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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 55 KB, 650x365, as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4911351 No.4911351 [Reply] [Original]

reposting because the mega link died:
anyone has a torrent for the watts atelier online program?

>> No.4911355

Yes, including the new parts and some parts that are nowhere to be found, and NO, im not sharing it, fuck you!

>> No.4911357

:( why

>> No.4911375

Because people here never give back what they take, so why should I give you fuckos anything? when its my turn to ask for something you never help I used to share a lot here, even buy stuff but so far not even a 5 usd course has been shared to me when I asked nicely, im done.

>> No.4911387

1. so i can have a hobby because right now my life is empty and boring. i can give you my email if that would change something
2. i am not active here

>> No.4911395

Get your thoughs in order first then get into something as emotionally demanding as drawing, also if you are hobbyst Watts is way to ahead of your skills, bye.

>> No.4911407

>out of your skills
literally draw 500 circles and some cubes

>> No.4911533
File: 24 KB, 387x461, 289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking as someone who patiently scanned books (the first Anatomy for the artist, by Sarah Simblet, was mine, more than ten years ago) and converted iso's into mp4's to facilitate sharing, I think this type of behavior is a shame. People like you are like a child who likes to display a new toy trying desperately to produce envy. You absolutely do not lose anything by sharing something you already have, but you get the asshole status, if that's what you want. So, please, if you're not going to deliver, don't even say you own it. Spare me the displeasure of reading this.

>> No.4911614

Make me, you passive agressive cocksucker.

>> No.4911620

People on here are completely full of shit, they say the same comment on every request. “Yeah I have it, not sharing it though :)”. They ain’t got shit

>> No.4911674

The cope to end all copes

>> No.4911683

There is literally more high quality video content on this board than I could ever hope to use, in all areas of drawing. If you paid for watts atelier with real money, you my friend are the one who is coping. Keep it, you are gonna need it far more than I

>> No.4911855


>> No.4912091

No, I have plenty of books that I've taken pictures of for the artbooks thread. There is no fakery here. Everything from The Orientalists to obscure books from centuries past.

It's that I'm not scanning it not because I'm an asshole, but because it's a rare hardcover book that would otherwise cost me thousands of dollars to buy elsewhere that I've patiently waited to show up (thanks to a global catastrophic epidemic) for a cheaper price. Do you know how often that happens?

Now, you can think I'm an asshole, but I might at some point in the future take the binding apart and scan it out of the goodness of my heart and part ways with the fact that it was once in a pristine, almost-brand-new condition when I got it, because the antique book stores took good care of it for god knows how long. And I've done this before for other books, again, because I don't want it to just sit on a shelf and would rather people have access to it so they can learn from it and use it as inspiration or whatever.

Now, take a minute and simmer down and quit calling people who don't want to share things assholes or "full of shit", because you're crass and entitled and you won't get anything that way.

>> No.4913182

want that too

>> No.4913189

So you’re an asshole and a dumbass. And nobody cares about your dumb reasons

>> No.4913312

Is this a good programm for oil painting?

>> No.4913315
File: 25 KB, 800x95, 421513213423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have it, it has 295 GB, but no link though

>> No.4913380

I put a 2 day expiration date on the Mega link, why didn't you download it?

>> No.4913396

Mate you don't have to explain so much, the reason OP asked if anyone has it is because he/she needs a copy, you don't have to comment or post anything if you're not going to share. "I have it but not sharing" okay fine man just fuck off that's a useless announcement. I bet you're a /beg/ as well and believe me with that kind of attitude you're not going too far even if you have all the books ever made.

>> No.4913400



>> No.4913405

How about we let this arrogant anon post his work so at least we can see if the courses are effective :) let's see what he learned so far.

>> No.4913413

I can give link from cg peers. but, is it connected wit my account?

>> No.4913430
File: 19 KB, 434x532, 1554246621340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post the link to my 1.5 tb mega again, you only have 1 day to download what you want.
stop begging for links and save shit, retard, its a pain in the ass because dumbasses like you keep asking for the same shit again and again

>> No.4913433

the key forgot to add it BasedJSQa43G-qxX2HjfgcOQ

>> No.4913445

lmfao your hash got filtered
S oyJSQa43G-qxX2HjfgcOQ

>> No.4913446

oh nvm

>> No.4913450

S o YJSQa43G-qxX2HjfgcOQ
remove the spaces in s o y, this is retarded

>> No.4913537

I appreciate it man, I really do. Any really standout sections you recommend I download?

>> No.4913557

It depends on what you want to do/ study, I'm doing Steve's figure drawing course and I really like it, so I would say if you're a beg and want to start figure drawing his course is what I would recommend.

>> No.4913581

sweet, thanks. so if I import this to my cloud drive now will it remain available to me once you take it down?

>> No.4913587

Stop helping this mongos you absolute baboon nigger

>> No.4913588

yes it remains
not sure what happens to your files if you stop paying mega

>> No.4913590
File: 16 KB, 781x264, yah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yabai desu ne
but worth it I guess

>> No.4913608

have fun bro, I hope all these courses help you make it, keep working hard, now its mostly the time you put into drawing that will make you improve

>> No.4913767

holy shit this is gold mine

>> No.4913874

I paid for mega for the first time to save this. Appreciate it a lot brother

>> No.4913889

Seethe faggot there is still hope for /ic/. People will be sharing shit long after you’ve given up

>> No.4913926


>> No.4913928

Damn, looks like I missed the boat.

>> No.4913949
File: 23 KB, 220x220, cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link doesn't work.

>> No.4914010


Removed for TOS violation, crab faggot probably reported it

>> No.4914013

based based based

>> No.4914031
File: 244 KB, 112x112, 8924C186-4EC2-4916-A264-401AB1EA0515.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that based? I got the whole thing saved so seethe. I’ll share parts from a backup as people request but I’m not gonna put the whole thing out there and get it removed in 2 nanoseconds by crabs. You literally can’t stop me crabbos

>> No.4914042

thank god I opened this thread in the nick of time

>> No.4914064

You know that art learning plan that’s in there, it looks pretty good but it kinda stops halfway, did you just not get around to finishing it? The fundie order is numbered at the top but the list of courses stops by like 4. Obviously it’s tons to start with anyway, not sure if it’s just assumed by that point you’ll know what direction to head in

>> No.4914097

/ic/ would be such a better place if these kids were just banned...

Literally nothing to add, and they still try to harm those who help others.

>> No.4914101


I got 290GB+ the watts collection from cgp, am i missing anything?

>> No.4914262

I made that file like a year ago, I started following it with the idea that I will finish it when I finish what I listed before, but half way I realized I don't like learning that way, so I stopped using it and found other ways to study

>> No.4914462

Can someone upload the proko figure drawing series? I was in the middle of it when it got taken down..

>> No.4914522

Thanks. If indeed anything got reported you can probably work artound that using the garbage bin on MEGA.

Sometime ago someone shared three huge megas, this one seems to be one of them. The others had reference pictures and something more. If that was you or you were able to clone that I'm sure everyone would jump on that opportunity.

Thanks for the share! I will try to help out as well when people need. If but any chance you need a CGP invite I can help you there.

>> No.4915503

can you just share the index of what files are in there?

>> No.4916117

It’s fucking enormous and everything is in subfolders, like anatomy, animals etc and in each folder there’s a shitload of different courses. It would take me a while to even list them. What are you looking for?

>> No.4916119

>The others had reference pictures
If anyone can link the reference mega I’d appreciate it a lot

>> No.4916163

Incredibly based. I don't even have this course myself.
/ic/ doesn't deserve anything it gets.

>> No.4916186
File: 1.80 MB, 3000x2000, Satanic Necromancy Guac the AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>gamma squirt spotted


>> No.4916356

I have it if anyone wants it, fuck these retards

>> No.4916362

you can just run
tree "C:\my\directory"
on cmd or bash and dump the output to pastebin

>> No.4916368

actually, even easier with this:
tree "C:\my\directory" > "C:\output.txt"
then you can just upload that txt file

>> No.4916379

Prove it

>> No.4917482

can there be a watts general or atelier method thread? there are 3-4 study threads atm with atelier-type subjects (portraiture and figure), seeing more of that type of work on this board would be cool. /trad/ is essentially containment at this point