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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4860571 No.4860571 [Reply] [Original]

we all just want to become porn artists so that we could quit our miserable wagecuck jobs don't we

>> No.4860575

Not me
I'm in a 6 year medschool in a mideastern country, I want to draw porn so I can get out of my parent's house

>> No.4860578
File: 15 KB, 540x205, zax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4860579

Yes, but I already work as an artist I'm just trying to be a coomer artist because it's easier and pays more

>> No.4860649

I have a PhD in materials science, drawing smut is strictly a bonus.

>> No.4860653


yes, I have literally no skills or qualifications

>> No.4860656

no, I genuinely like smut and if I didn’t draw it specifically, I’d just end up cramming it into whatever I am actually drawing

>> No.4860691

What is is a coomer artist?

>> No.4860706

Artist that makes porn/coom art, in my case coomer artist means that I will make furry porn to scam the dumb furries off their money for my overpriced rendered coommissions.

>> No.4860715

Right now, yes.

>> No.4860716

Cool! Thanks a lot! Can I post my nsfw furry art here?

>> No.4860803

Man I wish. I think my art is good enough for it, I just have no idea how

>> No.4860806

I was born with social anxiety

I want to work from home desperately

>> No.4860807

It should not have to be this way. Why is housing so damn high? All I want is to move out of my parents house. A place to stay should be a basic human right.

>> No.4860820

I just want my creativity back.

>> No.4860821

Reddit meme.
Use erotic instead.

>> No.4860828

I like drawing ero art unironically but I am bad at it

>> No.4861526
File: 2.37 MB, 1850x2500, shamsiel presenting tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoy erotic art and will spend hours collecting images of a single character. Despite this, there are certain characters that just aren't well known enough for there to be tons of fan art of them. I can and have commissioned art for characters like this (pic related) but no matter how skilled the artist is they can never perfectly recreate my vision. Therfore, I must turn my hand into a demiurgic power that can create anything and fulfill my desires. That is why I want to become a skilled artist. If I can make some money while I'm at it, then that's just a bonus.

>> No.4861538

Could it be true that coom art is the fastest/most accessible way to make gig money, but that it's still worthwhile working on sfw illustrations to put into portfolio so I can get some 'normal' commissions too? Is it just a case of 'draw whatever and sell yourself out to anyone who pays?'

>> No.4861548

Of course, I can't stay horny all day.

>> No.4861555

>wants to become an artist to make himself coom
My bf wants to learn how to draw solely for this reason. I told him it's fucking retarded and I will tell you the same thing. Your libido is probably not enough to carry you through the thousands of hours you need.

>> No.4861558

I honestly think that’s a completely valid reason and loathe the faggots that get triggered over it, your really expecting us to WANT to be a starving artist with a wage cage job? Fuck that

>> No.4861561


c**mer is a meme originated on reddit that retards now use as substitute for "porn" or "lewd"
I shall not stand for the use of this stupid term

>> No.4861577

Wrong. I rarely actually fap to the drawings in my collection, but I do often spend hours admiring them. They're not enough anymore. I have images in my mind that I desperately want to see manifest for their own sake. It's true that said images are often erotic and sexually pleasing to me, but that isn't the only reason I want to create them.

>> No.4861592

oomer-speak started on 4chan, including coomer. reddit just stole it like they do everything else.

>> No.4861627

it started on /r9k/ aka reddit

>> No.4861636

Ehh fuck no I hate drawing porn. I don't like porn period. But I don't know where to get SFW commissions as quickly as through /aco/ discord

>> No.4861656

No, I wish I could make it SFW, but that's never gonna happen. I wish I could make kid illustrations, wholesome things, but barely anyone pays for that. Any adult with disposable income is just gonna look for shit to jack off to, to forget about his usual miserable life.

>> No.4861659

>retards itt actually think porn commissions, let alone /aco/ commissions pay better than sfw work
ask me how I know you’re /beg/s

>> No.4861662
File: 448 KB, 320x243, 8542C1A6-AE88-41E4-BE2D-6B81B5889ECD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any adult with disposable income is just gonna look for shit to jack off to, to forget about his usual miserable life.
Reading shit like this is heartbreaking as a still naive 19 year old.

>> No.4861665

Older people have plenty of money but are empty inside.

>> No.4861670

I have to go to work now, but is there anything one can do to stave off the depression and find meaning? Come to think of it, art itself might be that thing.

>> No.4861679

I'm just gonna say that being from a poor country and having your clients be American is a huge boost :)

>> No.4861684

you pretty much get paid as much as a doctor in those countries doing that

>> No.4861686

Always remain true to yourself, what you love, what you deem precious. It might not give you money but you will never regret anything. "Success" nowadays is only gauged by how much money you have, but one day you will be old, and when you look back you'll have nothing.