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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 91 KB, 600x450, drawing-overhand-grip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4971908 No.4971908 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck the dynamic sketching drawabox autism that gets peddled to beginners. Fuck tablets. Fuck "only draw in pen to gain confidence". Fuck the ipad. Fuck everything but this. Every beginner should start with the overhand grip and a pencil. It's literally the easiest way to learn how to draw. Save the technical drafting one-shot-one-kill inking bullshit for when you actually know how it feels to convey form on the page in the first place.

>> No.4971927 [DELETED] 

Pics or didn’t happened

>> No.4971929

I wanted to but Proko said it would take a few years to get good at that so I never bothered.

>> No.4971923

I did the first 5 drawabox lessons in pencil then proceeded to request a critique on their discord server it was glorious.

>> No.4971925


>> No.4972055

overhand grip + large paper = gmi

>> No.4972109

why. How this is changing anything?

Or i'm suppose to draw/paint with a side of a pencil to create broad strokes?

>> No.4972112

>weeding out competition by meme-grip

>> No.4972127

there are people who buy an iPad to start drawing?

>> No.4972303

>Or i'm suppose to draw/paint with a side of a pencil to create broad strokes?
Partially but also it can be more comfortable and easy for some movements, like I can draw circles way nicer with overhand grip, actually most things are I find more comfortable overhand, but imo it requires working rather larger. Provides for steadier line work too as it promotes fluid full arm movement and less wrist movement.

Wish I could do overhand with a tablet.

>> No.4972412

its much easier on the hand and teachers you how to shade and draw lighter better

>> No.4972415

Obviously an exaggeration

>> No.4972493

Bruh look at the battle station thread or browse to the bottom of the art section on Twitch. People will invest several thousands of dollars into equipment and videos without being able to draw even a cube.

>> No.4974083

How important is using a colour pencil and doing the razor sharpening thing? I've been doing overhand with a normal 2b sharpened in a normal sharpener. It's what Brent Eviston recommends at least.

>> No.4974945

using color pencils is mostly what you want to do with them. that said, the pencil shown is a bit more than just a color pencil, conte is a great material and provides a different result and color than regular pencils

as for sharpening, it's more to get a greater amount of variation on your drawings than anything. having that much of the material exposed lets you go from small to very wide

>> No.4974994
File: 89 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1604369572154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I hold a pencil/pen, been told that it's completely unique and bizarre, I'm 100% self taught, never taken a single lesson or watched a single tutorial, nor payed attention in art class in pre-school/high school, as I was too busy doing my own thing.

Do what feels right for you, everyone learns and does things their own way, I'm 100% a product of the "just practice" meme....people spend far too much time talking shit on 4chan, and should devote that effort and energy into just drawing/painting whatever it is they do.

>> No.4974997

>Every beginner should start with the overhand grip and a pencil

Fuck you and arthritis hands lmao

>> No.4975019


>> No.4975026

>slope forhead
nice neanderthal

>> No.4975070

The point of the overhand grip is it adds versatility, dexterity, the ability to do a variation of thin or thick strokes, to quickly and easily change your grip to get the desired stroke, and to teach you how to paint. If you only hold your pencil then you’re limiting what you can actually do and you’re dulling your pencil way faster.

>> No.4975077

My grip style allows me to hold the pencil/pen with such precision, that I can control how light or heavy my strokes are, I don't ever need to change my grip style, I just position my hand in different spots and vary how much wrist movement I use depending on the type of stroke, and the length of the lines I'm trying to put down.

>> No.4975086

>I'm 100% self taught, never taken a single lesson or watched a single tutorial
Yeah we can see that, your anatomy is dogshit.

>> No.4975100

Sure it is buddy, show us all here what non dog-shit anatomy looks like then.

>> No.4975124

I honestly scoffed at the pen bullshit and just do the lessons in pencil idgaf

>> No.4975150

I'm too busy studying stylization, which will help me become a better artist since I won't be constrained by arbitrary rules of the real world.

>> No.4975153
File: 214 KB, 1275x1920, 1604244978399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such a pretentious faggot it hurts...heres the reference I used and hand-eye sketched from, mines a little different here and there (the forehead, the jawline, the right eye is a bit squinty on mine and the gap between the corner of her right eye and where her ear starts is wider, and her hands have been drawn slightly larger on mine as she's going to be wearing gloves), but close enough.

Now again, put your money where your mouth is, and please show us all what non-dogshit anatomy looks like, as apparently you are capable of drawing more anatomically correct than a fucking reference photo of a real human subject...otherwise, fuck off crab, and instead of shit posting, go and practice.

>> No.4975159
File: 1.22 MB, 1080x1440, critique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right. I worry too much about the details, but don't know shit about anatomy.

>> No.4975164


>> No.4975170
File: 104 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1604369069239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek indeed...

Now compare it to: >>4975153

>> No.4975173

>Every beginner should start with the overhand grip and a pencil
Honestly yes, it makes everything easier, more fluid, and it also forces you to draw with your entire arm instead of just your hand

>> No.4975186

Not the guy you are talking to, just a beg /beg/ but thank you for the photo. That was a fun portrait to do. And I even used overhand grip.

>> No.4975201

No problem, I thought she made an excellent subject to reference from.

>> No.4975210

Needs more Loomis

>> No.4975499
File: 1.40 MB, 1118x1142, trad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original anon here. None of the other replies are mine.

My reply was in fact a shitpost. I decided to crab on you because you seemed proud of the fact that you don't read or watch any art lessons, which is something I disagree with.

In regards to your post, the only major anatomical mistakes are in the forehead and alignment of the eyes, everything else is fine in my eyes.

Anyways, here is some of my traditional work as you requested, I figure I owe you a chance to crab on my work.

>> No.4976038 [DELETED] 

Why this grip specifically?

>> No.4976047

>fuck tablets
>Fuck the ipad.


>> No.4976689

Is that Zyzz?

>> No.4977281

But anon, overhand grip is technical draftsmanship. Any good draftsmanship teacher will teach you this day 1.

>> No.4978710

>proceeded to request a critique on their discord server it was glorious.
What happened?

>> No.4980652

drawing at smaller than A4 on texture smooth as glass will only ever limit your ability.

>> No.4980713

The conte pencils in a normal sharpener also seem to have a thicker exposed lead than graphite too. I'll look into getting some.

>> No.4980755

I bet you also dont wear the mask