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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 96 KB, 855x518, marc brunet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4850574 No.4850574 [Reply] [Original]

This video is depressing. not so much the audio, but the soulless photo bashing and the fact that these are the skills that get you hired for the job


>> No.4850577

There has never been anything artistic about concept """"art""""

>> No.4850580

Go be an illustrator then, retard.

>> No.4850583

Why anybody would want to become a concept artist is beyond me

>> No.4850585

every piece of art is concept art

>> No.4850587

>not wanting to create your own worlds, be a god

fucking npcs

>> No.4850589
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why?, Chad Brunet is the best teacher of our times.

>> No.4850606
File: 55 KB, 648x737, 09790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4850628


>> No.4850668


i bet you tasteless faggots like feng zhu also

>> No.4850678

lol I’m much better than feng

>> No.4850682

concept art purpose is different than illustration art, so no

>> No.4850685


uhuh uhuh

>here's your (you)

>> No.4850695

if you don't want to photobash, work for companines/properties that don't require photorealism. or work on indie games.

>> No.4850825

what get's me is that pro's like Marc Brunet talk about 'the industry' as if that's all there is, and hearing about that reality from a mid-tier perspective is disheartening. it's slightly reassuring to know there's other avenues where you don't have to degrade your process to fit in with a soulless 'whatever gets it out the fastest' crowd of 'industry concept artists'

>> No.4850848
File: 87 KB, 200x200, 1599493137484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how this thread is full of whiny faggots crying about soulless photobashing when most of you dumb niggas all plan to run back to your #479 anime girl drawing once the guilt of not making it kickes in. Truely embarrassing.

>> No.4850854

speak for yourself

>> No.4851209

What was the last thing he worked on professionally?

>> No.4851266

there are so many fucking different ways to use drawing skills to make a living even within the bounds of the tv/movie/vidya industrial complex. we don't all have to try to be craig mullins.
and honestly? if the industry is too soulless for you, there's no better time to go out there and make your own thing

>> No.4851659

another way to think about this is that it's the same as school and all those teachers who told you art wasn't shit and you'd be worth nothing if you didn't go to college for some bullshit degree... and do exactly what they did because that's the only path they ever learned. guys like marc and shaddy and feng have only ever worked in a hyper-specific sliver of a hyper specific industry, doing one particular thing. they don't do color keys, they don't do storyboards, they do fast food production art for 3d modelers and board meetings. saying you NEED to work like that to be viable in the industry is just as retarded as listening to the shitters on here who think you can only make it doing a coom patreon and shitting out clickfuel on social media

>> No.4851736

Isn't this dude mainly a 3D artist anyways?

>> No.4851888

It looks like ass

>> No.4851899

begs don't understand that concept art is for business and production. It's not something to put your worthless unimaginative soul into

>> No.4851907

I understand what he's getting at. Normalfag clients love photobashed shit and speed is important but this really doesn't look good.

>> No.4851916

Kids these days don't draw with actual graphite pencils

>> No.4851919


>> No.4852110


so he says there are only 200 or so so concept artists in the udustry? that sounds like a load of shit.

>> No.4852125


i'm only 15 minutes into this, and he's showing the 'improvement' examples where people started to use photos in their, the character examples at 14:00 both look like shit.

it's re-assuring that people like dave rapoza exist seeing his process and what he can achieve, compared to these soulless concept art typewriter monkey fucks

>> No.4854841

All he's doing is peddling hopes and dreams in order to shill his courses. He's moved on to being an entrepreneur now.

Don't like any of this shit.

>> No.4854849

>Words mean nothing

>> No.4854853

maybe like 200 leads between the big name AAAs? that still seems insanely conservative though. like who the fuck are all these professional artists on artstation then. pretty much every portfolio & job site would die if there were only 200 real jobs

>> No.4854861

then please don't go for the types of company that requires you to photobash to meet deadlines
you're not making art, you're making a product. You're not doing this for fun, you're an employee being tasked to do a certain job. this is a 9-5 like any other

>> No.4855251


it would explain why the AAA industry stuff all looks the exact same. Honestly most of the 'concept artist' crowd floating around these days all seem really dated, like they're stuck in the 2000s / very early 2010's idea of what 'cool' is. I'm pretty sure there's going to be a shift soon, because concept art has had the same cookie cutter look since 2010

>> No.4855291

it seems like the shift already happened to fortnite &afro girls and based on what i saw at e3 the next shift is everyone is trying to be onevox

>> No.4856244

> what get's me is that pro's like Marc Brunet talk about 'the industry' as if that's all there is

This. I like some of Feng Zhu's videos and I did learn something from him (primarily the idea of mashing lots of photos together to get a nice colour wash and use that as inspiration to start drawing), but I honestly have to turn off the sound. He and Marc both make the industry sound like a joyless, bleak place full of unintuitive harsh practices... that nevertheless they themselves can magically navigate and you never will.

>> No.4856925

I’m not trying to get hired I’m trying to coom

>> No.4856932

>all /ic/ says is PHOTOBASH, SOULLESS, NGMI
>i'm just trying to coom for god's sake

>> No.4857333


>> No.4857843


agreed. if it weren't for artists like Ryan Lang i'd have lost all hope in the idea of being a concept artist long ago.

i genuinely don't understand why the generic photbash concept artists are still always hired, from what i see they're just rehashing the same boring concepts and 'make people small, environment BIG' look of every fucking muddied up ugly 'painting'

>> No.4857859

Speed. Guy A. has original concepts... turns in art every day or so. Guy B. does the photobash thing, turns in art 3 times a day, who gets the job?

This stuff is going to game design leads that are 100% NOT artists, ONLY care about the rule of cool, and work for non-gamer suit and tie money people that greenlight a game based on how much it looks like something they're already aware of that is making money.

If you were a composer, and you were like "Here's this carefully crafted memorable theme" and the other guy is like "Here's a slow mo cover of a Radiohead song" his ass is getting the trailer, 100%

Suits DO NOT KNOW WHAT SELLS, SO THEY PICK THE SAFE OPTION EVERY TIME. That means if you're the concept artist, you need to understand the cog you are in that machine, get paid, and do you passion work on the side.

>> No.4857900
File: 543 KB, 892x506, primo concept art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OK what if it's like an alien planet
>and there are these big mountains
>like HUGE, no relation to any real geology
>and a giant planet in the sky
>then there's this MASSIVE fuckin statue
>it looks like christ the redeemer but obviously won't be related to any real religion or philosophy
>it'll be like... GIANT elder gods
>and people are all tiny and shit like whoa

>> No.4858224

> understand the cog you are in that machine, get paid, and do you passion work on the side
the sad thing is that these generic concept artists do the exact same thing on the side as they do for work, (if they do any on the side at all)

also yeah you did explain why the majority of mainstream AAA's and blockbusters have looked so monogamous and boring through the 2010's.

The thing is there is seeming to be a re-surgance of quality over quantity in regards to media, particularly animation. Seems like the general public are tired of the same old shit regurgitating around again and again, and big companies are taking note of seeing success when there's a respect to the craft and artistry.

>> No.4858229

every fucking time

>> No.4858230


>> No.4859219

ignore just testing >>4464220

>> No.4859402

>games, art, comics, movies has never been as easily accessible in any point in human history
>tools for creating art has never been as easy to come by in human history
>snowflakes still want to feel special because 'the soulless state of the industry'
Honest advice, keep drawing and drop your quest for the perfect youtube tutorial scheme. Find your own shit to do and share your art instead.

>> No.4859463

No you're not, you won't even post your work to prove me wrong

>> No.4862333
