of quarantine?

>> No.5021965

shoulder is too wide for a female

>> No.5021972

Pick any, it really doesn't matter that much, you'll know if you're lacking shit in a course. Fundamentals are all more or less the same, and 2 hours is more than enough.

>> No.5022054

what paper do you guys use to practise gesture

>> No.5022060

Printer paper

>> No.5022064

The cheapest paper, I can rip through like 20 pages in an hour

>> No.5022080

Are there any other good sites for references like croquis cafe? I've drawn like 90% of the photos there already.

>> No.5022088
File: 5 KB, 64x64, mockup.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since lockdown i've been working on a lil retro rpg game, this is the style so far... any feedback appreciated :)

>> No.5022094

>I failed at his Drawing Manual book
do it again, it's meant to be read several times

>> No.5022101

how much does drawing on a tablet translate do drawing traditionally?

>> No.5022104
File: 119 KB, 864x1152, rsz_img20201125160429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redesign the eyes and antennae dude. They look unappealing . I suggest add more chitin parts to make the insect aesthetic more convincing. Please draw the abdomen aka bee butt.

>> No.5022108

can't believe i just now noticed the upper arm is basically the same length as the forearm. makes drawing arms so much easier.

>> No.5022120

Wait til you find out where penices can fit

>> No.5022176
File: 667 KB, 2560x1920, 1125200459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing big tittes

...and little else

>> No.5022190

very nice rendering on that booba.

>> No.5022191

Whatever is nearby, it doesn't really matter.

>> No.5022237
File: 395 KB, 1000x1300, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5022248
File: 408 KB, 1450x2019, rsz_img_20201125_181715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWP p.19-20
Humble brag

>> No.5022250


>> No.5022296
File: 3.88 MB, 4000x4500, Untitled_Artwork-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this belongs here but I'm trying to savage the right hand and fingers even if the pose is shitty.
I mean I wouldn't walk in here and ask for redline like an entitled shit but it'll be nice to shoot me on areas this really need work on

>> No.5022306
File: 78 KB, 449x700, Phil_Hale_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back bros
I'm the guy who did a pyw

Need more loomis unironically
Study more basic anatomy, hands has no life in it.

And anon, the pose you're trying to achieve is too hard for you right now, after you finished some study on what I said above go learn some basic perspective, and then practice it on shapes not humans, because it's too complicated (well, for now)

>> No.5022310

what's he doing?

>> No.5022326

thanks anon
youre right and the shapes part you nailed it
ive been practicing this shit on human bodies and get pissed every time and I should have thought of it thanks agn

Ugh here I go back to grinding those naked bodies I've done so much of those already but fuck do I need it.

There's supposed to be a bow I half-assed draw but forgot to export in this image, to the other

>> No.5022332

this might be a dumb question, but it's ok to rely on refs(for now till i get better) for poses right? I'm not very good at coming up with my own and i like to use a ref, but i don't want it to be some kind of crutch.

>> No.5022335

rely how.

>> No.5022342

just copying the pose. i'm not tracing over it or trying to copy it 100%.

>> No.5022343

Key to Drawing's author promotes using refs as much as possible to build your visual library.

>> No.5022345

kinda cool, I think you'll make it if you continue improving

>> No.5022351

ah cool. i can't really draw other poses right now except a stiff ass standing one.

>> No.5022364

whats wrong with it?

>> No.5022370

you will (as every pro ever) will use refs for the rest of your drawing career

>> No.5022381


>> No.5022427
File: 1.03 MB, 1350x1350, SanicEncouragement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in you. You can make it if you put your heart and soul into it.
If this post is deleted, Janny is a cuck.

>> No.5022502

anyone know where I can get some good hand refs, or do I have to autistically take hundreds of pictures of my own? posing and drawing becomes tiresome after a while.

>> No.5022509
File: 295 KB, 1000x1000, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5022513

You can check out the hr or s board for pictures

>> No.5022567

I was going for less appealing, I want the reaction not to be "hot bee" but more like "ew...?" I can't really describe it. Just not outright sexy bee.
Also thank you for posting yours, I was struggling to figure out where to add the abdomen last night without making it look too funny. All the references I found were Monster Musume esque.


>> No.5022579


>> No.5022585

If anyone tells you not to draw from reference, theyre a shit teacher, dont listen to them. You need references as a newbie. Even intermediate artists use them. Only people who really dont need them are pros whove been drawing for so long that they have a massive memory of nearly every kind of pose imaginable in their brain

>> No.5022731
File: 112 KB, 661x834, QX94zrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly starting to flay less

>> No.5022770
File: 799 KB, 2653x1978, _20201125_120612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5022773

inb4 /pol/posting
I like it

>> No.5022786

people can say what they want. I voted for Trump. I am on pol almost everyday. A drawing is a drawing.

>> No.5022801
File: 240 KB, 714x329, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main problem with this that my favourite art styles are on such opposite ends of the spectrum that I don't know what I should stick too or study. I like coom art with simple faces like on the left, but i also like the stylized realism stuff of people like karl kopinski on the right.

>> No.5022809

Lol, almost the same with me, pinup style got me into trying to learn how to draw.

>> No.5022810

not /beg/

>> No.5022811
File: 406 KB, 850x1235, A276BF5D-44EF-40E6-80ED-260F3A609CD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combine the two
There are no restrictions with art! Artist of pic related is oda non

>> No.5022827

just draw both. i bounce between styles all the time. realism, waifus, cars and bikes, digital traditional 3d models... you can't draw 2 different styles?

>> No.5022834

Yeah draw both. Style is rarely a conscious choice and what you will end up with will almost certainly be different from what you imagine.

>> No.5022840
File: 295 KB, 971x835, pile of beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't draw 2 different styles?
Im still hyper new, Im doing the Dynamic sketching course and then Im gonna try drawing again with my new knowledge

>> No.5022846

hurr durr

>> No.5022853

Hmm where are your nov 22, 21 and 20 drawings anon?

>> No.5022868
File: 581 KB, 1760x836, fXiTch5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually on those days I just grind fundies or do sketches. That was supposed to be stuff I considered finished. My sketch folder is fucking massive and Its only been a month

>> No.5022878

Holy shit that's fucking awesome art. Has anyone else found it more difficult to jerk it to shittier manga after learning art fundies?

>> No.5022887

for now just do your best m8. dont focus so much on style. you're doing good.

>> No.5022891

hey dudes is it worth getting a drawing tablet as a complete beginner? if yes, whats a good one? preferably with a screen.

>> No.5022893

I dont jerk to manga for the most part, but when I do jerk to art, if I notice a mistake it instantly turns me off lol

>> No.5022912
File: 1.89 MB, 3600x4500, arcs waves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hard but also oddly therapeutic.

>> No.5022919
File: 1.27 MB, 1613x1147, 86384104-4FBE-4D86-B3ED-98124BA725FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the shitty doujin is drawn well?

>> No.5022932

I unno, at this point I'd prefer a waked out shindol that makes me feel like shit after to some poorly drawn vanilla with all my check boxed little fetishes. I've also started finding models just posing way more sexy. Like appreciating the female form in a way I never did before.

>> No.5022937

Personally my goal is to learn the female figure well and put my skills into stories. I think a running trend is that good doujin artists tend to draw really good clothing too because they spent the time to learn the ins and outs of something so complex as the human figure. I think some artists don’t like drawing the nude figure when learning the basics, not sure what’s up with them

>> No.5022946

Sauce please. Forgot to ask.
Good clothing is sexier than the naked body. I'd ask my exes to wear things and they would like it because they could go shopping for sexy things. But I always feel like that kind of sexual attraction is a strange commodification of my psychological arousal. Ugh.

>> No.5022951
File: 1.25 MB, 2023x1278, E2ACC9D0-1EF6-4817-9000-757B3D6A4448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a reupload site but the posts often list the source to pixiv or twitter etc. what’s amazing is that oda non and many other artists in japan get to do designs for console games and tv anime even though they’re also porn artists. Pic related is just manga work with an artist who really enjoys drawing footwear, I love attention to shoes and such

>> No.5022953

>Good clothing is sexier than the naked body.
most guys think this, and the reason being nothing is better than your imagination, when the body is shown its always a disappointment basically

>> No.5022969
File: 1.21 MB, 1436x1905, Screenshot_20201125-134350_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to draw bee tummy, I don't think it's working.

>> No.5022998

Oh thats that dudes name! God I always love his art style. Now I know what to search on sad panda. Thanks brah.

>> No.5023003
File: 88 KB, 506x685, terrible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't figure out perspective for shit and it's getting annoying

>> No.5023075

Perspective isn’t the only problem here. You don’t know the anatomical features of the face so you’re just doodling on things. Use reference

>> No.5023135
File: 57 KB, 336x459, Michael_Hampton_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your face isnt flat, It somewhat angle to a point at your nose. Eyes and mouth should represent that

>> No.5023138

what the buttmunch is gesture anyway?

>> No.5023233
File: 377 KB, 714x740, 0039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it is shit, but is it at least recognizable? can you tell who he is?

>> No.5023235

Gesture is understanding the underlying movement and energy of a picture of a person. It's not re-creating something exactly, it's showing what you see on paper.

>The primary purpose of gesture drawing is to facilitate the study of the human figure in motion. This exploration of action is helpful for the artist to better understand the exertions of muscles, the effects of twisting on the body, and the natural range of motion in the joints. Basically, it is a method of training hands to sketch what the brain has already seen. Staying "focused" means sustained concentration. Gesture drawings may take as long as two minutes, or as short as five seconds, depending on what the focus of the exercise is.


>> No.5023237

sopa de macaco?

>> No.5023240

I've seen the guy before but forgot his name, could be worse

>> No.5023242


>> No.5023243


>> No.5023250

>I barely did 2 hours today
at least you drew something, it is already a win in my book.

>> No.5023254

just draw something easy, something just a little bit above your skill level.

>> No.5023261

I like the concept!

>> No.5023263

the cheapest one possible

>> No.5023275
File: 929 KB, 1126x1769, gotgud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fundie grinding stage
>your own art

at this point I don't think there's a concept of "your own art". There's the things you heavily reference and the crap that happens when you don't.
Stop caring so much about stuff, "artistic integrity" ,"pride" and "your deep, spiritual artistic journey" are for people who get paid, not us.

>> No.5023277
File: 722 KB, 904x895, fuckthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know next time I try and make something this
complicated I think I'll actually learn to draw and render first.
Might be salvagable if I get some references and redraw a few parts but I'm unsure as to whether it's worth finishing.

>> No.5023295
File: 39 KB, 640x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should resize it up when posting else it is impossible to see

if a line is suppose to be one pixel thick I like to avoid putting two pixel side by side, I am pretty beg tho feel free to ignore this.

>> No.5023302


>> No.5023323
File: 77 KB, 370x1044, image301 Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone r8 my anatomy, I know it looks scratchy, I just had to draw before the day was over

>> No.5023336

neck b like a turtle

arm proportion be like... like... idk what to call it, but its not correct

torso to leg proportion no correct

lower leg to upper leg ratio no correct

perspective on right foot wierd

HOWEVER you do know the shape of the muscles from what I see, you just need to understand proportions and perspective (line quality as well). Gmi tho if u just do figure practice for a bit of time daily

>> No.5023347
File: 528 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the ref, I saw in other thread and I had to draw it.

>> No.5023351

is it the chad meme?

arms are a little short, the wrist should reach the crotch.

>> No.5023360

I have an old wacom tablet that I never used and I want to start drawing for money (including porn).
Please make a list of steps I'll have to do from the very beginning until the point of selling (which websites can I sell that?)
I thought of simply drawing away and copying stuff to intuitively get the hang of it, but I don't even know the basics and the name of styles so that I could Google them.
Also, how do you colorize after you drawed the black lines? I make a layer underneath and paint with it, but it's gross and the color often bleeds out of the black line

>> No.5023365

look at edge of glasses in compairson to his head, then look at your drawing, and thats just one thing to check

>> No.5023369

new thread


>> No.5023373
File: 91 KB, 400x711, boxer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scuffed animu boxer while i wait for vilppu vids to download.

>> No.5023376
File: 137 KB, 796x1024, rsz_img_0961 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last bump sorry
>HOWEVER you do know the shape of the muscles from what I see
my first positive feedback, is this real, is this what starting to "make it" feels like? thank you
but yeah i did feel the least confident when i was doing the arms. a few months ago I spent 3 weeks grinding leg anatomy from pic related, very helpful for brute forcing anatomy info imo.

>> No.5023452

theres no way thats not backwards wtf

1. bargue
2. loomis and vilppu
3. color and light by gurney, ctrlpaint

for coloring dont even bother with that desu until you can draw good
but since you're using lines just paint bucket the base color and then you can just alpha lock and paint over it without going over the lines

>> No.5023453

>1. bargue
>2. loomis and vilppu
>3. color and light by gurney, ctrlpaint
Can I get that in english chief

>> No.5023462
File: 67 KB, 276x274, 56006e5db539e4033129c4c3cb4554afcb0678a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google is ur friend

1. https://archive.org/details/C.BargueDrawingCourse
2. http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/ and https://www.amazon.com/Vilppu-Drawing-Manual-Glenn/dp/1892053039
3. https://www.amazon.com/Color-Light-Realist-Painter-Gurney/dp/0740797719 and ctrlpaint.com

>> No.5023473

Fuck I got brainfog I can't do that
Are these all books/methods?

Also I saw "rendering" mentioned on this board, but afaik it's a 3D thing, do I need to get into that if I want to stand a chance on this market?

>> No.5023488

if u can't read just 4 books (one of which is like 4 pages of important text) ur never gonna make it

rendering in art context refers to basically like shading and color which is important. but no point in learning that yet if you can't draw first

>> No.5023675

If you've got brainfog so bad you can't follow a book, just do drawabox or something and focus on fixing your head before you try to build a career.
I'd make sure you have an idea of perspective before you do vilppu too, he outright says to go do that before you continue at a pretty early point in the book.

>> No.5023771

Do I really have to "build a career"?
I thought online freelancing was easy and people would just see my gallery, see that I can draw, and hire me.

>> No.5023944

what the fuck are you talking about? Lol, I don't post in the draw thread at all. I don't even post on this board like ever. Sorry I was just trying to encourage you. Shizos man

>> No.5024160

i'm just using it as a broad term for anything you're doing for money. freelancing could be an easier way to get some side money if you're already competent and can draw decent stuff pretty quickly, but that's not the case here.