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File: 20 KB, 596x232, Screenshot_2020-11-10 Tommy on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4988280 No.4988280 [Reply] [Original]

What is the only thing that you refuse to draw, even if you're offered a lot of money for it, simply because it goes against your principle?

>> No.4988281


>> No.4988283

I'll never draw my own ugly face

>> No.4988285

coom art, lolishit, furfaggotry. I can make money without being a fucking scumbag or posing as one for other scumbags.

>> No.4988287

Beastiality, lolicon, and any violent coom art or /d/-tier fetishes.

>> No.4988290

Finally a good tweet

>> No.4988291

>tweet by literal who
Go back faggot.

>> No.4988294

Scat, farting, furry, bestiality. Anything else is okay I guess, even gore could be cool.

>> No.4988297

loli trash

>> No.4988298
File: 909 KB, 876x918, grizzly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4988306

Probably dead children

>> No.4988314

Uhhh sweaty, you can't say that in current year especially after Biden wins!

>> No.4988319
File: 22 KB, 160x160, VkZDPEj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blacks, loli, porn, fat people

>> No.4988322

White supremacist/sexist/transphobic/right wing/fascist/ art in any forms.

>> No.4988348

Wh*teoids, unless they're getting BLACKED or DOGGED

>> No.4988351

Fatties, ugly women.

>> No.4988354

I don't mind it myself but other people like it for the wrong reasons so I don't want to give them anything

>> No.4988356

Coom. If it's SFW ("SFW fetish art" is not SFW), I will draw anything.

Nice holier than thou world view.

>> No.4988358


>> No.4988359
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>> No.4988361
File: 24 KB, 720x164, Screenshot_20201110-041953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What now

>> No.4988365


>> No.4988367
File: 1.49 MB, 300x300, 14832758773630.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure drawn children are the same as real, and somehow hurting the real once. When are we outlawing murder in the media again?

>> No.4988371

watching porn has a clear link to developing fetishes, hence all the weird porn due to desensitisation. There’s unlimited choices of porn and you choose to watch porn of cartoon children. The difference is violence in the media doesn’t have a clear correlation with irl violence but pedos basically always have loli on their hidden hard drives. But cope pedo

>> No.4988373

If it’s okay why are the only loli aficionados I’ve ever seen anonymous? Go have this conversation with your parents bruv, post about it on your social media.

>> No.4988374

not to mention that violence in the media doesn’t give people sexual gratification and if it did they would be regarded as having a serious problem

>> No.4988377

So, how exactly is my hentai folder hurting real children again?

>> No.4988380


>If it’s okay why are the only loli aficionados I’ve ever seen anonymous? Go have this conversation with your parents bruv, post about it on your social media.

>> No.4988390
File: 715 KB, 1280x818, 30yoboomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything digital

>> No.4988400


>> No.4988498

If it does not inspire me I will not draw it. I will draw your fucked up lolicon gore porn because it inspires me. I will not draw princess peach pinup no.47 because it does not inspire me.

>> No.4988512

Nothing. I will suck your dick for a quarter.

>> No.4988514

asian normie prettyboy hobby artist like J.K.

>> No.4988515

Animals, and furry, because I can’t draw that. Anything else depends on the money or how desperate I am.

>> No.4988516

Hello? Based department?

>> No.4988517

there is nothing, legal, that I wouldn't draw. but for me to draw porn, it would have to pay so well, that no one in their right mind will be willing to pay me to draw it.

>> No.4988530

Also, you wouldn´t be able to post it here either

>> No.4988547

You misspelled KNOTTED

>> No.4988560

furry, loli/shota, fetish shit, flavor of the month characters like Nessa or bowsette, youtubers

>> No.4988566

Feral beastiality or gross/hardcore fetishes (Like scat or farts)

>> No.4988573

I can never draw in traditional anymore. Also I can never do Gay shit and Gore.

>> No.4988583

What happened that made you unable to do trad?

>> No.4988594

I was never good at it. I went straight for digital painting on screen tablets and learned drawing by copying off how to draw manga and drawing mannequins on top of movie screenshots.

>> No.4988634

both me desu

>> No.4988658
File: 1.09 MB, 500x350, 1433974620157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make this argument about any illegal thing at the height of its illegality
>Oh weed isn't harmful? Then where are all the nice and friendly weed dealers
>Alchohol won't destroy society? Then why is it that only mobsters sell it
>If gays were so harmless then why are they all cloak and dagger, hiding in the shadows?
Etc etc
"Thing is bad because my anecdotal unsubstantiated claims say it's bad. This one time a guy did this then and then did another bad thing so all of it is evil"
The columbine kids had a doom wad of their school and the nz shooter had gamer quotes on the gun but those anecdotes don't count.

>> No.4988668

Pedos will never be accepted by society, can’t wait till your family find your hoard and disown you

>> No.4988680

The argument isn’t whether it harms anyone or not. Call it whatever you want, you are objectively a pedo because you get off to depictions of children. If I draw a horse and wank to it, I can’t go online and say “it’s not a horse it’s a woman”. It’s that simple, you are a literal pedo and you find that offensive and scary so you seethe about it anonymously. Just accept that you’re a pedo and don’t act on your paedophilic urges

>> No.4988681

ps you’re delusional if you think it will ever be acceptable in the slightest

>> No.4988696
File: 2.85 MB, 300x236, 1428764868332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no argument aside from "ew, pedo".
>The argument isn’t whether it harms anyone or not.
Then why do moralfags whine about it like loli is going to destroy society
>I can’t go online and say “it’s not a horse it’s a woman”.
If you think that jerking off to a drawing of a horse and jerking off to an actual horse are equivalent actions then you clearly can't differentiate reality from fiction

>> No.4988705

Commercial illustrator here. I refuse to draw
>any type of violence
>anything related to religious cults
>food of animal origin
>animals in zoos, cages or aquariums
>people smoking or doing drugs
(With the exception of social campaigns that oppose these things)

>> No.4988706

>If you think that jerking off to a drawing of a horse and jerking off to an actual horse are equivalent actions then you clearly can't differentiate reality from fiction
lmao the absolute state of lolipedos. It’s genuinely comical that you openly pretend to not see the issue with this statement. Hint: the problem isn’t whether the horse is a cartoon or not

>> No.4988707

I refuse to draw my face, I want to keep it far from the internet

>> No.4988708
File: 256 KB, 1440x1080, C99F35E6-0CDB-4CED-8868-B95562AD6F84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4988711


>> No.4988718
File: 9 KB, 433x94, Screenshot from 2020-11-10 16-31-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute...

>> No.4988737
File: 73 KB, 750x624, 1586774615135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason why it is morally "wrong" to look at pizza is because it harms children. Loli does not. I get that you were trying to move the goalpost by implying the fucked up thing is the jerking off to a horse but the point flew over your head.
4chan has a whole board of people who jerk off to drawn horses. Yet very few of them want to fuck an actual horse and even fewer have done it. If you would make the disctinction between a ponyfucker who jerks it to pastel horses and a person who finds horseracing magazines to be the closest thing to playboy then you should also be making the distinction between lolicons and people who regularly consume actual pizza.

>> No.4988770

anything mainstream

>> No.4988800
File: 73 KB, 552x615, 1593878526406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can do (THING) but you will never catch me doing (BAD THING)!!!!
the modern bugman smiles as the dopamine rush floods its senses. 33 likes with no effort. i am a virtuous person it thinks. i am good.

vote biden 2020

>> No.4988824
File: 44 KB, 624x624, 1602894951346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I draw everything. No limits. No guilt.

>> No.4988827

niggers, trannies, fatties.

>> No.4988889

lolicon legality in the USA is basically down to the judge's opinion since the laws are so grey on it.

they can definitely choose to just throw you in jail for it if they wanted to so I'm never going to draw it. I dont like drawing it anyway, but I'd draw anything for a dolla, except anything that would get me in trouble.

>> No.4988899

Only traps and crossdressing, i hate those fucking tranny niggers

>> No.4988900

Hetero, right wing, christian art

>> No.4988910

>If you would make the disctinction between a ponyfucker who jerks it to pastel horses and a person who finds horseracing magazines to be the closest thing to playboy then you should also be making the distinction between lolicons and people who regularly consume actual pizza.
But I don’t, they’re the same thing. Someone who wanks to cartoon horses is as much of a beastiality enthusiast as someone that wanks to horse magazines. Both people who consume Loli and child porn are both pedos. Your defence is like someone who watches child porn being like “but I didn’t personally molest any kids so I’m not a pedo!” But it’s not what I said, the point is, and my sole point is

You are a pedo. and that is wrong in my eyes, the eyes of society and the eyes of the sane.

>> No.4988919

>they can definitely choose to just throw you in jail for it if they wanted to
based judge throw away the key

>> No.4988936
File: 166 KB, 306x435, 1593664969181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I will not draw lolis... unless the mainstream decides that lolis are a-okay and then i will draw the shit out of it because it gets the same kind of attention furry does"
That's basically just virtue signaling

I'd draw anything for the right amount of money and to spite beggars.
Like i give a shit. It's just ink on paper.

>> No.4988954
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, mental gynmastics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4988963

ill probably draw anything, just depends how i feel at the time. i dont get gratification from the work, i get it from people enjoying what i make, so if thats loli or furry futa piss drinking, i dont really care. its just lines on a canvas.

>> No.4988966

>yet another thread filled with pedocopes

>> No.4988968

Seethe more pedo

>> No.4988970

>he has a reaction folder
>for defending pedophilia
Not a person has said anything on there, the opposite even. Talk about mental gymnastics

>> No.4988973

Pedo brigade has arrived

>> No.4988975
File: 196 KB, 984x1417, 1587534189877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone who wanks to cartoon horses is as much of a beastiality enthusiast as someone that wanks to horse magazines
So then you refuse to make any distinction between virtual acts and real acts?
Someone who plays Hitman is a murder enthusiast or a potential murderer?
Someone who reads fiction featuring rape is a potential rapist?
If all you people want to do is go "See, I played word games to put you in the Bad Man Box so therefore you're a Bad Man" then I really don't give a damn what you think. It's the same moral game people have been playing for thousands of years where instead of evaluating whether or not an action hurts somebody you simply craft a little box for bad people and define it broadly enough that anyone who defy's you gets shoved in it and left to rot. I don't give a damn whether you or society accept it because people like you have spent the entirety of history hiding behind these identity games and demonizing anyone who won't play ball.

>> No.4988985

Gore violence with background. It takes too much time. And i can barely draw convincing relaxed bodies much less dead bodies.

>> No.4988990

You are a nigger. and that is wrong in my eyes, the eyes of society and the eyes of the sane.

>> No.4988992

It’s the sexual aspect, if someone kills people in gta then whatever, if someone masturbates to killing people in gta I’m not down with that. It’s not complicated, wanking to kids makes you a pedo

>> No.4988994
File: 405 KB, 750x730, 1586467479513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite frankly, what two consenting individuals do in the privacy of their bedrooms is none of my business.

>> No.4989003
File: 67 KB, 288x445, 1457216152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No females over 10.

>> No.4989010

If he feels the need to announce it, he definitely draws it in secret.

>> No.4989015

i dont draw what i dont like, i dont feel a need to virtue signal about how i dont like unpopular things because im not a vapid faggot

>> No.4989018

i once masturbated imagining your mom giving birth to u

>> No.4989020

Someone doesn't know their history

>> No.4989026

since youre the internet psychologist here, please explain why i can beat off to loli with reckless abandon but feel nothing for real children

>> No.4989027

So you're just a prude then.

>> No.4989029

greeks fucked children and made art out of it

>> No.4989034
File: 46 KB, 285x322, 1564436301101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then does having sex with a midget or with an adult woman that looks very young or has an underdeveloped body ie. small breasts and low height, make you a pedo?
Does masturbating to the thought of having sex with someone, a rapist, since you didn't go through the scene where you courted the person and asked for consent?
Is watching porn rape?
Are thoughtcrimes real?

>> No.4989046
File: 35 KB, 412x309, 1561593450248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s the sexual aspect
Firstly, why is that important? Do you think that sexual gratification implies some kind of moral failing or evil tendency?
Secondly, what about the rape example I gave? There is more than enough fiction, plenty of it female oriented, about being raped that is designed to please the reader. Do readers of that fiction then become suspect to you?

>> No.4989052

Representations of real people in pornographic or violent situations

>> No.4989059
File: 99 KB, 860x900, C5AB3E85-E597-4E9B-A0D4-61C8949D7A3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw pedo bait thread makes you all out yourselves and you’re on a list now

>> No.4989062

i openly draw loli on my social media

>> No.4989065

Jokes on you I am the list.

>> No.4989073

>Not a person has said anything on there

>its bad because its like a sexual thing
>It’s the sexual aspect

>I have no proof but I swear it creates pedos
>watching porn has a clear link to developing fetishes, hence all the weird porn due to desensitisation

>drawings are the exact same as the rape of real children
>Hint: the problem isn’t whether the horse is a cartoon or not

>fantasy rape and zoophilia are ok tho
>I can draw furry, mecha and certain fetishes if I had to

Missing exactly one now.
It's a rather thin strawman but it's all accurate anyhow.

>> No.4989075

So then your stance is, lets outlaw things i find distasteful. What if I'd find homosexual people distasteful, should they be prosecuted then?

>> No.4989080

Yes they should prosecute gays and I'm not even that anon, they are worse than pedophiles, imagine having sex with someone of the same gender, who in their right mind does that

>> No.4989082
File: 215 KB, 2224x1668, C5C6A156-BE68-411D-814F-949516CEE18B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll draw whatever I want, I don’t care about any gay little ethics

>> No.4989083

nobody said outlaw it, no false equivalencies, no bullshit drama or distractions. In my opinion and 99% of peoples opinions wanking to cartoon children makes you a pedo. Stop dancing round it, I don’t give a fuck whether you justify it to yourself or not, yer a pedo bruv. That is all

>> No.4989085

"Rules for thee, but not for me"
That's how those faggots operate. Don't bother.

>> No.4989087

based cellchad

>> No.4989089

As long as you're consistent with your stance, you do you mate. Most other people here don't hold that stance tho and have massive cognitive dissonance as soon as the discussion touches a "true" taboo. (Which would be something like loli or incest)

>> No.4989088
File: 71 KB, 1024x958, C6764118-50AB-4C21-966D-F83113DAD18A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fuck your nigger it doesn’t and if you disagree you’re a faggot and a roastie

>> No.4989091

The sole point being made, in the whole thread is literally nothing but “wanking to kids makes you a pedo”. It was the pedos who added in every single other point to try and evade it

>> No.4989098

People like you are weird. You're either baiting, falseflagging or you simply have no idea where you are and think saying any of this will net you the same zero effort ass pats it gets on twitter or reddit.

>> No.4989100
File: 11 KB, 256x256, 1593764123735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t give a fuck whether you justify it to yourself or not, yer a pedo bruv
You think that this is some significant condemnation but it isn't. You can't even justify any of your opinions. You think that making pixels "kill" other pixels and then jerking off to it makes someone morally questionable but can't even say why.
>the whole thread is literally nothing but “wanking to kids makes you a pedo”
And now you out yourself as being retarded. If you genuinely think that liking a kind of media means you want to do the things in that media then you're a moron of ungodly proportion.

>> No.4989103

Well then if a label is all you want to award me with, fine, but I'm just making the little assumption that the label is put on just as a justification to prosecute people as it makes those with it instantly be viewed as a threat by people around them. The label is probably best avoided for people with a exclusive fondness for 2d to avoid this...

>> No.4989106

Just accept you like lg, it makes the hags seethe.

>> No.4989108

its completely intentional that people use the word that way

>> No.4989111
File: 322 KB, 250x305, 6C3AD9DB-0357-4156-87BD-B0734C44BAB7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not adults

>> No.4989118
File: 332 KB, 1451x2048, 1596807570313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they wanking to kids though?
Fiction is not reality. Especially art.
By your logic, even feeling attraction to fictional characters who are canonically underage, is being a pedo.
So, tell me about robots who look like lolis.
Does that make one a pedo for liking it?
>Inb4 yes
But it's a robot. It's not real.

>> No.4989121

Another pedo/furshitter vs based moralfag debate again, kek. It will never end.

>> No.4989135

baiting each others is all this board can manage

>> No.4989145

I gain nothing, just calling a spade a spade pedoscum. Feels good.

>Are they wanking to kids though?
Yes, depictions of kids
>So, tell me about robots who look like lolis.
>Does that make one a pedo for liking it?
Yes. If you had an actual sex robot that was modelled after a child that would make you a pedo. Wanking to pictures of robots modelled after children makes you a pedo. Imagining children while you’re wanking, surprise surprise, makes you a pedo.
>No they are not real children they’re just thoughts
The absolute cope

>> No.4989147

Scat vore diapers and homo males

>> No.4989153

My next album name

>> No.4989154
File: 23 KB, 359x364, 1603431041887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedofags dragging furfags into the abyss with them as if both aren't seen as hyper degenerate is always hilarious. You niggers both suck.

>> No.4989165

kek funny shit right. I genuinely think lolifags find it easier to justify their bullshit because they’re never actually around kids. They’re the sort of people no one would ever want kids with. If I found out one of the parents at my kids school was going home and watching loli id have him arrested

>> No.4989167
File: 821 KB, 2048x2020, 84160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

victimless crimes aren't crimes. But if we're gonna persecute people we find distasteful i know just the right group who got it coming for a long time.

>> No.4989175
File: 15 KB, 249x229, 1570802560089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using their own logic
>no arguments
>"bad thought bad"
>"everything you say is c-c-cope"
If you gotta bait at least put some effort into it.
(you)s have no value, faggot.

>> No.4989177
File: 73 KB, 298x307, 1463463474578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never saved real life porn for once on my hard drive in 12 years and after the degenerate fetish spiral I vent down to vanilla tomboys and brown lolies

>> No.4989181

>What is the only thing that you refuse to draw
Dudes, men, males, boys, guys

>> No.4989186

but he's right you pedo tranny

>> No.4989187


>> No.4989204
File: 38 KB, 184x194, 1604255394507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stating a dogmatic narrative as an argument, isn't an argument.
>loli is kids thus loli bad
This anon said it best>>4989167
Victimless crimes aren't crimes.

Are you done spamming the site with your shitty threads, nigger?

>> No.4989205

I swear the god, westerners (Especially Americans), are the biggest pussies I have seen, what happened? Fucking draw loli, who the fuck cares.

>> No.4989208

>Biden wins!
doesn't it mean that racism is over?

>> No.4989210

Americans are mentaly disabled from generations of tv consumption, lack of education, dogmatic religion, and irrational and inconsistent views born out of the earlier 3 mentioned.

>> No.4989213
File: 308 KB, 2048x1755, EP3iQCBXUAAVK72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4989214

I'm a proud pedophile

>> No.4989219

What am I exactly if I find loli children to be hot but real-life children to be fucking disgusting? in fact anything 3d is fucking disgusting.

>> No.4989416

Man that is some baseless bullshit, people absolutely do become desensitized to horror movie violence and gore too and I'm pretty sure that would be killers particularly serial killers are drawn to extremely violent media, because they are intrigued by it and would probably collect it.
But that is not the same as violent media causing violence nor causing desensitization to violence and committing violence and I bet you have zero proof behind any of these claims you are making.
Because people will try to destroy that person's life for it.
It's as morally okay as violence and other acts of criminality in media, the problem is how people perceive it.
No one says to somebody that likes horror movies like slasher movies as a killer or wanna be killer because they find it entertaining, they wouldn't try to ruin their lives and throw them into jail as a murder but they would with loli because all their sense of reason goes out the window.

It's absurd to say that because someone could commit a crime that therefore they are a criminal, they either have committed a crime/tried to commit a crime, or they haven't.
A fictional act of crime is a fictional act, citing people's stupidity, hypocrisy and hysteria does not make fiction any more real, take your pre-crime shit back to dictatorships.

>> No.4989417
File: 14 KB, 626x125, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4989421


>> No.4989428

Why are you such a sub human retard?

>> No.4989430

pedos write a whole lot when you call em pedos huh

>> No.4989439
File: 199 KB, 1536x2048, Dn0qNZFXoAYw2tV.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave it a thought and the answer is "I'd draw anything for a really large sum". Being a poorfag is like this.

>> No.4989440

Cannot believe how much controversy a simple illustration can produce, if we see autistic screeching here over a fucking drawing just imagine what it's like dealing with normies.

>> No.4989446

That's because people who actually think have to elaborate and make a case but emotional retards don't.

>> No.4989459

it is weird that people who do "immoral" shit are the worse moralfags

>> No.4989467

Does anyone know the origins of this pic (manga source)?

>> No.4989469

Real people without their permission (unless they're a celebrity or something)

>> No.4989473

You're the kind of pedophile who's constructed a mental defense mechanism in order to stay within the limits of law.
Normal people don't find children disgusting. If they did, they wouldn't make them.
Such a state is rather normal for people who've discovered lolicon and if it works it works, but I've also seen it be rather volatile.

It's pretty much true for anyone. People like to think they have integrity but they also have surviving to do.

>> No.4989477
File: 658 KB, 630x884, WIP2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lack of scruples is probably not going to improve your predicament, financially or otherwise. I don't say this to sound like some shining beacon of morality myself, but I would hope that everyone has boundaries in their life, and acknowledges some kind of internal code of ethics. Do you consider it to be fine because it's just a drawing?

>> No.4989562


>> No.4989570

You are white cuck

>> No.4989573

Your a white cuvk too

>> No.4989599
File: 1000 KB, 360x360, 1547554134810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggled to think of something that goes against my principles. I mean, I don't really care about most things. I had to actually sit down and type shit out on a notepad.
The first things that came to mind were the obvious furry, guro, scat, etc. but if someone really walked up to me and offered me potentially thousands of dollars, I'd snatch up the offer in a heartbeat. It would make me feel uncomfortable but a few hours of feeling uncomfortable would be worth the money.
Its not really about principles for me, just levels of disgust.
I'd rather draw furry than sexual guro. I'd rather draw guro than scat/toilet fetishes. I don't want to draw NTR/racism shit but again, if theres enough green, I think I could be bought.
The thing is, most people aren't willing to shill out what would be required to buy me. Even if I was drawing on a professional level, the price would be absurdly high.
The one place where I draw the line is real people, specifically depictions real life children.
I don't really care about it happening to someone else or their kids but then I thought "What if someone did that to someone I care about and I was made aware of it?" and I started to get angry.
I guess I can't be a hypocrite because of that so I'll say the thing that goes against my principles is sexualized drawings of irl children.

>> No.4989601

This is exactly what I love drawing

>> No.4989603

Joe Biden is president now, you're not supposed to still be racist

>> No.4989638

Drawing loli is okay but not shota, since it doesn't have real life implications unlike the latter.

>> No.4989982


>> No.4990028

lolicon, hyper anything (especially boobs), dub-con, hate art and beastility. everything else is fair game If i'm into it. I'm trying to teach myself how to draw robots so i can avoid the "no mecha" bullshit.

so brown girls are fine then?

>> No.4990042

Those are normies.
4chan is not some secret site and hasn't been for a very, very long time. Rules 1 and 2 were always a meme.

>> No.4990048

Moralfags are always the most immoralfags. They moralfag because they have something to hide.

>> No.4990055

To be fair he has a point
You're still drawing lolis, you're still in the same group as the apparent weirdos you're supposedly better than.

>> No.4990069
File: 184 KB, 469x858, Sora hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see all these people getting angry at loli which is fair, but usually when I see this or commission sheets, I see loli banned but not rape.
Even though rapists are as reviled as pedophiles, I dont really see this.

Well that means I can commission as much gard rape as I want right, I got some ideas to commission
Not to mention the law isnt against rape porn.

>> No.4990087

I can roll with this.
I like pettanko characters getting fucked by tentacles but I'm not into the creepy realistic sex between loli characters getting fucked my men with emphasis on their age.
Not to mention I dont want then bellow 4'11 unless they're shortstack

>> No.4990093


>> No.4990101

These people believe in guilty until proven innocent and not innocent until proven guilty.

>> No.4990103
File: 311 KB, 750x736, 1594858424558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ánon, normies will draw loli getting raped by furry inflation futas the moment the mainstream programming says that loli has absolutely nothing to do with cp and it isnt illegal to draw, share or sell loli artwork.
Normie mentality, morality and principles are as weak as a unsupervised pedo in a daycare.

>> No.4990104

>even if you're offered a lot of money
Everyone will draw anything for the right price. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar.

>> No.4990107

You people all say the same type of shit and you could not be more wrong

>> No.4990114

Desu, I don’t even like lolis or really care all that much, I just love how these retard jiggers moral fat and seethe at the thought, they’re annoying as shit

>> No.4990143

I feel mating press energy from this image

>> No.4990156

I like loli, but I don't see how being aroused by a clearly child-like body is any better than by a number, especially a number that could easily be anything as it's attached to a fictional character. If this was retards or the australian government shitting on A cups I'd understand, but lolis have very child like proportions, not just flat chests.
Hell, I don't think even bonafide pedos are attracted to "age", they're attracted to the appearance and/or the idea of innocence. I highly doubt they'd pass on a 20 year old girl who looks 10, they'd probably fucking love that it was legal.
I dunno, this image seems like they're just trying to arbitrarily justify themselves and their own like of loli as somehow "not bad" when it's all harmless fiction anyway and doesn't need such a justification. If you're primarily or exclusively attracted to real life prepubescent children you're a pedophile, if you aren't, you're not. That's the literal definition.

>> No.4990326
File: 378 KB, 575x572, 1603550519859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im NOT a pedo i just get sexual gratification from imagery depicting childlike bodies

>> No.4990356
File: 247 KB, 693x601, 143645657568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm attracted to pretty, young females. Got anything to say?

>> No.4990358
File: 25 KB, 735x414, Based_Department_Thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one person be this based?

>> No.4990538

niggas birthing eggs, its weird

>> No.4990587

Ugly people.

>> No.4990613

>Normal people don't find children disgusting
The fuck we don't. Kids are disproportionate, loud, have wacky unpleasant voices, smell weird and are generally obnoxious. Teachers, nannies, nurses, etc. are super nice to pleasant children because they are such a rarity.

>> No.4990703

Most normies straight up don't care, only attention whores and DrPizzas do. Loli isn't hard to come by at all for anyone who spends any real time on the internet. If they cared you'd be seeing constant legal battles and attempts to scrub it from the internet. Instead there's even realistic shit like SFM out there in droves.

>> No.4990750

You are not a normalfag

>> No.4990760



>> No.4990765
File: 205 KB, 464x506, wtf (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if someone kills people in gta then whatever, if someone masturbates to killing people in gta I’m not down with that.

>> No.4990779

That's the nicest thing I've heard anyone say on 4chan.

>> No.4990809

doesnt the guy in ur pic groom minors for sex?

>> No.4990845

Porn, coom art

>> No.4990869

>It’s not complicated, wanking to kids makes you a pedo

>> No.4990877

brown of course.

>> No.4990909

>It's not complicated, killing people makes you a murderer.

>> No.4990913

killing people affect the people, waking to kids does not affect the kid

>> No.4990938

>after Biden wins
you guys are still doing this?

>> No.4991175

>99% of peoples opinions wanking to cartoons makes you a pedo.
ftfy, shit, there is people who thinks that watching a cartoon already makes you pedo.

>> No.4991187

not yet anon

>> No.4991189
File: 29 KB, 720x428, nobody will ever suspect a thing if you simply deflect hard enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit, there is people who thinks that watching a cartoon already makes you pedo
Yeah and those people tend to get locked away for touching kids.

>> No.4991197

I will draw anything for money.
What will make me slightly uncomfortable is loli and hardcore sexual violence. I am okay with pedo fapping to loli but i also dont want to encourage conversions. I am okay with serial killers who needs hardcore violent sex porn but again, i dont want to encourage conversions. Harmless until it is not. The rest is fine.

>> No.4991205

It's an outlet. You'd rather they be fapping to art than the real deal and you'd rather they be fapping to the real deal than actually going out and forcing themselves on a kid.

>> No.4991208
File: 80 KB, 181x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has been arrested on charges of soliciting sex with children online

>> No.4991219

There's no evidence of "conversions". It's like saying drawing big fat hairy men could make someone gay. If someone is attracted to that they were gay to begin with.

>> No.4991224
File: 36 KB, 241x403, 1529165492733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists will create furry and trap porn without issue, but unironically denounce lolis as immoral

It's all fair game desu, these fags are just retarded.

>> No.4991283
File: 323 KB, 646x595, 1456346346346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fapped to undressed dead bodies in skyrim and mutilated dead bodies in fallout. It gave me ryona fetish.

>> No.4991303

I will never draw furries or any black people simply because those people are insufferable. Twitter has ruined my perspective on many groups.

>> No.4991312

Why do you think you fapped to them to begin with?

>> No.4991316

They were as just as alive but with closed eyes and I can pose them as I want until I realized you can dismember people in fallout

>> No.4991317

>Middle Eastern
You'd be hanged by your Islamic overlords if you do any kind of drawings

>> No.4991324

Trap shit is just crossdresser porn, big deal. It's furry that for whatever reason gets ignored.

I've seen furries cry over somebody drawing Tanjiro dick because he isn't 18, yet they'll happily reblog dog dick on their feed...

>> No.4991425

For obvious reasons I'm not going into the details, but I'm a victim of actual CP. While anime can fuck up your view of these real world issues, it's nowhere near as bad as the real shit and it's so insulting to hear people label it as such. A loli getting dicked down is nowhere near as bad as a 10 year old girl getting raped to be sold as actual pedo wank material. And yes, people really do think they're the same these days, there was a kid who was running a popular twitter account and he posted actual CP poorly censored as if it were hentai, not even attempting to obscure those poor kids' faces.
I'm not saying loli isn't harmful at all. Overconsumption of it can lead to your view of these real world issues getting fucked up, but I'm not gonna fault someone for thinking the gochiusa characters look fuckable.

>> No.4991472

Fucking this. This along with people treating sexual assault victims as somehow ruined for life and better off murdered pisses me off to no end. These people are so wrapped up with how self righteous they're trying to sound and with the upvotes they're seeking they don't give a single shit about anything else. They don't care about the children or victims they want to loudly shed crocodile tears for the easy attention. Now everything is "pedo" and everything's a witchhunt in pursuit of making themselves sound like decent people because they have so little else to fall back on that defines them in any real, positive way.

>> No.4991478

The thing is with people is not that they're moralfagging for a just cause, they do it in bad faith and to pat themselves on their shoulder while being completely ignorant and stupid.

If you have violent tendencies+ low inhibition/low iqi, violent videogames "MIGHT" lead to you to cause more violence than you already do.
Same with other types of media you might be exposed to.
All works of fiction are under the umbrella of free speech.
You will see the normie crusade against works of fiction with all their memes, but mention that in 3rd world shitholes, criminals funded by millionaires have kid-farms where they detain, abuse and sell off children, harvest their organs after they reach a certain age, buy newborns from poor families and have females that are constantly pregnant or the grooming gangs in the europe and america, or the politicians and upper elites diddling kids on the regular or the tranny discords brainwashing and blackmailing underage kids into taking hormones and suddenly you get called all the worst names in the book.
But sure, a drawing is the most dangerous thing on the internet.

>> No.4991578

>Overconsumption of it can lead to your view of these real world issues getting fucked up
Mental illnesses are a more likely cause of this. If this applied to loli porn it would then apply to everything else, and there isn't a case where someone in this kind of a situation was found to be perfectly mentally well and still lost grip of reality.
Don't be fooled by people sliding the overton window around. You don't need to adopt a single fragment of faulty but popular narrative in order to be correct.

>> No.4992151

LOL arrested for what? When they find out that all he has is loli porn (which hint: is legal) you're going to jail for misusing 911 to report something you knew wasn't a crime you nigger

>> No.4992167
File: 80 KB, 948x948, 1571506121141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone keeps trying to get me to do a porn illustration of MYSELF.

>> No.4992169

>(which hint: is legal)
No it isn't, and if it is, it'll be illegal once the newer generation comes into power.

>> No.4992180

If you honestly think normies would defend weird porn, much less loli/shotacon because of muh freezepeach you need to go outside more often

>> No.4992205


>> No.4992208

Both fur/zoofags(the 2 have been becoming much harder to distingush lately) and pedofags say "its not real", yeah nigga, but it's still pretty suspicious for a reason, how many tales out there are of "they're just drawings i woudn't fuck an actual animal >:(" furfags being outed as a zoosadist are out there?, it's like those dumblrite copes about not being straight despite lusting solely after the opposite sex
It's not damning enough to stand on it's own, but they do come along with other infinitely worse attributes

>> No.4992514

Millenials will never have power and zoomers don't care about your pearl clutching memes.
You're the loser busybodies with no lives in between two go getter gens. Nobody gives a shit about the things you think trascendental.

>> No.4992893

Projectile scat is great form/detail practice

>> No.4992925

and how many pro-women feminists men are also abusive harassers, which go totally against what they're advocating for? Quite a lot, apparently. So it goes both way.

I for myself have a fair numbers of things I'm not willing to draw, and I don't mind if it's the same for others, but what I can't stand is people having holier-than-you attitudes when they list things they won't draw.

For example, I'm uncomfortable with gay porn so I won't draw any. But I'm not saying that gay porn is immoral and should be banned forever, it's just, not my thing.

>> No.4993059


>> No.4993069

>it's just, not my thing.
bigot homophobe racist
draw gay porn or else

>> No.4993087

Anything involving pregnancy. I think babies and pregnant stomachs are fucking disgusting

>> No.4993111

Well? Did you?

>> No.4993113

>no it isn't
Only if you live in a cucked country.

>> No.4993117

>If you honestly think normies would defend weird porn
Normies don't give a single shit. They have better things to do. Only attention seeking no-lifers bitch about this.

>> No.4993121

You dont get what i mean. My art will be out there forever. And i strive for perfection and maximum sexual appeal. What i meant by conversions are creating new desires in others who arent pedo in the first place...

>> No.4993130

>What i meant by conversions are creating new desires in others who arent pedo in the first place...
This doesn't happen. If they fap to it, they were into it to begin with. People don't magically become gay from seeing gay art, same deal with loli. The worst you could do would be to make someone realize that's what they're into, but that's bound to happen sooner or later anyway.

>> No.4993142

It fucking does, you 3rd world dimwit. You are born in this world with no ideas, no religion, no morals and no desires. You picked them up as you live this short and degenerate life.

>> No.4993153

something racist against Poland

>> No.4993166

There is no evidence to support that claim. Ideas are instilled, sexuality is inborn.
Saying people learn to be gay is christcuck tier logic.

>> No.4993178

Nobody chooses their sexuality or what they're attracted to and literally everyone should be capable of understanding this if they stop for a second to think about it.

>> No.4993187
File: 278 KB, 1080x693, Screenshot_20201112-180808_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't do weird pregnancy stuff, furry porn and definitely not wonder bread.

about the pedo discussion and anons that compare it to murder I think its retarded, you don't have to harm kids to be considered a pedophile, just the fact you're attracted to them sexually is enough to give you the electric chair.

>> No.4993236

porn and anything else that's bad taste

>> No.4993293
File: 145 KB, 321x314, 1586631174779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many tales out there are of "they're just drawings i woudn't fuck an actual animal >:(" furfags being outed as a zoosadist are out there?
This is very bad "logic". The prevalence of anecdotes on a given topic doesn't indicate much if anything about the topic beyond that people talk about the topic. There are stories of zoofags being outed as zoosadists but have you considered that there are hundreds/thousands more that you haven't heard a peep over because they either don't fuck their dog or the few that do aren't brutalizing their animal?
If you wanted to know if lolicon indicates current/future attraction to children the only way to do that is look at existing research and wait for more research to come out (if it ever does) to see if viewing lolicon correlates with greater likelyhood of viewing CP or sexually assaulting someone. I've never found any data on that specifically (lots of data about people who view actual child porn, but I've found no data about people who view loli) so until that data does come out or is found if it exists the whole debate about whether loli turns you into a kiddy-diddler is just speculation.

>> No.4993322
File: 128 KB, 541x601, 1585853256342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants proven facts
>tries to be reasonable and unbiased
u get cancel now

>> No.4993361

What if you like loli/shota but you self insert as the child

>> No.4993369
File: 505 KB, 1439x1019, gar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you may think yourself to be more rational than the people who are letting their feelings drive them in the conversation just know that unless you go out of your way to mountains of research before you have an opinion on something you are likely using cognitive shorthands and are subject to a number of biases.
You have issues with attachment or needing affection

>> No.4993426

Apparently I'd rather do anything than be productive, so I'm going to sperg out for a moment. How people react to loli amuses me.

>to see if viewing lolicon correlates with greater likelyhood of viewing CP or sexually assaulting someone
While there's no study of how loli art correlates to viewing the real deal or sexually assaulting someone as far as I'm aware, we know beyond any shadow of doubt that real porn lowers sex crimes by providing an alternative outlet. This includes real cp lowering sex related crimes involving children. These studies have been conducted in numerous countries over long periods of time involving a lot of people.
It would not be a stretch to theorize that loli not only follows in the same vein of lowering sex related crime, but lowers the viewing of the real material as well by providing a completely harmless alternative. So if anything, it would help prevent people who are also into the real thing from diddling kids. Understanding that, loli should be seen as a positive for society.
However, there is no evidence I'm aware of for or against loli making people attracted to the real deal. I'd assume it doesn't as loli is an ideal. They do not act like children. They do not cry, annoy, stink, scream, yell, demand, be violent or stupid, and they certainly aren't ugly. They are created to be as appealing as possible both physically and mentally. Also, attractions are largely immutable and exist on a spectrum. Someone who discovers loli first and then an attraction to kids would have been likely to inevitably discover that regardless and how they expressed their interest in loli (visually realistic, power dynamics, age gaps, etc.) would probably give that away.
People are complex and they're perfectly capable of lying not only to others, but to themselves. The social and emotional "ick" factors are more than enough to turn people against it (whether they're honest with themselves or not) regardless of any proven benefits it may have.

>> No.4993431

Any coomer requests at all. I dread the day I make it and some fuckboy makes porn of a character I created. It doesn't help one is a short stack goblin that is child sized so creeps will come out of the woodworks the second I get the damn thing published since the more pure = the more people want to corrupt something.

>> No.4993552

Coom art, NTR, Gay shit,Furry.

>> No.4993604

I mean, it's not the same and I'd personally defend loli as a free speech issue. But I also would never draw it because it's far, far beyond my comfort level. As is bestiality and scat.

I also do not draw non-whites because I only draw my own people. Nothing wrong with drawing non-whites if you WANT to, I'm just uninterested and refuse to feel pressured into it by liberals.

>> No.4993612

>food of animal origin
lmao are you seriously saying you refuse to draw steak, eggs and butter

The fucking state of vegans.

>> No.4993623

>being against zoos and aquariums
for what reason

>> No.4993644

Not giving a shit isn't the same as protecting something

>> No.4993647
File: 104 KB, 600x586, 1587622499341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but if anything I think that's the most defensible take in the thread aside from not drawing rape. It's not at all hard to construct moral or pragmatic arguments against non-vegan practices and it's infintely more impactful than not drawing niggers or furries
He's a vegan. Being a commercial illustrator he is either doing advertisements, mockups, or making art for presentations and to make commercial art for animal industries is to assist them far more meaningfully than buying a single pack of bacon.

>> No.4993694

Can we get an actual loli's opinion on the matter?

>> No.4993735

>I also do not draw non-whites because I only draw my own people
>Nothing wrong with drawing non-whites if you WANT to
My sides

>> No.4993771
File: 305 KB, 960x541, back the fuck up onii-chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4993807

not for the price he wants it for no

>> No.4993985
File: 639 KB, 599x599, 1590078509878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have opinions, beliefs and feelings on anything and you are entitled to them, but you never argue with them or, in the case of our current societal decline, impose it as a absolute truth on others while denying facts and silencing whoever doesn't share your twisted version of reality.

Because nowadays it's how it works
>thing bad
>"look at facts"
>u defend thing i don't like u must b bad
Which was the point of my previous post.
While you're not wrong on your statement, why you said that, is completely beyond me, but at the same time, you're also contradicting yourself.

>> No.4993996
File: 86 KB, 1200x659, 45b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw still drawing lolis even after the twitter fatgirl army and the combined forces of /las/ tried to drag me through the dirt

>> No.4994062


>> No.4994070

Did it get you more follows? I think getting "cancelled" over lolis probably just gets you more exposure

>> No.4994093

Are they actually super anti loli? Could be a fun meme to troll them

>> No.4994099

Those fat fucks got my twitter nuked.
Yes, they religiously hate lolis with a passion (most likely because they want to hide their own pedophile tendencies). It isn't worth your time to "troll them", just let them simmer on their circlejerk discord belching up reconstituted pickled pigs feet and cockroach vapors into each other's assholes alone.

>> No.4994103

Checked and based

>> No.4994589


>> No.4994594


>> No.4994833
File: 197 KB, 1747x1622, 1603323914081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna lie I despise lolicon but all of the retorts are literally "I dont like this so lets ban it "

>> No.4994846

>Not gonna lie I despise lolicon but

>> No.4994924

It's just amerifucks and EU cucks that have a fucking obsession with pedophilia, mainly on the internet, the rest of the world doesn't give a shit if 15 year olds are fucking guys left and right at parties lmao

>> No.4994952
File: 1.31 MB, 1024x2379, 1604294970305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4995019

This, even if I haven't found a loli gore scenario worth drawing that I couldn't draw with a different subject. Rephrased, I could sooner see myself drawing loli gore shit than Mario tier content, as atleast the loli gore has room for personal expression.

>> No.4995029

lolishit and guro in sexual way. I mean I can draw a brutal fight, but coomguro I won't. Also refuse to draw some of the furry specimen (aka birds and hogs/sows). Scat and diapers make me chuckle, so I won't draw them too. Probably everything else is negotiable.

>> No.4995067

>Those fat fucks got my twitter nuked.
Holy based

>> No.4995267

show us your browser history

>> No.4995290

>when you're so deep into pedophilia you thought others are into it as well.

Being turned on or aroused by small children is not normal or cool, it is fucking creepy, an absolute mental deterioration. I can't fathom the psychology behind your attraction to little girls but I hope all of you pedophiles die a slow painful death.

>> No.4995302

whats it like knowing a majority of lolicons are better artists than you ever will be

>> No.4995305

> Im gonna throw around baseless assumptions and deflect from the statement above

show us your browser history

>> No.4995368
File: 52 KB, 800x600, 1603340269372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, are you butthurt because society shuns pedophiles on principle?

>> No.4995377

Yeah, advertising has the power to shape the future. It's a socially responsible job. I don't want to live in a world where animal suffering is trivialized and normal, so I refuse to contribute to that. I think it's a fair expectation, though to be honest not always easy to get across

>> No.4995378

Kek, this fucking thread. Every time someone says lolicon is gross, every salty lolifag within a ten mile radius crawls out of the woodwork to defend themselves and their fetish. This is one reason why everyone dabs on you, you sweaty, hyperdefensive retards. Besides being pedophiles, of course.

>> No.4995397
File: 2.16 MB, 455x255, 95e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If society was actively villainizing you and a thing you enjoy for no good reason would you just take that lying down? You'd just let people try to remove you from social media, ban the thing you like even further, and possibly dox you? If you want to just roll over and take it because "they haven't gotten me yet" then you can enjoy the vice clamping down on you slowly but most people prefer that to not happen to them

>> No.4995418

Based pedodabber

>> No.4995423

I’m glad I’m from the uk where loli is illegal. Btfo’d chinkpedos. I can’t wait till they find your hard drives. As for the yanks, fuck it they’re nowhere near me. Keep your degeneracy in your degenerate hell hole

>> No.4995425

>for no good reason

>> No.4995431

>implying being a pedo isn't inherently evil
burn him with the rest

>> No.4995433

Burning would be a kindness, give em what they really deserve

>> No.4995438

there's simply too many of them, mass burnings will be enough to thin the herd.

>> No.4995455
File: 179 KB, 640x360, 3A61haL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct. For no good reason. Lolis aren't real children and the creation of loli harms absolutely nobody. The best that anti-lolifags can do is say that liking loli makes you a pedo, which requires one to play word games that only work in english (the pedophile game completely breaks down in japanese and a billion other languages) and even if that's what you want to rely on it's infinitely better for someone to look at loli than actual CP or go out and fuck kids.
There is no way to justify banning loli aside it makes you uncomfortable.
You can play word games all day but until you have statistical sociological evidence that people who jerk it to loli also would jerk it to real CP (or even lifelike 3d animations) at a similar rate to actual pedophiles all you're doing is making a tautological argument. "I labelled you as a Bad Man with the Bad Man Word so therefore you're a Bad Man who does Bad Things" is what your "argument" boils down to. It is the very essence of feelings over facts

>> No.4995459

Why aren't you going after people who actually abuse children instead of sweaty, fat, basement dwelling autists on the internet?
Seems more like crusading to cope with the fact that you saw one loli and you actually thought about diddling kids.
Cope more, pedo.

>> No.4995511

Same reason people clutch pearls over social justice on their iPhones made with child labor. Tackling any real problem is far too much effort and they don't actually care about it to begin with, so they go after the low hanging fruit in an attempt to make themselves feel like they're worth more than a lick of shit with upvotes.

>> No.4995618

Not even a lolifag and more into Tomboys or milfs, but people who go out of their way to ban loli art just because it makes them feel uncomfortable should honestly fuck off. Don't like it, block the user and move on with your fucking life, don't pretend you're a moral crusader banning art for the so called children when we have millions of other fetishes that aren't being called out (guro, furry, shota for whatever reason, etc.)

>> No.4995650

Do you get raided/have people try to get your account deleted for drawing shota or do they not care?

>> No.4995660

If it won't get me arrested I will literally draw anything, if the price is right. If it's super edgy I'll just do it under a different pen name. I've never understood the need for moralfaggotry in art commissions, especially among people who are already drawing degenerate shit in the first place.

>> No.4995667

They come in waves if you're big, if you're smart you wouldn't host your art on a website that may or may not delete your account for loli based on their feelings on that day

>> No.4995686

It happens sometimes. Just don't post shota on sites where it's banned and don't post under the same name.

>> No.4995687

If it's a shota from a popular series then you'd get raided, but if it's original stuff they wouldn't even pay attention.

>> No.4995694

Where else do you post your art, fucking deviant art? Even Pixiv has annoying Westerners shitting it up.

>> No.4995696

Pixiv won't delete loli art, twitter might

>> No.4995737
File: 152 KB, 735x999, d73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4995804

A really bad story. I refuse to draw those.

>> No.4996085

child porn

>> No.4996558

Child porn is not being drawn, it's being filmed, silly discord tranny

>> No.4996634

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but anime is not real. Even if she's a sexy, quad-amputee, mentally handicapped 14 year old, it's still a drawing.

>> No.4996735

You seem butthurt hes more mad at real pedos rather than the loli guys

>> No.4996799

Trump lost.

>> No.4996803

extreme proportions, nigs/ntr antagonist, furry, scat and other weird fetishes, and excessive violence (unless committed by a cute girl, but not sexual)

>> No.4996812

This desu. And loli shit.

>> No.4996821


>> No.4996908

What cuck would request shit like this

>> No.4997513

loli, anything with body fluids is just gross.
guro is cool even tho it dosent make the big pp for me, furry is hot and fun to draw, cuck is cringe but i'd do it fo monney

>> No.4997534

Now that weed, alcohol, and gay buttfuckers are all legal, is the resulting society strong and healthy?

>> No.4997585

pedophilia has been legal for most of history while things like that traditionally werent

alcohol notwithstanding, that will never leave our side

>> No.4997598

True alpha

>> No.4997628

>just got asked if i'll do dilation and inflation all at once

alright maybe i do have some limits

>> No.4997638

I won't draw anything involving poop or realistic gore/violence.

>> No.4997735
File: 53 KB, 1024x586, 1590534270620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that weed, alcohol, and gay buttfuckers are all legal, is the resulting society strong and healthy?
Weed isn't legal federally and states have not been consistent on whether they want to go all in or if they'll just dip their toes and decriminalize or only legalize medical, alcohol was legal for centuries before it was banned in america by christian evangelists, and the legality of gay buttfucking isn't secured. Also consider that the states which are iffy about legalizing weed or cried foul about allowing gay buttsecks are the same states that refuse to outlaw child marriage.
Regardless of the details that you're skipping over what you're trying to do is both retarded and moving the goalposts. The problems that the average person are likely to encounter are things like a lack of social mobility or general poverty and the last time I checked gays and stoners didn't cause the 08 crash or the following recessions or the hundreds of other economic problems plaguing america.

>> No.4997798

Against principle? Nothing. And frankly any artist that says otherwise is dismissing one of the core benefits of art. They're also liars. Everyone would draw anything for the right amount of money.

>> No.4999143

Sorry I am newfag.

>> No.4999158

Yo momma cuz I don't want to destroy whole forests for the amount of paper I'll need.

>> No.4999162

Porn. I'm fine with drawing pinups, but drawing sex scenes is a joyless exercise that drains all the fun out of drawing, from my experience.

>> No.4999560
File: 750 KB, 1699x1089, 014354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean with this?

>> No.5000165

>women can't be the abusers

>> No.5000566

God I wish I was raped by one of my babysitters as a kid. I like to think I have some repressed memories because nothing gets me harder than thinking of a woman three times my age taking advantage of me.

Women can still be abusers, though.

>> No.5001113

It may not be against the law but it does make you out as a creep. It's like if I saw I want a 10/10 tomboy gf, then I mean I want a 10/10 tomboy waifu. If anon says they wished they could could get a boobjob by a red head with double D's they want to get a boobjob by a red head with double D's. So now when you say you want to dick a 10 year old, the natural assumption is you're not someone children should be around, regardless of whether or not you mean real children, because everyone else is being literal about intent and there's nothing to prove you weren't outside your word.

>> No.5001654


>> No.5001665

If you think any subject is off limits for art then you are self important prick.

>> No.5001727

"I don't like it because it's icky"

Why do you care what people jerk off to? What do YOU jerk off to? Are you just devout Christians, striking at what appears to be low-hanging fruit, hoping to lower the overall amount of masturbation in the world?

You can think whatever you want about people who are into whatever, but mind your own business. Unless you plan on jerking anon's dick for him, it has nothing to do with you.