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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 35 KB, 1000x563, 8678678678768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4875669 No.4875669 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here know of any good discords for artists? I try to stay productive, but often feel myself burning out without any exposure to an environment of similar individuals. Non-pozzed servers would be preferable, if they exist.

>> No.4875844

Stay away from trannycord™
and learn some self discipline

>> No.4875873

Discords filled with tryhards are the worst

>> No.4875895

No kidding. Is it really too much to ask for a tight-knit server that isn't filled with psychotic trannies, though?

>> No.4875902

/ic/ is full of wannabe tryhards that don’t even draw.

>> No.4875908

True. All the discords that arise in /ic/ are utter trash. You're better off joining the discord of some artist you like.

>> No.4876031

for what reason would you want an art discord?
do you want to befriend follow artists? do you want a spot where you can gain critiques? do you want a resource archive?
what is it that you want?

>> No.4876043

I want a place to chill with buddies that happen to draw

>> No.4876081

I’m here anon, you can chill with me while i draw

>> No.4876087

i`d recommend you instead find art friends on your own
post on social media, find artists you enjoy and who are around your level and talk to them, befriend them. make a discord group with them
that`s what i did, still friends with them 4 years later

/ic/ related discord are autistic and drama-ridden while popular art discords are usually filled with pussies a/o children. try to find edgy artists w/ discord servers, those are pretty good but they may not be the most active servers out there.

>> No.4876088

No, we can't. You're anonymous. You only exist as for long as I read your post.

>> No.4876095

I dont see why we can’t just hangout now? I’m drawing stuff and checking ic every 4minutes between strokes. How is this any different then some chat window?

>> No.4876196

Yes, it is.

>> No.4876285

Who cares, just game and shoot the shit with people.
Art is boring not fun.

>> No.4876287

ngmi shitposter crab

>> No.4876291

Games are fun, and are even more fun with friends.

You literally can't say the same thing for art. No one here on this board enjoys drawing and only does it because they have delusional dreams of becoming the next Miles DF and living off commission work so they don't have to get a real job.

>> No.4876298

It's like you've never drawpiled with friends while on VC

>> No.4876300

I have and it's boring af.
There's always either 1 or two ppl actually drawing while everyone else either just watches or afk's then everyone ends up leaving after 15 mins and plays among us or league instead.

Art is nott and will never be a social activity stop trying to force it as one.

>> No.4876301

When people ask for a good discord what they are really asking for is a good group of artist friends. There is no specific discord that will server all your social wants as an artist, which is why you should make your own.
Go into moderately-sized preexisting servers, talk for a while, and find people you like. After you have found some artists you have vetted, make a new private server and invite them to join it. If you're the one running the server you can personally keep out anyone you dislike, and can kick anyone if you get tired of them.

>> No.4876302

You have my pity if you hate doing art that much.

>> No.4876309

looking art friends: akita#4510. open to join any art servers

>> No.4876311

Can you post your art? Or at least mention what kind of things you like to draw.

>> No.4876328

I pity artists more. You guys are always so bitter and toxic lol.

Just game and chill bro.

>> No.4876329

>I pity artists more. You guys are always so bitter
You sound pretty bitter yourself. It seems you've never met the right crowd.

>> No.4876333

>n-no y-you
I'm literally just telling it like it is. Gaming is objectively fun, and everyone enjoys it. Just chilling and hanging out with people shooting the shit is way better than talking about what Kim Jung Gi had for lunch or whatever.

Every Art server is the anti-thesis of fun and is always full of bitter tryhards.

>you've never met the right crowd
top kek. You'll never meet the "right" crowd with artists, especially from /ic/.

>> No.4876354

https://discord.gg/srfHUE this one is pretty good

>> No.4876499

Umh anon like no one on Las is trans so idk wtf you're talking about

>> No.4876540
File: 162 KB, 640x464, Discord_10K_for_dick_removal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

transfaggots get scalped

>> No.4876643

It’s really fucking not.

>> No.4876778


>> No.4876786

Try getting a fucking life. There is no single good artist that is top tier that stays at home all day drawing and shitposting, much less spending all day on discord.
Go out there and draw by yourself, try to find real friends, if not, whatever.

You fucking schizos never gonna make it, ever.

>> No.4876812

>There is no single good artist that is top tier that stays at home all day drawing and shitposting, much less spending all day on discord.
Twitter tells me otherwise.

>> No.4876815

Stop spending this much time on the internet.

>> No.4876834

I could post the one I'm a part of but you have to play fighting games

>> No.4876846

Nice way to ruin the server

>> No.4876848


>> No.4876920

i have a discord server but i have no idea what youre supposed to do with this. what am i supposed to do with akita#4510. i dont even see anyway to search for or navigate to your profile.

>> No.4876930
File: 63 KB, 362x242, 1595788613872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an artist FG discord? sounds interesting.
i kinda want to join but then again i quit fighting games (or rather, put them on hold) recently to focus on my art.

>> No.4877024

Can you join if you retired from the FGC

>> No.4877075

Fucking kek. Next they are gonna give out free sterilization for nogs

>> No.4877150

If you find art boring, then you shouldn't bother with it.

>> No.4877153

Nigga my main is potemkin in GG rev 2 and Mika in street fighter V, I can't find anyone to talk about art and play fighting games. Send me a message Strayed Lost Dog#3995

>> No.4877198

I'm not sure what your reading comp grades were like in school, but you think anyone who got their rocks off from making art would type any of that

>> No.4877203

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.4877217

Ok so you rode the short bus to school got it

>> No.4877245
File: 119 KB, 320x600, fuckyou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No u
If you don't have any fucking braincells to put together an argument besides name calling and pulling the classic "I know what you are but what am I?" shit, don't bother to wasting the bandwidth to post.

>> No.4877303
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1599907192903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add me if u want a draw fren especially if you're a cute grill

>> No.4877310

I'm a fat ugly grill

>> No.4877319

what's your point

>> No.4877320

just start your own. my top tips for avoiding becoming yet another trashy artist's discord:
>no more than 3 or 4 channels to start with
>do NOT make off-topic channels ("general", "memes", "shitpost")
>selective invitation or member vetting
>dont bother with written rules (unnecessary for private or gatekeeped servers)
>optional: admin privs for all confirmed members

basically a group DM but with 10+ members, it's low maintenance AND low-investment (for you the owner and for the members who are potentially already busy posting in several art discords, or busy actually drawing)

>> No.4877322

All girls on /ic/ are like me. Have fun getting catfished

>> No.4877329
File: 400 KB, 628x629, 1591587204548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no girls on ic, in fact I'm pretty sure women don't draw at all

>> No.4877422

the way some people act when the slight possibility of a girl arises, im surprised any of them dare reveal their gender.

>> No.4877444

Jokes on you I like ugly slobs and I would love to fuck you and love you. I cannot change who I am.

>> No.4877445

Don’t say that, Cas. I’ll punch you.

>> No.4877457
File: 570 KB, 997x984, 1592992160193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are u a female
Pls be my gf I'm desperate

>> No.4877509

Fat is better than ugly. You just need to find willpower. Ugly will always be ugly.

>> No.4877512

Really shows the sexism when you think desperate men are the reason instead of the obvious hatred for women by men who wish they could kill women.

>> No.4877521

>Mika player
no wonder you can't find any friends

>> No.4877527

any eu anons here really committed to improving? making a very small server with daily drawing sessions would be cool

>> No.4877531

>tfw my disgust for this simping behaviour made me go out of my way to never interact with women online
>barely meet any women irl either
Being alone is fine tho, it's a lot less soul crushing once you are past age 25

>> No.4877574

>boohoo, muh soggy knees
Bitch, literally every single demographic gets shit on the internet. Women are just bigger cry babies about it. Don't enter a male dominated space not expecting to get shit.

>> No.4877623
File: 2.50 MB, 1851x1851, CCC_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tarot anon from the /alt threads here

helping build a disc server with some people to make a space for creating and critiquing non-pozzed art.

come hang out

>> No.4877653

what is "non-pozzed"?

>> No.4877663


art that doesn't push the mainstream/leftist agenda

>> No.4877667

Back to >>>/pol/ with your white supremacist server.

>> No.4877676


>white supremacist server

if this is the first assumption you make then this server is likely not for you

>> No.4877727

Is there a discord that is neither "you must be hardcore and take part in every challenge or we kick you out" nor circlejerking?

>> No.4877731

what if i just happen to enjoy drawing neutral rainbow haired full figured androgonies?

>> No.4877737

I despise trannies and leftists but I draw this too

>> No.4877738

shit boi least you got a birthday party for your 30th.

>> No.4877740

Just admit that you don't know how to read or comprehend English and kys

>> No.4877742

literally just find a few other people and create a discord. that's how the one i'm in got started.
it takes effort to start though.

>> No.4877749

The only discord I ever liked was created here and only lasted like 2-3 weeks until the creator nuked it for no reason.

>> No.4877760

well try again.
start one, or invite someone to start one together.
then invite more people.

>> No.4877769
File: 72 KB, 1080x969, 1590671688765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason why art is not a social thing is because it takes a very long time to draw. While sketching is quick and easy, anything beyond it takes a long time. Lining, painting, perspective, etc, all take a long time to setup and get right. This is, of course, ignoring the amount of time spent pulling up references, researching how certain things work, and putting a cohesive design together. That's why drawpiles aren't something I join regularly.

I think /ic/ has a userbase which primarily focuses on the sketching part of drawing and doesn't develop those ideas further. Additionally, many users across /ic/ related discords have this mentality that drags others down to protect their own egos. I've seen people compare themselves to artists much better than them skill wise, only to argue that they themselves are better because they can produce a sketch "purely from imagination."

Most /ic/ related discords operate on a specific set of rules where only a small subset of the art world is considered "acceptable," and only when performed in a specific manner. I believe this is done so that the owner of these servers can create specific conditions to present themselves as someone knowledgeable or skilled, when they are, in fact, just as clueless as everyone else. It's very hard to challenge the ideas in these servers if you are new to the art world, because it feels like you are challenging the entire notion of artistry. It is excessively uncomfortable to be in these communities that, for whatever reason, look for new members to join constantly, only to use these people as a means to feed the egos of the already established social circle(s) in the server. The worst part about these communities is that the people in them tell you that they are your friends, that they are acting in your own best interests, when they are only using inexperienced, impressionable, or otherwise defenseless users to feed their hunger for attention and validation.

Don't join /ic/ discords.

>> No.4878140

Here! Add caz#0188

>> No.4878214
File: 68 KB, 640x640, 1525463567046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess - you are a FURRY artist and want to git gud? Do you want to make a living drawing furry porn, or would just like to learn/improve your furry art? Then today's your lucky day, my friend. Meet the Anthro Artist Community: https://discord.gg/r3JTXTZ
>sfw/nsfw crit/feedback rooms, art resource sharing and discussion
>daily figure drawing sessions, weekly study projects
>art stream VCs
>no rolefagging
>no circlejerking, a serious community focused on art
>50+ members from /ic/ and /trash/ (and counting)

>> No.4878355

this is a /co/ discord, not an /ic/ one

>> No.4878359

Any discord for loli artists?

>> No.4878711

this sounds spot on

b-but im so lonely

>> No.4878717

No because they all get shut down. Lolifags always end up posting porn eventually and killing discord groups.

>> No.4879218

didnt read

>> No.4879257

>Additionally, many users across /ic/ related discords have this mentality that drags others down to protect their own egos. I've seen people compare themselves to artists much better than them skill wise, only to argue that they themselves are better because they can produce a sketch "purely from imagination."
i've never seen anyone actually say that.
in general i don't see people talking about being better or worse so i wonder which communities you're talking about.

>> No.4880875

Try making a thread about one of your favorite artists then.

>> No.4880936

https://discord.gg/72jdsEb best cunnycord

>> No.4881004

Can I call people furfaggots and degenerates there? Are you selfaware?

>> No.4881015

not this shit again...

>> No.4881021

Get good, begtard

>> No.4881027

>scan thread
>No one posted the good ic discord

Oh thank God, my community is safe.

>> No.4881032


>> No.4881040

I don't think anyone who unironically makes loli "art" has the right to call others begtards
You could have some incredible skills and solid grasp on fundies and your "art" would still be nothing but trash

>> No.4881052
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>> No.4881096

That's just like your cope, man. Stay bad, permabegtrash.

>> No.4881242
File: 114 KB, 986x860, 1555808647200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some high power level regulars in this one. Comfy GMI energy in the VCs.

>> No.4881247


>> No.4881333

Most people there are from /ic/ and /trash/, so yeah, they are ok with it. Just don't be an asshole unironically to other people there and you'll be allright.

>> No.4881516

all you had to do is tell us not to join art kings

>> No.4881659

I think you are mistaking "tearing someone else down" with "thinking you are better than someone else"

>> No.4881877

>not a single invite ITT
There has to be some discord that isn't complete trash what the hell

>> No.4881920

is there a discord for fetish porn artists?

>> No.4882164

I'm not going to ruin one of the few good servers I managed to find by inviting you trash.

>> No.4882167

Your art is all trash and it will aways be.

>> No.4882168

seethe harder ngmi scrub.
I will never let you in.

>> No.4882183

Ahahah lmao. Stay mad pedophile. I will be remembered for being a great artist, and meanwhile you will be remembered for drawing naked children, how sad is that?

>> No.4882186

You can keep jerking each other off in your treehouse for autists, i'll draw something cool now

>> No.4884232

I've been apart of a few discords for over a year now, and I still haven't made any friends. I've come to the conclusion that they are all shit and a waste of time unless you already have a group of friends who join them with you.

The one i spend the most time in is literally just a bunch of people who already knew each other prior to the creation of the server, so there's absolutely no way you could break into their clique.

They all get together in voice chat every night and just talk to each other while everyone else is afk.

I don't understand how a server can have hundreds of members, but the exact same 15 ppl only ever post or communicate with each other.

>> No.4884234


>> No.4884247


>> No.4884555

as someone who's been a floater of friend groups his entire life you really just need a few things
1. learn to become an active listener. you'd be surprised much someone can tell you if you ask the right questions in the right way
2. find something you can bond over, this typically involves finding something you like with someone. can be as simple as playing a game together, similar life experiences, or something stupid
3. challenge the person. you don't want someone getting mad at you or thinking you're a retard but being able to entertain someone through conversation is a skill of its own

making good friends is hard dude, i love the server i'm on but i'm afraid its got the shit you're talking about going on. but i'm always willing to hear people out and thats what its all about

>> No.4884622

Don't join this discord all they do is shitpost and not draw

>> No.4884788

I can't imagine the kind of cuck you have to be to stay in this server.

>> No.4884789

I joined and almost immediatly left both of these. Are these really the only ones?

>> No.4884815

should I make a server

>> No.4884820

/ic/ servers are a dime a dozen. What would be different about yours?

>> No.4884822

The fact that there isn't a circlejerk pushing everyone new out yet and that there aren't hundreds of users yet either. I'd join a new one over the "established" ones.

>> No.4884824

>The fact that there isn't a circlejerk pushing everyone new out yet and that there aren't hundreds of users yet either. I'd join a new one over the "established" ones.
Lol, you must be new here. Go ahead. I guarantee your server will die in less than a week.

>> No.4884833
File: 448 KB, 1920x1080, Kojima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://discord.gg/GuY5DR these servers would be better off being normal servers tbqh, making them JUST art servers really hinders any reason to stay

>> No.4884839

I don't understand, is talking about non-art stuff bannable?

>> No.4884847

lol what?
This is probably the best discord on /ic/

>> No.4884858

Dead invite

>> No.4884870

The guy killed his server. What a pussy. It turns out I was right

>> No.4884874

LOL wrong at least 3 users there are openly trans one is even a huge commie faggot.

One is actually pretty hot though id bang.

>> No.4884875
File: 211 KB, 632x1952, 1505332177597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking kek

>> No.4884882

Back down from 0 Discord memberships to 0 Discord memberships.

>> No.4885008

>3. challenge the person. you don't want someone getting mad at you or thinking you're a retard but being able to entertain someone through conversation is a skill of its own
Fucking terrible advice.
Be quiet.

You'll just end up making everyone in the server annoyed byyou and make you feel unwelcomed by challenging one of their buddies on some stupid topic.

>> No.4885277

i guess its to abstract of a subject
what i really mean is be engaging

>> No.4885288

>instead of the obvious hatred for women by men who wish they could kill women
The fuck are you on about

>> No.4887129


>> No.4887130

>oh hey this place looks coo-
>that guy that draws rat porn


>> No.4887143

hey that was the guy that made a decent discord once(not because of his participation in it mind you) and just nuked it. Fuck you thewiz.

>> No.4887161
File: 537 KB, 978x1076, 1599999495783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tf did I ever do to you
Well, fuck you too then, you little skidmark

>> No.4887381

But tsflipp isn’t even in that server

>> No.4887989


>> No.4888000

Fuck you idiot

>> No.4888004

>when the /co/ discord is the least terrible option
I think I'll just look for popular artists with their own discord.

>> No.4888046

cringe and chuckled at the same post.

>> No.4888287

Is there a discord for beginners?

>> No.4888579

Just make your own server and stop whining about the one i made forever ago out of boredom ffs.

>> No.4888582

Why would you want to hang around with arrogant losers?

>> No.4888614

How can they be arrogant if they're beginners?
I want to draw and improve with others in the same skill level.

>> No.4888629

look for discords with a healthy mix of levels

>> No.4888645

You haven't met many beginners then

>> No.4888696

medicore /ic/ people are all just crabs
medicore /co/ people are more interested in creating something

>> No.4888703
File: 39 KB, 447x458, 1586748630462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody got invite to mum's discord?

>> No.4888770

People are bad and don't want to see you progress, they just want to feed their ego

>> No.4888773

Nobody cares about your fucking box of hugs, you autistic faggot

>> No.4888780

I only play xmen vs street fighter and I’m pretty bad at it.

>> No.4888782

fuck off

>> No.4888790

Great, I see that someone understands my point of view, there is no point in being in Discord, if it is just the same 15 autistic people talking about the same shit and getting angry and someone contradicts their opinion, that is why Discord is shit

>> No.4888805

I misquoted the post, this one>>4888790
It was for >>4884232

>> No.4888907

tsflipp here, why do people always shit talk me when im not in the thread but then tuck their weenies between their legs when i start posting in the thread?

>tfw 8ch is dead and i have to deal with the data harvesting and impossible jewgle captchas of 4chan again

>> No.4889542

literally who

>> No.4889550

rip /loomis/ ;_;

>> No.4889567

how are your kidneys, champ?

>> No.4890016

Cool guys and gals art edition literally has 30% of the good /alt/ anons and good reference sharing

>> No.4890273

pls send link

>> No.4890299
File: 86 KB, 199x186, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must be some art YTbers or streamers with big discord around, right ?

>> No.4890645

Ill hang out with you instead anon

>> No.4890675

The big ones are just there to jerk off the artist.
You won't get critiques or a community where people share their art.

>> No.4891388

stop pretending to be me. REAL tsflipp here guys, and I do not appreciate this post. I'm a different person now, I've changed. Please believe me. I don't want to be rude anymore.

>> No.4891622

I completely recovered by eating clarified butter and burger meat.

>> No.4891656


>> No.4891804

its literally just one obnoxious faggot saying he doesnt draw every few hours

>> No.4891907

I don't draw

>> No.4891913
File: 221 KB, 500x500, b6c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Kc

>> No.4891920

>literally who

tsflipp is legitimately one of the best artists to have EVER posted on /ic/ and indisputably the most level headed and agreeable out of all the prolific /ic/ artists. (nosebro, teal, etc.) you can pretend not to know of such a prominent rising star, but everyone knows who tsflipp is, and you just look like an idiot pretending. pop into ANY /ic/ discord and you will see how popular he is, and just how much better he draws than you. sit your ass down, cuck.

>> No.4892081


>> No.4892084

Literally who? Whoever this is, you're already making me hate him. Sick and tired of this /ic/ kindergarten clownshow.

>> No.4892094
File: 1.78 MB, 2539x956, Screenshot 2020-09-25 102636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tsflipp is legitimately one of the best artists to have EVER posted on /ic/

>> No.4892148

You will never EVER find my server and join it. Keep seething tranny / janny

>> No.4892187

who? unironically

>> No.4892242
File: 180 KB, 500x281, 1600967763348.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Join artist Discord server
>Nobody starts conversations
>Everybody posts in the art channel while all the others are practically ignored
>Join another another artist server
>It's full of annoying shitposters
>This repeats forever

>> No.4892341

Create your own art discord server where it isnt like that?

>> No.4892408

he wont because it would be dead after a week lol

>> No.4892410

He could at least try lul

>> No.4892412

I hope he does.
That way he will realize how boring he himself is and why those "shitpost" servers survive for so long.

>> No.4892482

the golden age of drawparty has long passed sadly
they shouldnt have posted invites here that often

>> No.4892507

Well, if a leftoid is your leader they Will destroy your disc or raid your twitter like the guys who were canceled a few months ago
Stick to Facebook/vk or telegram and maybe Matrix (alternative to discord)...maybe try gab.

>> No.4892522

I have never heard of that guy and been around since 2014

>> No.4892828


>> No.4892837
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>> No.4893027
File: 17 KB, 553x478, 1391858827201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but if i join a virtual classroom maybe they will hold me accountable for all the work i'm not doing.

>> No.4893437

I already have my own server with a group of friends and mutuals.
Look, I don't mind memes and shit but only up to a certain level. The servers I'm active in, along with my own server, shitpost and its scattered in between actual discussion. These are the type of servers I'm looking for, not the ones full of people who only know how to post art and be le ironic funnay maymay masters.

>> No.4894286

you're essentially dealing with introvert servers vs extrovert servers
guide the shitposters to do more art. just saying you're doing something in a vc is enough for them to start thinking about drawing again

>> No.4894300
File: 319 KB, 1148x810, 1_0__1_by_noisecraft_d5swzhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no porn art allowed
must be given member role to view all channels to prevent spamming
bias towards furry and psychedelic art in the existing userbase
social x art server, more a hangout for artists and friends


>> No.4894307

I haven't even clicked the link and this already sounds like the worst server posted ITT

>> No.4894326

>no porn allowed
dont worry nobody knows him but people from this one specific discord pretending he is famous or some shit

>> No.4894764

>no porn
You lost me. Also, sfw furry? Who the fuck is your userbase?

>> No.4895030

>bias towards furry and psychedelic art in the existing userbase

>> No.4895243

this artist is so talented.. why did they have to be a deviant

>> No.4895436

Who? What's his blog, all I can find on google are beg tier fanarts

>> No.4895474

the arists i grew up with and plenty of others who dont really do porn. most of my friends dont want to be "porn artists" as their profession.

its not specifically meant for furries theres just a lot of furries

>> No.4895479

>promising hes changed when he 100% hasnt

Yup, thats flip!

>> No.4895486


>> No.4895541

I don't want to send an open invite. PM me on link above.
I'm still beg, but i'm constantly learning and trying to improve. If you are the same, we'll get along nicely.

>> No.4895543

I'd join if your art wasn't so disgusting

>> No.4895544


>> No.4895550

that's the reason i don't do open invites, to filter obnoxious people like this one.

>> No.4895562

disgusting traitor. All we asked for was that you use a hard round brush. FOOL. Leave our sight forever.

>> No.4896965



>> No.4896996

sfv, dbfz and grand blue, give up the server nigga

>> No.4897024

He has a point. Your weak anatomy leads to a lot of your character's bodies being misshapen, and your heavy reliance on pillow shading is evident you're not trying to improve

>> No.4898356
File: 12 KB, 623x471, O.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else just can't relate to people or form connections with them no matter how much time you spend in a server?

I'm beginning to think that maybe its not discord, but just not the right demographic or something.
It all just seems like a waste of time.

>> No.4898384

Maybe the problem is you :/

>> No.4898493

Congratulations you’re officially not a tranny faggot. Let’s be friends

>> No.4898594

if its in life in general maybe youre on the autism spectrum

if its only on discord, then you're a normal human being not an attention seeking tranny faggot

>> No.4898614

That actually sounds like a nice place, thank you for the heads up brother

>> No.4898656

Add Saltmarsh#1299

>> No.4898692

Nah no thanks.
I'd probably just end up blocking you after a few hrs. You sound kind of annoying.

>> No.4898693

>if its in life in general maybe youre on the autism spectrum
I have trouble forming connections with people irl, but this is only fairly recently. I think i'm just getting too old for these kinds of things.

I'm not autistic(have been to several psychiatrists and all of them say there's nothing wrong with me)

>> No.4898696

modern day james discord is pretty good, as well as sinix

>> No.4901363

https://discord.gg/zZuvDZ this one is really good