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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4853029 No.4853029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Started when she was 7,
>Met Marshall Vandruff, trained by his friend,
>Grinded fundies, perspective anatomy since Day 1,
>Creative, supportive family.
>Pro at 21.

That's 14 FUCKING YEARS to go pro and get commissioned by the likes of Valve.

She is less and less of an exception and more the norm.

You're basically not making it against someone like her.

>> No.4853031

quit then

>> No.4853034

mmmm...i don't care lol

>> No.4853037

lmao I don't even know who that is. Worry about yourself anon.

>> No.4853040

NGMI thread

>> No.4853042

fine anon you can give up now, but i don't give a shit about this chink, i'll keep drawing until i die

>> No.4853044

Just give up and play video games then it's way easier unless you can somehow find the strength within you to fight then you have already lost anyway.

>> No.4853050

Who is she? name?

>> No.4853051

If you start anywhere close to 20 or heaven help you 25 and up, you’re pretty much finished before you start.

It’s game over. Chinks like her, Sakimi, Feng and Ruan have turned commercial art into a funnel where you start as soon as you can walk. And you don’t stop for any reason.

You’re up against an army of chinkoids groomed for one purpose in life. Good luck anons. May the odds be ever in your favor.

>> No.4853055

Thats only proof of your lack of conviction, kiddo

>> No.4853057


>> No.4853058
File: 46 KB, 562x534, 68F8B9D0-2CB1-4E8F-96C1-DB7A193CC2AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact you made a post like that is proof you’re NGMI. Go draw.

>> No.4853059


You can only kid yourself with that blase attitude. You can't see how far ahead of you your competition is by the time you're learning how to spell NGMI.

It's sad, but that's why she is where she is and you... are here.

>> No.4853068

making it is actually being able to produce a low effort piece of work that becomes bigger than it deserves to be

you're making it if you're the guy who designed the city bank logo
you're making it if you're the 12 oz mouse guys
you're making it if you do improv and somehow start directing major network pieces
you're making it if you're negative xp

for you people who grinded for years, must feel good to try hard just to be someone else's tool.

>> No.4853071

She's definitely good, but to think that it's not possible to achieve her gains in much a lesser amount of time is stupid.
I mean just look at people like ModernDayJames who started at an older age and have an impressive amount of knowledge and skill all around the board.

>> No.4853076

She actually addresses this in this video. She is quite happy doing commercial art even if her parents wanted her to be the "tortured artist". She still thinks working for other people is a creative outlet, or being "someone else's tool" as you so blandly put it.

She isn't even that exceptional - she's just another no-name that you've never heard of that is way ahead of you and is younger. She doesn't even need affirmative action to get to where you fantasize of being.

Think of all the clients she will have lined up who are watching Proko and Marshall shooting the breeze. Fucking wrecked it.

You're not even a starter - just give up already. Go do something where your best is good enough to pass.

>> No.4853079

so much cope in this thread, jesus
this board is hopeless

>> No.4853080

Quit shilling your videos James. You're awful and your anatomy is awful. Go watch some Proko and learn a thing or two.

>> No.4853085

Is that sakimichan

>> No.4853088

who cares? go draw instead...

>> No.4853089

who cares? go draw instead...

>> No.4853095

This board is so inbred it’s amusing to watch you idiots squirm every time a successful artist is showcased.

You genuinely believe it’s all draw draw draw. You have no idea what it takes to succeed. Her IG account has 200k+ followers and she herself says she was one of the first ones on twitter and IG posting this stuff, before it became a thing people did to peddle their work to prospective clients.

There is a serious case of Dunning-Cope on this board. I don’t even know where to begin.

>> No.4853108

anthony jones made it as an adult after getting tired of being a fucking plumber, and he is a nigger, which means lower iq, y'all are just stupid

>> No.4853110
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Pic related is still one of my favorite younger artists. She did all these pieces right after she graduated high school. But if you look at her instagram you can see she spent a lot of time doing traditional paintings


My favorite part of his channel used to be the podcasts. But I noticed he stopped doing them around the time he got a random comment on one of his podcasts asking him why he didn't care enough about Black Lives a year or so ago

>> No.4853111

Betty Jiang is the superior asian art waifu.

>> No.4853119

who cares? go draw instead...

>> No.4853123
File: 27 KB, 400x400, 5B70072B-790E-4423-89A8-2D98D67CC55E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a disgusting vile hag that should kill herself
Based, niggers like >>4853051
project their cope onto us

>> No.4853124

Test for you. Answer honestly.

1. Do I feel compelled to create art?
2. Can I imagine what I want my art to look like?
3. Am I taking steps to make my imagination a reality? To make my art better?
3. Do I put creation of art first? Am I waiting to "be good enough" before I make art?
4. Do I spend more time posting on 4chan (or than practicing art?
5. Am I doing art primarily for money or fame?

I don't need to tell you what your answers mean for you. You know what they mean. Just understand you're going to die one and time wasted on something you don't care about won't be got back.

>> No.4853126

I like sinix but you are highly overrating him.

>> No.4853128

>146 posts
>Interned at Activision in the middle of a pandemic

/ic/ should just shut down. I'm sorry, but this isn't even fair at this point. Forget the janitor applications, shut the whole thing down

>> No.4853147


First year student already has a list of clients like CDP.

Chinks have completely taken over as a soft power, and nobody has even raised an eyebrow.

Well played.

>> No.4853177
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Cool beans, going back to drawing now. Have fun being a dumb, lazy faggot.

>> No.4853186

imagine dreaming of being a cog

>> No.4853194

:( why wasn't i one of those chinks

>> No.4853207

you're a cog of the /ic/ crab machine but you're too stupid to realize it

>> No.4853214

yeah, because i work 8h a day here

>> No.4853230

I appreciate the info anon, but I just need to be able to doodle passable furry porn. Maybe my standards for 'making it' are too low but I'm pretty happy with how things have been going for me over these last few months

>> No.4853236

>That's 14 FUCKING YEARS to go pro and get commissioned by the likes of Valve.
well she's a female to be fair

>> No.4853237

you don't even know what i'm talking about retard

>> No.4853243

Started drawing when I was 6 and come from a creative family. Didn't grind fundies though

>> No.4853251

>That's 14 FUCKING YEARS to go pro and get commissioned by the likes of Valve.

its probably because she started when she was seven. stop being a debbie downer and go draw

>> No.4853253

why is concept art so gushed over again?

>> No.4853257

show me the 40 year old who started when they were in their mid 20s who's working for these companies

>> No.4853258

Trips of truth

>> No.4853265

if you started working on these companies on your 20s and haven't retired by their 40s then either they are art directors or idiots

>> No.4853269

Protip: they won’t because they don’t exist.

The industry is changing so fucking fast by the time one of these 20-something year olds picks up one method, the game gets flipped on them completely. And the only people keeping up are those who are either already pro or are being groomed from an early age by the pros. Because it’s the pros who are running the game to begin with.

You just can’t compete. Don’t bother starting it’s not even a contest.

>> No.4853274

yeah so don't bother with concept art, be an artist

>> No.4853282

Go look at DAD. Some of those people have been drawing for so fucking long. Go look, I’ll wait this thread isn’t going anywhere.

Now look back: can you imagine spending years drawing chickenscratch shit that isn’t worth a single fucking cent thinking you’re getting better? You’ve done some serious Stockholm Syndrome tier damage to yourself thinking you’re having fun drawing completely ridiculous shit that these chinks would never entertain to waste their time on. It’s pathetic and belongs on /ic/ because you need to be in special ed to believe you’re going to make it by “just draw” against these mongoloids. This board is unbelievable. Kys.

>> No.4853307

who is this so i can see her art

>> No.4853425
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Yes, yes you are right anon, it's futile, you all should just quit art all together so that I will have less competition. Play video games it's a lot more relaxing than drawing hehe...

To everyone else in this thread, why do you even bother reaching out to these idiots, they won't change no matter what you say to them, they'll make another thread tomorrow. It's better to just let them live in peace you know.

>> No.4853435

based and GMI

unbased and NGMI

>> No.4853460
File: 70 KB, 688x472, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk about stockholm syndrome
>still posting on /ic/ and getting angry at drawing.

>> No.4853464

I didn’t realize having fun is a competition.

>> No.4853510

Competition? This post sums it up for me. The smug, self righteous delusional tone. You're living a fantasy inside of your head.

It isn't even about relaxing - there are posts on here about how people have anxiety when drawing. Bait threads about pencil grip and arthritis. That is how mental this board is. You should seek professional help.

I'm going to go slightly off topic:

The only competition the Han have is against themselves, because they've absorbed all the positive, forward moving principles of how to go pro, and have dropped anything that isn't working. Culturally, they're on a massive but silent upswing. Niggers being the trend setters of the western pop culture is on its way out - the Han hate them with a passion and they will wipe them out completely by muscling in their soft power through all forms of pop media and art.

Meanwhile you're stuck here arguing with crabs about how the board has too much anime porn on it. A sticky that still uses upside down Stravinsky to train what exactly? Fucking pathetic.

No, I wouldn't say I'm right. That's too much credit for a simple observation. You have a hard time seeing a tidal wave of change because the exponential dominance of a billion people sneaks up on you and you won't even know that you're a consumer of their culture.

Just please don't salivate next time a Ruan piece is posted or Feng drops another Design Cinema episode. You have no idea how much leverage these people have over your culture, even this early on.

>> No.4853514
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[words words word]
Yawn, just quit.

>> No.4853526


>> No.4853559
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Coincidentally, I've been drawing for 14 years. I haven't gone pro, but my art often looks good and I've gotten some commissions despite being SFW.

In other words, you're telling me "even someone showered by good opportunities took 14 years", so seeing I've come this far on my own while being a lazy sack of shit is motivational if anything.

>> No.4853570

she said she has been freelancing for the last 8 years which means her first paid gig would be at the age of 13

sad boomers

>> No.4853572

based sinophileposter

>> No.4853608

You have to be an idiot to not recognize the charted path from everything being stamped with "Made in China", to the way they've absorbed trad western cultural icons, and mutated them into their own, and the slow but sure export of their culture back to us through the sheer number of trained and disciplined artists they output every single fucking day.

Worst part is thinking how it's okay to keep western or whatever art directors on staff but outsource all the actual labor to the Chinese, as Valve has done in the case of this girl. But this is a mistake that the Western world has already made by exporting their entire production facilities, giving China more knowledge of how to mass produce whatever they feel like while robbing their own nations of that knowledge for the sake of having a "competitive advantage" within their borders. You won't be able to compete with the Han for very long.

Heed this warning /ic/, and keep a close eye when the credits roll for your favorite movie or game.

>> No.4853615

will you fight, or will you die like a dog?

>> No.4853622

I saw Knight Zhang at a art store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for art advice or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Copic markers in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma’m, you need to pay for those first.” At first She kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the markers and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.4853624

she was probably a pro at 5 years in, but valve isnt going to hire a 7 year old. or a 12 year old. or a 16 year old. the fact that she got hired as a pro 14 years later has nothing to do about how good she was as any point along those lines, but about when she was an adult. get over it, draw more boxes. we're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.4853626
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Good luck fighting against Tencent. And they're just one of many players who literally own the West.

>> No.4853630

And that whole Blizzard apologist bullshit about Hong Kong. Holy fuck the limp dicked knee bending.

>> No.4853639

the outsourcing will soon backfire
china is culturally devoid and creative fields are dying due to the inflated budgets, dwindling public interest, and homogenized voices
chinese shit will only be popular in china
the only difference from chinese art as it was 10 years ago is that now they learned to polish their copy cat turds

>> No.4853645

I agree with your general statement - obviously Valve isn't hiring kids, but the circumstances of her success are not the circumstances of yours.

The likelihood of you "going pro" in 5 years today are almost nonexistent. Are there exceptions? Yes, there are. They make the rule what it is.

Take the example of Airi Pan up there which is actually a great example of what the rule is. Airi isn't the exception, although it may seem that way because /ic/ is too scared to look at the portfolios of students going into places like ACCD. They mistakenly think these are portfolios of pros sometimes. But they aren't, they are first year entry-level portfolios of kids who have, at the time of their application submission, been drawing and painting for the past 3 to 5 in a structured manner. They've probably been doodling since they were much younger than that, but they haven't received training until they were probably 12 or so.

So you have someone with a seemingly strong portfolio, going into a school after having already received drawing and painting lessons from at least one teacher over the course of some years, so they can spend another handful of years with more teachers getting more drawing and painting lessons, all the while figuring out how to market and promote themselves.

Now, stand back for a second. What does the /ic/ tard have going for them? Name one fucking thing that can overcome all the advantages and hard work someone like Airi has put in?

"Just Draw"? You're fucking dumb.

Don't draw more boxes. Learn when to throw in the towel.

I'm sure in early 2000s it was possible to sling it because most of the entertainment industry at the time didn't really understand WTF it was doing with computers and digital art and whatnot. But today, it's a well established field, with a well established grind. The circumstances of success back then, are not the circumstances of success today.

You're vastly outplayed by the chinks. It's time to cope with it.

>> No.4853647

She's american though

>> No.4853655
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So what am supposed to do? Just quit and make way for the chink even faster? Fuck off faggot I'm going to work my ass off. You can be a panicked /pol/fag coping with that fact that you too stupid and lazy to get out of /beg/ on your own.

>> No.4853663

>Just quit and make way for the chink even faster
chinks aren't going to take over world culture
jews will make sure of it

>> No.4853664

As much as this would be great for the Western culture I sincerely don't think this is going to happen.

The Han exemplify one great virtue that I think the West needs to re-learn, and that is to stick to a tradition and grind through it until you come out on top.

There's that old example of the two groups of students, one is making shitty pottery the other is pontificating how to go about making a work of art from the get-go. The one making the shitty pottery wins because they figure it out along the way and have the sheer speed to crank out even better looking pottery, faster, compared to the group that are wanking it.

The Chinese are the former group. It just that no one really sees it because the social and cultural lag being what they are are only now showing the bad pottery.

Rest assured, the better stuff is on the way. And when it arrives, it will be game over for certain.

Meanwhile, the West is too busy arguing and bickering trying to make things perfect.

>> No.4853670

>Rest assured, the better stuff is on the way. And when it arrives, it will be game over for certain.
call me when china actually has a visionary
chinks getting better at art just mean better tools for the white man

>> No.4853674

The Chinese that migrate to the West to escape Han values have an intolerable hatred towards anything to do with Chinese soft power. She doesn't have that, she is all about that. Her, Feng, Ruan, Sakimi, etc, are essentially propaganda tools for the Han. Think of them as instagram influencers for the creative generation.

/pol/ wouldn't be discussing this topic, they're too busy thinking the jews are taking over the world which is imbecile and a distraction. Sometimes I wonder if Winnie the Pooh is financing that shit on purpose.

Look you're welcome to try to compete. No one is going to stop you, least of all a random anon on an anime board. I'm just laying out who your competition is without holding anything back. And again, may the odds be ever in your favor.

>> No.4853675
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To the /pol/tard in this thread just know that you could've practiced perspective in the time it took you to write all of this shit ,but instead you screaming about chinks. You're embarrassing my nigga.

>> No.4853676

>chinks getting better at art just mean better tools for the white man
That's the mistake that the technologists made up there that I mentioned.

When you have a country that is unable to manufacture it's own things because it's exported that knowledge to another country, you know who is in charge.

Look at how NBA, Blizzard and the other companies bent the fuck over when Winnie got offended. That tells you everything about who is in charge.

That, and ignoring the millions of Uighur muslims they have in concentration camps over there. But that's a topic for another day.

>> No.4853680

why did you a post a photo of her instead of posting what her art looks like...? youve proved nothing without posting art.

>> No.4853697
File: 25 KB, 500x323, E948461A-C348-4059-B9DB-8727CE27A5E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like drawing and getting better for my own personal satisfaction, who gives a fuck if you make it pro. here's a counter blackpill for people like you: going pro with the hobby you love destroys your love of it. i'm currently in an industry that i joined because i was really good at it as a fun hobby and decided i would be good doing it professionally. it has sucked the joy out of it, has turned it all into blank numbers and money and bonuses instead of "muh fulfillment". i hate all of the consoomers of my work now, since they don't know jack squat about the blood and sweat i put into my work, and they don't know how easy it is for all of them to do it if only they were serious about putting their soul into it like i have.

so that informs my perspective on the drawing issue. you doomer ngmi types are barking up the wrong tree. who gives a fuck if you make it professionally? do good, then do better for your own enjoyment. if you go into drawing for the ultimate goal of making it your profession, realize that any solace it may offer you will be erased. meanwhile i'm not going to male the same mistake again - i will draw because i like doing it, if i can make some furry coomer commission bux later on as a side gig, or not, then so be it. in the meantime, i truly pity professional artists like OP posted. you should never want to get to the level where your craft determines whether you pay rent that month. you will grow to resent it and will regret having shattered the innocent fun of it for some monopoly money. because the money will take over your initial love and enjoyment, leaving you broken and cynical.

tl;dr i draw because it is a fun release and hobby, i want to get better for my own sake, and making it a main source of income would ruin all of it.

>> No.4853702

Oh my dude, here you go. Recent graduates from ACCD's entertainment design. They listed 13 students.


Yang, Chen, Xu, Yu, Hahn, Foong, Zung, Yu, Kwon. 9 out of 13. Are they all Chinese? Maybe not. But I am pretty sure they are.

Again. Not the exception, the nrom. If you look at other top art schools, I am pretty sure they aren't much different . 80% is going to be Chinese dominated.

>> No.4853713


I strongly disagree with this. You're a bigger doomer than I am. I've been doing what I do professionally since I was 12 and the only difference for me has been that I get paid to do it. My love hasn't waned for it. Everyone has good and bad days, but deep down what I do gives me immense satisfaction.

You should watch her interview, she discusses this topic because it's a misconception that people think that she herself feels she sold out (protip: she doesn't).

I agree with your tl;dr's. Draw all you want, but don't have any expectations of turning it into a career unless you've managed to align yourself with people like these, because if you haven't and you want to be their competitor or work alongside them, you're barking up the wrong tree.

>> No.4853753

Shouldn't you give this hope. Show that talent is bullshit and all good things take time? Lmao.

Maybe shes a shit learner lol, 14 years is a long fucking time. I 100% believe Ill be better then her in 14 yers of practice.

>> No.4853754
File: 65 KB, 1024x988, 0D8EE939-D2E4-43AD-A659-F8CDDCEC768B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love for my craft hasn't waned either, don't think that is what i was trying to say. it's become a love/hate relationship, which is worse than just the love of the game. I'm satisfied doing it... but i hate the reaction to it, which detracts from the soul put into it.
To point two: i dont give a kansas jumping fuck what she thinks or how good she is. it is totally irrelevant to my own goals in becoming a better draftsman. it is for me, and me only.
I don't have any career expectations from it and i do't want them. That's exactly what my warning is against. Don't align with them. Don't compete with them. Draw because it is a beautiful act of creation that our species is uniquely equipped to do. Enjoy it, revel in it, don't ever try to turn it professional because no matter what you do, be it working some corporate cubicle accounting job or working some corporate cubicle storyboarding job, it sucks. Just make the money, get away and go do what you really enjoy with the freedom that money gives you. Draw on your own time, for yourself, for your own pleasure, because you can afford it. Don't make it your source of income, because when you have the free tume away from work, you're not going to want to do it for fun or for yourself. Why do it when you already put 40+ hours a week into it to fill someone else's pockets? It all becomes so tiresome.

another tl;dr
all im saying is that any art or craft should be for your own enjoyment without the goal of making it professionally unless you are a true artist that can work independently. don't post these doomer ngmi threads here when anons are just trying to have fun.

>> No.4853760


>> No.4853775

It's a good thing I'm a software engineer and I only need to be good enough to make art for the games I make. Why would anyone want to do art for a LIVING with centuries of people saying it's impossible?

>> No.4853879

An adult can be way more dilligent in their studies than a child could ever be.
Compare how you learn stuff now vs when you are a kid.
You could cut that down to at least half.

>> No.4853983

its good but i've seen better from people her age
i also really couldn't give a shit about any of this also

>> No.4853987

Who is this qt

>> No.4854022

This. Crabs are obsessed with convincing this board to quit drawing with because they themselves are NGMI doomposters and its fucking tiresome.

>> No.4854034

>1. Do I feel compelled to create art?
Once I pic up a pen and start making marks I never want to stop. I just find it very hard to pic up that pen most days.
>2. Can I imagine what I want my art to look like?
Individual pieces or in general? Somtimes I can an idea and image of something specific but I do know the general look I want to achieve
>3. Am I taking steps to make my imagination a reality? To make my art better?
Definitely. Not as much as I should be though.
>3. Do I put creation of art first? Am I waiting to "be good enough" before I make art?
I've started pushing myself to draw things other than anatomy studies. It's a start.
>4. Do I spend more time posting on 4chan (or than practicing art?
>5. Am I doing art primarily for money or fame?
I just want to make something and be able to tell myself that I did a good job. Or atleast a better job than yesterday.

>> No.4854048

>14 years to be pro
so bad, most people do it in 5

>> No.4854052

Okay I went to DAD and came back, it is true, people here seem to only draw like literal monkeys and don't think or study, how come someone has been drawing so long and all they can do is this garbage?https://dad.gallery/users/1598
Low IQ certainly plays a factor, otherwise I can't explain how this is possible for a normal human being

>> No.4854054
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>daily demotivational thread
I too do enjoy less competition

>> No.4854060

>it was a /pol/fag seething about china all along

>> No.4854068

Embarrassing thread jesus fucking christ.

>> No.4854073

It's a shame they can't teach the most important thing - creativity. Her art is technically good enough but its so bland cookie cutter derivative.

>> No.4854101

>i want to play football!
>but i never will be a ronaldo
>fuck it, i give up
>another anon tries
>makes it into C tier club
>still has a good living
No wonder you guys are permanently depressed if all you do is aim for the same 4-8 AAA studios who sit on the very top. Try getting into some local indie studio or whatever.

>> No.4854115

Pathetic way of think

>> No.4854127
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Who cares, I don't want to draw like chinks. There are billions of them that are churned out of factory-like art schools, and each and every one of those people are soulless drones. There are swarms of chinks at artcenter who absorb everything like a sponge, and yet there's not one among them worth emulating. And then there's the Japanese. I've seen so many artists on pixiv get gud in 3 years, they make genuinely soulful art that puts the chinks to shame. Japs still have the spark that pre-1945 Europeans had, but the chinks have never had it and never will

>> No.4854132

Retards on this board are mostly white Americans who want to either draw manga or do concept art for games. There are so many endless careers in the creative industries but these idiots lack the creativity to even think of them let alone actually do them

>> No.4854180

Joke's on you, I'm already broken and cynical.

>> No.4854193

Honestly yeah. She even mentions having taken years off of art, and taking other several month breaks.

>> No.4854194
File: 101 KB, 800x596, 1568671411176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell, is that all? Generic unfinished portraits with funny skin colors?
The 15yo in here >>4853110 is 100x more impressive.

If this thread was meant to motivate me, it was successful.
I can "go pro" even by being a stale, undiverse artist.
Unless the lesson here is "just be born in California, bro, works for me".

>> No.4854245

>The Chinese that migrate to the West to escape Han values have an intolerable hatred towards anything to do with Chinese soft power. She doesn't have that, she is all about that. Her, Feng, Ruan, Sakimi, etc, are essentially propaganda tools for the Han. Think of them as instagram influencers for the creative generation.
Pretty sure she's second generation, meaning she's born and raised in the US. She's more american than chinese.

>> No.4854287

OP is such a pathetic loser who already gave up.

>> No.4854294

I drew as a kid and teenager but didn’t start seriously until I was 21. I interviewed for work on tripple A games within 7 years of grinding.

>> No.4854310

ESL nigger here. The way she says "aRRRRrr-T", is that vocal fry or just common pronounciation for young american women?

>> No.4854312
File: 986 KB, 3754x552, gmi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all going to make it

>> No.4854328

This. The NGMI crab attitude is a jealous leftist communist attitude imo. The fact that highly skilled (or rich) people exist shouldnt make you angry and want to pull them down or give up it should be motivation because you can get there too with enough smarts and hard work

>> No.4854383

Moby francke, pretty sure he was like 28 or 29 when he graduated art school, now hes big dick ballin at riot

>> No.4854428

Imagine having a new thread every week that showcases some DAD drawing from someone who has been doing it for years.

It would spell out just how fucked this board really is.

Vocal fry.

Some people will never learn.

>> No.4854436

Her IG doesn't seem to have much if any client work. She drops some screencaps of her actual concept work during the interview.

>>I can "go pro" even by being a stale, undiverse artist.
More power to you.

>> No.4854437

It's more pathetic thinking that you'll never "make it" because people better than you exist.

>> No.4854453

The industry is well established and the pipeline of students from various schools getting preferential treatment is already there. This should come as no surprise. The chinks graduating from ACCD are all going to be on top of the list of potential hires long before anyone gets to your resume. They'll be hired by - you guessed it - chinks who were already hired.

Connections are something that isn't really discussed on here, mostly because nobody has gotten far enough to have good work to begin with. Believing that you have a fair shot at a highly competitive field on the number of hours you put into grinding without acknowledging hiring practices is fucking dumb. And that's on top of being ass-fucked by 15 year olds who can outdraw you, so you don't even have that going for you.

This board is doubly embarrassing with how out of touch with reality it is. Have any of you retards stepped outside in the past ten years?

>> No.4854483

>They'll be hired by - you guessed it - chinks who were already hired.

She's a talented American artists. She went to art schools and pro artists noticed her. Wow, what a fucking surprise.

But go on anon, convince yourself that there is a "chink" conspiracy or some bullshit you purposely choose to belive to avoid taking any responsibilities.

This board is toxic like an incel community, for fuck's sake. With the same crap theories to convince yourselves that the game is rigged by design and you can't make it, no matter how hard you try.

Also, AAA concept art isn't "teh industry", it's just a part of it. You're the one that needs to go outside.

>> No.4854491

>Also, AAA concept art isn't "teh industry", it's just a part of it. You're the one that needs to go outside.
Honestly this
I’ve been so out of the vacuum that is /ic/s view of art. When did concept art become the part of the industry that mattered
Even people who only think furry porn is the path have more sense

>> No.4854509

What's the context behind this video I wonder...

I think he was too manlet and ugly that she felt like this was justified.

>> No.4854520

>Do I put creation of art first? Am I waiting to "be good enough" before I make art?
Everything else I think I have the right answer to, but not this one. What does it mean? Do I have to be making things when my skills are so lacking? Does it have to be an all out effort or can I cut myself some slack since I’m not there yet? What does it really mean?

>> No.4854524
File: 380 KB, 763x768, 61290884-9B54-47E7-9BDD-6506AD00D9F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I believe this desu

>> No.4854527

>When did concept art become the part of the industry that mattered
only part

>> No.4854530
File: 226 KB, 500x569, Screenshot_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if chinks taking over means no more niggers or trannies in mainstream culture then i welcome our slant eyed overlords.

>> No.4854532

Nobody said anything exclusively around the concept art industry. This girl didn't even go to ACCD.

>> No.4854546

tl;dr: burying our heads in the sand unwilling to acknowledge the truth; calling others toxic because reality isn't conforming to our fantasies.

>> No.4854552

it honestly feels that way in this thread

>> No.4854560

Look up baizuo. They absolutely hate Western drivel and they are diligently working away to stomp it out. Starting with HK and moving on from there.

>> No.4854582


>> No.4854594

>calling others toxic because reality isn't conforming to our fantasies.


Do you realize that you are making this whole "chink" retarded theory using as a starting point the career of an American artist.

This whole thread is the definition of fantasy, but no, I'm supposed to be the one burying my head because I'm reminding you that there are plenty of options if you want to work with art, and the fact that a young talented artist does some concept art for Valve doesn't mean a thing.

>> No.4854602

Don’t get your hopes up. The chinks will probably team up with ‘baizuo’ against ebil racist Whites, and only after the latter have stopped being a threat will they attempt to squash tranny culture. American chinks are already doing it

>> No.4854811

It means let your art guide your study and not the other way around. Even if, at times, you understandably must delay the gratification of making art, understand you're doing so with the intention of making your art better. Put on blinders, and keep your vision focused. And try as much as possible to fit in time to create. Even if it's just daily sketchbook doodling to unwind, don't fall into the trap of only copying Loomis heads and Bridgman legs for years on end. If you have idea that's important to you, try it, even if it's awkward at first and even if it fails. You'll make so much more progress by searching and failing than by waiting for progress to come visit you.