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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 371 KB, 1200x1042, 1593272766847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4965129 No.4965129 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4965131

wtf realismbros, we got too cocky...

>> No.4965137


the west forgot how to draw

>> No.4965141
File: 82 KB, 600x777, 1601867063926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4965143
File: 301 KB, 620x413, 8568db8366ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing simple clip art to full illustrations
>implying this style is new

>> No.4965147

Post your 2020 beer ads then.

>> No.4965154

you can't really compare the two, the earlier artists didn't have much of free time and had to dedicate their most of their youth to learn to paint so realistic

the new things require more sense of design, while not having to grind stupid amounts of useless stuff like anatomy and rendering, it's much easier to approach and in the end easier and faster to produce for a company (like apple and google)

no need to get mad over times changing, it's much better for life now, you actually have time to spend your salary

>> No.4965156
File: 216 KB, 1280x631, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4965158

>taking op seriously

>> No.4965160

>everything is uglier and low effort, but you have more time to spend on your ugly and low effort phone!

>> No.4965163

based russians

>> No.4965166
File: 193 KB, 1181x856, 1587802328628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I want a russian mommy cop gf

>> No.4965176


>> No.4965180

yeah people make realistic ads with photos nowadays

>> No.4965185

...is that the bazinga actress?

>> No.4965186


russia is like 40 years behind the western markets anyway, it's not relevant if some 3rd world country happens to have these ads, we're talking about real companies here

>> No.4965187

It doesn't count because it's intentionally drawn as a callback to the 50's style, they are even clearly set in the past.

>> No.4965188

cope, seethe and dilate

>> No.4965192

now find some from white countries

>> No.4965194
File: 17 KB, 600x399, 1587972482146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys guys aren't we so QUIRKY? please share it on twitter and make lots of memes about it!
Western Marketing 2020

>> No.4965206

Anyone knows some painters of this era (50's)?I like this type of painting.

>> No.4965211
File: 114 KB, 450x640, D8670E5C-4DE7-4B31-9F67-8D7C00D8738B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, here’s some more “western” beer ads

>> No.4965324

way to move the fucking goalposts

>> No.4965327
File: 13 KB, 180x270, A276056E-2BB4-4634-B25A-8B3F8E4FA5B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I agree, it’s clearly a retro callback. It’s like someone complaining about calarts and saying nobody animates old fashioned style cartoons anymore, then someone posts cuphead as if that invalidates the point

>> No.4965333

what kind of art would you like to see in the 2020 spot of the OP image?

>> No.4965339

Russia and China are really fussy about art. When books are published over there they drop generic photoshopped photos and replace it with something drawn or painted.

>> No.4965350

>the new things require more sense of design

lol. maybe the most retarded cope I've seen on modern art.

>> No.4965355
File: 3.65 MB, 1233x4254, 412359_7226061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west is being subverted

>> No.4965379

Oh no I’m not agreeing with OP, I think this
But that retro style beer poster is obviously deliberately old style

>> No.4965389

Nah this is still awful

>> No.4965398

It's almost like with the introduction of high-quality color photography, the demand for expensive realistic illustrations for advertisements went down immensely

>> No.4965436

thanks for the image, good written explanation of what I'm always trying to tell friends and coworkers when art comes up in discussion, and they all want to know why I hate modern art.

>> No.4965476

You will sound like a brainlet if you start spouting off like this irl. Do it and post results

>> No.4965504

1950 = soulless shit
2020 = efficient and soul

>> No.4965514

>unionize the industry making it so all companies decide to outsource the lower end jobs (making sure people who don't have connections have a harder "in" into the industry)
>make art schools so expensive only rich kids can get the right education and entry into the industry
>basically no one can get into the industry by hardwork alone meaning people who just don't give a shit have easy access to change everything
>jewish producers

>> No.4965530

>make art schools so expensive only rich kids can get the right education and entry into the industry
that was the case literally time, at no point in history was art as a profession accessible to the working class

>> No.4965710

The second photo is unironically really ugly and lacks any soul. It’s like that dude who ranted about Bolshevik Bauhaus influences is right. The West IS losing its soul and you can see it in the media being published today’s day and age.

>> No.4965713

Even though I can’t explain it as well as the guy in the image can, I would never think that a person who spoke of this would be a brainlet. In fact it would explain so, so much of why modern media lacks so much soul. I would thank him too.

>> No.4965716


>> No.4965720

More people need to see this.

>> No.4965723


need more posters like this on /ic/.

>> No.4965729

>hoped for a fun thread of beer ads
>it's just the same art school whining garbage we get every thread

>> No.4965731

I'm not reading this zoomer pseud youtube essay shit

>> No.4965738

Wait Im confused- is it the Weimar, the Parisian, or the Bolsheviks?

>> No.4965744
File: 204 KB, 404x416, 1590661444908.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I changed my style away from try-hard digital paintings towards this flatter, graphic style of illustration
>mfw I'm swimming in real world, well paying commercial illustration jobs
>mfw this work is actually a lot of fun and I love what I do
Get fucked, chuds. Sorry not everything needs to be digital paintings of busty dark elves or lame space orcs.

>> No.4965752

Simple. High quality photography is easier and cheaper than it was back then. Print media is not the main way people consume advertisements anymore either- nowadays that is either TV or digital media, neither of which lend themselves to lush, detailed illustrations.

It's like when color film was invented, directors and photographers began to focus more on color arrangement as opposed to light and dark shadows, It's sad to see old, mastered techniques become less celebrated or incentivized, but it's dumb to blame 'subversion' and decaying Western values and not (a) changing technological circumstances and (b) cost cutting measures.

>> No.4965830


>> No.4965916

They're all the same jews

>> No.4965937
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>> No.4965939
File: 992 KB, 1724x2450, 1560382334505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have that long post where some anon explains how stylization is being misunderstood/used poorly?

>> No.4965963

The names are different, but the group of people behind it all are of the same lineage.

>> No.4966111

>russia >western
Haha... no.

>> No.4966122

Did this guy fucking die? Where's the next part? The real shit?

>> No.4966198

I wanted to learn adobe illustrator but I found out it's used entirely to make the demoralizing garbage on the right and everything else you can do in photoshop, so I said no thanks.

>> No.4966549

Left: Technically good but is poor graphic design.
Right: Just terrible in general.

>> No.4967349

Cant believe Paris was a Jewish front this whole time

>> No.4970034

Pretty much this. Im an illustrator and no one eveh sketches things out anymore. We start most things by tracing in illustrator

>> No.4970053

If i was a mod i would ban you solely from this post.

>> No.4970173

>no need to get mad over times changing, it's much better for life now, you actually have time to spend your salary
Never seen a post so easily anti 4chan/boomer that I feel actually shocked. I can only imagine people killed themselves seeing this post after realizing the past is irrelevant to the present.

>> No.4970261 [DELETED] 

>That man — he's done in again!

>> No.4970422

kys whore

>> No.4970594

psyop thread

>> No.4970627

you're that pyros0me person aren't you