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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 603 KB, 1200x1200, eb09f1ba6df7fb9c6990a7900d287a57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4997951 No.4997951 [Reply] [Original]

IF YOU ARE A /BEG/INNER IN ART, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice. We should not have to make new threads or post in the Drawthread with our fundamental exercises.



1.-screenshot the image and post that instead

2.-change camera capture settings to something smaller

3.-send to computer and resize in picresize.com

There's a new (and cleaner) sticky in town! You can see it at:


Take your time, you can do it.

Previous Thread >>4995408

>> No.4997961

She's gonna get RSI in her jaw

>> No.4997966

how's she holding that up? suckage?

>> No.4997968
File: 418 KB, 698x1000, unnamed1000px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a booba nun. I suck at rendering.
Any crit appreciated or gimme a booba if you like it :)

>> No.4997969
File: 323 KB, 1590x966, SV-98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried.

>> No.4997970

it's literally a part of her anatomy, the can is only the exoskeleton

>> No.4997973

nice boot


>> No.4997974

Like I said, I tried. Also by the time i got to draw the boot I was drawing for a while and just wanted to finish.

>> No.4997976

hands are really small compare to the face, the neck is a little long or her shoulder is too small. other than that good job

>> No.4997979

anybody who draws boots (especially underside) is good in my books
ohhhh, she punctured the can and she's drinking it.

>> No.4997988
File: 46 KB, 364x656, unknown-21(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to use references but I know the clothing is wrong but dont know why. i didmt have a proper reference for the shirt/suit and dont know what I can do if I cant find one for the exact thing I am trying to do. I know I am going to have the same problems for the high heels. why does it take so long? im constantly trying to correct the enormous amount of errors of the sketch.

>> No.4997989
File: 58 KB, 816x640, 47c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know If Im having fun with my pencil anymore

>> No.4997991

absolute booba

great job, do some painting from life or from ref or study other artists to figure out how they approach rendering. some understanding of light/shadow will help - at the moment this figure is not really being affected by light at all. your small bits of highlight here and there are so messy and meaningless that it would look better in flats. the hose highlights are an anime trope and they look fine for the purpose but the cloak is just an ugly amorphous blob. you know what to fix, get to it, i believe in you

>> No.4997992

Try following the book Fun with a pencil, it was made for you

>> No.4998004

Thanks a bunch. You're absolutely right about the anime trope highlights. I've only been studying figure drawing and anatomy so I fell back on nonsense rendering.

Its a long road ahead.

>> No.4998007

Man, I can't believe I didn't notice that. Thanks! I get too blind to the flaws in my drawings after a while.

>> No.4998021
File: 106 KB, 545x853, QIn8RPG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bored of figures, wanna try imagination stuff.
Why does the torso/boobs look so weird? Did I make the torso too long or is my perspective too garbage?

>> No.4998027
File: 67 KB, 414x640, F02ED952-C73F-4C6C-B8FC-5F0D9E6E1BE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude weed lmao

>> No.4998028
File: 84 KB, 414x640, A848C0F3-E70F-46C6-9557-8F200C230936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just couldn’t get the angle of the head right.

>> No.4998029

What was the reference pic that you used?

>> No.4998041

Doesn’t seem right to make a new thread at bump limit. In my opinion, waiting until it sinks to page 10 makes more sense.

>> No.4998049
File: 183 KB, 759x470, faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like drawing that skull unlocked my third eye or something, I don't know how I managed to draw something so awful the first time.

>> No.4998050
File: 620 KB, 509x637, dwarfouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to my early 2000s rock/metal/punk playlist while drawing
>Limp Bizkit song comes on
>for the entire duration of the song, I can no long draw a straight line, do construction, colour, barely fucking anything, struggle to even hold the pencil correctly
This cant be a coincidence.

>> No.4998055

Shit, Im gonna try this tomorrow.

>> No.4998058

To clarify, I didn't mean eggs or values studies were boring necessarily, only when they're each taking a long time to finish. The improvements you can see there can certainly help motivation. I just try and nip any signs of perfectionism I see in the bud because that can destroy artists, especially in an age full of distractions and instant gratification. You may enjoy seeing the improvement you're making now, but you won't always have that and if you're pouring over an image hoping to make progress only to see stagnation, or even regression, that can be brutal.

For a simple beginner value study of an egg, I'd say it should take 15-30 minutes. An hour TOPS. There's obviously no set rule for this and you shouldn't be rushing at this point, but if it's taking longer than that, there are fundamental issues causing it that you may not be aware of (in this case, ones that have very little to do with value and more to do with learning the tools). Put in 100% effort, just know that effort doesn't necessarily mean time. Work smarter, not harder and all that. There is a reason art classes have you pump out studies and impose time limits. It's to curb any desire to keep refining and nitpicking your work while you're still learning and making many errors, most of which are probably going unseen anyway. It's to reinforce learning how to see, which applies to everything you will ever draw.
For shorter value studies try switching things up from an egg. Break up the monotony a little bit. What you're trying to learn isn't the egg, it's values. Try a cube, a cylinder, a pear (no metal or shiny surfaces yet though). Time wise, I'd say aim for 30 minutes and don't worry about the results. Even if you're not done by then, post it anyway. What you've managed to accomplish in that time can give insight into how you can improve. It's not only about what you're drawing, it's how you're drawing it.

>> No.4998065

try lube!

>> No.4998073

To clarify, when I say aim for 30 minutes I don't necessarily mean try to finish in 30 minutes. Keep the time in mind, but don't rush. If that means a very unfinished drawing, that's ok. Do your best, but whatever you have at 30 minutes, call it complete and post it.

>> No.4998080

I think it's less that drawing the skull helped the drawing (though I think it did somewhat with the eye sockets and such) and more that I actually spent a lot of time drawing from references in highschool but I haven't done it in years.
I feel like I can only draw from references though, I never feel like I'm really understanding what I draw, it's like I somehow manage to turn off the part of my brain that sees the image as a recognisable object and just see it as a flat plane made up of various shapes, which I try to copy and then edit down until it matches the original.

>> No.4998095


>> No.4998098

What skull, the Loomis head? Right looks great.

>> No.4998102
File: 274 KB, 927x923, 146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda rushed this one but still kinda happy with it

>> No.4998105

I'm sorry I didn't like your analogy anon.

>> No.4998106
File: 310 KB, 414x640, 4998028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just couldn’t get the angle of the head right.
That's not the issue. The neck needs to connect to the center of the head.

>> No.4998126

thank you anon

>> No.4998127
File: 128 KB, 1000x1088, 201115 values.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 hours for this
Is this normal or is my workflow just shit?

>> No.4998131
File: 31 KB, 428x376, 1488824917937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I would love to begin, but, making art costs A LOT! Drawing/painting materials are very expensive and books are nearly impossible to find. Feels bad.
>t. poorfag living in a 3rd world country

>> No.4998139

depends how familiar you are with whatever process you went through.

>> No.4998141

Workflow is bad. Did you trace over an image?

>> No.4998149

she looks like she had vitiligo, its good though, very clean

>> No.4998151
File: 69 KB, 561x574, ss+(2020-11-15+at+01.56.40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one draw heels from an a shitty slightly above angle

>> No.4998152

>Drawing/painting materials are very expensive
you dont have a pencil/pen and paper in your house?

>books are nearly impossible to find
there are whole threads dedicated on this board to downloading courses and books, even just googling "fun with a pencil pdf" finds you stuff and its all free, stop making excuses

>> No.4998157

No. And I followed this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W80Lz0PNSI
Guess I'm just really slow trying to get the shapes right.

>> No.4998158

Lucky for you, your heels are beneath you and can be viewed from an above angle whenever you want. Try bending your foot down like that and really look at it.

>> No.4998161
File: 1.52 MB, 286x256, bunny toilet 1651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are a /beg/, you shouldn't be touching digital.

>> No.4998166

>having a bunch of paper sketches of poorly drawn naked models on my desk for my family to find
Ill pass

>> No.4998170

this board is 18+ kid, go back to tiktok

>> No.4998172

well I dont have any high heels so I couldn't really check that
I'm pretty sure you *could* see it on the left foot, and definitely on the right one
I have been trying to just draw a shoe over it or go for boots to just hide the shit all together, but it just looks like absolute SHIT you know, like the foot is too fat or too short
maybe I just make a convenient cut right below the thigh and continue on with more important stuff

>> No.4998175
File: 729 KB, 1641x1628, 676AAB1A-A092-43B6-B849-6117EA2FA5C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4998176
File: 2 KB, 122x125, 1601251795523s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is impossible for people over the age of 18 to be still living in their parents
Im 22. My sister moved out at 26, my brother at 28. Not everyone gets kicked out of the house the second they become 18

>> No.4998178

by the time you turn 22 you should have figured out how to hide shit

>> No.4998179

Overlay your reference over your sketch and youll instantly see what you did wrong

>> No.4998181

Didn't mean to imply tracing was bad. It can be fantastic practice. Rather than the values I'd say your biggest success is the construction of that head. Did a real good job there. 5 hours for a head like that in /beg/ is pretty good.

>> No.4998183

I really dont have to explain myself on an anonymous Peruvian Mudpacking board, trad is too inconvenient for me then digital, end of story

>> No.4998184
File: 258 KB, 1080x1920, bune3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There I made the image clearer

>> No.4998186
File: 358 KB, 750x597, Screenshot_2020-11-15 fun2 p65 - Andrew Loomis - Fun WIth a Pencil pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, and basically for whatever reason I decided to try and draw the skull that was on the same page as the guy. (posted here>>4997913). When I redrew the version with an actual face it came out surprisingly decent (doesn't look like the one in the book at all though).
I don't think the fact it was a skull was that important, I just hadn't really drawn like that (seriously trying to draw other artwork or photos) in like 4 years or something and it reconnected some neurons.

>> No.4998188

Torso too long right

>> No.4998189

Have you heard of this thing called thinking?

For example, if you don't want your parents to find those drawings but still want them for reference, maybe take photos of them and then toss the drawings?

>> No.4998192

just do draw a box bro i swear to god every beg tries to draw bodies before they even get down some simple forms like fruits etc, the body is a complex form of shape stop jumping the gun, youre just drawing outlines, 2d symbols, you must feel the form anon, gesture can be a good way to understand this concept

>> No.4998194

or just save them on your pc as digital, this is 2020 nigga use a fucking tablet

>> No.4998195

Why the fuck would anyone do that when can just do digital? You need to come up with a valid reason why digital is bad before you start proposing annoying workarounds for traditional.

>> No.4998197

Legs, torso, abdomen.
Dont try drawing super exaggerated proportions like this if you're new, try drawing some nude models like the guy in the last thread was posting

>> No.4998200

Don't try to learn how to draw from highly stylized smut goddammit.

>> No.4998201

There's no helping you.

>> No.4998205

>poo poo pee pee I'm too retarded to back up my ridiculous claims, go die
All I got from your post

>> No.4998210

learn from real life references first before going to stylized. It'll keep you from learning bad habits

>> No.4998211

Do whatever you want. Don't care.

You can take a retard to a toilet, but you can't make it not shit its pants.

>> No.4998224

>not having you nude references on your screen constantly in windowed mode over my big tiddy anime background
I remember when I was a retard with shame. Glad those days are behind me

>> No.4998225


>> No.4998230
File: 1.45 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20201115_023341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe I just nicked a fukkn shoe of my sister to use as a reference for drawing a fucking foot
It's all downhill from here, right

>> No.4998232
File: 29 KB, 342x342, 1540427731969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4998235

what do you guys think of people who post their /beg/ shit with the intent to draw anime/cartoon? Do you guys not care as long as the fundies are passable?

>> No.4998236
File: 101 KB, 210x195, lelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can take a retard to a toilet, but you can't make it not shit its pants.

Almost spat out my tea, youre still a faggot though

>> No.4998237
File: 361 KB, 561x574, yro6w5hg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe I just make a convenient cut right below the thigh and continue on with more important stuff
Never run from what you're struggling with. You'll unironically never make it as an artist if you do.
Sorry for the super shitty redline. I don't have access to my tablet and was curious to see if I could do it with my mouse. Better than nothing I guess.

>> No.4998240
File: 46 KB, 382x417, 53747501_1129170750597173_2348050039378542592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I use "keys to drawing" or "the natural way to draw" as my first book as a noob?

>> No.4998247

draw your sister while you're at it

>> No.4998248

I'm still working on it, got the "reference model" now.
Maybe redoing the feet all together similar to how you did it is gonna help with the overall design

>> No.4998250

any of the books in the sticky would work, but if videos are your thing go check out the video course thread

>> No.4998251

>tfw ur pencil doesn’t want to be used for fun like a little slut anymore
Yeah but it’s fun to switch between the two.

>> No.4998263
File: 76 KB, 414x640, 09C722FE-4E21-40C8-9A72-77604625573E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4998269

Can you go back to your tradcuck containment board? People are mostly here to draw

>> No.4998270

Don’t be weird. Respect your family.

>> No.4998275

what? why would you assume she'd care?

>> No.4998286

Digital is a garbage medium and I have no clue how retards make such good work on it.

>> No.4998294

Why are you still trying to defend this horseshit? You're talking about art classes as if every single atelier or academy doesn't make you do million hour cast drawings. Almost every life drawing session you go to will have short poses and long poses, and sometimes even longer poses that last for days or weeks. Your idea of making everyone rush through learning and skip observation just to get raw, contextless mileage is fucking terrible. "reinforce learning how to see" by not taking any time to learn how to see once in a while and instead rehashing your already ingrained mistakes over some arbitrary time limit that you just made up? In what world? Show me literally one source for any of this that isn't just your asshole

>> No.4998299
File: 393 KB, 640x360, 1441920962331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4998300
File: 41 KB, 571x686, ss+(2020-11-15+at+03.13.53).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, this doesn't look *that* bad
Certainly better than before

Thanks bruh.

>> No.4998303
File: 349 KB, 1069x837, glVC50P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do boobs work in clothes? I cant get the right breasts to look right

>> No.4998310
File: 442 KB, 1069x837, glVC50P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say the side of the body just appears to be too wide and thus distorting the breast to body relation
I would've put the arm closer to the body and see if you can closen the gap

Don't rely on my advice though, I draw worse than ya

>> No.4998313

On what planet do beginner classes have you do studies for days or weeks?

>> No.4998315

*a study

>> No.4998316

Thanks for the advice. Looking at it I believe I did make the torso too wide. Ill see how it looks with revisions.
And dont worry about the quality of your advice relating to your skill. All critique is valuable as long as its constructive (which yours is)

>> No.4998319

Draw your sister

>> No.4998328

>Offering golden advice
>Gets told to fuck off

How you know you're on /ic/

>> No.4998329
File: 4 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay there you go
I tried my best

>> No.4998330


>> No.4998351
File: 318 KB, 2602x2294, IMG_20201114_234647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have spent the entire day painting with color

i am now blind

>> No.4998358

>as if every single atelier or academy doesn't make you do million hour cast drawings
Yes, the more advanced classes, not the ones teaching basic fundamentals. And sure even a beginner class will have you drawing 1 or even 2 hour poses and studies eventually, but nowhere did that post say long studies were bad, only that spending that long on a simple egg with that end result suggested they were struggling with more than values and they should be aware of that.
>making everyone rush through
Didn't say that. It explicitly said the opposite.
>by not taking any time to learn how to see
You can do that through many shorter drawings as well. Why are you saying this like you need to spend ages on a single drawing and it's not possible otherwise? You build up sight and memory by being exposed to many things, not only one image you stare really hard at for a few hours.
Also if you read previous posts, this is about familiarity with the tools as much as it is values. That anon was spending a long time on his studies because he was using a brush that wasn't well suited to the task. You wouldn't say taking twenty hours to do a drawing was a good use of someone's time if they did it all with their mouse.

>> No.4998361
File: 771 KB, 1366x768, unknown-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can no longer distinguish any hue that isnt at the other side of the wheel. Good night

>> No.4998362


>> No.4998365
File: 83 KB, 307x578, DND GAUNTLET WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP right now, I don't like the line quality of it, can someone give me some tips or references to improve line quality? Anything else you'd like to say would be well appreciated.

>> No.4998368

Why are people getting so angry over mileage?

>> No.4998374

shh shut the fuck up, dont resurrect the shitposting

>> No.4998376

The only people who gets angry over it are people who doesn’t the mileage themselves

>> No.4998377


>> No.4998387
File: 257 KB, 937x867, kMpXkNC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seemed to fixed it I think?

>> No.4998389

Could someone help me think of some sort of training I could do digitally that doesn't involve having to "feel" in any way?
I'm not a in good place these days. I can't draw for myself (as in pieces of doing what I feel lke doing, but I still would like to get mileage until things get better for me.

The only thing I can think of right now is painting skulls but that could get old very fast. Thanks for reading.

>> No.4998392

Try drawthreads? /v/, /tg/, /aco/, /ic/, /jp/, /a/ all have drawthreads. You could go there, read through peoples requests to get an idea on what to draw.

>> No.4998394

Did you even used construction or just freehand it

>> No.4998397
File: 135 KB, 622x836, WMcZ5ie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really that bad? I did the pose from imagination

>> No.4998399

Forgot to add I usually always use reference, but I wanted to try something new. Im still really new

>> No.4998413

Listen, I understand your vendetta against perfectionism and it is justified, but reacting by saying no drawing must exceed x time (30 minutes at that) is total fiction and throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The simple fact is that mastery begets speed, not the other way around. This is true for every single discipline and trying to invert it for no reason other than your own predisposed anger towards some turd polishing you saw once is of little merit.

If you're not being completely disingenuous, then you know anon will speed up naturally as he cements this knowledge in his head and is able to call upon it with great ease: this is the nature of learning. Not every egg is gonna take him an hour and a half and not everything he paints is going to be an egg, as others have stated this is just a simple form on which to practice a handful of fundamentals, and your whole tirade about tools is completely missing the point that he is trying to use this as a way to experiment with and GAIN some familiarity with his tools. This was established at the very beginning. If you think that learning to render by blending manually and paying attention to the kind of edges you can create is less important than just skipping to a soft brush to get a nice end result in less time, I have few words for you and I'm starting to doubt if you've even seen any beginner artists. They do this all the time, and it always looks like shit, precisely because they're trying to rush for some end result and haven't taken the time to understand anything.

Honestly, I don't see what you gain from trying to lead people down this path. You have some sound points but the weird prescriptive conclusion you have drawn is completely unconnected to most of them, and at best an unreasonable exaggeration of the rest. I have faith that people will take the useful things from your posts and drop the made up numbers.

>> No.4998414

pose is stiff and unbalanced. might be some proportion problems as well but i am too beg to see

>> No.4998424
File: 104 KB, 594x609, 1506171797280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Im gonna need a redline or someone to explain what I did wrong better, because I dont really see it either. I thought this was one of my better pieces so far

>> No.4998427
File: 3.54 MB, 6042x7863, nora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4998428

I'll think about it. I did some drawings for /a/ some time ago, it was fun but it might be too draining for the kind of thing I think I need right now.
I might do the painting series from Watts digitally. I don't know. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.4998429

i started with fun with a pencil and did potato heads and stick figures for the first couple months, so i don't have a fully informed opinion, but keys is a great book and everybody should work through it at some point. and natural way is some weird kind of autism.

>> No.4998433

Reference pic source, please
I like the style

>> No.4998436

Shes from a H-game called Sequel Blight by Hakika. Its actually a pretty fun RPGmaker RPG, even if you ignore the h-scenes. Good story and characters

>> No.4998437
File: 352 KB, 1589x664, sphere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something that's not an egg, drawn in 30 minutes
making sure the values are right takes a while for me, but this is way faster than it used to take i think

really wish i read this before drawing 30m sphere. ty for giving your thoughts
what brushes should i use to render in your opinion?

>> No.4998445

torso's alright, tone the ass down.

>> No.4998453
File: 108 KB, 599x806, ass toned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to get the effect that below the neck, shes being viewed on sort of an angle, and that shes learning her chest forward (and as a side effect, her ass sticks out a bit).
If I tone it down it looks like this, but Im unsure if it looks better.
( I really wanna finish this and move on, I spent about 2 hours on this, but I dont wanna leave it unfinished)

>> No.4998455
File: 178 KB, 453x823, sk01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lads I just read constructive anatomy from bridgman and decided to try it, any advice? I feel a little lost with all the different muscles and tendons and stuff.

>> No.4998457

>but reacting by saying no drawing must exceed x time
This is not what I said though. This is only for a few short studies. He's spending an hour and a half on each of these egg studies and I suggested shorter value studies with an emphasis on learning the tools available to him. I told him to use whatever he wanted and only gave a few suggestions on how to make use of them. I don't have a problem with longer studies whatsoever, just in this case it looks like an example of perfectionism using a tool not suited to the job.

>then you know anon will speed up naturally as he cements this knowledge in his head
Yes, obviously. But you seem set on nothing but long studies while ignoring the value of shorter ones. This is not about rushing or skipping steps this is about trying different exercises and understanding drawing is more than just the end result. He was trying to achieve a smooth gradation by using a hard brush to do it manually. That is unnecessary tedium that teaches him nothing about values. Telling him there are alternatives tools he could use to achieve a better result is not skipping steps.
>They do this all the time, and it always looks like shit, precisely because they're trying to rush for some end result and haven't taken the time to understand anything.
I disagree and I think his post just proved that by mostly nailing the values despite still using that hard brush. He clearly did not rush. Just because beginners can easily wander astray doesn't mean they will. He learned just as much about values in this 30 minute study as he did in the last 90 minute one. This also gives more insight into his process than an ultra refined finished piece.

I don't have much to gain, but I do think there's value in arguing over things like this. Helping others with their art is also a form of practice.

>> No.4998459

Looks pretty good but Im pretty /beg/, but the left shoulder looks a bit dislocated?

>> No.4998473

This is good. You've placed the values well and that's the most important thing. The only thing I could recommend here is to pay a little more attention to the highlights, both direct and indirect, and have those values, mostly the shades of grey in the middle, conform to the shape of the sphere a little better. Out of curiosity did you stick with a hard brush because it felt best to you?

>> No.4998475

>took 30 minutes to poorly render a sphere
what the fuck anon

>> No.4998477

Holy shit you fucking faggot crab, just stop fucking posting. Youre in /beg/, what the hell is wrong with you? Fuck off, stop shitting on newbies

>> No.4998479

If i want to crab him I'll give him bad advice and not shitting on his baby's first spheres.

>> No.4998480

Actually, your advice just clicked with me. Thanks a bunch

>> No.4998493

If you drew that you've probably graduated from /beg/.

>> No.4998494
File: 389 KB, 1555x577, sphere 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 hour update, used the blending brush in krita and went in on every streak i saw
looking back at this i need to lighten the terminator a lot

yeah, it feels better to lay in values initially then go in and blend. i can't think about both blending and values at the same time really

tell me how to improve anon

>> No.4998504

Upper left leg is too long.

>> No.4998508

Yeah, I think I fucked it up because I didn't have the torso rotated as far as the ref and I wasn't paying attention. I redrew the arm a couple times cause it wasn't making sense and that helped me realize why I was having so much trouble, thanks man.
nah, I haven't really got shit down enough to get out yet

>> No.4998511

Please disregard all my posts. I just realized Im retarded and realized all of what I fucked up, and Im gonna fix this all tomorrow. I think I drew for like 10-12 hours today and its eating my brain, I cant think artistically anymore.

>> No.4998515
File: 176 KB, 1096x637, NewCanvas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me how to improve
usually from what I've seen from sinix is start a simple big circle and then using a big brush to make the initial shapes of the shadows. and then smoothen it out with careful brush control and color picking between the gradation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Nt9fa8jZUE, you could also check the cgma course

>> No.4998522

And this is why I was recommending shorter studies. Not to knock you, but in the next 30 minutes you may think you made progress, but as far as learning values go, there wasn't any. The values you placed at the 30 minute mark were more accurate. That said it wasn't wasted time because you are familiarizing yourself with your tools and learning how to blend is a skill in and of itself.
What you want to avoid here is trying to fix anything. It's too late. You'll add a little value here, blend a little there and before you know it another 30-60 minutes have passed on what essentially amounts to very little learning.

>> No.4998531

>do something shorter than a single geometric solid
it's time to stop.

>> No.4998536


>> No.4998553
File: 218 KB, 828x1280, 14E87412-ECDA-4F83-A3C4-FDB60D61887A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell WTF I’m trying to do with her hair? I’ve been fucking around with it for a year and have never felt I’ve gotten it right. I think I was shooting for something like Karin’s hair from SFA3 but shorter. Any suggestions?

>> No.4998574
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, Loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here. How do I approach Loomis? Do I just read the books step by step? And where do start with Vlppu. Didn't want to make a whole nother post about it.

I just wanna approve my anatomy. I can set up a decent pose but constructing it is when I get nervous.

>> No.4998583

Do some full body skeleton and muscle studies. Those will help immensely with construction.

>> No.4998586

pyw please let's see where exactly you're struggling (if you want)

>> No.4998589

so what you're saying right now is i'd be better served doing a ton of short value studies than a few heavily rendered studies?

i feel like the fact that the values are wrong rn is something important to address though right? as in this middle stage of painting, between block in and render is what i need to work on?

i spent 30 minutes more on the sphere before i read this comment but not going to attach

thank you for the advice anon. saw that video a while ago and was using hard brush with opacity jitter until this guy advised me otherwise

more than a little confused and unsure where to go right now tbqh

>> No.4998603
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x1739, LoomisAgain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can construct the pose, rib, etc. But when I need to build upon it I get stuck.

Like the pic attached, anon?

>> No.4998618
File: 449 KB, 1166x1500, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but way more detailed than that. Full skeleton and muscle studies.

>> No.4998629

It helps me to think of the limbs as groups of lengthy angled rectangles that combine to form the proper shapes. The loomis pic you posted is imo too 'rounded' to help you, more angular shapes are easier to work with.
Like this guy said, you need something as detailed. Even if it's beyond what you can realistically do, you'll improve quickly by attempting to go as far as possible.

>> No.4998646

I understand. Do I just ditch Loomis? Everyone recommends him.

What would you recommend as an alternative? As in a source of study like him.

>> No.4998655
File: 928 KB, 1500x1800, Train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the ass is the problem. I find it useful to try the pose in real life yourself. Notice how your legs and upper body behave.

>> No.4998659

If your focus is on learning how to see and place value, yes your 30 minute study was good. That's not to say you should shirk longer, finished studies, just that if value is your priority, that will give you the most experience right now. That said, if you're particularly happy with the result of one 30 minute study, by all means, take the time to finish it.
The values didn't really go "wrong" per say, it's more that in the process of blending them they lost some impact and accuracy. That's a matter of learning how to blend properly and being able to really see the values before you get into that will help. The reason I suggested stopping is because at this point it is very easy to get into nitpick mode and spend ages making little progress where you don't learn much.

As for the sinix video, you can use whatever brush you feel comfortable with, especially for round objects like this. There is no set rule. He likes the more traditional feel of a hard brush with the blend tool for control over the hard edges and again that's great to define the base of the object and to get a sharper image overall. It's a technique you can use for everything and I agree with his reasoning behind using it. You can do something similar with a soft brush in conjunction with an eraser or another hard brush, and for spherical objects like this a soft brush will achieve a smooth, accurate gradation much more efficiently. However after seeing your 30 minute study, blending your values doesn't really matter right now. You're not trying to paint, you're trying to see and place value. I definitely agree with what sinix said about bigger brushes and not trying to line out the values, but again you're not trying to paint. In this case that can come at the expense of accuracy and really paying attention to the values of your reference. You're not quite at the stage where you can blob things out and have that be a productive study.

>> No.4998663

Michael Hampton.

Also Steve Huston, Proko, and Vilppu as extra resources for the course.

>> No.4998678

I'll probably get the Hampton book that's available. But I don't where to start with Vilppu.

Haven't heard Huston. And I have Proko available.

>> No.4998683

>Steve Huston
Do you recommend the book for this?

>> No.4998685

>dont even read materials, just draw
someone lock me up and put me in a cage

>> No.4998690

>I don't where to start with Vilppu
The Drawing Manual book and lectures. You can start that together with Hampton's first chapter. Also check the anatomy lectures.

If you can get the pdf for free, yes. Huston covers almost the same thing as Hampton.

>> No.4998691
File: 95 KB, 414x640, 892E5450-3AA5-4E49-830D-ECFC52480AFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done for the night. I’ll torture you all with more of my sketches tomorrow.

>> No.4998692
File: 160 KB, 1000x1000, F88F2A2E-C71A-45C5-85C8-2989F6ABB1C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture of something I'm working on. I started drawing a month ago, will reading Loomis or watching Hampton actually be fun?

>> No.4998694

Mion is a slut

>> No.4998696

true, but she is only k1's slut

>> No.4998697

Gotcha. The Drawing Manual is online I'm sure. And the lectures should be fine.

This one right?

>> No.4998698

Built For Battler’s Cock

>> No.4998700
File: 1.13 MB, 2176x2560, STEVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant this sorry.

>> No.4998701

Please answer. Is there a book on scene construction?

>> No.4998705

No, the closest I can think of is framed ink, the other composition book on my mind is mostly for landscape painting.

>> No.4998710

>landscape painting
What's its name? Thank you for helping me. Landscapes are cool.

>> No.4998711

Does someone have a link to that one guy that has a gallery filled with yellow MS paint faces and there's like literally thousands of portraits. It's extremely creepy and funny as the same time.

>> No.4998713
File: 814 KB, 645x911, tt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts? Despite feet...

>> No.4998715

>Edgar payne - Composition of outdoor painting.

>> No.4998717

Thank you, I will check it out. Love you.

>> No.4998719


>> No.4998721
File: 272 KB, 1545x869, 5757A92A-C8DB-444C-BA8C-C75BBB4DD7C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s BOOBA for ass?

>> No.4998723

what did he mean by this

>> No.4998725
File: 327 KB, 1024x1388, 1455197133657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had yellow faces that are kind of similar to this but egg shaped and more simplistic. They were drawn in like crayola colored pencil I think. Sorry I know this is vague but I remember seeing the gallery and laughing for like an hour and then hiding it away and burning it from my memory. Please I need it.

>> No.4998727

it's like a swedish guy right
i know what you're talking about

>> No.4998728

If you have any info please tell me. I need to find it so bad,

>> No.4998753
File: 431 KB, 1326x666, sphere 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more rendered sphere before i start doing value studies like a good boy

>> No.4998757
File: 211 KB, 903x375, head practice 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I always get the tilt wrong

>> No.4998762

If you study rendering you'll reach the next level

>> No.4998765

Welcome to being an artist. Embrace the shame.

>> No.4998768

It's alright. A little too sketchy to tell

>> No.4998777
File: 662 KB, 1500x936, 11-14 cropped sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not new to drawing, but new to rendering / painting

I know its after the fact, but does anyone have any input for my next attempt? What looks extremely off, any suggestions, ect, ect..

>> No.4998831

Is there any good place where I could find references for action poses? I have a few books on the subject with japanese men and women doing it, but I was more thinking in terms of the drawing portion. So what to exaggerate, how to convey movement etc?

I struggle really hard with that, and when I copy some salaryman kicking a thug it just ends up looking super static.

>> No.4998880

My parents are absolutely puritan and I just lay my nude studies all over the place when I was 18. No coom shit, just drawings of Greco-Roman sculptures from museums. That was 10 years ago.

>> No.4998884
File: 192 KB, 551x732, 2020-11-15 04_56_52-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying something different with the clothes this time

>> No.4998888

Ngl, would genuinely coom but you really need to pay attention more to your anatomy, specially your hands.

>> No.4998891

yeahhh, i need to workshop the hands alot

>> No.4998963
File: 79 KB, 536x795, huh? (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i doing

thanks >>4998511

>> No.4998973

>what am i doing
your best!
keep it up!

>> No.4998984

thank yu...

>> No.4998990

her nose bridge shouldn't be above her eyes

>> No.4998992

Increase the stabilisation on your brush and try to draw your strokes fairly quickly as it’ll lead to smoother lines

>> No.4999000
File: 135 KB, 1000x889, 42A9B2B3-DEAF-4D4C-AD0E-6BABA9AA42B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any issues with this?

>> No.4999012
File: 79 KB, 536x795, huh? (5b).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u right bruthr thx

>> No.4999028

dude there is always going to be uncertainties but you got to start trusting your own judgements more. you're never going to be a 100%. your drawings are always going to be limited by something. you gotta ask yourself "what am I trying to achieve with this study?" and then "did I achieve that thing?". sure, ask here, it doesn't seem like anons have a problem with the posting. but it's going to be a severe limitation on your growth if you are unable to self-asses and let the study go. like the other anon said, you did good in >>4998437, you conveyed what is important for this type of study. i don't know why people are calling him a crab, this is the opposite of crabbing.

>> No.4999072
File: 1.39 MB, 659x1283, militarymoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to try the pose myself. As suspected, I'm still struggling with 3d shapes. I didn't finish the legs and bottom half cause I'm lady and it wasn't in the ref picture lol. What errors stand out the most?

>> No.4999074

The trick with breasts in clothing is that there clothes must show the breasts. Wrinkles, shading, lighting, etc. Unless you're doing porn stuff, then the boobs will probably be outlined over the clothes lol

>> No.4999077
File: 140 KB, 700x1050, vibing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think boys? I love these kind of color schemes.

>> No.4999082

Pretty guud.
But there is something weird about adding teeth to any type of picture. Always gives it a creepy atmosphere, atleast for me.

>> No.4999085

terezi pyrope

>> No.4999088

Poor tracing skill
Annoying colors

>> No.4999105
File: 283 KB, 800x1000, Some_Girl_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fck do you make smooth and clean lines? My lines are wobbly and the line weight is all over the place.
Also, here's my first drawing on a new medium(Ipad). Only used a screenless tab before.

>> No.4999109

Some programs have stabilizers that help. As for lines, it's just something you get used to with practice. For me, after trying a lot of the default brushes I made modded my own brush for lines and that helped. But knowing what you want in your lines helps with that. Just a lot of exploring really, good luck and have fun. She's a cute grill.

>> No.4999111

I agree, teeth are terrible.

>> No.4999112

Photoshop has a brush setting called smoothing. Most phone apps have some form of smoothing or auto stablization

>> No.4999113

Did it reminds you of your waifu? Want me to spices things up for you?

>> No.4999115
File: 5 KB, 62x78, No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4999120

I though stabilization is a meme. I'll try it out then. What's a good number for it though it photoshop? Anyways thanks for the help.
I don't see it. Does hair not do that?

>> No.4999124

Thanks a bunch for the draw, yeah I really messed up my arms and such. Gonna fix everything now

>> No.4999125


>> No.4999126
File: 408 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20201115-091211_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big booba
But in all honesty I think her right arm is a bit too small, looks out of place. The clothing folds are also a little wonky, I'm sure there's a side view of some milkers in a button up shirt in a doujinshi somewhere.

>> No.4999136

You made it look like a strip of paper - flat.

>> No.4999140

Hat looks too small and like it isnt on her head, just sitting on it a bit. Rest looks pretty good

>> No.4999144

Ah I see what you mean. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks bud!

>> No.4999149

>Does hair not do that?
It would need to be a perfect viewing angle of a perfect fold in a perfectly thin sheet of hair.
Grab a strip of paper, twist it into this shape and see how it behaves, then remember that hair has thickness that the paper doesn't have.

>> No.4999150
File: 826 KB, 942x1020, shading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First attempt at shading in digital (drawn from life, kinda hard because there were two light sources - one from a monitor and the other one from a window).
Didn't learn how to blend properly yet, so it's kinda rough looking. How does it look?

>> No.4999159

Right boob areola is a bit high imo. The Left boob should be a little bigger than the right boob perspective wise.

>> No.4999163

Any tips on drawing frilly lace on a skirt or on socks?

>> No.4999170
File: 128 KB, 617x827, fixes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I fixed a bunch of stuff. Fixed the arm to look more natural, redid the bottle of the skirt to make it more fluid, added her braid and a bunch of folds. How does it look? Better than >>4998453?

>> No.4999182

Ass too fat

>> No.4999184


>> No.4999193

I don't live at home, what if I unexpectedly die and my family goes through my possessions?

>> No.4999198

Looks really flat but I chalk up to you now understanding line weight and conveying how forms turns on each other or making some part of the linework thinner or thicker depending on the form and lighting.

>> No.4999201

But I chalk it up to you not understanding*

>> No.4999202
File: 60 KB, 960x720, 1603277987850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom finds the furry inflation scat diaper guro commission folder

>> No.4999205

So how does line weight actually work? Is it simply darker lines where theyre supposed to be shadows, folds, or interaction with other lines, and lighter lines on more subtle features?
I remember reading online somewhere you should draw over a line if it intersects with another line at sort of T or X area, I could try that

>> No.4999208

There’s no general rule or guidelines, the best sources is pretty much studying skilled mangakas or inkers.
I havent read that inktober scandal book or something but it probably has some pointers. You could start with dynamic sketching or dynamic bible.

>> No.4999211

After looking at the piece a bit longer, I don’t you should worry about linework, you gotta study more forms

>> No.4999221

Ok thanks. Ive been struggling a lot with making stuff look 3d for a bit. Ive been drawing for about a month or so far and that hasnt been able to click with me yet. The proko anatomy course helped a bit though
Im gonna just paint bucket colour the picture and do some shadows and call it done. Its probably my best piece so far but its still obviously flawed. I dont feel too bad about it.

>> No.4999223

>Im gonna just paint bucket colour the picture
Render it properly using a hard round or anything similar to it

>> No.4999230

Alright okay, Ill go all the way into it then. Itll probably turn out shit though

>> No.4999237

im not sure if im falling for a meme but how are you supposed to blend with hard round

>> No.4999261

Is it bad to do 3 tone rendering (shadow, mid tone, highlight)?

>> No.4999287

I drew the skull and my proportions are still wonky. Don't know if it's cause I am drawing with a pencil or my circles are not right but they only come out a little better than the one on the left. I just get my sizes wrong and it throws everything out of wack.

>> No.4999288

>Big tiddy trying to hide her tits.
Draw her properly. And if she has a nice figure, use her for reference if she hasnt aged to shit yet.

>> No.4999303
File: 855 KB, 1375x2062, goarc baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4999304
File: 770 KB, 1312x1472, 044_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The view turned into a front view here.
You were right that it's perspective and a torso too long. You need to stack the forms quite radically to bring out the appearance of an extreme angle.
Because of how viewing angle doesn't map linearly to visible size, you'll have to do this kind of foreshortening a lot more than you'd intuitively guess.

>> No.4999311

do i actually need to start with loomis or is it just a meme?

>> No.4999314

No it's not a meme, do Loomis

>> No.4999315

fun with a pencil then you can fall into different pits of grind hells

>> No.4999317

just use the blend tool

>> No.4999321

but all his stuff looks so ugly

>> No.4999323

fwap is an idiotproof way to get started.

>> No.4999326

nigger, fun with a pencil is just a entry shit to drawing is the barebones so you can understand what kind of hell you are diving in

>> No.4999327
File: 186 KB, 719x909, n9fYPXn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you're completely right. All my edits turn it from my intended post to a more front/centre view. Didnt realize it until this morning. Next time Im gonna try what you did the the camera sketch on a side view, to help visualize the pose better. Forms and perspective seem to be the main issues im having.
Im just gonna try to render this as best as I can and move on. Might as well use this as an excuse to practice rendering.

>> No.4999328

why do we call colouring rending
it sounds like were making a movie

>> No.4999329

I dont know and I hate it also

>> No.4999332

nigger post your dumb questions in the /sqt/ gen

>> No.4999362

What music do you guys listen to while drawing?

>> No.4999367
File: 889 KB, 3840x2569, delfi rollers 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, is the warped perspective in this alright? or am i going blind? i feel it's pretty close to solid already. thanks!

>> No.4999372

Looks like shit

>> No.4999374


>> No.4999378

why, though?

>> No.4999379

Work on that anatomy and the proportions. A lot of things are off here, like the arms, lower body, and trailing foot.

>> No.4999383

I dunno why everyone has a problem with this
It's obviously going for an extremely accelerated movement at an extreme angle, highly stylized and exaggerated on top of that.

>> No.4999390

Because the anatomy is wonky in spite of that.

>> No.4999391

remove the toes

>> No.4999395
File: 2.90 MB, 7016x4961, Illustration2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can tell something's off with the right hip area but i cant really tell what it is. help appreciated.

>> No.4999398

toes? she's got skates on her feet

>> No.4999399

oh that uh, makes way more sense.

>> No.4999402
File: 338 KB, 585x633, 1578646102988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4999403
File: 18 KB, 340x421, Lanky_Kong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh, the arms go down to the fucking knee
the hip is not the problem, the arms
or the legs are, depening on what you want to lenghten / shorten

>> No.4999407

ohh you're right. i made the arms longer because i was trying to make him bent over. i'll shorten them, thanks anon.

>> No.4999414
File: 47 KB, 473x550, 568d406f56829894b14d97c0ce93f957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing anything BUT drawing
I procrastinated for 5 hours now, only drawing a pair of shitty looking gloves.

I got no one to blame but myself.

>> No.4999432
File: 26 KB, 284x406, 9780195030952_p0_v1_s550x406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here again. I have this book for copying body structure in order to understand the body. Is there any other book people here could recommend or is this fine on its own?

>> No.4999434

anatomy for sculptors

>> No.4999436

I don't really know how vanishing points work but I'm sure it isn't like that

>> No.4999437

not him but is that a good one for beginners as well?

>> No.4999442

Look at it

>> No.4999447
File: 876 KB, 3840x2569, delfi rollers 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much what i'm going for. I'm working on this now. The ass cheeks don't really matter all that much since she's gonna have a skirt on, flowing with the speed

>> No.4999448

I see. I might have too look at that one online. Its mad pricy. But it looks good. Thank you.

>> No.4999463
File: 717 KB, 850x1100, 000001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just posted it

>> No.4999467
File: 1.59 MB, 3407x4393, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4999490
File: 607 KB, 4961x3508, wine_label_jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno if this belongs here, but I drew this for a quick label design for some Mead I brewed. What do you think?

>> No.4999501

he looks either pregnant or hes shoved an egg up his ass its off putting

>> No.4999516

How should I balance doing actual art pieces vs. working on studies/drills? Would you say more progress is to be made doing a lot of one or the other? How do you balance it out?

>> No.4999522


>> No.4999523

I think most people would just say he looks rather well fed and bloated after gorging on a lot of food and beverages. She could be pregnant though. How would you improve it?

>> No.4999528

Was for


>> No.4999538

have the belly actually follow where it is, atm it looks like an egg flat on a table, its not following the curve of the frog and its sticking out between his legs

>> No.4999553

A quick example please? I think I know what you mean

>> No.4999561
File: 1.14 MB, 1181x814, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4999565

drawing is the most accessible hobby, all you need is a pencil and whatever leftover paper you have.

cavemen were doing it on cave walls, stop making excuses

>> No.4999569 [DELETED] 
File: 680 KB, 1237x3980, 277C29FD-7747-4942-AFFD-B014F5B7D947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4999571
File: 520 KB, 1536x2626, 353FE6C7-876E-4B04-ABEC-256928D5B599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts ?

>> No.4999574

the arms are the fuckiest part. read a book on anatomy

>> No.4999577
File: 111 KB, 806x604, heads nov 15th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/beg/ here. How to I make these loomis heads not look like shit?

>> No.4999584

also, ellipses are symmetrical

>> No.4999585

nah, that frog is preggers

>> No.4999589
File: 489 KB, 1200x1300, Illustration28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to draw a portrait for the first time.

>> No.4999590 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 4000x3000, 16054716795037087538440955220700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twin siblings

>> No.4999595

Is same face twins just cheating? You just drew the same face.

>> No.4999598

Nice. Let their dad join in.

>> No.4999627

any exercises for that? For every ten iIdo, one seems to be close to symmetrical.

>> No.4999629

Not bad, try to go for structure, straight lines first, simple shapes, two values, three values only. Do as much of these as possible. And yeah, light is problematic, especially around the nose, the form is not clear at all. You need one strong source of light. But overall good direction, do more!

>> No.4999642

false but they are similar

>> No.4999647

Why tho? It was just a link

>> No.4999653

Just practice more and constantly evaluate every 100 heads you draw.

>> No.4999655

>posts direct link to loli / shota porn
>why its deleted ;~;
First day?

>> No.4999656

nipple slip

>> No.4999660

>First day?
Talking about yourself there? nsfw links have always been allowed on the chans.I'm not the OP by the way.

>> No.4999662

op also deliberately left the nipple in, wasn't just a link. Next time censor your images.

>> No.4999663

Draw a portrait of your dick

>> No.4999671

Well, the faces are just very similar instead of a copy and paste so I don't consider it cheating.
However what is cheating is making twin siblings of different sex be identical (genetically impossible) instead of fraternal.

>> No.4999672

Eh I would not go as far as say that they CANT look similar though, thats until preteens though, after teenage years they probably wont look the same.

>> No.4999695

Mods are gay. All art should be allowed on /ic/, no matter what it is.

>> No.4999702

Mods fear the cunnychads

>> No.4999798
File: 237 KB, 1385x1855, nov 11 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna call this done. I still need to study rendering and the like, and Ive been neglecting because I still mess up a lot of stuff like forms and gestures. Its really fucking hard to find what the right path is to study. I fuck up faces, go study loomis. My characters look too stiff, I go study gesture. Now I fuck up perspective and forms so I gotta go study that again.
It really is a pain. I know I messed up the perspective and ended up creating a different pose then what I intended, and messed up her lower body (not knowing how to draw skirts didnt help either) Thanks to everyone who helped me, atleast Im seeing a lot of improvement between my pieces.

>> No.4999805

Looks good
Eye looks like shit though

>> No.4999818

Ill try to fix that up quickly, looks like I neglected it

>> No.4999838
File: 65 KB, 567x324, caragh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this is the best place to ask but does anyone here fuck with logos? this is really obviously an early draft but I'd like to know if you think I should work on this version more or start a new one.

>> No.4999911

How to study rendering?

>> No.4999914

flat colors first then render the rest of the owl

>> No.4999915

>everything is going well
>body is fine, anatomy looks okay
>draw the face
>it all goes down the fucking uncanny valley and sets off a nuclear bomb

>> No.4999923

wow thanks faggot

>> No.4999935

theres a whole board dedicated to your question bro

>> No.4999992
File: 1012 KB, 2000x4000, PZB39 idol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw working on it all day
>looks like shit in the end

>> No.5000009

tfw you can't draw interesting poses in convincing 3d space

>> No.5000035

Witch one? I barely use this site lol

>> No.5000037

jesus fuck, learn your fundies

>> No.5000038


>> No.5000041


>> No.5000048

Top half of the car has kinda realistic detailed reflections, but bottom half has absolutely no defined shadows. That looks very off to me.
Also you should work on your lines quality before bothering with rendering.

>> No.5000058

anon you little retard why are you making threads on bump limit?

>> No.5000066

I love you too anon

>> No.5000088

Value studies

>> No.5001243
File: 422 KB, 1600x1200, 4chan-ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on this?

>> No.5001310

how big should i make my canvas if i use sai2?

>> No.5002172

It would be wise to keep the eyes at the same level and each drawn the same for consistency. It looks like the entire head is a flat polygon with no form and hair is just plopped on top of it.

>> No.5002179

Pecs are poorly defined and where are the clavicles?