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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 52 KB, 569x398, vent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4907629 No.4907629 [Reply] [Original]

“I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

-A Poison Tree”
― William Blake

So tell us, anon.

>> No.4907648

I'm secretly a furry

>> No.4907767

I draw something and then I say to myself "hey, didn't I already draw something like this before?" And then I skim back through my folders and it turns out I did. I hate this keeps happening. So I'm trying to figure out a more throughout investigation on what's the best way to be more creative and have a real, executable series of steps so that each of my works is never the same.

>> No.4907770

venting time
i will never get a manic pixie gf :(

>> No.4907788
File: 80 KB, 889x500, 1594449720559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend stopped talking to me.

>> No.4907802

How is this possible? Don't you talk to them?

>> No.4907808

i live in a 3rd world shithole and still make less than minimum wage with my art

>> No.4907811

i am shadow banned and i cannot grow. But it is not stopping me.

>> No.4907826


>> No.4907832

just be yourself bro

>> No.4907835

by asking her out first?

>> No.4907840

>asking a girl out

Might as well have him go straight to the police department and confess to rape.

>> No.4907847

I have no wrath
my mind is clear
Im gonna make it
while you chill
Go grind fag

>> No.4907848

>Just draw bruh
Draw her and became ultimate simplord

>> No.4907857

>try draw
>draw bad
Feels bad man

>> No.4907869
File: 51 KB, 600x525, ios_large_1586917244_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try draw
>Life good
>Draw bad
>Stop draw
>Gmi gone
>Think about gmi

>> No.4907910
File: 351 KB, 676x640, LasHigurashis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been painting this for 1 hour but AAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE I might get a headache, trying to scan and "convert" all the lines of that picture into a painting is too hard, TOO HARD, there's.. hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands of lines and details? Compressing all of that into an approppiate painting (I try to avoid lineart) feels like trying to crush a soda can with my own hands. A soda can made of solid gold.

>> No.4907978

Best post for this day.
Do it bruh- overcome or ngmi!

>> No.4907996

Currently having really bad art block, I know I'm more than likely going to get over it eventually but I do worry I won't get out of it and I'll never draw again one of these days.

>> No.4908106

i’ve never worried about this carpal tunnel shit bc it usually goes away after a day
but i’ve had fucking awful pain in my arm/hand for the past two days
i don’t know what the fuck to do i want to keep drawing rn and when i’m drawing the adrenaline suppresses the pain rly, but it fucking HURTS RN that i’m not doing anything

>> No.4908118

Ah fuck, I'm so sorry. Carpal Tunnel is the worst, and it makes me seethe when I see artists say they've never had a problem with ergonomics or RSI.

>> No.4908122

>post in "true beg"
>anons say "not true beg, gtfo"
>post in regular /beg/
>all anons say is "looks good," no critique
>fine, I'll post in /alt/
>consistently no replies at all
>style too cartoony to post in /adv/
>not nearly good enough to post in /draw/
Where the heck am I supposed to post? I just want critique.

>> No.4908145
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, vykqh2wtvxu01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critique yourself

>> No.4908158

I internalize the most toxic /ic/ critiques, my teachers, and my 3rd eye avatar to have a triangle table discussion about how I can improve

>> No.4908184


>> No.4908193
File: 1.97 MB, 1548x2184, 3a0702485c1668110172091d7ed3877b13268dd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent 3 weeks of my summer learning Blender for no reason, now I'm back at uni and swamped with work.
Can't seem to get all that wasted time out of my head. I wish I drew more instead.

Stop for a week.
Rethink ergonomics (tablet size, angle, drawing technique), avoid keyboards and mice as much as possible.
Take gelatine and fish oil.
DO PULLUPS (once the pain goes away)
I couldn't even close my hand for two months a couple of years ago... Take it seriously!

>> No.4908205

I don't know what making it means to me anymore. Most cartoon, comic, etc. places have become so ideological and cliquey. Most amateurs only make money by drawing porn or fan art. I think I'll just keep doing art for the love of it, but I don't expect going anywhere with it.

>> No.4908209

can you please explain what a 3rd eye avatar is so I don't feel like a total brainlet

>> No.4908211

If I post something and nobody replies I just say fuck it and critique myself. Look at your art very objectively and find the smallest of errors

>> No.4908212

My crush likes all of my art and loves to give ideas when I send him sketches, and I asked him out and he said "maybe if you lived closer. You live too far away, so no"

>> No.4908214

Well at least they considered you.

>> No.4908215

B-but I cant forget him

>> No.4908220


>> No.4908221

And after he said no we kinda stopped talking, and he dated this random chick for a week, dumped her and one month after we started talking again and he asked why wasnt I sending him sketches anymore and that he would like me to send them again.

So I'm back sharing art w him but the conversation doest go much beyond that and I dont know what I do

>> No.4908222

I've given up on posting work on 4chan altogether desu. Nobody actually wants to provide feedback anymore. I've gone 5 posts with nothing but silence or the occasional 'looks good anon keep it up' which isn't really useful.

>> No.4908224

3rd eye avatar is your spiritual self that is free from the shackles of the life / suffering / death cycle and is a piece of the ultimate source of power and love, God

>> No.4908226

Wow your crush is worse than a woman

>> No.4908230

Honestly if u don't see feedback, it means you didn't make a crucial mistake and you just have to keep going. Glad to be making art with this community

>> No.4908235

Well, do you ask for crits?

>> No.4908237
File: 242 KB, 619x570, D6DFEC2D-6242-4853-AE79-0D614D553530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4908246

Yes. I'm retarded myself, how did you know?

>> No.4908250

Women are stingier with commissions, I can see why people pander more to single males.

>> No.4908283

When I was looking for work (I was scrounging at this momen), this bitch told me she wants me to make some quick (graphic design) stuff for her, like a trial run before hiring. I spent about 2-3 days doing some flyers which was a lot of work, (time that I could have been applying for another job) only for her to say no. A few days later she used that shit on her Facebook and Instagram. I got her muted on the platforms for that, fuck that ho

>> No.4908290

if you have to ask then you haven't broken through yet.

>> No.4908293

Damn man what a bitch, that's why I always ask for half first before doing anything.

>> No.4908297

>Practice everyday
>Clinically unable to improve
The worst part is everytime I get the same advice that I already put into practice for years and it doesn't do anything. I hate having antitalent

>> No.4908310

Was the new drawing better than the old one? Instead of being disappointed in yourself, take it as an opportunity to measure your progress.

>> No.4908311

i dont believe you unless you're that guy who posts paintings in /trad/ with the same short repetitive strokes and muddy colors every time.

>> No.4908313

will you settle for manic?

>> No.4908314

i keep drawing and redrawing this fucking garbage and it still isn't right.

>> No.4908315

lol as if brian would have that much self-awareness

>> No.4908449

how do you go for something if you only have a string of words? is that all I need?

>> No.4909086

Either im going mad or i keep hearing a phone ringing in my ear. it might just be the radio station doing it but boy is thst annoying as fuck. dont the hosts think thst is annoying and cringe?

>> No.4909104

yeah its the Christian Radio that has a phone ringing every 3 seconds on commercial break.

>> No.4909126
File: 1.32 MB, 1000x946, RenaBlueEyes2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 hours later I think I pulled through

>> No.4909127

or maybe my radio is picking up someone's phone fuck if i know

>> No.4909138

Not bad- good job anon, there is soul in it.

>> No.4909204

Probably two 16 year olds. I wouldn't be surprised considering the demographic of /ic/.

>> No.4909217
File: 40 KB, 712x673, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposting, mongrel niggers who don't even draw themselves, that drive away anyone decent because how consumed they are by jealousy due to the fact that they didn't become amazing artist within 3 months of trying
Pick one

>> No.4909310

the toxic artist mindset isn't unique to one place. i remembered back then in cc, a few people made a class forum to share/critique projects since we were all struggling together, but it became so fucking toxic lol. Some niggers just wanna draw booty, some just want to draw little sea animals and it's okay.
let' be real, /ic/ is shit, made more so by crabs and tourists, but it's our shit

>> No.4909331
File: 63 KB, 304x394, ewdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't been able to hit an 8 hour study day in months. gonna try today.

>> No.4909367

We are both 30, we work and live in different cities

>> No.4909421

Both of you are old enough not to get into petty relationship drama then, hopefully. If he just likes your art and is not interested in you, don't pursue anything else.

>> No.4909488
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 14636346453734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artist makes the sketch layer on the lower opacity part of his "style"

>> No.4909492

only if it comes with some depressive

>> No.4909561
File: 27 KB, 137x165, concern (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your both undeveloped, childish mongrels then. He should be at the point where he's not getting into stupid relationships like that and you should be old enough to not be pining over some childish faggot.

Your a woman, you'll be able to find someone that can make you happy. Let this retard go. Again, your too old for this.

>> No.4909583

can't quite picture it, can you post an example?

>> No.4909701
File: 67 KB, 456x575, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4909753

I never get critique when I post here. Ever. I didn’t get when I posted here months ago and I’m not getting any now, it’s frustrating honestly. I’m traditional and I even got an app to make the pics I take of my sketchbook look more presentable but it seems in any thread when I ask for critique it just doesn’t come. I know how to self critique and enjoy doing it but I wish I got more beyond myself

>> No.4909920

These CSR clones that pop up are slowly greeting me https://twitter.com/zefrablue/status/1304880562025373696?s=21
It seems like they come out of nowhere, don’t say much, open a patreon and just harp on his style, what he draws, down to the facial expression. It’s sakimi chan clones all over again

>> No.4909921
File: 6 KB, 263x192, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4909924


>> No.4910289

Sorry to break it to you but if mileage is a flat out problem he isn't into you. Do yourself some good and break it off completely. Things that much of a one way street have a way of not ending well.

>> No.4910290

Try not being a land whale and stop sending him /beg/ shit. Embrassing.

>> No.4910294

>Tfw no cute timid /beg/ gf

>> No.4910297

>tfw no cute and stubborn int/beg/ bf

>> No.4910444

You don't want that. They'll never follow advice and always insist on doing things the hardest possible independent way for no good reason. Sometimes to catastrophic and/or ludicrous results depending on how set they get on accomplishing something.

>> No.4910458

i cant draw eyes and expressions.. why is it so hard.. am i autistic

>> No.4910468

only twittertards do that, don't be obsessed
the majority of the population is fine

>> No.4910473

My lips are on the rape whistle right now. Try it loser

>> No.4910477

Hmm...I'm improving. Kind of scary.

>> No.4910479

This. Taiwan too.

>> No.4910483

>I've given up on posting work on 4chan altogether
>posted on 4chan
which one is it john

>> No.4910490
File: 1.02 MB, 1471x1116, Rysdyk_who_killed_four_men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't believe you
I wish I was lying, if at the very least I didn't draw at all like most of /ic/ I would still have the excuse of "I really haven't tried for real"

>> No.4910514
File: 348 KB, 2830x2158, Screenshot 2020-10-04 105131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking CGMA Digital Painting course and on the verge of giving up because of the flat ellipse brush with no pressure sensitivity, how could anyone paint with this brush, it feels so artificial and unsatisfied, I feel like I'm painting with a mouse. Picrel is the exercise they give you, do a movie study with a flat brush, I want to destroy my wacom and jump of a building.

>> No.4910515

>$700 course for free
>waah I can't learn from this :(

Destroy your wacom, but don't jump off a building. I need you alive to laugh at you.

>> No.4910528

I guess I already knew that its not worth it, still hard to deal with it anyway. Thanks for the replies anons

>> No.4910535

>tfw no art gf to trade art with
Being /beg/ is suffering

>> No.4910542
File: 369 KB, 3037x2044, Screenshot 2020-10-04 111317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not shitting on the course, I'm shitting on the brush, even Craig Mullins and Jama Jurabaev use brush with some texture-pressure to do studies, pure flat brush without pressure gives out the most soulless result ever.

>> No.4910545

You don't need a fancy brush for the first lesson. All you're doing is blocking in values. You're just coming up with dumb excuses not to do the work.

>> No.4910546

Yes, blame the brush. It's all the brush's fault. Fucking retard, you're going to give up art in a week anyways, might as well give up now and stop wasting everyone's time.

>> No.4910575


Tfw no one replied to my 1k words vent some threads ago

>> No.4910582

I have the same issue. I fail to get any critique even when asking.

>> No.4910588

Better to be honest with yourself than to cross a line of "I'm going for it" that you shouldn't.

>> No.4910589

I hate how I go through these 2-3 week periods of an almost manic growth where everything looks good to me, and then it suddenly stops out of no where and everything looka mediocre again

>> No.4910603

> periods where everything looks good
Fuck off this is /ic/

>> No.4910662

you probably have periods where you're stressing yourself out, causing you to loose use of your own skills
start drawing things from imagination when you feel like this
and by imagination, i mean don't even bother constructing as much

>> No.4910664

my arm's not feeling so good bros...

>> No.4910869

When I first started coming to /ic/ a few years ago, I saw a post that's stuck with me. To paraphrase the post, it said something like this:

>"Years ago, I worked up the nerve to contact the artist who's been the biggest inspiration for me, to ask if they would be interested in an art trade. I didn't expect much, but the reply I got was very disheartening. They were very rude and told me my art was bad. My goal ever since then was to get good enough that they beg me for an art trade in my DMs and I get to tell them to fuck off. I guess they don't remember that exchange we had years back because today, they liked one of my tweets."

When I read this post, I thought the guy writing it was being totally irrational. But now I kinda get it.

>> No.4910873

>he got memed into drawing with his whole arm

>> No.4910932

The guy who told him to fuck off did him a huge favour.

>> No.4910938

Negative reaction is good source to turn it around into positive reaction

>> No.4910949


>> No.4911246
File: 9 KB, 240x239, fuck this gay earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find out new artist you love
>joining their discord and saving all their art
>realize scrolling down in their past works on twitter and searching his discord this guy made impossible progress in this year alone
>like beginner tier in january to "professional" tier (as in upper tier eastern art, not like western concept artist level or that stuff) and we're not even at the end of 2020 yet
>find out they're not even 20 years old
i thought i was done feeling jealous and depressed about other people's progress when i sort of realized how long it takes to get good and knowing i'm on my way there, but then i find some fucking child prodigy that became god tier out of nowhere and they aren't even that grateful for it because of the old "idk if i'm that good haha kinda hate my art still" mentality
just fuck my shit up

>> No.4911271

senpai, i've been breakdancing for 13+ years at a /beg/ level, while kids from siberia or the favelas of brasil are doing alien shit with their bodies and they started way later than me. just do the work and use that as fire for your soul

>> No.4911286

A flat hard brush is good for studies. It means you can't hide behind your mistakes. That's why a /beg/ or any low to mid /int/ starting a new study should always begin by using one. You need to earn the right to use a textured brush for studies through blood, sweat and tears.

>> No.4911293
File: 718 KB, 1814x1010, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if nothing else i am motivated to make it. even more so when i see people like these. but it's just... it seems all so unfair. those who are crazy talented often don't recognize it, while those like me who want to be talented can't be, so you're destined to either suffer or accept it
and the weirdest part is people around communities i frequent (some of whom might recognize me from these posts since they browse here) don't seem to care as much as i do, or even recognize this person's absurd talent, like i'm some kind of crazy person.
in fact look at this and let's see if it's just me who thinks this is insane. first pic on the left is from january, second is from october. and this guy is in high school. this isn't just good, this is the craziest progress i've ever seen.

>> No.4911295

>Hmm, I think Ill sketch this idea and then finish it later
>procrastinate on finishing it
>eventually just delete the sketch
Fucking godamn it, why must my attention span be so shit. It seems I either finish drawing in one sitting or dont finish at all

>> No.4911300

Requests threads are shit nowadays and it's where I used to go for ideas but I lack creativity so it's even worse that I can't come up with things I want to draw.

>> No.4911309

>work hard on something
>no likes
>work a few minutes on something
>tons of likes

Is this just how it is as a /beg/?

>> No.4911310

Some people are just really good at copying. Get a fuckload of refs and be able to copy a bit from each of them and you can improve very quickly. Plus that guy might be taking art subjects or have a good mentor or friend. You never know.

Some artists won't post studies or grinding or shit.

There's a person in my very tiny fandom who's 5 years younger than me and who is better than me in every way. They went to art school.

>> No.4911320

i know what you mean. these people act like they don't care, butttt they work really hard on top of their talent. they work so much that they care not, just to cope.
1st one: understood anatomy/muscles enough to push the proportions, not just face, but entire body
2nd one: a portrait (easier drawing with better composition/color tricks ur eye into thinking it's 'better'), add in rendering, lighting, texture etc. it's a great jump, but not impossible.

art is hard haha

>> No.4911326

likes is a bad measure of anything

>> No.4911384

90% of the time great leaps of progress in short period involves a good handful of cheats and tricks.

>> No.4911396

How well drawn something is does not correlate to mass appeal, a sketch of the flavour of the month waifu in a lewd pose will always get more attention than a masterfully rendered horse.
Also this>>4911326

>> No.4911624
File: 26 KB, 1500x844, 1066910-top-depression-symptoms-5ae724e38023b90036653091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come i don't deserve help? i feel like i'll always be ignored no matter what i do. i see people helping out each other giving advice all around me but i'll ask and its just nothing
even insults would be preferable
its honestly enough to bring me to tears knowing i deserve to be helpless

>> No.4911634

stop being a little bitch and tell us what do you need help with

does that help?

>> No.4911636

I think my account is shadowbanned. I tried uploading a couple images and it would not show up in the search. Fucking hell.

>> No.4911640

i try to ask good questions but its still the same
it's just the life i'm supposed to live

>> No.4911655

draw for yourself

>> No.4911662

No I figured it out. Something weird is going on with my images when I export from my Ipad. I upload images just fine and it goes on the search but images from my Ipad are flagged. I tried changing the filename and to no avail nothing. But regular images are detected.

>> No.4911687
File: 1.19 MB, 1440x960, 1c727eb4547a1c921155bbd3574d08f1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's writing so hard?
I was scripting a comic scene and had to stop partway through because my head felt like it might overheat, like a CPU

>> No.4911694

You just have to keep trying and you'll fail a lot. You will find some people that will help you eventually. Keep in mind that sometimes it may come from the people you don't expect. I am sure you have enough sense to know but it goes without saying to be respectful to the people you ask for help.

>> No.4911696

Are you mainly a writer? Or do you both write and illustrate?

>> No.4911772

SIGH I have to redo 2 of my works. I have absolutely no clue what's going on.

>> No.4912065

That artist fell victim to a poison mindset, as did the artist before him. And the cycle completes.. Pride and vanity make you malleable, weak, and predictable, no matter where you stand in the social hierarchy. They also rob you of happiness and contentment, and by no small coincidence, closeness to others and life in your work. But those aren't values /ic/ has in any reasonable measure.

An anon once said they'd like their work to be more childlike and free but didn't know how. This is how, rid yourself of these- and any other arbitrary distinctions in your perspective. It's a lot of work to do when you realize it, and worth practicing all along.

>> No.4912088
File: 1.64 MB, 3323x2850, safLzYFcuZnYKWDqncFx1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My work ethics degraded so much in the last few years, I used to be able to work 16h per day over the weekend doing ludum dare, now here am I shit-posting on 4chen instead of working on my shit game.

Fuck procrastination.

>> No.4912098

everybody knows

>> No.4912195

Every time I do gesture I just get pissed off. I hate the entire concept. What is this fucking obsession with trying to make me create a proportional figure in 60 seconds out of lines I'm not going to use when I could make something way better in 120 seconds? What's the fucking point and why do the art teachers push it so hard? Is it just to flex? Like wow fucking congrats you've been doing this for ten years and your muscle memory is good enough that you can draw a proportional figure without thinking.

>> No.4912324

I hate that Dmc5 made me like Blake

>> No.4912354

This. I used to not draw anime because nobody in the industry drew anime. But fuck 'em. I love anime.

>> No.4912374

things like line of action, natural rhythm, center of gravity are more easily sketched out with large c curves, s curves and straight lines than with the box, sphere, cyllinders of the construction phrase. those are the things you focus on during gesture phrase, not proportion. to say you don't use the gesture lines after that is false. during construction you should aim to preserve the arcs of movement created by the gesture lines, or else your figure will look off balance, ambiguous, uninteresting, flat

>> No.4912375

Hatred has consumed me, I can't put love in what I do anymore

>> No.4912383

what do you hate?

>> No.4912386

Gesture doesn't make any sense until you get into this whole art thing for a few years. Then you realize how important it is.

>> No.4912388

My art, all the artists who are better than me, myself>>4912383

>> No.4912393

My art is shit and despite practicing I'm unable to improve. Also how the fuck can I get critiques my posts just get ignored.

>> No.4912394

Even me?

>> No.4912404

Yes. I hate everything, and I don't want to hate anymore

>> No.4912411

>ask for help with motivation for drawing
>lots of 'draw for yourself' and 'make sure you're having fun drawing'
>feel nothing when drawing anything at all
guess i'll just give up

>> No.4912414


Hate is not a difficult thing to overcome. You'll eventually come to grips with your situation.

>> No.4912417

Being very specific on what you need critique on is usually helpful

>> No.4912429

Ehh, I wouldn't say it's not difficult. Simple maybe, but simple doesn't mean easy.

>> No.4912433

>posted on Facebook I wouldn’t be participating in drawtober but would be posting the Halloween art I’ve done over the years, as I have maybe 20 small illustrations of such. Say I really like seeing everyone else’s so why not
>only get 10 likes out of 300 friends, closest friends are clearly online and don’t hit the like button, no comments
>I feel so cringey
>why did I think my friends and family would care about my stupid drawings
>now I’m going to look like an absolute retard either way because if I don’t finish doing it they’ll think I back out of things but if I do do it they’ll have to suffer through my idiot drawings
>I should have posted to Instagram because that’s where everyone is why did I pick Facebook, only one friend is posting drawings on there
>I’m 28, I’m too old for this ass pat bull shittery
>they probably already feel like they have to humor me because art is my “profession”
God I hate myself
This has ruined my whole weekend
Why am I like this

>> No.4912476

I feel for you, but Its more a task for a one on one conversation. But ultimately even then it's you that's gotta open up the plumbing and figure out the reasons. People can be selfish, and quite honestly downright deserving of being hated. Sometimes. Its just never worth it to reciprocate. You have hope though, in that you've just made a statement of love- in not wanting to hate.
You have to find fuel now for it, anywhere you can get it. Think of it like like being the keeper of flame against the darkness of suffering and misery. You'll find a dungeon around you when you get that flame high enough, but, that my friend is where life begins. Get off of the cave walls and join me.

>> No.4912482

Stop being a fag who posts to social media for likes and attention
The modern person is so cringe and gay, desperate for approval from like buttons

>> No.4912556

They aren't thinking about you as much as you think they are.

>> No.4912559

I had a lucidish(?) dream once that I died and went to hell. Although this hell was a desert with an amber ball in the middle and an old computer that only could show text. I could hear God speaking to me and showing me visions of people in my life and possibly in another life I lived. Many faces were unfamiliar to me but a very dark, depressing, and fearful tug feeling loomed in my heart for these people because they were in heaven and I was stuck in this desert pit.

This dream stuck with me for some reason. Another reason I need to get better at drawing is that I fear losing my close family that will inevitably come to pass. What happens then I'm afraid of being by myself.

>> No.4912684

Dreams are not a mystical plane. They are just a combination knowledge and expectations (desires or fears) loosely jumbled together. Doesn't take any deep insight to realize you dont like your current life, that you wish everything was different and that you are deadly afraid of things that are inevitable.

>> No.4912746

You'll have to find, read make, other 'family' to get you by, anon. Friends, or a family of your own maybe. If something resonates with you, elicits emotion, it's for a reason, just as logically as any computer circuit. Is the desert loneliness, the computer your window into the seemingly happy lives of others? I think Freud said the only final authority on dream interpretation rests with the dreamer. But it does sound pretty straightforward.

>> No.4912808

this is my first inktober. i have posted in the inktober thread everyday so far and not one person has commented on any of them.my art is truly unappealing.

>> No.4912836
File: 282 KB, 1920x1048, 1920px-Nighthawks_by_Edward_Hopper_1942[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edward Hopper adopted his signature style because everything else he painted got ignored. Treat it as a learning experience.

>> No.4912839

Commission someone from /IC/
You made no effort....
I can't use this guy...
I see you past work...
expect much better...

>> No.4912847

To whom I commissioned,
No offense but you taught me i can always do better than my fellow artist...

You guys don't care when given the opportunity...

Never commissioning from /IC/ again...

>> No.4912897

i just feel like people just look at me like i can't be helped. like they're saying "sure retard it looks good"

>> No.4912997

>tfw draw something and want to post it immediately
>forced to wait until tomorrow bc already posted something else today

>> No.4913025
File: 902 KB, 2048x1418, 6A3425B6-1A0F-4A0C-989A-D11B5FC1E8DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, nice friend! I am visiting from /s4s/, I just want you to know you have nice day!! Lole
Don’t give up, my friend!

>> No.4913026

Why did you want to draw in the first place?
I just watched a video of James Jean where he says he doesn't really feel anything while drawing, he just does it.
Romantic notions of feeling the creativity flow through you while moving the pen or whatever will just set you up for disappointment.
Maybe concentrate more on the subject matter of your drawing. We learn tools best when we actually need them to accomplish a goal.
So not "How do I draw well?" or even "How do I enjoy drawing?", but "How do I best capture this particular image or subject? How do I realize this idea?"
Maybe what those anons meant was more along the lines of draw something you actually find engaging, as in you can stand to look at for an extended amount of time or something you'd actually want to see as a final image, as opposed to eg a fruit basket, because they use that in some instructional book.

>> No.4913031

prolly went to art school. having all that time to really hardcore focus in on art makes a huge difference in a short amount of time

>> No.4913094

its not a bad thing to take a step back and go on a little break
a little hiatus can remind yourself why you love doing something in the first place

>> No.4913165

Almost every artist lies about their age and about how long they've been drawing. The chances of an artist doing this increases dramatically if they draw cutesy art. That's part of the appeal they market themselves with, it's not only the art but the idea some starry eyed 19-22 year old drew it.

>> No.4913175

>The guy who told him to fuck off did him a huge favour.
This is a very cringe and boomer take. "Name your son Sue and abandon him! Hyuck! That way he'll grow up learnin' from tha' School a' Hard Knocks!! Hyuck hyuck!! He'll be a touch, proper man when he grows up!!"
No, actually, constant adversity and strife does not always correlate to desired outcomes. Did 4 year old Mozart, who composed symphonies, get his ass beat by his aristocratic parents every day? Probably not. He was probably encouraged positively. Did a young Alexander the Great learn how to conquer and rule the known world in between getting scolded and beaten? Probably not as well. He was probably just taught how to rule and probably wasn't getting browbeat every opportunity.

This is a much more salient perspective.

>> No.4913187

yeah, not to mention the majority of people who get told to fuck off by their favorite artist will probably end up discouraged, not suddenly ambitious

>> No.4913253
File: 66 KB, 960x960, 1592198379436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art's value is highly dependent on the mood and consumeristic choices of autistic people and normies
>valuable art is decided by rich people for the sole purpose of money
>everything is taken at face value
>everything is taken literally
>nobody enjoys anything anymore
>nobody makes enjoyable things anymore
>the older you get, the less things you enjoy because you see those things for what they really are
>you will play life on super hard nightmare mode if you refuse to become a sociopath who's purpose is to cannibalize his own kin for survival
Why won't god just let me wake up dead?

>> No.4913274

I have been saying this on /ic/ for months, but everytime I say I get swarmed by crabs. Gesture study is one of those things that is extremely deceptively difficult. On the surface, it seems easy. You just spend 30 seconds drawing a stick figure with the same "line of action" and "flow lines" as a figure? Except to be able to do that effectively and quickly you have to be an advanced artist. You have to have near total mastery of shape, action, form to simply look at a person in a pose and instantly translate that pose and action into reduced forms of what APPEARS to be a simple stick figure. But obviously it's not.

For some weird, autistic reason, every /int/ who's been drwaing for 10+ years tells month 6 beginners to do gesture study. Why? Because Vilppu and other lecturers say gesture is important. For some reason, other 6 month beginners think they should be doing gesture study and they get mad if they see another beginner say they don't want to do gesture study right now. Why? Because the /int/s said so.

Art improvement, like a lot of things such as fitness, is one giant game of telephone. Obviously leave your comfort zone from time to time but you should also learn how to assess which exercises are past your skill level, and learn to trust your gut over what random retards online say. If gesture study seems impossible then do something else, regardless of what some fag on /ic/ said

>> No.4913296

Social networks are straight up toxic for mental health if you internalise the amount of interaction you get

>> No.4913306

Anon the speaker of truth.

I hate that I am old enough and I have already "made it" as a soulless designer so I don't even need to grind for art industry actually. I am however desperately drawing every day to the point where it affects my normal life badly at this point but I cannot imagine my life without trying to produce art. Lately I had episodes and deleted all the social media where I posted art. I dont even want to share it anymore, this art is for me and me only. Fuck everyone else when they dont appreciate it anyways. They arent getting art from me ever again. I will feed them soulless design for money until they choke and I will keep the art for myself. I will burn it all at some point to make sure no one ever finds it.

>> No.4913310

I’ll probably get accused of stealing someone’s design. I made a character that turned out similar to a popular artist’s, and I don’t wanna get hate for that. Looking at my character makes me happy

>> No.4913320

Take note of>>4913306
Anon. If you don't learn to filter out the garbage people from your life, and the garbage ideas from what you enjoy, this is your jaded future, a bitter old man with nothing to show for it.

>> No.4913361

Since I'm useless and can't draw gestures, I'll make up excuses to calm my frustration

>> No.4913522
File: 171 KB, 500x437, 1599023963129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had episodes and deleted all the social media where I posted art. I dont even want to share it anymore, this art is for me and me only
>Fuck everyone else when they dont appreciate it anyways
Pretty much this.
I don't see the point in it anymore besides drawing for myself
I mean, whatever i draw/do isn't "good enough" because it's not aligned with people's delusional expectations
Expressing anything is also a big no-no.
You're supposed to just feed the mentally challenged with a constant stream of works based on already established tropes and works, just for a teeny tiny chance of someone acknowledging you and "giving you the opportunity and privilege" to draw for a living, in a oversaturated market, at a slaves wage.
Drop the ball even once and you're done.
It's a sick and perverted joke. All of it.
the "bitter and jaded" have figured it all out, including the realization that everything won't change for the better because people are just a lost cause.
Experience might not be tangible but it's still valuable.

>> No.4913528

No one is cracking Clip Studio Paint anymore and that makes me angry.

>> No.4913530

It goes on sale every so often. Just wait until black friday and it'll be $20 or even less due to scamdemic.

>> No.4913532

Because it cost like 20 bucks you 3rd world shitter.

>> No.4913536

This, that anon was lucky. If it was little Timmy that got told to fuck off, he would probably quit art all together.

>> No.4913538

All the bitter and jaded have figured out is how to lie down and die like the fags they are while others fight, suffer, and yes, even enjoy life with all its misery.
I'll give you a hand with experience.. the good and the bad.
The world sits dying while you sit pouting for all your "wisdom" But you and the other two lack something don't you- the courage to actually BE something different. Why? Too lazy? Nothing left to lose right? So what's your excuse. Die already i have enough people to carry. Faggot.

>> No.4913539

I want the EX edition. Fuck you.

>> No.4913543
File: 346 KB, 945x795, niecu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my upgrade last year at this price. It was a discount on top of a discount. You might get that chance later this year.

>> No.4913545
File: 111 KB, 1088x821, 1600912982647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current planet
>current year
>being different
>regurgitating hollow boomertier shit
gtfo my planet, monkeyman

>> No.4913547
File: 30 KB, 502x393, nov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait that says july, here is november

>> No.4913550

Die useless waste.

>> No.4913555

That's the plan.

>> No.4913563

Good. While you work up the courage you never had in life to go through with it, you mind terribly much not fucking over the ones who still have a pulse?

>> No.4913567

But, i don't fuck over anybody, faggot.
If i did, i wouldn't be here.

>> No.4913574

You do, by being a drain. And it's the worst kind of festering pathetic malevolence. Stand up and lift a fucking brick or die quietly and stop wasting resources being halfway between alive and dead.

>> No.4913577

>I don't see the point in it anymore besides drawing for myself

Imagine being a magician performing tricks in your bedroom only for yourself. You know how the trick works and only you. But you tell yourself you'll never show anyone your moves because it's "not aligned with peoples delusional expectations of what magic truly is".

That's basically art as you're just a magician with another label. You know the tricks to art most peasants don't know as they walk past you and stop for 1 minute to marvel at the man who made a barrel float in midair. To get angry that not every person walking past you isn't marveling at your magical powers is dumb. You should be thinking of it differently--like as long as you're performing to an audience you are bighting up the kingdoms capital even more.

Think about NYC without street performers like drummers, portrait painters, rappers, shoe shiners, etc. Just imagine they all said to themselves "well fuck those people getting on the train to work. How dare they not stop to marvel my beat boxing". Instead be in the shoes of the person getting on the train to work. In their minds they don't hear that regular beat boxer who sits in the corner everyday. They know deep down something is missing, even if it's not that important.

>> No.4913580

Thanks for taking the conversation down a notch(in a good way)

>> No.4913600

I am not a bitter old man, I am an unstable 22 year old man. I sounded too dramatic in my original post and I think everyone misunderstood me due to that. I am not some failed geezer, I am earning sick money as a designer and living an outwardly great (normie) life. However my real ambition in life is only in art and aesthetics and I am dissilusioned with how people consume my comercial soulless design work with a happy face but ignore the genuine stuff.

>> No.4913605
File: 114 KB, 257x178, 159943631388023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know i'm the one who's going to pick out your retirement home, right?
Apples and oranges, anon.
Drawing isn't the same as performing.
The point was that normies and autists are fucking insufferable faggots, who have forced the industry to shit out the same rehashed garbage because
>that's what people want to consume
leaving no space the artist
art should be enjoyed, not consumed
making work for consumption is the anti thesis to art

The whole "bitter" thing is just a thing retarded and delusional people say because by accepting the reality of others would mean to shatter their own illusions.
If i choose to pursue art for my own private enjoyment, is not up to discussion.

>> No.4913638

I don't understand. You say you don't like that normies and insufferable autists have "changed in industry" for the worst by making most artists rehash the same tropes, which leaves people like you go unnoticed but at the same time you want the same normieautists to pay attention to you had they not have influence in what the industry carters to?

Who does that leave you to get you noticed? Other artists?
>art should be enjoyed, not consumed

I thought art is an expression. You said so yourself
>Expressing anything is also a big no-no.
Why should you care if not everyone, and I quote, "enjoys" your expressive behavior? If you're
yourself you are in fact performing, even if it's behinds the door leading to a stairwell of your mothers basement.
>If i choose to pursue art for my own private enjoyment, is not up to discussion.
That is up to you, yes.

>> No.4913658
File: 70 KB, 470x470, 1599436313880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mentally challenged perhaps?

>> No.4913662


>> No.4913667

>to shit out the same rehashed garbage because
>that's what people want to consume
leaving no space the artist
art should be enjoyed, not consumed
making work for consumption is the anti thesis to art
Don’t draw ever again, that shit applies to fan and coom art. People don’t care about your original artwork or what you want, all they want to do is consume their deepest desires. No where is safe.

>> No.4913669

>No where is safe.
Not even your bedroom where you draw for yourself? I mean, here you are in Vent.

>> No.4913675

Good response man, I understand that sentiment really. But you can make a difference- one people will see and crave just for the simple fact they never realized they were starving for something to begin with. You don't even have to step that far outside the lines to do it. Everybody? No, definitely not, but if you're not interested in trading volume for quality, then do yourself a favor and find contentment where you're at now. Otherwise, if you decide to match your thirst with effort, realize there are definite prices to pay- or rather trade offs to make, as the rewards scale alongside.
I can't expect anyone to make the same trade offs, all I can say is for me it's been damn worth it, and satisfying.

>> No.4913676
File: 83 KB, 640x480, C0A1124E-8591-48E1-A1B3-BD256FEC2963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a painting of some no name artist I have on my wall in my room. It is “consumed” daily without the artist knowing. They probably never knew some anon would love their original work so much that they have it hung on their wall to remind them of the pleasantries of birbs.

>> No.4913680

Pick me a winner.

>> No.4913684

being depressed about drawing is such a stupid thing to be depressed about
why am i even depressed about drawing

>> No.4913712

art was once something i could feel happy and proud about, it was a source of escapism for me
years later, my life hasn't gotten any better and its just something that depresses me now

>> No.4913824

Help I have too many things I want to draw but it takes me too long to finish each picture

>> No.4913851


>> No.4913858

If art is not your career then you can just switch it up. If drawing is making you depressed try painting. If digital then switch to trad and vice versa. Maybe even take up a different artistic expression completely. I got into embroidery and it helped with a similar feeling I had. Good luck anon.

>> No.4913869

When I was 18, a 13-year-old girl commented on my art and since I saw that she had potential and we had similar interests, I followed her back. At first she was just good for her age, but her talent really blossomed when a few months later she entered art high school and became /pro/ level within half a year. It was insane. I already felt weird enough talking to her because of the age difference, but seeing the huge gap in our levels of talent was really discouraging. She came from a family of artists and acknowledged that it was genetic. It's funny, because at first she was so excited that I followed her back and replied to her. Eventually she stopped posting her art to the internet and I had already stopped talking to her before that because I felt like such a boomer, but I wonder what she's doing these days.

>> No.4913871

>I wonder what she's doing these days.
shes on my dick

>> No.4914216
File: 508 KB, 944x1024, thathurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawing a really intimate, vanilla scene with POV eye-contact
>blush so hard I have to stop and cool off
Why do I act like a fucking maiden? I've drawn more lewd than this!
Because we put a lot of value and ego in it

>> No.4914227


>> No.4914478

this is why no one helps you mopey fuck

>> No.4914662

>draw thing
>the head and face are good but the body isn't
>erase the body and spend the next several hours trying to draw another body that fits

>> No.4914689

this is why you start with gesture.

>> No.4914886

excuse me this is a vent thread

>> No.4914944
File: 112 KB, 590x423, 4hgh6j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hobby artist > Art as a career. Is there any better feeling than being able to draw what you want without having to rely on other artists to do it for you? Ever since I took the Artpill and stopped worrying about improvement, I've enjoyed art more than ever before.

I don't need clout. All I need are my OCs and I'm fine. Forget trying to make it. What for? I'll be in a new career that'll be able to sustain me for years to come. I don't want to be weighed down by the opinions of others. I just want to enjoy the world's I've created and be left alone.

>> No.4914960

h-hey, you're cute

>> No.4915057

i want to be a good story teller for a story that is close and dear to my heart
but it can't be of any value if my art isn't

>> No.4915142

why am i even on some art discords? even the ones i've felt i've become good friends they just don't care about me dudes
won't help me with art, won't hear me out about any gripes.
i just can't anymore

>> No.4915158

Nobody cares about anybody anymore.

>> No.4915201
File: 76 KB, 1440x795, 1596829912075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's pretty much how you should approach art.
All these kids wanting to "make it" by having big social media numbers are fucking delusional and only attract more cancerous retards like them into this.

>> No.4915206

Why should one care for someone who just wants attention for themselves? Such people don't care for others either.

>> No.4915211

no qt tomboy encoraging gf also no job

does anyone know if there any personal wiki type thing perferably offline, I need one for managing my OC's

>> No.4915219

Nothing makes me more racist than following westerners and browsing my twitter timeline

>> No.4915228

If we gave each other attention, we'd have friendship.

>> No.4915235

that's not how it works.
If we cared about each other, we'd have friendship.
Can't expect it from narcissist though

>> No.4915239
File: 22 KB, 300x300, blackpe0ple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend draws
>she always says that her art is bad
>She's right
>tell her it's good anyway
>"Why don't you give me some criticism anon?"
>tell her that some of the colors are bad
She's stopped talking to me entirely. we've been friends for over 4 years.

>> No.4915246
File: 24 KB, 434x300, 13252363463476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys checked the #blacktober tag? Funniest shit I've ever seen.

>> No.4915297

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.4915551

Same, except my skill level isn't satisfactory for my own standards so I get frustrated anyway. But making the type of stories that I personally enjoy and want to see more of while working comfortably at my well-paying dayjob sounds much better than having to draw what other people want for much less pay.

>> No.4915591

Don't listen to cynics here, there's no downside to trying to make the world a little more open and friendly. Aside from taking away a sociopaths best tool for manipulating people. Friendships are actually quite a bit of work, they require effort. But caring about people who are not your friend is a good place to start. I also think it's probably the only glue that holds together society made up of people with different views. It's certainly the only way to be constructive. So keep calm and carry on anon.

>> No.4915598

Is this your first time interacting with a woman? Women are already completely and utterly insane. Every time they are complimented by a male, they will instantly shit test you to see if you "Really meant it". Which basically means shouting you down, declaring you to be lying, and demanding you qualify your complimenting with something "truthful". Now consider female artists, who have a 100x crazy multiplier on top of how insane the baseline femoid already is.

Women can't handle criticism, even if they're begging you for it, you can't criticize them. If you want them to talk to you ever again. You don't have to be a cuck though and lie. Women expect a degree of tactlessness from males. Just be extremely strategic in what you say, and always treat them like you're talking to a 4 year old. Bill Burr once said you have to talk to women like they're adopted dogs from rescue homes, speaking always in a very calm voice with lots of petting. It's true. Except now imagine that rescue dog shit tests you all the time and you have the modern roastie.

>> No.4915604
File: 37 KB, 600x600, 1590890635920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>such women are the same kind of women that complain that all men are liars and cheaters and pieces of shit
goddamn, i just want to fucking die just so i won't be forced to ever interact with women ever again.

>> No.4915952
File: 99 KB, 1200x675, h9349834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grow stronger.

>> No.4915980
File: 144 KB, 600x465, ERXBQtoUcAEVWNi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>share with my friend because it's all we have in common
>try to stay humble and improve
>friend with holier than thou attitude tells me it's good
>can tell he's bullshitting because he thinks he's better than everybody even though he shitposts on 4chan all day and never draws
>ask for some real criticism
>"some of the colors are bad"
>this nigger never even makes it past the sketch to do any color
>fuck it
>give up talking to him

>> No.4915984


>> No.4915992

I posted something a few weeks ago then posted the same things a few years ago on here and people recognized it and said it would take me a year to finish it and I felt really bad because I get tired fast and can't work for too long

>> No.4916009

>try to stay humble and improve
>wtf why is my buddy not giving it to me straight???
Have you tried to, oh I dunno, ask him for >honest< feedback? Ppl like you are the worst.

>> No.4916012


>> No.4916026

this reminds me why i stopped talking to people who posts on 4chan outside of 4chan
its liking wading through a minefield
you complement them? then you must have an ulterior motive and secretly thinks that you're better than everybody
you criticize them? then they slowly stop talking to you before disappearing in silence
jesus you can't win with this kind of overly sensitive people

>> No.4916049

>angry esl sperging out and not getting the joke
>calling other people overly sensitive

No anon, people like you are the reason this website sucks worse than ever.

>> No.4916052


shut up

>> No.4916054


>> No.4916061

I know it's really fucking stupid, but I can't help getting disappointed with the lack of interaction I get on the art I post on social media. I basically have no followers, but when I compare my art to others' using the same tags and drawing the same type of stuff, my skill level is not terrible.

Over the last 9 images I've posted on twitter for instance, I've gotten anywhere from 0 to 40 likes and not a single new follower. I have no fucking clue how this shit works or how people are getting so much interaction on posts and such big followings. It puts me in this very weird state of both somewhat liking my own art and absolutely hating it.

>> No.4916062

where's the joke?

>> No.4916070

Stop samefagging, if you're this retarded I can't help you.

>> No.4916080

>gets asked a simple question
>instantly short circuits
what's up with this guy?

>> No.4916092

Shut up or I’ll make you shut up

>> No.4916185

I want to break out of the "Grinding fundies and floating loomis heads" trap so badly but I'm not sure how. I think it's become something safe for me.

>> No.4916189

That's how you end up being a /beg/ 2 years in

>> No.4916195

Don’t make that mistake. Learn 1 new thing per day and apply it to something tangible. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.4916203
File: 40 KB, 535x577, 1526761816022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i let my depression on my art sucking seep into a lot of my other inferiorities and i ended up hurting a friend
whats wrong with me man

>> No.4916206

maybe its not the lack of social media interaction that's bothering you and its the lack of validation in your own life that's bothering you
what's up dude, when's the last time you told someone you loved them

>> No.4916208

Chin up. At least your friend didn’t die.

>> No.4916211

she blocked me

>> No.4916212

I don’t understand how people can even do this. I do a little fundamentals as a warm up each day, but I get so fucking bored. Wouldn’t you much rather spend your time drawing things you like?

>> No.4916214


A-at least they are still alive and kicking! Haha!

>> No.4916216
File: 32 KB, 111x139, 3897765.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to draw a decade ago
>got frustrated with badness, lack of progress, give up
>FF to now; WFH entails a lot of sitting at home waiting for people to message me
>get bored, start doodling on my phone and posting on here
>get compliments
>spend some more time drawing something (trash tier so not posting) that's more complex but doesn't take much fundies
>get more compliments, feel good
>try drawing a person
>"Hm, no, that doesn't look right"
>correct, still looks wrong
>try doing gesture, still wrong
>more I try to correct it more it becomes apparent that I don't know what I'm doing
>the stuff that made me give up in the past comes back

>> No.4916221
File: 521 KB, 707x554, 12886285858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the anons i talk to are mad in my head then they must be
the absolute state of this schizonormie infested shithole

>> No.4916240

bro im not the one obsessively second guessing people's words like they're playing 4d chess
i genuinely can't see how one can jump from
>he complimented me
>that means he thinks he's better than everybody
can you seriously not see how silly this line of thinking is?

>> No.4916244

its the ages old meme of pretending to post from the perspective of someone being talked about in another post but you took it as a genuine anecdote instead because you cant read, jesus this board is in a sad state

>> No.4916252

my bad bro
the post hit a bit close to home so i just took it at face value
you can have my concession

>> No.4916254

>Wouldn’t you much rather spend your time drawing things you like?

That's because you have people who feel like they aren't good enough to draw what they like yet without it being full of mistakes. So they grind away at fundamentals until they feel "Good enough" to move on.

The only thing is that you mainly get good by drawing what you like, looking at the mistakes in it, and fixing them the next time you draw it.

>> No.4916286

i was doing inktober, but man i'm coming to realize its something i really shouldn't do
my art sucks and i just look like a moron whenever i post
everyone is thinking that its shit and wonder why a retard like me even bothers to post

>> No.4916365

You should do it anyways. Give yourself something to look back on when you make it.

>> No.4916383
File: 119 KB, 462x356, 1572630570512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god my tablet doesn't work with Clip Studio or some shit. The pressure seems to be fucked because in the tablet software I see the pressure levels just fine but in CSP I can never get good proper line variation in terms of opacity and/or thickness. It just leads to a point where I have to draw over the line to get it as dark as I want because it's like there's a "cap" on the variation from pressure.
I tried out doing the same in procreate just now and it works 100x better which just frustrates me more because I have no idea how to fix it for CSP.
Anyone have any ideas?

>> No.4916384

I honestly couldn't tell you.
It's not something I explicitly say out loud to people. I feel like it's less awkward to just show it instead by hanging out and spending time with friends and family.

Actually, I think the last time I told someone I loved them was my needy and controlling ex who I broke up with a couple of years ago. (I had to tell her that alot)

>> No.4916437

You are the one who believes you are a retard, stop assuming what everyone thinks and keep drawing.

>> No.4916465

they're thinking
"he's not trying hard enough. look at this fool"
or they'll just pity me and think "well at least he's having fun"

>> No.4916469

i can't make something of value, i can't even look at my own art and see value anymore. i'm not having fun, i'll i've been doing is trying to recapture that feeling i had when it was a source of escapism, but now its just another thing that hurts to do

>> No.4916472 [DELETED] 

Threadly reminder that you're all a bunch of crybaby bitched.

>> No.4916476

Threadly reminder that you're all a bunch of crybaby bitches.

>> No.4916604

What the fuck do I do if I keep failing for /ic/ memes and wasting shitload of time on things like that while failing to attain any gains?

>> No.4916633

Step 1: Don't listen to /ic/ unless they post their work and are verifiable. This includes the /beg/ sticky that was written by nosebro as a blatant cover to shill his artkings discord. Also don't read the board sticky, either. This was made in 2013 and random people pitched in what they thought was good.
Step: 2: Grab the resources while you still can as some faggot here is reporting stuff. I was lucky enough to snag a 1TB resource to my mega earlier.
Step 3: Run. Don't walk. (Optional)
Step 4: Or if you decide to stay here just shitpost and have fun. But never listen to anons here unless the present work or drawover your work.
Step 5: Be the chad and post your work.
Step 6: Shill your socials in the promo thread
Step 7: Stay away from /asg/ and /dad/
Step 8: Use either the draw thread, /alt/, /fag/, /lsg/, /beg/, comic general, or porn thread.
Step 9: Sage metathreads
Step 10: Participate in metathreads

This has been a complete guide to /ic/. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.4916641

I say this a lot too. Gesture drawings are the pretty high level, especially 30 second gestures. Even professional animators struggle with that sort of time constraint. Imagine teaching someone how to play Chess, what all the pieces do, where they all go, and then playing a 30 second bullet match against them. They'll learn nothing, just randomly moving pieces around as fast as they can until they either run out of time or get check mated. No theory, no thinking, just a garbled mess.

>> No.4916828

Look plenty of people post their ugly art and give no fucks so why won't you? It's not possible to please everybody and there will always exist someone who hates your art no matter your level anyways. They will hate it because it's anime, or too western, or too degenerate, or social justice shit or whatever. In any case you're not a mind reader and what you believe others are thinking is clearly just your own beliefs about yourself and your art.

You think your art is shit? You think you're retarted? Stop pitying yourself. It's up to you to change all of that. And if you don't want to keep doing the inktober thingie then do something else but don't be a fucking crybaby about it.

>> No.4916854

i just want to have fun again

>> No.4916955
File: 300 KB, 1180x1752, Bob the Builder did nothing wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to draw from reference
>Reference photo does a better job than what I can draw

>> No.4916965

Thank you.

>> No.4916999

I miss when Tumblr was big for art blogs. A lot of people kept their art blog separate for their personal blog. Twitter it isn't like that usually. Its usually both. I just want to follow for the art but I don't want my feed full with personal post.

>> No.4917005

twitter is just a bad porn website

>> No.4917058


>> No.4917162
File: 267 KB, 525x517, 1595074078829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Occasionally when I see a piece of art I really like, instead of going "hey that's really good, I wanna do something like that" I'll end up going "what the fuck I wish I could do that, why can't I do that, I'll never be able to make something that good" and then spiral into a self-loathing depression for days at a time

How do I stop doing that

>> No.4917185
File: 111 KB, 540x526, YYiTe0VMiABZlA1ivLZI_1vi7NG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4917214

if you have mental health problems (like depression) it can make it impossible for you to learn.

>> No.4917248

don't i know that

>> No.4917257

It never stops. You just have to work through the bitterness.

>> No.4917268

>Don't listen to /ic/ unless they post their work and are verifiable
So don't listen to you? Retard.

>> No.4917358



>> No.4917488

I'm in that thread and I don't remember your art sucking. Just needs more practice

>> No.4917528

drawing stresses me out to the point i get physically sick.

>> No.4917530

Why are normalfags so fucking obsessed with photocopiers? It's just an absolute waste of talent.

>> No.4917563

i'm in the same deal as you dude
it really hurts when something that was once something fun now just makes you depressed
people keep telling me that i need to take a break but i just need to get over it, my problems aren't that big i'm just being a bitch
if i take a break i'm just wasting more time that should be used to get good

>> No.4917665

what skill level do i need to be at so i won't starve

>> No.4917707


>> No.4917745

You're right anon, hope you're able to figure out what the underlying issue is. Sometimes it's just conviction.

>> No.4917800
File: 1.83 MB, 1382x1843, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what you were right, I dug up more of their art and this is from 2019, meaning all the lowest effort tier shit doodles I posted an example of in the other image were lies

>> No.4917806

Just what is happy?

>> No.4917816

I like this anon, good job

>> No.4917870

I’m trying to put myself out there. I can draw, I just procrastinate on working on my account.
I know how to start making followers and everything and probably go into commissions. I just been putting it all off.

>> No.4917875

How do you start making followers and everything? I want to know how to do that.

>> No.4917879

I need to be more serious about tracking my time right now and not waiting for January first to start doing it.

>> No.4917889
File: 90 KB, 493x818, Screenshot 2020-10-07 at 09.50.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i started tracking my time again this month, i use a google sheets document to add up and give a daily hour average. i recommend setting one up and having a goal of what you want to get done by the end of the year. i also have a bigger doc set up ready for 2021

>> No.4917901


Yeah but my autism is too different for spreadsheets but it's a good idea. Need a little bit more activity going on. I'm trying out an app called Atracker to track time instead.

Good job setting things up early for you.

>> No.4917920

Does it really matter if your hand made it? Effort, money, skill, popularity altogether dont equate to value- in art or in a person. All of those together in spades wouldn't change your mind to make you like something that didn't contain some idea that drew you in to begin with. Whether it's a 30 second meme scribble that makes you bust a gut laughing, or a ridiculously complex scene with dozens of interactions. Separate all of that other crap from your art, take an idea you like and run with it, and try to remember everything else is just tangentially related. No bitterness required.

>> No.4917928

There’s a commission thread that has a few pointers in there.
In short, shill and act like a faggot.

>> No.4917930

Making people's lives better is.

>> No.4917983

I come back from work and only have 3 hours to work with after doing my usual chores, but no I'm gonna spend what little time I have talking to some bitches on discord and play video games.


>> No.4918124

No one is expecting sub two year /beg/s to draw anything but flat looking figures in stiff poses
If you expect two year begs to be able to excel at gesture study you are literally smoking crack, or more probably are just some weird masochist/sadist who wants others to suffer

>> No.4918144
File: 140 KB, 1080x1080, 1590127817860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck do I do if I keep failing for /ic/ memes and wasting shitload of time on things like that while failing to attain any gains?
Unless you enjoy pulling your hair out in frustration, it will be necessary to accept this fundamental premise:

Premise: The vast majority of /int/s and people who make appealing art probably didn't spent 10,000 hours reading academic art texts, grinding Bargue plates, and doing 9,001 daily gesture exercises. Considering the fact that even the average STEM PhD student isn't studying every hour of every day, most people who draw appealing anime tits, or whatever you admire, probably don't take their studies that seriously either in order to get to "appealing level".


Conclusion: To get to a basic bitch /int/ level, you probably just need raw mileage and to spend enough time drawing things you enjoy and; as long as you don't have a literal learning disability, you will eventually achieve satisfactory progress. So long as your art goals aren't to create literally master-level output.

>> No.4918148

>does it really matter if your hand made it?

>everything else is just tangentially related
this is nonsense. appealing ideas are important but aesthetic appeal exists too. ideas mean nothing without execution and that execution takes a certain amount of skill more often than not. ergo, if ideas are valuable than the skill to communicate them must be as well

>> No.4918165

When the fuck did kellogs put sugar in corn flakes? I ate some this morning and it contains a hint of sugar. I always remembered it not having it because I would manually have to add sugar in the bowl myself. And second of all, if I wanted corn flakes with sugar I'd just buy frosted flakes. If corn flakes tastes this sugary then I can't imagine what the blue box tastes like.

Did I change timelines? Am I going mad? Did my sense of taste change?

>> No.4918167

No wait is this what it means to be getting old? Like maybe when I was younger I would need more sugar in my food to taste sugar but now any sugar is overboard? Is my time up? My neuroplasticity begins to deplete? Is this THE END FOR ME?????

>> No.4918377

The ATracker app is pretty good. There is a stop feature via notification just in case I forget to push stop. A good and bad thing. Also didn’t realize how much I spent on house chores in the morning.

>> No.4918435

I have an idea in my head but everytime I try to put it on paper it looks shitty
I'm not fucking skilled enough fuck

>> No.4918439


>> No.4918447
File: 8 KB, 225x225, nedladdning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a restaurant and every morning I have to cut up 15 loaves of bread, and every time my wrist hurts like hell. It usually passes a couple of hours later so I can still draw when I get home. But I'm worried I'm doing some long lasting damage to it.

>> No.4918773

Just means you're no longer a sugar addict. I was on a restricted diet due to a surgery and after a few weeks I couldn't stomach some of the sweet stuff I used to eat without a care. If you look at the nutritional labels on stuff in the supermarket it's actually a little crazy how many things have sugar in them - from cereal to bread, sauces, etc. On the other hand, kids tend to like more sweet stuff than adults due to how our tastebuds change over time.. there's nothing to be worried about and you're GMI regardless of how much sugar you do or don't add do your goddamn cornflakes.

>> No.4918885

>I know how to start making followers and everything and probably go into commissions. I just been putting it all off.
you're not putting it off, you're scared of being wrong

>> No.4918889

i know you don't even know what i was posting, but this post is honestly really comforting
even saying a little of that makes me feel better for some reason

>> No.4918938

how much can depression handicap you with studying?
I get told I need to take a break but I just get more depressed knowing I'm falling even more behind
I know its not a race, but I feel so unfulfilled that I never had a chance to study art as much as people who were better off in life so I'm trying to make up for the lost time
but these grinds just become so hard for me to do because I just feel myself struggling but also almost undeserving to get good at art because I wasn't one of those people who had the opportunities in life.

what kind of vicious cycle have I found myself in

>> No.4919441

>does it really matter if your hand made it?
No, this is just you being selfish, greedily wanting the control of those ideas for yourself, and the byproducts thereof. It's cutting off your face to spite yourself.

Yes aesthetic appeal exists, it's just entirely unimportant. Some of the most rotten things that exist have aesthetic appeal. Ideas are never dependent on execution. They live regardless. The humblest down syndrome messenger could warn you of an oncoming bus; and the proudest, most vain and beautiful could trip you into it. Treating the lowly- executed idea as less than the most professionally, skillfully delivered is a massive mistake, and an error of human nature that requires being corrected for, more than adapted to. Possibly only corrected for but i realize that's debateable.
Clear as mud?
Your friends have made the above 30 second meme scribble that makes you laugh and the multiple character piece. Which has more value to you? Do you not say "why not both?" Taken to the extreme, where do you apply the arbitrary boundary in valuing communication skill? Let's just cut off all but the top three artists from publishing. Or do you want four? It's improper for anyone else to.
No, the only proper way is to simply appreciate the thing itself, and not try to draw distinctions.
Lastly, it will help you to do so. Appreciating the broadest array of perspectives allows you to craft more complex and therefore complete and relevant answers. And your perspective is theoretically boundless, if you only allow it.