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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.79 MB, 2977x1599, loomisssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4984747 No.4984747 [Reply] [Original]

Wait a minute that doesn't look like Loomis.

>> No.4984749

When did you realise Loomis was a /beg/ trap?

>> No.4984750

you fell for the meme, a cintiq and asian genes are literally the only fundamentals that matter

>> No.4984753
File: 1.63 MB, 2475x1597, chicken-scratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken scratch

>> No.4984758


>> No.4984776

the chicken scratch is a bit distracting but she has good shape design. Take the shape pill OP

>> No.4984779

>Thinking thats chicken scratch

>> No.4984808

Ironically looks a lot like Loomis.

I wonder how many /beg/s think that Loomis' step by step (cutting the sides off of balls and shit, drawing 8 heads tall mannequins) is "Loomis" and not just Loomis doing his best to teach the absolute basics of construction and proportions to retards. There isn't truly a "Loomis Method" and you're not supposed to try to draw like Loomis. "Loomis" is just the absolute most basic shit that anybody that wants to seriously learn how to draw, should actually learn, whether it's actually from Loomis himself or some other resource.

"Needs more Loomis" is an ancient meme at this point but it just means that your fundies suck dick and you shouldn't slack on going back to polish up on them.

>> No.4984810

Chicken scratch is characterized by short hairy lines, the lines that she is drawing are long and fluid, that's not chicken scratch, she's trying to find the form.

>> No.4984814

>draw that start to finish in 20minutes
Help I'm being bullied.

>> No.4984825

Holy shit how does she do it so fucking fast?

>> No.4984832


>> No.4984833

-sian genes.

>> No.4984841

Being competent in her skill instead of whaling around floating loomis heads

>> No.4984853

She genuinely loves drawing, unlike most of us.

>> No.4984854

she eats with chopsticks

>> No.4984856

How do I grind enjoying drawing?

>> No.4984861

It's a top-down 3/4 angle, literally the meme default angle. She has mileage so she probably can eyeball it.

Guaranteed for most other angles that are not face/profile/3/4 she would need construction. Most people with a modicum of skill can eyeball most common face angles.

>> No.4984867

Either you do or you don't
Can't change that

>> No.4984869

>most other angles that are not face/profile/3/4
Uhmm that's literally all the angles, what other angles are there?

>> No.4984871

>local crab observes another person drawing for the first time

>> No.4984873

Focus on the process more than the result itself.
Take your time when drawing to visualise what you want to do and how to do it, so that every pencil move has some thought put to it.
Also may as well listen to music. Anons say it drops the result's quality, that might be true idk, but it certainly makes drawing more enjoyable.

>> No.4984874

I think what anon is trying to say are those very dynamics obtuse angles that requires a high amount of mastery when it comes to drawing the form and understanding perspectives and I think a good amount of different poses already stockpiled inside your visual library, basically poses where the camera is placed around the human body that has a lot of foreshortening and different lens(field of view)

>> No.4984875

how do i materialize cute anime girls without any construction
i cant even do it with construction!

>> No.4984877

Being Asian, and ultimately talented

>> No.4984881

can i get some of that asian power just by being close to asia? im in the eastern europe please i just wanna draw cuties

>> No.4984882

>Eastern Europe
Sell your ass to the Russians and go to a Russian art school and become the next Ilya kushinov

>> No.4984883

i dont speak russian

>> No.4984893
File: 414 KB, 1200x1281, 1604645026582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get a korean artist hikki gf

>> No.4984928
File: 419 KB, 1836x784, KH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Krenz pill + Hampton pill + Sinix pill + Sycra pill

>> No.4984932


>> No.4984935

I like your funny words, magic man.

>> No.4985079

That's a cranial mass, a facial mass, and a centerline. She's eyeballing the eyeline etc. It's pretty much exactly the beginning of a Loomis head. You can use whatever construction method gets you results and simplify when you get better, but Loomis is an extremely popular version with several free resources and hundreds of videos, which is why it gets recommended constantly to people who aren't yet at a stage where they should be eyeballing anything.

>> No.4985092

This, between 3/4 and profile there is a whole range of angles that get tricky with the form of the brow ridge, nose overlapping the mouth ect ...

The you have top-down, worm-eye view that also get pretty wacky if you eyeball them. Also the slight off-angle face view where the subtle asymmetry can make it hard to place features.

3/4 is easy because the far side eye touches the edge of the face so you can easily place the rest of the features.

>> No.4985125

yeah, that's why its shit xd

>> No.4985329

Anyone catching her stream today?

Kill yourself retard

>> No.4985339


>> No.4985386 [DELETED] 

>Anyone catching her stream today?

N-n-n-nnn-n-noo, d-d-d-ddd-DDDdddd*Pfffffdfghg*DOES t-t-t-TH-TH-THHHHE p-p-p-p-p-PPP-PPPFFFRFFFR-PRECIOUS F-F-F-F-FFFFFFFFPPfff-FFF-FFFFFEMAA PFFFFFFFFFF *AOAOOAAAAAOOoooooooo..oo...*

>> No.4985400
File: 366 KB, 1130x560, chicken scratching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4985571

peak NGMI weeaboo faggot

>> No.4985586
File: 991 KB, 750x765, Inaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No formal art education
>Outspeeds everyone
>Has done official work for gatcha companies
>Genuinely has coverage in who she draws
>0 narcissism that makes her draw herself more than others
>No forced personality for the sake of a successful stream
How does she do it bros...

>> No.4985593

It's incredible what you can do when you actually like your hobby and aren't using it in place of a personality

>> No.4985596
File: 134 KB, 317x392, 1575890097826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No forced personality for the sake of a successful stream
You're a watching a vtuber.

>> No.4985738

I never understood why people liked to put face cam on their drawing videos, but putting a 3d model with bad motion capture is some next level shit

>> No.4985742

I didn't think it was possible to hate a fucking cartoon but I hate this bitch.

>> No.4985781

She doesn’t browse /ic/ on the shitter

>> No.4985784
File: 51 KB, 894x576, 1602293484198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watches this shit
>"Ah, she's actually pretty good"
>Now jewtoube is filling me with recommendations for holoshit

>> No.4985837
File: 366 KB, 559x560, 1604812802906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a holofren

>> No.4985844

arm looks out of place...

>> No.4985858
File: 249 KB, 512x512, 1604535530200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just jump into the hole already.
Emphasis on FREN

>> No.4985864

she drew that is 20 minutes

>> No.4985871

Not that fucking surprising; why are you guys hyping up a flat color sketch?

>> No.4985875

Because she drew it without autistically placing guidelines and using construction and didn’t even made a 2point perspective when drawing the character.

>> No.4985877

>Literal sketch guidelines
It’s not like she went straight to drawing then color

>> No.4985878

Is this the very first time you've seen anyone who knows what they're doing draw something?

>> No.4985882

But she didn’t use construction like loomis?

>> No.4985885

It’s literally simplified loomis; once you know the basic rules of facial structure, your only worry is proportional body parts

>> No.4985886

No shit. Neither do I. That doesn't mean anything.

>> No.4985891


>> No.4985892

Are you guys and she talented or something?

>> No.4985893

She's talented, but very boring.
Enjoy listening to baby shark more than cunt-thulu

>> No.4985894

No, I've just been drawing for a long time. There's no need for autistically thorough construction for poses you've drawn thousands of times.

>> No.4985896


>> No.4985900

post art, I swear if it’s fucking naretard shit

>> No.4985903

A better example than my work would be fucking any video of a professional drawing for any purpose other than instruction. Watch manben or the volumes of speedpaints or whatever.

>> No.4985905

bruh, just post arttttt, we’re fucking borded /ic/iots

>> No.4985910


>> No.4985922

looks like a fucking webtoon comic

practice faces more

love the shading tho

>> No.4985938
File: 1.47 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genuinely enjoys drawing
>already better than 86.9% of /ic/
it's almost as if you learn much quicker when you actually have fun with the learning process instead of being obsessed with trying to find the best diet, socks color and old masters' book to instantly make you good

>> No.4985945

the proportions look slightly off, but she can definitely feel the form

>> No.4986000

>a professional artist is only better than 86.9% of /ic/

>> No.4986008

>genuinely enjoys drawing
But anon, muh deep and original angst about not being good enough for an appealing looking face let alone an average anime drawing.

>> No.4986296
File: 816 KB, 560x700, D4D7EB06-C09C-47A6-B2D4-45862EEE9ACA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she do all this for clothes shading? I thought she wasn’t given college books.

>> No.4986302


>> No.4986304


>> No.4986306

She’s Asian, that’s literally it.

>> No.4986446

also dont forget the kicker
>managed to land a comfy job that pays enough to basically be set for life
she really has won the lottery of life

>> No.4986454

you probably hate like 95% of /beg because they are better then you XD

>> No.4986465

Yeah, but why is her hair like that?

>> No.4986489
File: 5 KB, 212x249, penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaks english, korean and japanese
>dream job that literally pays $50-100k a month
>20 minute sketch that's better than literally everything I've drawn in my entire life
It's not fair...

>> No.4986562

She started drawing 3 weeks ago

>> No.4986569
File: 260 KB, 827x1300, 1687548E-8E26-4075-8E91-131AFCC352A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4986592

You know that there's a link to their channel in the OP yeah? Where you can very clearly see links from mid september of them drawing and providing tips based off their much longer experience?

>> No.4986607

She says in literally her first stream that she has been drawing for over 10 years, fuck off.

>> No.4986641

Shhhh he's trying to piss off the perma /beg/s here.

>> No.4986800


There's a real woman behind the avatar retard. Go outside more.

>> No.4986802

found the vtuber

>> No.4986804

Show boobies

>> No.4986942


>> No.4987377
File: 480 KB, 1308x829, ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's back

>> No.4987378

Fuck off with this shit already

>> No.4987415

any one has the gesture guide of her(Ina)?

>> No.4987431

is that one of those vtuber things?

>> No.4987884

no man she actually looks like that, it's pretty weird

>> No.4987969

esoteric knowledge, but based

>> No.4987975

>No forced personality for the sake of a successful stream
its a fucking vtuber, you cant get more fake and overproduced than that unless you somehow just made a computer make the fake chink avatar and voice without any human input at all

>> No.4987983

Damn..technology really giving these sub-5/10 hos a leg up these days.

>> No.4987984

You are retarded and you argument makes no sense ESL-kun.

>> No.4987993

Post your work and your face so we can laugh at you.

>> No.4987995


>> No.4988002

Did that hurt your feelings you subhuman monkey? Go back to whichever shithole you came from.

>> No.4988006

what the fuck... she's actually good..

>> No.4988051

Thank you for explaining the meme, I've been confused for weeks now trying to figure out what that even meant

>> No.4988053

Take it from me, they are not worth. Twitter fame warps their mind and you become quickly irrelevant

>> No.4988055

This lmao

>> No.4988056

Hey be nice, some people have never had a girlfriend before

>> No.4988058

once you git gud enough you stop needing loomis skeles

>> No.4988085

does anyone have the gestures guide from her?

>> No.4988116

are you sure she is not feeling the form with her tentacles?

>> No.4988117


>> No.4988121
File: 48 KB, 614x523, hi ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started drawing along with her and kakage. i can already feel the gains

>> No.4988126

No, you're just an easily confused and gullible weeaboo faggot that believes he is learning anything from a make believe tentacle waifu. Will you stop and think for a moment - it took a make believe virtual cartoon that is being controlled by a cunt that knows damn well how to manipulate you lonely fucks to get you to do the same exact exercises we've been parroting to you losers for years in exchange for your traffic, viewcounts, and ultimately your Shekels. You're utterly hopeless.

>> No.4988131

what are you doing on this site?

>> No.4988144

He's a buttpained perma-beg-crab-ngmi angry at successful weebs.

>> No.4988149
File: 65 KB, 640x648, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're just an easily confused and gullible weeaboo faggot that believes he is learning anything from a make believe tentacle waifu.

yes. now excuse me i missed both their streams today so i gotta draw with the archive. maybe you should try drawing along too

>> No.4988152

>successful weebs.
I've yet to see one and /asg/ is a prime example of the type of backwards thinking idiocy you dumbasses collectively partake in to the point it becomes a form of confirmation biased echo chamber.

>> No.4988156

ogey rrat

>> No.4988162

Why does it make you so angry some guy is motivated to draw along with a stream? Not like he's losing anything by giving them traffic or a higher viewcount, he was gonna be doing leisure shit in that time anyway.

>> No.4988170

Absolute crab. Ngmi with that attitude, fun comes first. The dudes having fun drawing, considering how bitter you sound, it must be something you have trouble experiencing.

>> No.4988176

I'll go ahead and tell you what is really bothering, the fact that after years of trying to convince someone like him to focus on fundamentals first before stylization is already maddening enough but what infuriates most is how all it took was a larping gook behind an anime avatar to regurgitate the crap you find in the sticky and all of the sudden it becomes the fucking gospel. Then he thumbs his noses at us by saying how much "art gains" he's had from the simple crap we've forced down the throats of other mental retards that just don't get it unless they hear it from a fucking gook in chop suey speak. Yes I am mad as fuck it is maddening.

>> No.4988185
File: 1.27 MB, 2550x3300, 1598927855489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you imagine replying to actual waterheaded idiots?

>Inb4 take your own advice

Just let those who are weak and stupid suffer. You don't do them any good, only THEY can help themselves. Nothing about art is esoteric or obscure, they have hundreds of great books to study from and they can draw themselves or people on the street. They can even practice color theory and perspective at home using modern methods but alas they rather post "Le XD bro thaaaaats not looooooomis" on this board instead of drawing.

Anon, every piece of advice you give to crabs just goes into their bulbous fucking dumb heads and leaks out their ears.

>is pic related not Loomis? No? Fuuuck me, why troll a lame and slow board like this? It's not even half as fun as posting really cheap shit on /Pol.

Now I'm off to another 4 years of lurking.

>> No.4988198

i think you should take a break from the internet for a bit if the practice habits of randoms you'll never speak to again is bothering you this much.

>> No.4988323

its not like i was a fundies ashiest before and now octopus wifu made me believe all i said was i started drawing along. also the fact that there's a stream everyday by two professional artists that i look up to that tell me what to do and do it themselves is more motivating to draw then just doing some gestures drawings alone for a 2 days and getting bored.

> fundamentals first before stylization
before is misleading so never touch stylization until you become a camera? i think id want to study both simultaneously

>> No.4988363
File: 43 KB, 560x840, F71B87A7-F238-4652-BEC6-16E8CE93FEDD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to draw this nigga with an anime head

>> No.4988398
File: 966 KB, 2133x3033, 737CA921-35E4-433D-956F-24A62044403C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does her illustrator’s pen work? If it’s not at 100 opacity wouldn’t there be inconsistent densities?
The rest of her Holofriends have the standard 5 size pen.

>> No.4988472

where can I find more of her art

>> No.4988523
File: 881 KB, 656x900, EdhzF0xUcAAbOL1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4988532

this is ina??

>> No.4988533

Yes, it's an open secret.

>> No.4988563

>to get you to do the same exact exercises we've been parroting to you losers
Can you point me to the right direction? What excercises are they?

>> No.4988635

u mad crab boi?

>> No.4988690
File: 710 KB, 540x540, tn5g7v2tfj611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao seethe harder

>> No.4988703

this board is full of dumbasses what did you expect

>> No.4988721

loomis books

>> No.4988731 [DELETED] 

vtubers are kinda cringe now that 90% of the fanbase consists of english speaking retards repeating the same shitty jokes over and over in the chat in the hope that someone notices them.

>> No.4988733


>> No.4988736

stfu dumbass hipster

>> No.4988739 [DELETED] 

>boing boing rushia!! HAHAHAHA
>marine is old hag lol
If I ever meet any of these niggers at my local mcdonalds I will squirt ketchup in their eyes.

>> No.4988744

seethe harder faggot

>> No.4988780

I'm considering getting on the vtube train. I've gotten really good at using morphvox to pass as a girl, my wow classic guild all believe I'm a girl and I talk constantly in raid. It helps that my voice isn't too deep irl though.

If I start a patreon, do I have to use my real name somewhere?

>> No.4988924

nobody can know your real name on patreon

>> No.4989021

Anybody else hate the fact that anime is so prolific, and that everyone including your grandma's dog seems to be doing it?

I'm just not as impressed by anime any more. Maybe I should become a tradfag

>> No.4989025

tradfag is easy money if you get good at it, but you need to deal with normies normie

>> No.4989282

could you share it? please

>> No.4989823

>football players are kinda cringe now that 90% of the fanbase consists of english speaking retards screaming the same shitty shouts over and over in the tribune in the hope that someone notices them.

>> No.4989952

She worked hard to get where she is.
... unlike you

>> No.4990026

There’s literally nothing I can think of that’s more cringe than ngmi trying to "learn art" following random tutorials and advice on the internet. It’s like they’re so far off the mark I don’t even know where to begin with them. The average good artist, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider that they must have "learnt" just happened. No 16 year old pro artist you've seen on Twitter ever had to "grind fundies" or practice drawing squiggly lines, he just existed, and thought it would be cool try the style of his favourite artist and he could just visualise the form. They never though about being how to best game social media websites to get traffic, there’s no thought out into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life. That’s what happens when you’re not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak, you don’t ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you still can't into perspective or your poses look stiff. You don’t devise a plan to follow some "art tutorial" written by some fag on reddit for six months in order to be able to draw. You just exist, you do your favourite thing every day, and you end up with a banging portfolio and a couple hundred thousand followers on twitter, with a some nice job and commission offers. If you missed out on this flow, it’s probably because you’re a complete ngmi.

>> No.4990043

>He doesn't know
She's more talented than all of us combined kek

>> No.4990050


>> No.4990060
File: 1.05 MB, 578x708, Wah [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fltnorx.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's fantastic, yeah.

>> No.4990073

Why is Shikamaru lusting after him?

>> No.4990080

She's just a normal human.

>> No.4990083

There's no way she only learned how to draw from watching anime

>> No.4990088
File: 27 KB, 388x215, 1604732507828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finish better than perfect

>> No.4990092

That's how a lot of asian people learn to draw so I wouldn't call it weird.
A big difference between western and asian children is that while western children tend to draw random things, asian children tend to copy manga panels they like.
Watching anime and pausing it every now and then on a frame you really like and copying it is a legitimate way of learning how to draw anime.

>> No.4990096

stop complaining over nothing hipster, most of the girls are still meme free

>> No.4990097
File: 3.84 MB, 540x405, 101_1000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... Don't you see her tentacles? Or her sentient copy of the Necronomicon?

>> No.4990098

Shes self taught? Based!

>> No.4990110
File: 45 KB, 958x101, 1605060117431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4990115

>hololive employees infiltrated another board
fuck off retard, we don't care about vtubers. we're freaks.

>> No.4990122

You are more than likely correct, she literally talked about grinding in traditional ways for years. Which is why you have gesture drawing sessions coming from her regularly, Its kind of odd to see people only start to do it because of her.

>> No.4990129
File: 209 KB, 220x278, ina wag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No formal art education
Doubt, I bet you also believe that Marine and Shigure graduated from Harvard.
Not a single vtuber is going to give that information only to make herself getting doxxed easier.

>> No.4990131

She has been doxxed and definitely no formal art education.

>> No.4990140

I want to die

>> No.4990145

What is Ina degree?

>> No.4990146

>She has been doxxed
Damn, that definitely sucks.
>definitely no formal art education
Any pic or tweet to back that up?

>> No.4990147

That being said, she also has years of her own shit to reference from sitting around her at this point.

Her identity isn't exactly a secret, but she doesn't have a formal art education. At the same time, she didn't learn via any outlandish methods. So she saved money via autism.
If anything, she is proof you can become good via fucking tutorials, books and grinding.

>> No.4990148

Her info is kinda out in the open, it was easy to make to make the link with her artstyle, and indeed no formal art aside from a few lessons she went later on in her career

>> No.4990151
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, 1601180925951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I went to check some archives, literally doxxed in less than a week, sad.

>> No.4990152

this pasta edit would be better if you didn't have every other successful, skilled artist saying how much time they spent on fundamentals, or showing off earlier shit they did at some point.
Was kind of dumb in its original form too though, considering how fucking neurotic teenagers are about shit.

>> No.4990154

No but you can find her university graduation video if you do your archive reps.

>> No.4990163

seethe harder faggot

>> No.4990167

Don't reply to the retard. Just ignore or ogey

>> No.4990211

Do you really need formal art education to be good at drawing?

>> No.4990217

yes, according to the d/ic/ks of /ic/ at least

>> No.4990220

Ic exists for people who wish to learn using resources on the Internet and have mostly not pursued formal art education, or have been unhappy with it. Your cynical bait is just fucking retarded

>> No.4990231

>look at random artist
>artist uses something that 80% resembles loomis
>well they're clearly not using loomis
>loomis is fake and gay and was a meme all along

>> No.4990233
File: 7 KB, 261x190, 20429972_1439231826124146_2541532793955404755_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Loomis such a big deal for you guys? Are you all such /beg/ tier trash that you still haven't grasped the concept of it and moved on to other fundies?

>> No.4990237

No, it just helps once you're at the point that improving by yourself can be harder, and to some degree forces you to work harder on that than a lot of people otherwise would.

>> No.4990241

Damn alright.
I'm booking it on my schedule.

>> No.4990246

Only if you're an undisciplined baby who needs the pressure of assignment and professors to learn.

Just watch vids or go to private classes if you want to be directly taught and don't wanna read

>> No.4990253

i had a bit of trouble while shitting, thanks for the laxative bro.

>> No.4990268

If she was, her semi-realism would be off the charts, poses/lighting more varied, and actual background work

>> No.4990366

Vtubers are the machines programming your minds to love interaction with them more than normal interactions with people. It is an algorithmic psyop to destroy human society.

We are all fucked.

>> No.4990641 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 2000x968, 1604674546471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4990658

I just view them like TV, something to have on in the background while I do other shit or zone out for a while. No need to get all schizo about it

>> No.4990659

Post it on /jp/

>> No.4990712

>First one
Nice try female, leave my board before I hurt you physically

>> No.4990758

it came from /jp/

>> No.4990764

kinda true lol

>> No.4990766

>westerners recycling the same stale nuanime shit

why are coomers watching this again

>> No.4990769

Fucking called it.
Something told me Calliopi Mori was a blonde roastie just by the way she used ebonics and randomly rapped during her streams.

I bet she has a BBC fetish as well.

>> No.4990782

>unironically watching vtubers

>> No.4990787

The only good vtuber

>> No.4990790

I actually really dislike Loomis' method for constructing heads.
I find using circles or balls instead of shapes that have distinct edges and planes to be a bad idea especially for begs.
Though I guess it does teach people the basic concept of constructing complex forms from more basic geometric shapes.

>> No.4990794

Have a goal

>> No.4990795

You're showing your age, boomer

>> No.4990803

It speeds things up if you have someone good teaching you

>> No.4990808

>Ic exists for people who wish to learn using resources on the Internet
everyone here just hoards video courses and artbooks moron.

>> No.4990847

dude... her skin is blurred to the point of looking like a doll. She most likely enlarged her eyes and narrowed her chin. The only two with relatively unedited photos are Amelia and Ina. How do people fall for this, when it's so easy to spot? It's like the influencer version of coom art.

>> No.4990853

this board is 18+, go back to ur mom's breasts

>> No.4990864

she's korean. I would believe that's how she actually looks since she lives in the plastic surgery capital of the world.

>> No.4990875

omega bruh

>> No.4991007 [DELETED] 

>Have BBC fetish
>move to Japan
Why would she do this to herself?

>> No.4991015

just check the archives for the artbook thread.

>> No.4991022 [DELETED] 

there are black communities in japan

>> No.4991030 [DELETED] 

Trump lost. Fuck off back to stormfront invaders.

>> No.4991033 [DELETED] 

Yes he lost to fraud that the supreme court will over rule, making trump reelection happen.

>> No.4991047 [DELETED] 


Stop talking about politics and pyw.

>> No.4991050 [DELETED] 

Drawing is for losers, politics is for gentle basedmen shitposters.

>> No.4991054

Wrong board retard, pyw

>> No.4991126 [DELETED] 

4 2 5 3 1
2 5 1 3 4
k f k f m

>> No.4991131

Stage 3:

>> No.4991134


>> No.4991204

>>Has done official work for gatcha companies
Link to the drawings please

>> No.4991450
File: 94 KB, 1024x1024, char_347_jaksel_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4991457

Body seems weird?

>> No.4991699

Proportions are a little off around the ribcage and shoulders or something I think, but it doesn't really detract from the image unless you're really looking for flaws. Seems pretty good overall to me.

>> No.4991706

I am just trying to imagine her naked and her hips leading to her waist is a pretty huge change I think but that's it really. That's the only reason why I noticed it.

>> No.4991720
File: 498 KB, 1099x1080, 00fCOrb8zfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCK Gawr Gura's VA is so cute I'm falling in love

>> No.4991726

>I bet she has a BBC fetish as well.
mutt's law in full action here

>> No.4991740

the hips and waist are fine and a classic stylization for this kind of anatomy.

it's the legs and how they connect to the hips. the thighs are oddly thin for how chunky the hips are, if you follow the line up from her right (our left) thigh to the hip it won't make any sense. the perspective on that shoe is odd aswell and seems to be floating, and the orientation of the kneepad only makes the whole thing feel more skewed.

it's certainly not a huge issue, this is a great drawing otherwise and very appealing, but that's where one of the problems lies

>> No.4991806

hips are definitely extreme, but I wouldn't say it's an issue, it's clearly an intentionally done thing. all the issues with it are pretty minor, like to me the shoulder on the left just looks a little off and to the other guy one of the legs doesn't line up perfectly, but none of it really takes away from the overall look.

making something look appealing is definitely more important than it being perfectly anatomically correct, and I'd say it succeeds at that.

>> No.4991846 [DELETED] 

Everyone but the gook is cute af. But I bet the gook is also the best artist by far.

>> No.4992025

the gook is the single artist

>> No.4992032 [DELETED] 

I couldn't care less what vtubers look (literally) like behind the persona, BUT I am interested in what they did before the their debut >>4985586 >>4988523 >>4991450

Does anyone have links to the other four members?

>> No.4992036

I can't recall her ever speaking ebonics, but I do remember a lot of people on twitter being butthurt that she was #1 in the rap category on spotify

>> No.4992043

Perfect sense. Why dedicate time and effort into mastering a skill when you could just be a thot and get even more attention/rewards with 1/100th of the effort? Respect for the asian girl, I'll give her stream an honorary fap.

>> No.4992054

I doubt it's that easy, very little stopping most people from doing their job

>> No.4992067

you're completely right and better off leaving this place. not a crab. no one actually believes or values what you say even if it's right unless it comes from an approved place like an eceleb's mouth. focus on improving your work and just ignore almost everyone else or trying to communicate with people who don't make anything themselves either.

>> No.4992074

this is the same guy who wants to "spite shitty humanity by depriving them of his great art", as per his manifesto on the topic

save your logic for someone who might listen

>> No.4992194
File: 590 KB, 854x480, 1604851353529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blonde made this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-gbAi5UIg0 and its sequel
The redhead on the left drew this recently
Take from that as you will

>> No.4992299 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 480x640, 403201214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she cute. It's just a bad photo.

>> No.4992304

Your photo is worse

>> No.4992307

You make thousands of dollars having people watch you do it, with a supported and happy life, with few worries, a decent upbringing and few existential pressures.

>> No.4992312

Sorry but megane is super cute.

>> No.4992315

You might have a glasses fetish but she's really not good looking anon

>> No.4992326

Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man. She's easily a 8-9/10 from just looks on my scale.

>> No.4992349

>The blonde made this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-gbAi5UIg0 [Embed] and its sequel
By blonde, do you mean Mori or Ame?

>> No.4992357


>> No.4992390

>virgin redditors really be watching v-tuber gay faggot shit on here

>> No.4992394


not that anon but seething so hard about some dumbass chink v tubers you reply 10 times LMAOOO cope

>> No.4992401


>> No.4992450

Guess she's just better at being convincing. Step up your game, /ic/.

>> No.4992475

>whyyy would weebs listen to a professional artist instead of me? All I do is crab, give bad critique, shitpost, and never post my work. wtf stupid weebs????

>> No.4992681

It's even dumber, the anon he was replying to was already doing that shit and just found doing it along with a stream he liked more fun and motivating. It's about as reasonable as chucking a schizofit because someone likes to listen to music while they draw.

>> No.4993014

Okay, but what exactly was her involvement in THHK's music video?

>> No.4993120

She made the music video itself, all the drawings and the animation are hers.

>> No.4993129 [DELETED] 

Sauce for this that ties these girls to them?

>> No.4993174

Maybe I missed Mori drawing once on her stream in order to verify her drawing skills, but are you sure that you're not confusing her with someone else?

>> No.4994204

No sauce but I can assure you that Kiara, Ina and Amelia are real, Cali no idea, there's a different pic for Gura posted every day so most probably that one is fake

>> No.4994490
File: 100 KB, 1055x427, 1603662602244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to be an art v-tuber since I have a cute voice, but i know I'll get doxed and stalked by crabs

>> No.4994596
File: 68 KB, 312x161, Screenshot 2020-11-13 103515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.4994604


>> No.4994610

>post personal information that can be traced back to you
>people find it
It's not hard having good OPSEC lmao.

>> No.4994611

Only Asian jeans can suffice, this half ass goblinas will never soar like the real deal.

>> No.4994983 [DELETED] 

The shark girl VA looks like a retarded weeb girl I know irl

>> No.4995004
File: 286 KB, 566x323, 4b4ff673149d9f336f1e0f1dc792f1fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thats literally her art. she even made her own emotes

>> No.4995014

mental illness

>> No.4995038 [DELETED] 

what is with people romanticizing the behavior of japanese people when they cant even understand what they are saying .....

>> No.4995040 [DELETED] 

that's the point, they probably like that they are women that can't speak back to them, or even creepier, they associate it with being too young to talk

>> No.4995085


>> No.4995090 [DELETED] 

You know that people can speak/learn how to speak more than one language right?

>> No.4995103
File: 835 KB, 300x168, 3dcd416520016ae_300168.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your brain on critical theory

>> No.4995104 [DELETED] 

>can't understand multiple languages
American education right here folks!

>> No.4995294 [DELETED] 

Unironically since it's readily available for EOPs

>> No.4995739

go to an art museum.

>> No.4996303

figures. she sounds the most western out of all of them

>> No.4996917

how can people watch this, the screen is all clustered?

>> No.4998003

>no thats literally her art
Seems like I stand corrected, the styles do mtch up

>> No.4998042

does anyone has her gestures guide? could you share it please???

>> No.4998059
File: 1.17 MB, 1100x1536, 5A5EFAF4-BD69-4F98-B696-5810962C5606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draws manga pages
>Draws group shots
>Draws backgrounds