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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4895326 No.4895326 [Reply] [Original]

what are some cartoonists and animators that have this 90s style like John kricfalusi or the ed ed and edd guy?

>> No.4895329
File: 332 KB, 977x1250, john-k_phone-doodle_ren-and-stimpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4895335
File: 518 KB, 680x2568, 45BF8043-2F82-4E94-AD48-D68FA7D21070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them

>> No.4895338
File: 97 KB, 536x500, 4996290F-0028-4FAE-AFCC-88F24A5C35E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4895339

keked thanks for posting that

>> No.4895342


>> No.4895343

lmao what the fuck is that

>> No.4895366

High art

>> No.4895368

i knew this was going to get posted, gj /ic/

>> No.4895370

This is absolute gold. Moving stuff

>> No.4895426


Saw this coming a mile away. What about the one drawing that one of the storyboard artists for the show did of Edd getting anally raped by Eddy's Brother? I remember that one being posted on /co/ a couple of years ago and that one made entire thread spontaneously combust with rage.

>> No.4895432

>Edd getting anally raped by Eddy's Brother?
excuse me?

>> No.4895438

People forget that the show itself is continuously sexualizing the characters too, albeit a lot more subtly. Most people don't pick up on it, but those with an eye for it will see it.

>> No.4895441

I hate Rebecca

>> No.4895445

how you go from this to a completely soulless calart stile?

>> No.4895455
File: 1.45 MB, 640x480, Ed Edd n Eddy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we get back to the thread topic?

>> No.4895579

Okay, you just can't go and say this stuff and not post proof, I need answers.

>> No.4895604

You gotta hand it to her, she nailed the style. I have more respect for this than I do for the entirety of Steven Universe.

>> No.4895629
File: 66 KB, 592x550, ravenmdrewthisfyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and you shall receive.

>> No.4895633

This was supposed to be a comfy thread

>> No.4895682

OP here. I was being sincere what is wrong with u people

>> No.4895750

>check wiki
>that schnoz

>> No.4895756
File: 29 KB, 683x384, B5862DD5-B861-40DE-97C4-FC08630D947E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah me

>> No.4895763
File: 115 KB, 467x625, tumblr_inline_mlzvs0yvD01qb55ta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come the cancel pedophile witchhunt mob never went after Rebecca Sugar for her when she clearly drew underage characters sexually?
What's here is not even all, it gets more sexual.
Of course I know the answer but it illustrates how much they really care about the "children".

>> No.4895767

Sick bro do u work at Pixar or something?

>> No.4895776

fujos are the main demographic behind personality cancellations in social media and they are generally ok with pedophillic art as long as it’s male on male faggotry. this is why they later cancelled sugar over some some drawing which vaguely looked like a niggerish caricature instead

>> No.4895787
File: 45 KB, 600x600, concrete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I remember that fiasco.

>> No.4895797

>can’t read

>> No.4895800

The thumbnail unironically looked interesting, gmi

>> No.4896092
File: 19 KB, 334x254, 4d5bfbae-508b-4219-83e4-e1b627340127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4896188

When all your friends and coworkers can't draw for shit and you have to outsource your work to low skilled labor, you kind of have to simplify things so that lesser artists can match it and even still, so many of the storyboarders couldn't handle the simplified designs, skill is at an all time low in comics and cartoons.

>> No.4896205

Fuck the bitch that drew this and got hired by CN. Not because it's porn, but because she's a Fujoshtiter.

>> No.4896208

>so many of the storyboarders couldn't handle the simplified designs
Did an email of Rebecca complaining about how she had to dumb down her drawings due to the lack of skill in her crew get leaked or something? How do you know the story-boarders were incompetent

>> No.4896223

/ic/ isn't all bad, but there are certain unspoken rules you pick up on just by browsing for a while. The most important, in my opinion, is the class system of /ic/ denizens and their stomping grounds. Shortly put, GMI's and various others looking to improve will flock to secluded, 'boring' regions such as generals, where the consistency and age of the thread topic hold the conversation steady. People start to recognize each other, anonymity is reduced some, and personalities carry through threads, creating a sense of community that keeps people a little more in line.
Then there's the sea of daily random threads, half of which amount to some variation of 'talent wars,' 'style wars,' 'The American-Japanese war,' and the 'why is half of /ic/ war threads.' People develop expectations when approaching these threads now, they're doomed from inception regardless of intention. It's like the /b/ zone of /ic/. I'd suggest going to >>4858690 (animation general) with these posts in the future, or related boards such as /co/, as they actually care about the subject matter.

>> No.4896224
File: 782 KB, 112x112, 3x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4896226

Because they regularly shared their storyboards with the public and the worst storyboarders had the worst looking episodes, so when a storyboarder really fucked up the designs it translated directly to the animators, because they frankly just copy what their given.

>> No.4896288

okay humbert humbert

>> No.4896370 [DELETED] 


lmao are the you the same guy did the dexter/mandark one

>> No.4896375


but why

>> No.4896470

Did she legit draw this? That shits pretty funny but I’m truly surprised she ever shared it, that shit is fucked up

>> No.4896489
File: 64 KB, 811x718, AE6037A7-2500-439A-8870-64BDCB35702D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never really thought about it but Ed edd n eddy art is based, the characters are super expressive and funky

>> No.4896563

What is it with Fujos and either being barefoot or taking socks off

>> No.4896566

>Did an email of Rebecca complaining about how she had to dumb down her drawings due to the lack of skill in her crew get leaked or something?
The entire problem with SU is the exact opposite. Sugar is too nice and wanted to accommodate for every single art-style of her boarders, while also having to account for the koreans and animation costs (Once a show hits a third season IIRC CN cuts the budget) which is why you get shit like midget Steven in one frame and completely different proportions in another.

>> No.4896569

but why is your coomer crap ok though?

>> No.4896586

That's a crock of crap. Character sheets and holding people to basic standards would have fixed this. It's not the fault of the animation companies they used since both Rough Draft and SunMin animated a wide variety of shows with vastly different art styles. It's about the shitty storyboard art that Sugar didn't bother to check, just as she failed to check numerous other aspects of the show.

>> No.4896593

Because theyre animators, gesture and flow>everything else

>> No.4896594

This is backwards nonsense. The main demographic behind personality cancellations are teenagers/young adults invested in online activism. Some of these are probably shippers, since a lot of teenagers are, but that's not the same thing as a "fujo" since a lot of fujoshis tend to ship things like underage characters and incest or whatever, which makes them prime targets for the former type. They're also accuse of "fetishizing homosexuality". This is where the whole anti/anti-anti nightmare has popped up from.
That I know all this I'm not proud of.

>> No.4896595

Idiot he asked what not why, retard

>> No.4896598

I don't know if you're agreeing with me or not
>Character sheets and holding people to basic standards would have fixed this
The show had neither of this. There were a few character sheets early on but they've clearly not been used.
>It's about the shitty storyboard art that Sugar didn't bother to check, just as she failed to check numerous other aspects of the show.
This is also my point. She approved it because she wanted to preserve the idiosyncrasy of her boarders. Ian JQ, a former member who went on to make OK KO which does this exact nonsense, was adamant that cartoons should be "off-model and expressive."

>> No.4896603
File: 2.98 MB, 500x222, james baxter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree with factoring in Sugar possibly thinking she needed to factor in animation when it came to storyboarding. The animators were fine. It was the ineptitude with the production that really killed it. It's why it really stands out when guest storyboard artists and animators came onto the scene.
>"off-model and expressive."
I kind of agree with this idea, but midget steven is just not expressive. It's just jarring.

>> No.4896604

I might be wrong on that point then, since I thought I'd read Sugar saying part of the reason the artstyle changed was to make animation easier. As I recall that's just the common American excuse for their garbage artstyles, at least.

>> No.4896605

Bad choices were made, I sincerely regret asking.

>> No.4896607

You're probably right that she used that as an excuse. And I suppose you should vaguely think about animation when storyboarding, but as long as you provide a good storyboard, the animators can do the rest. They work with what they're given.

>> No.4896608
File: 111 KB, 870x506, cel-sketch-troopofgirls-0-870-0-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u senpai ill head over
yup this holds true. There is a whole story behind animation being outsourced in the 80s and nickelodeon bringing it back in the 90s, the animation boom and having 'every frame is a different expression / no frame is ever the same'.
So I guess my question should be phrased:

What are some cartoons and artist with very exaggerated gesture and flow?

>> No.4896611

Holy shit this is new to me. Sugar's art is nothing compared to this but it's all people complain about.

>> No.4896617

>I kind of agree with this idea, but midget steven is just not expressive. It's just jarring.
the issue is SU is not a show built for this. it wants to have it's intergalactic emotional family action comedy drama cake and eat it too. do people even remember SU for its comedic aspects?

>> No.4896623
File: 651 KB, 220x164, ren hoek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will of course bring up John Kricfalusi; despite being a depraved lunatic that deserves the ire directed toward him, his animation and his effect on American cartoons is of note.

>> No.4896624
File: 496 KB, 500x288, one of the only funny shots in the show.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do people even remember SU for its comedic aspects?
yes. I genuinely had fun with SU when it first started.

>> No.4897347

Rebecca Sugar is already a saint in the movement. There probably exists a long deleted tumblr post where she tried to distance herself from her older immature artwork.
She could make the excuse she came up with those as an underage fangirl brought up on internet yaoi culture, and that she hasn't drawn anything of the sort since.
I genuinely get the impression that as long as a kid isnt getting hurt, nobody cares.

>> No.4897366

Nigger confirmed

>> No.4897371

That’s because Steven Universe destroyed her style too. Look at her actual art/concept stuff and compare it to how the show changed after the pilot.

>> No.4898962

this. i've seen countless fujos getting cancelled in the jojo fandom because they ship rohan and josuke or something like that

>> No.4899325

is this what western civilization has come to?

>> No.4899339

holy... i bow before thee shitposting lord.

>> No.4899355

People give Sugar shit but compared to a lot of these types she is an absolute genius, because her social media accounts are entirely work related. Even when she's doing activist stuff like BLM or whatever she's still involving her art.

>> No.4899360

The pilot was funnier than the entire show imo
>Well at least people LIKE jokes