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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 476 KB, 800x600, 1hug-img_1752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4865345 No.4865345 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread to discuss all kinds of digital drawing hardware: non-display graphics tablets, pen display tablets, portable tablets and more.

>What should I buy?
State your:
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
>Size (in inches)
>Other information
>Previous equipment

If you have any additional questions, ask them.

>Recommended tablets:

Intuos Pro 2013 - Great value, and the nibs won't wear out in 5 seconds like they do on the newer model.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite - Budget portable display tablet. Very solid drawing experience with Wacom EMR tech.
Used iPad Pro 2nd Gen 12.9" - Best option for a display tablet.
Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet
Wait for the Galaxy Tab S7+


Cintiq Pro - Terrible value. The drawing experience might be good, but you're paying way too much for an unreliable product. Dead pixels are frequent, as are black screens of death.
Microsoft Surface Pro - The N-Trig digitizer means you will always get wobbly lines.
Huion, XP-Pen, Gaomon and every other Chinese brand - Poor build quality, lackluster pens, bad tilt, horrible customer support and the displays are not calibrated. All Chinese brands are basically the same because they're all centralized under the communist regime. Also watch out, Chinese Companies are known to shill aggressively, even on 4chan.
Lenovo - Bad drawing performance.

Previous: >>4858581

>> No.4865347

First for the Tab S7+

>> No.4865349

Where is the best place to get a 2013 Intuos Pro?

>> No.4865350
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>> No.4865353

eBay and Craigslist
Sometimes the official store might sell them, idk

>> No.4865357 [DELETED] 

To JEWcom shills :
琉球独立 Free okinawa アイヌ独立 Free Ainu 核兵器 Nuclear weapon 原子爆弾 Atomic bomb 人間宣言 Humanity Declaration 広島・長崎 Hiroshima・Nagasaki 731部隊 Unit731 鳴梁海戦 Battle of Myeongnyang 真珠湾 Pearl Harbor 神風攻撃隊 Kamikaze 慰安婦 Comfort women 戦争犯罪 War crime 南京大虐殺 Nanjing Massacre ダグラス・マッカーサー Douglas MacArthur 憲法第9条 Article 9 of the Constitution 関東大震災朝鮮人虐殺 Kanto Massacre 李舜臣 Yi Sun-sin 沖縄戦 Battle of Okinawa 枢軸国 Axis powers マニラ大虐殺 Manila massacre 東條英機 Hideki Tojo 太平洋戦争 Pacific War 倭寇 Wokou 連合国軍最高司令官総司令部 Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers(GHQ) 戦犯裕仁 Hirohito 戦犯国 War criminals country 部落問題Burakumin 夜這いYobai 竹島Dokdo/Takeshima 尖閣諸島Senkaku Islands/Diaoyudao Qundao 千島列島 Kuril Islands バッキー Bakky Visual Planning 女子高生コンクリート詰め殺人Murder of Junko Furuta 援助交際 Enjo kosai 痴漢 Chikan、 Japino、唐行きさん Karayuki-san、 琉球独立、 アイヌ独立、任那日本府廃棄、 百済、 白村江の戦い、 文禄・慶長の役、独立、主権回復、佐川一政、 食人、 人肉、 いじめ、亀甲船、牟田口廉也、 インパール作戦 、第二次世界大戦、敗亡、敗戦、用薬須知続編、人中黄

>> No.4865359 [DELETED] 

Based OP.

Chinamen have been particularly aggressive as of late. Keep up the good work.

>> No.4865360
File: 60 KB, 736x736, 0f10bd1dbecaa2bfd33612bb04d99347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ACTUAL THREAD without bias, huion and gaomon makes good screenless tablets, but for screen tablets always use wacom

>> No.4865364 [DELETED] 

$500 USD
Either one.
Whatever is recommended
>Other information
Just after whatever best replicates drawing on paper.
>Previous equipment
A4 sheets of paper and an Artliner 0.4mm fineliner

>> No.4865372

Used iPad pro 2nd gen with a paperlike.

Or just an intuos pro if you don't mind buying extra nibs. Medium is all you need for screenless.

>> No.4865373

Why can't Apple put an eraser on the back too of the pencil?

>> No.4865375

Why some symbols are japanese?

>> No.4865380

Why does the chinaman think japan has the same authoritarian force-disconnection algorithm as China?

>> No.4865382

Doesn't Wacom have a patent on that shit?

>> No.4865384 [DELETED] 

Why does China want to destroy freedom and democracy in Hong Kong?

>> No.4865386 [DELETED] 


>> No.4865388 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 250x201, 424tav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you keep bumping your own thread? shameful. just go to >>4865324

>> No.4865390 [DELETED] 

No thanks, Chang.

Your thread will be inactive as it always is, because you make it very easy for people to tell you're a chinese shill.
The reason this OP >>4865345 doesn't come across as shilling is because it's not actually shilling in a way that benefits any big companies, besides maybe Samsung.

>> No.4865395 [DELETED] 

Still using my Intuos 3.

>> No.4865399
File: 889 KB, 1056x944, 1532443123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL the number of posters are still the same. keep seething schizo.

>> No.4865400 [DELETED] 

This thread actually has more unique IDs than your chinese thread, despite having a lower poster count. That basically tells people everything they need to know.

Keep having a conversation with yourself in the other thread, Chang.

>> No.4865401 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 840x839, pepelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care, im still shitting up your thread with frogs and satania

>> No.4865404 [DELETED] 

Whatever helps you sleep at night, Zhang. Still not buying XP-Pen or Huion.

>> No.4865412 [DELETED] 


>> No.4865415


>> No.4865421

still seething i see

>> No.4865426 [DELETED] 

But you're the one who goes berserk when chinkshit isn't shilled in the OP?

>> No.4865432 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 810x800, af2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you hate Chinese people? just go back to >>/pol/

>> No.4865435 [DELETED] 
File: 3.93 MB, 2400x2400, 1599188772376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, ever forget

>> No.4865437 [DELETED] 

What has anything I said got to do with Chinese people? I'm asking why you get so buttangry when your shit isn't shilled in the OP.

>> No.4865453 [DELETED] 

To begin, recommending a product isnt shilling. If it is, then everyone here is shilling, and the term doesnt mean anything. To follow, it is malicious to point beginners in a stupid direction based purely on your own personal autism. The reality is, wacoms old intuos are finite in number, and the new intuos provide atrocious value for money. So to recommend either to beginners is plainly ridiculous. There is simply good value in med sized screenless chink tablets, they fucking work. The gap is closed. The only avenue left to whine about them is political stuff, which is just childish because it assumes that there are people here who dont hate china already. EVERYONE fucking hates china. But if their products work, and are cheaper, and fuck monopoly cunts in the ass, then fantastic. How is that not fantastic? Remember, you cant use the "support china" argument, because all tablets are manufactured there.

>> No.4865464

They don't have a patent on a removable cap that is also an eraser end.

>> No.4865472
File: 7 KB, 194x260, You.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep bumping your own thread, Timmy, it won't make it good

>> No.4865484

that was my first post ITT and I hardly ever check these threads, you shizoid

>> No.4865491 [DELETED] 

Ok chang, still not buying Huion.

>> No.4865494 [DELETED] 

How about recommending tablets that actually function properly?

There is no such thing as a chinese tablet that boasts functional tilt. They cannot get that right no matter how much they try, and no matter how much you try to tell people "no one uses tilt", it still remains valuable to many, particularly those with trad backgrounds.

>> No.4865503 [DELETED] 

Yeah, well, thats just not a very big demographic anymore is it, lets be honest. How many zoom zooms are going into traditional art? I dont doubt that aaron rutten, airon blaise and other boomercore members might need it (they dont actually, they could easily work without it) but the vast majority of people who are beginning directly with digital wont. And this is ignoring the inevitable improvements that will keep being added to the pens.

0 (zero) argument, work, art, importance

>> No.4865514

I dont get what this tilt meme is. I have been drawing all my life traditional and only started out digital this year and it's literally not different than a normal pen. I use an xp-pen pro

>> No.4865518 [DELETED] 

>but the vast majority of people who are beginning directly with digital wont
You don't know that, Chang. Pencil shading is a very basic technique in trad, and there are many people coming into these threads asking for recommendations coming from trad.

Also Wacom's pens are still far better and more reliable. Aside from having a nib that doesn't wobble, it also has a more consistent, reliable pressure curve, that doesn't require you to literally open up the pen to screw something.

Seriously, the reason XP-Pen always include two pens in their tablets is because they're cheap trash.

>> No.4865520

>You don't know that, Chang. Pencil shading is a very basic technique in trad, and there are many people coming into these threads asking for recommendations coming from trad.
you can do that with pen pressure. if you actually drew you would know that wtf

>> No.4865523 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 1920x1081, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f4b65656e4b41466771436c7177673d3d2d3333313631343730392e3134383530613562383163646232343739303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember not to reply to schizo's thread and use the real dtg thread

>> No.4865524 [DELETED] 

What do you think more expensive tablets are for, Chang? It's for workflow efficiency. Many people work more efficiently with tilt support, especially with brushes that actually change their shape dynamics with a tilted pen. You will never understand this concept because you're Chinese.

>> No.4865529 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4865531 [DELETED] 

You are such an idiot it's funny.

>> No.4865533 [DELETED] 


I'm in a bit of a dilemma here.

I'm upgrading from my Huion 185 and have two options in mind.

I've found a very good condition used Cintiq 27QHD for £650. I was wondering whether the Pro Pen 2 that ships with the new 22s was really worth the extra £200? I know there's also the warranty to consider with buying a new product, but if the performance difference is negligible, I'd rather save the extra pennies.

Many thanks!

>> No.4865537 [DELETED] 

The only bugman in here is you.

>> No.4865538 [DELETED] 
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still seething i see. obsessed

>> No.4865541 [DELETED] 

So, I was really excited when the cintiq 24 pro came out. I was definitely going to buy it, but then I found out it had fans. Wacom is notorious for having obnoxious fan noise, and as someone who has used a cintiq companion before, it really bothered me. However, if the fans are relatively quiet I won’t mind it-after all, my pc has fans that are on constantly and it doesn’t bother me.

4k is why I’m leaning towards the 24, but qhd is still a fantastic resolution and I’m wondering how noticeable the difference even is. Also, will fans be quieter on a more powerful computer? I built my pc and it has 32gb of ddr4 ram, a gtx 1060 graphics card and it runs on Ryzen 5 1600.

So I guess my final questions would be:

Are the fans on the 24 pro too loud? Does the 24 pro have any annoying driver issues? Are there any issues with the monitor itself? Color bleed or dead pixels?

Thanks in advance

>> No.4865547
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number of posters still the same
its over, stop samefagging

>> No.4865569

The fans are loud and Wacom is pretty bad with drivers. Try to get it used.

>> No.4865570

Is Infinite Painter still the best app on Android?

>> No.4865584 [DELETED] 

If you don't mind the crashing, yes.

>> No.4865585

screen tablets are overrated

>> No.4865588 [DELETED] 

Based on what? Elaborate.

>> No.4865594 [DELETED] 

Where to even start

desk space, limited technology, driver memes, colour accuracy memes, eye watering price

The only, ONLY advantage it brings to justify the cost is being akin to traditional drawing. But even so, its not the same, and you cant do a single thing on a display tablet that you wouldnt be able to do on a screenless. Not one. Nothing.

>> No.4865596 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4865600 [DELETED] 

>limited technology
What does this even mean?

>> No.4865630 [DELETED] 

So are portable tablets the true redpill for screen tablets?

>> No.4865640 [DELETED] 


>> No.4865651 [DELETED] 


>> No.4865653 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4865657

Why did they stop making tablets in 4:3 ratios?

>> No.4865680 [DELETED] 


>> No.4865682 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 512x512, 1600012222758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still bumping your own thread, so sad
just go to

>> No.4865684 [DELETED] 

Why are you so desperate, chinese idiot?

>> No.4865686

Because the industry fell for the 1080p meme

>> No.4865688 [DELETED] 
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>e-everyone who posts in this thread must be OP!

>> No.4865692

Stfu Chang

>> No.4865702 [DELETED] 

Get a 21WX

>> No.4865708
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Guys i need your help. The situation is that my mom had an botched brain surgery years ago and now she communicates using a touchscreen and virtual keyboard. The problem is that its tiring for her to hold up her hands for long time. We're considering changing to a trackpad and i figured that some form of nondisplsy drawing tablet might be good for her, mostly since they have larger size than normal trackpads. Anyone have any suggestions, needs to be operable with finger and somewhat affordable. sorry for somewhat OT but help would be appreciated much.

>> No.4865714

this is the best tablet general, far beats out that other one

>> No.4865734 [DELETED] 

Galaxy Tab S6 Lite.

>> No.4865737 [DELETED] 

Where is the Dell Canvas?

>> No.4865757

No device is gonna feel like paper, but in my experience (bamboo, huion 610, intuos draw medium, ipad 2nd gen, intuos pro large) the intuos pro large is what feels better. If you search for a used one you should find it at a fair price.
The iPad was an huge disappointment, too small and woobly lines with low stabilizers, among other things, I don't understand why people keep recommending it as a main art device and not something to just sketch outside.

>> No.4865775 [DELETED] 

Limited technology. Bad colours, shitty displays, poor contrast ratios.

>> No.4865801 [DELETED] 

The new Samsung S7+ has an AMOLED display. It's hard to get much better than that even on a regular PC monitor.

>> No.4865807 [DELETED] 

Mobile toys can be used to draw, but they arent display drawing tablets, theyre just multifunctional tablets. The only use for them is mobile work, out and about. Its too small and shitty for desktop work and youre stuck with mobile art software.

>> No.4865834 [DELETED] 

>and youre stuck with mobile art software.
No you're not. superDisplay works great on Android for using the tablet as a desktop tablet, and Astropad supposedly works well for iPads.

They might be small, but actual desktop display tablets are trash tier and prone to issues, so it's a worthwhile compromise.

>> No.4865840 [DELETED] 

Dunno what to tell you man. The sheer amount of media you've consumed growing up until now, all done on desktop display tablets. So they arent "trash tier" now are they, otherwise none of that would have been possible.

>> No.4865852 [DELETED] 

Professional studios can afford to buy, repair and replaced heavily overpriced tablets that are likely to be faulty within 2 years. Most independent artists cannot.

There are many independent artists who work with Cintiq 13HDs. Size isn't everything.

>> No.4865854 [DELETED] 

Funny how the dialogue changes so easily. The line used to be that wacom were super sturdy and reliable, lasting you for many years. Now suddenly when people want you to buy mobile tablets, wacom dont last 2 years.

>> No.4865856 [DELETED] 

The fuck are you talking about idiot? I just called you out on your bullshit regarding display technology.

You're a moron who has nothing.

>> No.4865859

How can a thread as simple as tablet buying turn into a turf war?

>> No.4865862 [DELETED] 

Eat buckshot, retard. Do some research. You havent the faintest fucking notion of what you're talking about if you think that wacom tablets have short lifespans. I never recommend wacom tablets to anyone short of millionaires but one thing that absolutely nail on the head is long term reliability.

And my point still stands. Display tablets are overrated and cause more issues than they're worth, because any issue they feature is one that a screenless display wont.

>> No.4865895 [DELETED] 

>if you think that wacom tablets have short lifespans
It's been proven countless times you utter moron.


>> No.4865899

These streets is cold nigga

>> No.4865926

Can you connect the Galaxy Tab S6 Lite to a pc and use it like a screenless tablet? I like the portability but I would prefer to use a larger computer screen at home

>> No.4865935

Should I get ipad air or save up more for the pro?
Is pro worth it?

>> No.4865985

how much does a used ipad pro 12.9 2nd gen goes for?
should i get that or the new ipad air 4?

>> No.4866396

im loving my air but have no word on the pro
my advice, buy used. most apple buyers are retarded and will return a product because they didn't know how to close tabs

>> No.4866398

android tabs are finally becoming competent so apple anti-fans want to act like it should have never been an option when it was the only affordable option for years

>> No.4866484

Do the apple pencil and s-pen have pressure sensitivity curves?

>> No.4866778 [DELETED] 


>> No.4866786


>> No.4866793 [DELETED] 

It is all you will ever need.

>> No.4866798 [DELETED] 


>> No.4866802

Deco 01 v2 or Deco Pro Medium?

Don't worry, I'm american.

>> No.4866822 [DELETED] 

Neither, bad pens.

>> No.4866836

iPad mini with pencil and procreate.
Didn’t think I would like the small form factor but it’s actually perfect. I could understand the small drawing screens being shitty due to not having touch for zoom, pan and rotation. I like it.
Plus you don’t need anything else to run it.

>> No.4866838

Intros 3 from 2008.
Still running strong and on the original nib

>> No.4866861 [DELETED] 


>> No.4866880 [DELETED] 

Are they in stock?

>> No.4866898 [DELETED] 


>> No.4866913

Because it still works fine.
Pen has barrel roll for twisting brushes around.
No reason to upgrade.

>> No.4866927

Go to bestbuy.
They all have pencils attached and procreate so you can test them out.
I have a mini. Same specs as iPad Air.
A12 chip 3gb ram.
Works fine.
Layers are limited compared to pro.
19 if I recall.
I would never need more than that let alone 3

>> No.4867050 [DELETED] 

Are you sure?

>> No.4867052 [DELETED] 


>> No.4867061

Is barrel rotation really that good?

>> No.4867104 [DELETED] 

Some people find it useful.

>> No.4867106 [DELETED] 


>> No.4867119

Xp-Pen 15.6 Pro

Unfortunately no the pro pen isn't worth it.

Pretty sure there's some way to do this shit but I cant remember what program you need or if there's something built into those tablets for it.

If you already rely on rotating your pencil or charcoal in traditional drawing to make different marks, then yeah its great. If you don't draw like that at all, I can't see it being useful on a tablet.

>> No.4867161 [DELETED] 

>chinkshit recommendation

>> No.4867168 [DELETED] 

>I can't see it being useful on a tablet.
Yeah, sure.

>> No.4867175

XP Pen is like, the exact same quality as Wacom, but 1/10th the price. Huion is complete garbo though.

If you're against chinkshit, then you need to triple your budget, because there's no other companies in the US making tablets.

>> No.4867177 [DELETED] 

>XP Pen is like, the exact same quality as Wacom
No it isn't, moron.
Same quality control issues, shittier pen.
You don't buy new Wacom, you buy old Wacom used that's built to last.

>> No.4867178 [DELETED] 

not him, but see this:


>> No.4867182 [DELETED] 


>> No.4867209

Am I sure about what?
iPad mini current gen and iPad Air current gen are basically the same except for size.same cpu and same ram.
Bestbuy has an apple setup so you can screw with them.

My mini is super responsive with the pencil.
Pressure sensitive and tilt.
Only gen 1 pens work with the mini or air

>> No.4867253 [DELETED] 

Small tablets are never the answer.

>> No.4867266 [DELETED] 

Thoughts on the Lenovo Tabs?

>> No.4867275

Put the touchscreen in a plywood housing at a convenient angle for her, use a keyboard wrist rest along the bottom of the screen or look into a mobile arm support. This is more an Occupational Therapy issue though.

>> No.4867276 [DELETED] 


>> No.4867280 [DELETED] 


>> No.4867324

Aight fine, going with the Pro.

>> No.4867341

so nostalgic

>> No.4867345

>the exact same quality as Wacom
no, it isn’t.
wacom’s pen detection is better.
the moment xp-pen can match up to wacom’s pen, then they’ll be golden

>> No.4867363 [DELETED] 

Nah, won't fix the wobbly nibs or the lack of tilt.

>> No.4867473

I bought mine for my drone driving screen.
It works well for drawing also.

>> No.4867575 [DELETED] 

Thoughts on the 24HD?

>> No.4867628 [DELETED] 


>> No.4867651 [DELETED] 

It's ok.

>> No.4867688 [DELETED] 

When is Android getting Procreate?

>> No.4867709 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4867810 [DELETED] 


>> No.4867831 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4867930 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4867941 [DELETED] 

Why did Wacom start removing their shortcut keys?

>> No.4867954 [DELETED] 


>> No.4867955

To make people pay for the shortcut key remote

>> No.4867957

If you dont use it, then is it useful? Learn 2 read, faggit. I said if you draw like that it is useful but if youre one of the people that never does, then fuck it, why have it.

>> No.4867958

This is the first im hearing of xp pen having wobbly nibs and no tilt lmao. Why are my nibs stable and why does my tablet have tilt then, oh wise one?

>> No.4867974 [DELETED] 

>Why are my nibs stable
Saying this means nothing when you can't prove it.
>why does my tablet have tilt then
Correction: it's shit tilt. The tilt angle is prone to snapping erratically on chinese pens.

>> No.4867981

what is a wobbly nip? mine is stable on my xp-pen pro

>> No.4868005 [DELETED] 

>still can't back himself up
Still chinese.
A wobbly nib is self-explanatory, Chang. All chinese pens have it.
A pro pen 2 nib does not wobble, nor does an Apple Pencil or an S-Pen.

>> No.4868051 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4868057 [DELETED] 

Could you post some examples?

>> No.4868128 [DELETED] 

You have an example yourself.

>> No.4868135 [DELETED] 


>> No.4868143 [DELETED] 
File: 2.72 MB, 4000x2500, tilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? Not of what you said. My tilt works fine. Id like you to post an example of your apple pencil tilt.

>> No.4868170

Watch him replying with "this was done in a wacom" or "this picture of random lines doesn't prove anything" while not posting any proof to his claims whatsoever

>> No.4868195 [DELETED] 

A screen cap of random strokes doesn't prove anything, dumb chink. Literally every review on youtube shows angle snapping issues on Chinese pens.
>Id like you to post an example of your apple pencil tilt.
How stupid are you exactly? Why are you asking for strokes for something that already has countless benchmarks online? Are you that desperate to validate your chink trash?

>> No.4868196

Is ipad paper like screen protector good? I think some people said it would ruin the pen's nib but I am not sure

>> No.4868197
File: 1.50 MB, 1080x1920, video_2020-09-15_16-33-15.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck do you even mean
where is it supposed to wobble I dont get it

>> No.4868210

like pottery

>> No.4868218

when will android get a good app like procreate?

>> No.4868235 [DELETED] 

I never expected you to accept it. I dont envy living in your schizo world. At least my posts can inform others though.

>> No.4868261

cute fingers, pls tell me you're a cute grill

>> No.4868275


>> No.4868517

>no new ipad pro
disappointing desu

>> No.4868530

technically there was already a new one earlier this year, even if it wasn't much of an upgrade over 3rd gen. guess they want to push the new Air first before we see a new Pro model.

>> No.4868536

wow a person actually recorded proof of a tablet working

damn this shizo retard who's more than likely a Zhang himself has never posted a single ounce of proof, this faggot doesn't draw.

>> No.4868556

The new iPad Air sort of killed the iPad Pro for me. No reason to buy a pro over the new air.

>> No.4868557

oo would like to see more reviews of this.

>> No.4868564

i bought a use 2016 ipad pro, what important thing am i missing on by not buying the 2 gen one, apart from the screen size?

>> No.4868569


>> No.4868577

would the bigger screen of the pro be better choice than new air?

>> No.4868599

is 120hz a big improvement over 60hz for drawing with the pencil?

>> No.4868602

Huion is better than XP-Pen desu. You probably lucked out on the pen, they're both uncalibrated out of box basically.

>> No.4868629

I'm not paying an extra 200+ dollars for 2 unnoticeable inches and 120hz is irrelevant for drawing.

The new iPad air announced today:
-11 inches
-fast chip than the new iPad Pro that released this year.
-compatible with new Apple Pencil and keyboard
-2360x1640 display

Add up procreate and apple pencil costs and it is easily the best premium screen tablet on the market.

>> No.4868666

as someone with a 6th Gen iPad and a 3rd Gen iPad Pro, it literally makes no difference.

>> No.4868677

if there are no differences then what's so good about pro for drawings?

>> No.4868679

What apple pencil should one buy? The newst or is the 1st gen okay too?

>> No.4868682

What ipad are you using? each ipad only supports one type of pen

>> No.4868685

Okay fuck it, I'm getting either the s7 or s7+

Which one and why? My only thing is that I have an hour commute on a train every day so it's a bit fucking annoying having to use the 12 inch tablet as a tablet like that. But I could just be a sperg and sperging out over people judging me

>> No.4868686

maybe i just used a 3rd party screen but yeah it does
2 weeks with it and it was already down to the metal
took it off, replaced the nib, and my pencil has been good for the last 5 months and shows no signs of wear

>> No.4868689

procreate is good for its price but its not a system seller
you're fine using other apps. its only really loved because how much it is a bang for your buck

>> No.4868691

ipad because procreate duh, unless you are okay with CSP subscription model

>> No.4868692

none yet but I want to buy the new ipad air. it looks really good and I wanted to buy the pro but I dont have enough money saved up yet.

>> No.4868694

opinions on concepts?

>> No.4868698

i'd like to upgrade to pro, but also having to buy a new pen is very unappealing

>> No.4868700

Tried the iPad for like 4-5 hours, the lack of... any sort of file system of good use and the fucking plastic on glass kept me buying one.

>> No.4868713

so is it confirmed the tab s7+ is better for drawing than the ipad then? Only problem being the lack of professional drawing software.

>> No.4868716

As far as drawing is concerned:
>More screen real estate. 12.9 is comparable to a standard sheet of paper as far as screen space.
>Higher resolution, so everything looks crisper even with a matte screen protector
>Support for larger canvas sizes
>More layers
>Laminated screen, so no gap between pencil and screen
>2nd Gen Pencil is less bulky, charges wirelessly, and can be stored on the iPad itself
>Apps are more responsive in general due to better RAM/CPU
>Supports USB-C, so you can store/transfer files on an external drive without having to buy some specialized Apple crap.

You have to remember that drawing is only part of what the device can do and not the main selling point. The Pro in general shits all over the standard iPad in other areas too but if you're only trying to draw then its really up to what you're willing to spend and if you intend to use it for things other than art.

>> No.4868720

>so is it confirmed the tab s7+ is better for drawing than the ipad then? Only problem being the lack of professional drawing software.
most reviewers seem to still go for ipad
but if you can't afford an ipad its now less
"ipad is the only choice" to
s7 is actually competitive

>> No.4868722

>>Support for larger canvas sizes
>>More layers
this depends entirely on the app
>>Laminated screen, so no gap between pencil and screen
the air is also laminated

>> No.4868736

i want to love the surface duo

>> No.4868921

The screen is better at least. Some people may prefer the Apple pencil I guess. Also it has CSP so it doesn't lack software.

>> No.4869095 [DELETED] 

Learn to love the pen wobble.

>> No.4869102 [DELETED] 

used ipad*

>> No.4869211 [DELETED] 

Those 2" matter. Every extra inch of space helps for drawing efficiency.

Used iPad Pro 2nd gen 12.9" still represents better value. I bought mine for $620, in like-new condition, and it came with the Pencil and the official keyboard folio case.

>> No.4869214

My iPad mini is the same specs as an air just smaller. It works great. I can run the software for my drone getting vid feed and screen capture with the mini. Procreate runsawesome. Zero parallax. Pen is super responsive. Only works with gen 1 pen. So with screen touch I have it set to smudge with 1 finger. 2 fingers zoom,pan and rotate.. it’s like 95% like drawing on paper. I’m totally sold. So an iPad Air will run procreate fine. Don’t think you’ll have any complaints.

>> No.4869220

I have a 12.9 inch 1st gen pro. I could care less about the extra 2 inches. I’ve tried a coworkers regular 10 inch iPad and it doesn’t make a difference to me. I’ve drawn on 6 inch pen tablets.

All preference but I’m not spending $200 for those two inches.

>> No.4869224 [DELETED] 

except he's also getting a free pen and keyboard cover.

Only retards buy apple products brand new from retail.

>> No.4869226

What does that have to with anything I said?

you will be able to buy a used iPad Air w/ pencil off eBay for possibly less in a few months.

>> No.4869234

Yea I got the 2nd gen 2017 model still works fine though.

Air is tempting mostly BC I wish I can just snap my pencil and out it away faster during my commutes, slight pain to do that during my commutes.

Also besides the 120hz screen, the new air hardware seems to be way better

>> No.4869244 [DELETED] 

Applecucks begone. Only drawing matters.

>> No.4869269

>Skim wikipedia and find out XP-Pen is Japanese
>buy XP-Pen 24 during the sales
>next day go over the specs of it and more reviews while I wait for it to be shipped
>XP-Pen is actually Chinese

>> No.4869326

You deserve it

>> No.4869339

>I’ve tried a coworkers regular 10 inch iPad and it doesn’t make a difference to me.
you didn't notice a difference drawing on the laminated display vs the non-laminated one?

>> No.4869347 [DELETED] 

What's the problem with non laminated?

>> No.4869359

Yea . The drawing experience on any iPad is top notch. Nothing compares.

>> No.4869367 [DELETED] 

What about a Cintiq Pro 24?

>> No.4869403

Yea it’s bigger but the touch capabilities are better on an iPad. iPad is cheaper. Portable and an all in one device. The portable Wacom all in one is pretty big and not as portable. Also a lot more money. How well a cintiq runs depends on pc hardware.

>> No.4869446

Didn't mention it being a problem.
Just want to know if I'm good just spending $329 for the new ipad 8 or go for the $600 ipad air.
They're pretty close enough in size.

>> No.4869449 [DELETED] 

No matter what you choose, buy used.

>> No.4869455


iPad. 8 will be same specs as current air.
A12 cpu so it’s like buying a current iPad Air at a cheaper price.
Regular iPads seem to get last air gens tech.

>> No.4869466 [DELETED] 

At this point i think that guy is genuinely retarded and what he meant by "wobble" is actually spring-loaded nibs that some pens use to give it a more tactile feedback (which wacom also uses on their intuos pro tabs btw)

>> No.4869535 [DELETED] 

Yep, that's a wobbly nib alright.

>> No.4869548 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4869565

What you want me to record my screen for you? You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4869571

Post proof or it doesn't exist chang

>> No.4869628 [DELETED] 

>w-what, you want me to post evidence?!! y-youre a fucking idiot!!!
Like the coping little chink moron you are.

>> No.4869634 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 599x406, 00378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xp-pen owner
>calling others "chang"
You realize how stupid you are, right?

The long wobbly nib is literally a trademark of the chinese manufactured pens.

>> No.4869640

Just finished reading the archives on /dtg/
Jesus Christ i refuse to believe it's possible for a human being to be as autistic and brickheaded as OP, this entire thread gotta be a false flag by the chinks to make wacom users look bad

>> No.4869641 [DELETED] 

Ok Chang, still not going to make people pick up your chinese thread.

>> No.4869678

Are you incapable to use other words? Honestly it surprises me how it's possible for you use that same exact phrase dozens of times without the jannies detecting your posts as a bot/spam

>> No.4869680

yeah but i'm just concerned with no lamination in the display. plus i'll be using a matte screen protector with it.
not sure how good that will be for artwork and there's not many youtube vids showing it.
most youtubers are using ipad pros.

>> No.4869733 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares you stupid chinese idiot. You're the only one sperging out so hard because your Chinese tablets aren't being shilled.

>> No.4869764

Where the fuck does that even came from? >>4869640 was my first post in the thread, i only came after seeing all the commotion

>> No.4869775

I just bought an iPad mini and pencil.
It works well. The new net gen pad is basically a larger version of the mini. In procreate you’re limited to 15-20 layers depending canvas size and dpi. I didn’t think I would like such a small screen but it’s really good. Really responsive. Zero parallax. It’s fucking awesome. A bigger screen would be cool but I’m satisfied and don’t feel like I need a pro and I’m on the mini.

>> No.4869779

when you upgrade you'll have to buy a whole new pen

>> No.4869781

So basically....

Next gen regular iPad will have same hardware as current iPad Air. So wait until release and get same specs for less money

>> No.4869785

No. Gen 1 pen works with all.
Only pro versions work with pencil 2

>> No.4869794 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm sure you just aimlessly wondered in to waste your time checking the archives, only to selectively single out the anti-chinese posts, and not the constant pro-chinese complaining, the scat/pepe spam, the cross-link spam. I'm totally sure you're not just the same braindead angry chink getting awfully asspained that chink garbage isn't being shilled in the OP.

>> No.4869813

It seems like you're unaware of how spergy this thread looks to bystanders, one or two of them are bound to type one of the phrases you autistically repeated throughout this thread

>> No.4869924

I dont have an xp-pen chang I'm just calling it like I see it.

>> No.4869962 [DELETED] 

Nobody actually cares except for you, Chang. Keep crying that your tablet isn't being shilled.

>> No.4869974

Christ, youre mentally ill
Fine, enjoy my last (You) and bump to your pathetic thread

>> No.4870010 [DELETED] 

>y-you're mentally ill!
The desperate cry of a desperate chinese shill. You're worthless, moron.

You're also not fooling anyone, because no normal person in their right mind would be bothered "checking archives" in a thread like this. You're both mentally ill, and an idiot.

>> No.4870194 [DELETED] 


>> No.4870272

new ipads use USB C, old apple pencils connect through lightning
so i assume it just works if you're using connecting with an adapter?

>> No.4870277

Not him... connect what?

Apple Pencil 2 is wireless. There’s no “connection“.

>> No.4870288

Hoping next iPad Pro will be at least 15 inches, otherwise there’s really no reason to get one over an Air...

Or just release the 24 inch AS imac with pencil support please kek. Kill the entire big tablet market.

>> No.4870319

>xp-pen is chinese
you are either a dedicated troll or a complete retard, judging by all your posts

>> No.4870343

Apple is killing Wacom, god forbid Apple ever decides to release a 16 inch iPad or 22 inch for drawing

>> No.4870377

If they did that I’d buy the fuck out of it, just add proper pen rotation and a proper Apple funded drawing app

>> No.4870407


honestly even the 11 inch is perfect for pro work, especially as a portable set up, but it can easily take the space of a main system if you take the time to get used to the software.

I started with a 12.9, stepped down to an 11 because i wanted more portability and it's perfect desu. I'm stoked about the new iPad air too, nice to know if my current iPad breaks it's not that much money for a replacement system

>> No.4870437 [DELETED] 

They are chinese, moron.

No doubt you're another idiot conned by their wikipedia page.

>> No.4870460 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4870462 [DELETED] 


>> No.4870525 [DELETED] 


>> No.4870594 [DELETED] 


>> No.4870606

>Used Cintiq 22HD - The only worthwhile large display tablet
>Cintiq Pro - Terrible value. The drawing experience might be good, but you're paying way too much for an unreliable product. Dead pixels are frequent, as are black screens of death.
ROFL, bunch of bullshit.

>> No.4870613

Do you seriously use the eraser on your fucking stylus? Are you retarded?
Pressing a button on your keyboard to swith to the eraser is much much faster than wasting time rotating your stylus.
Are you unironically a very dumb person?

>> No.4870614

i've got a 24 pro, it's perfect to draw on, i hate how much it cost though. also one of the legs broke just using it normally, and now there' bits of plastic rattling around inside. i would send it in for repairs but it would mean paying for postage, and fuck that.

>> No.4870694 [DELETED] 

You are one mentally unstable sperg, moron.

>> No.4870702

is the Wacom Cintiq 22 any good?

I hate using the Huion kamvas that I own and was thinking of going back to using a Wacom product ( I loved using the 13HD )

>> No.4870710 [DELETED] 

Just get a used iPad Pro instead

>> No.4870715 [DELETED] 


>> No.4870718 [DELETED] 

Are Lightning Adapters really that bad?

>> No.4870721

I have a 12.9 Ipad Pro that I got for casual use. Didn't realize using an Ipad was actually a great tool for drawing, so thanks!
I still would like to draw on my desk though so do you have any recommendations? i'm not too worried about budget

>> No.4870722

The intuos pro tablets have touch functionality, it's basically like a huge laptop trackpad.

They can be set to work in absolute mode(drawing tablet) or in relative mode (like a laptop thing)

Also consider a trackball.

>> No.4870730 [DELETED] 

Why not get a non-display like the Intuos Pro 2013? It's better for your back and you will be able to see what you're drawing without your hand getting in the way.

>> No.4870739

I never had an issue drawing with my hand in the way but if you insist that the Intuos is a worthwhile investment, i'll definitely consider it.
If I can't find a 2013 one, how are the newer Intuos Pro models?

>> No.4870768 [DELETED] 

They feel more like drawing on paper, but they will wear out nibs faster. Also medium is as big as you will ever need.

Try to get used in good condition if you can, that's where the value is.

>> No.4871100

anyone here use a regular ipad+pencil for their work?
is 10.2" good enough?

>> No.4871109

Chinkguy can't give recommendations for display tablets because he's never owned one.

Get a cintiq 16" before theyre all gone, might be discontinued soon for not being as shitty as the wacom one.

>> No.4871256

is it worth to update to pro from air for that extra 2 inches? am I overthinking it?

>> No.4871320

New Cintiq pros at Adobe max 2020 JUST WAIT(tm)

>> No.4871325

Same pen as the current gen Cintiq Pros, it's pretty good. I have the Cintiq 16, which uses the same pen and it just werks out of the box. I tried the Kamvas Pro 13 and it was wonky

>> No.4871605

>I have the Cintiq 16, which uses the same pen and it just werks out of the box.
how's the non-laminated display? is the parallax noticeable?

>> No.4871614 [DELETED] 

10.2" is small, and larger form factor is always better for most. That being said, some people in this thread are more than happy with smaller form factor.

>> No.4871615

he's saying gen 1 pencil works with all

>> No.4871641

Which isn't true, because 3rd/4th Gen iPad Pro and the new iPad Air has no official support for Lightning, which is how the Gen 1 Pencil pairs.

>> No.4871670
File: 62 KB, 985x542, ama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon is extending the return period to 120 days in October.
Sellers are pissed but it's great if there's a tablet you want to test out.

>> No.4871693

It doesn't. Look up the list of what tablets are compatible with the pencil 1 and 2. Don't listen to idiots on 4chan about something you can resolve with a google search.

>> No.4871717 [DELETED] 


>> No.4871724

If you look at it off angle yea, never bothered me though. But it's not like I'm constantly tracking the pen with my eyes, I draw lines from muscle memory, if I track anything it's the cursor. It might bother some people though, so you might want to buy it from a shop that has no hassle returns like best buy

>> No.4871777 [DELETED] 


>> No.4872319 [DELETED] 

What do most studios use?

>> No.4872344


Same reason why they want to do the same to the South China Sea + Taiwan.

Economic and military world domination thru soft power tactics.

>> No.4872348
File: 34 KB, 714x403, 10GUY(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Wacom 13HD,

I fucking hate the cables on this thing, would it be worth selling and getting a Wacom One instead?

>> No.4872373

Only if you want to severely downgrade everything . Wacom one is horse shit.

>> No.4872384


Really? So the 13HD outperforms the One? How so?

I'm really just using it for drawing/boarding, nothing too graphics intensive

>> No.4872387

I'm surprised that apple didn't just invest more into drawing department to blow wac*m the fuck out of water

>> No.4872389

Bro its not even good for drawing just dont. The resolution sucks the screen brightness sucks you dont get to use the pro pen you get fucked with the cables (not only is it not real usb c but you need adapters anyways its not worth it) it requires hdmi and usb to be plugged in anyways, wildly inaccurate colors, no tilt or rotation support.

Yeah have fun with the one wacom display that is worse than the Chinese knockoffs.

>> No.4872394


>No eraser

>> No.4872445 [DELETED] 

Nothing is worse than Chinese knockoffs.

>> No.4872449 [DELETED] 


>> No.4872461

The worst part of one is that it uses the Bamboo pen rather than the intuos pen.

>> No.4872596 [DELETED] 


>> No.4872630

Bumping based bread

>> No.4872648

Sorry you had to be redpilled this hard. Don't be so butthurt, dumb person.

>> No.4872652 [DELETED] 

Says the idiot who's stupid enough not to grasp that people work differently. People coming from trad backgrounds often feel much more comfortable and efficient using an eraser on the back of the pencil.

Just because morons like yourself believe everything should be done one way doesn't mean everyone automatically works at their best that way.

>> No.4872664

>People coming from trad backgrounds often feel much more comfortable and efficient using an eraser on the back of the pencil.

Flipping your tool around is objectively fucking dumb. you can just press the E key on which your hand is supposed to be resting all the time or bind it to the stylus button.

Can you imagine a coder that types with only two indexes while looking at the keys because he's used to an ipad? Or a chef that holds the knife wrong and cuts himself because he's used to holding it wrong?

People coming from trad need to get off their horse, you're not in trad anymore now shut up.

>> No.4872668

Based tradchad

Cringe digital zoomer, NGMI

>> No.4872670 [DELETED] 
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>Flipping your tool around is objectively fucking dumb
>real life pencils is objectively fucking dumb

>> No.4872673 [DELETED] 


>> No.4872675

>real life pencils is objectively fucking dumb

The flaws and problems of real pencils don't concern me. You fucking wish a real pencil could just switch to erasing and perfectly undo itself.

I literally don't care about the tradcuck problems, my brush can just unpaint itself.

>> No.4872676 [DELETED] 

Except it isn't a flaw you stupid idiot.
Not everyone has to love your personal workflow, stupid moron. Some people work better with an eraser on the back of the pencil, simple as that, chink.

>> No.4872677

>his pencil can't just magically peel the paint off the canvas
>no a flaw
Lol cope cuck

>> No.4872713

Youre bullshit raster art will not be remembered. Now bow down to tradchad alpha cock, you beta male sissy faggot. Hyposissycock therapy will be administered to all digital douche bags.

>> No.4872721


>> No.4872727
File: 271 KB, 1620x1080, a_shit_116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pff, the only art that gets remembered today is the Pollock shit and the actually popular illustrations for games, shows and pop culture. MTG cards is probably the peak of today's visual artistry.

Good luck getting intro any modern galleries unless you're painting shit with shit.

>> No.4872775

Nice cope. You've already started to bend. How long until you break and beg for my 4 inch tradchad bwc. BOWOWOWOWOWOWOOWWOOW

>> No.4872789
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20000 mexican pesos (Like 1000 freedom money)
>Type (display? non-display? portable?)
With screen, I don't mind not being portable since I don't travel much and fuck me if I ever try to take it out in the streets.
>Size (in inches)
As big as the iPad at least
>Other information
I won't be able to buy another one and it's for my career, so I want it to be reliable
>Previous equipment
Had a Intuos Pro a few years ago. I didn't like it, so I continue using paper.

>> No.4872851
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Is the Wacom Cintiq 13HD DTK-1300 good for $313?

>> No.4872855



>> No.4872870 [DELETED] 

See if you can get an iPad 12.9" 2nd Gen used. 3rd gen is also good assuming the pencil doesn't take your budget out of range.

The Galaxy S7+ is also a really good option.

Avoid desktop display tablets (HDMI) because they're unreliable. Both Wacom and Chinese shit.

>> No.4872927 [DELETED] 


>> No.4872956 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4872984

unironically better than 90% of /ic/

>> No.4873137
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>S7+ shipped, arriving tomorrow

>> No.4873183

What app do you use for S7 tablet?

>> No.4873193 [DELETED] 

Infinite Painter
Ibis Painter
Clipstudio (Samsung Store)

>> No.4873196

>fell for the used ipad meme
>both the ipad AND the shitty pencil dont work and these were from reputable sellers

>> No.4873207

nice try appleshill but I am not gonna buy from an official store at retarded prices

>> No.4873222 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your used cum covered iPad

>> No.4873262 [DELETED] 

kill yourself

>> No.4873278 [DELETED] 

ow the edge

>> No.4874056 [DELETED] 


>> No.4874068 [DELETED] 

>other thread didn't reach the bump limit
>chang still made two new threads
Why are chinks so braindead stupid and desperate?

>> No.4874073 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4874289

Please refrain from creating new threads until the current thread reaches page 10, or the image limit is reached.

>> No.4874296

Interesting that you left the racist version up instead...

These guys make no sense, they won't discuss Chinese companies but they're completely okay with shilling Apple.

I guess that's just because Steve Jobs was white? You do realize their tablets are manufactured by Taiwanese companies, right?

If you want exclusively Japanese based companies, sure go shill Wacom.. but even some of their stuff is made in China...

>> No.4874356

I'm pretty sure today OP will get jumpy, make an early thread, and then this janny is gonna pretend that he didn't see it. Just watch

>> No.4874361

Anyway, my Deco Pro Medium should show up in 2 days, can't wait.

>> No.4874369

it already happened janny likes shit threads!

>> No.4874406
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How are the XP-Pen drivers? I have an Ugee and I'm fucking tired of this shit stopping working sometimes, making me restart my shitty slow-ass computer to get it to work again.

>> No.4874411 [DELETED] 

Ugee literally is XP-Pen.

Just get a portable tablet and avoid the driver issues altogether.

>> No.4874412

Disregard chink, acquire wacom

>> No.4874413 [DELETED] 

You're the only one who makes early threads, Chang. That's probably why your shill threads have been purged numerous times.

>> No.4874415

fuck off shill

>> No.4874427

i've had a cintiq 16 for a month, would it be wise to sell it so i can buy an ipad pro 2nd gen? is the difference that big?

>> No.4874442

>Just get a portable tablet and avoid the driver issues altogether.
I already have a Samsung tablet. I only use it to sketch while afk, never as my main workstation. I wouldn't stand to work seriously on a platform without a keyboard and I hate touch interfaces. Plus i prefer screenless tablets anyway.

too expensive, especially in my country.

>> No.4874444

I never had an issue.

>> No.4874446

why would you want to work on a smaller screen size?

>> No.4874452

>too expensive
Don't be a cheapskate, get rid of that mindset. Do you really expect your works can improve to professional level if you're not willing to spend just a few extra bucks for professional quality tools?

>> No.4874453

mainly because the lack of parallax and lag seems pretty cool, but i don't know how much that matters since i'm /beg/. i've never been able to try one out.

>> No.4874457

You shold stop thinking about the tools and start thinking about yourself. You will know what you need when you need it for now get some fucking line confidence instead. Then you'll figure out wheteher you even want an ipad or maybe a bigger cintiq.

>> No.4874474

Those are good, but I'd say screen size is still more important when it comes to drawing

>Inb4 hurr muh cramped UI
Most drawing softwares nowadays have a fullscreen mode, and no amount of touch gesture memery can replace the versatility of keyboard shortcuts, not in a million years

>> No.4874566 [DELETED] 


>> No.4874569 [DELETED] 

easier to fit in your backpack

>> No.4874571 [DELETED] 

screen size does not scale with parallax.

>> No.4874573 [DELETED] 

New thread:


>> No.4874582

With a 16" screen you get to use more of your arm instead of just your wrist in 13" or smaller

>> No.4874586

>Please refrain from creating new threads until the current thread reaches page 10, or the image limit is reached.
300th post

Ok now lets report this faggot and see if the mod stick to his word or something.

>> No.4874897

>100+ posts gone
I knew that guy was a sperg, but i have no idea that's he's THAT autistic

Anyway props to jannies for showing a semblance of justice for once

>> No.4874911

I could tell he has behind every other post just from how fucking retarded he was.

Every post against new wacom's is his.
Every post against Chinese too
Almost every post about the samsungs too
Every post about pen eraser
Every post about touch

When he's back that's how you know it's the /pol/shizo

>> No.4874917

Is Astropad worth it? Can iPad output be streamed via lightning adapter efficiently?

>> No.4874918

wtf happened here

>> No.4874922

Ordered S6 lite, hopefully CSP works fine on it.

>> No.4874923


>> No.4874924

Chinese shills kept trying to make new threads and the mod had enough and purged a bunch of posts.

It does. So long as you adjust to the size, you have a very solid drawing tablet.

>> No.4874926

The /pol schizo finally pissed off the mods and got purged.

So we can have a good thread for once.

>> No.4874928

Hey mods, can you remove the /dad/ generals? They're advertising a website.

>> No.4874930

Based jannies happened.

>> No.4874931

How he hasnt been banned yet is beyond me.
I linked to the main general in one of the spammed one and he called me a chink shill, so no it was the schizo. My bet was that he was flooding the board with spam hoping that the jannies would sweep up the actual edition along with it. But since jannies and mods such as>>4874289 dont actually read the absolute detritus that are these schizo threads, they just keep whichever one has the most replies.

>> No.4874948

tl:dr some spastic fag with extreme hateboner against chinese made an alt tablet thread (this one) and keep spamming shit/samefagging to bump his thread, keeping it from beng drowned by another, (now archived) saner, tablet thread
You can kinda guess what happened by looking at the replies to the deleted posts

>> No.4874953

holy shit finally
the last time I wondered what was going on in the thread I got a warning but the retard was allowed to spam. I hope the threads can become normal now.

>> No.4874957

>still samefagging
Still an idiot.

By the way, 90% of the world hates China.

>> No.4874961

I tried making a /dtg/ once with XP-Pen in the list on /g/ and that /pol/ schizo came and called me chink shill, I guess he might be a legitimate troll since chink shit generals are just doing fine there.

>> No.4874968

/g don't know shit about tablets anyway.
>I guess he might be a legitimate troll

>> No.4874969

No shit mate, me too. But as long as they keep churning out decent, cheap stuffs, i don't give a shit

>> No.4874972

Fuck off with your chinaman drama stupid chinks.

Anyone? >>4874917

>> No.4874973

Holy shet.. is this.. a MOD?!!
i thought they were only mythical creatures

>> No.4874976

Eh it's alright i guess. most of people i know who use it seems to have no complaint about it other than wishing to have a bit more space (which has more to do with the device than the software)

>> No.4874998

Is it normal for xp-pen's display tablet calibration to show a mouse cursor while you're trying to touch the tip of the stylus to the crosses? Its fucking maddening for me, I've had a few different display tablet brands before and I've never seen this happen before.

Is this the norm for xp pen or is my shit bugged out?

>> No.4875002

I was here!

>> No.4875004
File: 572 KB, 600x580, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buys a chinese tablet
>expects a reliable product

>> No.4875040

Oh cry more you race baiting pussy.

>> No.4875047

Bro answer my question or fuck off.

>> No.4875057

Does it work properly? Then it's probably fine.

I don't know I don't use screens.

>> No.4875060

Wow what sage advice.

If anyone that has experience with Xp-Pen display tablets would answer my question that would be cool. Oh also specifically I have the 15.6 pro on windows 10. Thanks in advance for any actual answers

>> No.4875070
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 12_83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend bought me a Wacom Intuos years back when I expressed interest in getting into art. After many attempts at picking it up and failing, I've dug it out again and wanna actually put in the daily grind to get better.
Is this suitable for someone learning to draw, or should I leave it alone and stick to traditional media or something?

>> No.4875078

I'd say stick to trad. Tablets, especialy a small one like that, teaches you bad habits that's gonna be detrimental for you in the long run (like using your wrist to draw instead of your entire arm)

>> No.4875191

what that anon said, but you can still use it for coloring and to some extent line art (preferably with line tool if you don't mind lacking line variation)

>> No.4875205

Thanks, I feel like I'm still a while off of learning how to colour though. But I'll keep that in mind for when I get to it.
I'm a beginner-ass beginner, so I might just pack it away and take a different approach.

>> No.4875471

Should I draw with the tablet parallel to myself or off to the side? I have the Deco 01 v2 and it feels like I can use my full arm a lot better when it's angled to the side.

>> No.4875490

Whatever feels good and helps you keep good posture

>> No.4875542

XP-Pen is owned by Hanvon Ugee Technologies

> Established XPPEN TECHNOLOGY CO. in the USA and established global marketing team for the XP-Pen brand and began marketing globally.
XP-Pen is basically their global brand, that meme XP-Pen being a japanese company doesn't seem to hold any water, other than the "About US" on their website, if it was at one point that company is long dead and the current one is a brand of Ugee

>> No.4875561

Ugee makes the hardware and Xp pen makes the software.

>> No.4875583

It really has to be parallel to your monitor but you can feel free to move it around as lond as its parallel

>> No.4875590


>> No.4875628

>draw a horisontal line
>it goes up instead

>> No.4876077
File: 2.99 MB, 700x392, Tablet and monitor stand.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So got my stand in. It's pretty sweet but I need to fiddle with the location a bit and maybe get a long cable for my Kamvas.

Shit's built for laptops but it grips pretty much any tablet with ease.

>> No.4876093
File: 2.76 MB, 500x280, Tablet mount.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it is, if anyone's interested and doesn't want to drop a small fortune on some official shit.


It has a resting base so you can set the tablet straight there, but the Kamvas plug gets in the way of the spring arms, so I raise it up a bit and those alone grip enough that it's not going anywhere.

>> No.4876342

got my s7+. what do i do now

>> No.4876412

draw something you colossal homo

>> No.4876419

use it to shitpost here like the rest of ngmi anons in here

>> No.4876503

If you intend on buying an ipad then never update it.
Updating it to the latest version reset the fucking passcode to a random one. Apple support eventually said it's a known issue and is "very rare". I literally have a brick since it won't update as I never had it sync'd with a pc since apparently you need to do that to restore it before the updates bricks it

So now I (thankfully) get to return it and get my money back and buy a fucking samsung or something.

>> No.4876569

my tab S3 has a setting where it plays low-volume pencil scribbling noise whenever I move the s-pen on it
p. cool

>> No.4876571

issue/forum link? is this something widespread/well-known?

>> No.4876581

It was a phone call with Apple Support
Basically: if you buy an ipad/phone then you need to sync it some PC that you can access as the current update can fuck it up and require you to reset it through the PC you sync'd it to.
If you don't sync it then you have no (I guess?) point of reference of it being a legit ipad since I when I asked if it was possible to just factory reset it if I provided proof of purchase + ID I was told that doesn't actually prove I'm the owner, it just proves I bought it so they just said to take it to the store and they'll refund it.

>> No.4876624

Showed up early!

>> No.4876626


Bumping this question, xpbros help

>> No.4876741

How important is the storage in an ipad? which one you guys recommend?
I wanna buy one but I don't wanna shit too much money on it just because the memory difference (but if it's a must then so be it I guess)

>> No.4876820

I guess it's gonna depend on how often you're gonna use it
Also can't you just stick a sd card if you need more storage on iPad like android tablets does?

>> No.4876830

You can, but you need to buy an extra dongle. Using cloud storage is way more convenient.

>> No.4876841

Whoops the shit already updated, am i doomed?

>> No.4876845

When are tablet producers gonna stop playing into the thin bezel meme

>> No.4876859

So the 128gb one would be good, right? I mainly plan on using it only for drawing and browsing here and there

>> No.4876867

So are the entry intuos s tablets recommended now? I remember those threads used to not recommend them.

Also, is Intuos 4 still the best out there?

>> No.4876869

Depends, are you going to play games? How many art app do you plan to get? I’m using a 64gb one from 2017 and there’s still 15gb left, but I only have Procreate, Medibang, some pixel art and animation apps installed. Half of my files are in cloud storage linked to my pc. The os and default apps usually only take around 15-20gb of total storage. That should help you have an estimate.

>> No.4877015

Anyone here with a galaxy tab S3? How is the drawing and painting experience on it?
almost all youtube videos on this device, are either just mute drawing, or the reviewer doesn't do anything complicated and lengthy with it

>> No.4877066

If what you meant by entry intuos is this thing >>4875070 , then still no

>> No.4877103

honestly if you're going to get a wacom tablet, you should shoot for the intuos pros or the cintiqs. The non-pro tablets are pretty bad desu, and most of the other brands are pretty much on par while costing less.

>> No.4877114

Is wacom one viable yet
I know chinkshits are better specs wise, but i don't want to be memed by their quality control RNG

>> No.4877123

buy from amazon and return it if you get a lemon. The One is a cheap plastic toy. The chinese tablets are cheap plastic toys too, but they at least have the decency to give you a slightly serviceable pen.

>> No.4877125

The screen are terrible from what I've heard. For its price Chinese tablets offer more.

>> No.4877175

No they don't, Chang.

>> No.4877218

Purchase the Apple iPad Pro 12.9 instead.
No serious professional uses whatever that cheap chink galagxy crap.

>> No.4877226

Except you should only get a used iPad.

Also the Galaxy S7+ is arguably the better choice, by virtue of having an OLED screen.

>> No.4877236

Incorrect. Do research or fuck off.

>> No.4877243

Lads why is it so hard to find good drawing tablets made by red-blooded god-praising western companies? Why don't synaptics or logitech or whatever the fuck step up and make them?

>> No.4877244

>Chinese tablets offer more
Blanket statements like that aren't going to convince anyone you stupid chinese idiot.

They have objectively worse pens, still have buggy tilt, still have line tapering, still more susceptible to breaking. They don't offer more, no matter how much it pains you to admit, Chang.

>> No.4877246

nice to see you again schizoman, how's your vacation?

>> No.4877251
File: 2.72 MB, 4000x2500, tilt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, its the schizo, fucking great. Your next ban cant come soon enough.

For anyone else reading, for the price the wacom one offers terrible value relative to the competition.

The tilt on the gook tablets works fine.

>> No.4877263 [DELETED] 

??? Are you an idiot? I never got banned you idiotic chink.
The mod purged a whole bunch of posts based on IP when morons like yourself were spamming threads.

No need to pretend you weren't purged either; how many of your threads have been deleted now, chinese moron?

>> No.4877265

??? Are you an idiot? I never got banned you idiotic chink.
The mod purged a whole bunch of posts based on IP when morons like yourself were spamming threads.

No need to pretend you weren't purged either; how many of your threads have been deleted now, chinese moron?

>posting his same worthless screencaps
Like the chinese moron you are, lmao.

Free Hong Kong
Free Taiwan
Free Tibet
Nobel Peace Prize

>> No.4877281

>non laminated
Yeah it's a fucking shit screen.

>> No.4877290

whoa, he learned a few new words
cute, cute!

>> No.4877294

Peace was never an option

>> No.4877295

Come on guys please :(

>> No.4877305

I'm not sure, but if what people said a few threads ago is true and huion/xp pen actually has the same inner workings, then probably the calibration screen isn't supposed to have cursor in it, since my huion isn't doing that

>> No.4877306

No its a driver/software problem. Nothing to do with hardware.

>> No.4877595

>The One is a cheap plastic toy
Yeah, nah. Look at this shit, a chinese tablet would just shatter to pieces https://youtu.be/JCWyZS12EzA?t=377
You can shit on One's specs all you want, but the build quality is still wacom. I'm more than wiling to give up specs if i can get that kind of durability

>> No.4877618

>I don't even draw I just drop my shit all the time

One has the bamboo pen and is incompatible with the intuos pen.
This is everything you need to know about the One. One absolute deal breaker.

>> No.4877811

Its drivers and pens. XpPen probably paid to have decent drivers and Huion wouldn't. So while Huion has more models available, XpPen has more reliable software so the hardware doesn't have to be replaced as often. The different pens also affect how their respective tablet performs.

>> No.4877826

My guess is that the cursor thing is actually something about the windows ink and not the driver.

Sometimes it shows a cursor, sometimes it shows a tiny dot, windows has a fuckload of bloated shit features like flicks, screen keyboard and whatever, the moment you connect a tablet your PC starts thinking it's a surface you're supposed to disable all that.

>> No.4877942

Whats with the Cintiq 16 being sold out on amazon? I was gonna buy it there for the 4 year warranty and im reluctant on buying it elsewear. I really dont wan't to shell out 1300 for a 22

>> No.4877959

Wacom figured out that it was too good and could hurt the Pro sales so they discontinued them.

Expect a One By Wacom 16" with a bamboo pen. Because you aren't allowed to have nice things.

>> No.4877991

I hope this is a meme. I'm going to check contact customer service monday and see if they actually give a straight answer.

>> No.4878206

So uhh wacom one or wacom intuos?

>> No.4878301

He's a retard. As long as they have a live page on their store it's still being made.


>> No.4878308

The One uses the same pen as the HD series cintiqs, which is still pretty good. Pro Pen 2 barely changed the experience and I've seen more people complaining about the nubs on the pro pen 2 than praising it for being an improvement.

>> No.4878391

Intuos pro or even a regular intuos over the wacom one any day. Wacom one is total trash tier tablet, the cheapest chinkshit is better quality than that crap.

>> No.4878394

I've had windows ink off and disabled and it still does it so its not windows ink. Is there something else that could fuck with it or is this normal for xppen to show the cursor over the calibration screen?

>> No.4878401

The wacom one has issues with the usb-C port breaking, the pen is trash, the screen is trash in contrast ratio and color gamut, the cable is prone to shorting out or breaking... yeah ill give that one a big fat no

>> No.4878409

wait until black friday
cintiq 16 has been out of stock on their site+amazon for awhile and they’re selling second-hand units on ebay instead of refurbishing them.
wacom one has always been kept in stock on amazon+their site.

>> No.4878437

What? I literally just linked you their webstore with it in-stock right now

>> No.4878450

The only thing I've heard about the asurion warranty is that they suck. You might want to consider best buy, sometimes their warranty is no hassle

>> No.4878485

i know.
someone was looking to buy it in the last thread but it was out of stock.

>> No.4878488
File: 282 KB, 585x555, 9S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the best place for replacement pen nibs?
Wacom's store doesn't feel like being nice about my CTH-480.

>> No.4878492

Make your own out of weed trimmer line

>> No.4878511

How do I find out which artist did the cover art/box art/promo art/whatever you call it?

>> No.4878517
File: 112 KB, 1440x1218, 61VvLxUvq2L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example this one https://www.amazon.com/GAOMON-Graphics-Drawing-Shortcut-Battery-Free/dp/B07YFG742J/ref=sr_1_10?dchild=1&keywords=gaomon&qid=1598841326&sr=8-10

It doesn't say the name of the artist anywhere

>> No.4878538

wtf this bitch is escaping out of the damn tablet

>> No.4878542

Pretty sure it's been in stock at best buy for a while now

>> No.4878684

Is the surface pro any use at all?
It's either that or else the Tab S7+ since I dislike the iPad

>> No.4878731

>Is the surface pro any use at all?
Yeah, to flex on poorfags

>> No.4878784

>dislike ipad
>pick another thing that has the same pricing and design philosophy, if not worse

>> No.4878796

meant for >>4878684

>> No.4878803

I dislike the iPad because the file system is locked down, emulation is a pain, I can't have a full system adblocker, etc.

Android lets me do that since I can root it. Surface Pro is full Windows so I get that too

>> No.4878934

My s6 lite just arrived, so do I need to apply a screen protector for this thing? Will it affect the performance when drawing like parallax?

>> No.4878947

Nah, I'm using a tempered glass on mine and I don't notice a thing

>> No.4878965

Alright, thanks for the info. What art apps do you use? I'm thinking to try medibang and csp (I think this one can only be downloaded from galaxy store?).

>> No.4878975

Get all of Medibang, Infinite Painter, Artflow, Ibis Painter, Autodesk Sketchbook, CSP, Krita and see which one you like best.

Also, definitely make sure to try out superDisplay for the desktop tablet experience.

>> No.4879117

Thanks, I really like CSP on android. But this subscription model sucks. Why do I need to pay 80$ a year to use a software that I already bought on PC?

>> No.4879168

At least you get the first 6 months free.

Also, you can just use your PC version of CSP with superDisplay. That's why superDisplay is a must-have app imo.

>> No.4879191

What a fucking fixated retard you are.
If he was going to use it at home he probably would be using a real fucking tablet.

>> No.4879195

Why are you sperging out, idiot? Not everyone is going to read a whole chain of replies.

>> No.4879207

Why don't you read it then you double nigger? It's not even a long reply chain

>> No.4879393

>Why do I need to pay 80$ a year to use a software that I already bought on PC?
Because its an app and the upkeep for it is a lot more intensive than just programming for pc and mac.

>> No.4879394

Sonetimes they credit them on the box. Usually they'll get their artists from contests so you can always search for box art contest winners.

>> No.4879401

I remember there was a drama about huion using random artworks for box art without the artist's consent kek

>> No.4879410

New bread

>> No.4879610 [DELETED] 

>still disobeying the mod
Still an idiotic Chinese moron.

Real new, non chink shill thread:
