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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4873455 No.4873455 [Reply] [Original]

"Grief is better than laughter, for when a face is sad, a heart may be glad."

Cry it out, bitch

>> No.4873459
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its impossible for me not to make it before i die at 80
if we all stick to it
we will all make it

>> No.4873472

Took the social science degree meme and now I can't get a job lol i'm such a retard

>> No.4873492

idk what it is but i cannot draw on adderall. any other task, perfect, fine. but something creative and i just....... get so frustrated w/ everything

>> No.4873501

yeah its pretty well known that anything like adderall or ritalin makes it impossible to be creative. It's good for focus and grinding that's it. Try LSD

>> No.4873786

Try weed, but talk with your doctor before combining drugs. You could also just try following tutorials and the like online and focus on building your mental library of references and improve your muscle memory and understanding. Not a bad time to dive into fan art pandering if you can manage that.

>> No.4873886

Fucking 16 year old on twitter with much better art than me just followed.
Every time I think about my """"hiatus""""" from drawing in high school I literally want to kill myself.

>> No.4873896
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Drawing doesn't always have to be creative. Try to focus on the technical aspects like construction and perspective. You don't have to draw something really emotionally charged everyday. But don't take drugs to help you be creative. That is retarded.

>> No.4873899

Using weed isn't a bad thing, but the bad part is if you become dependent on it. You're still correct on your other points, but trying weed isn't a bad option at all. Varies per person, such as an addictive personality would probably do best to avoid it, but it has it's uses. I know countless stoner artists, myself included, that have only benefited from the use of weed.

>> No.4873905

Also, if you are inexperienced with it, the type of weed can drastically change your experiences. I prefer indica, and it helps me the most, but I know creatives that prefer sentiva. Two very different experiences/highs.

>> No.4873965

>find a nice artist, follow
>don't receive a follow back which is fine because I followed because I liked the art and maybe they didn't look at their followers
>a few days later, see another artist replying to them "omg thank you for the follow back it's such an honor!!!" and the artist replying something similar about how they can't believe someone so good followed them
>artist is around a similar skill level as me
...Fuck off. I understand appeal is separate from skill and I'm working on improving it right now but this is basically just rubbing it in my face. (I know it's nothing personal)

>> No.4873977

You could just make content they don't like, may have nothing to do with your techincal skill. I understand that feeling though, you'll climb past it in time.

>> No.4874098
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How are any of my BurgerBros dealing with everything that's going on in the Country right now?
>upcoming election
>business and houses being burnt down
And when they come to your house, if you defend yourself you get arrested and will most likely be prosecuted by a bias jury or judge.

The Country is falling apart, how is this affecting
anyone elses daily art schedule? I can just turn off my internet and ignore all the happenings, but doing that is same as putting a bandaid on a gaping wound, it doesn't change what's happening..

>> No.4874112

I'm barely affected by it all surprisingly. I don't pay attention to much politics, and I lead a happier life because of it. I don't have the energy to feel frustrated over dumbasses every single day. I have alarm fatigue... I have other things keeping me down... But I guess the biggest affect it's had on me is making things harder as a poorfag.

>> No.4874123
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>Trying to find some kind of drawing course in my city
>100 watercolor courses
>100 oil painting courses
>100 acrylic painting courses
>100 ceramics courses
>100 glass melting (crafting?) courses
>1 drawing course, meant for total beginners

>> No.4874127

Go to the courses for painting and the like regardless. If they say they're beginner friendly, even if it isn't baby /beg/ tier, it'll still be good experience for you.

>> No.4874133

I wish I could tune it out like you can. Maybe for the fuck of it i'll try unplugging my router for a week, since I already have some books and courses downloaded and see where that gets me.

>> No.4874134

The only thing that's affecting my art time are my 4 CS classes this semester. I check out pol every so often but my area's been pretty quiet so far. I just hope it stays that way since I have no interest in being political.

>> No.4874145

There's some browser add ons that could cut you off from social medias I'm sure. But if a full disconnect is what you think will work best for you, then more power to you. I pretty much just consume Youtube content, podcasts, and music 24/7. Curated my social media feeds and filters so that I shouldn't see most of the headache bullshit. Actively cutting out all non essential politics in my life made my life so much more enjoyable.

>> No.4874154
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>Artist does an ama through their insta stories
>I ask them a question
>They never answer it

>> No.4874178
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i unironically just pray a lot and go for walks/skate around, no phone, to be in the moment. i feel hyperconnected (4chan, instagram) but never with friends (their jobs require qurantine), so it's a weird disconnect, like i know what everyone's up to more or less, but i don't get to feel them. I hate it. Longboarding around keeps me at ease, i can feel the wind, the night, my own breath, my own sweat, and i can see real colors that are not on my screen.
keep your head up, it's normal to feel down or abandoned

>> No.4874258
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I've been waking up with stress/anxiety stomach aches again, so that's always fun. And even though the air is full of smoke I've been opening my windows anyway because my apartment doesn't have AC and it's hot as balls.

I'm just taking art slow for now, I'm still making progress I'm happy with and that's good enough for me.

>> No.4874261


You can whittle down all those classes just by looking at the instructors portfolio. If they cant draw or paint worth a damn, there's no point in considering them.
Plus there are beginner classes at all the online ateliers now. So its not like youre bereft.

>> No.4874873



>> No.4874975

I wanna delete the old half of my gallery cause those works are starting to look awfully bad.

>> No.4874979

we could die before we make tho. but aside from that you are right.

>> No.4874981
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I love drawing. I love designing stuff, I want to do it all day, but I don't know what exact job I want. I'm 22, graduated university and now would be my chance to work hard and try to make it, but I can't decide on whether I want to be an illustrator, a concept artist, a storyboard artist, a comic artist.
I just have no clue

>> No.4874984

I work hard everyday; I will make it guys!

>> No.4874985

Piss-poor logic.

>> No.4875058

Admitted myself to the psych ward in hopes of being cured of my alleged transgender issues, and they keep saying I should transition instead, and that I'd never feel ok if I don't accept it, what the fuck

>> No.4875061

Why do idiots on /ic/ think there's only one way to learn?

>> No.4875076

what exactly do you feel? Do you want to be a woman? I had those urges, but honestly, trans will always be seen as a third gender, not the one they want to be, so I gave up and instead simply grew my hair.

>> No.4875126

I’m afraid of posting unfinished stuff to my Twitter even though I’m /int/ at best, only have about 30 followers, my finished stuff is mediocre and likely nobody gives a shit if I post a sketch or not. I have a backlog of tons of pics I never shared anywhere because I abandon them out of frustration or lack of interest.

>> No.4875128

most of us 25
assuming we started now, its stupid to say in 55 years we wouldn't because decent artists
aslong as we tried to even improve slightly we would all make it

>> No.4875132

NTA but the best instructor I ever got at school had a portfolio of shit that looked like caveman paintings and children's drawings. When I took his class he regularly busted out 10/10 accuracy beautiful portraits in half an hour or less. He was a fucking great teacher and ended up being my favorite. When I asked him about his portfolio he told me that 1. He was trying to re obtain or at least emulate the innocence and simplicity of caveman/children's drawings, and 2. He didnt like getting smug-ass elitist students so he purposely left out stuff that showed off his technical abilities.

>> No.4875136

Oops accidentally hit send. If you want to find out the quality of a teacher you should actually look at their students work.

>> No.4875146

>comic artist

You can't live with one of these. If you want to live you have to be able to freelance and be flexible with job opportunities.

>> No.4875655

yeah?! I just said that it is true as long we don't die before we make it.

>> No.4875676

It’ll blow over if trump is elected and get worse if Harris is elected via proxy. Either way I won’t care just like I currently haven’t caring but I’d like for Trump to win again

>> No.4875684

24 not sure if i want to go back to school for art or not. it's hella pricey. currently living on disability and could get a decent amount towards school but worried theyll cut me off if they think I'm well enough for school so that must mean I'm doing great. Also traditional school is scary because i have chronic pain and fatigue so my body can just start killing me. I already draw quite a bit right now but with frequent breaks since I dont want to burn myself out and trigger my pain

>> No.4875687

Same. Took 10 years off. I could have made it by now.

>> No.4875714

>He didnt like getting smug-ass elitist students so he purposely left out stuff that showed off his technical abilities

Incredibly based

>> No.4875748

Do it if you want, just make sure to save them so you still have your old works to look back on.
Post them anyway. Use them to fill in the gap of time between your more finished works. Some people love sketches, WIPs, and unfinished scraps. It's better they're put out there than shoved in a box forever, knowing you put time into it nobody will see, right? And just because you post them, it doesn't mean you can't go back and finish/continue them in the future.
Honestly, anything you could learn in an art school, you could learn online. Art schools especially, are mostly just so you can make connections. There are sites like Skillshare, which is a hundred times cheaper than any real school. People have shared their assignments online, so you can just follow those at home. There are also art events and life studies open to the general public. Even some campuses have open classes from time to time if you're lucky.
But, besides all that, it also depends on how well you learn depending on the environment. If you think you learn better in a physical school with peers and an IRL teacher, then perhaps an actual school would be better.
In the end, it just depends on you, but I feel the former would be better for you. Takes some time to adjust to the self discipline and setting your own schedule, but it's completely possible.

>> No.4875752

who cares
"create and share with the world" - bobbito garcia

>> No.4875834

Just had a complete meltdown. I'm not gonna make it. I just don't have it in me. Been drawing for 15 years and still low int. I'm mediocre at everything in life, that's why I got fuckin let go from my job and that's why I'll never be good at this crap. Even if I was, I have no imagination and no vision. I am doomed and nothing in life brings me joy. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.4875847

Anon... you're past the half-way point. Keep going, and you'll make it very soon.

>> No.4875854

you're in the pit. it's dark but there are other people here with you. what is making it? what is truly truly making it?
based teacher, it's not about technical skills
the school aspect is for frens, a schedule, and the teacher. without my teachers i would not even be close, and i'm barely out of /beg/. that being said, school is overrated. mentorship and actual practice like a tradesman would get you very far

>> No.4876067
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My new nsfw drawing got more likes in 20 minutes than my last sfw drawing in a week

>> No.4876075

My 10 minute sketches got 2x more likes than my elaborate illustrations

>> No.4876080

This. Even a beginner drawing course will have you doing still-lifes and nude figures.

>> No.4876223


You unironically shouldnt learn from people who cant draw.

>> No.4876226


>And that teacher? Albert Einstein.
Ok anon. When you want to make some real art gains, the real world is always there for you.

>> No.4876280

(broken english here,this isn't my first language)

I'm currently studying in graphic design (I'm on my second year) and recently I've just realize how It wasn't for me.

>I just love to draw,and they barely tackle the technical aspect
>My schedule let me with less time to work on my craft
>I'm not enjoying the learning process
>I don't want to create "deep" pictures

So I'm disapointed,but on the other hand finishing this curriculum allows me to go studying in an art school.

>> No.4876297

Thanks guys. I’m just gonna post everything. Nothing to lose anyhow.

>> No.4876330
File: 434 KB, 1328x1488, B9749582-5047-4E1B-852B-54876A5A2B87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven’t drawn properly the past couple days. I said I was gonna work on my memoir but I haven’t done that in weeks. I’m slacking on my schoolwork at this very moment. I’m sore all over and tired, and I almost worry I’m NGMI. But I can’t give up, as much as I want to, since I’m a slave to the ‘path’ I’ve chosen to walk.

>> No.4876337

post them a little at a time instead of one huge dump

>> No.4876340

Do you have any skillshare recommendations? The disabled anon here. I signed up and found quite a few illustration courses. My skills are probably already good-upper intermediate if I try not to hate myself too much and grade myself fairly. I think I'd like traditional school but my back is fucked and if i can't take a break i might end up in crippling pain

I wish i could find a good mentor!!! I don't want to be a leech though. I'm going to look into online ateliers more I think.

>> No.4876358

good luck. it's not as bad as you think.
/ic/ is pretty rough for a beginner though so don't be demoralized
what's with your back? u can't wear braces or what not?

>> No.4876362

>Other artist draws your oc
>It looks cute as fuck

>I draw my own OC
>It looks like a "how to draw anime" handbook

Fuck this. I tried the loomis method and everything but it still looks like a "YIKES" when I look at it.

>> No.4876365

I'm above beginner so finding a mentor might be even harder haha.. I have fibromyalgia so my entire body is kind of fucked up

>> No.4876366

Unfortunately, I don't have any Skillshare reccs. There's a lot of teachers there, it just depends on you and your art goals. There are also teachers on Youtube (Laovaan, Mohammed Agbadi, Marco Bucci, etc.) you could find. Best of luck in finding courses for you!
You could probably make a Skillshare thread and see what comes of it. But I don't know /ic/'s general thoughts on Skillshare and I can't say if you'd actually get good information... So take that with a grain of salt if you do make one.
And as someone also with horrible back problems, have you tried yoga? I'm still trying to recover from my pains, but yoga has been helping me a LOT.

>> No.4876386

That's good advice, thank you

>> No.4876393

Yeah I found some neat looking illustration ones. Maybe I'll make a skillshare thread. Domestika has me curious as well.
Do you have any yoga recommendations? I'm not sure what kind of exercises would be safe to do. I do try to stretch it often

>> No.4876397

Pussies, all of you. Get a job.

>> No.4876417

I like https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene ! She has a lot of beginner friendly follow-along videos. She's all about going at your own pace and don't push yourself too hard. She's probably the best go-to for yoga videos on Youtube imo. Yoga can be hard, but it can be stupid easy too. So if you feel a pose is too much for you, it's okay to adjust it a little or just not do it.
Adriene is great!

>> No.4876422

I have a job. I realized I really don’t need a full time job if I’m trying to be an artist. Part time is the best balance.

>> No.4876432

Ooh! I think I've heard of her. A lot say to push yourself but like i really can't. If I do I'll be out for the entire day or week even. You seem really friendly, do you have discord? Sorry if thats weird!!! Social media is cool too

>> No.4876447

based autistic "boo-hoo get a job whiners" poster

>> No.4876458

A little pushing is always good, because it will help you grow! But Adriene is pretty chill. Yoga is all about going at your own pace anyway! There's plenty of easy poses for you to do without straining yourself too much. And the more you do it, the easier it'll be to try more challenging poses over time. I haven't watched her modern stuff much, but her content from a couple years ago have all been very nice. Her new stuff is too, but I just find her older stuff comfier.
Sorry! Not one I want to share right now... I like to lurk /vent/ threads and offer advice, so maybe some other time. Wishing you the best anon!

>> No.4876464

>decide to draw fabric for the a day
>can't do figure drawings for shit now
Am I retarded or is this normal

>> No.4876936
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i started drawing more seriously last year on april 8th. since then i have 330 unique drawings, each i think averages about 2 hours. its a lot of work. one thing i noticed... if i put the same amount of time into a drawing its not really much better than it was last year. i can make a better drawing than i could last year but it takes me a lot more time. so i might start slowing down and stop posting daily for the sake of posting and instead focus on quality and try to make my pictures as good as i can.

it feels weird to tell myself to calm down slow down, relax. but maybe quality over quantity is the way to go.


I noticed a lot of begs will upload a piece of shit and then try to qualify it by saying "I did this in 43 seconds" or whatever. Like we're supposed to give them a few points for speed.

Well I was gonna say your drawing is out of perspective, anatomically incorrect has bad proportions, line quality and no contrast, but I didn't realize you finished it in 5 seconds. For 5 seconds, this squiggle is fantastic. Here, take my wallet. Marry my daughter.

what's the point of doing something shitty, fast?

No one is impressed.

Maybe you have to get good slow, and then you can speed it up. But I don't think you can go fast and then get good.

We're all gmi if we just relax.

>> No.4876951

that's some tough shit man. i can't imagine what it's like. hope you find some good frens and mentorship as well.

>> No.4876976

Why did I just waste 5 hours playing games? I was on a roll last week, but this week I've been a bit burned out

no more games for me, going to empty out my hard drive now

>> No.4876984

Taking breaks is good for you. Constant forcing will lead to faster burn out. Make sure to take breaks and don't feel bad for them. It's important for your mental health.

>> No.4877038
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You may fantasize about putting everything else in your life to side and dedicating yourself completely to art, but it's not possible unless you're like super autistic or otherwise insane.

You need something fun to balance all the hard work!

>> No.4877094

Mention all forms of learning

>> No.4877174

I wish I could be one of those artists who only ever draws one thing (usually coom) and becomes amazing at it but then never goes out of their comfort zone. Instead of wanting to draw everything and being bad at all of it because there's so much to learn. Must be nice having no ambitions.

>> No.4877177

It's called drawing what you want. Stop letting yourself be weighed down and just draw what you like. Do your studies, but don't forget to try and enjoy yourself. You'll find yourself in that exact same spot, even if it's not coomerbait, in time. It's just natural progression to draw what you like and know you have a natural affnity for. You branch out eventually. It's just how the flow goes.
Learn one thing really well? I bet there's a fuck ton of qualities in that one thing that will help you learn other things. And more things. And so on. Every little bit helps you in some way, even if it's the bare minimum like controlling your lines when drawing boxes or doing hatch work.

>> No.4877181

why the fuck am I getting a marketing degree all I wanna do is art.

>> No.4877182

i'm determined to make drawing cute and funny lolis as a career

>> No.4877183
File: 320 KB, 828x825, CE9D3E23-309E-47F0-B067-F28529682A83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t fucking do it bros.

>> No.4877193

This one guy that work in the same studio as me got an aerospace degree. He got in just because he got a kickass art portfolio, we found out about his degree much much later

>> No.4877194


Too bad I don’t have a kickass portfolio

>> No.4877202

Does anyone wish they never started drawing as a kid? You grow up and this is the only thing adults have ever praised you for before reality hits and you’re sub mediocre at best.
You desperately cling onto this fantasy that your art can get you somewhere in life even though you don’t deserve it.

>> No.4877210

Have you consider working in the marketing department of a vidya or publishing company? You secondary skill in understanding art might give you an edge over your peers. You could even be buddy buddy with the art department and learn directly from the pros.

>> No.4877219


That was the original plan. It’s my own fault though for being so damn envious. I’m here forced to take bullshit classes every semester while people I know are working towards their dreams and making connections in the industry.

>> No.4877223

If you're still in second year, it's still not too late to switch major. With your current demotivated mindset it'll be pretty difficult to survive the third year

>> No.4877228

post your work

>> No.4877233


I’m in LA, most people here in the industry from what I’ve learned from talking to people is that they either never got an art degree and they did art full-time through non-degree vocational schools (brainstorm, gnomen, scad) while working part time or they got their art degree at cal arts or a UC and it was a waste of time and money for them and they wish they did trade school. Students from all over the country fly here to go to these trade schools. I’m envious of their ambition.

But if you don’t “make it” you’re stuck working at Starbucks.

>> No.4877239

I didn't expect to love drawing so much.
But i'm too old to make it a career now.
Hell, i'm too old to even draw well either.
Feels bad man.

>> No.4877247

If I were you, I would take a break for next semester break and take one of those online courses with instructor like CGMA or schoolism. Get your art school itch out of your system, and perhaps gives you some idea if you should rethink your career path.

>> No.4877250

>break for next semester break
What the hell, I meant break for next semester. I seriously need some sleep

>> No.4877253


I’ll consider that, thing is I lose my cal grant loan at my current school if I’m not a full time student/finishing in 4 years. Hard pill to swallow

>> No.4877266

Maybe minimize the number of subjects you take next semester (preferably down to just one subject) and take the online art course? I dunno

>> No.4877277


God I wish, I’m required to have 12 credits a semester to be considered a “full-time student” and get the grant
College is a scam /ic/
Don’t worry I’m at a loss too

>> No.4877564
File: 912 KB, 608x542, brave_tDunLlOpJ0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow still can't figure out simple shapes in perspective. I can plot them out with boxes mostly, but as soon as I move away from a box to a different object (arm, leg etc) it just becomes impossible.
It's really hampering me from drawing things from imagination since I have such a hard time figuring out how to place features and what obscures what.
I'm at a complete /beg/ level but I feel like for how long I've been doing this I should at least be able to do such a simple thing, and it's driving me crazy

>> No.4877577

Wanted to spend more time on art so I took a chance and hired a company to help manage my social media
They basically told me that no artist can succeed on IG and I need to make a repost or meme page. That I can’t have an identity outside of “artist” and to only make fanart, no OC, nothing outside of what’s popular
Fired them. If “getting big” on social media is like that then fuck it. I’ll work a wagie job and do art at night and the weekends

>> No.4877591

my advice is to study from real life
everything is made of shapes... tree trunks, leaves, clusters of plant life, nodes on the branches, they are very close to joints, elbows etc... the human is the most complex thing we know of so far, and to be able to distill the form and feel into some lines and values is a very hard skill, even if we feel that we should be able to do it so naturally

>> No.4877593
File: 84 KB, 768x768, 1557105817569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros next wednesday i'll attend an interview to get into artschool and they want to see my drawings i'm so fucking scared that they won't accept me and i'll have to go wageslave and stop drawing forever

>> No.4877596

money is falsehood
art gets you closer to the truth, which is God
you got this, no matter how old you are
"it's all about mileage"

>> No.4877598

your fears are unwarranted
even if you work as a lowly dishwasher do you think you won't be able to draw?
don't listen to your demon he's a fucking crab

>> No.4877601

Yeah I really should do this, I guess the problem is that I don't have anything interesting to draw in my house other than various tech gadgets or furniture. I really enjoy drawing people so my only real option is a mirror.

>> No.4877611
File: 320 KB, 1016x1600, schi_flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go outside man (i mean, if u can manage, some of us have certain phobias and disabilities) and use /trad/ tools for dat feel
drawing leaf folds and shit also help with line quality, also it's very tough to get started since it's more about observing and understanding rather than the mechanical aspect of drawing

>> No.4877657
File: 19 KB, 228x227, 145645645745865989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see cool art in timeline
>hmm cool art
>open profile
>x follows you

>> No.4877713

Yeah I don't really have any phobias or anything although I'd feel really stupid being outside to draw since I'm kinda self conscious but I'd get over that.
Bigger problem would be the weather as I live up north so it's getting uncomfortable to sit outside for long periods of time doing nothing but drawing.

>> No.4877733

one day, you'll draw in front of people, and you won't give a fuck, because you are too focused on making the drawing. fuck people's opinion

>> No.4877793

Nonsense. Create what you love, draw what you love, and improvement will come. Age can even be a selling point for many and you could even turn it into a gimmick if you play it right with your advertising/brand. With luck, you could get internet fame at any time. With some dedication and pandering tricks, you could get substantial internet growth within a year. Less if played right.
You can make it.

>> No.4877829

Other anon provided great advice, I just want to suggest you look into studying foreshortening if you haven't already.
They're advice was actually garbage. They don't sound like a good company for that shit at ALL and I'm glad you didn't listen to them. The big key to good and gradual growth is pandering. Draw the latest mainstream series and draw for people with influence (Youtubers being one of the best to aim for). But that said, it's not like you have to give up on your OC. Far from it. You just need to do both and understand that your OC will not get nearly the same amount of attention as the pandering for a while. As you grow, what matters is more people WILL see your OC content. When you reach a comfortable level, decrease the amount of pandering as desired (some dedicate a day or two for it, which will keep followers in because they know they will still get content even if you do more OC content). You may lose some followers, but you will also gain followers in the long run. Hopefully by this time, you will have made some connections and friends as well. Perhaps some popular mutuals. You may have to fall to doing trendy or memey content from time to time, because it's true that with good luck, those can skyrocket you up. But they shouldn't be your focus unless your aim *is* to do comedy content.

>> No.4877832

Follow them back. Make connections. Just be yourself.

>> No.4877919

>my last high school party
>girl that I barely know come next to me
>her: do you want to make out?
>me: what?! n-
>her: hahaha! you thought I was serious?! he thought I was serious!!!

what fucking bitch.

>> No.4877929

Should have owned it and treated her like the pathetic one.

>> No.4877973

I would love to draw 24/7 but I'd never do art full time unless I could be paid for drawing what I want. I'd hate to have to do commissions all day long. And my STEM job pays way more than I could ever make with art and is enjoyable so I'm never going to be comfortable doing art full time unless I become extremely famous and rake in the patreon bucks, which won't happen.

>> No.4878226

For me it's the exact opposite, which I still can't really understand.

>> No.4878273
File: 34 KB, 396x385, flat,800x800,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4878280

buy csp
use curve line tool
use line width modifier tool with enlarged brush

>> No.4878415
File: 36 KB, 569x539, h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is doing comics as virgin at it gets regarding creative hobbies? For some reason i can't think of a scenario where someone says "i do comics" and the other person responds "oh that is so cool" specially if it's a girl.

It's not like when you make music and you take a range of songs and turn then into a melody, or where you paint a fine image that evoke emotions, all you do is sit alone in front of a blank sheet all day and put some dumb ideas into it and that's it. In the end all you get is some images that you flip in seconds and win pennies if you're lucky.

God i fucking hate so much that i love doing this shit, it all feels just like a fucking joke. At the end of the day may put a fucking bullet in the mouth before going on with this shitshow of life.

>inb4 pussy
yeah whatever.

>> No.4878434

As an outsider looking in, I feel really bad for you guys. But you put yourselves into this situation.

>> No.4878504

what are you talking about? What kind of comics are you making? 4 panel joke comics?

I respect the person who can do comics well more than anybody else. It's so difficult.

>> No.4878508

because hobbies are gay, and nobody is impressed unless you demonstrate something impressive, and nobody knows enough to want to talk about them.
the one and only exception is cooking, which everybody loves and can talk about.

>> No.4878533

Making comics is comparable to writing books. Both require study, skill, and talent. It's just a method of story telling and is respected. Especially with the rise of anime in mainstream media, manga is on the rise, and is becoming even more respected.
Perhaps if we were in 2013 or prior, what you're describing would feel more accurate. But in this modern era? I find people are extremely interested and enthusiastic to find out what kind of comics and stories I tell through said comics.
But comics aren't huge for many people still. Some people do still look down on them. It's just how it is. If someone treats you like shit for making a comic? Fuck em. They aren't worth your time.

>> No.4878536

This anon makes a good point when he mentions cooking. The same applies to music.
Anyone can say "I like X foods" or "I like this song" and they don't need to think further into it.
Drawing and writing require more thought and effort. And people tend to judge others more based on their tastes in these than music or cooking. Some people just don't think enough to understand what makes comics so great and don't know how to discuss them. So they just don't.
Some could find malice in this. Or it could just be a case of ignorance.
There cab be many different reasons for this.

>> No.4878668
File: 38 KB, 637x358, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anons i need advice im 18 and still live with my parents they are loud ,toxic and they make fun of me for drawing ive been yelled at. i stopped drawing in February and went to go get a job but got fired 4 months later i havent drawn ever since. ive been drawing since i was 12 i love drawing i dont have any space to draw on i draw in the gathering room where everyone watches tv and i do digital art there too at a desk i dont know that much about but i really want to move out srry for the grammar

>> No.4878735

Find a place in your home with privacy and do trad instead of digital.
Or find a public place (like a library) and draw there (you can talk with them about using computers, but I'm not sure if they will allow installation of your tablet software). It's difficult during the pandemic, but you're best choice is probably just going out somewhere and drawing away from home. I personally go to parks, bring a sanitizing spray + germ x and it's been fine for me. Wash your clothes when you get home and shower if you want to be extra safe.
Or. Ignore your parents and do what you like anyway. It's rough, but if they're just making fun of you then you'd just have to ignore it.

Start making money with your art and I find most parents like that start to shut up. Even if you just get steady gigs doing shitty art on Fiverr, money is money.

>> No.4878789

I feel kind of embarrassed that I want to be liked as a person and because I of my art
On Twitter, my 'tism tipped over and I posted a couple of emotional tweets. Surprisingly, I got more engagement on those tweets than most of my art in the past few months. I had a ton of people talking to me and it felt really nice
On insta, I have only posted my art or art related stuff, like my battlestation and whatever. My friend took a pic of me and I thought it was nice, so I put it as an insta story. I got a lot of comments (though DMs)
I don't know if it was all a fluke but this week I felt a lot better about myself and more motivated to keep making art

>> No.4878794

Ride the wave. Keep your chin up! You can make it.

>> No.4878816

I wish I wasn't a pussy and didn't run away from people inviting me to draw together.

>> No.4878819
File: 254 KB, 596x790, 1578355495065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried do bikini studies for anatomy improvement in 2018 but my little cousin who i babysit snitched on me for drawing naked girls i miss drawing in the old days i was improving now my art is regressing and im looking up art tips on pinterest. i look in the mirror now and just tell myself wtf happened

>> No.4878835

I feel for you bro. Best I can say is to ignore it. Younger kids always make a fuss over even almost nude drawings. We all know it's not drawn with sexual intentions (probably) but for study.
If need be, just only study "safe" material. Practice foreshortening, hatching, form, shading, fabric, hair, etc.. Follow tutorials you find online and then try to apply what you learnt in the tutorials into original practices.
Bottom line is you need to ignore what they say and strive for improvement. Once you start making a name for yourself and/or money, they'll start to see things differently. Maybe even pander some drawings towards your family so they feel more inclined to like your art.
Stop beating yourself up over little things that happened years ago. Live in the now and just keep looking forward. Become the person you always wanted to be.

>> No.4878886
File: 169 KB, 1140x712, Raccoon dog 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to transition from trad art to digital but everything I do looks terrible. A digital brush just doesn't feel the same as a liner or brush pen

>> No.4878917

Just keep practicing. It will take time to adjust, but you will. Everyone goes through that awkward transitional phase. You can try to draw things you are already comfortable with and try some tutorials and it may help you get adjusted faster.

>> No.4879803

I can't force myself to study fundamentals, not even for 5 minutes. It's so boring and focuses heavily on realism which is a style I have no interest in.

>> No.4879917
File: 80 KB, 889x500, 1594449720559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing people on /ic/ discussing about art schools, mentorship and such depressed me.
Living as a third-worlder really limited my options in art, there are no art schools, ateliers, workshops, drawing classes,... whatever people talk about, not even a store to buy proper art supplies. The only way I can learn is from online courses. Stuck in a dead end job with only a few hours to practice daily.
Can I even make it like this? I want to become an illustrator or animator, or at least make some money with commissions.

>> No.4880093

In my opinion, an artist that can use any tool is key. For myself, I even made money When I had to color with just crayola markers. Making something passable, regardless of the tools, is something I feel anyone can do.
You can make it, even if your tools are limited. Don't rely on schools. While hands on experience is great, you can learn more online than you can nowadays at a school. Schools are more for connections than anything else nowadays.
If you have access to a computer, then your tools are near limitless! Just strive to take advantage of what you already have and keep going. Turn this sorrow into spite and keep marching on. A little every day is better than nothing. You can make it.

>> No.4880137

Draw what you like. Follow tutorials based on what you like to draw. Deconstruct and try to understand the drawings you do like. The crabs will screech fundies at you, and to some extent, they are right. But if you do not take the time to draw things you enjoy, your burnout will only come faster. Do some copy studies. Take breaks, enjoy life, and draw things you enjoy drawing and sprinkle in fundies where you can, but don't stress yourself with them. You can make it.

>> No.4880176

Unironically she did wanna make out but bitched out.

>> No.4880194

You need to purchase the Apple iPad Pro 12.9 immediately.

>> No.4880396

My entire arm hurts from drawing all day

>> No.4880399

Take a good break, take more breaks, and don't forget to do stretches!

>> No.4880410

thanks anon!

>> No.4880734
File: 7 KB, 187x179, kamehamehuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend hours trying to get a single pose right
>multiple tries over multiple sessions
>can't think straight, start to feel like you can't do anything right
>brain starts pressuring you to work faster, get it right and get it right now
>every good thing you've ever made starts to feel like a stroke of luck
I know there are bad days, but what do you do when your entire sense of self-worth is tied to whether or not you make a good drawing that day? I know it'll turn around eventually, but fuck I wish I could stop being so hard on myself.

>> No.4880740
File: 49 KB, 1003x669, 8FF669EF-18CD-4E6F-94C1-38925BE6DF33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me happy to think of the lesser gender in a state of suffering, preferably induced by the hands of the one who types this post.

Also, I hate rendering

>> No.4880880
File: 100 KB, 310x332, 1552437628838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favorite /ic/ server is dying
>been 3 days and there has been barely any activity at all
>no one is participating in drawing challenges anymore
>members are barely posting art
>just one guy pretty much spamming in #memes and #general talking into the void trying to stir up conversation

>> No.4880882

Why do you even join art discords?
They're all fated to die.

>> No.4880886

This one was different than every server i joined.
But it seems like its slowly dying as well.

>> No.4880905
File: 91 KB, 497x325, 159926354924355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"If the world doesn't revolve around me, it shouldn't revolve around anyone"
That's what your average discord tr-- user thinks.
All the others in that servers are probably on 564164564 other different servers and are trying to get all the attention they need and maybe take over a servers and get orbiters.
Drawing isn't fun. Drawing is just a means to get them attention.

>> No.4880912

I could have "made it" by now if I had kept practicing. Now I'm an aimless 25 year old who can draw well enough to call it a waste if I stopped, but shitty enough to still have a long way to go. Going to an art school would be my dream, but I am not in the position to do so. Fucking kill me.

>> No.4880939

Most artist never make it. Most artist never get decent enough.
Also art school is a scam. You're just lazy like i am and no amount of wasting money will make you start taking this shit seriously because let's be real, you're aimless because you don't want to draw and you won't draw what you think you're supposed to be drawing.
But it all comes down to; what is even the point if things are like they are?
Just draw when you want to. Nobody is forcing you to git gud quick or else the world ends.
Nobody gives a shit about you.
So, you're practically allowed to do what the fuck you even want.

>> No.4880947

I'm gonna be 33 soon. I started drawing around 2 years ago. It really starting to feel I might never make it. I don't even think anyone started that late.

>> No.4880975

I fucking HATE all these dumb fucking faggot bitches who go "oh I'm too old I'm never ever gonna make it!"

It's not about making it you dumb cunt slurping piece of shit BITCH, it's about having fun. Anything more are sprinkles on top.

>> No.4881049
File: 144 KB, 720x900, 022520_Qinni-720x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checkd out Qinniart's page for the first time in a few months. It makes me so sad whenever I look at it. She was suffering in pain and dying so young and so talented. All her art is a girl crying. And I look at my own art and it just looks like exactly what it is, an unskilled idiot's mediocre crap. And that's really hitting the nail on the head. My emotions are real, but I can't express myself. It simply doesn't translate. Your art can't be taken seriously if you don't draw well. It's like giving a speech and not speaking that language. People will just laugh at your mistakes and your bad accent and your stammering. and I'm putting in the time, but it's not time well spent because I don't have a teacher. So it just amounts to drawing for fun. It feels like a waste of time stroking my ego. People must see my drawings and think I'm a fucking delusional idiot. a talentless hack who is in his 30s and still sucks ass at this. Yea I'm way better than a normie, but I'm not good for a so-called artist. Dunning Kruger is over. Imposter syndrome is over. There shouldn't be luck involved. It shouldn't be a question or a mystery when you'll get good. It should be well within our control, we should have tons of confidence and a large portfolio. I was a fool for refusing proper schooling. I feel like I disrespect artists like Qinni by not doing it the right way. By not putting in the work and then putting out an inferior product.

>> No.4881200
File: 27 KB, 272x365, 14763467457658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60k followers account proceeds to write an 8 page google docs essay on a literal who schizo to remove him from twitter for not liking a drawing

>> No.4881313

At least that guy is trying. Be the change you want to see man... And it's only been 3 days, it happens. If it was really that active, it'll probably pick up again in a bit.

>> No.4881347

I got so fed up with the world months ago so it's next to impossible to care about the noise at this point when it's not me and mine. My only goal is git so good that I can flee the countryside and not have deal with this faggotry ever again.

>> No.4881403
File: 237 KB, 750x1334, 49F0EA64-BD42-4805-A5D3-8599C8BB0BBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based or cringe?

>> No.4881423

Just a mediocre take nobody should care about.

>> No.4881796
File: 29 KB, 593x447, dc597772a5424609b2259f17a337943f_11289295744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you EVER post your art in korean website

>> No.4881896
File: 744 KB, 850x437, pewku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to draw many things either from life or imagination
>Mostly draw from whatever porn I find on /s/ or /hr/

>> No.4882079
File: 15 KB, 410x357, wewrqrqrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 of my drawings got super popular and I have no idea why

>> No.4882088

Absolute cringy midwit huffing his own farts. He thinks this is some profound realization when it's obvious to everyone that linear perspective isn't how we view things.

>> No.4882092

Algorithmic luck

>> No.4882116
File: 5 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great idea, then there would be two losers who have nothing in common trying to force discussion in an already dying server.

>> No.4882265

>my STEM job pays way more than I could ever make with art
I mean in theory the amount of money that you can make with art is unlimited, but yeah having a stable job and doing art on the side is the way to go.

>> No.4882272
File: 362 KB, 668x743, 1598693103705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to draw a character doing a cute pose
>realize I don't know how to draw the pose
>spend hours researching and practicing pose
>end up never drawing the idea I had initially

>> No.4882273

unless she's a sociopath she'll probably feel guilty about it for a while. spiteful people generally hate themselves.

>> No.4882278

she was the only one laughing, so I just ignored her.

it would be funnier; she never gave me that vibe tho.

>> No.4882285

the algorithm sometimes promotes your posts when it sees that you're getting better than average engagement it seems.

>> No.4882291

>For some reason i can't think of a scenario where someone says "i do comics" and the other person responds "oh that is so cool" specially if it's a girl.
but "oh that is so cool" is the default response for anything you do tho.

>> No.4882425


>> No.4882521

I need to quit my job I swear to god

>> No.4882535

Did something happen to your Naver or Tistory blog?

>> No.4882553

I got called /beg/ by multiple people in a community that came from this board and it killed my confidence for a while, but I just got hired as an illustrator for some children's books so there's that.

>> No.4882600

yep, quitting my job this week idc what happens
hopefully the stimulus check comes in october to help out but I don't give a fuck anymore I'll find a new job next year

>> No.4882636
File: 282 KB, 364x322, return to sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck I guess anonymous.

I wish I had the guts to do that, but I really need my job to survive and I don't have anyone to leech off to help me focus on getting good.

>> No.4883014


>> No.4883265
File: 911 KB, 782x818, 1600459428401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like my drawing
>remember I'm still me

>> No.4883383

>Meet a cute artist girl online
>We talk for a while and become friends
>Start to catch feelings for her
>Tells me she has to talk to me about something important
>Of course I'm going to listen
>"Anon I'm not actually a girl or even a tranny or anything im just a dude and I pose as a woman online bc people are nicer to me and I felt like it was my only way to make friends"
>Kind of hurt by it but I sort of get wanting to be someone else due to depression and shit, eventually get over it
>Hes a much better artist than me, figure we can be buds and still talk art and critique each others shit
>Months later
>"Anon look at this! I'm trying to get back into traditional art, what do you think?"
>Its a page from one of KJG's sketchbooks
>Its straight up lifted from his book website, one of the preview images
>Motherfucker. I could deal with the "I'm a dude" shit because I still had an art friend but what the fuck
>reverse image search the other pics and wips he sent me
>not all of them come back with anything but a majority are from different artists i just didn't know about, styles are really similar so I didn't notice anything off
>Call him out on it and list off all the artists I could find proof of that he was stealing from and even post some of their finished art that he "didn't finish" and left as sketches
>what in the god damn fuck you said you were going to be honest with me fuck you
>He stops responding
>Next day I get a message from him
>"Hey this is Tom, Guy's friend. I dont know how to tell you this but he tried to kill himself last night. He's in the hospital and idk if he will make it. I'm going through his contacts and letting everyone know."
>We have a few mutual friends id introduced him to. Ask them if they got any weird messages from his account, nobody has heard anything, and one talked to him recently.
>After a few days see him w/ online status and gaming
Motherfucking compulsive liar bullshit I fucking swear. I'm so pissed idk how to respond

>> No.4883391

Also kind of worried now that he's got a bunch of my art saved that he's going to use it to pull this shit on someone else. He's got some of my in progress stuff since I was asking for critiques and opinions from him, as well as some finished shit, most of it is shit i havent posted anywhere so its not like it would ever come up in a reverse image search if someone else tried to check it out.

Fuck fuck fuck I nearly got catfished and got art friend catfished instead god damn I am a stupid motherfucker for taking pity on this cunt when I should have just said "aight I'm out dude fuck you" at the first lie

>> No.4883414
File: 79 KB, 1024x987, 1593215203215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying my hand at art again after major burn out, hopefully things will go better this time.

>> No.4883419

she cute. did you draw that? would fap

>> No.4883423

I wouldn't be here if I could draw that

>> No.4883452
File: 38 KB, 720x703, IMG_20200407_150632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just turn 28. Didn't do much for my birthday. Aside from crying for a few hours it was a nice day, did nothing special. Just sucks being jobless and my unemployment is all fucked up so I have no money. I don't know how to pay rent. I hate to admit that I've been in the tango of the verge of being homeless for the last 3-4 years. For various reasons but mostly because of money and living in socal. Like fuck man rent is more then I make in a month, and I can't find a apartment cheaper without having to share. I can't afford to save money to move out of the state.

I am seriously thinking of falling for the coomer meme. I wish I can treat my art more seriously, but it's been way past that point. I had my chances and I blew it.
>I could always sell feet pics on onlyfans. <--- poor attempt at a joke.

>> No.4883475

Just get a roommate dude

>> No.4883476
File: 254 KB, 720x862, 1513923707525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of you like to meme and ironically doompost about not having a tomboy gf, but that shit legit depresses me. I am legit living the
>no tomboy gf
I've been lifting and training for the past year and gain like 20lbs of muscle, but not a single girl will date me. And all the irl tomboys are all taken.

As a result, I have turned my sexual frustrations out towards my artwork, like many men before me....
I've drawn so many tomboy archtypes and short hair styles I could probably sell an artbook exclusively of that content.

If you are below the age 25 and you still havent found her yet, don't be like me let her just be a fantasy.

>> No.4883483

Be like those fags at Google who sleep in their office or car. Funny, I had a job at Teleperformace a few years ago and just right next door they had a shower room, cafe, gym, and free internet. Literally could have just camped out in a small car and live like that for a year to save up and move out of the state or something.

>> No.4883487

sounds to me like the reason you don't have a gf yet is because you're a creep and probably treat women like shit. Work on your personality and not your looks anon

>> No.4883491

You don't know anything about me or how I interact with women. I treat everyone how I want to be treated, just the way i've been raised.

>> No.4883492

That's just silly. If he treated women like shit, he'd be swimming in bitches.

>> No.4883494

I lived in my car for a while. My boss let me park in the parking lot at work and I got a membership at the nearby YMCA to use their showers, used a laundromat for my clothes. Its not comfy living but you can save up money pretty quickly if you work your ass off.

>> No.4883496
File: 78 KB, 781x957, Jeremy_Meeks_Mug_Shot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your personality is why you don't have a gf!
>meanwhile a convicted murder had millions of women around the world lusting after him

What did women mean by this

>> No.4883500

Thats probably his problem. Women are like cats. Ignore them and make them think you're not interested, treat them kind of shitty, and they're all over you.

>> No.4883502

I'm conflicted and I just had a big brain thought. The only reason why I want to quit is to get a bit more time in the day to draw temporarily BUT here is the thing. I could just come in really really early before my shift, finish all my work before 12PM, and then draw the rest of the day while taking the rare inbound call.

Holy shit, opportunity staring me right in the face this whole time. Instead of waking up early to draw, just go to work way before my shift, get shit done, and then draw.....damn I'm stupid. I should have seen this months ago.

>> No.4883508

>hurrdurr why attractive person popular hurr wooman dumb
Cope and seethe and go draw

>> No.4883510

The point is, my bluepilled friend, is that having a bad personality literally doesn't matter in terms of attractiveness for women. You think a felon literally jailed for killing a guy is going to have a great personality?
Looks determine your worth in the eyes of women wether you want to admit or not.

>> No.4883524

t. litteral incel

>> No.4883529

that's rly cool anon. reading this thread made me realize i'm not the only one in a tough spot, it's everyone. kinda makes me humbled and motivates me to keep going

>> No.4883558

/ic/ is just /b/ but with the barrier of entry being being you need to be able to put a pencil onto paper.

>> No.4883569


>> No.4883575
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 3508C650-776A-404F-941F-976A6F79CFC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since personality doesn’t matter, I think male on female non consent should be legalized unironically. After all, I can’t help my sexuality any more than the gays can
T. pic related

>> No.4883577
File: 347 KB, 412x657, laughin_with_your_bro_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final year project is next year, and after that wage-slavery
I don't really want to think about it, studying/making art while working an engineering job...
Ganbatte! I guess

>> No.4883582

I hope you get raped by the ugliest fucker on the planet

>> No.4883584

Well, I’m not a woman so I don’t have to worry about being able t9 fight off an attacker, this is such an annoying dichotomy though, like men being raped is way worse than women having it done to them

>> No.4883593

Did you think you're being funny or something? You're trying so hard to be edgy and it shows. And for what? Do you feel more accomplished now? I doubt you would ever dare to say those things to anyone IRL. I feel bad for your mother and any other woman who happens to be in your life

>> No.4883599

more like you need to have had the idea before of maybe putting a pencil onto paper

>> No.4883625
File: 165 KB, 717x857, AGentleSoul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going. I wanna see where this goes.

>> No.4883634

But I’m not being edgy. I just think women are inferior and I have countless interactions and first hand experience to confirm this. I do feel good that a few more people have seen the truth, even if they can’t accept it. I wouldn’t say it irl because people are so judgy, but my mother is a terrible woman like the rest of them and deserves beatings

>> No.4883638
File: 362 KB, 600x491, d00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit the retardation and mental illness is strong within this one

>> No.4883640

You know men are commonly drugged or restrained (or both) for that kind of shit, right? And it's usually from other men

>> No.4883641

I'm glad people like you will never get the chance to breed

>> No.4883646

lol meant for >>4883634

>> No.4883653
File: 34 KB, 680x591, 212FDD7C-3154-4328-AAB6-C2EEF59ACB9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No u
Exactly, that’s why it’s worse than male on female because it goes against nature. Plus I’d get revenge if it did
I mean, I usually get along decently with girls irl, they don’t know anything about how I really see them. Plus, I can always resort to the topic in question

>> No.4883654
File: 226 KB, 1080x809, 20200705_122256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to do with myself anymore, I don't even think I'm cut out for drawing let alone anything else. I wish I wasn't a bitch so I could end it.

>> No.4883656

I think edgelords like you are inferior to both the chads and the shittiest of women. My mom is an awful abusive person and I've met a lot of other shitty women but I have enough sense to understand that not every woman is my mom. You have some serious mommy issues and you obviously live in the past so much that you can't see past it. Freud would have a fucking field day with your stupid ass.

>> No.4883658

Him not getting to breed is why we have 90% of the women going for 10% of the men while the 90% of men are angry that (you) won't give us a chance to breed.

>> No.4883663

>I wish I wasn't a bitch so I could end it.
Don't say that. There's gender reassignment surgery these days. If you become a bitch to male transsexual, I'm sure you could kill yourself.
Hang in there. There's always hope.

>> No.4883665
File: 31 KB, 360x433, 973A4FF4-8F1B-4A2B-963F-D8FE51CF267E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I lift. So I can defend myself from screeching basedboys and also seize the means of reproduction when the time comes. I don’t even have trouble talking to femoids, I just hate them and wanna see them in pain. They’re all carbon copies of each other, and at its core, woman is a vile repugnant creature that needs to be tamed by the better gender
Thank you brother, glad to see a comrade in this circlesimp

>> No.4883671

the more you speak the more insufferable you sound. Just do the world a favor and kill yourself already you pathetic freak.

>> No.4883673

bend over and spread first

>> No.4883692

everyone stop feeding the troll pls ty

>> No.4883936

>this topic
how about theyre both as bad as each other. women can get unwanted preggers, and men can unwanted impreggo and be blackmailed.

>> No.4884012

Fuuuuucking hell I wish depression didn't sap all of my energy and motivation. I've barely drawn in months... It feels like every day my mental state just gets worse. I know what to do to make things better, but fuck if I don't have the energy, motivation, or courage to get that done either.

>> No.4884025

Women are inferior and we all know it, people are just too scared to admit it

>> No.4884063

Spoken like a true incel.

>> No.4884076

I mean sure, but why is that the go to? Why can’t you ever understand that it’s not a matter of getting laid, that some men just genuinely hate the lesser gender and for good reason? That everything about them is despicable and I want to see them pay for it?

>> No.4884087
File: 99 KB, 600x506, d06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I color and shade it ends up looking sloppy or without focus I think. I spend days on 1 drawing too. Sketching and doing the lineart is easy it takes me less than a day. Rendering is a bitch

>> No.4884095
File: 112 KB, 650x500, 1574190959260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly this board would be like 70% higher quality if all the roasties and female "artists" just disappeared.

>> No.4884109

Female artists took part in drawing and designing the games and anime you enjoy. Including the image you posted.

>> No.4884111

Just focus on learning form and identifying your light source(s). Once you start to understand form, it all becomes a lot easier. Think about what you're coloring in chunks. Go for more striking and dynamic lighting. It's fine if it takes you more time. You can make it.

>> No.4884120

Yeah, I’m sure they did plenty of work while they hung out in the office and gossiped about nail polish and how big their latest hookup’s cock is while they had their desperate male devotees illustrate everything for them

>> No.4884124
File: 56 KB, 750x750, 1587872799019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /beg/
>getting filtered by the box perspective exercise

>> No.4884199

Anybody here failed to participate on an art contest or something? how did you cope for it?

>> No.4884201

It's fuckign difficult man. Dont worry

>> No.4884219
File: 92 KB, 1242x1394, giga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I tend to just add light where I would like it to hit and not where it should be. Thanks anon

>> No.4884223

I wonder if people look at me and think "I want to draw like this guy". I have few followers who like everything I post but none of them are artists.

>> No.4884238
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1471957733648s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>in art discord
>same guy has won the weekly art challenge 3 times in a row
>most recent the didn't even directly participate in, but still "won" anyway
What is the even the point of the challenges if you just straight up ignore the votes of the server members like this...? Might as well just make them the winner by default for the next one.

>> No.4884239

sounds like a cucked server. Leave it ASAP

>> No.4884241
File: 5 KB, 385x395, anguish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I got filtered by the superimposed line exercise

>> No.4884382

The loneliness is killing me

>> No.4884484

Weak should fear the strong

>> No.4884557

Before you leave the server, call that shit out. That's fucking stupid if they're straight up ignoring the voting system. And if one faggot keeps winning over and over, he should be cut after 3 wins in a row. Server sounds like shit. I'm sure they'll realize they fucked up once less people start joining because the same fucking guy wins every time.
What dumbasses.

>> No.4884572

is it weird to lose your confidence for drawing after a big grind of learning?

>> No.4884575
File: 57 KB, 570x402, dan my man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting hundreds of likes/followers on my nsfw account is nice at first but I can't help but feel annoyed/discouraged that my sfw and OC content will never reach these heights.

>> No.4884583

why do you want your sfw stuff to be popular?

>> No.4884587

it kinda sucks to spend several weeks/months pouring your soul into shit only to get like 5-10 likes while some shitty nsfw drawing gets 100+ likes

>> No.4884591

Sounds like minor burn out and/or fatigue. A lot of forced grinding can do that. Try to take more breaks and stress less about the grind. Breaks are good for you and keep your mind and eyes fresh.
Sad, but we all know how it is... Sex just sells so much more. Keep at it and try to keep a healthy balance between your posts (not your drawings per se, but posting. Draw a bunch and then plan your posting with the material you have). That said, don't focus so much on the numbers. Big numbers are great, but just draw what you like without focusing so much on them. If you draw NSFW? Great. Draw SFW? Also great. You'll have your people that love your work regardless of what you put out.
I find creating a narrative with your OC content helps it gain more attention. People start to care more once they have information to cling to. It may help your OC content gain more traction, but I still think you'd do best trying not to stress about the numbers too much. You have enough that the algorithm should pick up on your posts and that's all you really need. Posting consistently and you should continue to have a steady growth, and thus, more eyes on your OC content.
(I'm tired so I hope all of this is coherent)

>> No.4884594

maybe you're not reaching your audience
you should really stop thinking of twitter as a good website for art. at this point its just a bad porn website

>> No.4884596

>Sounds like minor burn out and/or fatigue. A lot of forced grinding can do that. Try to take more breaks and stress less about the grind. Breaks are good for you and keep your mind and eyes fresh.
i'm not sure how to take a break anymore. i'm almost hypnotized over the grind

>> No.4884608

At that point, you may need a longer break. Really talk to yourself and realize taking breaks is okay. It's okay to just turn your brain off. It's okay not to think of the grind.
For some of my breaks, I play vidya. Great way to spend a break imo... If you still want to think about, instead of thinking about your own grinding, study what you're playing or watching. Take note of what you can. Perhaps it's an art style, the colors, the composition of scenes, expressions, fabric, etc. Don't let it take you out of what you're break is, but if you find yourself lingering on about a certain moment? Take a second to let it soak in. It's not like you have to dissect and observe everything 24/7 anyway.
But. That said.
It is okay to just turn your mind off and take a break. It's good for you to do so. You need to give yourself time to rest, or you'll just keep reaching burn out after burn out. Your fatigue will never truly refresh. It's like when you read a word so many times, you aren't sure if that's how it's spelled anymore. How do you fix that? You look away and do something else for a bit and go back to it later.

Breaks are just as important as the grind. Don't push yourself and remind yourself that it is okay not to think about art 24/7. There will always be tomorrow. There will always be time.

>> No.4884609

>creating a narrative
I was bad about not doing that in the past but in recent years I've been giving comics to my OCs, I think I've put out more comics this year for them than any other year.
Maybe it's not enough yet.
>(I'm tired so I hope all of this is coherent)
It is, thanks for the advice
>at this point its just a bad porn website
Twitter in general feels like Tumblr but somehow worse

>> No.4884630

i'm not sure what it is
my entire life i've felt like i'm always falling behind
like i'm just getting older and older with so little to show for it no matter how hard i try.
i almost cry when i learn something new. its just another thing i should have know. But i've learned to fight past that.... by making up for lost time... i've just been trying wrong a lot of my life i guess.

Even with the stories i want to tell, they just seem to take longer and longer to make. i want to become a faster everyhing really

>> No.4884635

>wip gets no (you)s
>demoralized and don't even want to finish it anymore
everytime i try to take a break i realize i have even less motivation to play vidyas or do anything fun than i do to keep grinding out shitty drawings that no one cares about

>> No.4884637

>my entire life i've felt like i'm always falling behind
>like i'm just getting older and older with so little to show for it no matter how hard i try.

>> No.4884651

Perhaps you could talk about your story and characters on /lit/? See if there is any issues with it. I couldn't tell you as I haven't seen any of it, but it could always be a lack in the writing itself. Your need to make sure you've given people a reason to care about your characters and not just "I want my characters to do X thing." If that makes any sense...
There are a lot of variables that could be at play. I couldn't tell you for certain, but I do feel discussing it with your peers and getting their input may help a lot. Good luck, stay strong.
Hmm... I'm not sure if it's because I'm tired, but I'm not sure I can offer much more advice. I mean this with absolute genuine care: Perhaps therapy would be a good option for you. If you don't like the therapist you get, you can always request a new one.
I feel all of your experiences will still have some benefit. Good, bad, it's all beneficial somehow.
Perhaps it may be good to focus on smaller goals. If you have stories to tell, why not get your shorter and easier to tackle stories done? There's nobody stopping you from going back someday and redoing them if you like.
Perhaps try new mediums. Combine mediums! Perhaps you haven't found the exact medium or genre that suits you yet....
I really couldn't say. It feels like there is a lot of heavy matter here and there's only so much I can say.
Just remember there is always more time. You can make it. For some, maybe they will channel all their energy into studying. That's fine. Some may take months off as a break or longer, just to feel renewed with vigour.
I wish you the best of luck.
If you have the drive and energy to study, there's no harm in doing so! Letting yourself break and indulge is important. Doing anything besides drawing... But that said, there's no harm in drawing if you feel like you want to. It's difficult to balance, harder for some than it is for others, but you can make it. Keep pushing forwards.

>> No.4884810

Lotta people just lurk and dont bother replying. Doesnt mean your work's not good dude

>> No.4884845

I make a point to draw every day and post it online. Even if it's only 5 minutes.

I've been making a lot of progress lately in my opinion, but my stuff gets only a couple dozens likes

Yesterday I had no time, so I just threw a very quick doodle of a popular pairing of characters. And I get twice the usual amount of views and likes

Why even try, when fan pandering is that effective...

>> No.4884942

>waste 1 hour 30 minutes drawing shitty doodles beyond my skillset
>break out of the hypnosis
>close photoshop

why the fuck do I waste my stamina like this

>> No.4884943

because you hate yourself

>> No.4884944


>> No.4885994
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>> No.4886003
File: 35 KB, 897x861, vvtwo3ghh1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here deaf? I might lose (what's left of) my hearing over the next year according to the doctor...

I might kill myself. This is genuinely too much.

>> No.4886049
File: 90 KB, 500x490, raw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>create profile on new art app
>everyone even the shittiest middle school anime artist with just one drawing of their oc has at least 3 followers since account creation because everyone is new and getting to know each other
>post my newest top 5 pieces from my instagram
>pretty proud of these pieces, worked hard on colors and background especially for visibility on social media
>anime and fan art too which is most of whats on here so I know people will like it
>dead 0 followers even after a couple days

what the fuck. trying not to care but ouch do the negative side effects of social media sting. this was literal easy mode

>> No.4886066

What app? There could be some trick to it. Try commenting on other people's posts more too. You need to do more than just post sometimes friend.

>> No.4886070

The thing is I did. I commented on a bunch of people's stuff, gave critique, followed, etc. even before posting. It's pretty fun for that. Just sucks that no one did that shit back.
It's in open beta v1.1 so maybe that's why.

>> No.4886072

What app is it? I can't give much advice without knowing the platform.

>> No.4886144

it doesn't matter
nothing matters

>> No.4886166
File: 48 KB, 1048x800, 1417292334670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>total /beg/
>grind my ass off for 2-3 months
>finally getting happy with my work
>start to really challenge myself with new material
>bunch of terrible shit happens IRL, get consumed with anxiety
>stop drawing for 2 months because I can't bring myself to do anything
>yesterday, spend all day drawing lines just to familiarize myself with using pen and pencil again
>today, set up to do some sketching
>can't even do a basic contour drawing anymore like it's day 1

What the fuck happened?

>> No.4886167

>The most common advice I get is to just have fun with drawing
>Only feel hollow inside when doing anything
Admitting I have an issue only makes it worse because I know I'm broken but I won't do anything to fix it.

>> No.4886170

I'm so painfully enamored with this artists artstyle that I've been trying to copy/study it nonstop, but it's also giving me an art-crises with how my own art looks and how I want it to be. Feels bad.

>> No.4886175

Just keep going. Don't stress over the fact things are bad right now. It's completely normal to draw shitty for a bit after such a big break. Just draw things you like and you'll get back to it.
Instead of focusing on one, study several, and then apply it to your own works. Everyone's art styles are just a mish mash of other art style they've seen and liked. Don't try to force your art style to be different, but embrace the use of other's art styles to make your own unique mish mash.

>> No.4886327

my eyes are improving but my art is not. Is this it? am I stagnating? have I dug myself into my own ngmi hole?

>> No.4886347
File: 78 KB, 480x272, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared boys. I'm scared of NGMI. As autistic as it sounds I let the board get to me
I'm scared if I grind fundies too much ill just become a boxbro and lose my passion
I'm scared if I don't grind fundies enough my art will look terrible and stagnate
I just want to tell my story through art instead of words on a page
I've only been going 3 months but now I'm ready to tackle art seriously but im scared man

>> No.4886376

I’m starting to enjoy drawing on my iPad way more than my pc.

>> No.4886392

pussies don't make it. If you want to win, you need to be brave

>> No.4886456

I spent all day drawing Loomis head and I can't make them in extreme angles (looking down, up, too much foreshortening). I can't place the features like that and I am afraid of NGMI. I will try again tomorrow

>> No.4886578
File: 16 KB, 300x601, 1429227256010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to balance learning to draw with learning how to be social but every time I am reminded of what a sperg I am I get depressed and stop drawing for extended periods.

>> No.4886585

Just focus on fixing your social skills then. It's clearly the biggest thing holding you back right now. Try some improv, it'll make it more fun. Roleplaying and dicking around on shit like GMod is pretty good too.
A friend of mine started smoking weed and she says it helps her get past that shy awkward sperg barrier. Ended up getting her much more open and social even when sober, but I'm sure it's not a route for everyone (If you do, go indica).
Eitherway, stop letting yourself be held back. Literally the only one stopping you is yourself.

>> No.4886592
File: 35 KB, 576x686, 1533417137658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After drawing for years i've come to the conclusion ill never be able get as good as i want, or do it as a job, i still try to do it for fun but i got shaky hands and my anxiety makes it worse.

>draw summit
>doesn't look right
>get anxious
>hands shake even more
>stop drawing for long stretches of time because i get sad every time i try
>get rusty

>> No.4886594

I actually did smoke for the first time just this saturday. I did help a little. I feel a little more loose now. It's just that I've been wanting learn how to properly draw for a very long time now so I'm juggling both. Thanks for the tip tho anon.

>> No.4886595

I've found that it's pointless anon. If professional mangaka and illustrators can be dumb spergs, then it doesn't matter.

>> No.4886599

Some people find sativa good too, since it's an upper, but I find it just gives me anxiety. Could be good for you, though indica is the safest route.
As a stoner myself, I have to warn you not to get dependent on it. When I get stoned, I find I draw and focus soooo much better.. But that was also kind of the trap I fell into. I ended up not feeling like I could draw or felt the itch to draw unless I was stoned. And it took a long time to get over that.
Just make sure you draw when you're sober and work on things you started stoned, sober.
That said too, don't be afraid to smoke because of that. Have your fun, just do it in moderation and all that good stuff.

That is, unless you have the money to get weed whenever. Then have a ball.

>> No.4886602

I don’t know how long I should wait without getting any commissions to lower my prices. I look at places like fiverr and deviantart and see people offering stuff for $5-10 that I would charge $50+ without a sweat. How do I compete with these artists?

>> No.4886604

It's all about your advertising man. Promote yourself around, join art discord servers just to post your comms and then lurk a little before dipping if you choose.
Pander your regular non comm art a bit, like fan arts, so more people come in and see your comm sheet.
If you post on Twitter, look out for those "artist chain threads" that appear here and there and participate in those. Commission themed thread or not.

Fiverr and DA have their own tips and tricks (like with Fiverr, ever want to be successful? You have to get some friends to buy and leave you good reviews to start).
In the end it's all about how much you promote yourself and how many eyes you can get going to your page. Pander, do art raffles ("followers only"), etc etc.
And don't let yourself be scared by how other people succeed. Instead try and learn why they're doing good and figure that out so you can see if their methods work for you.

>> No.4886608

So i'm gonna built tiny ass art forum.
Any tips for manage it?

>> No.4886617

I’m new to twitter so I’ll look for those chains. This all sounds like solid info so thanks for the tips.

>> No.4886622

Don't forget to interact with other artists too. Fan art of just other artist's characters and shit gets people too. Same for Youtubers. Not just fan art for whatever anime is hot right now, though that works all the same.
Takes a bit of work, but you can make it. Good luck bro.

>> No.4886668
File: 532 KB, 820x1092, 1528174355414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work from home and have a well-paid career. I have started drawing so much my hand hurts and I have to stop at the end of the day. I spent 4 years trying to get better and it's finally happening. Started from the complete bottom with no training in some drawthreads doing fanart. I also realized along the way I don't care about being popular or making money and it's very liberating not being part of all the art drama bs too. Not really a vent, but I can't say this on my site/to artistic peers. Just feel very mentally strong.

>> No.4886672

I'm proud of you.

>> No.4886675

Was on twitter and noticed an old friend's post getting passed onto my feed. We stopped talking after a big fight years ago. Just looked at her current art.
Her art is so nice now. I'm just crying over how little I've improved and how absolutely shit my art is. I can see all the commissions she's gotten and I can't even get one. God, I've never felt this jealous and absolutely shitty before.
How do you get over this?

>> No.4886677

How do you do it? Just drive? Passion for the craft?

>> No.4886679

Just accept the reality of it. Right now, according to you, she is better. Fine. What you need to do now? Let the spite fuel you. Aim to improve and get better. Even if she never sees your work again, continue to grow. Prove to yourself that you can do it, just as she could. You can make it. Don't let your own insecurities hold you back. You. Can. Make. It.

>> No.4886680

Just move on unless you just want to sit there and cry like a baby.

>> No.4886684

Damn, you're so fucking cool. Honestly.

>> No.4886690

I learned a lot about mental control/stability in the military and law enforcement. Also grinding in the shit mines on 4chan.

>> No.4886693
File: 149 KB, 250x254, e765e06eb21f7bdd41eb6605222c4f60.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so confused on what grinding is lots of ppl on here told me not to grind drawabox I still dont get it what's the difference between grinding and practicing

>> No.4886699

grinding: brain off repetition
practice: brain on repetition

>> No.4886707

I drew a face and hated it.
I know I can, just feel like I wasted 3 years and she didn't. Never knew i was this petty. Guess its time to start drawing more.

I kind of do just want to sit and cry like a baby. This year has been bullshit and this is just more garbage. Gotta move on anyway.

>> No.4886718

worrying about semantics is how you end up not improving
just draw dude
the thing grinding and practicing has in common is spending a lot of time drawing

>> No.4886752

i think by "grinding" and even 'practicing' people mean drawing something repeatedly until you commit it into muscle memory. this is opposed to 'studying' which is to look at a picture and think about what works or not, or look at a real life object and think about how you might depict it. it's my unpopular opinion that turning something into muscle memory is bad, you should put your thought behind every line

>> No.4886811

grinding is practicing but not liking it.

>> No.4887054


>> No.4887067


>> No.4887101
File: 90 KB, 1080x1120, 145645756868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's "canonically underage character drawn with "adult" in the name and big milkers" episode

>> No.4887307

My dad died. I feel really empty. I dont want to do anything. I dont want to draw. I dont want to eat. I just keep laying in bed feeling like shit. Funeral was really fucked up and didn't make anything better. Everything is so fucked.

>> No.4887319

Sorry bro. Can't imagine how you feel. If my dad dies I'm fucked beyond repair since he pays all the bills (and he's like 68 years old).

Stay strong.

>> No.4887442

God the bus driver got so angry at me for not having a mask on. When will this madness end? I forgot I had to wear one and panicked looking for it in my bag.

>> No.4887652

Im on a similar situation except Im 2 years in and I fucking suck, I just keep going at it by practicing constantly despite everything just showing and reminding me daily Im absolutely shit and talentless as fuck. I don't know if Im just stubborn or downright retarded by now.

>> No.4887829

It'll be okay anon. I'm sure all he wanted was to see you live and enjoy life. It's going to be very hard but keep going.

>> No.4887844

Just curious, so you put your drawings off canvas? It's too late now, sorry bro, but here's what I do:
If I doodle something, I'll just copy/paste it into another layer and hide the layer. Never ever put things off canvas in any app/software. I'm pretty sure this would happen with any software.

>> No.4887975

how do i learn to live without regret?
i get so much depression thinking about how my art would be better if i was able to learn more when i was younger, and that i should have seeked the proper guidance
i mean i know i was ignorant how would have i really known, but even thinking about my upbringing i just wish i could have had the resources to let me shape my dreams

>> No.4887982

>Let the spite fuel you
you're not an anime character. just draw more, draw things from the soul

>> No.4887988

You're thinking too into it. It sounds edgy, but turning it into spite is far more constructive than sitting there depressed and upset.
You are wrong though, draw more and draw what you like is key regardless.

>> No.4887997

This tends to happen. The jerk-offs are always left behind giving fuel to the other party to grow stronger.

>> No.4888029

I'm no one you're replying to, but I still appreciate you taking the time to write this anon, thanks!

>> No.4888032

You can make it. Stay strong.

>> No.4888087

>Go to art store
>Buy brand new, fat fucking block of 18x24 drawing paper, the good stuff
>driving home
>some dipshit cuts me off and stops short
>I brake hard
>Paper slams into back seat, putting a huge fucking crease through all 125 sheets

>> No.4888149

Unfold, put a heavy weight on top, and let it sit for a while. There may be salvageable pages and this may reduce the damage. I think mild humidity may help, but do research on this first as I cannot confirm. It just may help the pages smooth out a little. Best you can do is edit the crease out in post after you finish your drawings.

>> No.4888182
File: 25 KB, 739x415, EdqC4JpUYAU4M4w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diff anon here and I still don't get it

>> No.4888260


>> No.4888267
File: 555 KB, 957x630, 159023690967412658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know what to draw most of the time.
I start my doing lines, boxes, circles... then i have an idea and start sketching.. can't make heads or tails of it because i fucking suck, draw too big for canvas and have to start over.
Draw small; brush too big.
Draw big, brush too small.
Change brush size, change canvas size... still fucks up.
Try drawing a straight line, it comes out curved or wavy.
Try drawing a circle, it comes out a rectangle.
Same thing traditionally.

I'm literally fighting against the tools than actually drawing.
I'm starting to think that i might be mentally challenged.

>> No.4888349

I'm gonna try this. Thanks anon.

>> No.4888465

I just came back here to vent, I finally understood the usefulness of the #drawabox meme. It's like I've been enlightened. I've never once had drawn a fucking box, but now I see how right the practice is.

>> No.4888487

Yup same happened to me the first time. It was a 3hr composi that I intended to finish later. Saved as png in the wrong layer. That's just how we learn

>> No.4888618

do drawabox

>> No.4888622
File: 135 KB, 349x323, 1439099199495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's no help on living with regret

>> No.4888810

Similar thing for me except no fight happened or whatever and his art had stayed the same years later. The only thing different is he has a large following somehow. The kicker is he doesn’t even remember me. Why would he? He gets 10 new followers per hour at minimum. In all likelihood your friend probably forgot about you, too. It’s best you move on for your sake and mental health.

>> No.4889044

Thanks friend.
We are all going to make it together.

>> No.4889329

living in a 3rd world means you can actually make a living wage off commissions so if anything art as a career is a reasonable pursuit

>> No.4889337

How the fucking guck do the Koreans do it bros? I look at their skill, most of them are in a league of their own. It isn't enough to stop me, oh no, but fuck I feel like I can neve achieve that much. They're in a league of their own... I can't understand. What sort of sacrifice did they offer to get so good? It's frustrating that I can only pick up a few of the things they manage to pull off... It's just "wow."