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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4909063 No.4909063 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ic/ give bad beginner's advice on purpose to troll, or do the people on this board unironically believe that you can make it while ignoring the fundamentals and just copying others' work?

>> No.4909067

Bad (good) advice can also be good (bad) advice.

>> No.4909069

>Does /ic/ give bad beginner's advice on purpose to troll, or do the people on this board unironically believe that you can make it while ignoring the fundamentals and just copying others' work?

>> No.4909085

/ic is populated by the frustrated retards who chased every good artist or a person of average intelligence out.

>noooooo i can't read books
>what the fuck it's 300 pages
>there has to be another way
>nooo it's just talent
>they are all tracing
>they all use design doll
>oh look we will soon get a neural network to draw for us
>prenatal testosterone
>did you know that none of the professionals and great masters ever studied or practiced? ITS A WELL KNOWN FACT

>> No.4909096


>> No.4909105
File: 43 KB, 512x321, Descartes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much

>> No.4909114


>> No.4909117

Bravo heh

>> No.4909121


>> No.4909132

Reminder that funditards never posted work that doesn't look like /beg/shit and get consistently BTFO.

>> No.4909134
File: 705 KB, 1860x1490, 51C9BEB3-7BF7-426D-AAB8-9CFACD3A9B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4909144

Not an argument retard. /asg/ has /beg/gers somehow invalidates that funditards can't draw? /asg/ can't draw, funditards can't draw either.

>> No.4909156
File: 36 KB, 397x397, pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s literally nothing I can think of that’s more cringe than ngmi trying to "learn art" following random tutorials and advice on the internet. It’s like they’re so far off the mark I don’t even know where to begin with them. The average good artist, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider that they must have "learnt" just happened. No 16 year old pro artist you've seen on Twitter ever had to "grind fundies" or practice drawing squiggly lines, he just existed, and thought it would be cool try the style of his favourite artist and he could just visualise the form. They never thought about how to game social media to get traffic, there’s no thought into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life. That’s what happens when you’re talented or have an aptitude for art, you don’t ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you still can't into perspective or why your poses look stiff. You don’t devise a plan to follow some "art tutorial" written by some fag on reddit for six months in order to be able to draw. You just exist, you do your favourite thing every day, and you end up with a banging portfolio and a couple hundred thousand followers on twitter, with a nice job and commission offers. If you missed out on this flow, it’s probably because you’re a complete ngmi.

>> No.4909162

And? You can’t draw either, dumbass.

>> No.4909187

pyw, I know you won't because you're shit. Keep grinding those "fundies" permabeg.

>> No.4909192

Good job outing yourself as a /beg/, retard.

>> No.4909193

Here we have another brain-damaged ngmi fundi-tard who still won't post his work and starts shit calling other people bad.

>Reminder that funditards never posted work that doesn't look like /beg/shit and get consistently BTFO.

>> No.4909194
File: 241 KB, 1403x1057, 105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you end up with a banging portfolio and a couple hundred thousand followers on twitter, with a nice job and commission offers
I have the nice art oincome and commission offers, but 38 followers on twitter and I'm shit at art.

Did I make it, anons?

>> No.4909197

If you're so good why can't you post your work, show us the power of the fundies? Or you're just another /beg/ger who goes around calling other people /beg/, is that what you've learnt drawing boxes?

>> No.4909229

No need to btfo /beg/shitters like you. Your post is proof enough.

>> No.4909237

How did you get the commission offers? Nepotism?

>> No.4909249

>I-I swear I c-can draw
Sure thing kiddo. Your mom tell you that too?

>> No.4909252

>backpedaling this hard

>> No.4909275


>> No.4909280

true, NGMI mindset, always making excuses

>> No.4909314

i think youre getting bad advice from people that dont draw and are only here because /ic/ is famous for blowing up at small shit.

>> No.4909318

expecting anyone who made it to post their work here in 2020

>> No.4909336

none of the fundie-tards ever made is so it's fine :^)

>> No.4909366

This, as well as people intentionally giving bad advice to curb possible competition. I've seen way more than a few people admit as much every now and then.

>> No.4909379

I don't think there's another place on the internet where artists will deliberately attempt to hinder each other's progress like they do here on /ic/. Honestly I've learned more from my single college art course than I did from 2 years of shitting around in this hellscape.

>> No.4909390

There's varying degrees of talent so some people got away with not practicing and just drawing and think that's normal.

>> No.4909392

Breaking news, 4chan is a shithole and it’s full of assholes. You should pop over to reddit and warn them

>> No.4909394

i havent seen much bad advice on here. 'practice fundies' and 'stop taking shortcuts baka you're not gonna git gud like that' are pretty solid

>> No.4909404

1. Talented - Has goal, knows what they want, knows what they want to develop.
Just draw, you know what you need, you can fix your problems, you understand what you lack.
Can learn from masters by breaking down and studying their work.

2. NGMI - Don't know to what they want. Don't know how to progress. Don't know what they lack.
Grind fundies because they have a lack of vision. Follow "art tutorials" and not understand why. Say that "just draw" is a meme because they can't draw anything. Lack coordination and hand stability, needs to draw lines to understand control and pressure. Inability to understand prespective, needs to do many prespective exercises, needs to draw boxes. Inability to understand form, needs 3D model, traces contour lines. Bitter and defeatist. Fustrated that not everyone is doing the same grind as them. Inability to visualise form, no imagination, little to no creativitiy. Fustrated at lack of their own progress and jealous of other's progress.

Many such cases.

>> No.4909451

You fucking made it better than anyone, anon. You actually get money which is the ultimate goal for every artist. Those popular artists fight over every like, view, and explode at every "copy cat" artwork because they want money for their work. I probably wont make it till I'm like 50 since I'm working slowly making a comic I plan to be my life's work.

Also try instagram. It's more visual than Twitter with far more art focus. Artists support each other and the community is positive, unlike twitter. Twitter has stolen the title from 4chan as the hate filled butthole of the internet. I post like once every couple weeks and manage to have a decent following.

>> No.4909835

Ayy he posted the meme
Funny thing is those people are /dad/ fags and discord trannies
They had only come to asg for like 3 days and never came back.
The tranny of the first image came to asg to boast about being in a discord lmao