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>> No.4918616
File: 35 KB, 1190x1278, 1601827914184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone think I can manage to learn to animate and learn industry standard stuff through an iPad? I'm in a very odd situation that demands much of me, but I still plan to create a portfolio to get me into a local prestigious art school for accreditation.

>> No.4919152
File: 49 KB, 960x540, doodlin1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>learn to animate and learn industry standard stuff through an iPad
Learn to animate, yes. Industry standard stuff, no. Toonboom, TVPaint, and Adobe Animate aren't available for iPad, so the jump from something like Procreate or CSP would be a LOT. I recommend just starting with an early version of Flash, because the animation fundamentals stay the same no matter what software you're working with. Flash is capable of hand-drawn, it's just the drawing tools need a little bit of getting used to. If you can afford it, Toonboom or even the TVPaint standard edition. For example, I animated this gif in Flash MX 2004 with just the brush tool with traditional hand-drawn techniques.
>local prestigious art school for accreditation
Honestly, teach yourself and avoid going to any school for art/animation. I know some animators who've spent the last few years looking for jobs despite graduating several years ago. Don't give your money to a school that will teach you bad habits and the absolute bare minimum of animation itself. Take your time and teach yourself. Animation school is a complete waste of time when you already have this amount of animation
information online, and all of the freetime to practice with your own exercises. Not even to mention the amount of money being invested in your future, when at the end of schooling you're not even promised a job. Being an industry professional doesn't mean you need a diploma, it's all about your skill as an animator and the way you network with other artists. I've heard from a lot of people that when studios look for animators, it's become more and more common to just ignore diplomas, and hire animators based on how well they show their skill in their demo reels.
The need for a diploma in this industry is optional, and your chances of making it will be astronomically higher if you put all of your focus into an incredible demo reel instead.

>> No.4919231

Yeah, why not? Get a simple freeware program or pirate one that has the basics and start teaching yourself the fundamentals and basic principles of animation. Any kind of portfolio is better than none. If you're going to an art school then (hopefully) they will have better more proffessional programs there that you can just apply your previous knowledge to. Although I agree with >>4919152
that you could learn pretty much anything they'd teach you in school from the internet if you look hard enough. You might have a fancy degree to show potential employers, but if you create a good enough portfolio I don't think it's going to matter as much.

>> No.4920951

pls don't die before I finish what I'm working on

>> No.4921043
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I really appreciate the inputs. But I realize now that, with all these resources available to me, I don't know where the hell to start with beggining my studies since I can only use the iPad and CSP right now. I started with Animator Island and was happy with results I got with the bouncing ball exercise, but not sure if this is the right way to go about it. Studying on my own means there's a lot more chaos involved since the learning isn't necessarily structured and keeping me in-line with what I intend to do half the time. Should I be okay with just continuing with animator island on the iPad or should I do my damndest to try and accommodate myself, buy a desk, a space, and get to animating on my cintiq?

>> No.4921046 [DELETED] 

Yes anon clip studio paint let’s you animate
>b-but the sub fee
Shouldn’t be an issue paying 25 bucks a year if you want to go pro and you’re not underage
There’s also procreate but it’s barebones, still lets you animate at least

>> No.4921061

I would heavily recommend you to work on a desktop if you're going to be getting serious about animating. A bigger space means you also have more area to do full arm strokes instead of relying on your wrist, which can fuck you up badly in the long term. Working with a massive Cintiq will teach you to lock your wrist more often and get out of the habit of drawing small.
I personally own an iPad and I love doodling on it, but I firmly believe that the small screen area is a killer when you're doing professional long-term work. There's a huge tradeoff between the two but if you're serious about getting into animation, start using your Cintiq more.

>> No.4921151

I'm wondering if there's any other alternative you guys use besides Kinovea?

>> No.4921157

Some japs manage to create commissioned music videos using csp from their tablet

>> No.4921185

Thanks for the tvpaint, I can't instal toonboom and I wanted to try other program besides opentoonz or Tahoma (wich is opentoonz portable)

>> No.4921933

Is there any good way to model a face in Maya?

>> No.4921995
File: 4 KB, 68x63, skwardward.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4922248
File: 79 KB, 480x480, F02C298C-2E29-4A80-9E9E-5AC473D06E7B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t learn the fundies yet but anon told me to try animating anyway
Have a doodle bump before I sleep and come back tomorrow

>> No.4922662

you absolutely can do industry standard work on an iPad, don't listen to people who tell you that you can't, look up artists that are doing exactly that with programs like rough animator and callipeg.

this was made completely on an iPad using rough animator for the animation.


>> No.4922929

Some people have been able to access the industry by simply animating on a 3DS. Your animation skillsets will show regardless of media.

>> No.4923692

>Ricard Ubach
His work is of industry standard, but it's because the guy looks VERY experienced in doing animation itself, so for him it has nothing to do with the medium. He's definitely got a lot of years behind him, which is why he can make something like rough animator work. Still in order to make that work, you already must be an incredibly talented animator with professional industry contacts and an extremely solid demo reel. This guy is no amateur. He knows his shit and he's known it for what seems to be a long time.
When LEARNING animation, sure I can understand using an iPad for the absolute basics, but I'm letting you guys know that it's way easier practicing the fundamentals in something like Adobe Flash MX 2004 with the brush smoothing turned all the way down. All you need is the F5, F6, and F7 keys; then you're ready to go animate whatever you want. Adobe basically gives it away as free abandonware, there's a serial key on their website.
It's also good to practice in something like Flash because quite a lot of the jobs that give you the first footholds in the animation industry do enjoy using software like TVPaint, Toonboom, and Animate/Flash. Having experience in software that's still currently used by studios and general professionals is a HUGE step ahead from any basic iPad app. Get ahead before you start.
key words >some people
It isn't too healthy to follow in the footsteps of some incredibly determined animators when you're first starting out. You may have the exact same conditions that another animator had when they were starting out, using basic apps and limited resources, but what if that's the very thing that compels you to quit. Some people push themselves way harder than others may be able to, so try not to follow the rare trend of "obscure person reaches success with basic tools" when you have better tools laying around. Not everybody has to be an inspirational success story.
personally, i would recommend CSP EX on iPad

>> No.4923846

>adobe flash mx 2004

idk why you think iPad animation software is so bad that this ^^^ is the better option, maybe you should actually give rough animator / callipeg a try, you'll be pleasantly surprised with their functionality, there's 0 reasons that you can't learn professional animation on it

>> No.4923971
File: 3.18 MB, 1365x892, qnUIw7B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

adobe flash symbols my dude, theyre too powerfu;. i know this gif is of Animate, but everything that makes this pan work has been in Flash for forever
I do love my iPad, but it's too small for me, so my wrist gets fucked within like 15 minutes. For industry work, you need to keep your work momentum going for 8 hours a day, every day. If you don't have a wrist drawing tolerance built up, that's just a carpal tunnel disaster waiting to happen.
You'll also might have a better chance at getting into the animation industry if you get experience with some of the software that you're required to use in some studios. Limiting yourself to an iPad can lock you out of 80% of the industry. From what I've seen, you need to be exceptionally skilled and insanely good at what you do to make limited resources work for yourself. If an iPad works for you, then you have more balls than me. I'm not gonna complain about how animators do their work if it's letting them churn out great stuff and make money, but if you're just starting out and looking for options to help LEARN animation, choose the easiest and work smarter.
An iPad feels limiting for myself because I don't have the intense determination to do all my professional work on one. I'm just not built to animate like that, which is a variable from person to person. Some animators are way more determined and maybe this Anon who want's to learn is one of them, but speaking from experience as an animator who quit once before, try as much things as you can and settle on what fits for you. I personally recommended Flash because it's easy and you could learn it in a couple days, but that's heavily biased because I'm already doing professional animation and I'm required to use Flash at work. So I might just have an abusive relationship with it. Learn to love it cause it's all you got y'know.
If you can do that with an iPad, good on you. Just remember there's still many more long-term options out there that you could consider.

>> No.4924026


for the most part when people discuss good animation, it's frame by frame and not tweens/symbol animation, but i guess that's down to personal taste. and flash is definitely not the entire industry. for frame by frame animation, depending on your task on the project, you might get your roughs and as long as you can match the line style guide for clean-up / in-betweens, any software is game, and in my experience, i've used the iPad for a good chunk of that kind of work purely because of portability. My main software is TVpaint 11, it's piss easy to switch between the iPad and tvpaint too.

though i guess if tween animation is the kind of thing the anon wants to do, (though i can't imagine why they would unless it's a sell-your-soul-to-get-easy-internet-animation-money type deal) then the iPad wouldn't be suited to that. but frame by frame animation is completely ideal.

>> No.4924149

>it's frame by frame and not tweens/symbol animation
I never said anything about tweens/symbol animation, I specifically meant that using those functions in tandem with hand-drawn animation is insanely powerful. Some of the stuff that you can pull off with hand-drawn animation stored inside of symbols can't even be done with TVPaint. Symbols are precomps with entirely new timelines inside of them. They're useful for pans, loops, and keeping your files clean.
I use Flash specifically for all my hand-drawn professional work at my full time job, whereas I use TVPaint 11 for general doodle stuff, practicing, and playing around. The gif I showed uses tweens for panning and symbols for nesting hand-drawn animation inside them. None of it is "tweened" animation. By that mindset, any camera pan is an example of tweened animation.
I'm talking about Flash/Animate being a perfectly capable piece of software for professional hand-drawn animation. It's a great starting point to learn about how precomps and a professional pipeline works. It's also a good gateway software to things like TVPaint and Toonboom. Ensuring you know how to use Flash secures you a place in the industry, regardless of "sell-your-soul-to-get-easy-internet-animation-money type deals", a job is a job. Any paycheck is a success.
I'm just saying it's a good piece of software to have experience with, because some studios aren't as flexible as others.

>> No.4924168

too bad flash animations always looks like shit

>> No.4924185

Yeah unfortunately Flash notoriously has a lot of shitty animation tied to it. That doesn't mean you can do some excellent animation with it though.

>> No.4924574
File: 18 KB, 160x151, DPsmalll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used a wacom tablet. starting to learn again

>> No.4924839

Flash animation only has a reputation for being shit because of how accessible it is, and the fact that it contains tweens in it. Frame by frame animation in Flash can look fantastic.

vid very much related, apparently done in flash cs6

>> No.4924869
File: 2.21 MB, 720x480, VTS_02_P01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you feel about Richard Williams?

>> No.4924870

what gigacoomer

>> No.4925127

why is this bait posted to every thread? it always plays out the same, just check the last thread retard

>> No.4925133

Honestly, his obsession with inbetweening everything on 1s might've been one of the downfalls of his animation. Watching through some of his stuff, they would've come out so much better if he wasn't so linear about how he interpolated from on breakdown to the next. It's almost like you animated something on 4s and 2s, then used DAIN to interpolate it to 1s. His work ethic was insane though.
Masterful animator, and it's a shame he passed away. I really would've loved to meet him.

>> No.4925142

not always
yeah. its just a tool. when used for frame by frame animation it can do anything. usually when people talk about the "flash look" they think of horribly tweened stuff or people who draw with the smoothing turned way up which gives lines that characteristic smooth blob shape.

>> No.4927135


I'm not being sarcastic or making bait. His obsession with doing everything on 1s was often a detriment to his work. Things move to smoothly or slowly without punch. Sometimes it works, sometimes it feels incredibly floaty and slow.

>> No.4929475
File: 17 KB, 256x256, Jankwalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4930343
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, gun2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4930801

Pretty good, but the pose shift at the end is awkward. Also maybe might have the hand move around in an arc while it spins the gun.

>> No.4931117

Holyshit, you could do that? That is unbelievably cool video.

>> No.4931333

you can certainly learn to animate on an iPad, but you won't be able to learn industry standard programs on it.
imo you should invest in a mid range pc or at least a laptop for that. definitely worth it in the long run.
but I guess at the end of the day if you have a really, REALLY good portfolio you should be fine

>> No.4931376

Sorry I’m a little dumb and not that anon but what kind of specs should I be looking for when it comes to wanting a good pc for rendering drawings and animating? A higher ram and a food cpu I guess?

>> No.4931524

>A higher ram and a good cpu I guess?
yeah pretty much. I ain't a tech wiz either, but from what I know that seems to be the consensus unless someone more educated than me can weigh in.

>> No.4931580

>and a food cpu
is this why people keep putting beans in their PCs?

>> No.4931662

This is cute

>> No.4933546
File: 72 KB, 320x240, Eve VOTE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only ever make sketchy animations. Never have the motivation to actually fix it

>> No.4933548

If only he hadn't been such a perfectionist with the Thief and the Cobbler, man

>> No.4933549

voting is gay