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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1019 KB, 900x1262, coom3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4991167 No.4991167 [Reply] [Original]

Give me that harsh and lengthy critique please.

>> No.4991169


The head proportion of the figure is off.

...also, you traced this, didn't you?

>> No.4991174

Guess which part i traced and which part i construct. Kek

>> No.4991177

i will be doing line art for coom for the next few days. Because niggers here challenged me. Got to live up to anon's expectation bruh.

>> No.4991196

did you use that CSP tool to paint automatically?

>> No.4991201

Oh i learnt something new today. CSP tool? Imma try it tomorrow. Thanks.

>> No.4991206

Going by the off proportions I'd say constructed arms, hands,and head and traced everything else. Tracing is only bad if you can't make it flow together seamlessly.

My critique: Good job with how you implied texture on the jacket and shine areas on the leggings. The arms, hands, and head are slightly too small for the rest of the body. A good cheat is to take a art model and pose it into the body language you want to convey to double check proportions and perspective. Bags under the eyes are too pronounced. Fewer lines on a woman's drawn face = young. Any lines = instantly looks old or over exaggerated. Next time use extremely subtle skin color to imply baggy eyes. Boob shine spots are too big and shouldn't be touching the edge of the clothing since the clothing creates shade. I love your shading and coloring for the torso and leg skin. Stocking shading is off since the dark shadow isn't scattered like the highlights like it should be. The hair needs distinct shine spots added. Look at real hair to see how pronounced highlights are. She has a Michael Jackson nose that needs more detail to look dainty instead of odd. Look up how western artists draw feminine noses without being overly detailed. Anime noses are awful when mashed with western art styles like you're going for. I think she needs upper lips to really look seductive. Unless you were going for a silly unrealistic and cute lips look.

>> No.4991207

why does the stomach, hands down the best part of the rendering here, look like it was painted by a coom god, while the rest of it looks like it was painted by some beg retard who has never done a painting before? the hair is fucking atrocious, the fabric is fucking atrocious, the face is despicably amateur, the outline of the hips and abdomen area is completely on point while the arms are sausages and the hands are eldritch abominations

this artwork makes no sense and it's pretty obvious that you frankenstein'd it

>> No.4991234

Alright will try to fix face and eyebags next time.

>> No.4991239

Because that, the hair and the tongue is my contruction. I study fine arts. The rest is traced. Lol

>> No.4991247

> I study fine arts

nigga what

>> No.4991251

no you dumbass don't use that

>> No.4991252

Fine arts means, i can construct and paint the sistine chapel. I am just lazy to do such thing. That is why i trace. Aint nobody paying me to do sistine chapel kek. Commission coming soon i hope.

>> No.4991254

Why not. Imma try everything at least once. Art is my fun drug no limits.

>> No.4991264

I wanna thank you guys for giving me insights to things i am blinded to. Sometimes the delusion gets in the way. Only real progress is by listening. Thanks anons.

>> No.4991266

sorry but based on your image, you could not paint the sistine chapel if you were given the rest of your life to do it. don't be delusional anon

>> No.4991267


You got a long way to go for commissions. No one is going to want your shitty tracing, and /beg/ tier painting

>> No.4991270

Alright imma try to do better tomorrow.

If only you knew how hard it is to draw on a tablet. Im using a 4x6 inch intuos 3 lmao. Had it for 11 years. Traditional mediums are way easier for me. More control.

>> No.4991294

i draw on a tablet every day and i also do trad. where this "if only you knew" comes from i have no idea, but it is a staple party trick of amateurs to blame their tools for their poor work

>> No.4991305
File: 769 KB, 1036x570, proxy-image-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, you're not going to reeee that we insulted your art? Anon you are definitely GMI material.

>> No.4991310

People pay more for traditional so you could honestly charge more because normies see traditional = more effort.

>> No.4991318

I learnt so many tracing techniques on tradition mediums lololol

>> No.4991321

I agree i supposed i didnt clock enough hours on tablet. Only 1,000. Going to go for 10,000. Soon my tablet skillz will be on par with my dunning krunger.

>> No.4991400

No, you are definetly GMI.

>> No.4991904


>> No.4991908


>> No.4991920

Some areas, namely the bikini/underwear (?) and head just look flat. However, I can respect someone who can draw better hands than I can (that is to say I can't draw hands at all)

>> No.4991926

Some areas, namely the background (?), just look flat. However, I can respect someone who can draw a better figure than I can (that is to say that I can't draw at all)

>> No.4991950


Get a pen display. As a tradfag, it made all the difference for me.

>> No.4991954

Same fagging

>> No.4991957

But it is way too expensive.
I aint getting commission. So i aint good enough for display tablet.

>> No.4991959

Same fagging, namely the three above posts, are by the same fag. However, I can respect someone who can samefag harder than I can (that is to say I’m not the guy samefagging at all)

>> No.4992060

alright look at the hair and explain to me how it’s your lack of experience with a tablet and not you just being shit at drawing

>> No.4992078


>> No.4992085

I dont really care about the hair for lineart.

>> No.4992087

so you think that’s the only issue with the hair? why ask for critique if you don’t care about what you fucked up? you don’t want help you want attention, get a therapist

>> No.4992091

>"it's bad for these reasons"
>well i do trad
>well im too lazy
>well digital mediums have less control
>well i dont really care about x

>> No.4992243

I am going to improve, soon

>> No.4992249

What i meant is, im more focus on getting my objective than worrying about hair design. I want to learn about the sexual appeal. I want that hypersexual feels. I will learn this. And yes, i do appreciate the feedbacks. Maybe the hair will improve the sex appeal.

>> No.4992256

stop tracing. it's too obvious.

>> No.4992282

I will keep tracing till i make it.

>> No.4992283

>I am going to improve
>I will keep tracing

Pick one

>> No.4992285

Tracing is an art fundamental, it is image transfer in fine arts. The problem with coom art is. They are not anatomically correct. They are hypersexual.

>> No.4992289

This is not the problem with coom art, this is the main selling point of coom art. Tracing is not a fundamental, it is a technique. You are hopelessly retarded

>> No.4992295

please post some of your fine art work brother, you talk as if you are some master of egg tempera who does excellent carvaggio copies for fun. i would love to see it

>> No.4992318

Holy shit how do you know i do egg tempera.

>> No.4992321

>tracing not fundamentals
>every legit art academy that teaches tracing on anatomy class

It is called image transfer, go google nigger.

>> No.4992364


> Claims to have studied fine arts
> lists "image transfer" as a fundamental skill

nigga what, thats not a fucking fundamental skill any school teaches, anywhere

>> No.4992463

>nigger went to a poor liberal art school
>not taught to trace human/animal bones for anatomy class
>not taught to trace to train contour lines
>not learning orangic human shapes with tracing

>> No.4992658

Now the larping is getting a bit too obvious mate.

>> No.4992796
File: 406 KB, 757x674, 315563F9-FE5E-4DD9-8750-2ECCA83FC125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4993065

Because it is taught doesn't mean it is a fundamental, you inbred esl
Being taught to etch a plate doesn't make etching a fundamental
Being taught silverpoint doesn't make silverpoint a fundamental
Being taught to grid up a canvas and enlarge your composition doesn't make gridding up and enlarging a fundamental
You keep throwing around words like image transfer and hypersexual but with every post it becomes increasingly clear that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about

>> No.4993075

Using other brush other than hard round when you don't even know how to render, stay /beg/

>> No.4993136

Remember to attend an actual art academy. Not some internet courses. The misinformation about tracing is real. Be educated.


>> No.4993140

please get your autism clinically diagnosed and overdose on the meds

>> No.4993147

Why do you have to attack my autism?

>> No.4993161

because it leads you to tunnel on concepts like this with little context and continue to spew delusional drivel that is misguided to say the least and misguiding for the few unlucky souls who decide to take you at face value

you're absolutely obsessed with it and you think you're uncovering some great truth that the Art Industry doesn't want you to know, and for this same reason you won't ever take any critique on your thesis because you think it's some big industry chuds shilling against you and trying to silence the truth

all of this is in your head, and no doubt exacerbated to a great extent by your mental condition. your historical research is fine, but the message you consistently try to extrapolate from it is complete fantasy. get help

>> No.4993338

>historical research is fine
Educated by a chink