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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4894818 No.4894818 [Reply] [Original]

>1. How to Draw. S Robertson
>3. Vilppu's Drawing Manual
>2. How to Render. S. Robertson
>4. Framed Ink.
Go through the books in order and supplement them with their own instructor's videos (only as a supplement). You can access scott's through the book itself. Everything Vilppu has done is in the video thread.
Yes this works for anime too, no you don't need loomis hogharth hampton bridgman nakamura. They're all good but stick to the plan, retard. Also DO ALL THE EXERCISES, don't just read.

>> No.4894820

Vilppu's a meme

>> No.4894822

A good gmi meme

>> No.4894827

nonononono you bumbling fucking schizoid
just draw

>> No.4894830

Vilppu's drawing manual is supposed to be 2 btw. sorry for the fuckup

>> No.4894848

are you the guy who posts "hard round" on every thread?

>> No.4894852

where loomis

>> No.4894855

Inaccurate. It goes
1. Just draw
2. Supplement with all those resources and outside info as needed

>> No.4894857

I can post probably hundreds of Deviant Art accounts following the just draw program for years and years.
It doesn't work

>> No.4894860

This. Books are there only to guide you, they won't make you good. I'm sure there are lot of good artists that have never opened a book. You need to put effort and do studies by yourself.

>> No.4894862

>Just draw
>Have no idea where to even begin, which topic to tackle first
>Don't know what you're doing and fail
Sounds like a ngmi step course.

>> No.4894864

Use your head.

Citing deviant art autists is not an argument. Most of them aren't actually trying to get better and many of them are actually mentally ill.

>> No.4894870
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>Use your head.
its not working

>> No.4894872

>Most of them aren't trying to get better
>They are mentally ill.
If your plan is so weak that the casual mention of highly available numerous examples on DA already has you coping and reaching then it was never a good to begin with

>> No.4894873

Then go read a book. Pure just draw isn't for everyone.

>> No.4894881

is it for anyone?

>> No.4894889

This guy's right, like it or not. Beginners with no ideas cling to the thought that that books and courses will guide them, so they worry about which books are useful because they have no idea what's useful to them. The exact books don't matter so much as developing your sense of what you want, and how to get it. That takes time of course. The books are the answer to a question, they can never ask the question itself. They might present possibilities especially early on, but ultimately you need to ask yourself what's important to you and then find out how to get it, through books or otherwise.

>> No.4894910

this guy gets it, overdependence to books will either make your work a watered down version of someone else's work or worse, just end up copying other people's drawings without learning shit.

>> No.4895050

I don't agree with OP list but your giving /beg/even less reliable information by not suggesting any resources yourself.

>> No.4895054

It was for me, and also for other artists I know.

>> No.4895068

Why does art have to be so fucking difficult?
>use resources instead of just drawing
>dont use resources because you'll lose your creativity
>dont just draw because you'll stagnate and never learn
>copy so you can learn how artists simplify forms and their specific techniques
>dont copy because you'll become a mindless copier and never understand how a piece works
Like FUCK at least with getting /fit/ all i had to do was run and copy other peoples lifts

>> No.4895079

>How to Draw. S Robertson
dude like just use 3d software lmao

>> No.4895081

Op here. The list is my humble take but i am aware it is imperfect. Pls do tell what in your opinion is missing so we can build up something more complete.

>> No.4895088

>calling op a schizoid
as a schizoid I am apathetic

>> No.4895089

You didn’t read the book

>> No.4895158

nah read it and made most exercises a few years ago. it's fine for product and concept designers and an overkill for the most artists who don't need do design man made objects consistently

>> No.4895187

Not really anything better than perspective for a beg who needs an objective systematic approach to the complexities of drawing.
Scott book's first half is impeccable as an introduction.
Once perspective is understood everything else becomes natural.

>> No.4895189

you're forgetting most people here just wants to draw anime pin ups

>> No.4895229

good point

>> No.4895231
File: 457 KB, 1548x1186, 1598411327572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing on color?

>> No.4895273

>How to Draw. S Robertson
Gosh fucking damn- 1 sane person on ic
No jokes- good shit bro

>> No.4895279

I wondered if i should include gurney's at the end but desu how to render might suffice.

>> No.4895352

How to render Scott Robertson

>> No.4895376
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>> No.4895389

I don’t even know what the cunt looks like, you render him dickhead

>> No.4895392

if i read them will i get good?

>> No.4895401

you need to put in the effort too

>> No.4895413

>didn't put observation (keys to drawing) number 1

>> No.4895423

hard round

>> No.4895433

My problem is that this list assumes that the adverage artist here (who actually posts work on this board) is operating at a level of competence when the reality is the most artist here are some level of beginner lacking in basic drawing skils. I would include some resources as a precursor: Dynamic sketching (peter han or unironally DAB to learn form, Framed perspective 1+2, hampton for basic figure drawing and strongly emphasis that studyng is to be done independent from personal work because some people are convince that studying is the only artwork they should be doing.

>> No.4895442

>How to Draw. S Robertson
opinion discarded
never post on /ic/ again

>> No.4895471

I've heard good things about Color: A Workshop for Artists and Designers by David Hornung

>> No.4895481

i guarantee this is one of the /asg/ fags who think they can understand perspective by copying anime eyes.

>> No.4895582

no one cares. Not gonna draw 3000000 ellipses just because

>> No.4895783

scott is more like you aren't gonna draw freehand ellipses anyway, just buy an ellipse template set for 100 dollars

>> No.4895995

Ellipses are fucking fun. Ngmi

>> No.4896043

It...could be extremely painful

>> No.4896116

those books are decent depending on your end goal. How to Render and half of How to Draw might be a bit overkill unless you get into industrial or product design or need perfect understanding of perspective.

I’d also recommend James Gurney for color/light.
Artistic anatomy by Paul Ritcher and atlas of animal anatomy by ellenberger have fantastic plates to study from.
Also go to life drawing at least once a week or at least draw yourself from a mirror frequently.
Spend ~100 hours (over a few months or a year, not as a constant focus) doing proper bargue plates at some point also if you struggle at all with copying or patience. It makes studying in general and learning significantly easier.

>> No.4896126
File: 70 KB, 900x900, 9D6B36F9-DC8D-46B2-BC1B-88A983D78045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bargue plates
Will somebody please tell me what the fuck these actually are? Is it literally just a fancy way of saying life study?

>> No.4896131
File: 31 KB, 640x512, 1_zIYIYFTp17f07GxKWv6_fQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid frog nigger
Its pretty much one of the best observational drawing studies you can do and will give you a skill you'll use for entire career- learning to draw what you see

>> No.4896134

Deviantart is a shell of it's former self, what remains is degenerates who obsess over fetishes, autistic kids who post OCs for fandoms and people who steal other people's art.

That's why nobody in the industry posts on there anymore.
So yes, you are correct.

>> No.4896143

people who say things like "lol im self taught" or "I just drew" like to omit the countless studies they did of their favourite artist while they were learning and all the youtube tutorials they followed to learn their craft.

Just because you don't go to school or read books doesn't mean nobody taught you.

>> No.4896152

>Its pretty much one of the best observational drawing studies you can do and will give you a skill you'll use for entire career- learning to draw what you see
So you admit it? It’s literally just a high effort life drawing with a fancy name made up by stuck up “artists”? WHAT THE FUCK IS A PLATE, I NEED TO KNOW AAAAAA

>> No.4896156


>> No.4896179

a plate is just a picture. Back then they used lithograph plates to print those things. So the term just carried over.

>> No.4896204

don't overthink it anon, just do what you love.

>> No.4896219

This anon gets it, definitely gmi. It is the natural and only way to improve, wether you like it or not.

>> No.4896241

Based educator anon

>> No.4896410

Are bargue plates a good place to start, to get past symbol drawing and all that shit? I think they look dope.

>> No.4896411

useless meme waste of time. ngmi

>> No.4896422

pyp (post your perspective)

>> No.4896535

No, its a stupid meme.

>> No.4896785
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