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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 56 KB, 1300x866, 139945097-oil-painting-easel-and-blank-canvas-palette-with-paints-and-brushes-squeeze-out-oil-paints-on-a-pale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4934515 No.4934515 [Reply] [Original]

My (22M) friend (20F) is an art student and asked me if she could draw me naked. What the hell did she mean by this? Is she covertly saying she's interested in me or what?

>> No.4934533

She probably just wants to draw you. Do it and then draw her. Rinse repeat until you’ve both made it

>> No.4934544

She needs a simple simp as an model who doesn't ask for money. That's you.

>> No.4934548

maybe, but maybe she also just wants a model.
hard to say from just this.

>> No.4934555

She wants to fuck, you play your cards right she'll be sucking your dick with art supplies tossed to the side.

>> No.4934556

Say yes but ask to draw her naked too

>> No.4934570

she wants the d but is too worried about appearances to admit it directly
do not bring it up or attempt to start anything, she’ll just put up a wall
just maintain eye contact as you model for her and try to keep up a massive hardon for the duration, never fails
if you think the atmosphere is getting awkward, break the ice by saying something like “is it hot in here or is it just me”

>> No.4934575

I think not.
Depends where you from, it can be quite expensive to hire a model, just make sure she would do the same for you , and like anon said, she draws you, you draw her and you both a step closer to proficiency

>> No.4934578

kek im seeing some scrawny /ic/ crabfuck weeb trying this and going full spaghetti

>> No.4934580

I mean, most artfagettes I know go for tall, scrawny soitypes

>> No.4934581

Retard, OP is not even a regular. He posts like he's from reddit, he's probably a fit sub-Chad in art school with a flock of artists girls all trying to get on his D.

>> No.4934600

god, I hate reddit, they’re so fucking hot and masculine

>> No.4934607

he could be from adv not reddit. adv is reddit lite


>> No.4934609


>> No.4934624

She's saying that she's interested in not being ngmi, a position you should also aspire to be.

>> No.4934687

Glad to see someone here has a self esteem

No, she doesn't care about your dick, she just needs a model

>> No.4934878

What is ngmi?

>> No.4934891


>> No.4934893

not gonna make intercourse

>> No.4934939

never gonna mate incel

>> No.4934941
File: 425 KB, 1200x1185, 7A50E380-CD8B-4549-8799-779EFA1D92E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what you think

>> No.4935030

this has gotta be bullshit

>> No.4935034

It is most likely. They probably count being looked at by an uggo as sexual assault.

>> No.4935039

The takeaway is that a lot of "reported cases" are bullshit or unprovable. Don't fall for the assumption that everything reported is true.

>> No.4935065


>> No.4935173

>Is she covertly saying she's interested in me or what?

No. She wants a model she doesnt have to pay.
It might help you to get out more. There's some research that says lonely people often confuse normal interaction as romantic overtures.

>> No.4935215

t. low t cuck

>> No.4935251

>Is she covertly saying she's interested in me or what?

Guess I'll tell her to fuck off then

>> No.4935278

I think it's estimated amount of unreported cases which is even more absurd

>> No.4935282

not raping is LITERALLY cucking yourself

>> No.4935284

if shes not all into you now theres a chance she will be after staring at your naked body for however many hours the session takes.

>> No.4935292

toxic, ew

>> No.4935297

lol why would you not take that offer? Many people wish a girl would ask them something like this. Doesn't even matter if she wants more, if she does it's a bonus

>> No.4935311

What if he's a dicklet and insecure about it

>> No.4935351

just do it. Likely she won't even notice

>> No.4935364

What if he gets an erection mid pose?

>> No.4935403

Then it's a porno setting. Honestly any woman brazen enough to ask a man to sit naked in front of her won't be too offended by an erection. It's, at a minimum, a sensual situation.

>> No.4935461

OP this is 80% humblebragging to your secret art club and maybe 20% fear/uncertainty. You already know how to approach this and nobody here will be able to tell you anything you don't already know. Be a normal human adult male as best you can and let her do her drawings. If you get an erection, gauge her reaction and respond accordingly, defaulting to lightly humored shame to avoid displaying any strong intention to either side (prudent or horny.) From there you can hopefully judge whether this is 'the moment' or not by what she says or does, but you CANNOT make a move unless she does. If your call is wrong, or even just too forward, it's atleast 5x worse with your dick out than if you were to approach this in a normal setting. Quick way to traumatization of both parties, and you never know a person well enough to judge whether they'll use the sexual assault card somewhere down the line.

If you don't get an erection, then it will probably go smoothly and you can approach the topic of drawing her in turn. From there you've atleast got a way to bond over something sensitive, if you end up making it a more regular thing.

>> No.4935515

>Is she covertly saying she's interested in me or what?
She's covertly saying she's interested in drawing you naked
What is it with you niggas and thinking anything involving nude posing is sexual in any way? Have you never painted people you know? It's the same thing, this is just a tool for studying.
Trust me, if she wanted to fuck you, you'd probably know

>> No.4935525

>If you get an erection, gauge her reaction and respond accordingly, defaulting to lightly humored shame to avoid displaying any strong intention to either side
This post is the best one, but this part right here is THE thing, if you get an erection don't take it too seriously or try to fucking make a move on her. Also, just relax, if you keep thinking about your penis you're both gonna have a terrible time

>> No.4935537

>t. virgins
the correct way to react to getting an erection is raising your eyebrows and loudly exclaiming “OH-OHHHHH WE SEEM TO HAVE A PROOOOOOOBLEEEEEMMMM~” in a medium high pitch

>> No.4935542

Literal reddit tier thread. Stupid faggots.

>> No.4935547

>Quick way to traumatization of both parties, and you never know a person well enough to judge whether they'll use the sexual assault card somewhere down the line

He shouldn't get naked because it'd be risky as fuck

>> No.4935569
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, kakushi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gauge her reaction and respond accordingly
>respond accordingly

>> No.4935857

>Be a normal human adult male as best you can and let her do her drawings

That's the opposite of normal anon

>> No.4936019

>There's some research that says lonely people often confuse normal interaction as romantic overtures.
>asking someone to be naked in front of you
What reality are you from where being naked in front of someone you're not involved with isn't weird at all. Even if her intention is 100% just to get a real life nude reference, there's almost no way in hell she doesn't know it's at least a bit weird. Assuming this situation is even real, why ask him to be nude and not in his boxers?

>> No.4936072

stfu redditor

>> No.4936156

>My (22M) friend (20F)
This isn't reddit bro, go simp over there

>> No.4936233
File: 75 KB, 789x346, 1580155019310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My (22M) friend (20F)
How about you go back to fucking Reddit with your basedspeak?

>> No.4936238

Ignore the quote.

>> No.4936335

I have heard that Reddit users are seen as desirable romantic partners.

>> No.4936396
File: 147 KB, 1227x796, wtf shut the fuck up stupid nigger nobody wants to hear this shit fucking just stfu holy fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My (22M) friend (20F)

>> No.4936716


>> No.4937492

Men always get erections in situations like that

>> No.4937514


>> No.4938112

Well, yes, but she also probably wants a model too.

>> No.4938256

She wants your kidneys anon, don't drink or eat anything she offers you

>> No.4938367

True if she's just looking to blackmail, but I'm a firm believer in the theory that not all women are trying to destroy you, and I trust OP's judgement on whether she's a friend or not.
Meant it more as act like a normal adult would in this situation where said adult wants to get naked in front of this girl when requested.
Except most male models at live drawing sessions. And yes, I know, he's attracted to her in a private showing, but assuming he can keep his cool, it's not a guaranteed hard-on.

>> No.4939675

>Except most male models at live drawing sessions. And yes, I know, he's attracted to her in a private showing, but assuming he can keep his cool, it's not a guaranteed hard-on.

impossible, men cannot control their urges

>> No.4940728

Is that the guy from the lollipop meme?

>> No.4941453

>Courage the cowardly dog

>> No.4941535

courage is based you fucking bedwetter

>> No.4942153

RAINN is biased

>> No.4943143

That episode scared the shit out of me

>> No.4943996

Why doesn't she get a model from her art class then? They should have some

>> No.4944018

Could be, could not be. For me, if I ask someone to pose for me it's because they have something that interests me artistically, less so (actually almost never) because I'm interested romantically. Maybe you have an interesting body shape or are built, or maybe she actually likes you romantically. I wouldn't look too deep into it.

Also I really hope that formatting was done ironically, if not you should leave this place and never return please

>> No.4945223

don't put yourself in situations where you think you're gonna be tested by a woman

>> No.4946387

Also in situations where you put yourself at risk of getting metooed

>> No.4946393

reddit called, they want you back

>> No.4946398

Rape her. Literally just do it.

>> No.4946461

She wants a free model and is using your naiveté to her advantage

>> No.4947128

>Be a normal human adult male as best you can and let her do her drawings
But she'll see my dick and butt

>> No.4948431


>> No.4948455

Ask to draw her too. If she says no then she doesnt wanna fuck you.

>> No.4948525

So out of a thousand only five are guilty. Women are pathological lairs.

>> No.4948562

Not possibru, a women would never use a man for her ulterior motives

>> No.4948576

The unified opinion and course of action nomatter what you do OP:
Only accept if she will pose for you next

>> No.4948628

Western men are fucked

>> No.4948631
File: 816 KB, 824x676, image-granted-permission-e1538698668869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep up a massive hardon for the duration
Golden advice, Viagra models are the best.

Forced to draw beenis. Straight men are made uncomfortable, feminists rage. Better yet, learn to come on command without physical simulation, like a true degenerate. It will surely be a memorable for all.

>> No.4949056

You should be charging her.

>> No.4950127

by black men and dogs

>> No.4950158

>Better yet, learn to come on command without physical simulation, like a true degenerate. It will surely be a memorable for all.
This. Remember to say "Watch this!" before cumming, then wink at her after.

>> No.4950168

OP here, I said yes and let her do it.
After she finished drawing me she said that she really just wanted to have sex with me but my penis was too small so she didn't really feel like it anymore.

>> No.4950178
File: 181 KB, 881x456, seeing the future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4950261

You ever smoke pot and jack off thinking about her?