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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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5016065 No.5016065 [Reply] [Original]

Everybody deserves happiness.

>> No.5016069

except you*

>> No.5016227

Learning anatomy is shit.

>> No.5016237

Deserves? No.

Should have. Yes.

Deserves got nothing to do with it.

>> No.5016244

Im pooping
Ooopsie oopsie

>> No.5016251
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I need money

>> No.5016325

>I'm gonna vanish haha
You don't need to be such a drama queen you jerk poopey head f-faggomobender of 4 elements master of none. It's not like I read your post to see if you read mine or anything. Just..like, disappear already? S-see if I care. Humph.

>> No.5016350

I was more creative when I was depressed. Now that I'm always busy my mind is too preoccupied to come up with anything interesting.

>> No.5016363
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>draw because you enjoy it and want to be creative
>says every artist with a decent sized following

My brain is permanently stained with the goal of success in mind, so that instead of freely drawing, I immediately compare myself to others and degrade my own abilities.
I swear now every time I see well received artwork, I just think of how I'm an inferior human being.

Any tips on self-brainwashing to purge the biological need to be noticed/wanted as well as the conditioned flood of self doubt every time I see someone at a level I wish to be?

>> No.5016381

Your body if art fails

>> No.5016470

Be my art gf and i shall shower you with $$$. Definitely more than what my whore of an ex art gf deserved.

>> No.5016485

That's probably an inferiority complex troubling you.
When you see others people's art you think "your art sucks, you're not as good as them, you're not going to make it, etc", right?
And that's probably affecting more areas of your life.

What you've got to understand is that you are no worse and no better than anyone else.
Every successful person started at the same level as you.
They earned their skills, as you are doing right now.
Hell, there are even people who suck at drawing and are successful, why can you not be?

If you want to be successful to make a living out of art, you can start looking into how to build an instagram following (there are many videos on youtube). But first, your work should be good (idk your current level).

Another main question you've got to ask yourself is:
Do you LIKE drawing? Would you do it anyways, even if it was not your main source of income?
Does it bring Joy to you?

If that's the case, great. Embrace it. It's something you love.
You don't need to be the best at it.

That feeling you have, "i need to be good, i need to be the best" comes from the inferiority complex (and that probably stems from a lack of love, or something like that.)
It's your psyche seeking approval from external people (because you unconsciously feel inferior and in need of support).

There's probably an unconscious thought in there that thinks "if I was good at art, everything in my life would be good".
It's just as people who think "if i had a girlfriend, my life would be sorted out", "if i got that job, i would be in peace for the rest of my life"
Well, it doesn't work like that, trust me.

Are you willing to work a day job to pay the bills, and do art as something you love doing?
It might eventually turn into a paying job, but there is no certainty right now.

Ultimately this problem is about your life in general: are you satisfied? Usually we run after a phantom goal when we are dissatisfied, thinking that achieving that will make us happy

>> No.5016489

I wish COVID would just end so I don’t have to wagecuck for my family anymore. Wagselevarry is soul crushing, I can’t even begin to describe, and I’m not even working anywhere near full time

>> No.5016505

But in reality, when that goal is met, nothing change, we are only left with emptiness, and usually one more phantom goal to pursue.

Try to find fulfillment in the small things. Like a nice drawing you made. Art is about nourishing the soul, the mind, the heart.
Be willing to accept that nobody can be the best. There's always going to be somebody better than you.

But what you can do, is be the best at what you like doing.
Have a goal! like "i want to learn to paint, so I can paint giant mechas".
Then start painting giant mechas and get good at it.
I assure you that as long as you're getting that satisfaction from painting what you love, you won't feel inferior or uncapable.
And people will notice your work, because it is done with passion.

Drawing is just one part of life. Satisfaction and the sense of fullfillment comes from a well lived life, with love, friendship, helping others, laughing, having fun, meditating, being creative, and much more.

So don't feel bad if you cannot draw as well as that other guy (yet!).
Chances are, that other guy cannot do something you are really good at right now.

>> No.5016506
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Quit acting like a Vagina and pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

>> No.5016510

Shut up before I rape your roastie ass you smug loli cunt

>> No.5016513

Pick one wagecuck

>> No.5016640

I really needed to read this. Thank you.
There's a lot of... things I need to work on.

>> No.5016663

Testosterone is the answer
You want attention like a woman
Go work out every morning

>> No.5016699

I feel like I don't deserve to make it.

>> No.5016752
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>post drawing
>2 people unfollow

>> No.5016756

Of course you will anon, look at these dubs

>> No.5016762

I wish I wasn't so depreciative of myself, and I wish I had the work ethic to draw.

>> No.5016771
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>ask teacher for rec letter
>1 week
>they haven't replied
I didn't know people hated me this much.

>> No.5016779

Why are the lights off in that diner?

>> No.5016850

How do people manage to use dodge/burn and not have it look like shit

>> No.5016920

I feel so much dread about my future, I wish I had someone to talk to

>> No.5016923

What aspect of the future?
How old are you?

>> No.5016931

Economical, 26

>> No.5016934

65 almost 66. Just wondering if I’ll ever make it as a concept artist, I started 6 months ago

>> No.5016935

Lol the "almost" made it pretty funny :)

>> No.5016959

Personal finances or economy outlook for world/country?

>> No.5016968

I kept dodging studio job opportunities because I'm lazy and can't handle regular jobs. Now I don't earn enough to survive 15 days. Without commission.

>> No.5017011
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I tried every cope imaginable. The fact is that I’m just bad and deserve the worst possible outcome in life

Even when I try to sketch for fun recently my drawings are just dogshit. I don’t know what happened between now and a few months ago that would make it difficult for me to even draw the simplest poses. Maybe I’m just out of lifeforce. I just hope god has the decency to take me in my sleep sooner than later. There is literally nothing left in life for me that isn’t shallow entertainment, and even that will remind me of my failures. Whatever

>> No.5017015

I just wanna get good enough already so i can start getting comissions

>> No.5017018

I wanna draw coom

>> No.5017021


>> No.5017092

Motivation is hard. I look back and see how I've become ever so slightly better at both drawing and having discipline to draw regularly. But sometimes it's just hard to motivate myself to draw knowing, that I won't see any immediate results from my current practice.
Also being a low tier /beg/ it's a little discouraging that all my fun drawings look like shit and I need to find fun in drawing itself, rather than having a neat looking result.

>> No.5017182

i just wanna make a living by drawimg but i have no fucking idea how. i have no idea how to be a freelancer and it stresses me the fuck out everyday being concerned about how ill sustain myself in the future.

>> No.5017194

Knowing concepts such as "autopilot","focused studies" "enjoy the process" or just the "plateau" thing make me more stressed out than anything.
I don't know If I'm focused or not,if I enjoy the process enough,if I have reach my limite or not etc...

>> No.5017200
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I got a lot of likes on a drawing but I don't think I deserve them and now I wish I spent more time on that drawing

>> No.5017205

Trying to accept your art is bad is harder than it looks

>> No.5017223

These damn porn bots keep following me, where are they coming from?

>> No.5017241

I'm beg. I draw boxes in perspective, currently doing Robertsons book. I'm happy with what i do and i enjoy the process but i want to draw things from my imagination, bc its kinda what i started for. Should i use some of my time from learning and just draw whatever i feel like even though i'm shitty at it? I'm really scared of it desu.

>> No.5017302
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>want to study an element of another artist's style e.g. the way they do anatomy with appealing shapes
>they only have a couple of drawings dealing with that subject and the rest is unrelated
>not nearly enough to do a comprehensive study on their method


>> No.5017304
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>> No.5017305


>> No.5017309

They coom forth from the aether of humanities desires, manifested spirits of machine language to haunt dirty pervs.

>> No.5017312

Hi. How r u

>> No.5017313


I'm peachy >.<
And yoU??

>> No.5017324

Good to hear. I'm fighting the cosmic forces of imbalance, chaos and darkness, so good of course!!

>> No.5017350

I'll be your art gf for you please.
I beg, I dont wanna work at an insurance company for 9hrs, travel for 2hrs 6 days a week any more.

>> No.5017399
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I tend to only enjoy drawing when i'm in "the zone". Entering it is hard and seems to happen mostly by chance, but i'm slowly beginning to realize that a big component of getting there is thinking in concepts rather than abstract shapes and forms. So instead of drawing a head the traditional way (by thinking in spheres, squares, extrusions, indents, etc.), think about the head as a part of a larger concept (mother, hero, child, teacher, orc, etc. ).
This suggests that the stronger the concept is, the easier it will be to get into the zone, and thus drawing will be more fun. So maybe the way forward is having a preset concept that you can attach drawings to, for example a worldbuilding project, in order to make it easier to get into the zone. So you'll have the bigger picture in mind when drawing, so you know how the thing you're drawing fits into an existing universe. I think this will make drawing much more fun as it's not just about making a pretty picture, but building and fleshing out a whole world. Instead of being technically perfectionist, the focus is now about formulating an idea.
Does anyone of you have had the same kinds of thoughts?

>> No.5017402

Art is very abstract thing, i feel you, i have "those kind of thoughts" always, i can't explain them and if could they are not helpfull to anyone,

>> No.5017409

No, my creativity is 0, I'm just a monkey in front of a screen

>> No.5017654

I used to feel this way, dreaded going to work to the point that i couldn't even enjoy weekends anymore knowing how quick id have to go back. fucking miserable existence.
Unfortunately wage slavery is necessary for just about everyone unless you were born into money, at least at first until you can establish something for yourself.
Individual experiences may vary, but i accidentally found myself in a job that gives me complete autonomy. Nobody tells me what to do at work & I manage my time how i want. Even got a company vehicle & gas card to boot, need a break? fuck it put on some music and go for a drive. I haven't even talked to a supervisor in weeks, let alone have them over my shoulder telling me to get off my phone.

I do have to wage slave still, but at least i can do it on my terms, and the independence gives a loner like me the ability to be myself while at work.
Maybe you should try looking for a job that allows you more autonomy? Being able to tolerate your wage slave necessity frees up your mind & energy to pursue other things (like an escape from that necessity) at least that's been my experience. I wouldn't call myself a happy person by any means but i probably would have anhero'd by now if i was still doing that shit i hated.

>> No.5017795

Am /beg/ that's had consistent work with a couple of people. Friends are supportive and it really made me want to actually improve, so I pay attention to the shitpost doodles we do together for our discord nonsense and pin point what I should focus on next and they're always quick to offer resources or tips themselves.

That's great and all, but there's that one fucking dude who every time I post something I spend more than 5 minutes on a drawing and we happen to be in VC together I hear some fuckin' quip under his breath that's usually some iteration of, "god I can't believe you get paid."

Like, fuck off. I get it, I happened to hit that right place right time bullshit, but you literally don't fucking try to get yourself out there and make a name for yourself in anything. You hide 90% of your shit from the world so shit and get off the pot already and stop being a cunt.

Depending on who you are, use that. Once you can safely admit it to yourself, look at your art objectively and break it down why it looks bad and pinpoint what you should focus on.

>> No.5017915

People say it’s hard because egos
What makes it hard for me is that it’s a reminder of all my shortcomings even unrelated to art

>> No.5018065

this get yourself out there is such a cunt phrase
like fuck off back to 9gag you faggot

>> No.5018214

So what do you say about someone who wants nothing more in the world than to be paid via commissions or to become a concept artist, went to school for it, refuses to make any socials, refuses to put together a comprehensive portfolio, yells at us for trying to motivate him, sits on discord all day and lets his parents pay off his student loan debt?

People aren't magically going to find him in our server of 9 people.

>> No.5018234
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I've been trying to fix some fucking shitty .stl files for work and I swear if I have to fucking remesh the fucking pieces of fucking shit again I'm gonna go fucking postal.

I have to fucking make it because I can't stand another fucking minute of this shit

>> No.5018300

The job that just let me go a few weeks ago magically now has a remote job with slightly better pay ($15-$17/hr). Thank God I didn't sign any papers for this other place that feels like they would have treated me like another disposable piece of trash.

>> No.5018494
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Sometimes I look at people who started after me but better than me and feel bad. But then I look at people who started before me and worse than me and feel good. Latter is more influential to my mood.

>> No.5018685

I just want to make friends and be a mutual of one of those artist that make "mutuals only" posts on twitter. I know it's sad but I want to meet cool people

>> No.5018767


>> No.5018769

Unnecessarily petty and very pathetic, but it’s been very difficult to get any reach on social media (Instagram) although I’m aware of my value and the level of skill at this point after thousands of hours of drawing my whole life, not as good as the best anons in the drawing threads but how Yuniiho would draw in 1-2 years to compare. Enough for filled commission queues but nowhere near getting into the industry yet, pretty much. I’ve abandoned my dignity and started to see who follows people who draw the same themes and going to their galleries, commenting on their 12 year old gacha scribbles trying to always make it sound “personal” and genuine and it drives me fucking insane how they usually don’t even make an effort to visit your fucking profile although you’re on the level of skill they will be in 10 years and it’s a fucking privilege for them to have me like and comment on their shit. I’m sick of maintaining this fake cute and bubbly online persona and wasting those 15 minutes a day trying to get new followers. I might be a sociopath judging by how I think of all of this but FUCK I don’t believe I’m the only anon who’s doing this shit and going crazy over how unrewarding it is. I want to have a community which will lick my ass and shit itself over my art, I want it to be constantly stolen and reposted and I want people to beg for friendship with me.

>> No.5018819

share instagram ill follow you

>> No.5018834

I’m confused on how some (non-cool) Japanese Twitter artists get like 50k-100k+ so quickly. Is it because they are Japanese? Bots?
I follow some of them too but I saw one person with 75k+ crying about how a company told him no company would hire him unless he had 100k+ Followers. I was just kind of baffled (it’s not like those 100k+ are guaranteed sales or something)

>> No.5018839

Not op but I'm thankful of being reminded
Recently I feel like I have not been improving the way I should be and its taken quite a toll
Mainly because of how unorganized when it comes to using resources and educating myself, But the truth is i can become organized and efficient with my work, one step at a time

>> No.5018858

Its over.

>> No.5019180

Hey kid wanna mutual?

>> No.5019207

the online world requires you to act very feminine. you basically have to act gay with a bubbly persona or people will interpret your connotation negatively. it sucks.

>> No.5019239

I'm assuming you meant "non-coom" kek Anyway A lot of them specialize in a specific niche, just do fanart, etc. Fate shit seems to do incredibly well, too. Oddly enough, they're relaly sensitive, too, if they get some heat, most of the time they will nuke their account

>> No.5019246

what level of coping is this?

>> No.5019250


I keep trying to relearn drawing the face to make it but wind up getting stuck with new techniques that really don't work when I try to use them again so I go back to older methods, shit still works but it feels like I'm not progressing by doing what the courses tell me to do.

>> No.5019257

You’re going about that the wrong way. It’s all just form, structure, and anatomy. Draw lots of heads from reference, lots of heads from anatomy books, and lots of heads from other artists. Just draw draw draw draw draw

>> No.5019262

That's the thing, I go with the way they draw their heads, different ways of splitting up the face and head and different starting points on how to construct it, most are similar obviously like with the circle and cutting off the sides but once they get to placement of eyes or things like that they differ and I find myself thinking of seven different ways to do it that it just becomes a mess.

It feels hard to just stick with one method of constructing the head but I'm probably confusing myself by going with too many.

>> No.5019264
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>buy commission for friend's birthday
>sketch comes in
>they finish the pic
>you tell them 2 details to fix but it looks good
>they send the full res
>in higher DPI there are actually numerous issues where they misinterpreted design elements
>at this point what are you going to do? Tell them to redo the whole belt, add the pockets to the pants, change the bust, etc
Welp looks like I will have a couple hours of work to do fixing this thing

>> No.5019326

what level of gender denial is this?

>> No.5019354

>i act like a girl because the people on the internet make me, not because i like it or anything
>n-no you're the tranny
some very high levels of coping indeed

>> No.5019742

I hate anime, I hate porn, I hate trannies, I hate videogames.

>> No.5019746

>studying in arts
>art teacher suggest me to leave the career

>> No.5019750

based and monkpilled

>> No.5019756
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I wish I wasn't from a Muslim country
I wish I was from some place with actual opportunity and industry

>> No.5019761

>I wish I was from some place with actual opportunity and industry
Dude, there is no better place to be an artist or any other digital career than a poorer country. It's basically impossible to make enough money to live if you're in a Western country. You probably want to sell porn so I assume you'd have to be pseudonymous anyway.

>> No.5019772

Cosigned, but only 50%, so everytime I encounter one I flip a coin to decide whether I'm gonna hate it at that moment

>> No.5019776

>tfw gotten too good for /ic/ and now people just crab on me instead of complementing me back when I was low-mid int

>> No.5019778

I still love you, it's okay.

>> No.5019783

Thanks, I still love you too.

>> No.5019834

Seriously? Right in front of my salad?

>> No.5019839
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>poorer country.
For reference, it's about as expensive as LA.
I've heard of them catching/fining artists here too. So idk.

>> No.5019859

Then you're probably fucked. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.5019863

(Actually I'm not sorry since you like anime and you're likely a pornfag.)

>> No.5019869

>he wants to be a part of a social media circlejerk
Not gonna make it

>> No.5019910
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twitter followers are basically my friends, right?

>> No.5019925

sometimes i really wish i can just turn off my brain and just fucking draw
i overthink so much inane bullshit that i know is completely irrelevant, but my brain simply just can't let it go
i probably still won't be good, but i have no doubts that i could improve so much faster if i can do that
if only there's a physical switch that i can flick somewhere on my brain

>> No.5019953

why can't i live in the moment

>> No.5019956

>Everybody deserves happiness.
Absolutely fucking not
The only way to achieve this is for the unworthy to steal the life out of the worthy

>> No.5019959

pay it foward
help other people

>> No.5019968

nobody on this board deserves help

>> No.5019969

I don't believe you

>> No.5020008

I have a oneitis over a girl who rejected me back in 2016. Even until now every night before I sleep I keep thinking about her, then I learned she's getting married soon, I think I'll just end myself. This something making art can't compensate, this is too much I only want this girl and no one else.

>> No.5020090
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>unironically afflicted by oneitis in 2016

>> No.5020093

LA is free, just set up a tent in skid row. You have free sink showers, wifi, and electricity from local businesses like Starbucks.

>> No.5020108

Never. Not a single one.

>> No.5020118

I don't get it.

>> No.5020121

First love stays with you forever. Accept this fact and move on with you life, like most of us

>> No.5020128

It means stop being a pussy and get your T levels checked

>> No.5020130

Drown your brain with noise. Slav deeb bass music seems to put my brain into absolute dumb mode and allows me to draw ridiculous shit.

>> No.5020270

Posting here so that people won't insult me for being off topic
A tulpa, a month to get it to appear, a month of trying to talk to it until it feels natural, it's not as amazing as they tell you so it's a me thing or people love to exaggerate about how they feel, it's mostly spacing out or voices, and I already deal with voices myself but it's not that great.
A tulpa is like a virtual machine.

>> No.5020281

The same reason trying to download something while people are streaming sucks, bandwidth, people use tulpas like theyre sex toys or whatever, thats dangerous or so they say, i dont want to find out, just stick to one at a time to make sure you know whats going on.
I don't have DID, I'm very adamant about that I might have very different moods but that's it so don't call me that.
Just talk to them, just talk to the idea of them, it's that simple, keep it up over and over and it'll just click, very strange, I did it in HS because I was all alone and its not that fantastic, why would I want one? well, i liked the idea

>> No.5020294

>I don't have DID, I'm very adamant about that
i dont care how adamant YOU are, you cant diagnose yourself its as simple as that

>> No.5020295

if you know too much then you are larping, i dont have did

>> No.5020296

you cant know if you are mentally ill, thats lying or the specific illness you have
if you know the exact illness youre just wanting to have it, thats how it works
but ok thats it, too much tulpas can be uncomfortable, or so they say, never tried it myself

>> No.5020298

ok well answer this, can you at any time drop all your tulpas and just live life solo as yourself? im not saying would you want to, im asking CAN you?

>> No.5020301

dont you get it? I dont have tulpas right now, just plans, the other one? yes, you can drop that one, you just forget about it really thats it, you forget about the details and move on

>> No.5020306

its an imaginary friend, nothing more
i dont go to a therapist because i cant avoid hiding things from them

>> No.5020309

>have no hobbies
>everything is boring
>drawing is a chore I push through hoping at some point it'll make me happy
You could replace drawing with programming or music or whatever, I've tried it and it's all tedious.

>> No.5020310


>>because i cant avoid hiding things from them

yeah thats kind of the point mate

>>I dont have tulpas right now

then why the random outbursts and full on spergin out?

>> No.5020311

Have you tried weed? It's great for people with ADHD trying to reprogram their mind.

>> No.5020317

Thats a mood, i have very different moods
i either banish them somewhere else as an outlet, /mu/ got the worst while you were getting the best or viceversa, ill give you an example
i burn my drawings and destroyed my drawing table, it was stupid and i dont know what the fuck was i thinking, but i did it anyways, or my computer, this one time i just destroyed it completely and it was a good idea at the time, connecting with people is hard, i like you and then i hate you or i just dont care about you and its a cycle
ive done things that make no sense to others and even me because it felt right at that time, sorry

>> No.5020319

I've heard the same for ketamine, psychedelics and mdma.
Dunno if that's a solution or just a way to appease the bad feels.

>> No.5020320

Try SOMETHING. I went from being a video game addict HAVING to play 4 hours of games a day, to playing less than 3 a week. Everytime I draw, I smoke some weed. Not enough to get couch potato'ed, but to make it enjoyable, even studies.

>> No.5020331

everything you have just said is textbook psychological disorder, and you sound like you have bipolar or something similar, i dont want to be an armchair psychologist so i wont push you any further, but please dont discount seeing a psychiatrist, every person in the world can benefit from seeing one and it doesnt have to make you feel like some batshit person, i thank you for the insight this has been hugely interesting to me

>> No.5020332

it cant be BPD because I know it exists
but sure, Ill see what I can do, hey do you think im doing ok? with drawing I mean?

>> No.5020333

Worth a shot. Ty anon.

>> No.5020338

Report back with results in a month. Godspeed

>> No.5020340

yeah as ive said multiple times we are relative in skill and are both making good progress, i feel our forms are coming along nicely, ive started drawabox and i hope it will give a me a better understanding of 3d space

>> No.5020347

Ketamine definitely works if you use it consciously and don’t just try to get “high”

>> No.5020348

According to my goals should make a 8 hours a day schedule that involve studies and imagination work,digital and traditionnal art,plein air and observational sketching while still having time to working out in order to avoid any potential injuries...

Well,coping seems to be a more viable option since this I'm a student for 2 years now.

>> No.5020361
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"The Master said, 'Even with a man who urges himself on in his studies as though he was losing ground, my fear is still that he may not make it in time.'"
- Confucius

Take it slow nigga

>> No.5020369


>> No.5020391

How is it possible that often times ads would show on my screen for products I just so happen to go nearby in the real world? I don't look them up ever, what gives? It can't all be coincidence.

>> No.5020404

It's already over for us.

>> No.5020408

This has been happening a while man.
Companies use your phones microphone, your location and browsing habits to build a profile of who you are and what they think you want to see.

>> No.5020616
File: 139 KB, 964x960, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get one of these so my hand doesn't cramp up using shortcut keys
>am left handed

I already have an ambidextrous keypad but it sucks. I've been using it for over a year and it still feels unnatural.

>> No.5020646
File: 10 KB, 192x245, 1322531485272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a fight with my brother and call him a psychotic fucking schizo in a loud voice
>next day get context ads for "therapy and psychological help"

>> No.5020654

What’s the staple book to start quickly sketching landscape? just a fucking hilly background or whatever I can’t seem to be able to just quickly sketch a background for a subject

>> No.5020661


if you want to have more fun with it https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32812732361.html

>> No.5020668
File: 600 KB, 4096x2731, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have an ambidextrous...
I was looking at these but they're either expensive, need to be built/printed, or both.

>> No.5020672

just like draw leh

>> No.5020683

How do you advertise art properly?
Like especially on Instagram I feel like I am literally screaming into the void.

>> No.5020688

Christmas sales are around the corner, if you can hold out it might be worth it.

>> No.5020689

post ass

>> No.5020698

Yupp. It's true what they say. Love is forever.

>> No.5020734

Recently I just hate Facebook so much, is there really any point to be on there anymore as an artist (or in general I guess?). The community is especially awful, like it seems like indians and Indonesia have taken over the site. If you use any female passing avatar, your messages are drowned out by them
I've been concentrating on Twitter more and enjoy it a lot. I don't get involved in the western screaming matches, though, maybe that's why I like it? I also use Twitter's word filters to avoid that shit.
IG, even though owned by FB, is also pretty good when you can see art and not all the ads and shopping. I met some artists on there and they're chill too.

>> No.5020748

The HR lady is playing games with me; I had a gut feeling knowing her personality. I'm not even mad because I knew she would have pulled something like this since yesterday. She said she totally forgot to send me the papers because she got sidetracked and would send me it in 5 minutes and well it's been 2 hours and nothing.

Whatever. This is why you should never rely on people/corporations to save you from financial ruin. Basically what I learned from this is if you have no skills you're just a warm body that fills a slot or in other words, disposable trash. All the more reasons why I should just forget about this shit and just remain jobless and draw.

>> No.5020770

Try looking for remote jobs instead, it's safer anyway and you don't need to go into an office. You just need an internet connection and a computer, and if you're a burger, you can write off your internet bill on your taxes
Also work is at it's core a business transaction. Hold no loyalty to your employer because they don't have any loyalty towards you

>> No.5020950

Just got told my art looks like shit on here D:

>> No.5020951
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Welcome to the club

>> No.5020953


>> No.5021031

>tfw tinfoil hat schizo
>this never happens to me

>> No.5021060

I think I THINK I figured it out. If you buy anything with your credit/debit card your bank has this cashback rewards thing for hundreds of companies. Even if you don't sign up or use these benefits it's still tracking what you buy and the benefits would show up for you to click on when ready. The banks are then selling your info to Amazon and friends which then when you go to amazon, google, facebook, etc they know it's you by cookies if you're not logged in. So you're profiled everywhere you go online with the tiniest of digital fingerprint.

>> No.5021076

Oh and and that's why the cashless society thing is so favorable with big tech. Because if you buy things with cash mostly they don't know what you bought to profile you. I'm sure there is more to it, though.

>> No.5021082

Oh but that only explains if I bought something but didn't search for it. Not sure about the didn't buy something yet, didn't search for it but only stood next to said product. That's a mystery.

>> No.5021085

I understand you, my brother. My girl confessed her love to me, told me she adores me, she wants us to try again in the future and then moved to South Korea to study. Later she will ban me on all media and sleep with 2 dudes. Years passed but sometimes I see her in my dreams. Try to express your pain in art, if you are so obsessed with her you can paint her and learn this way at the same time.

>> No.5021094

there's a reddit thread were people confirm that if you talk about products out loud within earshot of your phone you get ads for the product

>> No.5021134

He is back here
He is doing the same things but more subtly, under the radar
Newfags do not remember him, that was almost 1 year ago
He steals, he traces, he admits it
Retards reply to him or even give him critique

I am powerless
I cannot stop him
But we can ignore him I wish people would realize that he is doing

>> No.5021139

Enlighten me. I'm an oldfag and have no clue who you're alluding to.

>> No.5021148

the fat chinese guy

>> No.5021305


>> No.5021631

OK but the big question is, does he make money off his traced art?

>> No.5021862
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>finish highschool
>dad asks what I wanna do with my life
>too ashamed to admit I really enjoy drawing
>don't even have any decent works to show for it
>"I dunno..."
>"Then you're gonna be a lawyer"
>3 miserable years later, desperately trying to find spare time for a sketch or two while grinding for a profession I absolutely despise just to make daddy proud

>> No.5021898

This isn't too much of a 'vent' but I think it fits this thread best. I've been thinking of doing a small fangame for a comic I like but I'm kind of antsy about doing it. I feel that it would be alot of effort to make and it may come off as pretty weird, if that makes sense; like it would be embarrassing when the creator sees it, since its not really a popular comic. I feel like it would come off as cringey/autistic.

>> No.5021919

i was in the same boat as you dude
i regret every moment of my life that i didn't choose art
i love my job and enjoy the relative job security, but its sorta became my escape from being a shit artist (its supposed to be the otherway around isn't it!?)
All my art friends are great artists and are hardly "making it" themselves, they have shit day jobs but i still envy them because they choose their dream
All i can tell you is, you gotta find every resource you can and make the time

i was gonna go for my masters, but i've decidied that i'm prepared to ruin my life to make my dream

>> No.5021930

I would reconsider that if I were you. The grass is always greener as they say. What makes you think turning your current escape into a job won't turn it into the same shit for you that your job is now? Maybe part of what makes it what it is, is the fact it's an enjoyable escape.
I know taking seemingly little out of it wrecked it for me. Just a thought though.

>> No.5021938

i just don't know
all i know is that i want to be an artist, it was always my first dream but there was so much in my life that didn't let it happen. Little support, worrying about the future, addiction, maybe just being to stupid, and other callings in life
Masters programs can wait. Frankly, i wanted to teach overseas for a bit and was gonna do a few of those classes online, but with covid i've had a lot of time to know what i really want to do
its always been art, i've always wanted to be a storyteller, and i'm just gonna live with more regret in my life if i'm not pushing myself

>> No.5021939
File: 80 KB, 889x500, 4EACA85D-B115-4779-9A6D-ACD023CB6B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so genuinely lonely I can’t function anymore.

>> No.5021948

I'm so tired. I use all the spare energy I have on art, but even that's dwindling down. I wonder what's wrong.

>> No.5021952

Try going outside.
This self-isolation shit is designed to cut your supply of fresh air and vitamin D essential for being productive.

>> No.5021956

what's wrong with y ou, just find some friends

>> No.5021958

I’ve been sitting here refreshing the catalog the whole time since I’ve posted that. Look at how pathetic I am

>> No.5021961

You are desperate for any human connection. Find some friends in the art friend thread, or go on discord and look for art communities. Or go talk to a small art streamer, those with >10 viewers are usually eager to talk to anyone.

>> No.5021967

I’m comfortable on this site because of its anonymity, but discord scares me shitless. I think I’m irreparably damaged. Oh wel

>> No.5021971

You need Jesus unironically

>> No.5021973

>making friends with artists
worst mistake you can make

>> No.5021974

>That's probably an inferiority complex troubling you.
Whatever happened to people memeing this?
It's correct enough but then everyone started using impostor syndrome which makes no sense. "am bad therefore am IMPOSTOR"

>> No.5021975

Jesus isn’t answering.

>> No.5021978

This so much why didn't anyone warn me I know nothing about people holy shit fuck piss ass cunt
Also, don't look for friends even remotely associated with this site.

>> No.5021981
File: 97 KB, 1024x979, 1606109579177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not really calling then. Find a preacher you like on youtube, put on some lo-fi or whatever you zoomers like, and draw.

>> No.5021984

You could try ignoring it, ie embrace your inner autist. A lot of people are alone out of necessity or circumstance or choice. Just become self sufficient and independent.

>> No.5021996
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Shit has the same impact as putting on a twitch streamer and drawing
If god is real then why did he abandon me

>> No.5022014

How long does it take to get comfortable with perspective if you do this everyday?
I've been grinding this topic since may with daily warmups,even started to do one still life every week and I'm barely improving...

>> No.5022131
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My favorite artists have stylized/exaggerated anatomy and I feel like that has made it harder for me to learn fundamentals

>> No.5022149

Not him but I am such an autistic that I feel like the only real friends I could make are very socially abnormal people like the types who on 4chan
What do I do? Any time I try to make friends with non 4chan internet people we don't really click at all

>> No.5022160


>Indian people on Facebook



>> No.5022163

I already told you. Go it alone. For fucks sake, you don't want to give in to being lonely if you're half as autistic as you say, trust me. It'll never go well, never.
So live up what you do have, and accept what you're not cut out for. That's just my answer because I know what I have and what I don't. But that feeling like you're missing out on something? Look around you, here or irl, and tell me what you're really missing.
Life sucks. Wear a helmet.

>> No.5022299

on the contrary! if you exaggerate first, its very simple to tone it down for more real proportions. on the other hand, starting with extremely mild and nondescript anatomy will make it more time-consuming to specify or exaggerate.

>> No.5022386

He hasn't abandoned you, whom the Lord loves he chastens. Twitch streamers will just make you want to play games or think about whatever zoomer shit they're talking about. Scripture through a good preacher will give you strength and inspiration.

>> No.5022462

Start talking with real people more

>> No.5022512

You'll understand one day.

>> No.5022666


>> No.5022684

figure draw

>> No.5022748

Not a lot of artists are comfortable with perspectives; even ones that 'made it'.
If you only see little improvements just move on to other practices.

>> No.5022762

WITHOUT references

>> No.5022972

imagine shapes and lines
people are just shapes and lines
figure drawing helps build that library

>> No.5022974

eat better
at least take some supplements
but, remember to eat solid food

>> No.5023157

>artist likes my art, check out their profile
>media section has decent art
>look at their main feed
>a bunch of political posts, pro-blm
This has happened so much that it's making me wonder if there's something wrong with me for reacting negatively instead of like "wow! so brave!" or something

>> No.5023187

who cares? or are you a poltard that thinks a tiny percentage of chimps represents a substantial portion of the movement?

>> No.5023228

nice bait

>> No.5023246

You can be pro-blm and still think an artist's feed being full of that shit is annoying

>> No.5023285

You either do this or you will cripple your chances at getting paid for your work. If you draw porn it's almost impossible not to get paid but if you don't make porn it's a miracle if anybody gives a shit about you no matter how talented you are. If you want to get paid you have to appeal to people with disposable income and those people are the kind of people who care that you post the black square and say all the things that good people say. At some point you have to drop some integrity somewhere and decide whether you love drawing all day better than showing attrition to the self-destruction of Western culture, values and people, which is inevitable anyway. I just see it as marketing. To be honest I don't think there's any fault in dishonesty as of today since people seem to prefer dishonest compliance to the narrative over a honest objection. You're selling products so be it.

>> No.5023362

But I don’t take commissions and make around $500-1000 a month selling merch made from my art (I know that’s a pitiful amount but I have a full time job too). I guess if I wanted to make more, then I could completely jump into those movements, raise prices and say that I donate 90% to black owned businesses or something

>> No.5023381
File: 31 KB, 600x584, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scott robertson's book is shit, he doesn't explain anything

>> No.5023389

Hey where can I add you to talk other than Discord? I avoid Discord like the plague

>> No.5023394
File: 118 KB, 504x284, 098fbafe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I start a sketchbook on some forum in current year? I need some space to post my work in the public where eyes can see it. Deviantart wasn't working and /dad/ isn't something I want to do.

>> No.5023404

oh and fuck twitter, too

>> No.5023439

The people online are real people
And I HAVE interacted with real people. I always seem "off" to normies. They always are two faced and end up secretly hating me for weird reasons.

I have made online friends that lasted but I met them all on 4chan. Now I am trying to make something of my art but am not sure if being someone who met people through 4chan would impact my art career negatively.
So now I am a bit stuck

>> No.5023446

anatomy is easy, anatomy in action is hard

>> No.5023456

Pixiv? Instagram?

>> No.5023463

get a girlfriend and show her everything you draw

>> No.5023464

Any tips on drawing consistently?
I only like observational drawing,specially figure drawing because im a perv
I never managed to practice consistently for more than two consecutive days.
Ive been able to do it with guitar playing,but maybe because its so visual it can be really discouraging

>> No.5023479

how did you learn to be consistent with guitar?

>> No.5023527


I’m a begshit so I’m not really ready for pixiv.
no thanks I stick to fictional girls

>> No.5023539

scratch that I’m not beg but I forgot how to draw so whatever

>> No.5023568

>But I don’t take commissions and make around $500-1000 a month selling merch made from my art
Let me guess, you are a woman who constantly signals she's a woman or you draw 100% anime fanart

>> No.5023712

>title your book How to Speak Japanese
>it's just a dictionary
yeah, he's a cunt

>> No.5023941

I only started some months ago,but this site (justinguitar) is really neatly structured and you make yourself a routine to follow.
The thing with drawing is that I like it but I rarely do it on my own,I tried figure drawig sith vilppu and would like to practice drawing heads.But its more difficult to stick wifh it

>> No.5024301
File: 99 KB, 1200x1179, 1574567357567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I finally entered the zone, I have small but constant flow of the new followers on the pixiv and newground without me posting anything. This is where the fun begins.

>> No.5024313
File: 17 KB, 500x281, 1583000748278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew 6+ hours yesterday and 8+ hours today cramming for my art school portfolio. Feels pretty gud. Gonna try to keep this up until January.

>> No.5024375

I hate the state of art so much and I hate myself for ever participating to this shitty circus of degenerates, conmen and attention whores. I cannot cope with the idea that I have been OK with all of this stupid shit at any point in time and that I even tried giving it a shot and made friends with the people I despise today.

>> No.5024378

I want to get more into nude art but I live with my parents and I don't want it to be awkward if they manage to see what I'm drawing. I don't mean full on coom art, but just exploring some nudity in my art is what I want to do much more of, but I can't do it.
I also bought two of the Superani Hardcover books with coom art in them and I kind of regret it now because how am I going to explain that to anyone if they find it.
Maybe I worry too much.

>> No.5024390

I wanna make art friends but I don't know where to start either online or irl, I'm fairly social but don't know where to look for this specific niche. There's interesting people here but you have to shift through numerous edgelords and memesters to find them. I just want a fren to draw with and chat about art.

>> No.5024403

Just become art hitler and usher in an new era anon

>> No.5024407

Me too, say buddy, wanna start World War three together?

>> No.5024412

>art Hitler

>> No.5024438

>Pencil lines got too messy to work directly off of
>Scan and print onto cardstock like I normally do
>Decide I want to use watercolor for the background
>Cardstock starts buckling paper
>Do what I normally do and spray the paper and lay it flat
>Did it stupidly and accidentally ripped a hole in the paper while taking it off
>Ok no big deal, let's try this again
>Every fucking attempt ends up with something that cannot be fixed
>Another hole, this time from patting the paint dry too hard
>Decide to print onto a different paper
>Accidentally sneeze and fuck the face up while inking
>Let's try again on the same stronger paper
>Part way through coloring I realize that this paper doesn't hold ink like the cardstock does so even though it doesn't wrinkle from watercolors it fucking SMEARS EVERYTHING

Anyway, I'm listening to the Mii Channel music right now trying to find my happy place.

>> No.5024455

I ran out of leads for my pencil :/

>> No.5024547

As for the sneezing or coughing unexpectedly: wearing a facemask while working can help mitigate that. I know it's moot right now, but if it's a common occurrence.

>> No.5024670

Artists will never be your friends, "artists" are a bunch of opportunistic sociopaths with no spine or ethic. Even the guys have a femoid brain that runs on backstabbing and vacuuming attention to themselves.
Find non-artists who like your work instead and remove all art people from your life.

>> No.5024675

use your own blood
that's why I am not considering myself as one

>> No.5024679

Real strat

>> No.5024687

Funny story, I remember in middle school there was this boy who was really good at drawing. I drew stuff at the time, but it was casual things and only for myself. But everyone in the class circled around him for whatever anime drawing he did and I was jealous. Well anyway he isn't in any way influential to getting me to draw but it got me thinking that I totally forgot my audience matters more than other artists.

Imagine being the only artsy kid in class and everyone sucks your dick because of it. Now imagine there being 2 artsy kids in the class. Suddenly that classroom attention is removed because naturally you two become friends. Now imagine half the class of, say, 24 students are art creatives. Now it just becomes a hotbed of competition. One kid will be clearly more talented than the other and jealously, self-hate, doubt and other feelings will occur among the students. This is much like /ic/.

But if I were to go to any other board like /a/ or /v/ for example I'm practically worshipped for my skill. This is exactly like in IRL where you're the only art kid in class. As soon as you step foot in /ic/ you're in a room where everyone is an artist and no audience. And naturally, you'll meet all kinds of weirdo's, psychos, and people who just want to see you fail.

>> No.5024720

>This is much like /ic/.
Not really, friendly rivalry is healthy. /ic/ is just the dead bottom dwellers of a Ponzi scheme pyramid trying to drag each other down while buying everything that trickles down from the top.

>> No.5024833

I'm in a server of about 20 artists and it's probably the best environment I've ever been in. We give each other tips and critique, we chill in voice chat together even in silence, we do draw togethers on public canvases (especially helpful when one is teaching another some certain thing), and most of the time we just talk to each other and care about how their day and shit is going.

>> No.5024854
File: 10 KB, 236x236, 41c27316518b0af19e115003b36a06d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post gets 60 likes and 20 rts
>no new followers at all, actually lost one


>> No.5025014

talk to more girls
those feelings won't go completely away, i still have dreams of my first love but the more girls you talk to the easier it is to not care about her

>> No.5025017

all my favorite artists were cartoony concept artists for rpgs
they ultimately only have characters standing around in art and stylize characters for simplicity in art

imagine how much that has set me back

>> No.5025059
File: 2.96 MB, 540x305, 14E953C3-2107-4DB7-AF9C-14B078706A17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5025270
File: 338 KB, 498x448, 1603251112690.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /ic/ so slow recently? Where did you guys all go? Am I missing out on something?

>> No.5025463

board has decreased in quality by a lot since some faggots started spamming the board with their autism and anons don't want to deal with this shit, me included.
Better leave this shithole forever.

>> No.5025512

Drew every day working on one thing for a month, now I'm tired and don't wanna keep drawing. I'm not venting, just taking a break until I feel fresh to continue drawing.

>> No.5026084

>family actually supportive of me surviving through art because of 'rona

What is happening. These are the same people that told me I'm a waste of space for dropping out of college to become a salaried member of management at [BIG BOX RETAILER].

Surely there's a catch?

>> No.5026139

nobody deserves anything, kys

>> No.5026147

what the hell was I doing for the past 7 1/2 years...all these games and shit I missed

>> No.5026250

why do i get jealous of anime tracers

>> No.5026283

god damn dude the more i learn, the more styles i see the further my goals seem

>> No.5026296

How do you speed up your workflow?

>> No.5026354

I don't even enjoy drawing.
I only do it so that at some point I can draw stories.
I'd just write them but every word would be a reminder that I settled for less.

>> No.5026414

vilpu is literally a teaching art corpse who needs a better necromancer. his class is so boring

>> No.5026418
File: 403 KB, 359x371, MtNZ6GL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5026423
File: 2 KB, 183x19, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know what you're talking about, /ic/ has nothing but quality posts.

>> No.5026432

>only have 2 followers
>they're both bots
how do i do it bros

>> No.5026434

>post drawing
>3 people follow
god has a plan for all us bros

>> No.5026440

build a method for everything

>> No.5026442

good, that means you just need to listen carefully

>> No.5026468

>people on the internet are my friends
you will learn the hard way, if you do not wake up

>> No.5026611
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Well said anon, there's definitely a link between knowing and drawing from a solid concept vs trying to replicate a figure or form from your head. Getting into the zone for me is a pretty big issue because I've realized that I draw longer when listening to something but at a decrease in productivity and quality.

>> No.5026617
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1605974360782.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a Reddit account

>> No.5026638

that's fine.

oh sorry i meant 'oh no fuck reddit' and all that

>> No.5026658
File: 180 KB, 426x436, 1604672687359.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been feeling like a large part of my current following really doesn't care if I'm not drawing exposed boobs all the time, I've been drawing more calm and pretty characters for series I like and they get a lot less attention. I'm not obligated to talk to other people on reddit but at least I feel like I'm contributing to a community that I'm part of and people actually see my work

>> No.5026908

fuck this I dont wanna post on /ic/ anymore
it is such a beautiful place but the existance of certain people and there being no consequences for their behavior makes me so mad
and then others cheer for them
I'm tired of being powerless to stop it

>> No.5026909

Can't beat them join them

>> No.5026916


You must understand there are a group of people who believe they’re above others and have vendettas against a few who dare challenge their circle. /ic/ is a great place, and no individual should be constantly beaten up because their circle of best buds all gang up on a few.

>> No.5026925

That's pretty much how i work.
I can't really start or finish a drawing unless i can "make sense of it". It's mild autism and a double-edged sword, but it is indeed more fun that way.
Anything i created and any thought or ideas i had, i can use for future projects.
And i do have quite a few mental world- blueprints about some eventual comic i could do, but i'm also a lazy piece of shit who likes to daydream a lot so that's never gonna happen.

>> No.5027074

what are you seething about?

>> No.5027083

>/ic/ is a great place,
you must be joking. /ic/ has decisively ensured I literally never want artist friends, fuck this shithole and all the retards wallowing in it

>> No.5027088

>can't find serial number for CSP
>tried to look through email, nothing
>tried to look through tech support site, nothing
>Note: We do not reissue lost serial numbers of packaged versions.
ffs, I can't upgrade to EX and try out animation.

>> No.5027099

summer's over, winter's begun. I've been feeling really tired after work since it gets dark so early now. I don't always feel like drawing or critiquing or posting in general. I'm sure there are others who feel the same

>> No.5027111

Wish I had that anon, treasure that because very few artist get that besides the top people.

>> No.5027116

Too much autism, constant repeat threads, no one having genuine conversation outside of baiting people or giving out paper thin compliment/validation. No reason to put effort where no one else does.

>> No.5027153

I'm still very early in Drawabox but I have no motivation whatsoever to continue learning how to draw. I'm never in the mood. Thing is, I want to get good at drawing, but I am not enjoying myself when I actually start drawing anything. I hear conflicting opinions about this, some say I shouldn't force myself to draw when I don't want to, and others say I should push through it anyway so that I could get to the part that I will enjoy quicker. I'm at a loss and it's been stressing me out for a few weeks. I'm taking week long breaks, sometimes longer, in between exercises and just drawing in general and it feels awful. Any advice would be much appreciated.

>> No.5027207
File: 80 KB, 983x1200, n9fzxjkudqzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one guy that doesn't follow you, loves porn but likes everything you do on twitter

I don't even talk on twitter I post only art, just fucking follow me already. You're heart'ing everything anyways

>> No.5027214

What difference would it make if he followed or not? You're still not going to make anything from him.

>> No.5027269

do you have any milage of drawing for projects previously? not just sketches but things that were your version of finished

>> No.5027325

A 150k Japanese illustrator retweeted my drawing and now I regret not spending more time on it cause there are many errors

>> No.5027367
File: 67 KB, 243x366, dawn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wrote mine in my sketchbook because im smarter than u

>> No.5027380


>not printing your serial number out and letting your dog eat it for storage

No, I'm smarter.

>> No.5027405

i haven't drawn in weeks
art is dead
the world is bleak
i want to die

>> No.5027410

? You can "try" out animation in pro.

>> No.5027412

I haven't been drawing in months. Any drawing I have finished in the span of time was by a quick dope of motivation. But I think I'll get over my slump soon.

>> No.5027417
File: 161 KB, 1080x1599, dying-slave-michelangelo-jbu007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw, Antonio; Draw and don't waste time

>> No.5027441

>But I think I'll get over my slump soon.
I know mine is final, all these years down the drain
I am so let down by myself and everyone else

>> No.5027503

Use that anger to leave this place for good. If the autists are making you seethe, you'll be better of not coming to this site again.

>> No.5027515

Care to describe what you mean?

I've been feeling the same, a lot of attitudes on here really fuck with my head.

>> No.5027541
File: 542 KB, 500x280, 04385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just stopped myself from posting a 1100 word post of embarrassing cringe. Yes, I lost 8 years down the drain and I now know the reason why but I shouldn't keep dwelling on it. Now is the time to heal and replenish.

I hope you can do the same.

>> No.5027544

maybe it's very subjective there are several obnoxious shitposters who go unpunished and are encouraged by others often

>> No.5027557


Let me guess, it's the chinese youtuber, the chinese huion tablet person, the wacom tablet person, mikudogadoga person, shiroboxstudios anon, satania spammer, "I kneel" anon, the one loliposter who is a ban evader on a dynamic IP, a self-proclaimed detective anon shitposter, the hypercube namefag tripuser, boxxman anon, the anon who keeps spamming twitter related threads, and the one anon who still has a prolonged hateboner for anons who have long past their stay on the board.

I'm sure I'm missing some other irrelevant users that others like to bring up, but these are the most notable "trouble makers" on the board. Half of them are indeed a problem. The other half don't deserve to be ganged up on, however they should be dealt with in a cautious matter.

>> No.5027565

you are mostly correct
I am comparing this situation to other imageboards who have stricter rules about such behavior so this is not a natural state in my opinion

>> No.5027569

I feel differently. 4chan in its entirely is complete dick and a waste of tome from drawing (and everything really) but I’m lonely as fuck so I can’t really leave. I’m addicted to the info stream

>> No.5027574
File: 3 KB, 125x121, 1452918981612s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try 6 months lol

>> No.5027582
File: 43 KB, 333x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do meditation for a month. It helps you to train attention.

>> No.5027595


I literally just hide all of the shit threads and dont respond to them. /ic/ isnt that slow, people just camp out in the generals.

>> No.5027600

for 8 frames only

>> No.5027612

Happyboy gets deleted every time I see them.
I don't really notice the rest of them except the loli guy (mikufag?) but don't notice them as troublemakers aside from loli.

I also ignore the tablet autists

You should report if you see an issue that seems constant though, if you don't bring it to mod attention it'll never get handled. The weird fatposting and nazi OP pics months ago stopped even though its technically not rule breaking.

>> No.5027616

Blatant crabbing should also be reported, but I never see it deleted. There's a rule specifically for it here, it shouldn't be the average.

>> No.5027641

>all artists are attentionwhores who will unleash their autism if they do not get what they want
god, i fucking hate artists holy shit

>> No.5027663
File: 32 KB, 638x336, 56dxpvnry9901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>satania spammer
I don't think I"m the only one lol. I picked it up from other people spamming her

>> No.5027681

based Satanachia poster

>> No.5027688

That's because you retards call anything you don't like "crabbing". Name an instance of actual crabbing you've seen

>> No.5027696

pretty easy
every single reply that is nothing but "NGMI" or insulting the artist for not following your sensitivities

also every single drama thread revolving around an artists work insulting it

>> No.5027702
File: 250 KB, 600x600, 43383_rAo2hj0b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend is skipping town because her bf won't let her break up with him. He physically and sexually abuses her but she doesn't wanna call the cops on him. When she's gone he's going to come to my house and I can't stop thinking about punching his bitch face in. But I can't do that because he could press charges.

>> No.5027713

She is gaslighting you to think her bf is the bad guy

>> No.5027732

yeah.. "wont let her break up with him" like what? just leave? lmao

sounds like both parties are probably shitty. dont involve yourself in domestic affairs without being educated on both sides.

>> No.5027740

I feel like quitting drawing for a year to just focus on studying Japanese. I hate how I keep dividing my time year after year.

>> No.5027751

The orgasm from a hatefuck is the most powerful one you can experience. When her bf comes over make sure you get some of that dick that's apparently worth all this physical abuse.

>> No.5027777

Haven't been feeling like drawing,i even bought a sketchbook but i've been doodling around with the HB pencil,feels kinda bad

>> No.5027826

Do Erik Olson Perspective Series 1-10 then Scott Roberston

It'll be tough, but you'll learn alright.

>> No.5027937
File: 2.36 MB, 313x231, F487B350-143E-4F4A-9542-9477A6A6B072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll post now because I don’t want retards screeching at me like if it got bumped to the front.

I’m angry, all the time. More often than not, violently so. I can think of no greater catharsis than to unleash this frustration on those that caused it to build up in the first place, which is effectively everyone, since they all suck.

For now, I’ll keep walking my path quietly and unnoticeably, but it isn’t out of the question for me to snap one day when sufficiently pressed and grab another person by the throat and give them what they deserve.

Or maybe I’m just larping lol, it’s all just a haha funny joke, am i right guys?

>> No.5028028

You need to start thinking like a slav if you want to pirate anything. I haven't paid for music, movies or software my entire life. Even my windows is pirated.

>> No.5028060

if its in your email you mightve gotten it through a different website, but i cant remember which. i had trouble too

try email searching share-it, CELSYS, Clip Studio (obviously), MyCommerce, and maybe just license/key.

>> No.5028092

I mean the one that draws loli satania, the guy that hasn't improved in years.

>> No.5028107

next time use veracrypt and put your file in an encrypted folder, if you're paranoid put the file also in a 7zip with an AES password with at least 12 letters, numbers, symbols and only open it using a linux distro without access to internet and clear every temp file after you checked the files

>> No.5028149

Im too autistic to ever know whether someone's being serious, but in case you are- Do you want to end up with heart problems that threaten your life if you so much as mow your lawn on a hot day? A digestive system that eats itself from the inside from one end to the other? Lose your memories, capability to learn, and capacity to enjoy it in one fell swoop as long term adrenaline eats away your brain? In short, become a pants shitting fat retard? Or maybe you'll just go overboard once and fuck yourself over permanently.
Welcome to being the punchline of your own joke. Or don't. Baka.
If you're not just trolling, you best manage to find something better to occupy your thoughts. The sooner the better.

>> No.5028285

Forgive and forget, anon.

>> No.5028393
File: 152 KB, 1033x798, 1540202500641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking tired all the time. My energy levels are constantly low. It gets in the way of learning, life, everything. I thought it might be low test but I'm an early 20s serial coomer who's horny all day. I don't know if antidepressants will help but I'm seeing a psychiatrist in 2 weeks. Hopefully that'll help.

>> No.5028413


Why are you pretending to be me? >>>I<<< mean the person who spams reaction images. It's been way too many years to actually believe THE mikufag (not mikudickposter) is the same person. It's probably an imitator to keep up tradition because I refuse to believe it's the same person.

>> No.5028486

My dog's losing feeling in his back legs and is in real pain. I'm think about to lose a member of my family. We're about to take him to the vet, but hopefully they tell us it's not as bad as it looks.

>> No.5028553
File: 71 KB, 719x771, 1548202055901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad words, disagreement and insults means crabbing
oh, you naive fucker.
The crab is more complex than just hurling ad hominem at people.
Just google "crab mentality", because that's what it's meant when crabs are mentioned.
All those drama threads are nothing but hyperbegs coping with their inability to reach those artists and the envy they feel that those artists they're shitting on have what they so desperately want.
A crab, however, is much more focused on its imminent environment.
If you post your work, they're going to shit on it, they're going to find flaws that aren't there, they'll try to make you feel miserable by attacking anything you draw/do/say.
Their "critique" is nothing but attempts at demoralizing or even gatekeep the artist.
The crab derails threads because some other anon is getting attention.
The crab doesn't make the effort to get good but wants all the positive perks of that skill level, like attention and praise.
When the crab sees others getting good advice, it will start drama.
You can't even defend yourself because the crab cries out in pain as it tries to drag you down and rip your limbs off.
>"If i can't have it, neither should others"
The only solution is to leave the tranny infested bucket that is /ic/.

>> No.5028567

some people will just never understand that being called an ngmi has never kept somebody in the bucket, but "GMI" can trick people into happily diving to the bottom of it.

>> No.5028618

Deception is also one of the crab's deadliest weapons. Well said, anon.

>> No.5028737

Just got back. He's probably going to be okay. Just has to rest up on medication for a while. Everything should heal normally as long as my family listens to what the dr says and try not to move him unnecessarily. (Which they already are attempting to do.)

>> No.5028833

But I don’t want to :(
>Do you want to end up with heart problems that threaten your life if you so much as mow your lawn on a hot day? A digestive system that eats itself from the inside from one end to the other? Lose your memories, capability to learn, and capacity to enjoy it in one fell swoop as long term adrenaline eats away your brain? In short, become a pants shitting fat retard?
Is this for real? I know that excess anger isn’t good for you, but I’m otherwise very healthy. Does it really chip away at your health that severely?

>> No.5028836
File: 15 KB, 425x384, 961E2812-D567-4927-87AE-69D8E35FA6AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And more importantly, how would one even go about trying to adopt this so called “positive mindset” others are always on about?

>> No.5028998

I'm sorry, anon. Seeing pets that mean so much to us in that state is more than heart breaking, even if they are going to recover.

Make sure to keep checking on him and pestering your family if they try shit. Also give them lots of head pats and treats.

>> No.5029086

I cannot take living with my parents anymore. Both of them are out of work and they're home all day with nothing to do. My mom just overcleans the house and my dad just sits in front of the TV watching CNN all day. I just want a small studio apartment with peace and quiet where I hear nothing but the birds chirping out the window and the small hum of traffic going by. God help me.

>> No.5029352

have any good friends? see if you can roommate with them

i actually got saved from an abusive household by a 4chan friend, but you have to be able to carry your own weight once you get there

>> No.5029472

I don’t have any friends. I was a retard with my money and blew it all. By now I should have had at least 25k saved. I’ll make it a priority to save every dime and just eat rice and beans for next year.

My parents are probably the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle in me healing my wounds and becoming a better person.

>> No.5029570

I'm about to fucking rip my dick off man... there is literally no way to improve if you are only doing like 3-4 hours per day. Like wtf?! The only way to improve fast is by sucking that feng zhu huge fat slobby semen-shooting slug. OH MY GAWDDDD. FUCK DUDE. Unless you are doing a shit ton of figure drawing, imaginative figure drawing, perspective, master studies, life studies, creative pieces, course assignments, portrait paintings, and constantly learning new shit EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY by having 500 videos of artists then you should just OFF YOURSELF.

>> No.5029610

>not waking up, putting pen to tablet and staying like that for 16-18 hours until sleep

>> No.5029614

I cant stop touching my fat tiny cock

>> No.5029736


>> No.5029844

you need to learn methods to draw things
"just draw" is a scam
if you learn different methods you're automatically more confident in drawing things

>> No.5030007

I'm still not drawing

>> No.5030010


>> No.5030049

make sure when they ask you how'd you learn to draw misdirect them

>> No.5030071

Yes, it's absolutely that bad. Long term low dose adrenaline is even worse for you than singular high intensity experiences. It's literal brain damage, affecting everything i mentioned. But more than just anger affects your brain, in fact everything you do has a compounding conditioning effect, creating new neurons within what you exercise, and atrophying what is abused or unused.
"How?" isn't something I can do justice to answering here, especially not personally. It's akin to answering how to defeat evil. But it's like any goal in life. You have to want to first. And in order to do that, you need a reason to, and a reason which you both believe in, and that you believe is at least theoretically possible, if not reasonably attainable. I believe all of this is within reach too, for everyone except the absolute tiniest of minority cases.

As to a reason why, for a start, I think there's something to be said about the joy you can take in things that are incontrovertible(in any honest sense at least). I happen to think that's not just the smartest way forward, but the only way that doesn't rob both you and others. But this is probably already risking being too fine/subtle point for here so, I'll just wish you luck. It's something I believe is worthwhile though.

>> No.5030200

I'm a boy but I'll be your art gf idc about you're money

>> No.5030722

>I'm a boy but I'll be your art gf
Thats kinda gay, bro

>> No.5030738

It’s not gay if we use VRchat

>> No.5030743

Are you that obnoxious retard that thinks he's better than everyone around him?

>> No.5030838

I didn’t really understand much of that but it sounds similar to the concept of having to want to change, like how junkies always relapse until they truly want to quit. Although part of me does enjoy being angry
I don’t think I’m an obnoxious retard but I do agree with the second part of your post. I only posted my inquiry after the thread hit the bump limit so schizos like you wouldn’t immediately attack me, and because anger apparently really is bad for you

>> No.5030868

>I don’t think I’m an obnoxious retard
Yeah, obnoxious retards typically don't, that's how they get that way. Narcissist schizo calling anyone else a schizo, lmfao.