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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 450 KB, 1268x980, Artbreeder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4925444 No.4925444 [Reply] [Original]

Alright artists, we have a crisis on our hands. I've been paying attention to the Ai boom since 2015 and believe me when I say I didn't expect it to go anywhere near something like concept art. But unspuprisingly Ai is getting better and better every single day at almost everything. Now this may seem either harmless or doompill inducing depending on your perspective but no one can be certain of the future. Regardless of where you think this will head, whether you like it or not, AI will reach a point where art directors will be able to communicate with an algorithm, tell it exactly what it wants, and it will shit out better art than we all could in seconds. Triple A games are taking longer and longer to make costing up to 100s of millions of dollars, no shit they will be looking for ways to cut costs and make more profit. The issue with this however lies within the artworks used to build these training models.

>> No.4925454
File: 6 KB, 388x118, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you who don't know, Machine Learning works by feeding a supercomputer millions, billions even trillions of sets of data ( Like images, math, statistics or physics simulations for example ) and the AI learns how to do what its programmed to do in the context of that data. In our case, this ai is being fed millions of artworks from professionals, from deviantart, Artstation, Instagram, even your fucking art couldve been fed to this ai entirely without your concent. This threatens the art industry at large as this ai is the same thing we are. An entity that practiced learning how to produce art, it took you and I god knows how many years but it only took this ai 3 and once you get good enough it will download your work and instantly know everything you've practiced to learn. With time, only continuing to get better. This is where intellectual property comes into play, none of the machine learning engineers used their own worthless stick figure ms paint sub /beg/ tier art to feed this AI. They used our art. Our intellectual property. This is theft at the largest scale and if it isn't dealt with it could leave an impact on the entire industry. Think about this.

>> No.4925557

What happens when the art director wants something more specific about a section of the model? Is there gonna be a slider for “turn the horns into antlers”?

How about generating side and back views (when the source images that the AI is working from won’t have turn-arounds)?

Will it know which parts of the character will need a call out, with a more detailed secondary image to help the modelers?

If not, you can fuck around with that, or you can get a real person to turn it over in a couple of hours, because concept art is not even close to the most expensive part of the pipeline. Concept art is the cheap art you do first because it saves revisions on expensive shit later.

30 years from now, who knows, but the sky is not falling because .001 percent of an already niche art job just became slightly easier to automate

>> No.4925607

Looks like you’ll have to get a real job

Oh wait hang on, what’s the difference? you never had one. Industry’s that can be made obsolete should be. Eventually this will come to a point where you won’t have to do a job. Be thankful and cross your fingers, if you’re lucky it will be within your lifetime

>> No.4925625

worry not were safe from the machines nobody would would feed it our shitty drawings lmao

>> No.4925642
File: 365 KB, 492x634, 1438321744926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good thng I draw for fun

>> No.4925644

couple of issues here
the nature of these programs is that they are derivative beyond belief by design and needs to be fed art and design in the first place or it can’t do shit
it’s not an ai, it’s just a shitload of flags attached to patterns, you can literally take a monkey and make it do the same thing except what would be the point
second, if you think “we” are somehow fucked by this, but directors, writers, composers, etc aren’t, you’re retarded
first of all the exact same principle can applied to every single aspect of preproduction and most of production without any meaningful adaptation
second, why the fuck would you develop “ai” to replace fucking concept artists when they’re the chink sweatshop workers of the production line and not the people actually getting paid a significant percentage of the budget?
at worst this will result in a bunch of third rate “concept designers” shitting out a bunch of mediocre garbage designs that all look alike
this isn’t even of the risk factor of what adobe does with photoshop re photo editing on a regular basis, you’re basically some retard seeing digital taking off and panicking because people don’t need to know how to use markers anymore

>> No.4925658

I draw for fun and also love ML.

>> No.4927414

AI can only draw what has been done before, you may mix different AIs and get a wider array of results, but as long as you're original they're not replacing you anytime soon.

>> No.4927417

artbreeder would be a lot cooler if every character it shat out wasnt in the same stiff forward facing pose

>> No.4927418

The AI will never be as good as a person.

Learn traditional

>> No.4927419

also the thumbnails look good but the actual full size photos always look like standard deepdream mess

>> No.4927420

Shut up faggot.

>> No.4927445

>Intilectual property theft
take that cock out of your ass, OP, and stop being so insecure

>> No.4927489


Is this like the 1984 novel writing machines?

I can see it now, the year is 2069, and the AAA industry is run entirely by random state sponsored goons with supercomputers. They analyze current trends among the masses of normies, and create the optimal product in seconds for maximum profit to fuel the endless machine war.

>> No.4927504

except hardly any trends are comebacks, so how would they manage to derive a new trend from outdated products?
Trends are mainly things that are new and fresh, the moment they get stale, they get boring and uninteresting. Look at the Warcraft style or generic rpg styles, they’re just lame because everyone started doing it at some point and now nobody gives a shit, it just looks cheap and lazy.
What are the “ai” going to do, repackage romeo and juliet or cubism or wow armor or fucking medieval illumination and sell it to the kids 50 years from now as fresh? I doubt it, real people will be coming up with new interesting ideas at the same time, and I’d be surprised if mechanical mashups of old shit proved more appealing to the market.
At best, this would just expedite the process and flood the market with mashups of current up and coming trends faster

>> No.4927522

That's why I draw for myself out of passion, and why I pivoted away from commissions into another visual field that AI can't replace.

>> No.4927557
File: 73 KB, 735x530, woof-bark-bark-dog-graph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything is actually a conspiracy