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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4856037 No.4856037 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, since this is the art board, I thought it'd be a good place to start. Since the pandemic, I was thinking I should have a way to make some cash on the side, and since I've always liked drawing and stuff since I was a kid I thought I could make some dough doing art. Of course, nobody will hire a newbie like me, so I need to get some skills first. I used the sticky to gather resources, and I have set up an 8 month study plan. I will have 17 hours a day to dedicate solely to practicing my art. By the end of the next 8 months I plan to be hire-able at somewhere like Blizzard or something. I was thinking of starting a blog for all of you to follow my progress. Any interest?

picrel is my most recent drawing i did with my mouse

>> No.4856040

Ngmi thread

>> No.4856041

cute OP

>> No.4856044
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>> No.4856045

>I plan to be hire-able at somewhere like Blizzard or something.
>like Blizzard
Honor points for an in-company store instead of real compensation? You must be really smart cookie.

>> No.4856046

You should've started when the pandemic started.
Valuable time has been lost.
Also, you're not going to do it.

>> No.4856048
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>> No.4856049

Sadlawn where are you you’ve got company

>> No.4856050

Like I said, I have 8 months 17 hours a day dude. I am definitely going to do it, too. Stop projecting so hard.

>> No.4856051
File: 188 KB, 593x427, how nurons communicate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4856065

>How do I become an olympic athlete in 8 months?

>> No.4856071

I think I have a pretty good starting place

>> No.4856079

>another beg to pro thread
>op gets hyped and manage to draw 16 hours in the first day
>burnout in the second day
Like clockwork

>> No.4856087

it would be nice if for once a dunning kruger would come in here with actual results showing their short term accomplishments

but every other week its "im gonna be blizzard level in under a year by grinding 25 hours a day" only to never to be heard from again unless it's to admit they couldn't do it. You're not any different OP, get ready for a long and difficult grind if you're serious. Unless you have a pro mentor dedicated towards helping you it won't happen in 8 months.

>> No.4856090

Not even close buddy

>> No.4856092

>thinking these people make it past 2 hours

>> No.4856100

What base did you use for this, OP?

>> No.4856104

Yeah and I'm going /beg/ to high /beg/ in a day.

>> No.4856108

>I will have 17 hours a day to dedicate solely to practicing my art
i highly doubt you have the work ethics for this but even if you do that is seriously unhealthy
you literally cannot make it in a year

>> No.4856123

OP won’t even be able to post drawings until this thread hits bump limit

>> No.4856128

>he thinks he can improve

>> No.4856159
File: 1.75 MB, 500x284, BB688295-EEB3-486E-8289-FFC865ED1AD4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another guy who has a plan to become a pro in less than a year.

>> No.4856213

you're either gonna:

a) burnout in a week and quit
b) burnout in a week and maybe doodle once in a week and be /beg/ tier forever.

>> No.4856225
File: 10 KB, 252x240, 1592172680246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By the end of the next 8 months I plan to be hire-able at somewhere like Blizzard or something

>> No.4856227

kek, top quality bait anon

>> No.4856233
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>> No.4856242

no it's pretty obvious and unoriginal bait
needs more Trollmis

>> No.4856246

Ok I'm interested, is there a place where we can follow your progress? or why don't you try posting in /DAD/ ? people in there will probably be a little more supportive, unless this is just bait..

>> No.4856272
File: 50 KB, 686x495, EdoR76vWkAsxApQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the "go pro in 1 year" faggots have downgrades their timeframe to 8 months now
jesus fucking christ

>> No.4856280

Make a blog , op. I wanna see the first day post then nothing else afterwards kek

>> No.4856291

You are one of like 10 or 15 that have made multiple threads like this over the course of this year. All have seemingly dropped off the face of the earth instead of posting their progress like they said they would. You won't be any different.
You freaks get high off of the rush of saying you'll do something then crack under the pressure when you realize that its harder and more stressful than you thought it was actually going to be.

>> No.4856299

Nice dubs btw

>> No.4856373

You're another of those "I'll be drawing 16 hours a day" people who end up drawing 2 hours a week if not less. If you truly had what it takes you would already be working hard on forming habits, drawing hours a day instead of posting here. You have zero idea how mentally and physically exhausting it is to work as a professional. You're heavily delusional thinking you'll suddenly start drawing 17 hours a day if you are at this level as an adult. People you look up to have been drawing daily for their whole teenagehood and continue working much harder than you. Stop being delusional as the first step and then start drawing 8 hours a day, I guarantee you'll drop out in a week.

>> No.4856380


>> No.4856383

nothing but crabs here
just draw
but remember
improvement is less about milage and more about learning
you can spend your entire life drawing chicken scratch if no one tells you that you should not be doing that
learn new ways to draw and right ways to draw when you draw

>> No.4856385

Serious question, how do people even imagine drawing for 16, let alone 17 hours every day?
Even disregarding fatigue, when do you eat, sleep, cook, maintain hygiene, stave away muscular atrophy and so on?
I actually time I draw, and I mean pencil to paper draw, not read, watch videos, etc. and I have to put in effort to do 3 hours of solid studying. Drawing your own stuff is easier, but not 14 hours easier.
Do these people have nurses holding out bedpans and giving them sponge baths while they draw high on cocaine or something?

>> No.4856393
File: 6 KB, 229x220, dwdwdwdw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have this thread every day

>> No.4856419

statistically one of them has to succeed, maybe we’re retarded for not trying it

>> No.4856477

nice. post in beg, i will wait. post blog

>> No.4856478

You're drawing for clout, not for fun. NGMI

>> No.4856506

have you heard about the vagina method?

>> No.4856508

My favorite is the guy that was going to surpass bbc chan in a year

>> No.4856517

don’t do this, it will ruin your tablet

>> No.4856518

what is it?

>> No.4856665

If You're serious here have this


But this guide is cursed. If you start it and give up halfway very bad things will start to happen in your life you'll see

>> No.4856678

It' impossible to practice 17 hours a day, you will burn out faster than my GPU trying to run ultra setting on modern game. but then again I practice about 4 hours a day in average and barely improve.

>> No.4856691

>instead of posting their progress
only a retard will continue posting their progress here.
People will just constantly shit on the progress and asks the person to give up

>> No.4856779

it's been 10 hours surely OP must have drawn something

>> No.4856799

Ngmi quit now loser

>> No.4856835
File: 9 KB, 122x148, poggersLARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always love this thread, See you in 8 months OP

>> No.4856850

>I want to make art in order to get money.
Get a different hobby.

>> No.4856873

OP must have already drawn for 10 hours. Only 7 more to go ;)

>> No.4856877

Post your work.

>> No.4856909

>8 hours
Nah, he should start with even less. If you’re a mega beginner even doing something smaller like 3 hours daily at the start feels like a lot.

>> No.4859124

most artists aren't makimg money
not a lot anyway
and by most i don't mean only 1 out of 3 make money, its more like 1 out of a 10,000 are actually able to make a stable living soley off art

>> No.4859243

It’s taken me 20 months and I’ve only gone from /beg to upper /beg.

>> No.4859245

Post some of the work you have made since or i'm deeming you NGMi

>> No.4859295

I am posting my progress every month and I am active on /beg and sometimes post on /alt. It's going ok even if it's a bit slower than expected.

>> No.4859296
File: 19 KB, 640x1136, 60D69E5F-F3A5-498D-B510-CD7CCC1FFFCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting with draw a box.

>> No.4859298

Fuck off with your dad cult

>> No.4859301

die dadshitter

>> No.4859511
File: 102 KB, 900x614, I+didnt+think+huge+quest+got+animated+so+soon+_92541e6557fe1735a657458e6ca8139a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bait thread, OP. You hit all the right notes to make good bait; the classic dunning-kruger hallmarks of "how hard can it be?" attitude, "I've always liked drawing and stuff since I was a kid", the unreasonable time-frame for improvement, and for the cherry on top, the shitty art in the OP pic. The only problem is that it's just too perfect, like it was tailor-made for this board. The non-sequitur troll image replies >>4856044 >>4856048 give it away too. Good job nonetheless, OP, you're no Ken M. but this is much better than the low-effort wojak thread spamming last night.

>> No.4859902

Thanks bro. You went through my thought process creating this thread almost perfectly. It was indeed tailor-made for this board, since it's the one I know the best. Those images are actually somebody else though.

>> No.4859932

What gave it away to me is the "I should have a way to make some cash on the side"
Still gave me a laugh though

>> No.4862745

Do you have a Twitter/ blog we can watch or keep up with you on op? Also good luck!

>> No.4862777

Remember the better than BBC Chan in three months guy? He was my favorite. Sadlawn was just the first I remember, but I think he is still drawing with more realistic goals.

>> No.4862794


>> No.4862808

if I were you and didn't have a full time job, a gf, other hobbies etc
I would try a manga-ka style work week for 1 week
see if you can pump out a chapter of work
if so hey good on you brother
if not hey you tried
either way maybe do it again ?
look at one's progress

>> No.4862835

weak bait, I can't believe /ic/ fell for this

>> No.4862850

It’s easy to trick retards

>> No.4862885

>17 hours a day

You'll die of a nasty blood clot retard. Oh wait, it's bait.

>> No.4862953

Serious question: Why does it take so long to get to intermediate or low expert? There's plenty of video proof of people learning to play instruments, becoming conversational in a foreign language, and putting up decent fights in chess with seasoned players within 1-6 months. Why is learning art supposedly much more difficult? What makes it different than any other skill where focused practice and quick feedback can take a beginner to intermediate in the same amount of time?

>> No.4862956

it's too abstract since it's so much imagination oriented.

>> No.4863009

I strongly think it's a difficulty difference. Most people try to start with faces and bodies which are the hardest to draw. I could be wrong.

I can. We have drama threads people from tumblr, twitter, etc. Migrating over here. If it was old /ic/ they maybe would have not taken the bait.