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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 960 KB, 558x991, firefly3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4889595 No.4889595[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for art with a right-wing slant, aesthetic or message. Are your ancestors smiling down on you, anon?

Previous thread: >>4887137

Notable posts:
>>4487148 >>4487172 >>4888277 Anon posted his militia art
>>4887235 Based Jew gave a great critique
>>4887712 Anon posted a blonde rad-trad in a wheat field.
>>4887182 Coomer can't help himself
>>4889259 Anon sketched out a severed head and claims the victim was Jewish.
>>4887748 >>4889163 Leftoid anon wrote fanfiction to try and cope

>> No.4889606

god speed

>> No.4889610

The other thread is still active retard why are you trying to force this?

>> No.4889611

I can accept you poltards are all contained here as long as this doesn’t become a political thread alright. Goes for the seethefags and trannies too.

>> No.4889612


Decline of /ic/ in the making right here

>> No.4889614

Chad move, ngl.

>> No.4889615

The end was marked as soon as a furry porn general became a thing.

>> No.4889616

The very basis of this thread is political, this is just a bullshit step to trying to politicise every board. If anyone has any interest in this board not turning to shit I advise you leave politics out of it. There’s already an active right wing thread which we could do without

>> No.4889619

Revival from the dark depths of constant coom, you mean

>> No.4889620

Nice, slow gradient from almost silhouette on the feet to illuminated blocky figure. Kind of odd lighting on the scalp tho.

>> No.4889624

Thank you for the critique, anon. I have been overly enthusiastic about rimlighting recently.

>> No.4889643 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 760x570, nordhausen_corpse_party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for making another thread OP~

Let's help OP out by posting references he can use for creating his right wing art!

I'm starting with one of my favourites: a picture taken at the Nordhausen concentration camp, April 1945. Something about it always fills my heart with glowing patriotic pride. :)

>> No.4889648

I have no doubt that op is samefagging. This board is slow as fuck and all of a sudden it’s booming. Fuck off retard

>> No.4889655

Reminder that Fascists and Right wingers are NGMI. Give up.

>> No.4889661
File: 532 KB, 400x308, 7dbda8eab561dd6dc10156ded95851fbe9a77869424ba3cb87b9f593ed0864bf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4889665

looks Great

>> No.4889666

Reminder that OP has already made it while all you can do is seethe and refuse to post your /beg/ tier work

>> No.4889668

Who so hearthwarming, never stop with your goal even when 6 Million people are against you

>> No.4889672
File: 1.72 MB, 1000x1286, delete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reminder that OP has already made
Good joke buddy.
>refuse to post your /beg/ tier work
I already posted it in the previous thread. But here it is again, just for you darling.
Now you post yours fashy.

>> No.4889676
File: 164 KB, 900x555, 1600669421219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only think that happened were five post that was actually art
/pol/ needs to fuck off entirely.

>> No.4889681 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 760x484, dachau_fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got another one for OP! This one is from one of my favourite right wing places in the world, Dachau concentration camp, April 29th 1945. It's a bit lewd (all the people are naked) but I hope you don't mind. :')

>> No.4889682

I think it would be great to keep the thread artwork related. Either post an artwork or give a criticism. Leftists complaining doesn't help at all, besides you can't change a person's belief by mocking them, it only provokes and strengthens.

>> No.4889683

looks shopped

>> No.4889689

>right wing = fascist
>pedophile = child molester

why does /ic/ do this.

>> No.4889691

When are the jannies going to prune this retarded general?

>> No.4889692

shit thread. and this is pretty much just a thread to shill your art.
kill yourself.

>> No.4889693

Ohh no, the human body is a beaty in itsself, human body culture is amazing
And coming togerther with others to celebrate you nudity like
is a sign of strength

>> No.4889695 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 760x570, op_likes_fascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop mocking the great achievements of right-wing culture you seething leftoid!

pic from Buchenwald concetration camp in April 1945

>> No.4889696

I can find 10 depictions more disgusting than this on this board in a matter of minutes.

>> No.4889697
File: 1.58 MB, 1097x740, cafe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting the full image from the previous thread

>> No.4889698

>Are your ancestors smiling down on you, anon?
Your ancestors aren't, your art is trash.
You are permanently damaging the board. Now the few pros that still come here, and sometimes give advice will never come again, kys begtard. The same goes for the few begs that are supporting this retard.

>> No.4889700

meant for

>> No.4889703

What has a flashmob planking to do with right wing culture?

>> No.4889705

It’s the same retard posting repeatedly

>> No.4889706 [DELETED] 

post em

>> No.4889708

I ate too much and now I'm farting so much...

>> No.4889712

take ur meds you schitzo fuckwit

>> No.4889713

look at all this rabid homosexuals. I had no Idea there's so many of you here.

>> No.4889715


Yeah, that and the loli general.
Both were signs of the end times. This /pol/ general is just the icing on the cake.

>> No.4889717

Obvious OP samefagging

>> No.4889722

>mfw furryfags have better art than rightoids
where did all go wrong, oh master race?

>> No.4889723
File: 9 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idiot janitors ban me for calling them trannies
>don't do anything about this general

>> No.4889724 [DELETED] 
File: 807 KB, 1824x1368, my hot cock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello /b/ i see youre having another argument over right wingers, heres my cock

>> No.4889729

And of course it’s seething /leftypoltards/ keeping this shit thread up because they can’t contain their estrogen.
Amerifat politics is asscancer.

>> No.4889731

Not bad mexican, well polished turd you have there.

>> No.4889734

There's a few begs, that posted their work in support of this retard, I'm writting down all their names and saving their artwork so I never help any of them again.

>> No.4889736


>> No.4889741


you got it pal
three from this thread >>4883772
three from this one >>4870057
three from this one >>4874232
and this guys dick >>4889724

>> No.4889742 [DELETED] 

if you hover over the reply for a couple of seconds you can see the name of the poster

>> No.4889743

How about we make this productive? someone make a right wing vs left wing art general thread so. Nothing will convince these retards more to improve fast.

>> No.4889749

fuck off. Go make an art general in >>>/pol/

political and ideological nonsense has no place here

>> No.4889750

why. why one side vs another side? perhaps this thread is all part of the conspiracy to tear us apart.

>> No.4889755

Don't worry, during the last year my understanding of light, rendering, linework, and anatomy has improved a lot. But enough about me, let's talk about you; I'm sure you can show us your work, right? or are you too afraid of posting the horrible scribbles you call art?

>> No.4889756
File: 776 KB, 2777x2564, 1599221244711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4889759


>> No.4889768
File: 137 KB, 960x960, 1547284718317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4889770

Cringe x2

>> No.4889775
File: 84 KB, 603x488, 432784392174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> board for art
> political and ideological nonsense has no place here

>> No.4889781

wow some random pontification.
cope harder man

>> No.4889784 [DELETED] 

cringe x3

>> No.4889787

The pedophiles and furries invaded /ic with their generals. If this joke of a general gets banned, and the afformentioned dumpster fires are permitted expect, expect these shitstorms to escalate.

>> No.4889794

Yes anon I'm sure professionals won't be scared away by the board being absolutely flooded with coom art and pedophilia, it will be a drawing of a man with a gun that does it.

>> No.4889800

/ic/ defines itself with beg anime girls.

>> No.4889803

Yes anon, everyone appreciates a cute delicious loli but no one want to deal with reyists trump supporters

>> No.4889807

>expect these shitstorms to escalate.
Good, hopefully it ends with both pedos and fascists banned.
if you want, you can post your fascist art where it belongs >>4889718

>> No.4889808

/ic/ used to be a place where people learned art together. Then they allowed anime, then sexual stuff. I left and came back to furries, pedos, and now the bottom of the barrel (except pedos), rightoids.

>> No.4889810
File: 60 KB, 500x700, 15909975828780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>setting "muhculture" over economy
This is gay and gay equals death sentence.

>> No.4889811

>doesn’t become a political

>> No.4889822

How is this bottom of the barrel?
I'm a rightoid but I would much rather this board be flooded with well drawn commie propaganda than coomshit. At least OPs work is aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.4889823
File: 1.99 MB, 1357x677, 1600858807626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4889828

Most of the commie party higher-ups were fags. Lenin included.

>> No.4889831 [DELETED] 

OP is literally drawing Hitler youth fanart, you don't see how that's problematic? You can be conservative/center-right and still think that this shit is vile. Only because nazism/fascism is normalized on other boards, it doesn't need to here.

>> No.4889832

2. Don't know the name, he post in /BEG/, pic related.
Go post your stuff here >>4889718
and read >>1579290
Fascists are much lower than furries, and as degenerate as pedos.

>> No.4889835
File: 97 KB, 830x360, gwZQ6yWfs7HfEttkl3wsd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, 2.pic related

>> No.4889837

Imagine being this seething holy fucking kek
Get a life

>> No.4889838

what a cuck, damn.

>> No.4889841

Post work

>> No.4889842

Seethe fashies, you are eternal BEGs and you are NGMI.

>> No.4889845
File: 154 KB, 654x704, 1600427935805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lmao holding a firefly in the middle of the woods? are you serious? this is something a girl would draw.


all of these come off as more homoerotic boyscout fantasy than anything else.

anyway this is too self aware to not be satire

>> No.4889847

OP's work is ok. It kind of looks like a genie to me for some reason. But I could look at, and critique if need be, this picture without context. That is the point of this board, other unnecessary things obstruct this objective. Look at how this thread basically no art.

Now, we could argue that meaning is a critical aspect of art, but no one here is Velazquez and I would argue that the MO and culture of this board has been purely for aesthetic critique and maybe a dabbling in the discussion of storytelling through composition. Politics, however, are off-topic.

A >>>/pol/ art general seems plausible for this threads intent, and would get more engagement. I assume this thread is bait.

>> No.4889848

Already did.

>> No.4889849


is artstation the new deviantart? i remember when there were only decent stuff there but now we got beg and intermediates flooding the place

>> No.4889850

Post work

>> No.4889853

>projecting this hard

>> No.4889855
File: 371 KB, 540x360, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread is for art with a right-wing slant
>Are your ancestors smiling down on you, anon?
>Atenas, Greece
This are the people that are going to save the "White" race btw.

>> No.4889856

>is artstation the new deviantart?
yes, for a very long time

>> No.4889857

It's super worrying that your mind immediately jumps to homo-eroticism. Get yourself checked out, friend.

>> No.4889860

This was me. As i said in that very thread I’m neither nazi republican or even white kek. Just like the mid-century cold war aesthetics.

>> No.4889865 [DELETED] 

>holding a firefly in the middle of the woods
>boyscout fantasy
lmao, I haven't seen art that screams "I am gay" as hard as OPs in a long time

>> No.4889881
File: 40 KB, 640x425, bf1314aff70949f67266745600ff1c44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lenin included
seethe more incel

>> No.4889884
File: 299 KB, 1024x718, lenin-museum-fiks-2-1280-1024x718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicherin was probably the most brilliant diplomat of his generation. A true internationalist, what drove his commitment to equality? His socialism? His homosexuality? Did the Revolution survive because Chicherin brokered peace with Germany? Lenin believed so. Chicherin’s skilful role in the negotiations with Germany meant that he became Commissar of Foreign Affairs, the Soviet Union’s Foreign Secretary, in 1918 and guided the Soviet Union’s foreign policy for the next twelve years: the first, and the only openly gay man to achieve this distinction.

>Klyuev embodied the Revolution. He came from the deep rural background of North-West Russia and had become the leader of the so-called ‘peasant poets’. His frankly homosexual verse mixed landscapes, male bodies and the virtues of labor in a sort of spiritual Shangri-La, a utopia he was convinced the events of 1917 would bring about.

>Kuzmin was one of Russia’s most celebrated poets in 1917. An old school friend of Chicherin, he’d achieved notoriety ten years before with Wings, his novel of the sexual awakening of a young country lad who comes to maturity through love of another man. He embraced the Bolshevik cause both practically – he set up the Bolshevik’s art newspaper – and passionately as the most sophisticated of Russia’s contemporary writers. His poem, ‘Russian Revolution’, was wholly joyous in its response to the Bolshevik coup, admonishing Russians: ‘What’s the point of sadness? / This is no funeral – we’re building a new house. / Will there be space for all of us? / Let’s think about that later.’


>> No.4889889 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 384x512, g0k3ys9ik3051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sieg heil, brothers!

>> No.4889892 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 1024x842, a87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889911
File: 85 KB, 1200x630, 885005-rfguwktbox-1530536144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jon McNaughton

>> No.4889915
File: 114 KB, 939x635, 20200924_093333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889916
File: 201 KB, 844x823, 20200924_093351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889923

And of course this thread is mostly lefties seething.

>> No.4889924 [DELETED] 

>fascist=pedophile child molester
sounds about right

>> No.4889928 [DELETED] 
File: 774 KB, 1301x944, cf55f9374abdba59709ca5f57cd6e24d95599528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889929

If this general allows us to get rid of the trannies and w*men from this board, then it is good.

>> No.4889930 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x451, 400px-Anime_furry_nazis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889933 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 927x1200, vq7resoxrr731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889939 [DELETED] 
File: 332 KB, 850x1133, sample_454a0fa00bc92e83fbacb67217be4e0805364780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, fuck women

>> No.4889941 [DELETED] 
File: 326 KB, 850x999, sample_548f80103a00d19dea689bf89ccc17d780fbf564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889946 [DELETED] 
File: 1.81 MB, 1003x2582, ccb33db7244b81e33e48012af087f3d7c5751476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889952
File: 103 KB, 393x512, unnamed (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doug TenNapel

>> No.4889953 [DELETED] 
File: 219 KB, 850x725, sample_56ae3581d3cac875aaa8055f214d9a2d2932d46a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889956 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 850x1275, sample_afc8ff9318e03b346971335fd7fdde76023b2134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889958
File: 220 KB, 695x922, ysuxfvigvm3gydqbn3vx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889966
File: 40 KB, 333x500, 51XhyoO6HZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889967 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 896x1200, 28df3e48c83b3373376f17420a267bc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889970 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 850x822, sample_33eae76ce3b192e5d61ecab931cf121b2fd9aac5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889972 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 558x800, f53c9228ec8082bf5fb9e4f5a11fb9ded88dd404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4889973

>Furry porn which at least is "artwork" is banned from the board
>Unironic nazi threads with 0 artwork related images is allowed
Like, I'm all for banning furshit, but at least have some consistency you fucking retarded jannies. Start deleting retarded threads like these instead of fun ones

>> No.4889980

>Right Wing Art General

>> No.4890075
File: 167 KB, 1280x853, 20180501-JMCcYuM6cDID7vmTtogl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4890098

wake up jannies

>> No.4890101

Jannies are cool with this thread, this board isn't your safe space sweetie

>> No.4890144
File: 219 KB, 880x540, F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are your ancestors smiling upon you?
Our ancestors are the anons who established the traditions and customs of chan culture, and you are the barbarian hordes.
Any /pol/fags who check out this board will see that this enclave of ideology exists, and they will migrate into our community in waves, with no regard for our board culture. Our local communist sleeper agents, not wanting to give the nazis that kind of space, will counter-signal. ultimately, /ic/ will be destroyed in a memetic proxy war, the oldfags who still lurk driven away into the wilderness.

>> No.4890153

I couldn’t give less of a shit about your political agenda either way but the way you talk is insufferable

>> No.4890162

Stop transofrming /ic into /pol

I hope the mods will close this useless thread.

>> No.4890203

Hello newtranny

>> No.4890216

>4 dudes using force powers to lift one giant dude in a chair
>another dude going to grope obamas ass

>> No.4890256

>buzz buzz
what did the drone mean by this?

>> No.4890326

pose reads badly, it took me a while to figure out that she was punching him, make the purpose of the pose understandable from the silhouette alone

>> No.4890417

Why the hell did the mods purge the conservative art thread, yet this shit thread, the pedo, and the furfag threads remain up?

>> No.4890421

they're probably commies fishing for a counter-revolution. heck, this thread might be a false flag. or they're just unironically fashos.

>> No.4890422


>> No.4890425

Based mods. I hope they purge this thread too and ip banning amerimutts already.

>> No.4890444

the sentiment is moronic (the idea of FDR, who established the Social Security Administration, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and unemployment insurance, looking away from a guy in need and clapping is laughable) but the technical ability is pretty damn good

>> No.4890451
File: 140 KB, 1920x1920, tom rhodes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame Tom Rhodes got an industry job and went dark to keep from getting canceled. I liked his stuff.

>> No.4890492

>moot actually reinstated a politics "quarantine" board because he thought that if he didn't politics would infect the entire site

>> No.4890495

I dont like the placement of that paper airplane, at first I thought it was a page sticking out of the cabinet in the back. Change its placement and / or make it more readable at what it is.
Also here I presume the guy holding his face in his heads is drinking using a straw, buts its hard to see, again, because of the background.

Use contrasts between whites and blacks, or rimlights if you like them so much.

Usually, the point of drawing is to transmit a message, the more rich, and the more easy is to get the message, the better the drawing.

>> No.4890496

Not to mention that FDR is fucking standing.

>> No.4890636
File: 1.10 MB, 1100x733, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascists are so /beg/, they can't even post their own work, and have to post the work of professionals kek.
You are NGMI. This is a phenomenon I had noticed long ago; your rightoid brain is horrible for art. Go work as a wage slave instead of aspiring to do something that it's already hard for " normal" people, but since you are mentally challenged (fascist), it's almost impossible.

>> No.4890651
File: 1.18 MB, 2117x2161, 0E814D0E-F42B-4DB6-B250-88C6DA3ABAB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean, anon? I was the one who made OP pic and a few other pics posted in this thread and the other one. Here’s a concept of the administration drawing

>> No.4890654


>> No.4890665
File: 2 KB, 186x64, 7keibRr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4890667

pyw then, the nazi delivered now it's your turn.

>> No.4890678

I already did >>4889672

>> No.4890683

great. since both of you have posted work, why don't you argue over the merit of your work instead of the merit of retarded whacky ideologies? and if you do want to "discuss your politics" in person you can organize a meetup on /soc/

>> No.4890687
File: 653 KB, 1180x2448, 4DB4124E-219C-47F6-AD6D-EAEE49425BFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not contributed to the political discussion in this thread, I am just seeking other right wing artists/right wing work.

>> No.4890701

as much as I appreciate your own discretion, it won't stay at that once more of your "friends" (and soon after your opposition) gather here. just post in /alt/ like a normal person instead of using /ic/ as a platform for your culture war.
there's room for all kinds of people with all kinds of beliefs on an image board as long as they stick to the topic of the fucking board they're frequenting, and if you want to be part of a right-wing art collective, there are probably already plenty of spaces like that.

>> No.4890704
File: 101 KB, 866x1300, 32647507-asian-woman-pointing-and-laughing-at-you-closeup-portrait-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascists are much lower than furries, and as degenerate as pedos.

>> No.4890709

uh okay, where is the art?

>> No.4890714

OP posted art, so you can't fault him on those grounds at least.

>> No.4890715
File: 616 KB, 1080x1440, 20E7CBFA-98AC-42C5-865B-5530D3462B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing against the rules here on seeking right wing art, just as there is nothing wrong with seeking art that’s about competitive basket weaving. It was lefties who posted three hundred replies in the last thread in less than twenty four hours. You wanna talk about people talking politics instead of art? Ban those people. I’m just sharing and looking for art.

>> No.4890716

>if you want to be part of a right-wing art collective, there are probably already plenty of spaces like that.
Yeah, like this one.
>stick to the topic of the fucking board they're frequenting
You have no say in what kind of art ends up in /ic/ and never will. If you stopped seething for fifteen seconds and muted the thread you wouldn't be knee-deep in your own autism.

>> No.4890717
File: 50 KB, 225x225, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a stain that will permantly damage the board, this retard is putting the nails in the coffin of this board just to make a "liberals angry" joke.
Your art isn't good go post your scribbles at >>4889718 There aren't many fascist/ right-wing artists because they score low in creativity and openness, now go make this thread in pol where it belongs, so you see the shit art your "master race" can make.

>> No.4890718

It's the truth honey. Pyw, give us all a good laugh with your scribbles.

>> No.4890719

I mean this genuinely, anon: it's not healthy to define your life based on your political identity, particularly a fringe one of either wing. If you need meaning in your life, get involved with a local church; it's better for you.

>> No.4890722

in my opinion fascists, furries, communists and pedophiles should be skinned alive and then thrown in a mixture of salt and lemon, something like a retard cocktail

>> No.4890724

centrists like you should be thrown in too

>> No.4890725

>permanently damaging the board
>if you want, you can post your fascist art where it belongs >>4889718
>permantly damage the board
>Your art isn't good go post your scribbles at >>4889718
Like a broken record. Make an effort next time, samefag.

>> No.4890744
File: 108 KB, 424x420, 1536476160114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's not against the rules
there's the rules and then there's the social norms we all implicitly pick up while frequenting a board. the purpose of /ic/ is to discuss art as a craft, meaning: techniques, fundamentals, practice routines and so on. there's probably a right-wing and a left-wing lifting culture or something, but that doesn't mean you get to make a "get ripped, racists, get fit for the fuhrer" general on /fit/. similarly, there is no such thing as a right-wing or a left-wing aesthetic. if you drew a different subject matter no one would even be able to tell what your political affiliation is. if you wanted to talk about subject matter you should make a thread with an op along the lines of "What do you like to draw and what does it mean to you".

>> No.4890747

centrism is the new counter culture :^)

>> No.4890753

I'm not sure you understand what that means. I posted my work and 8 hours later there is still no competent fascist artist here, seems like I was right.
But it's not surprising. The connection of being right-wing and scoring low in creativity and openness isn't anything new.

>> No.4890755

>posts anime

>> No.4890760

I'm not a centrist, you fucking retard, the difference between you and me is that I don't embrace an ideology for the weak, don't lie to yourself you're just a fascist because you can't impose yourself on life and you want a "great leader "give meaning to it

>> No.4890770

>Right wing means fascism
God what a brain-dead retard you are.

>> No.4890774

Oh nice which one did you make

>> No.4890775

OP is fascist, and both this and the previous threads were filled with fascist and right wingers.
I'm sorry to tell you, but if you are so far gone you don't see anything wrong with being buddy-buddy with a fascist, then you are probably already a fashy, you just haven't realized it yet.

>> No.4890777


>> No.4890780
File: 2.85 MB, 200x234, 1593931624239.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-im not a facist bro i swear i just like the aesthetics

>> No.4890782

i like the papery look of his skin

>> No.4890786

>that one guy is still seething at /pol/tards
lmao maybe you racists have a point.
btw i've seen that demon with a fiddle several times posted on /beg/ as a 'gotcha' so this guy can't stop sperging out.

>> No.4890787

trannazis btfo

>> No.4890789

>Can't separate the wheat from the chaff
You're never gonna make it

>> No.4890791

>lmao maybe you racists have a point.
The ultimate form of retardation, "becoming a racist to own the libs", this won't make you stop being a /beg/ bro.
>posted on /beg/ as a 'gotcha'
It was 1 time (I can't even remember what the argument was about), I can't post my new pieces since I don't want you retards harassing my new socials

>> No.4890792
File: 253 KB, 802x462, A42F066C-2618-432C-A94D-6F4397FE0BB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do wonder if he has anything else to post. Also, trying to one up begs is a shitty thing to do.

>> No.4890793

>all the brain-fried ideologues itt using a dickmeasuring contest between individual artists as an argument for or against their political views
I guess if I make some masterpiece for the ages and gas all of you you'll just have to accept I was in the right.

>> No.4890795
File: 2.05 MB, 1514x1592, 7AB5EDBF-953A-4FAB-B874-82A2D764B1DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been thinking of making a comic with jungian archetypes as a general guide but I dunno how to start

>> No.4890797

>I do wonder if he has anything else to post
Don't want you retards harassing me, so no I won't post my new stuff.
>trying to one up begs is a shitty thing to do.
I'm always there giving them advice, but after I saw in the previous thread one of them supporting your general I'm considering leaving them to rot.

>> No.4890798

No he doesn't have anything else to post but you can still recognize this sperg by the broken english and the same three reaction images he recycles. You can just reek the autism kek.

>> No.4890803


>> No.4890806

You could probably benefit from using line assistants m8. Line variation and a degree of imperfection look good but once you have too much your drawing stops reading well.

>> No.4890807

Why are you so obsessed with politics?

>> No.4890809
File: 148 KB, 720x1280, 33F8DEF6-44F0-472D-994B-551BCD8398EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dear anon, you’re projecting your own side's behaviour. We don’t hunt down artists. But you know, excuse yourself however you want.

>> No.4890813

That sounds like a neat idea.
You got any not examples of characters you drew maybe?

>> No.4890815

mexican tier insult.
Lo más gracioso es que probablemente utilice tu propio idioma mejor que tú ya que, naturalmente, tengo un intelecto mucho mayor que el tuyo. Aún así no quiero abusar, solo hay que ver los lloros con los que has llenado este hilo y el denostado /beg/ que ya tiene suficiente sin autistas como tú ensuciando el ambiente con conversaciones que no interesan a nadie.

En verdad eres tóxico hermano, mucho más que estos güeros racistas y eso es decir mucho.

Stop being a sperg ese.

>> No.4890817

Any more examples**

>> No.4890822

I have lurked in this board for many years, and don't want this place to be infested by poltards, I enjoy sometimes being able to ask a few questions to themichaelmacrae in the draw thread, and there are other pros that sometimes post in other threads. If this place becomes a haven for fascist, like this >>4890809 retard , then they will stop coming.
>My dear anon, you’re projecting your own side's behaviour. We don’t hunt down artists. But you know, excuse yourself however you want.
Didn't read, go >>4889718 where you belong.

>> No.4890825

Didn't read. But I know you are ngmi.

>> No.4890827

that's pretty cool, I can recommend Neumann's Origins and History of Consciousness. However, if you're going to larp as a Jungian right-winger (I assume that's why you're posting in this thread) I hope you read up on Jungs views on both fascism and communism and take his arguments seriously. he argues that if you're the type of person to fall for totalitarian ideologies you're better off trying to find god through the church, and I think he's basically right.

>> No.4890831
File: 146 KB, 500x640, disappointed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunate that you're a "muh right wing" sperg because I do enjoy your sketches. Join a club or something if you want to jerk off about your political views, unless you're actually making political commentary/cartoons this seems like a really unnecessary niche to claim. For your work specifically what makes you need to label it "right wing" so bad, just because lol guns and lol white people with swoopy hair? This feels like the loli thread in a way, it feels like you're going out of your way to invite antagonism and argument instead of just posting your work.

I'd much rather see you just posting images in the sketchbook thread than stirring political shit for no reason, desu

>> No.4890833

>they score low in creativity and openness
>right-wing and scoring low in creativity and openness
Did you literally forget that you posted that already?
>It was 1 time (I can't even remember what the argument was about)
Please see a doctor, you're not doing well upstairs. Have you thought about taking Exelon?

>> No.4890837

I notice you didn't give a real response to my post about board culture. can't you swallow your pride and admit that you're just being stubborn?

>> No.4890838

>going out of your way to invite antagonism and argument instead of just posting your work.
That's exactly what he's doing, he's just a drama queen, this retard has already posted all these scribbles in the draw thread.

>> No.4890844

Do you draw women at all? So far, I've seen only males in your artwork. Where are the girlfriends, wives, or families?

>> No.4890847
File: 103 KB, 716x1200, sLAJ6Zs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys read Mark Brahmin?
His art theories seem insane on the surface but it kind of makes sense on a deeper level. Should you want to make an impact among the visual arts, you need to build up a common language that people learn to recognize.
pic related

>> No.4890852

Esa bilis amigo, que no se note el enojo jjjj

>> No.4890855

>Did you literally forget that you posted that already?
I'm not hiding that it's me.
>Please see a doctor, you're not doing well upstairs. Have you thought about taking Exelon?
Stop projecting. I liked helping people in beg threads.

>> No.4890857
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, 418DB40A-02E0-44E3-A6B7-2F3823985239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I labeled it right wing because my comic work centres around the exact things I sketch: a self-organised militia in the vein of what the Founding Fathers intended. Divorcing my art from politics is as stupid a notion as divorcing mathematics from physics.

>> No.4890858

fashos and commies are obsessed with masculinity, it has something to do with the weird cult of activity and self-determination they have going. there's no room for something to be "given", for grace or hope or uncertainty - or loss for that matter, just pure will to power, where the outcome of every battle is framed as a victory.

>> No.4890860

>drawing women

>> No.4890863

Your idea of "right wing" is "kid with rifle takes coffee with friends"?


You seem more fascinated by the idea of being in a group with a purpose (any purpose) and finding some real friends, than by "right wing politics".
Political topics are vague and secondary in your illustrations.
So vague that the kids could be antifa activists for all we know.

>> No.4890865

>it feels like you're going out of your way to invite antagonism and argument instead of just posting your work
This is indeed a good criticism and you have actually convinced me this thread is unnecessary and nedlessly confrontational even though i originally thought it could be a good idea. in any case similar sketches face the same spergy nonsense (and i suspect they come from the one mexican guy that has bumped this thread more than anyone else) even if they aren't explicitly labeled as right wing by the author.
Perhaps in an environment of political toxicity it is only normal that political undertones become more important than the pieces themselves.

>> No.4890866
File: 51 KB, 196x196, 1573354706144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>presidential debate is less than a week away at a time of crisis
>/ic really could not give a shit about it, artists are happier here while the world outside is on fire. everybody just wants to get along no mattter who they are
>this thread suddenly appears out of nowhere with weird, bot-like personalities to bump it to the top of the board

gee, how coincidental. a thread like this would almost make you think the whole board supports facist ideologies,
just to stoke tensions and divison, or something like that..

i must be just imagining things. i probably should just take my meds.

>> No.4890867

Ohh yes there is room for thing to be given, we just not giving it to everybody

>> No.4890873

the mexican sperg bumping it is not a bot senpai. I've witnessed his short-fused autismo cascades before in other threads.

>> No.4890875

>with weird, bot-like personalities
Yeah leftoids are pretty strange people

>> No.4890876

Again with this polished turd? Jesus man, join a gym and take some gesture and anatomy lessons, rendering is the last thing you should be working on

>> No.4890878

kek, you made yourself the subject of the sentence.

>> No.4890881

It's not a coincidence they're both borne out of that sort of industrial world. Everything is reduced to the machination of man and his will.
Cool aesthetics to 'mire but frightening implications.

>> No.4890882

splendid post, m'sir

>> No.4890890
File: 287 KB, 864x1133, 4731CFDE-1C4E-491B-BDE0-2DB5BA793BD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed anon, that is a sketch. I went through framed perspective recently and I’ve been practicing in using architectural elements as part of composition in paneling which renewed my interest in going ahead with the comic

just vague sketches for now. Nothing concrete. Here is some more >>4889278

thank you for the examples anon, I will check them out. I gotta admit that my interest in jung is just because it seemed like an already established sound structure. I am not quite familiar with his works yet. I believe ‘monarchist’ would describe me better, I’m catholic and I despise totalitarianism or the idea of an all overseeing nanny state in general. My country has already tried this before and we are not much better after the fact

>> No.4890896

It's a 1 year old painting, and I'm well aware of all the issues it has, but I'm sure you'll show us your work right fashy?
Doubt it, considering I haven't been posting in /ic/ for almost a year. Unless you are admitting that you are a /beg/ ? I'm always there.

>> No.4890905
File: 12 KB, 800x400, 1599861413896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have started a matrix room for discussing Right Wing Culture Creation and sharing work.
About 20 people have joined so far, including OP. Lots of good work shared already.
If you are a right wing artist please consider joining.
You will need to download the element matrix client, and then once logged in click the compass icon and search for "rwcc", full name is #rwcc:matrix.org
Room is public for now but will be going private soon to keep glowies out.

>> No.4890906

>I'm always there.
And you should be. Polishing turds is the foremost sign of ngmi.
But yes, you have autism so you might not realize it but you have rambled several times on this board and at least three other people in this thread recognized your fiddler and the broken english you use to fume and seethe.
No es foolins anibodi senior.

>> No.4890909

I, for one, welcome the resident schizomexican.

>> No.4890910

Already did in the previous thread. Warrior of Light. Listen, I will speak from the heart now. You need to stop trying to excercise power over people. You hinger for power, for authority over others. If you could see that not all right-wingers are not wifebeating rednecks, I could see that not all leftists are soiboi spoiled brats that think too highly (usually think they are smarter than everyone because they tool an online iq test or something) of themselves. But you are not helping your case.

t. conservative that wants to draw and be left alone

>> No.4890913

meh the left maybe 40 Years ago was about masculinity and weapons, today? A whole other picture, they are afraid or at least despise masculinity forms, physically and psychological.
On the other hand the thing that should be „give“ are give just in other forms, like hope, grace, loss,

>> No.4890916

Peterson is unironically a decent introduction, though obviously lectures don't have the same depth as written work and Peterson is just a regular intelligent person, while jung was a genius who single-handedly pioneered a whole subfield of psychology. Quite a few of Jungs major works are on Youtube as audiobooks as well. I'd start with Modern Man in Search of a Soul and Psychological types, and after that you can just pick and choose whatever you find the most intriguing.

>> No.4890928

lol you have so much in common with lefypol tankies it's not even a horseshoe anymore but a circle.

>> No.4890933

>Already did in the previous thread. Warrior of Light. Listen, I will speak from the heart now. You need to stop trying to excercise power over people. You hinger for power, for authority over others. If you could see that not all right-wingers are not wifebeating rednecks, I could see that not all leftists are soiboi spoiled brats that think too highly (usually think they are smarter than everyone because they tool an online iq test or something) of themselves. But you are not helping your case.
Your art is trash and your ideology is trash, ngmi.
>And you should be. Polishing turds is the foremost sign of ngmi.
Good thing I don't do that anymore, and as I said in the previous thread I've fixed the errors I used to make.
I'm sure you will show us your work, right?
>But yes, you have autism so you might not realize it but you have rambled several times on this board and at least three other people in this thread recognized your fiddler and the broken english you use to fume and seethe.

They recognized my work from a year ago, you are acting like I'm rambling in draw threads, when in fact I never post in this board.

>> No.4890938

He definitely made Jungian works more accessible to people who would otherwise be disinterested. He does lean a lot more on Christian religious analogies than Jung did; more obviously at least.
Seems like a decent man, all things considered.

>> No.4890939
File: 28 KB, 1280x720, 1BA46DB4-4206-407B-A6F4-45A41B567719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only valid theory is the infinity theory

>> No.4890946

I expected a quick dismissal. Like a guy that polishes turds for hours can say anything. Keep coping bro, ur art is kitsch, childish, your anatomy blows, your colors are disgusting and your whole piece screams boeing naive fag that wanta to be cool and dark but is just a dumb fag. Haha keep polishing them turds tho and sucking trannies off in dimly lit alleyways or whatever you tyrannical leftista do

>> No.4890947

sure, I was talking about historical communism. todays ideologies are a lot whackier from a symbolic standpoint. todays progressive-authoritarian left seems almost like a revival of the cult of the great mother, enforced regression and dissolution, return to the womb and all that; telling people to stay just the way they are instead of trying to improve themselves, that the concept of improvement itself is an illusion, transexuality understood not just as a medical condition but a spiritual ideal, to be castrated and so cast off the burden of masculine activity.

>> No.4890948

You never post on this board but at the same time you're on /beg/ apparently all the time but only a year ago yet several people has seen you ranting about literally nothing on several threads other than /beg/ and recognized you spamming the same reaction pictures and the same polished turd.
Sure schizo bud i believe you

>> No.4890950

ahhh I wouldn’t say mother, because abortions and pleading for having no children
I would say more a cult of now consequences any no responsibility, wherw the bar is set so low that everything has become average

>> No.4890953

I think he means that he never posts on this board with any of his artwork apart from /sometimes/ that violin-playing demon.

>> No.4890958

abortion is a kind of castration, symbolically speaking. the great mother is infinitely fertile, but she also eats her own children. But you don't really need to hear that since you're probably obsessed with responsibility to an unhealthy extent already.

>> No.4890962
File: 45 KB, 521x152, dvX0MC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> /beg/ apparently all the time
I've been back to the board for a few weeks, I noticed there are no /int/ threads anymore , so now I spend my time lurking the /beg/ thread since that helps with inspiration for my sketches and sometimes I can give some advice of the few things I know to some of them.
> yet several people has seen you ranting about literally nothing on several threads
Yes? I only got in an argument 1 time with someone in a beg thread, and that was when I was considering to come back to this board (probably around a month ago or less), and now I'm regularly in the beg threads and I've not ranted about anything.
>same reaction pictures
Considering I downloaded those pictures to respond to the people in this thread this would be impossible, pic related.
>and the same polished turd.
Yes 12 months ago, ago lol

>> No.4890964

agree while in my world every done and irgnored action has consequences, I also think that I most daily decision those consequences are so minor that we do them intuitive, but there are still some with a quiet heavy significants
So don’t think about then all the time but keep it in the back of your head
And to the course of the mother, maybe, but what stay at the end? At the current time the birthrate of the left tanks, to few children and at a too late age, over the time conservative will outbreath them, who is the more fertile? The one putting more children into the world but eating them, or the ones that life long enough to make their own?

>> No.4890972


>> No.4890973

he doesn't even know what he means, that's the issue with schizos.

>> No.4890979
File: 42 KB, 604x604, IMG_0710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if (you) retards stopped bumping the thread it would die

>> No.4890984

Stop tripping over your own words beanie. We know what we've seen and no matter how much cope you produce that isnt going to change.
Going to the lenghts of re-downloading those images you already had is so pathetic dude, it's beyond cringe actually, it's sad.
You really need to get back to those meds that kept you away from this site for a year (but not a year, but a month but a couple of weeks lol) you obviously can't handle it.
Also stop polishing turds ffs.

>> No.4890985


>> No.4890987

White is right
and white is good.
Get those redditors back in the hood

>> No.4890997
File: 207 KB, 1051x739, 241213413141345245w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a spiderman thread

>> No.4891005

Dude this is so epic winwar 9001!!! rofltcopter go onions onions onions

>> No.4891007
File: 114 KB, 331x428, 1231415366426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP prepping his ass for fascist meat

>> No.4891008

Good night kike
We just started
This sub is now targeted

>> No.4891009

i'd had prefered if it was an incest thread

>> No.4891010

>Going to the lenghts of re-downloading those images you already had is so pathetic dude
Seems like you are the one who needs his meds lol.
You can believe whatever you want, I already explained myself.

>> No.4891012
File: 327 KB, 797x400, 6d78ec0c8c8eaf31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related, this thread

>> No.4891014


>> No.4891017

actually, I prefer this kind of childish 2010 trolling over seething tranny yikes schizo have sex incel cuck soi polshit-posting any day of the week.
I just want to draw for god's sake

>> No.4891018
File: 110 KB, 369x274, 4235352435231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.4891021

>supports gays but make anti gay jokes as retaliation to 'gay' as an insult
every single time
its weird seeing the old tumblr aesthetic being appropriated like this

>> No.4891022

based. I'll try to emulate your example and build up a spiderman collection of my own. mods = fags we we're going to have to moderate ourselves.

>> No.4891024

Yes we've all seen the way you've contradicted yourself all the while bumping this shit thread.
Have you not noticed that you've been called a bot-like personality? Why do you think that is? You're insanely retarded, and no it's not because you're brown or white or whatever, you're just grossly autistic and can't contain your internet rage, it makes you display your low IQ for all of us to see. I really really hope you leave the board, for your own mental health. You're not intelligent enough to handle it and /ic/ could do with less schizos who think a polished turd is something to brag about.

>> No.4891026
File: 21 KB, 500x378, 352542643246466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when OP sees a naked boy scout

>> No.4891031

>inb4 you get banned for spamming on the cancer generals
Jannies are the real trolls

>> No.4891034

good luck I'm behind 7000 proxies

>> No.4891036
File: 50 KB, 544x400, 2312453535325315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some more right-wing art. As you can see, the black mans existence hurts my manhood.

>> No.4891040

that's white genocide that is

>> No.4891044
File: 23 KB, 208x85, E3WFTvF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contradicted yourself
Mind showing me? you seem to know more about what I've done during the last year than myself.

>> No.4891047

ayo stfu witcho cavebeast lookin ahhhh

>> No.4891050
File: 171 KB, 538x250, 413432535351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I love living under a based and redpilled society

>> No.4891054

youre either a kike larping as a centrist or an unironic post-2016 lolberg. either way youre still a pedo. off yourself

>> No.4891058 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1280x960, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've opened my eyes /ic/. the only way to fight the eternal summer is to revive the spirit of our past.

>> No.4891066 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 365x391, 352665845735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anytime anything bad happens to me

>> No.4891070

remember when replying it goes in all fields

>> No.4891076

This is making me feel even more welcome, to be honest.

>> No.4891082

a familiar sight, eh? you should be more gentle with your kameraden

>> No.4891088

epic thread OP

>> No.4891090

Oh it’s fairly easy to show.
You’ve said that you haven’t been on /ic/ for a year so it’s impossible that anyone would recognize your spergouts. Then you said you started considering coming back a few weeks back, then you said you’ve been lurking the /beg/ thread for a month in your own words “all the time” so you haven’t been off of /ic/ for a year but rather have been a highly active user last month and therefore have had plenty of time to sperg -like you’ve been doing for the last two days straight- so no no one recognizes your polished turd and your incoherent rants from a year ago.
Oh and don’t @ me anymore I’m bored with your you’s, you’re not even a fun aspie, hopefully I won’t see you again around here.

>> No.4891095

should have been /thread

>> No.4891104

Not sure if you are acting dumb, or if you are actually slow.

>> No.4891132

I can't help it, I just love being a communist so much I want to share it via the flesh

>> No.4891152

glad to see a fellow /pol/tard in here. The lefties have /co/mblr.

>> No.4891164
File: 147 KB, 560x400, 765789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4891165
File: 651 KB, 910x629, 89177031_1361516657388455_7940872051827408896_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome, anon. Do you have any art to share?

>> No.4891179
File: 74 KB, 561x451, witeizrite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i do

>> No.4891180

I honestly feel sorry for OP. He's going to look back at this in a few years and cringe about all this when he gets past his edgy political phase.

>> No.4891185

unfortunately not yet. but keep it up, the degenerates are funny to see upset.

>> No.4891215
File: 118 KB, 801x928, E9577019-7A2B-4446-9360-CD1323F1B469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump, so many leftoids seething on this thread

>> No.4891223


>> No.4891225

Op is a fascist, so you picture doesn't make sense.

>> No.4891236
File: 51 KB, 474x669, 4436546546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4891262

may i ask, what has he said or done that makes him a fascist? legit asking because i don't care enough to read the whole thread, so unless you bring forth proof of him being a fascist im going to assume you think everyone who is right wing is a fascist.

>> No.4891282

Read the first and second thead.

>> No.4891299

>Right wing art
>It’s just one OP that is very obviously a closet faggot posting boyband members with twink haircuts and suspiciously doesn’t draw women
Why do we attract cockroaches like this

>> No.4891322

i don't care enough to read the whole thread
>read the first and second thread

didn't you just accuse him of being a fascist, so can't you just state what he said that made you think he is a fascist? or are you avoiding bringing forth the exact proof because you know there is none?