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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 129 KB, 1060x1550, 1598827886187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4947218 No.4947218 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4947680

Any sources for claymation? Literally anything would be awesome.

>> No.4947914

How do you come up with more interesting compositions for poses?

>> No.4948450

I want to learn how to draw mecha and just robot stuff in general, like the kind you tend to see in concept art. Besides obvious fundies such as perspective, how do I learn this? I have no idea where to begin, do I have to study some engineering basics or do artists just eyeball the designs? Any book recs? Or courses or anything? Thanks

>> No.4948507

Am I not supposed to use the G-pen for the lines? Almost everything I see looks like they use a brush or something soft for lines

>> No.4948515
File: 4 KB, 150x150, 1597422876011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I stop worrying about keeping a consistent and recognizable art style when drawing? I wanna learn new stuff, I skipped a lot of fundamentals because I am a room tempt IQ idiot and I wanna dedicate the next months to learning both the basics and new stuff outside of my comfort zone.
However, every time I try it I focus too hard on trying to keep everything "within my style" and I worry about drawing 2 different things next to each other and both of them looking like they belong in different universes.

>> No.4948529

yes, don't worry about keeping a style. do what feels fun / right for you and just go with that, even though it might evolve and change over time.

>> No.4948548
File: 121 KB, 1138x628, PWUdpzb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know the twitter of the teal line guy?

>> No.4948549

wtf is sqt - qttdtot
u fucking faggot

>> No.4948581

i do

>> No.4948598
File: 30 KB, 450x450, laughing-beavers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid questions thread anon, not stupid answers.

>> No.4948687
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>> No.4948690
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>> No.4948843
File: 1.74 MB, 2560x4096, EYHD3YOU0AUQpYQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i follow trends? what creates a trend in social media art people and how can I tell soon enough for me to participate?

also, how can i overcome my energy draining when having any interaction with other art accounts? why do i feel so tired when replying to comments or having to comment on other people's works?

>> No.4948859

What exactly do you mean? Digitally or trad? It depends on the effect you want to achieve. Brushes are usually used for hair and stuff, for detailed work it's the G-Pen.
The fuck are you crying about, there's clearly a ton of improvement. Keep going and don't just grind the same things, tackle all fundies so you don't get trapped in a comfort zone

>> No.4949491

Thinking of doing some furry stuff for some cash. What's the going rate for these pictures? 1080p? 4k?

>> No.4950030
File: 101 KB, 749x1013, IMG_20201021_022423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is hotter?
Body being three-heads tall or 2-and-a-half-heads tall?

>> No.4950032

If I practice traditionally will I be able to draw just as well digitally?

>> No.4950034

dont draw toddlers you fucking pedo

>> No.4950042

i think they're talking about just the torso and not the entire person

>> No.4950043

I meant chin to crotch. Like in the picture.

>> No.4950664

Does anyone have that one graph with two lines going up at different speeds with one labeled something like 'your ability to make art' and the other labeled 'your ability to see mistakes in art' and how they rise differently can make you think you're better or worse at art

>> No.4950695

Not "just as well", because it's a different medium, but it isn't as if you'll start from square one.
Every medium has its own idiosyncrasies that you will have to get used to individually, but it's still drawing.

>> No.4950710
File: 20 KB, 360x360, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to draw and get better at more salacious art, but I'm really starting to get turned off by "general" pornography. I just don't like how perverse and warped it is. What do I do?

>> No.4950899

yea keep going

>> No.4951051


>> No.4951091

Yes and no. It depends on the direction you are going.

G-pens are notable for having variable thickness, this is good for flat coloring and manga, where the line weight carries a significate portion of the image as it may be the only thing you can use to indicate the direction of light, the distance between the object and the view etc.

A brush with little varying thickness is usually used when there are other things carrying that information, like values.

>> No.4951105
File: 1.56 MB, 1554x2048, blankspiritualmeme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell happened to ic? I left for a few months and I come back and there are tons of porn adds that were never there before. And why has the porn thread changed names? And why are there loli and furry generals? Did we do something to incur the wrath of Loomis?

>> No.4951107

coomer domination

>> No.4951525

is ms paint a good place to develop drawing skills? can I get god in ms paint eventually?

>> No.4951533

No- dont even try instead would be better if you just picked pens and chip paper

>> No.4951577

Anon, this isn't a stupid question. You shouldn't have posted it here.

>> No.4951608

Just torrent csp, photoshop or sai

>> No.4951615

DAD bullied some pedos on their own site, pedo's quickly learned of it and responded by making their own general.

>> No.4951617

And the amount of loli posting, pretty much made this board unsafe for viewing.

>> No.4951619

/ic/ is dying again so they pumped up ads to get money like always. This has happened like two or three times the past 10 years. The other stuff is just internal drama.

>> No.4951628

is it really that bad? I tried clip paint studio but its too much to take in

>> No.4951633

If csp somehow to hard for you try using sai instead, at least its better than paint

>> No.4951634

>too much to take in
Csp is very user friendly so what do you mean by that

>> No.4951667

thank you for explaining that, makes a ton of sense now.

>> No.4951698

tips on getting better at composition?

>> No.4951757

I made two threads about it but people kept telling me it was all subjective. No one will help you here

>> No.4951792

so i been drawing for 7 months and the only thing i did basically was copying other artists (although this month i started studying some courses from the video courses thread), my question is is copying useless? and if not how is copying helpful to create your own work?

>> No.4951801

This is truly a stupid question.
>so I have 7 months of experience in copying
>is copying useless?
What do you fucking think? Did you learn anything? Jesus christ, think for yourself you stupid fucker. It's been 7 god damn months, have a fucking answer.

>> No.4951812

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i guess i progressed and i gained some mileage, but i wanna see how's other people experience with copying, and by copying i mean autistic asian type of copying

>> No.4951815
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It is a hard subject, one that deserves more than a quick answer.

People won't agree but I think learning design principles aids in composition.

Here is an obligatory loomis.

>> No.4952150
File: 191 KB, 634x450, msedge_smEHkSjO8C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys use multiple brushes? Stupid question I know, but I'm curious.
I know the meme is hard round, and I do everything with that just because I find it easier and less stressful to change around the way my brush behaves all the time.
But then I see people on here searching for brush packs, I see people selling brush packs, or watch other painters use a million different ones for their paintings etc and I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
I'm a /beg/ and I'm just curious if people actually use 10+ brushes for a single painting constantly, or if it's just an occasional thing. I know Marco Bucci changes them a lot, but then Feng "draw 16h every day" Zhu says to just use the hard round.

>> No.4952197

There are two things you want to achieve, a hard edge or a soft edge, those are painting fundamentals so people always hard round brush and a soft round brush.

On the point of only hard round, you can achieve gradation with the hard round which acts as substitute for the soft round.

Multiple brushes is a way to achieve certain textures. Marco Bucci loves textures but even in this video he "intended to move you from feeling you just need that right brush and bring you more toward to just using the fundamentals."

>> No.4952220

Oh its you, clown who doesnt think general comp theory is real, ngmigger cope.

>> No.4952234

Are there any good brushes for sketching in Photoshop? Or is it just hard round meme

>> No.4952279

Funny, I actually watched that Bucci video the other day, I find his process very interesting but I have a feeling I'd get lost in the brushes easily. Been trying to pay way more attention to soft and hard edges recently though, but I'm always too tempted to get that really clean look.
Anyway, this was mostly a question out of curiosity, thanks for the answer!

>> No.4952310

>t. believes in the rule of thirds

>> No.4952398
File: 89 KB, 1280x576, IMG_20201021_215033_461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many gestures do you guys recommend per page on an A3 Sketchbook?

>> No.4952424

as many as you can fit

>> No.4952448

I feel that everytime I wanna draw something, even if I'm enjoying it, I can't shake the sense that I'm wasting my time. In the end, I find myself hardly drawing or even enjoying the process. Then I feel bad for not drawing at all.


>> No.4952482

You may not believe it but you subconsciously think you are worth nothing, you and your time is only valuable when someone else says it is, so any free time you spend on things you enjoy, since it is not benefiting others is a waste of time.

You need to accept that you aren't really that important, no one really cares what you do in your free time and the reason why you feel bad when you don't draw is because you've set drawing as a responsibility that you are failing to fulfill.

You expect too much from yourself.

>> No.4952616
File: 76 KB, 437x398, 1580843775157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck does one post their art nowdays? this used to be so simple a couple years ago

>> No.4952633

Why is there no sound on my CGMA - Art of Color and Light downloads from the MEGA? I downloaded other videos and they were fine? Also the time on them is different too.

>> No.4952761
File: 594 KB, 762x584, 70220250f2296b8190338be9a9b64b51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you are daily posters on ic? How is your life?
Cuz I think I'm doing something wrong there...like I can't be bothered to go through all the comments in one thread...how do you digest your threads?
I want to be part of a community, its probably not the best bet to go for that in the crab enclave...but idk....
How do you guys use /ic/?

>> No.4952821

You never gmi- n e v e r...

>> No.4952830

If I'm drawing a small part of an indoor scene, like for a panel in a comic, the vanishing point is going to be way outside the image, so is there a point in thinking about it? Or is it okay to just freehand it?
Does focal length have something to do with the distance of the vanishing point?

>> No.4952851

>daily posters on ic?
I post something everyday, usually a fun sketch, a wip, and a finished piece. My unwritten rule is only post a drawing once on the board or people will think you are flooding, shilling, spamming your drawings.

I only respond to replies when I’ve drawn something new (not wip #582658395).

> How do you guys use /ic/?
I look for stupid threads and try to post “just draw” as the first reply. Hunt for study threads or dtiys to do a daily warm up. Cruise the reference threads for inspiration. Ask questions in their respective generals, but I never expect a reply. Lurk the tools thread to see what to buy. Maybe check the books thread if I want a specific book (which I will order online). Then I’ll bang through the self promo thread and follow everyone who just draws and doesn’t post memes or video game clips

>> No.4952853

I wouldn't exactly call this a community.
I make posts daily, either answering questions or asking them myself. Other than that I tend to just open threads with art I find interesting and maybe comment. I avoid any and all crab/drama/bait threads because why bother.

>> No.4952898

I'd really appreciate your help in finding this image:
It was posted on /ic/ maybe a year ago, and the poster said it was a joint /ic/ collab painting.
It was a huge image, vertically oriented, done in cool colors (greys, blue-greens, etc.) and reminiscent of LOTR illustrations. It depicted a bunch of roots and vines of trees leading up a slablike cracked stone staircase to a line of ancient stone thrones in a forest setting, on which sat a line of elder elf-looking guys. I think trees were set behind the thrones. It was close to realism, and the painting was pretty tight with a moderate amount of detailing.
If anyone has it, I'd be very grateful for a share.

>> No.4952985

How do you learn to relax and not care about how bad your art currently is?

>> No.4952989

Realize it brings you no benefits caring about how bad your art currently is.

>> No.4953080

the art still looks terrible

>> No.4953140

Will caring make it not look terrible?

We all struggle with where we are and where we want to be, but looking off into the distance moaning about how far it is doesn't get you closer.

Instead of focusing on that far off location, just concentrate on putting one step in front and you'll find you get their eventually. Every now and then look up and look around you just to make sure you are going in the right direction.

>> No.4953153

How do you balance studies and drawing? I haven't been able to sit down and just draw for the past 2 weeks

>> No.4953353

Study in between doing finished pictures. For each finished picture, decide what your main topic that you need to study is. Stick to only one or two new things per picture so you don't overwhelm yourself. Do the studies then draw the finished picture, repeat.

>> No.4953455

It just seems so far off that I won't ever be able to despite drawing for long hours every day, but I think I understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.4953483

This anon's answer is good. Vilppu in Proko's interview said to just draw from imagination, and to do studies when you run into problems. Vilppu, in another article, also said to draw from imagination as much as possible, so you know what to work on next.

>> No.4953504

The vanishing point is the receeding line in the middle of your view in to which all objects receed to, since as things get further distances get smaller and similar distancer seem to funnel into it. It is essentially what creates the depth in your piece.
What you are thinking of is just where the construction lines fo the shape you are drawing recede to. THose don't matter
>focal length
I don't think focus has anything to do with it. Although if you picture further away objects zoomed in they will look in relation to one another the same way as if they were that distance instead of if you were right up on them

>> No.4953703

hold on so, if all i wanted to do was draw huge appealing anime tidders, all i gotta do is like "copy" and understand other artists work of how they draw tits so I too can make huge appealing honkers? why the fuck did nobody say this to me before

>> No.4953714

This is a stupid question. You act like you realized something, but you'll do nothing anyways.

>> No.4953719

Seriously, is the download for that supposed to be fucked or what?

>> No.4953728

forgot this board was more negative than the US debt

>> No.4954029

How do I convince my friend he's better than he thinks he is? We draw online together a good deal and he's worked on one piece for around 7 45 minute to 2 hour sessions. I know I'm fucking deviantart tier next to him but it's quite annoying to see him erase and redraw a head or pose over and over when I know that 99% of people that see it wouldn't see the issues that he does

>> No.4954040

Thanks for the advice, it's something I need to work on too, but I was referring to academic studies

>> No.4954047

Just because you value your art by the way other people see it, doesn't mean that your friend has to stoop down to your level.

>> No.4954099

https://twitter.com/wamudraws/status/1249139404700033024 what's the name of this brush?

>> No.4954117

I feel like I'm falling for bait
it looks like hard round with no anti-aliasing.

>> No.4954123
File: 1.27 MB, 1400x2150, __akiyama_mio_k_on_drawn_by_icehotmilktea__87c5aaf915f16ccb5d67ff25e9b5c174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a newbie going through drawing on the right side of the brain, got to chapter 6 and there's an exercise where I need a ¨viewfinder¨ and a ¨clear plastic picture plane¨ i also skimmed the book and looks like the later exercises also use them but I don't have em. do i really need this shit? any other good beginner books that don't require tools other than pen and paper? i'm a lefty btw

>> No.4954135
File: 27 KB, 400x393, 063dca34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is drawing from shoulder a meme. How many of you actually do it?

>> No.4954142

>clear plastic picture plane

>> No.4954143
File: 237 KB, 1380x2080, 1601891773727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do i follow trends? what creates a trend in social media art people and how can I tell soon enough for me to participate?
There are ovbious trends like the recent standing leg split. Also try to draw anime characters when is their birthday and use the hashtags the japanese are using.

>> No.4954149

>is carpal tunnel syndrome/RSI a meme or not

>> No.4954163

So it just cause some minor inconvenient like that. Don't worry, I lift.

>> No.4954187

whats a good place to post art nowadays, ideally for both sfw and nsfw

>> No.4954756

What kind of information can my buymeacoffee supporters see when paying through PayPal? Do they still see my full name? My address? My phone number?

>> No.4955131

Why not do pomodoros for schoolwork and do a bit of drawing in between on your breaks? It won't feel as good as just sitting down and drawing for hours, but it's something. Other than that, you just have to get better at studying for school so you have more free time.

>> No.4955299
File: 125 KB, 1080x1105, Screenshot_20201023_233929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like how Rockhe kim rendered his figures from imagination like this. but I have no idea what is the idea behind it.
Like I don't see core shadow reflected light etc like other artist do it ?? Or I'm blind could someone help me plz

>> No.4955588
File: 180 KB, 1080x1105, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of that is there, its very subtle and the reflected light is very much so.

Think of the lighting overall on the big masses, then the smaller masses. Maybe these will help.

>> No.4955675

Should I commit to drawing anime or "realism"?

>> No.4955819


>> No.4956089

I use Clipart, anyone have any recommendations for sketching brushes? I always get frustrated that my brush looks too inky or to chalky and I want something that's meant for sketching.

>> No.4956114

What the fuck do you mean by clipart? Are you talking about a program

>> No.4956118

If its through paypal theyre going to at least see your name and email.

>> No.4956142
File: 144 KB, 276x535, unknown-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird question that I'm sure is going to get a meme answer, but how do I got about making my sketches not look ugly? When I see people post their sketches they always look like it's line work (which I'm sure it's just them claiming it's a sketch but in reality it'd inked ) but I've seen some examples of rough lines but it still adds nice character. I'm sure my issue is mostly chicken scratches (which doesn't apply to when I do actually inking where I make it a habit to actually use my entire arm to draw a line) but any tips on how I can improve it or does it also have something to do with brush settings, size, and how far you're zoomed in? I usually work with color pencil and the rough pencil in CSP, and in procreate the Narinder and sometimes technical.

>> No.4956167

Honestly that's all about improving your general drawing ability

That's called "modelling tone" or "synthetic lighting". Glenn Vilppu teaches it in his drawing manual. Burne Hogarth mentions it in passing. Best exercise to learn rendering, planal form, and structural drawing in general.

>> No.4956177

There's nothing about it that could be a meme.
Tiny mark - Fingers
Short line - Wrist
Medium line - Elbow
Long line - Shoulder

If you work on a vertical surface, you'll be using elbow and shoulder for everything, because good luck using your wrist without having your elbow grounded.

>> No.4956181

I draw from my shoulders. I had to do it when I started getting tendonitis and carpal tunnel from drawing so much.

Have fun measuring out your root-5 canvases and golden sections

>> No.4956185

Thanks mates. I'll try using my shoulder more often.

>> No.4956189
File: 253 KB, 1023x893, ching4-14-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the right lines drawn in a scribbly or rough fashion look better than the wrong lines with absolutely flawless technique and some legendary brush setting. that's just all there is to it.

>> No.4956191

why is there so much reading in drawing books, am I really expected to read this shit

>> No.4956201

if you just want art, there's artbooks

>> No.4956207

I'm just looking for to the point instruction, not a novel

>> No.4956246

How do you guys start your ref drawings? Quick gesture? construction lines? measuring?

>> No.4956253

Then you want the Vilppu Drawing Manual

>> No.4956267

Thanks anon will check them out

>> No.4956303

That's called Danning-Kruger effect, just google it up

>> No.4956312
File: 228 KB, 680x896, artgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4956328

there is really no need to make another retard start screaming DUNNING KRUGER! you faggots are like the retards that take philosophy 101 and start spouting off logical fallacies every day. AD HOMINEM! STRAWMAN! you shouldn’t start saying dunning Kruger unless you want to sound like a complete cock. It’s easier to just start saying pyw and never posting your own. Same level of thought

>> No.4956331

I'm not that anon, but logical fallacies are thing to watch out for though. PYW is even one of them. I agree on the DK part though.

>> No.4956347

>PYW is even one of them.
Which one

>> No.4956356

logical fallacies are something for you as an individual to watch out for and use that awareness to strengthen your debate skills, announcing them by name is like trying to win an argument on technicality. If the argument is about winning and not about altering the other persons opinion then stop being retarded, no one on the internet has ever “won” an argument because the other person can just continually not accept it until they leave. What a waste of time

>> No.4956390

the fuck is the difference between 'brush density' and opacity in CSP?

>> No.4956393

One is like the amount of the paint, the other is like the amount of water.

>> No.4956405

which one do i use for the hard round brush everyone here insists on

>> No.4956407

I have both set to pen pressure. It just looks the best imo.

>> No.4956793


>> No.4957561

How many years does it normally take until get the feel of proper shading and shadows?

>> No.4957570

Few months

>> No.4957572


>> No.4957692
File: 95 KB, 1080x1350, 93795248_684319552321053_560337441860604365_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those proportions guides for drawing people never go into whether the person is tall or short, but does that make a difference? Take pic related for instance. I can't quite put my finger on why, but even with nothing in the picture to compare her to, I'd bet good money she's like 5 foot nothing.

>> No.4957716

So, have you thought about

>download mecha anime ref images
>set 20 or 10 min timer
>redraw the image within the time limit
>once timer runs out flip image at random (most image viewers should be capable of doing this)
>repeat for about 2 hours a day every day

You should improve by this method. I've used it with anime girls, however, I haven't done it for the last 2 days I think, and you don't progress at rocket pace, but it is rocket pace compared to just drawing aimlessly and comparing afterwards I hypothesize.

But yeah I haven't proven this method for myself but it's worth trying I think.

When you're inspired, when you have the "aha" moment with the lightbulb and stuff yadeyadeyada, just write the "image" you saw in your head down as a note on your phone or something maybe that helps. I hope it helps.
Usually forcing inspiration via Twitter can be a bit flaky in terms of success rate (in getting me inspired).


Don't panic anon, just keep on at it I think. That second drawing I think is indeed better but it's about the long-term. If you keep at it I think you should be able to beat that drawing consistently at an unmatched quality level relatively speaking.

Second one is way hotter to me, but obviously look at the setting sheets (設定) of the character you want to draw.

Damn she hot.

I remember that Santa Claus repainting in MS paint, I highly doubt there was no frauding/cheating involved in that YouTube video.

Not really.

I think still Twitter but you should wait for others to answer your question. Pixiv is popular too I think.

Don't get involved too much and take everything with a pinch of salt, but ...

It's a little complicated I'm sorry.

Yeah good luck with that anon you're on your own.

I don't know I'm struggling with balancing as well. I have trouble finishing a piece.

>> No.4957717

That's not that long though dude. Drawing is the most difficult thing. Rendering is second. It's important, but relatively easier to learn.

>> No.4957720
File: 62 KB, 860x725, 1590295643294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the total!

>> No.4957745

That's not my problem lol. I'm trying to draw for like two months now and everything still looks like it's done by a preschooler

>> No.4957756

that's normal

>> No.4957761

Took me a year dude. Depends on how much drawing experience you already have going into it.

>> No.4957774

Where is that panel from?

>> No.4957796

Big head small body = short
small head big body = tall

>> No.4957807

It's still 3 heads from her chin to crotch like a tall person, though.

>> No.4957812

2 months- that`s nothing

>> No.4957834

Are there any gaijins outside of Japan drawing manga/doujins that are published in Japan?

>> No.4957841

Probably not what you meant, but a running manga on Jump is drawn by a Korean.

>> No.4957848

thank you friend

>> No.4957961

(re: 4952898)
Thanks anyway for the reply, man.

>> No.4957997

So when drawing, obviously your line has a thickness to it. When drawing from ref, should I try to the centre of the line on the edge of forms, or should I try 'outline' the form so that the line I'm making is technically outside of the form and the empty space inside the shape is what I see in the ref?

>> No.4958125

Do your design skills really improve as you get better at drawing?

>> No.4958129

Yes, your lines are the edges of your forms. The contours. But even details are forms, and they deserve outlines too. So the inside of your shapes will still have lines. You'll also have lines where you have abrupt color/tone changes, like nipples, irises, scars, etc. You'll also use lines to cross-hatch and show plane changes, like with texture or light/shadow.

>> No.4958133

Yeah, you get to the point where you worry less about the actual drawing aspect and can free up room in your brain for focusing on other things.

>> No.4958161

Thanks for the reply. Still not exactly what I was asking but that's mostly because my wording isn't great.

If say, I'm drawing the contour of a finger and using a thicker brush, should the center of the brush being going along the contour, or should the inner edge of the brush be going along the contour?

>> No.4958172
File: 2.36 MB, 1940x1518, Screen Shot 2020-10-25 at 15.36.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what causes these full opacity dots (circled in red) in photoshop?
I'm using a cintiq pro.
Default hard round with opacity pressure.
Every few minutes the first mark is randomly full opacity.
I've tried reinstalling the drivers.
It only happens in photoshop, not in CSP, et. al.

>> No.4958176

Lines aren't that thick that it matters, literally just don't worry about it you're being autistic. You shouldn't be trying to copy it absolutely 1:1 when you copy anyways, as long as you get like 80% accuracy and make it look good it shouldn't matter

>> No.4958207

What he said. It doesn't matter. That questions never crossed my mind in my entire life.

>> No.4958209

Looks like a touch issue.
If your cintiq isn't touch, could be a press and hold for right click if you are on windows.

If you are on windows then open up
control panel > pen and touch
Select Press and hold
Hit settings then unchecked enabled and hit ok

>> No.4958288

I've had the issue once before in CSP, and was able to fix it by setting the input data from 'Raw Input' to 'Prefer Quality'
Photoshop doesn't seem to have any settings whatsoever wrt tablet input.

>> No.4958295

I had that problem with my intuos pro in photoshop too. No fucking idea what causes it.

>> No.4958312

does anyone have that pic of the guy holding a girl up and groping her ass that was in a "draw this in your style" thread a bit ago? they were in swimsuits and there was water in the background I think. thanks

>> No.4958320

Well you can try have photoshop try to use the legacy wintab drivers, otherwise nothing else comes to mind.

>> No.4958323

I'm looking to hire a comic book artist in a few months, where do I hire such a person?

>> No.4958348
File: 58 KB, 640x690, 3D37EFE4-1215-4516-B1F5-4DBC1D558A16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh i know wat you're talking about. surprised I still have it. here ya go

>> No.4958441

Then go on e-hentai and search up artbooks on mecha series you like. Not only some tutorials are uploaded there, but there are plenty of concept art books uploaded (mostly anime and videogames, so pick the one that you like the most and go and eye it)
I do it by inspiration: I personally love Metal Gear (or rather, Yoji Shinkawa's) style of semi-organic looking, "excused" designs. I'd say, always look at your robots with intent in mind. Do you want them to be technological miracles like Transformers (where pretty much they *are* the technology), more aesthetic but grounded designs like Gundam (where they're basically tanks: with armor being the outside shell and all the electronics being on the inside) or simply going all out on the form-first-function-later ala Shinkawa with designs like Zone Of The Ender's Jehuty or MGS's Ray/Peace Walker?

>> No.4958467
File: 234 KB, 826x783, dagkayp-ed3e596e-0902-45e2-af81-b4458387e92d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup artists-wannabe's, where do i find a mentor? I've been on my digital art courses again recently and i can return to them probably only like a 2-3 months, where do i find some cool guy who could supervise me and give critique to go in to direction of drawing faces like picrelated?

>> No.4958509

serious answer: look for it irl. there's artists who actually do mentoring and teach you how and why draw in a certain style or technique; otherwise, just relate yourself with fellow artists, that's harder but both are basically "be in the know and meet people". You won't be getting a magical know-it-all mentor by applying to online courses if you want it to be a more one-on-one thing, you need people who share your artistic interest and may just help you out of simply wanting to share knowledge. In the term of that second, "easier" route, I found myself suddenly being in good terms with a bunch of people who just made commissions one time or another for this one guy i was friends with: we're all pretty much just influencing each other. But I was with "sessions" years ago with an art teacher, not as in "teaching the basics" kinda class but more as a "we're both going to draw this and when we're finished I'll tell you what you need to know" kind of vibe. Funny I remark that it's best to disconnect it from a purely-educational setting, but she was a school teacher whenever it wasn't teaching to people privately

>> No.4958522
File: 227 KB, 458x357, 59d80c8e8e4a2b7d6b0f20411e882f96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does everyone shit on Scott Robertson how to draw/render books. arent they god tier ?? or is it misleading

>> No.4958523

So the whole advice is to "look for people"| which is already sort of thing that i'm doing, but where exactly?

>> No.4958525

Yeah, sorry but that's just an immense amount of work. I wish you the best of luck with finding that particular image, but I mean you have to be realistic, I think you're on your own with that endeavor, once again I wish you the best of luck.

usually this >>4957796
but you know, if you're not making character sheets I don't think most professionals stick obsessively to these head-height proportions rule, especially because each character is different.

They're more of a rule to check if your proportions are correct. But for anime it's almost never the case that especially female characters come close to 8 heads tall.

What's the source of that pic related? Would like to use her for gestures.

>ref drawings
What? Do you mean gestures?

Don't worry too much and focus on gesture drawings.

Foreign animators exist in the anime industry. Japanese animation studios keep hiring more foreigners because the Japanese don't want to do it anymore because the wages are ridiculously low. Also, they're setting up animation schools in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, at least one big anime company is doing that.

It's a very passionate job to be an animator and I feel like they're kind of exploiting that.

Surely, I'd guess

kek I remember this, honestly the girl isn't hot.

Well, I don't know. Can't be too hard I think. Are you in education right now? Be it high school or college or the equivalents for your country?

Wait, now that I actually read the whole thing I'd bet I have a decent chance of finding it.

>> No.4958539

>What's the source of that pic related? Would like to use her for gestures.

>> No.4958543

thanks, I thought it would be a photoshoot album so that's disappointing.

>> No.4958547
File: 77 KB, 785x924, MxzSiNqg958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a neet anon, done college almost like 2 years ago.

>> No.4958550

I would start looking in college high school for an art teacher, but if you're no longer in college...

Have you tried any of the /ic/ discords? It's your best bet I think sadly.

>> No.4958552

How many times will you draw something?
The same scene/portrait/character.

How often are you happy with it on the first attempt?

>> No.4958553

>How many times will you draw something?
>The same scene/portrait/character.
Depends on the artist, there’s people out there grinding the same shit over and over again till it clicks and some lucky motherfucker got it going in a couple attempt.
>How often are you happy with it on the first attempt?
First attempt will always look like dog shit but there’s a secret to it, if you draw tons of anatomy and figures all day and you attempt to draw a difficult pose for the first time off reference it won’t look like as bad and jarring then someone else trying it without prior knowledge.

>> No.4958645

thanks so much!

>> No.4958667

Anyone have a working mega/drive link for the Vitruvian Studio portrait course?

>> No.4958672

5 to 50 thumbnails that take couple of minutes followed by 2-5 rougher sketches that take hour or two
>How often are you happy with it on the first attempt?
i am never happy even with final result
i just draw until i run out of mental capacity to care about single picture

>> No.4958700

They shit on it because theyre too stupid to understand it and probably dont do any exercises and just skip ahead to advanced shit.

You need to have a basic understanding of perspective to use the book. Like the terminology and having at least tried doing a few 1 point and 2 point perspective drawings at some point in your life.

>> No.4958711

You can try enrolling in an atelier program for a little bit, or you could try online courses that offer instructor feedback on your work. Otherwise you could try finding artists around that level, talk to them in a normal conversation, and ask if you can send them your stuff for critique. That might turn into them mentoring you but I wouldnt count on it.

>> No.4958788

How do you draw characters into a preexisitng background?My perspective gets all fucky unless it's done the other way around, character then background.

>> No.4959321

any good courses on watercolor painting?

>> No.4959521

I have a distinct memory of a painting where a fat man is standing in water up to his chest with a nuclear plant on the opposite shore. There were more paintings with a similar subject matter. The work was painterly with naturalistic light, sort of a le plein air feel to it.
I think it was featured on someone's blog or homepage as their inspirations.

Anyone know which artist I'm thinking of?

>> No.4959675

I draw it over and over again until it looks good or I burn out. Sometimes one sketch takes me like 10 hours. Sometimes I get it on the first attempt. It's all RNG but finished pieces usually take me 20-30 hours.

>> No.4960241

What book goes over the "riley method" for figure drawing?

>> No.4960256

The riley method is for head drawing. You can try portraits in charcoal by nathan fowkes

>> No.4960278

Not sure about books but Watts Atelier teaches the method for both head and figure if you can hunt down their videos.

>> No.4960471

With Keys to Drawing, he mostly does value stuff in his examples with hatching. Should I be trying to emulate that or using value washes when working through the shading chapter?

>> No.4960479

Anyone have advice on drawing the same character from different angles/in different poses? I can't seem to do it, they just look like completley different people

>> No.4960554
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, 6B4ACAD1-8CBA-427C-B57A-FF42561E1AE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone who’s “made it” or started to make it get in trouble in the industry for being a d/ic/k? (Animation is what I’m going into)
I need help with my art, like intervention-level, and I don’t have a lot of artists in my circle trying to work on anime draftsmanship for animation. /ic/ has been the only place where I get near-instant feedback, and in my experiences the advice has been good. The tl;dr of my problem is that I know bits and pieces of gesture, construction, composition, all of that but can’t make all of those processes work together harmoniously.
I’m just scared of getting blacklisted. And even though /ic/ has its glaring problems, I’d be even more lost without it(mostly the sticky’s book recommendations but anons have helped too).

>> No.4960588
File: 257 KB, 360x450, 8455982A-3D92-4231-95A4-AFE9B6AE0E60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I’ve gotten to where I wanna get on that front but: first thing I’ve done is collect references of no more than 1-3 people/characters, preferably with a lot of angles on them(so real people or 3D modeled characters), and then step 2 I draw them a ton from different angles on a large canvas. Step 3 is to step back and evaluate the drawings side by side and spot-treat the inconsistencies. Stuff like solid drawing with 3D shapes is really important.

Have you tried making a perspective grid overlaying the BG and using that as a launching point?

How do you get really good at this? Is this one of those “visual library” things? Whenever I thumbnail I usually come up with 2-3, and my compositions still come out kinda meh.

Depends on what you’re willing to spend and what quality you’re expecting. Beginners and people trying to get started working freelance will jump at the chance to work for you, but if you don’t pay them well, they’ll get tired of it real fast and will move on to bigger things. Reciprocity is the cornerstone of civilization my dude, just treat people with respect and you’ll keep them around. And I’d suggest giving them a smaller task to start with, maybe like a few pages of the comic or even a character sheet just to see if they’ve got what you’re looking for and can deliver it in good time.

Are you the same guy who not long ago declared himself inherently talented and superior to everyone else, even though he had just started drawing and his work was very /beg/? Just turned adult? Seto Kaiba vibes? Because if so this would be really funny, you’ve been having this meltdown for like a week. Even if this whole thing is some ultra rare bait I’m very entertained, and impressed! Pls keep on keeping on, I want to see you actually succeed and you’re already better than loads of people who’ve been drawing for years.

>> No.4960796

Are there good resources for drawing better weapons and armor? I draw d&d art but I'm much more accustom to swords but my friend is an artificer and I'm struggling a lot to design a wrist mounted canon that looks appealing. I'd like to complete this first if anyone has ideas

>> No.4961001

>Are you the same guy who not long ago declared himself inherently talented and superior to everyone else, even though he had just started drawing and his work was very /beg/?
No, I can link my posts on /beg/ if you want, I've been almost crying from the beginning about how I worry about my progress and I've never had delusions, I'm not even 1% of the artist I want to be right now.

>> No.4961060

anyone has recommendations for a program where I can mess around with 3d models so I can have a reference for drawing with uncommon perspectives?

>> No.4961306

On web browser, try sketchfab. I’ve used it to reference certain props.
On ios, ArtPose. It’s a paid app but I have the old ME and FE(male and female models) apps and they’re still great. Haven’t had compatibility issues across devices.
On desktop I’ve never used it but I guess you could import models into Blender or 3DStudioMax. Blender is free but I got 3DStudio Max using a college email.

>> No.4961690

in sketchfab, in a model that has bones for animation, is there any way to move them around to pose the model or do I need to download them and open them in blender or something like that? thanks btw.

>> No.4961856

Should I be saving in jpg or png?

>> No.4961872

png. Higher quality. More options. Can always be saved as a jpg later. Only time you wouldn't would be if storage space is an issue.

>> No.4961877

Reading Loomis Figure Drawing and I dont understand jackshit, once he got to mapping the shadow and perspective I lost him, what should I do? This is too complex for me right now, I'll just sketch the ideal guy and lass later

>> No.4961879

Try copying the drawings. You don't really see something until you draw it.

>> No.4961882

Anyone hear about learning to animate can teach you to draw faster? Wondering if that's really a common opinion from people who know their stuff

>> No.4961891

Is rotating the page bad practice?

>> No.4961894

how do you improve your discipline

>> No.4961907

Where can I learn to color/paint? I understand WHERE highlights and shadows go but not what color to use for them and it’s driving me crazy. In theory it’s so simple, just pick a lighter/darker color, but it always ends up looking muddy and gross

>> No.4961943

Yeah, I've heard that before. Two different examples though. One guy was an in-between animator who told me that he had traced such a great amount to get his work done that he got cardiac tunnel, but also in the process managed to learn to be able to draw those anime characters fairly competently. The other guy was someone who said he had to draw the same things over and over, edit, etc. to get animations done that it was inevitable to not get better through that process.

>> No.4961957

rotating is a crutch. you should only be doing frescos without underdrawing if you want to improve.

>> No.4961961

Read the books deep work and atomic habits.

>> No.4961963

I mean. If you looked at the art and were thinking. What am I studying here? OH look at how he's using shapes! Then yes, other wise you now know how to copy. Good work. Now go copy Leyendecker like a goodboy.

>> No.4961965

I'm going through persepctive made easy. You can find it free probably.

>> No.4961983

>Copying or drawing from other artists is an accepted traditional approach to learning in conjunction with drawing from imagination.
From Vilppu Drawing Manual
Watts also says to copy him/from books until you can intuitively draw what you're studying without copying.

>> No.4961984

Sorry I got the quote wrong. It is:
>Copying or drawing from other artists is an accepted traditional approach to learning in conjunction with drawing from observation and creating from your imagination

>> No.4962135
File: 17 KB, 604x327, IMG_20201027_040114_835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on with the bump in this image? It doesn't look like it's in the right place to be the ulna so what the fuck is going on here this is driving me insane

>> No.4962289

I'm trying out using an easel instead of drawing flat on my desk, and I'm finding it much harder to control. Is this normal?

>> No.4963520

anyone ever make a gesture prompt generator
would seem like a good idea for people to practice drawing gestures from imagination

>> No.4963816

Where the fuck do I go for critique on character design!

>> No.4963822

A) Bitches got weird wrist bones
B) Whoever produced this image photoshopped it incorrectly

>> No.4963835

should i trad or digital

>> No.4963844
File: 695 KB, 1079x1296, INST93929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would I begin to start drawing like this

>> No.4963865

Uh ok but what a fresco and what is underdrawing

>> No.4963873


>> No.4964198

gesture and break down the major shapes

>> No.4964906

Should I bother doing pencil layers if I want to be a good inker

>> No.4964919
File: 39 KB, 612x612, 1603690651997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna draw cute anime girls, how do i make it bros?

>> No.4964949

>just draw
Draw what? I feel so lost.

>> No.4964960

Start with figures, and perspective
Then move onto construction then anatomy
Then comes lighting and composition
Do all this while studying styles (not copying)
And last start doing style, copy styles but do this all while still practicing the ones above

>> No.4964995 [DELETED] 

Honestly if I lost my hand before I could make anything worth a damn I think I’d just kill myself

>> No.4965004

unironically read the sticky

>> No.4965119

Is it a good idea to upload original full resolution artwork on social media or should I downscale it? I read that it needs to be like 72 dpi if you don't want others to print it at a good res

>> No.4965427
File: 38 KB, 362x346, 1495210612067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Clip Studio, is there any downsides to using the transparent ink over the actual eraser? I've gotten into the habit of using it so I can have the same look and feel when I'm drawing as I erase, but I can't help but wonder if I'm shooting myself in the foot here.

>> No.4965433


>> No.4965486

>Do all this while studying styles (not copying)

>> No.4965618

yes and no
you don't need to be a good illustrator to be a good designer
many graphic designers can't draw for shit but are still really good designers
but what being good at drawing does for you as a designer is
>you have more options as a deisgner to use your own skills instead of tools presented to you
>you gain composition skills through drawing
>as you study textures and shapes that also applies to design

>> No.4965620

look at shapes and patterns
see what they thought, not what they did
this is more clear when studying cartoonists but is true for every kind of artist who can be considered a master

>> No.4965708

How do you draw? I was always taught to develop each part of the drawing at the same pace. Most, if not all, timelapses of artists I see these days will start drawing from one part, say the eye, and work outwards from there. Think Kim Jung Gi, even though he's an anomoly.

This kind of drawing seems weird to me, but is it better?

>> No.4965730
File: 673 KB, 1116x1280, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any video courses that cover Loomis' material or similar, especially heads?

I've been going through his and Vilppu's books, but after picking up Vilppu's video course after finishing his manual and seeing improvement at 10x the pace, I realized video is far superior at conveying the material.

>> No.4965806


>> No.4965808

how do you gain composition skills through drawing?

>> No.4966147
File: 252 KB, 684x553, toned sketchbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that I've been wondering for a while:
Are toned sketchbooks (or toned paper in general) archival safe?
What do I have to look out for in paper (acid-free? ...) when it comes to archiving?

>> No.4966163

vilppu has a 3 part lecture on heads.
also, don't get your hopes up, vilppu is an outlier, there aren't many gains gods walking the earth.

>> No.4966174

I tried searching for proper posture for using a drawing tablet and I didn't find anything helpful so I'm gonna guess that I didn't word my question properly before.

I have a Wacom Intuos S I bought to learn to draw digitally but I'm having a hard time finding a good position or angle to put it on when drawing. I tried holding it at an angle over my stomach but it's seriously annoying and I can barely draw, even more than usual, in that position.
I'm having more luck putting it on my desk but I still have to hold it with my left hand.

What do I need to fix this? Just a tablet holder?

>> No.4966293

Are you talking about elevation?
Put a books or a box at the top end?
More books for a steeper angle?
A laptop riser?

>> No.4966304

What do I use to receive nsfw commissions?

>> No.4966353

You can use paypal for the most part, or other online services, I've heard Square is a lot better for digital products.

If you wanna do more spicy drawings, like loli or incest, you might need to find something else maybe cryptocurrency

>> No.4966356

I thought paypal is anal when it comes to adult content?

>> No.4966442

Sort of dumb question, but if I'm trying to draw a line from top left to bottom right on a sloped surface, is it better to pull or push the pen? Pulling seems easier but then my arm block the path of the line. I would normally just rotate the page but using an easel I can't anymore.

>> No.4966480

PayPal doesn't know what the money is being sent for in private cases unless the buyer reports you for not receiving the digital good and is asked to describe it

>> No.4966499

Should I be using a black pencil instead of a graphite one?

>> No.4966555

Is it rude to ask an artist if they take commissions if they don't list any info on their page?

>> No.4966566

Depends on the person, some might be annoyed, some might like the idea of someone thinking their work is good enough to pay for. Just be nice about it, and expect to receive either no reply, or a very short one.

>> No.4966567

Can you get commissions if you do traditional

>> No.4966897


>> No.4967006

No, no, I'm talking of angles.
I find it most comfortable to draw with the tablet at a 45 to 50 degree angle but holding it with my other hand is really annoying.

>> No.4967383
File: 185 KB, 2121x1414, iStock-579120260-2121x1414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In CSP is there an option to toggle which line the perspective ruler snaps to or something? It works fine most of the time but occationally when the desired line is like 10 degrees it keeps snapping to the horizontal line.

>> No.4967396
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, 6FACCF43-8970-41B3-BAFA-1F7109B85994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a few:

Has anyone gone through the Vitruvian basics course? Do you need the same paper as him or any toned gray will do?

Where would you start if you wanted to learn how to paint?

And finally: how do you learn this method of drawing? (Pastel and conte)

>> No.4967497

Well for holding it in your stomach haven't actually come across people holding it on an angle and keeping it at an angle on your desk, most tablets I've come across has feet that keeps it in place.

You can try adding a non slip disc feet from your hardware store, a non slip matt from a discount store or even stick tack. Maybe they will work.

>> No.4967500

As a black person does my art have to be about BLM and oppression politics and celebrating Africa? Shit, man, I grew up in the suburbs and watch anime. But my white friends insist I have to do art about “the moment.” But if I do that, I’ll just call out all them dumb ass niggas setting shit on fire and they’ll hate me for it.
This should’ve been in /vent, huh?

>> No.4967501

I cut out a painting I made for a friend on watercolor paper, made it to go up on his wall adorned with other creature drawings I made for the same wall. What can I do to the drawing to preserve its quality and allow him to place them onto a wall without thumbtacks or generally poking holes in the wall?

>> No.4967504

Not actually a quick toggle but try hitting O, or the object selection tool, select your ruler and in tool properties, uncheck Snap.

>> No.4967700

I'm going to put it on a desk. Stomach is uncomfortable.

>> No.4967707

All fundamentals are the same, you may have to alter how you use your materials if you use something different but in the end, as long as you’re understanding the fundamental concepts virtruvian teaches then you should be fine. Based that conte drawing alone, I wouldn’t copy his techniques as he’s frigid up the proportions and made her uglier, plus his rendering is kinda boring. Watts atelier is the best place to start for drawing and painting as their course is the most structured out of anything I’ve ever seen online.

>> No.4967780

Thanks I'll look them up

>don't get your hopes up, vilppu is an outlier, there aren't many gains gods walking the earth.
Damn, I was hoping for more easy gains. Vilppu is crazy good though, at both teaching and drawing, he inspires me to draw, his are the only video courses I don't watch at 1.5x speed out of respect.

>> No.4968155
File: 187 KB, 1280x1707, natsu_split.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i learn to draw like this

>> No.4968157
File: 14 KB, 480x478, 1600125223035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4968197

should i buy a drawing tablet or should i keep drawing with a mouse

>> No.4968198

anybody know how i can draw a gas mask

>> No.4968212

break down the parts of it into shapes
subdivide each section

>> No.4968213

you should not draw with a mouse
my recommendation, stick with pencil and paper until you can afford a cheap tablet

>> No.4968229

Mouse isn't recommended. If you have the money for a tablet and are interested in digital, invest in a tablet.

>> No.4968233

Pull, but it sounds like you need to change your grip.

>> No.4968234

72dpi is considered web safe. You should be working larger, though.

>> No.4968459
File: 19 KB, 469x469, 1587038125866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start copying fashion pictures but making my own characters wearing the clothes. Potentially copying whatever else is relevant - palette, pose, etc.

If I upload it online, what is the best way to do it? Should I add a "refs used" somewhere, or just not address it unless someone asks?

>> No.4968574
File: 81 KB, 251x260, 1603954592493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.4968587

what grip do you use for drawing on an easel? I've been using overhand, do I have to do that thing where I curl my wrist around it? Or that weird palm up grip I see sometimes

>> No.4968622

I don't think fashion will get your ass jumped on, only other artist's works

>> No.4968645

What is the amount of time needed to get used to digital for a tradfag like me?
(With a screenless tablet)

>> No.4968687

Don't worry about the specific amount of time, just mess with it if you're interested in it, don't if you're not.
If you've learned more than one different medium, you shouldn't have too much trouble adapting.
Think of it as a hybrid between a marker, brush, and airbrush.

>> No.4968700

I have a 50% upfront payment policy, client pays 50% before starting. Now the commission is done and I'm asking for the final half of payment, didn't hear from him again. We communicate via email, it's been a day and still no reply. What should I do if he never replies?

>> No.4968703

I haven't given him the final file yet, but I have no use for the artwork if he didn't pay.>>4968700

>> No.4968728

You should wait at least a week before starting to worry. If they paid half the commission up front then they will probably come back and if they don't, well, that's the whole point of asking 50% before starting, no?

Either way there is not much you can do.

>> No.4968740

Thank you, appreciate it. I'll give it a week.

>> No.4968765

The point of the asking for payment up front is that you ensure that you don't work for nothing if the client changes their mind. If the client does change their mind and decide they no longer want the work after seeing the progress, then you just have to treat that as a loss.

If that loss is too great, then you probably need to raise your prices.

>> No.4968887
File: 489 KB, 1280x720, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Brent Eviston's art and science a good course?

>> No.4969169

Are anatomy books in pocket format too small to study from? It's all I can find from any local vendors.

>> No.4969191

I wanna start a comic, what do I gotta learn, and what can I read to start?

>> No.4969204

People usually recommend Scott Mcloud’s book

>> No.4969218
File: 34 KB, 675x855, rndpose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not rather a supid question... but i rly have trouble to find out how to simplify this pose into boxes... i have the idea.. but it seems so complex that i can't barely draw it in space how it should look like.... pls some pros here and can help on the issuer... thanks.

>> No.4969246

be prepared to learn you can't draw anything

>> No.4969453

I am a complete amateur. What should i start with if I am mostly (or almost entirely) interested in drawing digital first?

>> No.4969482
File: 829 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2020-10-31 010925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I draw digitally with a single monitor? I can't stand having photoshop and a reference picture as windows.

>> No.4969486

You can open the reference picture as a separate tab in Photoshop if you want, tho it's gonna be quite similar, the only advantage would be that it's easier to zoom in / out, rotate and stuff.

>> No.4969498

That becomes a problem when you need to have pdf or a browser page open

>> No.4969502

ctrl paint

>> No.4969530
File: 46 KB, 585x432, 1580835727871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much concerned with being hunted, just with doing what's moral.

Thanks for the reply.

>> No.4969533

Get pure ref

>> No.4969536
File: 30 KB, 600x372, how to draw a cube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An over simplification but you draw the biggest or most obvious plane first, that will set up the other planes of the cube.

Now draw the side plane and then connect it up.

But to make it look right and actually be correct requires grinding out those cubes in perspective.

>> No.4969609
File: 84 KB, 600x764, wft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this but I don't know anatomically speaking what are those bumps on a female figure, does the top of the pelvis start from the top of them? Can somebody draw a possible pelvis on this image to make the things clear?

>> No.4969616

how do i kill someone and make it look like an accident

>> No.4969646

leave the last picture that you drew at the victim's house. police will think he killed himself out of shame

>> No.4969647

Why do people color fill the background of their sketch as opposed to just coloring their drawing on a white digital canvas?

>> No.4969655

Why do some people coloring in their sketch/line art with grey or something before coloring. I don’t mean black and white I mean full on colors but they choose to

>> No.4969661
File: 458 KB, 1000x1000, 38e3d4949d4647625be6962e300ec6939b3e97a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this style called?
(mix realism with caricature)

>> No.4969679


>> No.4969708
File: 95 KB, 485x361, painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do if this gets rejected by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna?

>> No.4969718

Grey hides mistakes better.
It looks good
Semi realism
Murder, arson and jaywalking

>> No.4969745

Idk I'm kinda digging it. I wonder how it would look animated?

>> No.4969876

adhdtard here, i want to learn about color and light but james gurneys book is too wordy, my brain cant focus

it is there any video course that covers this stuff?

>> No.4969883


>> No.4969901

If you mean greyscale to color, it's for the purpose of laying out the correct values first before coloring, this is handy if you're not experienced with drawing/painting in color. In a different case grey is used as base/foundation before painting directly in color to avoid white spots or "holes", wothout a base some of the background will show through your subject.

>> No.4969909

Why are you starting with figures if you have a problem simplifying forms? Start with simple objects or at least learn to simplify main anatomical structures first like the chest cavity and pelvis, hands, head, etc.

>> No.4969914


>> No.4969921

The best solution is memorize your reference and draw from memory, or just draw from imagination then check the reference when you're done, correct mistakes accordingly.

>> No.4969936

Get a second monitor, my man.

>> No.4969963

Aside from drawing shadows how do you indicate the floor underneath a character or figure when they are standing. I always have issues where it feels like both feet are on two different perspective planes. I can't even begin to draw high heels fro this exact reason. Any tips/advice would be appreciated.

>> No.4970122

how good could i get at doing coomer shit in the next 2 and a half years if im a total beg right now? dont ask why its that long exactly, long ass story with too much personal shit for le 4chins

>> No.4970124

just draw for the entire 2 and a half years

>> No.4970128

im going to either way, just want an idea of where i'll be

>> No.4970136

You can't know where you'll be dude, that's like asking me what the future is. I can't read the future. For all I know, a meteorite hits your room tomorrow.

>> No.4970192

remember the landmarks of the body
i honestly forget them myself so i wishi could help you, but light is also a good indicator of when there's a turn in plane

>> No.4970196

can i make it if i only find interset in sketching?
i'll sketch directly with ink and use so watercolor to color
but if i don't become a renderfag is it possible for me to "make it"

>> No.4970198
File: 149 KB, 1242x1027, circlespaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

default opaque watercolor on CSP, just installed it and I'm getting this ugly non blending effect on my brushes, anyone know what's going on here?

>> No.4970242

what even makes a good artist

>> No.4970263

What makes a bad artist? Flip those.

>> No.4970282

everything i am

>> No.4970328
File: 12 KB, 300x100, 4chan advice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When a man and woman gets together, they sometimes make an artist

Other times they make a disappointment like you.

Jokes aside, people judge artists based on the work they produce and people can arrive at different conclusions so it's better to come to that conclusion yourself.

Maybe focus more on "HOW" to be an artist unless you only want to learn how to critique art.

>> No.4970331

these are things i'm doing, but it pisses me off other artists felt the need to not tell me
now i'm 25 and these habits only became habits now

>> No.4970384
File: 313 KB, 724x511, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can somebody tell me what's the point of
>red lines within the red circle
>green triangle shape that connects to the chin

>> No.4970435

Get a pair of glasses so you can actually read what's written and make the most sense of it.

>> No.4970446

The vertical red line seems to go through the middle axis of the square I can't think of a reason for the perpendicular red line so it may be just an artist quirk to check if the circle is a good circle, if both lines are equal length when crossed at a 90 degree angle.

The green triangle the front plane of the face, like what you find in Loomis but stripped to the minimal possible representation. Because the chin is so pointed, it looks like its construction for manga girl.

>> No.4970610

what are good ways to study perspective?

>> No.4970813

Is there a website with a libary of vn sprites/backgrounds?

>> No.4970920

nvm found one

>> No.4971109

Beginner here, second painting, I'm using Acyrlic. How do I make skintone darker for a slight slight shadow?

>> No.4971160

is it bad to have zero consistency in artstyle? i'm switching between realism/semirealism/anime and i've noticed that two or more of the same style side by side earn many likes but as soon as i switch styles i maintain the same engagement levels, if not higher but get much less likes in return

>> No.4971178

No you retard. Your problem is that you have one monitor, this is fixed by getting another.

>but I don't wanna/can't afford it!
Then suck it up, because that's what it will always be like with one monitor.

>> No.4971182

Don't get triggered, after all you can exercise your ability to understand written English.

>> No.4971600

anyone here made the jump from a chink tablet (deco 1 v2 here) to an intuos pro? should i go for that or a chink tablet that has a screen instead?

>> No.4972253

How do you effectively take a criticism? Especially in public, what if criticisms affect potential commission opportunities because some flaws are exposed that usually goes unnoticed by untrained eye of clients?

>> No.4972389
File: 3.45 MB, 1698x2404, 2c83c3b52965a9a5ea9b98ae93474e82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you have multiple styles and easily switch between