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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4951122 No.4951122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm pretty sure this is an incel thought
and I don't want to be envious but

I stream/do art and i never get as much engagement as my female streamer friends
Their lives are literally are in easy mode,
and it pisses me off

i get it girls have more inherit "value" just because they're girls

but it still just pisses me off
Being a guy is literally just work your ass off while girls get fucking easy streak

Need some advice not to be a piece of shit jealous of friends just cause they're girls

>> No.4951124

just so fucking dumb
girl with cute voice,
lets give her everything!

>> No.4951125

And im not dumb,
i fuckign get it
i wouldn't give a shit about some dude either,
if i saw a saw a cute girl streaming i would rather watch her over some dude

>> No.4951127

just needed to vent

>> No.4951131

You started off this thread weird but yeah females being in easy mode life is sometimes a thing. Just prove yourself by becoming a good artist

>> No.4951132

>easy mode
How about living a life being sexualized and mind raped by every man who sees you

>> No.4951134

yeah i know, but its just annoying seeing

>> No.4951136

>tfw when just being a girl with a cute voice is enough to get 50k viewers as a vtuber

>> No.4951140

Yeah but I have a cock and can piss standing up so who's really winning here

>> No.4951142

what the fuck are you talking about. Every time I see a man, I mind rape them.

>> No.4951145

>mind raped
that doesn't exist

>> No.4951147

Just have coom art(within twitch limits) on display to attract simps.

>> No.4951148

>boo hoo men thought things about me :(

better go shake my ass online and make more money than 95% of guys actually working hard and contributing to society

>> No.4951149

>mind rape
Can you explain whats that?

>> No.4951154

>mind rape

ey at least someone is thinking about you

>> No.4951155
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>> No.4951162
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>> No.4951165

Ugly girls don't get that sort of attention but you don't know it because you don't pay them any attention yourself.
Just get a voicechanger and become a vtuber.

>> No.4951167

how are any of those bad?

>> No.4951169

Grow up bitch (male)

>> No.4951170


>> No.4951174

yeah i know that,
im just jealous of the girls who get easy streak
all honestly i know its wrong, but i can't help but feel envious

theyre not im just jealous

you're fucking dumb

>> No.4951178


Yes, girls live life on easy mode. Yes, they're still going to complain about "male privilege" constantly, even though their art careers are given to them because they have a vagina and they can go make an OnlyFans and never work again because vagina. Yes, it's annoying. Yes, they'll call you an incel rapist if you notice any of this. Life isn't fair. Just have to deal with it.

>> No.4951180

As a guy you have something that they dont have. Being funny, women just dont crack jokes for the dominatly male audience and even if they did they are VERY rare because they dont have to.
Who do you think are the top most watched streamers you jealous retard? Its mostly guys. And they got there by doing somthing or two. So how about you try too? If you want ez mode go do a real job because this one is popularity based.

>> No.4951183

yeah i know. i just want to bitch...

>> No.4951187

you're completely right
and i get it

>> No.4951197

being a man is much harder honey
you crave attention you just don't know it

>> No.4951216

Since you actually agree are there things or plans you have in your mind? Ex: ideas to surpass them,or improve your audience engagement. You can tell us, it might prove helpful.

>> No.4951222

well im gonna be better than them
i have more drive and motivation and they get sad easy

>> No.4951239

Thats good but vague, being apathetic is actually a bonus not irl but when dealing with an online audience, in what way do you want to be better than them? Try to be specific when you're deciding.

>> No.4951247

>As a guy you have something that they dont have. Being funny
"funny" on the internet means acting like a fucking retard

>> No.4951255

It's because you're shit at art. Why would I watch a stream of anyone who's not called Craig Mullins or Ruan Jia or HGJ or Wei Feng or Rei_17 or Rutowski or Feng Zhu or Krenz or many of the actually good artists?

When I can torrent literally any pro course I want off the internet, what do YOU have to offer me that isn't you wasting my time? Absolutely nothing. If you were actually good, everyone would want to watch you stream, you sad sack of shit.

Why don't I get more views? Why am I not more popular? These are all questions that the stupid ngmi asks. If you were actually good, people would be paying you to see your process.

>> No.4951256

Who should we blame for giving attention to these cunts?

>> No.4951263

The good thing about having your own channel is YOU decide whats funny or not, you dont have to pander or nothing unless u want people to notice that ur not having fun. You can go the other way and just become a pro at some skill/game and people will naturally watch you. If you want you can too pander to 12 yr olds and be a retard all you want.

>> No.4951267

Female vtubers are the current biggest streamers and most of them basically make jokes for 90% of their streams...

>> No.4951272

OP should just make a mgtow art stream just by the reaction to obvious bate to >>4951132


>> No.4951277

>go onto the /a/ weekend waifu drawthread
>tell everyone that you'll draw every single waifu
>post your stream link
>draw all waifus
WOW attentionwhoring is SO HARD?

>> No.4951291

well i have this community thats been giving me like 700+ likes a drawing, gonna ride that for a bit

then after make og content when i hit a certain threshold all while streaming

>> No.4951293

then they'll know i use 4chan
4chan = cancelled

>> No.4951296

just become a women

>> No.4951297

who is gonna cancel you if you dont have high engagement? the lone sjw browsing the twitch channels? Just put chill n draw stream, dont mention it and let chat be chat.

>> No.4951299

i'm public with my 4chan affiliation, i've got a good sized following, art is my career, and honestly no one cares.

>> No.4951301

believe it or not but a bunch fags have gotten famous through 4chan already.

>> No.4951304

whats your blog?

>> No.4951308

even if it was a problem, if its limited to "i browse /ic/ and /a/" who fucking cares? Do you think someone is gonna brand you a insta /pol/tard or /b/tard or /mlp/tard ? If they did what proof would they have? How many normies do you think your engagement will have off request thread drawing session that they get bias'd news media articles about you attempting to slander you on twitter or something.

>> No.4951314

mobblele / mabel used to post here a lot, now she's a director at netflix. Vetyyr is pretty big these days too. just own it, no one gives a shit

>> No.4951316

No one cares that much. At least in the weeb community, almost everyone uses 4chan in addition to reddit/tumblr/twitter. Every other girl in my fandom knew exactly where to get spoilers, translations and doujins (from the threads).

You'll have to shill yourself everywhere to grow an audience and your female streamers might already be d/ic/ks or have cgp/gfp etc accounts.

>> No.4951327

Everyone is becoming a vtuber these days. And if everyone is a btuber then nobody is.

>> No.4951354

jesus christ just wait 10 years when they're in their 30s then come back and tell us how fucking jealous you are, you fucking sperg. Tell me about all of the successful female streamers over that fucking age, then tell me about the successful men. Learn how the world actually works before you lose friends over nothing.

>> No.4951361

Aren’t most Japanese voice talent over the age of 30 at this point? We’re talking seniors who have been singing vocals since the late 90s and go on radio weekly.

>> No.4951362

You ever smoke pot and jack off thinking about them?

>> No.4951369
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What is mind rape and how do i awaken that power?

>> No.4951375

more successful people have nothing to do with your failure in this instance.

>> No.4951406

god i wish that was me

>> No.4951424

People with a brain don't watch streamers.