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File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, Procreate-Icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4859542 No.4859542 [Reply] [Original]

Do you use the Procreate app for iPad? Do you have a brush hoarding disorder? Then you've found the right thread!

Procreate is the most popular drawing/painting app for iPad, but there are others. Feel free to discuss and share brushes for alternative iPad apps, like ArtStudio Pro, Infinite Painter, etc.

Previous thread: >>4807690

>> No.4859551

Here's the Mega link with a bunch of Procreate brushes:


I've been meaning to reorganize and add more brush packs to this for a while, but a mixture of being busy and procrastinating has led to me kicking this can further down the road for a while now. I'll get to it eventually.

>> No.4859571
File: 154 KB, 1005x1005, IMG_1805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall some anons were asking about pixel brushes in a previous thread. I came across this earlier today:


Might be worth checking out.

>> No.4859591

where can i find brushes made by japanese ppl
sick of these westerners

>> No.4859604
File: 113 KB, 1049x1015, 436D326A-E67B-4144-8E22-05E39A00E56E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 months since bug introduced
>6 months since making the thread and confirming the bug with other users
>10 days since the bug was “replicated, but passed on for consideration for improvement”
>still not in known bug list
>thread still not marked acknowledged
surely this means they fixed it for the pending update and not that they’re ignoring it, right guys?

>> No.4859606

someone linked this last thread

>> No.4859627

I'm neither hopeful nor pessimistic about them fixing the brush weirdness.

I'm testing out ArtStudio Pro lately and really liking it. Yeah, it doesn't have the brush and tutorial ecosystem that Procreate has, but at least its brush engine isn't full of weird idiosyncrasies (and bugs). The interface is comfy if you're used to drawing with Photoshop, you can import your Photoshop brushes and palettes, and they actually work correctly right away 99% of the time.

Maybe once ArtStudio Pro 3 comes out, people will start jumping ship. I can imagine it will steal some Procreate users away if Procreate's 5X update doesn't address at least some of the bugs.

>> No.4859633

just fyi, the artstudio brush pack I uploaded last thread doesn’t work in v3
or at least the paint category doesn’t work right and that’s the meat of the pack, I haven’t actually tested it
I’ll upload the update when I get to it

>> No.4859653

Thanks for sharing that. When you say the paint brushes don't work, did you run into this new behavior?


Seems they changed some stuff which causes some unexpected results with wet paint brushes. But yeah, the guy who made that pack said on Twitter that an update was coming.

>> No.4859667

Does anyone have any of SnoozeOne brushsets? Doesn't seem like anyone has posted many lettering-centric type brushsets
Might just buy if not

>> No.4859671

Retro MaxPack is out today-- I remember someone saying they were gonna buy it, don't know if they did yet but there's a discount code, 25% off everything with LBX2020

At what point do you guys buy brushes? After you've tested it or when you can afford it.. or?

>> No.4859706

no, like I said, I haven’t actually tried them with v3, I just saw the guy post about it in response to another guy saying they don’t actually mix in v3 today
I wasn’t aware of that when I posted them

>> No.4859714

when the impulse hits and I can’t control myself
There have been like 3 packs I bought that I actually think are useful, and one of them got fucked by procreate’s new engine/bugs

>> No.4859722

Which 3 were they? I believe the creators basically have to update all their brushes after 5 came out, unless they're keeping their previous versions for people using Procreate Pocket?

>> No.4859726

Oops meant for that to reply to you

>> No.4859737

the fucked one was tara’s pack, think she fell off the grid
charcoal master
the real paint one mentioned above for artstudio

also, here are saejin’s brushes from when he was using procreate before he got butthurt apple makes a new one every year
I uploaded it before, but I don’t think I’ve seen it the repositories

>> No.4860212

thanks. doesnt seem like much in comparison to csp.

>> No.4860370
File: 302 KB, 2048x1535, BB3610EE-12DE-4161-9177-61D859617ACD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can y’all tell which brush is being used here?

>> No.4860371
File: 284 KB, 2048x1535, 7DE8ABC2-537A-4CFB-8610-64CE457EF1B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4860378

not a clue. looks good though, love the drawing on the left
what brush is it?

>> No.4860380

Who drew these anon?

>> No.4860384

dunno i wish to know...


>> No.4860518

If you know who drew those, can't you just ask what brush they used?

>> No.4861069

yeah i dm’d them
it was literally just the 6B pencil

>> No.4861568

are there threads like these for photoshop? sharing brushes and stuff. I think I always miss them

>> No.4861614

I don't know if or how often Photoshop brush sharing threads happen here. However, I'm actually in the process of uploading a small collection of Photoshop brushes to Mega, since ArtStudio Pro can properly import TPL and ABR files (unlike Procreate).

>> No.4861620

breh, just get kyle’s from adobe, you’d have to go extremely specific to need anything else

>> No.4861626

You need to have a Creative Cloud account to access Kyle's brushes, but I'm uploading a bunch of his packs to Mega along with other stuff I've acquired.

>> No.4861629

>You need to have a Creative Cloud account to access Kyle's brushes
lol no you don’t
>right click>view source
>ctrl+f .abr

>> No.4861634

What page are you even talking about? As far as I'm aware, you have to access them through Photoshop.

>> No.4861640
File: 784 KB, 2732x2048, 78EAF8C7-DB36-4AEE-9DD1-C4876466F4A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.4861660

is someone hoarding artstudio pro brushes? if yes, is there a mega link?

>> No.4861672

Ah yeah, well shit. I'll upload 'em to Mega anyway for convenience.

An anon posted the one premium ArtStudio Pro pack that I've come across, but it needs to be updated for the version 3 update coming out on the 15th because they changed how wet paint brushes work. The anon who shared the pack said he'd share the updated pack when it comes out, but if you want the current version, here's the link:


>> No.4861740

the link is broken for me :/

>> No.4861743

it works

>> No.4861756

Some people have problems with ZippyShare links, I've noticed. Here's a Mega link:


>> No.4861914
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fellas, here are the Photoshop brush packs that I've collected in the past week. I haven't been able to thoroughly test most of them in ArtStudio Pro yet, but I imagine most, if not all, of them will work just fine right away, or after a little tweaking maybe.


>> No.4862016

thanks, anon

>> No.4862299

Thank you so much Anon

>> No.4862307

Thank you so much Anon, By the way are you guys gonna upload the new retro maxpack?

>> No.4862519

thanks anon!!

>> No.4862527

if no one shares it near the end of the sale (code: LBX2020) which ends this weekend I might dip.. though desu I feel like it's hard to justify buying brush packs for that price range when I'm not even sure I'll be using it much

>> No.4862971
File: 139 KB, 1612x1140, Untitled_Artwork-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought it but i won't share it right away so Max can do a bit of dosh before it gets pirated to hell and back
thank you for your understanding
have a gondola made with the retro pack

>> No.4863068

stop being a fucking pikey and just share it already, no one here is going to buy it

>> No.4863077

what's a pikey ?

>> No.4863080

Are you liking these brushes so far?

>> No.4863097

yeah i like the photocopy brushes and the gouaches, the blocking brushes are good too if you're lasso painting, if you feel intimidated by the sheer size of this brushset theres a video by the man itself

>> No.4863098

A gypsy

>> No.4863107

Sounds good! Thank you so much for sharing the pack, I will defo try it out! Ejoy the brushes bro!

>> No.4863116

no, it means “““““traveller”””” aka angloid white trash
no anglo has ever seen a gypsy, which is the only explanation for conflating those creatures with the aforementioned bums

>> No.4863119

found the pikey

>> No.4863124
File: 2.70 MB, 800x450, 1433874888828.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the pikeys are the ones larping as gypsies because they think it paints them as a culture instead of just being bums

>> No.4863125

Does anyone have one of these to share? They look so awesome!:






>> No.4863170

>oh look there’s a reference window
>mfw you can just drag images from files or safari if you don’t want to save them
>can mirror the ref
fuck that’s nice
I think procreate’s getting a ref window next update, wonder how they’ll handle it

>> No.4863355

Would anyone happen to have these brushes and be willing to share them? https://gumroad.com/lane339#WdbKA

>> No.4863378

is anyone hoarding krita brushes?

>> No.4863442

On their Twitter account, they demo'd a navigation window for when you're zoomed in that's coming in the 5X update and a lot of people mistakenly thought it was a reference window. Maybe they'll add a reference window in the future. Right now, there's a reference app called VizRef, but you can also just use the Notes app too:


Sir, this is an iPad thread. I don't have any Krita brushes.

>> No.4863445

aw fuck me, I thought that was a reference window
why the fuck would you even put in a navigation window, nigga you get like 5 layers if you go big in procreate

>> No.4863715 [DELETED] 


>> No.4863771


>> No.4864171

thanks anon!
any chance you happen to have the papers the brushset comes with as well?

>> No.4864190
File: 833 KB, 960x720, 1599387537608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was posted in the previous thread and I thought it was pretty funny.

How did the ArtStudio Pro devs manage to create a better mobile Photoshop than Adobe? Lucky Clan is clearly a very small company with very few devs. The brush engine is comfy and doesn't have the weird quirks and bugs that the Procreate brush engine has. The UI might not be as slick as Procreate's, but being able to keep various panels on screen while I draw is so convenient.

About the only negative thing I can say about ArtStudio Pro is that I'm not a fan of the orange in the UI. Would prefer a more neutral color, like blue or green.

>> No.4864239

>Lucky Clan is clearly a very small company with very few devs
I think it’s basically a one man show from what I can tell
they got the juliano guy to be art director to provide some direction, but people keep referring to lucky clan as “he” and on the forums people provide suggestions and he replies with “yeah, I’ll add that in” and so on
like, someone asked about photoshop bristle tip brushes, and the reply was basically “I won’t bother, the feature is basically abandoned by adobe” or people talk about the ui and he says “I’m not sure what to go with”

>> No.4864282

Yeah, I definitely got the impression that it was just one guy handling most, and possibly all, of the development. That's pretty crazy.

Procreate has an entire team of people working on it, so it's baffling why certain bugs don't get fixed. I'm hoping the 5X update is largely a bugfix update. I think Procreate is really good, but they need to fix the bugs and stabilize their brush engine. I wouldn't be tempted away by AstStudio Pro if they did that.

They also need to address brush management because I've got too many fucking brush packs and I can scroll through them all day. Really need nested collections.

>> No.4864320
File: 635 KB, 1005x1005, 1-alt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few weeks ago I managed to acquire the whole Jingsketch All Access+ package. It's over 15 GB though, so I have no idea how I'll share it. Would take me quite a while to upload it all to Mega.

I also have this:


Anyone interested in that? It's around 2.5 GB for 9 tutorial videos.

>> No.4864322
File: 71 KB, 700x773, 02CF520E-35F7-40A5-B3E1-99D91F8062BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

procreate for me is mostly about intuitive “traditional” feeling brushes
like the tilt is very well integrated, it’s easy to set up brushes, it’s easy to modify them intuitively, the user experience and accessibility is very well done, but the engine is fundamentally not good
the rendering is just plain bad, antialiasing is bad, the way soft edges are handled is bad, the different rendering modes are just completely missing the mark, the blending modes are awful, the “photoshop” modes (opacity based brushes, basically) just don’t work well, there is something very iffy about pressure interpretation with size and tapering and many brushes seem to rely on auto tapering as a bandaid, and so on

Artstudio is basically the opposite, the foundation is rock solid, but the user experience is clunkier
just compare the tilt settings
in procreate, everything is in one place, everything is intuitive, I see the angle where the tilt kicks in, I see what tilt does all in one screen
in artstudio, I have to go through what tilt effects to actually see the effect tilt has, and then I see this shit
what the fuck am I looking at? what do the axes even mean? why is it upside down?
obviously, this is all very understandable after tinkering with it and seeing what’s changed, but procreate’s approach is just far cleaner, anyone can understand what each setting does just by looking at it without needing to experiment

I very much enjoyed procreate before v5 for the natural feel of drawing, but they got too complacent, even adobe woke up after releasing the shitshow that was the ios PS at launch, and they’re rapidly getting it into working order, procreate guyots are just resting on their laurels with a borked app

>> No.4864332

hell yeah, I’m interested

>> No.4864393

You're hitting on a lot of the problems I see people mention. I saw this video a while back by chance:


He talks about how good ArtStudio Pro is, then goes on to talk about Procreate and how its brush engine makes no sense. He doesn't go into bugs, but he talks about how wonky the brush engine is and how Photoshop brushes are weird in Procreate.

I've seen these same kinds of comments and complaints on Procreate's forum, and on Twitter. There's a certain segment of people who notice the weirdness and bugs in Procreate's brush engine. I think most people don't notice, or just use workarounds for certain things. The tapering issue you mention is one of those things discussed on the forum. The devs either don't seem to have a solution for this, or it's somehow how they want the engine to work. I've lost count of how many times I've seen people talk about how Procreate is the only iPad drawing app that has these certain issues.

ArtStudio Pro's UI could be more streamlined, but at least the drawing experience is great. Its excellent compatibility with Photoshop is killer for me. Being able to swap files, brushes, swatches, etc between ArtStudio on iPad and Photoshop on my desktop with minimal fuss is great. I genuinely hope more people discover it. The dev deserves more recognition for how good the app is.

Interested in the tutorial series, or the Jingsketch stuff?

>> No.4864405

>Interested in the tutorial series, or the Jingsketch stuff?

>> No.4864408

I'm really interested! I requested his brushes a while back


I could buy a pack and share if no one has them

>> No.4864419

Alright guys, I'll upload this stuff, but it's going to take some time. My upload tops out at like 8 Mbps.

>> No.4864567
File: 156 KB, 1200x630, the new girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4864797


>> No.4864967
File: 155 KB, 1920x1080, procreate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright ladies and gentlemen, I've uploaded Nikolai Lockertsen's Procreate tutorial series from Schoolism. Someone used a screen recorder to rip the videos while they streamed. Decent quality.

Info here: https://www.schoolism.com/digital-art-classes/procreate-nikolai-lockertsen



>> No.4864984

thanks bro

>> No.4865008

thank you
and thank you!

>> No.4865143

if someone shares greens + egg or bleed brushes ill share the power of thumbnails tutorial and brushes

>> No.4865430

Procreate brush system is confusing me.
There are like 3 pressure systems.
opacity, bleed and flow.
Which one do i need to make it feel like SAI or CSP brush? Also the default pressure is really weird, you seem to have to press way too hard to get 100% effect.
Any customized setup i can use to make it more comfortable to draw?

>> No.4865436

>feel like
what does that mean?
if you mean mixing, you can forget about it
paintstorm, csp and artstudio have decent mixing
>press hard
adjust the global pressure curve, I keep it maxing out at 50%, linearly

>> No.4865451

not talking about mixing but going from 0 opacity to 100.
It feels off in Procreate.

>> No.4865560

what brush? afaik none of the default brushes in csp even use opacity with pressure, it’s all flow

>> No.4865608

do I have to make a mega account in order to upload the stuff?

>> No.4865616

just upload to zippy, it’s what I do
no account needed, the mega anon will copy it over

>> No.4865622

all of them, pressure feels off for everything coming from other programs.

>> No.4865629

no, it doesn’t
adjust the pressure curve

>> No.4865631

here's egg and bleed, don't have greens myself


>> No.4865634

Yeah it does.

>> No.4865636

fuck it, I’ll get greens, hang on

>> No.4865645


>> No.4865648

nice, thanks m8

>> No.4865655 [DELETED] 

No brush rotation in Artstudio pro? Does anyone know if this is coming? Seems pretty vital. Unless I just can’t find it and it’s already there

>> No.4865660

I told you last thread, there is brush rotation.

>> No.4865663

I wasn’t in the last thread

>> No.4865665
File: 154 KB, 1469x922, 126027A9-1E15-4276-889C-3633BDB38E5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4865744

God bless all these people who make nice brushes, because I'm a brainlet when it comes to that stuff.

>> No.4865996

what are the top tilt enabled brushes for drawing?
mainly thinking of dry media, pencils, charcoal, conte, etc
just something that feels nice to draw with and can go fairly large in size to be used on large canvases

>> No.4866032

>I have a lot of custom brushes
>just 20 sets
>one is just swastikas

>> No.4866041

I’ll go with kyle brushes. That’s the standard.

>> No.4866050


>> No.4866230
File: 12 KB, 595x164, 2020-09-14_14-52-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ArtStudio Pro 3 release delayed. Not sure if the delay was caused by a showstopping bug or if they just want to work out some small bugs before release. The demo has been solid ever since I started using it.

>> No.4866571

thanks, here's my end of the deal


>> No.4868145


>> No.4868164
File: 45 KB, 394x394, Procreate 5X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nikolai Lockersten did a livestream during Lightbox and showed off a bit of the new features coming in Procreate 5X. This video sums up the new info:


>> No.4868186

>menu says gradient map
>”community rejoice, we finally have what I believe to be gradient creator or generator to create gradients a little more easily”
and this right here is why they will never fix anything

>> No.4868207

People in the comments were correcting him. But hey, chromatic aberration! Who cares about bugfixes when you can finally now do this memey bullshit with just a tap!

>> No.4868313

>memeatic aberration
>giant polkadot memetone
>depth of meme
oh boy

>> No.4868327

I'm hoping these little new features are a sign that most of the development time over the past year was spent fixing bugs. Maybe that's why this is 5X and not 6. Few new features, lots of bug fixes.

>> No.4868340

I don’t see why they’d wait to release bug fixes in one big update instead of rolling them out as they fix them, hyping it up and giving it a special version designation on top.
On the other hand, I don’t know why they’d release a lacklustre upgrade now instead of a bigger upgrade towards new year, so it could be it, but it still sounds dumb.

>> No.4868402

https://youtu.be/10_V6UbP3Zo Been looking for this particular flat marker for a while now. I bought one for about 2 bucks when i googled it but it definetly aint the one.

>> No.4868455

After some Googling around, I discovered that the flat marker was indeed a default brush in the past, but Procreate devs removed it between the 4.1 and 4.2 updates. The devs did post a link on the forum to a Dropbox folder containing the default 4.1 brushes, and the flat marker is in the Inking folder:


>> No.4868461

Looks like this is it, bit grainier than it looks in the vid, but functions the same. Thanks!

>> No.4869014

how the fuck did we get gradient maps before basic gradients

>> No.4869846

Anyone has Everything watercolour for Procreate by Abbie Nurse (Uproot Brushes)

>> No.4870255

Never heard of these before now. They look pretty nice. The amount of watercolor packs that have been released since Procreate 5 came out is a little ridiculous though. How is anyone supposed to find out which ones are the best when there's 50 of them?

>> No.4871007

so when’s 5X getting released?
what are the flavour of the update brush packs gonna be?
if it’s some meme glitch shit, I’m gonna be mad

>> No.4871167

Dang, her Risograph pack looks nice

>> No.4871497

>hard round lv3
Did you make this, anon?
That’s a really nice brush.

>> No.4872730

Anyone have the new Maxpack retro brushes?

>> No.4872735

Nevermind saw it. Anyone test out the paperback?

>> No.4873033

I couldn't download it on time, Could anyone upload it again? :(

>> No.4873059

Can anyone recommend a screen protector for a 12.9 pro? I know this isn't exactly the place, but it seemed okay because we're all using an iteration of an iPad. I fucking hated how slippery it is. I'd just want feed back before I go balls deep in on a 40 dollar paperlike. Thanks!

>> No.4873067

I just bought a cheap matte screen protector from eBay. you might find one for cheaper on aliexpress. I don't think brand matters, just find a seller with good reviews

>> No.4873078

Thanks. I'll probably avoid paperlike then. Has it noticably affected color clarity>>4873067
and stuff?

>> No.4873089

Eggs https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k85zQPvqNBiCWdsE_8_0OeOb9RMcvOpu/view?usp=sharing

Green: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qaadu9YXZg5ryRdyBZy5BRw1wJJHZesg/view?usp=sharing

Bleed: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uM8IH1AbaSyfxdzSExbAmu8s3Hgt_hB5/view?usp=sharing

>> No.4873109 [DELETED] 

the only difference I notice is that the screen is a little darker. might be placebo. I can't really tell if there's any discoloration. if I set the brightness to max then it still burns my eyes so whatever effect the cover is having it's not significant. colors seem fine. if there's an objective point of reference that I can provide it's this, I can clearly tell discoloration on my ipad if I turn night light on even by the minimum amount. with the screen protector I couldn't notice any discoloration after I put it on so if I had to guess it's extremely minimal if it exists at all

>> No.4873113 [DELETED] 

the only difference I notice is that the screen is a little darker. might be placebo. I can't really tell if there's any discoloration. if I set the brightness to max then looking at the screen still burns my eyes so whatever effect the cover is having it's not significant. colors seem fine. if there's an point of reference that I can provide it's this, I can clearly tell discoloration on my ipad if I turn the night light setting on even by the minimum amount. with the screen protector I couldn't notice any discoloration after I put the cover on so if I had to guess it's extremely minimal if it exists at all

>> No.4873122

the only difference I notice is that the screen is a little darker. might be placebo. if I set the brightness to max then looking at the screen still burns my eyes so whatever effect the cover is having it's not significant. colors seem fine.
if there's a point of reference that I can provide it's this: I can clearly tell discoloration on my ipad if I turn the night light setting on even by the minimum amount. with the screen cover I couldn't notice any discoloration after I put the cover on, so if I had to guess it's extremely minimal if it exists at all

>> No.4873130

God bless you. Thanks.

>> No.4873650

use elecom

>> No.4873705

I've always been curious about those textured screen protectors. I drew on paper for over 20 years, and while drawing on the glass surface of the iPad was a little strange at first, I got accustomed to it with a little time.

The bigger problem was realizing I need one of those tablet artist's gloves. I was so used to wresting my hand on the paper I was drawing on, that it never occurred to me that you can't really do that with the iPad without a glove, otherwise you run into problems. I absolutely need to rest my hand on the drawing surface, otherwise I don't get lines as smooth as I want. It's just what I'm accustomed to, and as I get older, my hand doesn't get any steadier.

>> No.4873713

Depends on the app, but I have zero issues resting my palm on the screen in procreate with palm support set to standard. Not sure what the fine setting even does.
I thought about a protector, but I’m worried that drawing for hours every day is either going to eat through the nibs like crazy since they’re not made for that, or wear down the protector so I’d end up with grooves and smooth surfaces around the middle of the screen and so on.

>> No.4873724

My issue is that if I'm drawing a long line that requires me to move my hand, I want to be able to do so without entirely lifting my hand from the drawing surface, and my hand doesn't necessarily move smoothly over the iPad screen without a glove.

There's also the problem of leaving smudges from skin oil, and regardless of how little my hand might leave, that bothers me if I'm in the middle of drawing.

>> No.4873740

I have dry hands so my ipad only detects my fingertips which is pretty cool

>> No.4873774

>the Egg brush

>> No.4873888

i didn't expect it to be a literal fucking egg, has a number on it an everything

>> No.4873898

they’re all photos of eggs or eggshells
i thought it’d be like egg tempera or something

>> No.4875000


Are we ever going to get gradients?

>> No.4875032
File: 167 KB, 1000x662, 02791938-5F6A-4763-B11A-6E58AA78C11A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga just use a soft brush like nigga just draw

>> No.4875125

Ty anon! <3 I have the RetroMaxPack in case that someone want it. I don't know if anyone upload it.

>> No.4875502
File: 679 KB, 885x575, Screenshot 2020-09-18 191129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have these? https://www.artstation.com/marketplace/p/OdNy/traditional-texture-brushes-for-photoshop?utm_source=artstation&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=homepage&utm_term=marketplace mostar's brushes

>> No.4875550
File: 1.05 MB, 1250x1399, INK.-4-Procreate-Cover-fullframe-1250pxA_1250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone willing to spring for these puppies? They look absolutely killer for inking. The example art reminds me of old Heavy Metal magazine.


>> No.4875610

But it ain’t the same though?

>> No.4875635

okay, there's quite a few brushes in there now. anyone want to provide a summary on which ones are actually good?

>> No.4875638

How isn’t it?

>> No.4875678

look up belle mond, it is japanese so you know it's good. it is slightly less matte compared to other screen protectors, which benefits the longevity of your pen tip, they claim that it reduces tip wear by 86% compared to other matte screen protectors.

>> No.4875784

Thanks a lot, I was waiting for these for some time !

>> No.4875801

Hoping someone can share the testflight for 5X beta

>> No.4875808

>implying they test anything

>> No.4875845

Requires some research on your own part, really. Nobody can tell you what you might like if we don't know what you're looking for.

It's a private beta, and they seem pretty careful who they give access to.

>> No.4875877

This guy's fur brushes are pretty awesome, so I'm kind of curious about this

>> No.4876155

has someone shared the fur brushes before?

>> No.4876166

I am extremely fond of the CSP. It's literally just the desktop app, but ported to an ipad. No features lost.

And I like the default brushes. Love them. Sue me.

>> No.4876174

ok, keep us updated

>> No.4876195

aand it's subscription based
no thanks

>> No.4876216


>> No.4876240

>Procreate something new.

>> No.4876244

>gradient maps
>reference window (?)
that's about it as far as I'm concerned

Anyway, I'm thinking the new flavor is going to be shitloads of gradient map templates

>> No.4876267

Hey, it turns out they actually *did* add a reference window.

Not gonna lie, though. This is going to be a pretty underwhelming update if they didn't at least fix some of those bugs. The tapering issue is the one that bugs me the most.

On the other hand, I hope they didn't mess with the brush engine *too much* and mess up a bunch of brushes like nearly every major update does...

>> No.4876777

I might have to cave in though, cause while procreate is godly for painting, doing ordinary line art in it just feels awkward and uncomfortable to me.
I might try using both in my workflow

>> No.4876779

meant to reply to >>4876195

>> No.4876803

as a fellow programmer i assure you the programmers know about this by now and work hard to fix this bug that surely is fun and easy to fix

>> No.4876894
File: 17 KB, 593x207, 2020-09-19_025212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of positive comments on their announcement tweet, but not everyone's just giving them a pass, lol.

>> No.4877987

Not sure if it's the ideal thread to ask but /g/ is useless as usual, so maybe you guys could help.

All the shilling from artists about Procreate made me want to give it a try for years (and the recent glitch filter announcement helped) but I'm also way too Jewish to spend 10 bucks on stuff I might not even like (nor like to support devs with the cat in the bag sales model) and been pretty happy with Fresco ... but it still feels like I'm missing out, despite Procreate not even having vector brushes.

So what is even the biggest difference if you're just some guy who likes to draw/sketch/trace from time to time (treats digital drawing more like normal one, so doesn't mess around with too many layers or masks) and doesn't need millions of brushes nor animations? Seems the biggest gain would be not having to fuck around with 2gb storage limit and a more precise color drop.

>> No.4877993

Which app are you talking about that has a 2gb storage limit?

>> No.4878004

Adobe Fresco when you use the free version, since it forces you to use the cloud even for stuff saved locally. One can still keep local backups and delete stuff in the cloud to gain more but it's not quite as comfy as having all the project in one place. So in that area, Procreate would be obviously better. I just don't see much more.

>> No.4878007

Jesus Christ how poor are you, it’s 10 bucks just buy it, I’ve spent easily hundreds on random synthesiser apps over the years cause I was into beatmaking. You are either a peasant or under 18

>> No.4878013

I mean, I wouldn't buy it myself (I'm the guy who asked about the 2gb storage limit); I jailbroke my iPad to get it for free

is anything else gimped in the free version of Fresco or just the storage limit?

>> No.4878033

I just like knowing what I spend my money on, whether it's 1 or 1k bucks. And it seems even tricky to find decent in-depth reviews and comparisons, just half assed blog posts when someone draws an apple after spending a few minutes in the app.

Well, there aren't too many brushes to beginn with and to import more from PS (one can't make them inside) you need a sub too. It makes sense why artists would bitch about the price I guess but it makes it tricky to find comparisons more focused on the actual program. Best I got was "it has a better brush engine" which is ... pretty close to unhelpful but at least one can try Fresco and decide.

How much effort is jailbreaking once one comes out for iOS14? Last time I rooted a phone was like 5 years ago and at least that was simple enough.

>> No.4878054

Jailbreaking is honestly a piece of piss, it took me about 5 minutes once I knew what I was doing on iPad OS 13; you install Reprovision, use that to sideload unc0ver, then run that and you're done

>> No.4878061

Procreate is literally the most used drawing app on ios. It’s promoted by Apple themselves with huge artworks in their stores globally. If you can’t find enough information on it to justify spending 10d ollars you aren’t just poor, you’re retarded

>> No.4878069

Pangu Team showed off an alleged iOS 14 jailbreak back in July, but that's all I know. I don't keep up with jailbreak stuff. Jailbreaking was worth it to me back in the day due to tweaks that made the iOS experience a little better, but these days? iOS now has almost all the features I used to jailbreak for, and I don't want to worry about whatever security vulnerabilities the jailbreak and the tweaks might be introducing.

Anyway, Procreate is $10. I know for some people that's a lot of money, but those people usually don't have an iPad and Apple Pencil.

>> No.4878092

fresco is a meme
procreate is the king of casual drawing apps, it’s why it’s as big as it is, it’s the more work oriented people that have issues with it
I highly doubt anyone ever tried procreate and went “no, fresco’s the app for me”

>> No.4878143

None of it really helps the review quality, especially when it comes to comparison with other software. “AMG it’s great” and “it has option X” without information how X makes things better isn’t helpful to decide. Videos about the average work flow are a bit better but often lack details of HOW feature X is actually a big advantage. If you’re that much smarter and found some really indepth comparisons, I’d love to see them.

It’s less about the money but spending it for a cat in the bag. I wouldn’t care if it’s 100 bucks but allowed the option to try whether it works better for me than what I got.

Though that potential for “it might” based on the general positivity around it sure is annoying and makes it tempting just to buy it. Don’t feel like I’m missing much without jailbreaking since 13 either but maybe some memetweak could make it worthwhile too beyond testing paywalled stuff.

>> No.4878150

Well, go on, what makes Fresco worse compared to it for casual drawing, beyond muh brushes and 2gb limit. (Or what makes Procreate so much better) That’s all I wanted to know, man.

>> No.4878154

My advice is don’t buy it, then fuck off and never come back

>> No.4878165

>I highly doubt anyone ever tried procreate and went “no, fresco’s the app for me”
Had a good chuckle reading this.

You're overthinking this to an absurd degree. I can only imagine the hand wringing you must do when making a purchase over $100.

There are 3 iPad apps you'll see people serious about making art with an iPad talk about: Procreate, ArtStudio Pro and Clip Studio Paint. All 3 of them are good apps with pros and cons, and all 3 of them cost at least $10. If you can't figure out which one you think looks the best for your needs based on watching some reviews on YouTube, you're better off with some scrap paper and a pack of crayons.

>> No.4878174

nigga, I’m not selling you anything, I don’t give a shit what you use and I have no incentive to write a comparison so you have a better position to decide whether to spend nine dollars and ninety nine cents
you can literally walk into any tech store with an ipad on display and test it out if you that strapped for cash

>> No.4878190

>I can only imagine the hand wringing you must do when making a purchase over $100.
Pretty much the same, really. Took me months to decide between 11" and 12.9"; but at least that had relatively predictable pros and cons.
>There are 3 iPad apps you'll see people serious about making art with an iPad talk about
Sure but when it comes to "why" the arguments go back into "x is standard and better" with vague and half-assed explanations.
It's not about selling anything. Is it really that hard to name a few points that X does better than Y, if Y is such an obvious meme?
>any tech store with an ipad on display
Never seen any when you could try anything beyond stock stuff.

>> No.4878215

Master Aquarellist Procreate Watercolor Brushes

>> No.4878221

Watercolor Kit – By: Sadie Lew

>> No.4878340

procreate’s always been on display pro models

>> No.4878345

Thanks Anon

>> No.4878380

can you share em

>> No.4879530

can any of you do me a favour and see if the saturation blending mode does anything for you?
because it doesn’t seem to work for me, and I’m not seeing it listed in the known issues thread

>> No.4879538

oh my fucking god, a saturation layer can only desaturate what’s beneath, not saturate it, what the actual fuck is this shit
is there anything these retards can do right?

>> No.4879956

>You're overthinking this to an absurd degree. I can only imagine the hand wringing you must do when making a purchase over $100.

Some people are just like this. I work with a kid that insisted on disassembling and reassembling a lightbulb for his motorcycle, rather than just spending money on a new one. He ended up just buying a new one instead of being a cheap ass

>> No.4879998
File: 632 KB, 2732x2048, facepaint_en.ca1c690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone brought this up on their forum 29 weeks ago:


Look on the bright side: when the update comes on Monday, you'll be able to draw on your face!

>> No.4880029

I’ll draw on my face with a gun
I almost got an aneurysm when I realised what was happening

>> No.4880030

Is anything good actually coming? What the fuck is that

>> No.4880097

Procreate is full of stuff like this. I've run into people who are exasperated by Procreate because it's full of stuff that works differently than every other art app in existence.

It's some bullshit that uses face tracking to apply your canvas to your face. Yes, they spent valuable development time on this. No, I don't think they spent valuable development time fixing the bugs in their brush engine. I'd be happy to be proven wrong on Monday, but I have little faith left in Procreate's devs.

At least they added a reference window, which ArtStudio Pro has had that for a year now.

>> No.4880123


Does Photoshop act differently? Just trying to rule out user error.

>> No.4880134

>stuff that works differently
I highly doubt this is working as intended. Why would anyone make a blending mode that does nothing but desaturate and not make one doing the opposite? it makes zero sense
it’s just a fucked implementation of a basic feature that they can’t be fucked to correct like the thing in >>4859604

Like, who the fuck even uses the saturation blending mode to desaturate anything? Blowing up the saturation is what the thing is intended for.
And it’s not even something difficult to do, every one man dev team manages to implement this normally, it literally takes more effort to make it only function when saturation is lower than the target color

>> No.4880138

What Saturation does in literally every other software:
>take underlying color and apply the Saturation layer color’s saturation to underlying pixels without affecting hue or value
What it does in procreate:
>take underlying color and apply the Saturation layer color’s saturation to underlying pixels without affecting hue or value but only if the Saturation layer’s saturation is lower than the underlying pixels’
Meaning you can shift saturation down, but not up
And according to that thread, the Saturation blending mode works normally when applied to brushes, only the layer blending mode works differently for no reason

>> No.4880182
File: 55 KB, 1000x750, 52926EB1-E1BB-45AF-9F4A-4E7B47C791EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to illustrate the issue
I know I’m being annoying, but every week it’s something new not working

>> No.4880215


I just tried it in both Photoshop and Procreate, and I see exactly what you mean. This is quite ridiculous actually.

>> No.4880231
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 007235d1_medium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know I’m being annoying, but every week it’s something new not working
Nah, you're being reasonable. This app has glitchy and weird behavior all over, and straight up broken shit like this saturation layer issue. I mean, they've known about it for at least 29 weeks, going by that forum thread. Are they going to fix it? Did they fix it in 5X, or were they too busy adding face painting bullshit?

Procreate is constantly lauded for being used by employees of Marvel, DC, Disney, video game companies, etc. Surely the professional artists working for these companies have run into the bugs and weird shit that plagues this app. Surely they've reported this stuff. So how do these problems stick around for months and months? Some of these bugs must have been around for years! How does this stuff not get fixed?!

I'm convinced that Procreate only enjoys the status that it has due to Apple shilling it in their stores and marketing materials. ArtStudio Pro might not have an interface as slick as Procreate's, but everything else about it is better, and the developer actually fixes bugs you report to him. If Apple started shilling it, you'd see people switching to it in droves.

>> No.4880251

I use artstudio, but one major thing procreate has over it is saving.
You make a stroke in procreate, it’s saved, that’s it.
Program crashes, you lose nothing.
Program closes to clean out ram because you swapped to messages or something, you lose nothing.
Artstudio runs on PC logic and auto saves interrupt your work.

>> No.4880534

True, the saving could be more seamless, but it's a small price to pay for an otherwise better app.

Just in the past week, the ArtStudio Pro dev has pushed like 4 beta updates fixing and tweaking various things. Obviously stable updates don't happen that as often, but it shows how dedicated he is to addressing things and listening to user feedback.

>> No.4880680

how the fuck you guys even afford the ipad?

>> No.4880702

we save on brushes

>> No.4880722

what is the best way to add files like this to an ipad? bonus points for no PC connection- my ipad has like 100gigs of shit on it that I don't want to lose but is tied to a mac connection and I am using a PC now

>> No.4880729

nigga you open the link, download it to files and tap on the file to open it in procreate

>> No.4880835

you sure?

>> No.4880844

The Files app can extract ZIP files (RARs, too, I think).

>> No.4880924

most of them aren’t even zips, anyway

>> No.4881595

This whole thread:


But mostly, the last page, where they realize that there's no proper stabilization in this damn app even in the latest big update. Pure existential terror.

At least you can draw on your own face now!

>> No.4881905

to be fair, stabilizer is nothing but a crutch, and you can tell the people in that thread can’t control their hand to save their life
>b-b-but it’s slippery
>i-it’s not like paper
there’s no friction with brush pens either

>> No.4882083

procreate's streamline tool is more than enough for stabilisation anyway, i'm sorry if your parkinson's is so severe that you're too retarded to draw properly but if that's the case art isn't for you in the first place

>> No.4882365

Someone have this One?

>> No.4882581

any other procreate pirates in here? I want to update to 5X when it comes out, but I don't know if installing the new .ipa over the top will overwrite my work or not

>> No.4882789

Are you installing and updating via a pirated app repo? Years ago back when I jailbroke an iPad, that's how I handled all of my pirated stuff. Never pirated Procreate since I already owned it, but my other apps updated fine without any data loss.

>> No.4882825

I didn't even know pirated app repos were a thing; I just downloaded the .ipa from iphonecake - Any recommendations for a repo I could use?

>> No.4882973

Doesn't iPhonecake have an app that acts as an app store for all the IPAs it offers? Could've sworn that's how it was.

>> No.4883513

Why is this discussion getting hijacked by artstudio type of shit. If you want to heavily promote then create a new one niggas

>> No.4883795

Well, 5X is available now, if you haven't updated already.

>> No.4884108

>Gradient maps added
Lets gooooooo!

>> No.4884688

they know that their threads is going to fall off on Page 10 in 2m so they leech our threads

>> No.4884748

lel the people shilling artstudio are the people buying brushes
t. me

>> No.4884750

also, is it a coincidence both artstudio 3.0 and procreate 5x dropped on the same day?

>> No.4884767

counterpoint i bought brushes and shared them here, and i don't shill for artstudio

>> No.4884769
File: 9 KB, 246x246, 246x0w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening

>> No.4884792

is there a way to make this app have pencil only mode while still having 2/3 finger tap to undo/redo enabled

>> No.4884797

yes, it’s what I have

>> No.4884802

It’s not that I don’t like procreate, it’s just that it’s becoming garbage
like, look at this “huge update”, it’s trash
it’s still bugged to all fuck
the brushes I adjusted have all reverted to their defaults so now I need to do it again
the reference window is nowhere near as good as artstudio’s
the fucking tilt is still broken
what the fuck am I supposed to do with all the fancy brushes when the engine doesn’t work?

>> No.4884808

sure, but this is the procreate thread, i don't doubt that artstudio is the better option, and i really don't care if some artstudio peeps get on this thread to share their brushes and experience, but at least try not to be this aggressive toward the procreate community that founded those threads, seems like basic etiquette

>> No.4884812

>aggressive toward the procreate community
what does that even mean?
I’m buying packs and sharing them here
if I’m aggressive towards anyone, it’s the retarded faggots who won’t fix their fucking app and keep ignoring bug threads and tickets

>> No.4884813
File: 90 KB, 1167x802, 5F4206AD-0735-4079-8703-03FDF2987C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> seems like basic etiquette

>> No.4884823

ok my bad.
death to soijak posters

>> No.4884828

My reddiquettearino noooooo

>> No.4884860

i thought summer was over alredy

>> No.4884862

okay so I updated using the new .ipa, lost literally all of my shit (artwork, brushes, swatches) - mercifully I keep backups but my god that was a pain in the ass to fix

why can't iOS just let you install updates and keep data intact like .apk files do?

>> No.4884866

were you using a pirated version ? i'm on the official build and i got all of my stuff

>> No.4884884

>jailbreak a device and do something the way it’s not supposed to be done
>wtf why is ios like this

>> No.4884885

>summerfagarinos! I swear I’m a 4channer :@

>> No.4885214

I post about ArtStudio Pro here because a dedicated ASP thread would fall off page 10 within a few days, and there are obviously other posters here who also use ASP.

I started these threads due to being a Procreate user, but I've become sick of Procreate's brush engine issues and other wonky shit that the devs apparently refuse to fix. Someone mentioned how much better ASP was, so I decided to try it. Lo and behold, this app exhibits none of the fucky issues Procreate has. Maybe it's due to years of using Photoshop, but ASP's brush engine and way of doing things feels right. ASP's dev is also responsive and addresses bug reports and feature requests quickly, unlike the Procreate devs who will ignore threads on their forum about glaring bugs for 3+ years.

ArtStudio Pro 3 was supposed to drop last week, but they delayed it due to the new Apple product stream happening the same day. A shame they ended up getting cucked by Procreate's release.

Yeah, I'm still messing with 5X but as far as I can tell, none of the problems I had with 5 were fixed in 5X. I've also gotten used to certain features in ASP 3 now, like the app displaying what zoom % you're at, and giving you a little snap at 100%, which is really handy and something I've wanted in Procreate for forever.

>> No.4885329

Procreate 5x is buggy bullshit. They introduced more bugs than anything

>> No.4885337

now what?
the only thing I encountered so far was multiple quick menus on the screen at once

>> No.4885457
File: 13 KB, 700x394, FD13ABB0-21ED-48D9-9377-5B6A0E6FE04C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people’s work changing colors after the update

>> No.4885467

Ohhh i just downloaded it and I kinda really like it. Any recommendations on your must have brushes to import to artstudio?

>> No.4885482

It takes photoshop brushes apparently so there’s a fuckload out there

>> No.4885491
File: 335 KB, 370x370, bug_alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading the threads created on Procreate's forum since the 5X update went live, I really have to wonder who the fuck Savage has beta testing Procreate updates? It seems like blatantly obvious bugs slip by completely undetected, because I can't understand how they otherwise wouldn't be fixed before the public """stable""" release. Either their beta testers aren't truly putting the beta releases through their paces, or the devs don't know how to fix this stuff.

Just a quick sampling:


Alpha channels are fucked, everybody panics:


Also, apparently there's a glitch with CMYK profiles not working correctly, although they claim on their Twitter account that it's an iOS 14 bug (so not a Procreate bug specifically?):


You can import Photoshop ABR and TPL files into ArtStudio Pro and they'll actually work right away 99% of the time, unlike Procreate. I uploaded some packs to Mega earlier:


I'm going to add some more packs in the next couple of days. There's also a pack of brushes made for ArtStudio that another anon shared, but they need to be updated for ArtStudio Pro 3. The guy who makes the pack said it would be updated very soon, and the anon who shared the pack said he'd post the update once he has it, so keep an eye out for that.

>> No.4885499

Thank you so much anon!

>> No.4885508

Glad you saw the link, I quoted the wrong post, lol.

>> No.4885867
File: 9 KB, 182x120, DC46DA28-A2E7-4209-BE40-9B309302C5DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only useful thing about 5X is Quick Menu profiles. Ref image is nice but you can only have one? :/

>> No.4885907

same issue here, installed the ipa and lost my art, had it backed up too

anyone got any tips on how i can avoid this happening again? don't have much faith in apps manager

>> No.4886094

1. Create collage of reference images.
2. Export collage to Photos.
3. Load exported collage into reference window.

>had it backed up too
Backed up where?

>anyone got any tips on how i can avoid this happening again?
Be diligent about making manual backups.

>> No.4886112

What's your procreate workflow like?
I hate that I can use the back the apple pencil to erase and have to use my hand to tap to change brushes.

>> No.4886168

I had used the surface pro for years which has the eraser on the stylus and I gotta say I prefer tapping the pen twice to switch to eraser on ipad, don't have to do ninja tricks to flip pen around

>> No.4886316

Not him but personally the eraser randomly switches for some reason. It's not a big deal but it can be weirdly sensitive.
I still like it over gen 1 but gen 1 pencil naturally never had this problem.

>> No.4886568
File: 3.81 MB, 4096x1714, DEDAE697-4FA9-4775-9CF7-5AC5F99190F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use 6b pencil, pretty nice for sketching. Any other good sketchy looking brushes I could use for coloring?

>> No.4886603
File: 157 KB, 731x630, 4FEFD5F3-9989-49F4-9A1F-9A4187FB1DFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there still no good proko brush for procreate?

>> No.4886651

Just spend days learning the brush engine inside-out and make one. How hard can it be?

>> No.4886653

should I even bother with doing this on procreate or just do it in art studio pro? the default art studio pro sketch brush is actually much closer to what I'm looking for than anything I ever found for procreate. feels very close to drawing with a conte kind of

>> No.4886661

I mean, it depends on what you like using more, Procreate or ArtStudio Pro? If ASP has a brush that's already close to what you want, it might be worth trying that first. The Proko pencil is in Infinite Painter, right? How close are IP's and ASP's brush engines? You might be able to compare settings and see if you can recreate it in ASP.

>> No.4886808
File: 29 KB, 1200x1170, 1200px-Adobe_Illustrator_CC_icon.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does someone have similar resources (RetroSupply, TrueGrit etc) for Illustrator ?

>> No.4887093

Here’s the 2020 artstudio brush index update, though I feel the new default brushes are just better than most of these.
OG pencils are nice, feel kinda like the notes pencil.
Paint index has some alright brushes.
Ink brushes always felt like too all over the place with the pressure profiles to me, feel the default ink brushes are better.

>> No.4887202
File: 1.79 MB, 2388x1668, 8D8167EB-3645-4CB0-A44F-6F071E24896A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's my f. problem? cant seem to fucking shade. using soft airbrush. any tips?

>> No.4887207

remove furry kebab

>> No.4887634

this board has hit a new low

>> No.4887647

It’s not just shading, you can’t draw

>> No.4887682

Can you be more specific?
TIL katman means layer in turkish, I thought it was “cat man”

>> No.4887692

Nananananananana nananananananana cat man

>> No.4887845

Thanks for posting these!

How is it that zoomers watch a billion hours of pornography every month but somehow still can't properly draw tits?

>> No.4887869

What the hell? At least learn perspective before polishing a turd you absolute retard

>> No.4887967

shading is quite a weakspot for me. and maybe drawing as well due to the perspective or lack thereof. just want to shade, but i suck ass hard, need tips of any kind. be it brushes, fundies, anything

>> No.4888207

can anyone recommend a brush thatd be good for cross hatching? ive been looking around but cant find a nice one

>> No.4888268

>How is it that zoomers watch a billion hours of pornography every month but somehow still can't properly draw tits?
How is it that every artist ever spends most of their waking life watching their hands, yet 99% of them can’t draw hands?

>> No.4888369

Honestly, there's no excuse for bad anatomy at all anymore. The internet opens up a wide world of readily available reference images for every imaginable position and angle.

>> No.4888395
File: 527 KB, 2800x2800, ijustwantedtoplayvideogames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, did the update change how cropping works? For some reason it takes up the entire canvas and when I rotate, the cropped item goes on the opposite side of the page.

Why would they do this...

>> No.4888474
File: 44 KB, 1240x929, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture isn't mine it's from the forums, but i'm having the same problem as this person. If I export a image I made in procreate as a psd file, the edges get all grey and grainy, and will ruin your drawing. Thought I'd share this here as a warning.

>> No.4888491

they fucked up so many things on top of what was already fucked up, it’s almost impressive

>> No.4888505

Alpha channels are fucked, as I noted in this post >>4885491. How shit like this got by all of their beta testers is a fucking mystery.

I'm pretty sure none of the previous bugs were fixed. Like you said, all they did was introduce new ones.

>> No.4888508

Fortunately you can export as a procreate file and it doesn't get all grey as a solution. That being said I do like some of the new changes, like the gradient maps, the Chromatic Aberration, and The resize tool, you can now turn off magnetics in snapping, which I always considered very annoying. But I do agree this update probably did more bad than good.

>> No.4888547
File: 375 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_1246[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /ic/bros, for some reason when I try to select a specific part of a drawing. It takes up the whole drawing!
For example, I only have the right foot selected for this drawing... yet it takes up the whole thing.
Is this because of the update or is it a glitch

>> No.4888562

is this your work? it looks great anon

>> No.4888684

I don't this problem, so I don't think it was a feature they added, and instead is a glitch. When I select a part of my drawing it doesn't put the box around the whole image and instead only around the part I selected. Maybe try tweaking the settings in the "snapping" tab or in, Ipad settings -> procreate?

>> No.4889490

Things are getting a bit contentious over on the Procreate forum. Lots of people upset about the alpha channels issue, and a growing number of users who are downright pissed about the changes made to the transform tool and the removal of the Recolor method in favor of Color Fill.

I guess they called it Procreate 5X because it has 5 times the problems the last version had.

>> No.4889501

works normally for me

>> No.4889631

Bros, how do you deal with the layer limit?
I love how smooth and lagless the brushes are in procreate, but the fucking layer limit is murdering me. I get 17 layers on a big canvas, and if I’m doin anything that’s not a figure and a simple background it starts grating on me.
I tried other apps, but I can’t get the brushes to be so smooth. Rendering with a hard round is easy in procreate, but I keep getting chunky transitions in other apps

>> No.4889635

Which iPad do you have?

>> No.4889636

2nd gen pro 12.9

>> No.4889644

You could get a more powerful iPad. Or you could export your work then put it on a single layer in a new canvas. Keep drawing in new layers till max then same again. Stack all the canvases into a folder so you can edit any part of any layer. Or stop being fussy and just find peace with flattening your layers. Commit

>> No.4889652

>You could get a more powerful iPad
You couldn’t. There is only one model with more RAM, the new 1tb model, and procreate doesn’t actually give you more layers on it.
Not only do you not know shit about what you’re talking about, I guarantee you never painted anything complex.

>> No.4889657

1. the 2018 1tb model has 6gb, but all 2020 models have 6gb
2. procreate can use the extra ram
3. 17 layers is more than enough for complex work, stop working like a retard

>> No.4889659

I was under the impression that higher ram iPads allowed more layers, and like you said there is a more powerful iPad. What’s your advice then brainlet? The only options are use more canvases or flatten your work

>> No.4889671
File: 73 KB, 387x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but... pic related, amount of layers I can get on my 2020 128gb iPad, which carries 6GB of RAM.
I hope you feel dumb now.

>> No.4889685

huh, there wasn’t any difference when the 2020 model released, they must have updated it
still, 4 extra layers doesn’t solve anything

>> No.4889688

You have big ego problems. Own up to it.

>> No.4889694

lolwut, I said I was wrong
check the comparisons 5 months ago, it was the same layer limit
4 layers doesn’t make a difference, and if you buy a new ipad pro for 4 (four) layers, you are retarded

>> No.4889710

If you cant finish work within these ‘limitations’ youre ngmi

>> No.4889711

>still, 4 extra layers doesn’t solve anything
>4 layers doesn’t make a difference, and if you buy a new ipad pro for 4 (four) layers, you are retarded
The issue here is that you're inventing a false and twisted argument, worded in a way which only relates to you personally, to protect yourself over having been wrong.

It's not just "4 layers", it's 50% more layers.

>> No.4889714


>> No.4889728
File: 51 KB, 1416x483, 58249023-8C10-4165-9BB8-94AE167B2A80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% more

>> No.4889732

>The issue here is that you're inventing a false and twisted argument, worded in a way which only relates to you personally, to protect yourself over having been wrong.

Literally half of all the posts on 4chan

>> No.4889740
File: 186 KB, 1213x354, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at this here.
At such big canvas sizes, having 20% more layers is a big deal.
If you're not content with this amount then I guess you can go back to PC.

>> No.4889745

No, 2 extra layers is not hurr 50% more, it’s 2 fucking layers, you’re the one trying to present a marginal increase as something decisive. 2 layers difference is fucking nothing.
At most you’re looking at 34 extra layers at small resolutions.
And this isn’t even a hardware issue, procreate didn’t use to have the limits at all, they just impose limits because they can’t fix it.

>> No.4889746

>I guess you can go back to PC.
yeah, or literally any app on ipad that isn’t coded like shit

>> No.4889748

What is it like over other apps?

>> No.4889752

there are no layer limits
there are also no brush size limits based on spacing

>> No.4889771

ArtStudio Pro doesn't have layer limits. The dev just warns that you'll run into performance/stability issues if you start pushing things beyond your device's capabilities.

I don't use a ton of layers anyway, but I do all of my work at 300dpi, so not having to deal with hard limits on the number of layers is nice. Not sure why Procreate doesn't have an option to turn off the limits for people willing to bump into potential performance degradation in exchange for more layers, but I have a feeling Procreate might be poorly coded and that's actually the real reason for the hard limits.

>> No.4889812
File: 28 KB, 420x308, ZusZmuhiSdE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people from VK are lurking our threads
Hand over your brushes and kompot this instant, Russkies!

>> No.4889829

>just merge all your lineart, colors and text, what could possibly go wrong it’s not like you might want to make adjustments or anything
thinking about it, is this the reason there are no adjustment layers in procreate? the layer limit?
I mean each clipping mask already eats up a layer slot, adjustment layers would just draw more attention to it

>> No.4889912

This is a huge issue because most clients want the final work as a .psd even when they’re using it digitally, and 100% of the time when it needs to be printed, they basically made the app unusable for work

>> No.4889948

The large majority of Procreate users are just making doodles for their Twitter followers. Anyone who has been actually using this app professionally is likely coming to the conclusion that Procreate can't be relied upon for actual work. The forum is full of people who apparently put this app through its paces in a more thorough fashion in just a day than all the beta testers did in weeks (months?), and have found multiple bugs and changes that significantly altered workflows. People there are pissed.

I'm sure Savage will push an update to fix stuff like the alpha channels bug, but that doesn't change the fact that obvious bugs like that never should've made it into a stable release. How the hell does that even happen? What the fuck were their beta testers testing?!

>> No.4889981

anyone got these?


>> No.4889986

I spent an hour in art studio and I’m ready to abandon procreate. This 5x update did nothing but break functionality for me. I already have a hard time focusing and dedicating my time to art work, and I realized procreate is probably my biggest roadblock. It just sucks because I spent all this time hoarding brushes for nothing really

>> No.4889992

artstudio getting these niggers to shill for them is fucking hilarious and blatantly obvious lmao

>> No.4890005

At least the shit works properly

>> No.4890013

Is there any plugin that act like the Smart Lines of Procreate but for Photoshop?

I really miss that feature and helps a lot with sketches. I used Lazy Nezumi but it's not that fast (though I love Lazy Nezumi and it's very powerful)

>> No.4890114

Nah, i love procreate and use it daily BEFORE I meet art studio pro. The brush engine got me because i’m a kyle webster bitch and disappointed by procreate 5 gimmick pS BrUsHes iS fAsTeR iN PrOcReaTe (they don’t even work right)
It makes procreate feel like an app for pretentious dumbass

>> No.4890305

>shilling in a thread with 50 people in it

>> No.4890483

Sort your shit out, dude. Do you work for Savage or something? Likely not, but if you do, maybe if you actually fixed your fucking app, people wouldn't be ready to abandon it after spending 30 minutes in a competing app. If the geniuses at Savage would fix their fucking brush engine and actually fix the other bugs that plague Procreate, people probably wouldn't be abandoning your sinking ship. As it is, the one or two guys who make ArtStudio are doing a better job than the 20+ at Savage. Absolutely embarassing for them.

Never trust Aussies to get the job done right.

>> No.4890804

And you don't think that's annoying or more work than necessary? I can just have Photos open in the side window and scroll, but that's not utilizing a better solution in Procreate.

>> No.4890842

I didn't say it was a great solution. It's a workaround. Frankly, when I want more than one reference image, I load whatever images I need into a new note in the Notes app and use that in a side or slide-over window. It's the same workaround that this guy made a video on:


You could always take a look at VizRef. It's an app that enables you to create reference image collages quickly:


I'm satisfied with using the Notes app, though. Maybe in another 5 years Procreate will add a more robust solution.

>> No.4891204

Great tips, thank you. Just goes to show that apps are still inferior to desktop programs.

>> No.4891400
File: 68 KB, 481x477, 1599860220728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of the original anons who started these threads.

My initial intent was to have a place for iPad users to gather and discuss instead of having random threads over the catalog. I did not however aim to make this a Procrate only thread per se - it's just that it seemed to be the most popular app around so I went with that. I don't think there's a reason to have any kind of war going on about which app you prefer. We're all artists and what should matter is having an app that lets us work towards our goals. Besides they're 10$ apps. It's the amount of money you spend on potato chips when you go groceries, so stop acting like babies.

Anyway I believe next thread should be named "iPad Thread" (or something of the sort) and the icon should be representative of the apps the community is using. I made this quickly but feel free to make something better, and with other apps (like Infinite Painter which is mentioned in the OP) if needed. Basically the same way these guys do so for desktop apps : >>4860365

>> No.4891404
File: 68 KB, 481x477, iPad Thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, here we go.*

>> No.4891435

OP of this thread (and also the guy maintaining that Mega folder). I agree. I started off with Procreate, but I'm using ArtStudio Pro far more at this point. I don't mind if these threads turn into iPad app generals. Procreate is obviously the most popular, but other apps have their fans. ArtStudio Pro, Infinite Painter, Clip Studio Paint, the Affinity apps, etc, are all good options.

Honestly, I'm surprised how successful these threads have been. I figured iPad apps would be a pretty niche interest on this board, but there's always new posts every day in these threads. Somehow, there's relatively little discussion about desktop apps on /ic/. I figured there would be very active threads about Photoshop, CSP, etc.

In any case, I'm looking forward to the threads growing and evolving. May we all hoard many brushes!

>> No.4891691

anyone have a mega for ericanthonyj's brushes packs? (both csp and procreate)

>> No.4891731

I have his mega bundle and pencil pack:


I don't even use CSP. I considered trying it a while back, but I don't think my 6th gen iPad would run it very well. I have some Daub and Freden brush packs as well.

>> No.4891754

thanks a bunch! been eyeing the csp pack especially for months

>> No.4891813

this is a procreate brushes thread not "ARTSTUDIO is superior" thread. go shill that product somewhere because you're hi the thread dum dum

>> No.4891827

HIJACKING THE THREAD W/ ARTSTUDIO is my choice is getting annoying go shill your product somewhere else nigga

>> No.4891886

You're going to be pretty upset when we continue discussing ArtStudio Pro in the next thread :^)

>> No.4891895

Bet those 2 dumbassses couldn’t even draw properly

>> No.4891911
File: 575 KB, 2692x1847, 9B210FE1-3F95-4262-9DCF-DB9FC3B80F7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I was really annoyed seeing all the Art Studio stuff here before, but then I downloaded it (cause I got hit with that eye dropper Procreate glitch and that’s more than annoying af) and ngl it ain’t half bad. Not exactly super user friendly and a little clunky at times, but that’s coming from someone who’s solely drawn on Procreate for years so I’m more used to that setup and quick pace. So it’s a slight task figuring out wtf is going on with the app at first lmao.

I love the fact that Photoshop brushes work so much better on it though- so I mean 12 ish bucks plus all the Ps brushes here and elsewhere with a pretty ok app? That’s a no brainer.

Still plan on using both though- each one has their own brushes that work certain ways plus some offer better ways to do certain things. On top of that, that just means even more brush hoarding to draw memes.

>> No.4891936

Yeah, ArtStudio Pro's interface doesn't seem as slick as Procreate's, but Procreate also has a habit of hiding stuff in the Actions and Adjustments menus to keep the app looking clean. ArtStudio Pro is clearly inspired by desktop Photoshop, although the version 3 update kind of stole some interface ideas from Procreate. Seems like they're trying to strike a good balance between the desktop and touch screen paradigms.

I'm still legit surprised it's only like 1 or 2 guys developing it. Nice Pepe, btw.

>> No.4891944

It's the same person.

>> No.4892048

>perspective guide has been bugged for over a year


This app, man, I swear to god.

>> No.4892116

>checkupdates expecting g to see at least the psd bug fixed
>artstudio’s been updated instead
the worst thing is that the fucking bugs I’ve been spamming their support page with will now be pushed to the back (if they were even being worked on) so they can fix the fucking face cam thing

>> No.4892194

Looking for this pack as well

>> No.4892248

anyone know of any spitshade packs for artstudio? or if there's any way to use procreate brushes in it?

>> No.4892276

Can't use Procreate brushes in ArtStudio. How did Procreate get so popular with tattoo artists anyway? If you can find similar brushes for Photoshop, they should work in ArtStudio.

>> No.4892286

so now that procreate’s so far down the shitter it’s chilling with the gators, should I just pay the sun for csp?
it has that hotkey bar on the side and auto actions you can assign to them, so it sounds like it might save a lot of time wasted doing stupid shit

>> No.4892298

I think CSP allows you a 3 month trial when you first download it. Should be long enough to figure out whether it's worth the subscription. It's a hugely popular program on desktop, although I have no idea how well it performs on the iPad. I imagine it's very dependent on which iPad you have.

>> No.4892310

>app says up to 3 months trial
>make account, etc
>just get charged, no free trial

>> No.4892313

lol, did that really happen? that's some bullshit if so.

>> No.4892328


>> No.4892332

Jesus, I'd be pissed. You never trialed it before?

>> No.4892336

eh, I’ll give it a shot for a month, see what I think
I tend to make a lot of new layers with clipping masks, paint one plane, then merge, and it already seems faster than the other options
switching tools and colorpicking is also quick
no liquify, though

>> No.4893034

I'll post the CSP brush packs to Mega for the next thread. Gonna have a brush collection for every major iPad art app, at this rate, lol.

>> No.4893267
File: 57 KB, 641x642, dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro's i'm so fucking angry right now. I have used procreate for over a year now and have gotten used to it. And now I can't even export a psd file without it getting all grey and shit, it's so fucking annoying. I want to upload a psd file to my cloud, so I can then move it over to my PC and edit it even more, but I can't do that anymore. How long until they fix this crap?

>> No.4893299
File: 20 KB, 868x225, BRAVO PROCREATE DEVS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even their own forum moderators don't even trust them to not fuck up the app.

>> No.4893319

By the way, someone on the forum posted this workaround:

>In the meantime, if anyone runs into this bug and needs a fix now, you can open the PSD in Photoshop and for each layer go to Layer (in the menu bar) > Matting... > Remove Black Matte. Just tried it and it works well. If you make it an action and assign a keyboard shortcut, you can fix things pretty fast too. Hope that helps!

>> No.4893349

I'll try this, thanks