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4864594 No.4864594 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most important piece of advice you would give to an aspiring artist

>> No.4864599

do not try to be an artist and look for another hobby lol

>> No.4864600

>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.4864602

Don't learn by copying manga

>> No.4864604

have fun, enjoy what you do.
this way you will never stop.

>> No.4864609

Study Vilppu 5 hours a day, every day.

>> No.4864619

get off this board

>> No.4864690

draw a lot.

>> No.4864742

there's no piece of advice even a fraction as valuable as an hour of practice

>> No.4864769

Give up

>> No.4864827

Immediately purchase the Apple iPad Pro 12.9 with the 2nd Gen Apple Pencil for both a frustration-free experience and an immediate boost in skill.

>> No.4865073

Quit. Too much time for too little payoff.

>> No.4865079

This. I used to think it was a joke, but it's actually true.

>> No.4865083

It's all about how good you are and not the tools or brushes.

>> No.4865092

Know what you want to get out of it. It is a truly, truly long and difficult journey that seemingly never culminates. As soon as you feel like you've mastered something you find yourself at the starting line of something else. Every work you're satisfied with looks terrible after time passes and you surpass it. Things that were easy a week ago are suddenly hard today and you won't know why.

I say this because if you want to get really, really good (if you want to ever get hired you better be really good), it's going to cost a big chunk of your life for years. If you don't use your practice time appropriately you won't improve enough and will eventually wish you had that time back. A LOT of getting good is soul-crushing repetition and exercises that take a huge amount of time, but have no payoff as they initially won't look good (and won't impress your friends). Even when you do get pretty good finding anyone to even look at your masterpiece and give an opinion can be an uphill battle, and often all of that work earns you a "That's pretty cool."

The short of it is that it's no fucking joke. If you're passionate, absolutely do it because it's absolutely the most rewarding pursuit imaginable, but you pay for that reward. If it's just a minor hobby, a side interest... admit that to yourself and don't bother fighting the uphill battle, because it won't be worth what it takes to get through the tough parts of the process.

>> No.4865156

focus on getting pussy you virgin

>> No.4865157

find a group you can figure draw with immediately
it goes such a long way

>> No.4865159

This all makes a lot of sense, but at the same time, it's kind of like telling someone to just find the one answer to their life end. That's a lot to tell to people and most people in life probably don't even ever find that reason.

>> No.4865176

Get out of your room and sketch and paint outside.

>> No.4865178

Practice your loomis

>> No.4865203

Don't mindlessly grind fundies

>> No.4865229

My experience also, I go once a month for two years now, I want to go more often but I don't have the time.
Yet it's such a valuable exercise and with the right people it's also a lot of fun and a place to work on your network.

>> No.4865241

autistic people cannot create anything soulful or original.
also you were molested

>> No.4865250

Don't compare your today to somebody's tomorrow.

>> No.4865254

This is an interesting array of words.

>> No.4865260

don't stop practicing and you're supposed to suck at first

>> No.4865264
File: 14 KB, 410x230, _98321559_2b933287-d06d-4322-9c12-fa7032e1336a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what i tell all my interns

>> No.4865288

kek got me

>> No.4865298

unironically true

>> No.4865303


>> No.4865304

(Instructions unclear)
(Catfood bill now highest in household)

>> No.4865321

would do this if I wasn't a NEET loser
I have a chink display tablet and I hate it
I honestly would've rather had a screenless if I had to sit at my desk

>> No.4865440
File: 161 KB, 1024x768, hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

setup your schedule. between x and y hours you work/study. and know that this will take a while. so long that maybe you'll doubt it all. and shitty stuff will happen in your life. maybe so many doubts and so much shit that you'll want to cry yourself in a corner and kill yourself.

but every day, between x and y hours you are at your drawing place. doubts and crying before x hours, and killing yourself should wait until after y hours.

every day.
this is all.

>> No.4865452

don't listen to this fags and do what you feel right, the advice lies within you

>> No.4865581
File: 247 KB, 3000x2100, wellareya?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>fix mistakes
>>fix mistakes

>> No.4865589

If i grind loomis and draw boxes every day, i will get good.

>> No.4865591

You will draw the sickest loomis heads and coolest boxes.

>> No.4865593

>copy and trace
>draw what you like
>notice you suck
>learn fundamentals
>draw what you like
>sucks less, yet still sucks
>back to fundamentals
>sucks less, yet still sucks

Also, take a break here and there. You´ll get more gains after a 2 day breaks, then through mindless grinding

>> No.4865597

elaborate further

>> No.4865601

Shit takes time. Dont have a mental breakdown because 8 months from now, you still havent made it yet

>> No.4865810

>fuck fundies
>fuck study
>fuck pressure
>fuck comparing yourself to others
start with enjoying what you do and let that come later. even if you just love drawing stick figure comics, copy pasting photos together or making tutorials for shit you don't even know yourself.

>> No.4865814

Not him but what he's saying is not to make fundies an end goal, instead use it as a mean to an end.

>> No.4865837

draw for fun, draw from life.

>> No.4865842


>> No.4865865

Quit. Too much time for too little payoff.

>> No.4865887
File: 335 KB, 600x542, 1599263556040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb ESL here
do you mean: "don't try to be an artist and have another hobby"
or: "don't take art as a hobby, get another hobby"

>> No.4865973

Start lifting nigger
And post more if you want clout, like every day even if all you have is a sketch

>> No.4866034

Only go for art if you’re willing to sacrifice your life to it

>> No.4866064

What if I'm willing to sacrifice other people for it?

>> No.4866067
File: 59 KB, 298x274, 1599689157524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll end up lonely, depressed, and suicidal

>> No.4866101

autistic paracosm would say otherwise

>> No.4867218

i'm legit autistic and I don't have this

>> No.4869975
File: 206 KB, 537x863, Grey.Sunflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw cos you want to do it and nothing more.
>if said person asked why I draw
I draw cos I get bored and want to ink a reality of my own making.
I can get shit on sure but I really don't care. What matters is that I draw what I wanted to draw and don't expect anything from anyone.
>what are some tips anon-senpai
I can teach you what I know but don't think it to be the only way fren. Explore other mediums if you really wanna explore what strikes your fancy. I only dabble in water color and other ink colors when I wanna be fun with drawings i already have. Ink was the one for me when i was shitting around in grade school and ink is in my lamy safari pen when i'm shitting around at work when I take my lunch.
>I see other persons work and I get discouraged
fag minds think like this and you should feel bad for it. USE THAT AS INSPO FAGGOT AND GIT GUD IF YOU REALLY WANT IT