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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 233 KB, 1242x766, 1FD73594-7854-495D-B09E-A92F6AA4DD44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4915014 No.4915014 [Reply] [Original]

why do normalfags like this low effort funkopop aesthetic paired with boring ass commentary everyone parrots but will still get 1k and gold in the reddit comments? its extra fucked up merch of this garbage is selling
those qwantz comics look like ulysses in comparison

>> No.4915029

it's not about good art, it's about stroking their ego and making them ego cum

>> No.4915031

Because they have drawn something that resonates and appeals with people. While you draw "high effort" anime girls floating on a white background.

>> No.4915052

This is the Garfield strategy. Make something with an EXTREMELY simple, broad appeal. Something that can easily be turned into a toy, and is even easier to draw / reuse art.

Make the punchlines basic statements and mild jokes that allow the broadest possible readership to half chuckle and go "Ain't that the truth" long enough to click the share button.

Contrast with Strange Planet which has the same basic bitch humor and broad appeal but is at least a clever, somewhat subversive premise (which is extra genius when you consider it can basically recycle every decent Sunday comic joke from the past by just writing it into matter of fact, extremely literal language).

>> No.4915056
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>> No.4915073

if you weren't born with talent you'll never make it no matter how hard you work

>> No.4915081

Man all of 4chan to gripe in, do we have to have the annoying "blackpilled" incel defeatism in the art board too?

>> No.4915107

Mix in some retarded /a/ unferiority shit too

>> No.4915112

So you're saying that hacks don't exist? That literally every person who makes a living with their art is a talented savant?

>> No.4915113

It's so tempting to do easy joke memes, coom, fanart, etc. but I still have some energy to do it my way for now. It's running out soon, but at least I tried my way.

>> No.4915148

This, people are low effort losers with boring ass mentalities and jelly of better people. You'll never get them with anything worth making, gotta aim for the gutter to get the gutter trash cash.

>> No.4915151


>> No.4915166

It goes "work smart not hard", dummy

>> No.4915209


>> No.4915290

It always comes back to coom doesnt it.

No matter what gets drawn, at its heart, it is always about coomin.

>> No.4915948

This is good advice. Especially regarding fantasy cliches divorced from reality.

But continuing the logic of your screencap, OP also isn't wrong that what people want to "get" out of art is validation of simple dogmatic mantras and social media is primed to encourage this. What the lowest common denominator understand also isn't always the best target. Most people don't go outside and would be unmoved by a masterfully composed depiction of natural beauty, and that doesn't make it any less meaningful.

>> No.4915997

utter inferiority

>> No.4916763

good thread. this is the first time i browse this board and actually get something out of it.

>> No.4916911
File: 153 KB, 1564x1564, 42542296-EBC0-4BC3-A5D9-8D341867D48D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who does this resonate with?

>> No.4916917

i can see this easily get 50k upvotes on reddit

>> No.4916918

poor people working their ass off for nothing, it puts a fire in their asses for a night or two until they become a npc again

>> No.4916932

Dinosaurs, gettit

>> No.4916956

Honestly I was coming into this expecting you to just be seething, but damn, like fuck me, that really is the lowest effort imaginable.

>> No.4916967

I'm sick and tired of "muh relatable" and pity party art on social media. It's everywhere.

>> No.4916971

but these dinos are floating on a white background too

>> No.4917910

dinosaur comics had expressive art, even though it was the same clip art every time. It's a funny format to work with, back in the good old days of webcomics.

Meanwhile comics like this seem like they're crafted on an assembly line to get Social Media likes and shares, a product that just points in the direction of getting a real job instead of what is basically following a get-rich-quick scheme.
There's no individual character to the dialogue or "idea". It's just opinions off of Reddit.

>> No.4917935

Why the fuck do you care? Go draw!

>> No.4917937

People who utterly refuse any agency in their own fortune.

>> No.4917938

Sensory overload
People like simple stuff now, just look at logos

>> No.4917955
File: 33 KB, 310x310, 1526741902210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing who is the real enemy
no, they got rich because they got in bed with the government limiting competition and therefore be able to pay less.
In a free market yellow dinosaurs have to compete to offer the best conditions(salary one of them) to be able to hire anyone.

>> No.4918019
File: 450 KB, 750x750, 1601805130922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do normalfags like garbage
The answer is contained within the question

>> No.4918022

>Contrast with Strange Planet
Strange planet is the same shitty joke over and over again and it's garbage

>> No.4918023

The art is garbage but the idea is true
Fuck capitalist pigs

>> No.4918027


The worst part about economic leftism is the godawful marketing that and the years of tainting from the American propaganda machine.

>> No.4918052

ITT people who forgot about XKCD

>> No.4918062

The idea isnt to work hard on your shitty burger flipping job, its to work hard on improving yourself so that you can learn new skills.

The true problem with capitalism is that it causes business and greater society to operate with such a level of efficiency and complexity that people with an IQ of under 100, which is half the entire population, wont be able to offer or change anything or just generally compete

>> No.4918184
File: 121 KB, 570x391, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So would you prefer communism or socialism over capitalism? Because no matter what you choose, the majority of people will still have an IQ of under 100, and capitalism at least offers you a way to compete if you try hard enough.

don't blame capitalism you pathetic twitter libtard, just get smarter.

>> No.4918457

the art is irrelevant in this case, what is really appealing to people is the message. Now why the message appeal to people? because we love simple answers to complex problems. and what can be even better than that? a simple come back to a simple answer that you don't like.

I can even see people rubbing their hand and thinking "I will show dave next time hehe".

>> No.4918467

or yellow dinosaurs get together and combine what the"best conditions" are.

>> No.4918492

If you think they want all the benefits and money. what makes you think they will share it with others dinos?

>> No.4918518


not him, but for me capitalism with social programs is the best solution yet. ideally all your basic needs (like basic food) would be free, but for anything else you would have to work for.

>> No.4918520
File: 56 KB, 960x938, 1591931319943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good post. Unfortunate allusion to white BGs.
I was scrolling through a famous artist's profile today (almost 100k followers) and he used to only draw floating anime.

Then he started focusing on making full illustrations with storytelling and it's been a snowball of growth ever since.
I still think he got lucky, but he could only ride that luck because he was equipped with appealing content.

Congratulations, you are on the lower half. Anon was explaining why the other anon was wrong.

>free market
Good luck enforcing that without a government.

>> No.4918533

what? because they are from the same group!? are you saying that people don't cooperate in the real world?

>> No.4918556

Based and wellfarepilled

>> No.4918562

never understood why artist are anything other than anarcocapitalists

>> No.4918580
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>> No.4918628
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>> No.4918685

Cause an artist needs a functioning society in order to LARP as an anarcomemememist

>> No.4918691
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>> No.4918694

I think we should abolish mass production and instead educate the populace in the treatment and utilization of their own natural resources

>> No.4918708

it doesn't matter what you think

>> No.4918710

They're right, take the talentpill.

>> No.4918763
File: 580 KB, 918x500, ctat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf is going on here?

>> No.4918771
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1512400516710s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>functioning society

>> No.4918917

do lefties really...?

>> No.4918921

the likes have nothing to do with the art. get that through your thick skull. could have just been text in an empty white square

>> No.4919590

It's 2020, internet is a basic need. Also we should all get 60 NEETbux a month so we can numb ourselves with vidya and be a more docile population.

>> No.4919660

I am pretty sure your body is not gonna stop working because of lack of internet tho.

>> No.4919664

he doesn't know

>> No.4919679

Why are you so retarded? It's a cute dinosaur, people like cute dinosaurs. Chefs say that fast food restaurants are garbage, so why do normalfags still like Wendy's? As an artist your standards are way above what anyone actually cares about.

>> No.4919691

These aren't so much art pages so much as they are memes, or regular tweets formatted as memes. Cute looking characters saying laft talking points seem to be a trend

>> No.4919698

Im in Europe, so my perspective will be very different to that of an American. We dont have to choose between extremes. Germanys Rhine Capitalism for instance, combined with a healthy national identity is the best way to go imo.