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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 21 KB, 356x289, 1549718191911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4905859 No.4905859 [Reply] [Original]

Any questions regarding commissions, tips, advice, rant.

>> No.4905862
File: 1.60 MB, 1340x1636, source.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tips, advice,
Never take any advice from /ic/ when it comes to commissions or making an income from your art.

>> No.4905877

Why not? lots of people here do quick cash on commissions

>> No.4905882

I'm looking for an alternative to PayPal. Something that allows my clients to pay with PayPal while I don't use PayPal myself. I just want a backup plan if I ever get frozen for some reason.

>> No.4905891

You have to be very cumlsy to get your paypal frozen, and not only clumsy but shady, get lots and lots of refund claims and you can easily avoid that by using invoices, getting your paypal frozen is hard and sometimes is mere luck but I dont think is something you should fear, I know a lot of scumbag artist that actively scam people off their money and their paypal accoutns are still untouched.

>> No.4905972

How on earth can I make money from this Wacom I bought. I don’t know what goal to aim for. I need real money.

>> No.4905973


>> No.4905977

post your work so I can guide you, I commission art whenever I can.

>> No.4905987
File: 31 KB, 1024x1024, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can I advertise myself to get comms at this level and how much could I charge?

>> No.4905988
File: 39 KB, 1024x1024, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more of my stuff

>> No.4905993

Nowhere and $0 you stupid coomer. Stop posting your retarded shit asking 'how much?? how much??' when you could be spending that time learning how to actually draw beyond the level of a horny 14 year old. And by god, why pixel art if you don't even play to it's specific strengths.

>> No.4905996

I draw pony characters for $25 a pop. It brings in about $750 a month. Not a lot, but it's easy.

>> No.4905997

Are you the cintiq 32 pro anon? Its going to to take quite a while

>> No.4906003

Any examples of your work? I do like me some pony and have money to burn atm
that thing is like 3 grands, its going to take him forever, I have already paid all my tablets with my dirty coom Mccommissions money but it took me around a year.

>> No.4906007

Cheapo tablets are great, I made my tablets cost back thrice fold in my first coom commission with it

>> No.4906013

Ask your followers. They are already interested enough in your work.

>> No.4906018

I honestly think not more than 10 usd a pop, and im being very generous, your skills are pretty weak and you have no appeal, you can have holes in your skillset but having unnappealing designs and drawings is a mortal sin when comes to coom.

>> No.4906032
File: 367 KB, 1200x1600, practice_46_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing Draw A Box on the side, but I kind of need money rn, and I've heard that coom sells well.
Where can I get commissions from ponyfags? I think I may be able to pull off something like that relatively well.

>> No.4906040
File: 875 KB, 1000x1350, i draw hors for money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately I've been doing character designs. It's a lot easier to manage and price for than regular commissions since it's just a flat rate and three layers.

>> No.4906047

Cute, worth the 25, and maybe more, learn what lineweigth is and your images will look way better, seriously it's one of the few things it needs improvement ASAP

>> No.4906048

>Where can I get commissions from ponyfags?
Most are on derpibooru, Deviantart, Tumblr, Furaffinity or other "booru" sites. You can gauge interest by posting in the draw thread on /mlp/ if you just want some quick feedback. It's pretty unbearable there, but at least you can see if your work appeals. Ponyfags will pay for just about anything, but what's important is figuring out which ones you want to appeal to. Do you want to cater to the "bronies" who pay for basic character art, porn or memes, or the more "creative" fans that mainly pay because they just like pretty drawings? If you want quick money, I would go the porn/meme route.

>> No.4906051

>learn what lineweigth is
Yeah, that's something I really struggle with. I'll look for some exercises to get better at it. Do you have any suggestions? Glad you like it otherwise!

>> No.4906053
File: 68 KB, 405x425, practice_46_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, thanks for the feedback

>> No.4906076

Scott Robertson have some good lectures on it, and basically just study any professional artist that draws on pencil/inks, your art will get a lot more appealing and you can even rise the pricing a bit, wish your good luck, GMI for what I see just dont get lazy.

>> No.4906090

Much appreciated, anon! I'll keep at it!

>> No.4906092

Come on man, look at the threads on this board. You really want these people’s advice?

>> No.4906101
File: 323 KB, 340x255, 1595304978884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck! And try to have fun. I know it's for money, but at the end of the day you're drawing cute horses for money.

>> No.4906106
File: 152 KB, 640x360, Steven panic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one I'm working on is so much harder than I anticipated. I should've charged twice the price but I doubt I would've even gotten it in that case.

>> No.4906112

How detailed do you guys typically make your initial sketch/es?

>> No.4906115

Realistically, how hard is it to get to $1000 a month?

>> No.4906121
File: 99 KB, 500x750, sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little more than thumbnails; I want to make sure we're on the same page, and that only takes a few minutes of work. In this case, even though it's extremely rough, it still conveys the feeling and the client said to keep going.

>> No.4906122

As hard as getting a woman.

>> No.4906123

What are you drawing?

>> No.4906133

It's a 5-second anime-style animation with rather difficult perspective. I was actually working on something like that just before and it didn't take too long, so I thought this would be the same.

>> No.4906135

Where do you guys get most of your commissions from and how?

>> No.4906136

where's the best place to find people to commission you anyway? just twitter or somewhere else?

>> No.4906138

How much did you charged?

>> No.4906157


>> No.4906161
File: 292 KB, 1285x604, mlp_001_a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, I think I'm starting to get this pony drawing thing

>> No.4906225

Very cute! You'll do fine, keep at it!

>> No.4906257
File: 418 KB, 2017x2737, 8ouhjkhhklj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4906259

>5 second animation
ahahahaha good luck refunding that guy

>> No.4906264

>for an animation
>5 seconds long
Dude...dont you want to pick up cotton for me?

>> No.4906334

Because crabs will give you bad advice, you will think they are being helpful but actually misguide you. It's okay to ask for guidance related to you drawing skill though.

>> No.4906446

i will never give/get finanical advise/advice from 4chan... good luck.

>> No.4906546

I'm not gonna refund him, I'm mostly done. Like I said I've made animations this length before so I thought it would take like half the time; this one just turned out to be exceptionally difficult.

>> No.4906556


Be good enough to be worth paying.

>> No.4906907

no, why won't normies pay for my /beg/ scribbles?

>> No.4906929
File: 469 KB, 695x1037, small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this for 40$ and a couple similar ones, in total i made a couple of hundred bucks
I was really happy that I proved to myself that it is possible only after a year of continous drawing
However I acknowledge that this is pretty much /beg/ tier and I am now only studying anatomy and figure drawing cause I neglected it too much (constatnly relied on references that I didnt understand)

>> No.4907079

This is going to sound like bragging or something stupid but I genuinely would appreciate advice here. I have about 15 people on my waitlist but after doing commissions all year I'm burnt out. I don't need the money because my day job pays the bills and this is just a hobby. How do I handle putting the waitlist on hold and doing my own thing for a while? I have not taken money from anyone on my waitlist. Just told them they were in line.


>> No.4907083

I disagree with the other posters. The pixely style would likely appeal to a market even though your fundies are lacking. Not sure how long these take you but you could test the waters at $20 USD at least.

>> No.4907104

Definitely not beg tier, id coom

>> No.4907246

>I have not taken money from anyone on my waitlist. Just told them they were in line.

You already solved your own problem. A lot of fairly popular artists even delay doing commissions from their CURRENT clients because they want to work on personal stuff more. Yes, even after they have gotten paid. Maybe don't think about it too hard.

>> No.4907252

I would pay $8 for this, take it or leave it.

>> No.4907269

Cool thank you anon.

>> No.4907283

Looks like a $30 piece. This is way better than the sketches I've paid some of the popular artists I've commed.

>> No.4907296

my favorite mexican lewd artist stopped taking commissions a year ago when paypal became useless in that country.

>> No.4907317

Those tits are dangerously bouncy
you got a blog?

>> No.4907337

I think your biggest issue is rendering rather than anatomy.

>> No.4907341

you owe me money for violating my eyes with such terrible creations

>> No.4908319

Now is your chance to get the best quality artwork from him; he got more free time and he's already at a point where his dwindling cash reserved is noticable. Kindly offer to pay him with alternatives like cashapp or bit currency and I guarantee he will take up on your offer

>> No.4908578

It's funny you say that, because I've been away from /ic/ for a few years, and I just came back, tried to give a critique and was accused of being a crab who didn't know what I was talking about. That they shouldn't trust drawing advice because they would be misguided.

I don't know when this started being the norm on /ic/, but know you're one of the crabs perpetuating this cancerous idea that there's no good advice to be found on /ic/.

>> No.4908589

Check out this thread

and as a complement to that, if you have no following and no perspective at all, try Fiverr. Create a gig charging the lowest amount possible ($5) to get your account going, and after you start getting reviews and orders start pilling up, raise your price to the level you're comfortable with.

Fiverr eats a ton of your money, they charge like 20% from your price, and ON TOP OF THAT they charge the buyer an additional $2-$5. They even take a cut from tips.
So it's not ideal, they are major scumbags, but the platform really works.

>> No.4908606

how does it work in fiverr? does a client just send you descriptions of what he/she wants when a commission is placed?

>> No.4908685

You set up a page for a service, and you can have multiple pages. For example I have one for dnd characters, another one for rpg face sets, another one for concept art, whatever niche I want to draw and people might be searching for.

Inside each page you can set tiers like sketch, flat colors, full colors... You set how much time it will take, what the final product is and the price for each tier of course.

When a client clicks the "buy" button they go through a payment page and a requirements page where they have to submit their request. The deadline is only set after they send the requirements

>> No.4908858

>charging less than 50 for anything

>> No.4908880
File: 2.01 MB, 1257x1680, ex-37-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much

>> No.4908893

/ic/ became shit with the rest of the site around 2016. The quality of 4chan as a whole took a nose dive, but I noticed that /ic/ became particularly destitute. All the really good artist started to get chased out and the average poster became a shitposter that screamed "crab, crab, crab". Its honestly not worth it to give consistent critique because its not even going to be listened to half the time.

>> No.4908907

How should you go pricing comic pages?

Or animations?

>> No.4908919

Yeah I never clicked ic back in the day but I notice the difference in tone when I click archives is insane. It’s not a hugbox by any standard but people aren’t screaming pyw pyw and not posting anything. When someone says pyw they’d actually post even if it was shit, and then they’d get criticisms, and actively act on them and post results. The world is full of dickheads. I don’t think it’s ic that changed, it’s society. Ironically, because of the internet

>> No.4908925

I definitely agree. Very little discussions are taking place anymore. Its either baiting people or trying to prove your right and then running away if you can't. I blame the death of tumblr and the overall format of twitter and its algorithm for the state of the internet today. All the younger people don't know how to communicate in anything but memes or "ironic" shitposting.

>> No.4908936

a blow job behind the dumpster.

>> No.4908947

>drawing /pol/ meme
youre literally worthless

>> No.4908956

This is awesome my dude. Clean up the outlines on the lips and hands and it's gold.

How much is a comfortable living for you? How long does it take for you to paint something like that? Think of how much you want to earn per month and translate that to an hourly rate, then it's hourly rate x time you take to paint picture.

The hard part is finding clients, of course. If you aren't getting work you'll have to lower your price, too much work means you can bump up your price.

>> No.4909036

If the change was just in interactions then wouldn't we see the same amount of wips, and the same level of quality in art we had around 2010?

I would bet that, before youtube art channels were so abundant people had barely anywhere to go besides /ic/, now we have dozens of channels, each one with their little discord community so...
If you're serious about drawing, why would you mingle in this shit show that is /ic/ when you could hang out on Trent's discord, or Ahmed's or whoever else

>> No.4909118

because discord sucks you tool

>> No.4909129

I agree, but most people like it. And even if you don't like the app, the communities there are better

>> No.4909480

thanks senpai that was very helpful

>> No.4909513

Ok, sorry to sound like a total dumbass but what do i put under the requirements page

>> No.4909536

Whatever you need from your client.
Let's say you're drawing characters: "Please provide me with a visual description of your character. Make sure to describe facial features, body type, equipment, weapons and any other details you consider essential to the character. Image references are not required but are also appreciated" that sort of stuff

>> No.4909552

Bro I love you. Thanks a bunch

>> No.4909828

Can confirm i find it easier to get clients for my coom art on fiverr (didnt try too many places though) the system they seems is buyer friendly so i guess in some ways it is fair they take money for providing comfort of transactions, but the cut from tips and buyer is fucked.
What i do is give 5$ for flat colour and increase the price accordingly (charge more for shading etc) and also charge extra for stuff like private commissions. I have a question has anyone tried similar sites to fiverr for nsfw? I was considering opening a shop on Etsy, but they dont seem prepared for digital commissions.

>> No.4909997
File: 3.92 MB, 2970x2100, 98457834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they are asking for too much. Thoughts?

>> No.4910008

First off I love the commission sheet itself
They can charge whatever they please, the real matter at hand whether they have the clientele willing to pay

>> No.4910042
File: 195 KB, 737x964, carrotcrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is tempting. I wasn't sure if pones were still lucrative. I've been trying to get into the more general furry pin-up scene and it hasn't been going well.

>> No.4910089

Hi guys, how do you earn at least $500 a month? Sometimes the artwork takes long to finish but I can't price higher because no client would hire me. Also this sounds like something you shouldn't tell but I'd appreciate if you can point me to a platform best to get commissions, I mainly do character designs.

>> No.4910097

I dont see how any of that is too much? Looks like too little imo.

>> No.4910147

No problem, anon

Yeah, I wasn't complaining that they take a cut, the thing is they already take double what these types of website usually get from you, and then they charge the buyer on top of that

That's too low

>> No.4910185

I’ve made over $1000 a month a couple of times, but I also offer comic pages. If your art is at least semi-decent, you can make it. I draw coom art and I’m using it as a way to improve quickly and build up a business for myself. I usually open with ten slots to get done a month, most people pay for rendered pieces with backgrounds when I make the most of my dosh. You’ll want to start out slowly though. Get one commission see how it goes, open up to three, then five, and so on. Gauge how long it’ll take you.

>> No.4911230

then how much would be enough for that level, smarts?

>> No.4911233

I know a trick to make way past that but I need to write a book about it before i share you the free shit.
Look out for "Scoring art commissions for the mentally retarded" probably have to change the mentally retarded to dummies or newbies

>> No.4911234

I mean something that supposedly works for most, mentally retarded means it only works for you.

>> No.4911238

if it works for me, it should work even better for everyone. unless if you're more retarded than mentally retarded such as the likes of yourself.

>> No.4911275

Amazing sheet, will steal the idea.
Btw rise those prices at least $20 more anon!

>> No.4911283

Lol, it's not mine. Just asking if guy is asking for too much since i want to commission

>> No.4911289

>no underage
Into the trash with your generic shit

>> No.4911292

How is too much? Dude if you are poor you shouldn't be getting commissions un the first place, we as artist are not bonded to lower our prices to slavery levels just because horny poorfag retards like you think we charge "too much"

>> No.4911296

you shouldnt comm an artist based on how good they draw.
>do they provide WIPs?
>are they okay with revisions?
>how much experience they have in taking comms?
>do they have prompt communication?
>are they known to bail on comms?
>how comfortable are they with your fetishes or the fetishes of others?
>are they able to meet deadlines?
these are important factors as well.

>> No.4911299

How much were you planning on asking? Were you willing to draw something like their full art tier for less than $60? How much were you thinking on asking and how long would it take for you to draw something like that?

>> No.4911302

Not when you are paying 20 USD, this are Mccommissions dude, not professional work, you get what you pay for, imagine asking for several revisions and making them waste their time reading how much you love your waifu, thats why I pulled out from NSFW, full of mongos and abusive fucks.

>> No.4911315

yeah, that's why people are willing to pay trash artists $80+ for a comm, its not because they draw good but because they are reliable and willing to churn out fetish draws.

>> No.4911322
File: 1.92 MB, 1000x1229, fodase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted on SALT thread earlier
i did it for 80 usd, but now there are more people than i can take at once coming to twitter DMs to ask if i'm open, so i should try raising prices a bit until the amount of requests is balanced

is a +40 increase too much? I'm pretty sure people won't notice if i raise +20, but i'd like to know how far can it go

>> No.4911324

Big redpill

>> No.4911330

not really, I have seen people with literal trash tier skills charge that, just do it already and if its doesnt work well youll know why, but 80is just too damn low atm.

>> No.4911339
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x967, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm also doing sketches like these for 35, but it's just not worth it
they are quick and all but i have to talk to 3 clients to make what a regular commission pays on its own
this one is pretty cute, gj

>> No.4911343

Peak souless

>> No.4911344

>I have seen people with literal trash tier skills charge tha
can you post an example? I saw kyle charging something like 90usd for a commission and that's discouraging considering how big of a following he has, even if you don't like his stuff

>> No.4911346

I would think about 150$ with this skill level.

You definitely are too good for 80$.

>> No.4911348

>you're one of the crabs perpetuating this cancerous idea that there's no good advice to be found on /ic/.
I specifically said that no one should take advice from /ic/ when it comes to commissions or any sort of income related to art. I stand by that 100%.

Drawing advice is different. It's still shit, but if you post work and ask the right questions, then you can maybe get the feedback you need (if you're lucky). Though most morons just post their work and say "thoughts?", which is unproductive.

>> No.4911349

Who the fuck is Kyle?

>> No.4911350


>> No.4911353

kyle doesnt do comms anymore. the asswipe almost never responds to comm requests no matter how much you spam his inbox

>> No.4911354


one of the best artists from ic...

>> No.4911356

he used to post here
i don't know what is this so probably no
i'll try 120 and check back itt later to tell if it went well
i didn't know that, saw his prices 4-5 months ago

>> No.4911358


but he posts comms on twitter?
so who are those people he does them for

>> No.4911359

who? give link or something I dont know who he is.

>> No.4911362


>> No.4911364

Absolutely you should raise your prices my fellow br. You should be charging in the hundreds for something like this.

How are these "sketches"? How long do you take to draw these?

Like you said, you have a bunch of people asking for commissions, raise your price to $150 like the other anon said, if you feel guilty you can be honest and tell them you're raising your prices, that you have a bunch of work to do and that that's the only way it's worth taking their commission.
People flooding you with orders is the most obvious sign you could be charging a lot more.

>> No.4911365

So an inferior Tsuaii clone? YIKESSSSSS!

>> No.4911367

close friends he's comfortable with
he doesnt take comms just from anyone, just from people he trusts

>> No.4911368


>> No.4911371

I wish I will have this comfort one day

>> No.4911379

Way too picky for someone who has a literal animumu generic style.
also, are you HIM OR SOMETHING?

>> No.4911381

yw, p it crabtard

>> No.4911382


I think that once you have 100k followers, you can do what you want, there's always going to be enough people throwing money at you

>> No.4911392

Im obviously worse than him, but that doesnt forbids me from seeing he is just a boring mediocre Tsuaii clone, and why are you so assblasted? is Kyle your boyfriend?

>> No.4911401

Kyle had nightmare commisioners in the past. People who bailed on him, outright scammed him, asswipes who refunded him after the drawing's done, etc
He only takes money from repeat customers because those are his most trusted friends.

>> No.4911405

Paypal refunds dont work that way, the process is long and tedious if he bothered doing an invoice at least, if he went full retard and just gave his addres saying "here, deposit here" then he is the only to blame, also always ask money as family and friends when working with people you dont know.

>> No.4911602

Whats your twitter mano?

>> No.4911604
File: 483 KB, 772x1071, modessmal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this for 30$

>> No.4911606

I've never had a job or done taxes before due to being a NEET. But how do taxes work when you take commissions or have a Patreon?

>> No.4911612

You’ll only have to file taxes when you make more than 15k a year, I think?

>> No.4911617

I'd sold less complex drawings for $200, so just go for it.
Since you received several DMs, give them different rates. Give more expensive rates to the ones you are less interested into.
If anyone finds out you are giving different prices, just say the prices are based on an hourly estimate based on the drawing complexity you imagined from the request.

>> No.4911618

4chan sure is full of rich people, bunch of liars saying they are broke

>> No.4911621

Patreon and paypal informs the irs about the amount of income you make.

>> No.4911698

I hope that took you way less than an hour to do.

>> No.4911713

I think it's if you make less than $400, it's not enough to take social security taxes out of that. (Even if they can't the IRS still wants you to declare it.) Either way, if you are declaring self-employment income it's best to just save some money and try paying something each quarter so you don't get hit with late fee penalties. I mean it may not be too much, but you have to pay taxes every quarter if you are self-employed.

Also, you can write off whatever you used to create your work such as tools, equipment, paying for your site, money you paid for ads, and etc. These write-offs help in lessening how much you have to owe. Best to keep good records.

Either way, best to see an accountant and ask them. If you are making that little they may not even bother, but who knows.

They don't send those out to the IRS unless you make over $20K or have over a certain amount of transactions. Best to check their sites regarding 1099K info.

>> No.4911719

Do you hate money or something? Of course you should raise your prices!

>> No.4911721

They can charge whatever they want. Actually, I think they should charge even more.

>> No.4911734

Why do so many artists do these amazing and shitting hands? Hands are just as important as the face is.

>> No.4911813
File: 293 KB, 772x753, edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a good following? This is not bad, with a bit of polishing you could charge way more. Not that you couldn't raise prices right now anyway, it all comes down to how much demand do you have.

A bit of criticism though, look out for the edges on your paintings, the way you rendered the face makes it look like she has a sharp protuberance on her cheeks. It all comes down to how light and shadow interact, if there's a hard change from light to dark it indicates a sharp edge. See pic related

Consider studying colors, right now you render every area the same color just going up and down the value scale, and that makes the painting really boring if nothing else.
Speaking of colors, make the background a complementary color to make the drawing pop out more, right now everything is warm pink and it's straining on the eyes.
In any case, keep up the good work, anon

>> No.4911825

>the thing is they already take double what these types of website usually get from you
which websites do you have in mind?

>> No.4911827

>Do you have a good following? This is not bad, with a bit of polishing you could charge way more

yes that is my plan for now to study and gain following
I've done a few comms for the last 2 months but now I'm gonna study cuz I actually felt a lil bad about my quality

thanks for critique

>> No.4911870

>but I can't price higher because no client would hire me
How do you know that?

>> No.4911897

How in the world did you convince yourself that your skills are only worth double digits? 120-150, would be a better range.

>> No.4911901

>How in the world did you convince yourself that your skills are only worth double digits?
does anyone has that tumblr post where a 120k follower guy that paints fucking amazing portraits bitch about getting one comm per month and he charged $120 for it?

>> No.4911931

thats fuggen amazing

>> No.4911961

80 USD is way, way too low.
How long did it take you to make it? Multiply that by an hourly rate, and that's how much you should charge.

>> No.4911979

I think twitter is the best place to gather a following and announce commissions right now. If you have no following, no one asking about prices on your dms, Fiverr is the best for you.
Getting your first orders on Fiverr might be a little hard, so try creating a cheap gig, like $5 for sketches, and after getting those first reviews Fiverr will start pushing your gig and orders will start pouring.

About the speed of your work... how long is "too long" and what level are we talking about?

>> No.4912074

>t. mid level /beg/
I'm gonna start taking commissions soon but recently my laptop died on me, I was using a Wacom Bamboo, now I'm thinking of getting a S6 lite to draw on, thoughts? Will it be more accessible and still as accurate as a tablet? Is it possible to work on commissions entirely on a tablet? I'm talking about long sessions, does anyone have one that can vouch whether it gets uncomfortable?

>> No.4912083

>. If you have no following, no one asking about prices on your dms, Fiverr is the best for you.
And how do you get a following on twitter? My art gets zero interaction in twitter, even when doing fine in instagram

>> No.4912089

shill like a stupid faggot

>> No.4912565

you gotta kiss ass, clout, ride coat tails, and shill your shit. Draw fanart for a streamer you watched, popular people’s OCs, what’s trending, and blah blah blah. Make sure they can find you easily. Don’t watermark your shit. If they like your stuff, they will try to find you.
Just be careful what you’re drawing and who you are drawing for.

>> No.4913130

useless how?

>> No.4913249
File: 1.45 MB, 1066x1194, Screen Shot 2020-10-05 at 4.20.21 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to into doing dog portraits or something similar for quick cash but all of the people i know (mostly from highschool) lowball me or just end up not having money altogether. im trying to move away from doing commissions and move on to creating my own vision now that im more comfortable painting from imagination, but it would be nice in the meantime to spend my off hours feeling useful and be able to take my girlfriend out every once in a while. this is my first piece on a wacom no display tablet (i have a 16in pro now). since then ive gotten better as far as construction, composition, and not color picking (this was my first digital piece just so i was testing out the waters) but i dont have any newer examples of this kind of work because like i said ive been trying to move away from it. so any help would be greatly appreciated from you guys.

>> No.4913252

sorry i took a screenshot from instagram so i thought the size wouldnt be an issue

>> No.4913267

Not bad, when I was at this level I charged $50.

>> No.4913276
File: 115 KB, 400x400, 1601592074003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retard here. How does commissions works? How do you handle your first comission?

>> No.4913280

hold someone at gunpoint and force them to commission you.

>> No.4913300

They're charging too little honestly.

>> No.4913372
File: 202 KB, 900x1201, Untitled_Artwork copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't help myself had to clean it up but now it looks sterile af.

>> No.4913702

what kind of pen do you use?

>> No.4914928


it happened last year



Paypal in mexico no longer lets the users to keep their money on the account, now they have to register a bank account and the money goes there, plus taxes of course.

>> No.4914970

Nooooo, no sabia eso!

>> No.4914981

You tell your followers you are accepting commissions with a link to a commission sheet that gives a basic idea of what you draw and for how much. No need to go in detail here.
Once you receive emails, send them more details. Outline your workflow step by step. How you work on commissions depends on you. Sketch first or upfront payment? Ask for their PayPal email so you can send an invoice. Ask them to be as detailed as possible. Some clients think they are nice by giving you lots of artistic freedom but at the end they are the ones who need to happy with your service. Personally I work with my client on a sketch (just a rough mannequin) and they pay to see that sketch finished.
You send invoices via PayPal. Everyone uses it to pay online. Once the invoice is paid you go back to the transaction details and add shipping information. Select No shipping No tracking or something like that.
Now finish the drawing and send an update to your client from time to time.
You will notice that you spend a lot of time writing emails. Just prepare some copy paste messages to save time.
Always try to be as transparent as possible. Give your client the feeling that they are in control. Give them opportunities to approve the sketch or suggest changes. Always be kind to them.
I do a lot of simple draw muh OC with a huge futa dick commissions like this with zero problems.

>> No.4915047
File: 257 KB, 504x375, 1575690393821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to give you my money to draw my retarded OC donut steels.

>> No.4915183

>art handle literally in the corner of the artwork
>who are you dude
boy it mustve sucked to be illiterate

>> No.4915187

I looked in every corner except that one lmao

>> No.4915684

300$ looks like a better price. It may scare off your usual clients since you charged so low but your skill can be sold at the 200-500 range, so slowly increase it while maintaining demand

>> No.4915688

>too much
>fucking $60 for full color

>> No.4915690

Stop treating prices like an arbitrary rating system.
Time * hourly rate + materials
This is not fucking complicated.

>> No.4915721

Demand plays a bigger factor than your hours spent

>> No.4915725

No it doesn't. Demand can raise your hourly rate, but you should still be basing your prices on how long it takes you to make something instead of going "hurr I feel like this is worth $500".

>> No.4915751

If a beg shits out a drawing in 10h I'm not paying him even minimum wage for it because it's not good, so no demand here = price decrease. If a "pro" makes a sketch in 1h he can charge whatever he wants based on the audience demand, be it 20$ or 80$.
I know hourly rate is a good starting point but when you get good demand you should change to value based pricing

>> No.4915759

Make friends who are already successful and impress them with your art. Never ask for anything. At some point they may be too overloaded for a small job and give your name as a reference.

Never take /ic/s advice on anything desu.

>> No.4915761


>> No.4915762

>Stop treating prices like an arbitrary rating system.
That's exactly what it is. What you get paid is entirely dependent on the client and being able to guess their budget is an art to itself.

>> No.4915764

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.4915769

You either don't work or you're in some niche where you can pretend there are rules to everything. My words come from experience. Drumming up commissions online is entirely different from quoting to an ad agency and it has fuck all to do with cost of materials and specific hourly rate. I charge corporate clients x10 for the same shit.

>> No.4915789
File: 431 KB, 1399x1769, 81qejqvnBOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this and stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.4915834

What is the highest coom buck? milf buck, furries buck or loli buck?

>> No.4915860

>milf buck
normal dollars, best option.
>furries buck
you have to be a furry and have shitloads of patience dealing with shiteating retards who will nitpick every detail of the way you draw their oc. money's not that good either, you still have to draw amazing works to get big money.
>loli buck
fuck no. lolishitters are the poorest cunts in the world, most of these shitheads consider a $40 color commission too expensive. stay away at all cost.

>> No.4915882

Commiss.io and Stripe.

>> No.4915967

Go to etsy. Asap. People are buying for Christmas right now and normies love dog portraits. Spend a little on advertising every day (they won't charge you unless people click on the ads)
I opened my shop last night and I made $30 off stickers

>> No.4916831

I like to come to these threads to find people to commission. But you niggers often shame people for promoting and their prices.

>> No.4916838

Do what I did, let artist contact you through a burner e-mail, I found good skilled people here and i'm happy with the results.

>> No.4916862

>you have to be a furry and have shitloads of patience dealing with shiteating retards who will nitpick every detail of the way you draw their oc.
This wasnt usually the experience for me aside for one annoying autist that made me learn what to do, if they have already refs just straight up trace and colorpick they wont care. Wont develope your skills far but good enough for a quick buck

>> No.4916871

I think you are a poorfag

>> No.4916879


>> No.4917034

will draw on mspaint for 1 dollhair pay me first

>> No.4917172

where do people usually go to get da lolibuck merchandise? how would transactions start? asking for a friend

>> No.4917243

ko.fi perhaps? i dont use it

>> No.4917331
File: 48 KB, 726x556, 568679034576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


poordrawfag here

>> No.4917332

yes i use a mouse so give me a break

>> No.4917697

I sincerely hope you don't charge only $1 for anything.

>> No.4917859

read the sign anon

>> No.4917878

Anon, think about it: if I hadn't read the sign, why would I be talking about you charging $1? I clearly read the sign.
My response to the sign is "I hope you don't actually do this".

>> No.4918188
File: 91 KB, 785x579, 67945678957890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you read the sign right
what would you suggest I charge for
>pic related

>> No.4918226
File: 366 KB, 600x598, awooga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I'm a /beg/tard and I have people commissioning me for 40-50$.
I think the bar just becomes low when you draw coomer stuff

>> No.4918281

Depends how long it takes you but at least 5 if it's a quick thing to do

>> No.4918283

/aco/ comm threads have lots of despo artists willing to draw loli for 2x the charge they offer >>>/aco/4548060

>> No.4918284

I'm barely out of beg and charge 100 per commission (2 characters fucking)

>> No.4918461

$30 piece for black & white?

>> No.4918463

How many hours did it take you to make it? Multiply that by an appropriate hourly rate.

>> No.4918472
File: 126 KB, 690x862, IMG_20200811_183232_588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much should I charge for a drawing like this?

>> No.4918485

>at least 5
No man. The minimum wage in the US is $7.25/hr and art is skilled labor. A fucking grocery store job will pay at least $9/hr, and a data entry job pays around $15/hr. A job where you just type shit that's written on paper into a computer all day pays 15 times what this guy is trying to charge for art.

>> No.4918488

Do the math nigga

>> No.4918504

That's why I said depending on how long it takes. If he can pump out a simple image like that in 15 minutes than that's more than double min wage. also your burger-focus is showing.

>> No.4918527

>That's why I said depending on how long it takes. If he can pump out a simple image like that in 15
No anon. Always round up with shit like this. If you think you can get something done in 15 minutes, then at the bare minimum you should charge the work as if it will take you 30 minutes. Or better yet, charge for an hour and spend the extra time on corrections or preliminary sketches. Communicating with the client is part of your job too, and the time that takes needs to be factored in.

>your burger-focus is showing
And? We are on the internet, speaking English. The clientele for commission is going to be predominantly American, therefore your rates should be based on what Americans pay for things.
>but I live in a third world shithole and only make $5 per day!
Not online you don't. Sell to Americans using American standards. It's as simple as that.

>> No.4918546

To be clear, I agree in that everyone should be fighting for as much as they can get, so if he wants to charge 100$ a piece that's great, but he was starting at literally 1$ so I was trying to be reasonable. Anyways, it doesn't matter anymore because I don't even think that anon is in the thread anymore.

Also, >thinking americans are the only people that speak English or buy things

This is why everyone hates you guys.

>> No.4918548

>thinking americans are the only people that speak English or buy things
Acquire reading comprehension.

>> No.4918591

5 bucks max
youre super /beg/

>> No.4918593


>> No.4918609

Someone paid $10 for this

Nothing, maybe? You need to work more on your stuff before charging people money

>> No.4918625

I want to do commisions for furries as I heard that's where all the money is.
Is having just a Twitter enough? It feels the easiest to just focus all efforts on one platform.
My current plan is very rough art as it's going to be quantity over quality unless it's a commision. I draw anime style mostly and I'm afraid it's not furry enough.

Do I have to go full beggar mode and prostrate myself by messaging every new follower? Do I just go into hc smut straight off?
What's the optimal strategy to get the first commision going and how do I know which furry chara is the flavour of the week to optimise the chance of commisions or do I just focus on one niche chara who doesn't have much fanart and keep drawing it until I can get a commision for it?

>> No.4918640
File: 879 KB, 2400x2900, IMG_20200819_010412_522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know
Just tried my best

>> No.4918650

You should ask for more, I saw aztodio charge more than $400 for a basic figure.

Btw anyone knows how much big name porn artists like CSR charge?

>> No.4918652
File: 565 KB, 1853x1000, frankieemotesreduxgrey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much can I charge brehs?

>> No.4918657

I want to know how much BBCchan charge
Yo BBC what's on your comm sheet

>> No.4918659
File: 65 KB, 579x900, jklc5bkw2u0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to do commisions for furries as I heard that's where all the money is.
You have been lied to. As usual, heed this warning >>4905862 and never, ever listen to /ic/ when it comes to making money.

>> No.4918665

Ignore that retard.
Read >>4918485 and >>4918463
You should consider $20/hr the baseline. You may not get commissions for a while until you improve, but underselling yourself is the last thing you want to do as an artist, because it communicates to people that your art is not desirable and that you don't have confidence in your ability to deliver quality work.
Develop your skills, pay attention to how long it takes you to do work (especially work that satisfies a prompt), start at $20/hr, and raise it once you have more commissions than you can do at any given time.

>> No.4918666

Do the math.

>> No.4918676

Alright thx. But I only draw anime style and I feel like there's no point when the nips actually draw 1000x more superior. That's why I felt like furry is the only path with the most chances for making money. I guess I'll figure out myself and see which art I make produces the most likes.

Btw how's loli and shota treated on Twitter? Is Pokegirls and beastility with pokemons frowned upon? I'm guessing JC is in the gray zone?

>> No.4918765

I actually looked at your Twitter and I think you could make decent money on the side with doing commissions *in the future (1-2 years)*.

I honestly think your biggest shortcoming is that you pick awful skintones, and well frequency and consistency in terms of uploaded content.

But like thinking commissions anytime soon with this level of skill (I mean don't get me wrong, it's not *that* bad like the other anons are implying, but it's not *talent* either, it's just middle of the road or average at best) and 10 followers on Twitter. You have to be realistic. 10 followers isn't going to cut it.

>> No.4918766

Honki? Maybe someone else.

>> No.4918829

are you stupid dude? These are $60 at least
I do way simpler shit for $50

>> No.4918853
File: 54 KB, 1280x720, show-azusa-the-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a guide to payment methods for NSFW artists?

>> No.4918867

So, is this sarcasm or not? Can't tell.

>> No.4918898
File: 121 KB, 900x1351, Coquettish_Corset_pinup_by_CuriousPeaches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the side of the head has volume bro..

>> No.4918910

Does anyone know if I can use pixiv booth to draw nsfw commissions and checkout with PayPal? I'm not sure if PayPal allows nsfw or not.

>> No.4918915

Do people get in trouble for fan art commissions?

>> No.4918946

you are not big enough to worry about it

>> No.4919109

it look me about 20 to 30 mins using a mouse slows me down but ima poor fag

>> No.4919261

Always send invoices with paypal, and ALWAYS title it with something generic like "one full color illustration"
NEVER EVER especify that your services involve porn, never EVER put something like "one full color illustration of a big titty goth furry shitting on a wolf"
Paypal will never know you do nsfw if you don't tell them

>> No.4919275

Based crab

>> No.4919330

i paid back my wacom in the first 2 comms I did
its a shitty intuos draw but it gave me shitloads of money like its a bank

>> No.4919336

>tfw so horny I ended up fapping to this

>> No.4919361
File: 352 KB, 1173x1115, 1601035003209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt fap to the uncensored version instead

>> No.4919363


>> No.4919434

Holy fuck, you guys are pathetic.

>> No.4919463

How the fuck am I a crab?
I'm telling him to value his work and not sell himself short, you retard.

>> No.4919485

You're telling him to charge potentially $100+ for sketchy BW work that's barely above /beg/ tier. There are two explanations: One, you're trying to sabotage him, or two, you're a dumbass.

>> No.4919499

just wanted to tell you bro that i managed to sell my first commission. i spectacularly botched the job but the good hearted lad still gave me 5 stars wheeew. i dont know what to feel

>> No.4919513
File: 41 KB, 564x646, breh moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally had my account frozen for no reason, remember I was at work and my gf sent me gas money and i couldnt transfer the money to my account and broke down on the side of the road. fuck paypal

>> No.4919565

Fucking moron.

>> No.4919583

Just because spend more time on something doesn't make it more valuable. Get off your high horse. We don't live in such an ideal world. The reality is this is a competitive and oversaturated market.

It's much more effective to learn how to be faster and cut corners if you want to be successful. 20/hr for literal nobodies? What a fucking joke. I hope no one listens to you. You aren't entitled to a living wage by virtue of being an artist, you have to earn that.

>> No.4919603

If you have too many buyers to finish, you're underselling

If you don't have enough to keep you busy, you're overselling

>> No.4919622

I don't do commission for retards with communist signals.

>> No.4919876


>> No.4919878

Great argument retard

Really justifying that "$20/hr for anybody that picks up a pencil" stance

>> No.4919965

Not going to argue with a mongoloid.

>> No.4920626

So basically I could still use paypal to receive money on pixiv as long as I don't say it explicitly?

>> No.4922033

Yep you're right, you need to work on your anatomy. Your design looks great though.

Don't listen to >>4907337 he's a beg who don't know bad anatomy.

>> No.4922036

Who the hell pays for NSFW images? there's a shit ton of them online

>> No.4922061
File: 258 KB, 600x793, 1602185250801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who want custom ones and not another colorful hair anime girl with huge tiddies and heart pupils doing the aheagao, generic porn is so boring, a person who has never commissioned art cannot understand this, I pity simpletons like you to be honest.

>> No.4922198

How do I determine my drawing's worth in commissions?

>> No.4922213

By pyw

>> No.4922338

Read the thread.

>> No.4923850

good, more money for me then

>> No.4923905

I need diaper art that tags scat, piss, scatplay, feces vore, belly bulge, and hairy. I pay good per piece of my ocs. Please respond with handles.

>> No.4924383


>> No.4926623

You are underselling your work like a cheap crackwhore selling antique jewelry for pocket change, you are hurting your image and somewhat degrading the effort of artists in general, just wanted you to know that

>> No.4926685

totally new to commissions here. So can we all agree the main method of payment for art commissions is paypal? With the main platform being twitter?

That being said does the person that commissions me (sends me money) get to see my real home address? Or is it just my email address. Kinda paranoid about this cause I heard paypal shows the sellers home address to both buyer and seller or vice versa.

Does upgrading to a supposed business account help at all? Some explanation on this or the process from an experienced artist that takes commissions often would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.4926704
File: 292 KB, 1204x1108, 1602010302940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4926705

>So can we all agree the main method of payment for art commissions is paypal?
No, far from it.
>With the main platform being twitter?
>the person that commissions me (sends me money) get to see my real home address?
Depends what you use.

>> No.4926714

please advise I'm completely clueless now lol..

And is there any other main method of payment rather than paypal? I don't want everyone that commissions me to know where I live. Kinda on the fence about fiverr, because it just seems a lot more cleaner and easier to use.

>> No.4926719

Lineart is usually time consuming

>> No.4926724

You can also try a few methods, either fiverr or direct payment thtough sitrs like paypal. Just keep in ming fiverr has a 2 weeks cooldown before you can withdraw money (one week if you are top seller)

>> No.4926737

do clients get to see my personal info if I sell through fiver?

>> No.4926744


>> No.4926754

If you can draw furry you can easily charge 600+

>> No.4927596

Does anyone know if there's a database of commission prices from different artists of different skill levels? I want to see averages and such. If not, do you think such a website/tool would be useful?

>> No.4927652

I got paid with a paypal invoice but the money is on hold for more than a week, am i screwed or is this normal for invoices?

>> No.4927707


>> No.4927721 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 1280x1280, WIP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much could i commision?
tried creating a fiverr but got no requests yet

>> No.4927727
File: 21 KB, 1280x1280, WIP1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would you pay?

>> No.4927775
File: 62 KB, 370x499, PEGs_15_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by commissions, you mean real-world opportunities for professional artists that pay well and are sustaining over a long career, then pick up the Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing and Ethical Guidelines.

If by commissions, you mean it in the /ic/ sense of low-paying, private personal commissions of "OC", weebshit, or furry porn sourced from social media, then just steal someone's prices from someone elses fast-food style commission chart.

>> No.4927938

Drawing gundam is super easy isn't it? Just trace from a picture of gunpla.

>> No.4927980

how much was it?

>> No.4927993

I didnt trace it but having so much references is useful

>> No.4928012

Sorry, I'm not accusing you of tracing.
Just wondering if it's easy to just trace off Gunpla model instead of drawing it from scratch.

>> No.4928070
File: 1003 KB, 957x740, Spider-Gwen Flats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can;t draw, but I can ink and flat.
Where can I find people who actually need me?

>> No.4928322

dw idc
I dont really draw many Gundams, but finding good free photos of Gundam posing is easy and love the designs

>> No.4928376

buy a colouring book

>> No.4928431

Why would someone pay for drawings

>> No.4928441
File: 42 KB, 270x373, 1525870797483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can ink and flat

>> No.4928443

I now understand that the starving artist stereotype exists not because of the potential buyers but because of artists themselves perpetuating it

>> No.4928468
File: 1.64 MB, 400x400, 1601657652774.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the starving artist stereotype exists because of artists themselves perpetuating it
Not quite, but you're almost there. The 'starving artist' stereotype exists because most artists are absolutely terrible at making a sustainable income off their work. Most people don't understand how entrepreneurial it is to be a working artist, and they'll completely neglect to develop those skills only to then complain about not making enough money.

>> No.4928471

Advertise your services where people are creating comics. Websites such as webtoons, deviantArt, and itch.io all have people creating comics that need help in some way.

>> No.4928489
File: 2.55 MB, 498x277, Golf Tantrum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work hard damn it!

>> No.4928496

but not smart it seems
git gud

>> No.4928533

Someone else already suggested that to me in another thread actually. Will keep the others in mind. Thanks.

>> No.4928535

no clue does anyone know how you sell art commissions through fiverr?

>> No.4928552

Right? So if you try to work out how much p/hour you making that piece at what you charged then hopefully that would convince you to raise your prices in the future.

>> No.4928555

GAG offers a guide, but ultimately it's hard, because art is like wine. It's all about perceived value.

>> No.4930473
File: 368 KB, 777x1304, 006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much can I charge for this?

>> No.4930526


>> No.4930569
File: 352 KB, 1114x794, wightsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much can i charge for this

>> No.4930611

How long did it take?

>> No.4930895

ive been drawing for 20 years

>> No.4930986

stop pillow shading and learn proper color theory

>> No.4931000

You can't ink and flat. These colors look like shit.

>> No.4931041
File: 60 KB, 128x128, 656052700156264468.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get followers

>> No.4931047

Did you quote the wrong post? That guy didn't shade anything.

>> No.4931615

Where can you get people to commission you for nsfw content?

>> No.4931815

How does one go about the actual payment part of commisions, especially if I don't want anything linking my real name/email to my art account? Do taxes have to come into it, I'm australian if that makes any difference?
t. shuting hikineet who'se never worked for money in my life

>> No.4931867
File: 216 KB, 850x1226, __illustrious_and_victorious_original_and_1_more_drawn_by_dishwasher1910__sample-ae71df1b5673249d97e0ed37df8bab97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want someone to draw Lord Horatio Nelson as an anime milf.

Nothing lewd, but they have big tiddies and big vag energy like pic related.

Plz apply below.