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File: 254 KB, 2048x1535, IMG_20200905_161139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4845599 No.4845599[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you blackwashing your characters anon?

>> No.4845600


>> No.4845605


>> No.4845609

>race of barbaric savages that turn into gigantic apes
>let’s make them black!

>> No.4845621


>> No.4845631

I only draw furry garbage so I never have to deal with this shit lol.

>> No.4845636
File: 146 KB, 768x546, darius smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I'm not an insecure black person
2. I wouldn't even Sikhwash them, since I'm Sikh, I don't need to see Goku with a fucking turban he's fine just the way he is lmao

>> No.4845640

Am I able to say this shit is tacky and forced without coming off as a racist?

>> No.4845644
File: 238 KB, 1118x629, 2AB2A4CF-E0D1-4B3C-B4C3-BB707A9A912D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goku with a turban

>> No.4845648

but I do draw (cute) brown anime girls!

>> No.4845649
File: 64 KB, 820x500, Sikh-turbans-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er...a Sikh turban bro, like the variants in pic related.

>> No.4845654

This is just rule 63 except it doesn’t make my peepee hard.
Literally pointless.

>> No.4845656

thanks bro, those are some sick turbans too

>> No.4845657

I thought Piccolo was the honorary black guy in DBZ

>> No.4845664

making characters black is fine so long as its done for fun and not accompanied by some condescending message like
>"I fixed them"

>> No.4845665

Why make them inferior?

>> No.4845667

No problem bro!

>> No.4845681
File: 9 KB, 235x215, 7621028A-A47E-48F0-BC67-B74DE1B674ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting how different people turn out. There are people attached to everything and everyone around them, and there are those like me that couldn’t care less about anything that isn’t getting what they want.

>> No.4845717

This is funny. I like it.

>> No.4845732

it's impossible

>> No.4845733


>> No.4845749

Why are so many American whites even more sensitive than the people they whine about and are insanely unaware of it?

You act like a little bitch, but in the opposite direction of the little bitch who domintes your attention. It's bizzare.

>> No.4845770
File: 78 KB, 424x424, 1594397880142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm black so I don't have to prove shit to faggots on social media, and will get ass pats for just meeting expectations. Feelsgoodman

>> No.4845785

>Blackwashing characters from a Japanese manga, based on Chinese characters, in a story about searching for enlightenment in India, who turn in giant angry gorillas.
The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.4845795

I don't think there's anything wrong with blackwashing, but i also don't think there's anything wrong with white washing. Either all of it is okay or none of it is. Besides black people already have plenty of representation.

>> No.4846206

Why care if some pavement ape thinks your racist?

>> No.4846219
File: 2.66 MB, 180x180, 1593967490431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should considering whities are jumping at the chance to lynch other whities for not bending the knee with them

>> No.4846570

Black washing doesn't exist. It's a term white people use to justify whitwashing non white characters.

Also I'm Black and have dark skinned characters .

Ok cracker.

>> No.4846661

Because I don't have white guilt

>> No.4846675

Because I'm not white

>> No.4846678


>> No.4846695

Why the hell would i white wash/black wash any characters when i can make my own? Plus when you do that it looks ugly as shit like OP's pic. I just care about making appealing characters of whatever race i pick and give no fucks about if people think i'm racist or not. As long as my characters have character and look hot as hell to look at im straight.
>Also i'm black and i don't care.

>> No.4846702

Ngl, the hair choice for some of them are neat.

>> No.4846704

that trunks is terrifying. but if youre gonna do it, do it to the crap characters so nobody cares.

>> No.4846706

thats actually yamugohaku

>> No.4846721

The only character in OP's pic that looks appealing is goku's kid. Trunks is just, not my taste imo, might need some getting used to. Then again im not a dbz fan.

>> No.4846741


bait. go back to twatter

>> No.4846780

I feel the same way, that why I said some of the hair choices are done well.

>> No.4846791

Ah i gotcha

>> No.4846809
File: 51 KB, 500x400, 1599323084317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4846914

Based Sikhbro

>> No.4846923

such a great fashion choice. Love when they're embelled with jewelry, too. Why can't we catholics have something this cool

>> No.4846941
File: 166 KB, 680x456, taqueria-goku-mexico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We spicwashed Goku with soul

>> No.4846953

Because I don't need drama to make it. I prefer to draw porn.

>> No.4846957

more original than yet another fish n chip place calling themselves 'popeye's' and having popeye for a mascot.

>> No.4847120

I have my own tastes and i don't want to draw blacks.I simply like to draw white skinned people and olive skinned people.
>Maybe some pumpkin-skinned ones on a side as well

>> No.4847203

I need to go to Mexico

>> No.4847231

Basado y pastillarojeado

>> No.4847236

his left hand, pls anon go there and fix it

>> No.4847244

>especial goku
fuck, what is it?

>> No.4847259
File: 908 KB, 1748x1233, DuooDPQWsAIrhFs.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4847265

Samir, what are you doing my friend?

>> No.4847270
File: 144 KB, 760x1000, autiasphyxhyde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EUGH wtf am I looking at

>> No.4847317

'rojopastillado' sounds better

>> No.4847324


>> No.4847333

The thought of them throwing rocks at tanks and armies is so funny.

>> No.4847338

You probably are so why do you give a fuck what people think about you?

It's like these people are doing their own shit? Who fucking cares?! Draw your own stuff.

>> No.4847343


I feel like the only people who state their race are usually Whites LARPing as Blacks.

Especially >>4845770

>> No.4847363

Well we have to state that we are black, because when we don't agree with some stupid or dumb shit they say "well you're white of course you don't understand this hurr durrr". Same goes for gender too.

>> No.4847414

I have never seen anyone do that on this board, ever.

>> No.4847623

He was refering to twitter you retard

>> No.4847646

I don't trust people that are not black doing this, they clearly have moral deficiencies and are people that put too much of an importance on appearances over character.

>> No.4847664

>Black washing doesn't exist
>White washing does
Well, I’m proud of you for at least forming a complete sentence.

>> No.4847669

whitewashing only exist because everyone assume every anime character is only white.

>> No.4847675

Any anime that actually plays in our universe usually makes it very clear what ethnicity everyone is, they always point it out when someone is not a nip.

>> No.4847690
File: 141 KB, 925x1200, IMG_20200906_214007_548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's see what will happen now

>> No.4847693


>> No.4847695


>> No.4847697

kys shitcrab

>> No.4847700

Because we used to burn people and stone gays, that's way cooler.

>> No.4847706

lol nigger

>> No.4847712

why did you whitewash her? Shes black.

>> No.4847755
File: 62 KB, 640x480, Dygw2NxWoAAoCQN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a black guy, I like the art on a rendering standpoint, but it doesn't embrace Toriyama's depiction of Africans. I have a personal rule, if you are imitating an artist's style, you gotta embrace all of it, not 90%. I also wanna say, what would the consequence of race changing be? If you make the leads of the Dragon Ball series African, then you're probably gonna have to look at Africans in Chinese/Japanese folklore, or the sayain race being hated/feared savages(Then again, makes sense for some continental sections of Africa) so in all that's the consequence. To go above and beyond visually would be to add folklore element like capoeira/samba fighters , or make everyone wear their dashi fighting garbs, or look like senegalise wrestlers. Just looking at Goten is like looking at a borderline pallete swap with braided twists

>> No.4847778

lol nigger

>> No.4847785

That would mean these nignogs actually cared about racism. The only reason they do this is the fact that they are the ones getting "opressed" instead of the evil whitey.

>> No.4847828

I don't like to do it because I'm black and it feels like an obligation. Like I'm playing directly into a stereotype.

>> No.4847834

>main character is a mostly absent father

>> No.4847863

Another salt thread over harmless racebends? The white fragility is UNREAL here lmaooo!

>> No.4847890

As if people don't get freaked out over the opposite.

>> No.4847961


>> No.4848339

Thanks for not refuting my points. :)

>> No.4848345

Why not make your own art instead of editing other people's work?

>> No.4848349

>fanart doesn't look like a 1:1 copy of the original artist style
Wow, I'm shocked, bamboozled and overall not actually surprised at all.

>> No.4848353

I mean there's not a lot of POC characters in popular culture, but whatever anon.
I guess POCs aren't allowed to have fun or be represented.

>> No.4848369

This POC shit is retarded. Are Asians not Pee oh Cee anymore?
Or how about when they blackwash people like us spics because being a darker shade = not black enough for them?

>> No.4848383
File: 138 KB, 1000x1200, Eg2kbXAWoAI4yED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go anon, it's not all that serious just people having fun.

>> No.4848387

if you actually believe there's not a shit ton of POC in popular color, you are actually retarded as fuck. I can't even name all of the ones I know off the top of my head because it'd take too fucking long

>> No.4848389

I never asked for an example of this garbage
>just people having fun
Is that why people get death threats over this

>> No.4848388

*popular culture ffs

>> No.4848392

do i have need to remind anyone here of the nessa incident on twatter

>> No.4848393

Someone edited someone's else artwork, and everyone got mad at the person who edited it. Here people are creating their own artwork and not bothering anyone. So no, you don't.

>Is that why people get death threats over this
People are getting death threats over other people drawing Princess Peach brown? Okay.

>> No.4848395

Why are you ignoring what that anon said?
Are Asians like the Japanese (which constantly get race bent) not POC anymore?

>> No.4848396

>there's totally a fuckton of POC characters
>don't ask me to name them all because there's just soooo many
You're not even trying, are you?

>> No.4848397

"muh death threats"
You're starting to sound like the very essjaydubyas you claim to hate so much

>> No.4848398

Drawing darkies can be fun, but you're not allowed to as a huwhite man.

>> No.4848399

Yes they are. This place already establish through the Nessa incident that black or white it doesn't matter since "it's just a drawing" and people having fun that it's all good as long as you aren't being jerks about it or editing other people's art without their permission. So what's the issue?

>> No.4848405

>OP posts anything darker than a paper bag
>Thinly veiled race baiting
>Instant replies

>> No.4848408

People have been told to go kill themselves over drawing a darker character any lighter shade, even not necessarily white. And then there's the controversy caused by idiots not knowing things like basic color theory or lighting, eg. that Korra fanart Sakimichan(?) made years ago
I've literally never brought up this term, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.4848412

POC is just a left-wing hate term. It's not real.
It's basically just lumping all non-whites together and pitting them against white people, as if they have no identity of their own, aside from not being white.
I'm a conservative European white guy, but even I think non-whites should have pride in themselves, deserved or not, aside from not being white. The very idea that non-whites have some kind of common ground simply for not being white is insane. Chinks and niggers have nothing in common, and the whole idea is ironically euro-centric (another left-wing idea I ironically don't support), given that it places white people at the center of the world and basically defines non-whites based on their relationship with whites.
God, I fucking hate left-wing faggots for their insane hypocrisy.

>> No.4848424

People have been getting death threats over drawing peach with brown skin. It's almost like people are assholes, you'd think people here would know that more than anyone.

>> No.4848425

>People have been getting death threats over drawing peach with brown skin.
It's mostly the other way around, faggot.

>> No.4848431

>So what's the issue?
The issue is that it's only acceptable from one side. Go look at how vicious Tumblr acted when that Japanese artist Gashi Gashi drew Garnet from SU in a lighter tone, for example. Said artist was harassed non-stop for it by the very same people who were more than happy to draw or look at a Japanese MHA character 10 shades darker than he actually is.
>"it's just a drawing"
Remember that incident where that teenage girl had a suicide attempt because she didn't draw that fat SU character fat enough, and was constantly attacked for it? That people were making fake accounts just to drag her name and reputation down?

>> No.4848432

I guess it's no longer "just a drawing" when people you don't like are the ones behind the canvas.

>> No.4848434

>Remember that teenage girl we won't shut the fuck up about?

>> No.4848438

who is "we"

>> No.4848444

Yeah, noticed that too.

>> No.4848447

"We" meaning all the pissbabies in the thread who sincerely believe "blackwashing" exists.

>> No.4848452

You sound like a faggot.

>> No.4848453

Turning a non-black character black is literally "blackwashing", anon... Or do you think Trunks is actually supposed to look like that?

>> No.4848456

>princess jasmine and aladdin
>kida from atlantis the lost empire
>princess tiana
>gerald from hey arnold
>lilo from lilo and stitch
>doc mcstuffins
>iris from pokemon
>america dragon jake long(oh look, it even has a black girl as one of his best friends!)
>jonesy and wyatt from 6teen
>the magic school bus with the two black kids and asian kid

those are just a few and we're only on fucking children's shows. if i kept naming them all i'd be here all goddamn day

>> No.4848466

Agree with the POC label being backward

>Everyone should be proud of who they are, even if they don't deserve it, like me who does deserve it.

Being born isn't an accomplishment

>But you can't be proud to be not white, that's racist!


>> No.4848467

these race baiting threads are fucking dogshit

>> No.4848471

Denying blackwashing is insane, considering it's happened to hundreds of characters in the past two decades.
The reverse is significantly rarer, considering it mostly happens to adaptations of foreign media, like a Korean or Japanese movie being remade in Hollywood and set in the US, where it would make no sense for the characters to be Asian. Blackwashing happens within the same culture, and turns American white characters into American non-white characters, mostly for political reasons.

>> No.4848478

>Being born isn't an accomplishment
That's not the point, dumbass. Identity is important to people, and even if you're a worthless pile of shit and your race doesn't have that many accomplishments, people still need a sense of belonging and identity. People should take pride in their culture and history, because it's a part of who you are, and rational or not, it forms your identity. That doesn't mean you have to hate people from other races or cultures, even if that's what the left is pushing.

>> No.4848483

>thinking back to all of the recent movies with producers who seem to think there was a high population of blacks across all of medieval europe

>> No.4848484

>>But you can't be proud to be not white, that's racist!
Are you just straight up illiterate?

>> No.4848490

Let's post our favorite racebends to piss off the weebs! <3

Racebends are "blackwashing" now.
Okay, now I know I'm talking to a retard

>> No.4848493

>inb4 someone moves the metaphorical goalpost

>> No.4848494

>Racebends are "blackwashing" now.
Yeah. That's the literal definition.

>> No.4848503
File: 2.27 MB, 4354x2950, black guko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel like I said it wrong. I moreso meant embracing the aesthetics, even the """""problematic""""" aspects. Toriyama grew up with 40s-60s cartoons, so his interpretation of African people are based on that. Monkey see monkey do. But the OP pic uses realistic (In the sense of how african lips are more gradient like that one solid color) lips and ignores Toriyama's canon. I'm not saying
>If you don't like how he drew them, you can atleast imply how he drew african lips,
whatever...just the 3 thousandth identity politics discussion on an art and critique page that's apart of a korean basket weaving forum

>> No.4848504

>she didn't draw that fat SU character fat enough
Remember how artist in retaliation, drew a bunch of skinny rose art and told people to chill out because it was "just a drawing".

>Gashi Gashi
Remember when one of the storyboarders Ian Q, told people that it was just a drawing and to not make a big deal out of it?

>> No.4848507

I don't fully agree with you, but you're alright for a jiggaboo. I'd buy you a pint.

>> No.4848509

Racebending: literally just changing a character's ethicity for fun
Blackwashing: doesn't fucking exist
I'm legally required to ask if you've been dropped on your head as a child.

>> No.4848513

>I'm legally required to ask if you've been dropped on your head as a child.
Like you were? You faggots can't even shitpost properly. Acting like a retard isn't trolling if you're an actual retard.

>> No.4848514
File: 41 KB, 128x128, 41479a7ed008fe2_128128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you niggers get for enabling the twitter roastie flood. fucking faggots.

>> No.4848517
File: 102 KB, 1200x678, Djzy0RRWwAI5kjd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4848521
File: 278 KB, 850x571, Well+the+wayans+bros+did+it+_cafd065d92a8a30e5c40f9d5da61c56b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're alright for a jiggaboo
We prefer the term, Thugaboo

>> No.4848527

Your argument of ""just a drawing"" doesn't make sense when people get hellbent over it and are more than happy to drag your name into the ground. I'm sorry that you're still struggling to understand that point.

People also get threats for wanting a cartoon character to kiss another cartoon character that they don't like

>> No.4848529

A black man who can make fun of himself. I might buy you two pints, you black bastard.

>> No.4848536

>thinks back to when the writers for voltron literally received death threats over making klance canon

>> No.4848541

I'm not misunderstanding anything, it seems like your getting upset for literally no reason.

People are getting death threats now for drawing Peach black. Do you also care about that, or does it not count here because you think the same people who bullied someone else sometime ago are the same people who are doing this harmless act because once upon a time they may have frequent the same site or fandom?

>> No.4848543
File: 348 KB, 754x648, gaydwarves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I member.

>> No.4848546

There isn't enough burly Dwarf cheesecake in this world.

>> No.4848547

>Lance flirts with exclusively women
>still gets shipped hard with a male character to the point that their batshit fans will actually threaten people over it
I'm a huge fujoshitter and even I think that's retarded. I don't really care about shipping and more into the porn, but even they've killed my sexual interest in anything involving Lance because I'm reminded of their faggotry

>> No.4848550

So, you're a woman, or can faggots also be fujos these days?

>> No.4848554

>Do you also care about that
Yes? I don't believe anyone should be getting threats over it, yet people are. Hence that it can't "just be a drawing" since people don't act like it, which was my point.
Stop insulting me for the sake of your argument and actually listen, or just don't bother.
I actually never liked this dude's art in general. It reminds me of how artists would start in grayscale and just throw an Overlay layer on top of it and call it a day.

>> No.4848559

No, Asians are the most successful “minority” group in the US hence they do not get poc privilege like the darkies do.

>> No.4848560

"Fudanshi" is the male equivalent, but you'll rarely see anyone use it for obvious reasons. Even among gay dudes, they aren't into anything but just the porn.
No different than straight guys not really caring about romance manga or relationship dynamics.

>> No.4848562

You said earlier:
>The issue is that it's only acceptable from one side.
And I brought up that isn't the case since people are flipping out over these raceswaps as well. So what is your point? No one should draw anything ever because someone might get upset over it?

>> No.4848564

>just be a drawing
Not that guy you're replying to, but I think the major problem is that most of the people who blackwash characters, do it for political reasons. There's a huge community on the radical left that just draws characters ugly, fat or change a character's race from white to black, because they hate anything attractive, normal or white. You rarely see the reverse. You've got a tiny handful of people who change non-white characters into white characters to troll, but they're rare. Most of the non-radicals who are attacked, are attacked because they unintentionally draw something that is perceived as whitewashing, even if it's just an artistic choice or completely unintentional. The attackers judge everything by the shade of brown someone uses.

>I actually never liked this dude's art in general.
I kinda like Kamitani, but I wouldn't call myself a fan. While I don't always like what he does with his anatomy, I find his style and coloring somewhat interesting, because it tends to stand out from the rest.

>> No.4848570

>No different than straight guys not really caring about romance manga or relationship dynamics.
That's an odd stereotype, considering straight guys like that stuff. Even in hentai doujins, the stuff with decently written characters tends to become really popular, and in most manga, you've always got different factions fighting over the preferred waifu.
Sure, men and women tend to like different types of romance, given that the shoujo stuff is usually excessively saccharine and focuses on a different type of romance, but straight guys love their romance if it caters to them.

>> No.4848580

What I've said was admittedly a generalization, but race-swapping (to a "darker" race) has been more likely to be accepted overall than vice-versa. A lot of the controversy about shit like blackwashing stems from the fact that there's a double-standard about it.
Like that other anon said, look at what Hollywood does, You will rarely ever see the reverse occurring.

If people weren't getting harassed for drawing a character with a lighter tone, often by the same people who are fine or even approve of drawing a character with a darker tone, then it would be much different. I hate this racebending shit because I know for a fact that they're the kind of artist who would get into several paragraphs-worth of why blackwashing is A-OK but whitewashing is bad ;__;
Not to say that there aren't people who are triggered by Black Peach, but in many cases it's just retaliation. Like that Aryan Black Panther.

>> No.4848581

Dead on. Pretty much sums up the entire situation, and not just when it comes to fictional characters.

>> No.4848593

I don't really read original hentai doujins admittedly as it tends to be for men, but when I think of fan doujins (FGO for example), it's usually shit like self-insert or things like mob/fat bastard that the guys like. Whereas the female-orientated doujins by other women tend to focus more on pairings.

Male orientated doujins are more about a particular fetish or focus character (eg. Saber Alter, milf, etc), whereas female orientated doujins would be something like (eg. Saber x Merlin or Gilgamesh x Merlin, and whatever fetish that might be tagged).
Even in discussions, I rarely see guys talk about the romance aspects compared to female group unless it's some self-insert harem isekai shit

>> No.4848595

>has been more likely to be accepted overall than vice-versa.
When it happens vice-versa(i.e raceswaping characters to be white) people are rarely ever genuine about it, and it's almost always because they want to troll. Sort of like when /b/ decided to race swap a bunch of Steven Universe characters but they made them all the same blue eyed, blonde hair, poorly made edits. Even came up with a cover story to maximize trolling potential. People start to wise up on this behavior and eventually become suspicious of it. Now do people overreact when someone draws a character too light? Yes. But people have been overreacting to these raceswaps for a while now as well.

>Like that Aryan Black Panther.
Aryan BP wasn't in retaliation to anything, it was by the same dude who made the gorilla Nessa and he only made that artwork because people were excited for the movie and wanted to troll. He was a cunt about it from the beginning in the comments as well.

>> No.4848620

Well, obviously a lot of guys just want to get off to their fetish, but there's also a shitload of stuff that relies on romance. I'd say the demand is higher than the actual production of such content, but that's another discussion.
Either way, you know the stereotypes about weebs. A lot of them are just lonely losers, hence the whole waifu culture, and a lot of them like stuff that includes romance, or at least some level of character interaction beyond just sex. In my experience, mostly based on discussions and comment sections, the stuff that's got a bit of personality to it is really popular.
Overall, men are obviously more driven by their sex drive than women given that men have a much stronger libido, but that doesn't rule out romance. It's just a different take on it. As a man, most of the stuff that caters to females feels pretty tame or naive. That said, there are plenty of female doujin artists who make stuff that primarily caters to men (or so I would assume), and they tend to make great content when they don't fall into the fujo trap.

>> No.4848623

I don't know what kind of fujo shit you're seeing but the ones i follow aren't really tame or naive. Catering to women is going to be mainly gay pairings and there is A LOT of it

>> No.4848628

You're full of shit. Turning non-white characters white basically doesn't happen, because normal people don't feel the need to do it. Normal people like characters for what they are, so they have no desire to change their race.
Turning white characters into non-white characters is a fetish and political statement by insane leftists, which is why it's so common. When people do the reverse, it is, like you said, to troll, to point out the racist hypocrisy of the psychotic far-left cult.

>> No.4848631

I'm assuming you're a different anon from the one I've been replying to because I can tell your blood pressure's high just from your post.

>> No.4848637

It's not something I look up, but the stuff I've come across is pretty tame. It's not particularly well drawn, and characters seem to fall into a very narrow set of stereotypes (usually the uke/seme bullshit), with characters adopting weird male/female personalities, despite both characters being male.
When compared to the male drawn trap stuff, it comes across as very superficial and poorly drawn.

I'm not sure what it is about fujo art, but it always strikes me as having very loose linework, and relying on character traits with absolutely no basis in the actual characters... of course, the latter makes sense, given that most of the characters they draw aren't gay to begin with, and don't act like substitute squealing women like they do in fujo doujins.

>> No.4848639

Yea and its always some white person or some hispanic mutt. If white people aren't actively engaging in war, they start waging ideological war, dragging everyone into it.

>> No.4848640

I can tell you're a cunt that's been pushed into a corner like a rabid animal, given that you can't reply to the argument, but resort to personal attack.

>> No.4848641

>and it's almost always because they want to troll.
Because doing the reverse isn't acceptable and anyone who is familiar with the community culture knows that. That, and >>4848564.
Whatever is lighter-skinned tends to be by a non-Western artist who isn't familiar, or just non-intentional.
>Aryan BP wasn't in retaliation to anything,
That gorilla Nessa definitely was.
You're correct, he isn't me

>> No.4848645

>But you can't be proud to be not white, that's racist!
Why the fuck do you faggots have to constantly make strawmen when people lay out logical arguments? This whole fucking thread is a literal strawman to get upset about instead of fucking drawing.

>> No.4848651
File: 23 KB, 193x193, Waco-Wacoco-Joukyuu-Mazoku-no-Otoshikata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon but the first fujo anon, and it's probably because you're looking at the technically R17 stuff that's made to be sold on actual bookshelves (eg. Ten Count), which is going to be more softcore and censored for obvious reasons.

The actual R18 yaoi that's made as actual smut isn't really naive nor tame

>> No.4848653

>considering it's happened to hundreds of characters in the past two decades.
Blackwashing wasn't a thing until MAYBE 10 years ago. There's probably less then 25 characters that've been officially black washed. Unless your counting random nobodies drawing characters you like, differently, then it really just reveals that you hate darkskin because you should be sperging out whenever a character is drawn skinnier or thicker then what they actually canonically are

>> No.4848668

Feel free to correct me, but most of the stuff I've come across feels incredibly off, because I know how gay guys think. How do I know that? Because their sexuality is very similar to straight guys, because they're still men, which is why their culture is so driven by sex.
Men are more open to sex than women are, which means that gay guys get to fuck a lot, because they get to hook up with other guys who also want to fuck all the time. And yeah, it's not pretty. That's why fujo doujins feel so weird. You basically have an incredibly stereotypical male/female relationship despite the characters being male, hence the uke/seme shit, where the "romance" is basically a weirdly effeminate aggressive guy and an incredibly submissive effeminate guy who takes the role of the woman, and squeals like one too. It also strips everything from the original characters, given that they don't retain any traits from their straight source material.
There tends to be less of a focus on the physical part of sex (which is ironic, considering that's what gays focus on), and the romance part is incredibly superficial and stereotypical, while being poorly written written, tame and out of character. You basically take established characters and turn them into one of two gay fujo stereotypes.
I suppose if you want a fujo who actually likes gay stuff, you'd have to look into the bara culture, which is something I don't want to touch with a ten foot pole.

>> No.4848684

>Blackwashing wasn't a thing until MAYBE 10 years ago
To an extent, this is true. There are plenty of examples of characters from the 90s and 2000s being blackwashed, but you're correct that it didn't become a pervasive thing until the 2010s.

>There's probably less then 25 characters that've been officially black washed.
Even if your bullshit statement was true, 25 characters in the past 10 years would be a lot, but there are far more than that. Hell, I'd guess Marvel and Disney alone have more than 25 characters who have been blackwashed. Literally every movie, cartoon, TV series or video game based on an existing franchise with mostly white characters have a third or half of their characters turned non-white.
Like I mentioned earlier, the reverse never happens in any real sense. Black characters don't end up as white, and the few cases that the left-wing media and twitter freaks out about are basically adaptations of manga set in the US, where it only makes sense that the characters would have their race changed, given that setting has been moved from Japan or Korea to the US.

>> No.4848694

>but there are far more than that. Hell, I'd guess Marvel and Disney alone have more than 25 characters who have been blackwashed. Literally every movie, cartoon, TV series or video game based on an existing franchise with mostly white characters have a third or half of their characters turned non-white.
You need to give examples because every time I hear someone complaining about blackwashing, its always one character. I would of heard about that shit given I hang around /a/ /co/ and /tv/. I totally agree that blackwashing is lame and regressive if you think about it for 5 seconds. However, the fact that people pitch a bitch fit, screaming about sjws, how the white race is being erased and even you, saying how whole swaths of characters are blackwashed is pure hyperbole.

>> No.4848715
File: 54 KB, 512x768, 16a4c8b668a1e937b55b6c33367c5244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because doing the reverse isn't acceptable and anyone who is familiar with the community culture knows that.
Raceswaping is fairly recent, and done by a small section of the art community as it is.
But also race swaping usually isn't just swapping a color pallets and calling it a day. There's usually changes in hair texture, maybe even clothing and facial features.
So, yeah, you could make a "What if Korra was white." But odds are(mostly due to how ambiguous most anime characters are) it's just going to be a color swapped Korra with a different hair color and white skin. It's just not as fun, and just doesn't appeal to that many people. Most would rather just draw fanart of some other character and call it a day.
And then there are people who would rather just troll in retaliation to a bunch of people minding their own business.

>> No.4848723
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>> No.4848731
File: 449 KB, 937x750, 2C6CECC5-5362-49EA-91F2-2FCFF41E1A57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this art trend has caused the blond hair + blue eyes edits to come back

>> No.4848735

Nigger, you where saying that entire swaths of a cast where raceswapped. You posted a couple examples of one or two characters in a series being raceswapped. On top of that, half of those examples you posted where from comic adaptions that crashed and burned. You and everyone else complaining about this shit are being hyperbolic faggots.

>> No.4848751

Alright. Just off the top of my head then.
Superman. Black.
Ironman. Black girl.
Spiderman. Black/Hispanic kid.
Hulk. Asian guy.
Captain America. Black guy.
Captain Britain. Muslim woman.
Nick Fury. Black guy.
Jet Black. Black guy.
L from Death Note. Black guy.
Will Smith's characters in Men in Black, iRobot, I Am Legend and Wild Wild West. Obviously black guys.
Roland Deschain (Dark Tower). Black guy.
The Little Mermaid. Black girl.
Mary Jane. Black girl.
Yennefer. Indian girl.
Triss. Black girl.
Achilles. Black.
Friar Tuck. Black.
Little John. Black
Jimmy Olsen. Black.
Commissioner Gordon. Black.
Little Annie. Black girl.
Electro. Black.
Heimdall. Black.
Hercules. Blackish? I don't know what the fuck The Rock is.
Harvey Dent. Black.
Kingpin. Black
Human Torch. Black.
Red (Shawshank Redemption). Black.
Doctor Who. White woman/black Woman. Depends, really.

Fuck, I don't even like American comics or Marvel movies, but shit, there are probably a dozen more just in that category.

>> No.4848761

You forgot the Human Torch

>> No.4848763

First of all, that's not me. Second of all, the picture he posted is purely the readheads that were changed to black, you fucking idiot. The picture he posted isn't even half of them, and once again, those are only the redheads, who are rare to begin with.

>> No.4848768

Now name all of the character that were originally black. I'll wait.

>> No.4848770


>> No.4848773

>Hulk. Spiderman. Captain America. Superman
>including legacy characters and characters from alternate universe
Struggle list.

>> No.4848780

Yeah, because the tiny handful of characters I included that were from "alternative" universes, but still support the idea of blackwashing, somehow invalidate the rest.
Fucking retard.

>> No.4848798

Superman(Clark Kent). Still white in main canon.
Spiderman(Peter Parker). White in main canon.
Hulk(Bruce Banner). White.
Captain America(Steve Rodgers). White
Captain Britian(Brian Braddock). White
L from Death Note. Black guy(what anon omits is Light is a white guy in this version as well.)
Little Mermaid(fictional mermaid in Disney adaption that'll probably be just as "loosely based" on the original animated movie as Mulan was). Still white in merchandise.
Mary Jane. Still white in canon.
Commissioner Gordon. Still white in canon.
Electro. Still white.
Kingpin. Still white, was white in spiderverse.
Human torch. Still white.
Doctor who. Doesn't even have an original canon appearance, scrapping bottom of the fucking barrel.
Little Annie. Still white in musical.

What a list indeed.

>> No.4848802

No! I need to move the goalpost even more!!

>> No.4848804

Are you actually retarded?
Of course the original material still exists. That doesn't mean the characters weren't changed to black, you absolute fucking idiot. Literally every character that's been "whitewashed" is also not white in the original material either (like every anime/manga adaptation), which is what 99% of people use as their base of reference.
Talk about grasping at straws.

>> No.4848810

So the original still exist, is still being used up until the present. How is the "white race being erased", here? Because the guy who isn't Peter Parker on the cover is some black/hispanic kid called "Miles Morales" now?

>Talk about grasping at straws.
Oh anon, I'm not the one who had to resort to Doctor Who and a bunch of legacy characters as blackwashing.

>> No.4848821
File: 183 KB, 1900x586, 1591216537955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's too many of them, no wonder this board can't draw when the women spend their time making bait, twitter gossip threads, "r/mendrawingwomen" and complaining about x or y "problematic" artist

>> No.4848823

Yeah, the originals still exist, because they don't magically vanish into thin air. That doesn't change the fact that Hollywood, the comic industry and the video game industry are blackwashing characters, you utter moron.

>resort to Doctor Who
One character out of 30+ characters I just listed off the top of my head. There are hundreds more I could bring up, if I put some effort into it.
And yeah, that character is a valid example, given that all of the Doctor Whos were white guys, until the character was changed for political reasons. Everyone involved openly admits that it was a political decision too.
Seriously, if someone made a Shaft movie where Shaft was white, that wouldn't change the fact that it's whitewashing, even if they went back to the black Shaft later.

How ridiculously brainwashed do you have to be to believe any of the shit you're spouting?

>How is the "white race being erased"
What kind of retarded strawman is this?

>> No.4848825

Is that an /ic/ poll? This place needs to be nuked from orbit.

>> No.4848826

is this roast real

>> No.4848828

Unfortunately it is, from a few days ago

>> No.4848829

Yeah, it's from the early days of the SJW menace, right before GG. Made a lot of headlines.

>> No.4848830


>> No.4848857

>let me tell you why blackwashing is good and whitewashing is bad
Oh no no no no

>> No.4848858

Literally shaking and crying rn

>> No.4848861

>Superman. Black.
>Ironman. Black girl.
>Spiderman. Black/Hispanic kid.
>Hulk. Asian guy.
>Captain America. Black guy.
>Captain Britain. Muslim woman.
>Nick Fury. Black guy.
All of these are bullshit because those are literally different characters from alternate universes and/or people that've have taken up the mantel of those heroes. That's why I call you niggers hyperbolic faggots because you see a darkskin person resembling a old hero, you chimp out without knowing the context.
>Hercules. Blackish? I don't know what the fuck The Rock is.
Hercules wouldn't be considered white, he's a greek mythological figure. Also the rock is black/samoan.
>L from Death Note. Black guy.
Everyone in that movie got raceswapped you hysterical faggot.
>Mary Jane. Black girl.
Thats not actually mary jane you mongrel
>Doctor Who. White woman/black Woman. Depends, really.
It canonically works because Dr who changes bodies.
>Harvey Dent. Black
When the fuck was this?
>Yennefer. Indian girl. Triss. Black girl. Achilles. Black. Friar Tuck. Black. Little John. Black Jimmy Olsen. Black. Commissioner Gordon. Black. Little Annie. Black girl. Electro. Black. Heimdall. Black.
These are the only ones where you have a leg to stand on. But the only one that's truly out of place is Heimdall and Ariel.

>> No.4848868
File: 469 KB, 320x199, 1505417513680.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I never considered it (or cared really until I saw this thread) but yeah, this is rather double standardish isn't it? When white people whitewashed brown skin it's hated, but blacks blackwishing white skin is ok now. I think if people were going to "represent", make your own OCs or just use already brown skinned people.

I don't even like it on a general term, never liked when people fuck with established characters. Just draw them as they are.

>> No.4848882

Nationality and birth are arbitrary and, I think, poor Identities to to base yourself on if history shows us anything. How many wars and conflicts could be avoided if when didn't gird our identity with borders on a map?

Directly quoting
>...but even I think non-whites should have pride in themselves, deserved or not, aside from not being white.

The implicit statement being, he is white and deserves to be proud, but rejecting that is wrong. Or else why even mention who deserves to be proud of their heritage or whether or not you can be proud to be not white?

Disagreements aren't strawmen, and I already drew today.

>and even if you're a worthless pile of shit and your race doesn't have that many accomplishments.

I think this is an interesting mindset, why would you by accident of birth be entitled to someone else achievements? Why are those achievements communal? How much DNA do you need to share in order to get to claim your "race bux". Is it a one drop rule?

>> No.4849032

Cuz its a waste of time Nyiguh

>> No.4849108

You do know she's not black, right? The way she's depicted with darker skin is how Japanese people depict people of Okinawan descent, or just other Japanese people who happen to have darker skin. It's been used in anime and manga for like 50 years now. It literally has nothing to do with African Americans or anyone else of African descent. She's Japanese. Literally not black at all.

>> No.4849222

There's some semblance of logic in turning white to black under SJW logic.

But what kind of logic, SJW or otherwise, is used to justify asian to black?

Asians are even less represented than blacks.

>> No.4849256

Ooga booga you are forever a monkey

>> No.4849270
File: 277 KB, 1914x1019, E5D3F1DE-0E2B-4DFB-9E53-766381D89C73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4849289

>steady numbers until the thread falls to the bottom of the catalog
this basically confirms my thoughts, women shitposters are very active or they are all on the same timezone

>> No.4849316

Asians are so successful hence why so many of them are in positions of power, right?

>> No.4849319

You understand why, right? Are you that dumb or legitimately stupid?

>> No.4849334

>so many I can't name them off of the top of my head

Are you even trying?

>> No.4849348 [DELETED] 

If it's okay to make a character black then it's okay to make them black, you can't pick and choose what's okay.

>> No.4849350

If it's okay to make a character black then it's okay to make them white, you can't pick and choose what's okay.

>> No.4849730

Do you need my serious answer or my shitty answer?

>> No.4849738

Except it literally isn't.

Of course he isn't, otherwise he would have given us a book of the same tokens

>> No.4849812

east asians whites and jews are succesful in a western system so they must be removed and replaced with niggers to undermine such system. it's an ideological thing, socjus aligned elites dont care if its actually racist or not. go look up the term bioleninism to learn more.

>> No.4850003

Why this board becoming more /pol/ lately? /pol/ is supposed contain these schizo retards not let them spew into other boards...

>> No.4850010

Have you used Twitter within the last 3 years? There is your answer.

>> No.4850012

You know how /pol/lacks are. Give 'em an inch, they'll demand the whole yard!

>> No.4850015

Old but gold pole jokes

>> No.4850024
File: 509 KB, 735x763, 1576696419891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmfao check the comments
why are black people so fragile?

>> No.4850036


>> No.4850041

>make obvious baitedit in order to get mad comments
>retards proceed to post mad comments
When will they learn

>> No.4850044

>Except it literally isn't.
That's what I'm saying it's either all fine or none of it's fine. In my opinion you shouldn't race bend either way just make your own fucking character.

>> No.4850045

Are Asians underrepresented in anime where most of the edits are taking place? No one is editing American asian characters into blacks. And the person who started the edits is a biracial black and Japanese person so you sound dumb

>> No.4850048

If you can’t racebend then you shouldn’t be allowed to genderbend either, or draw a character in an artstyle other than the OG style from their manga/ anime, or change their hair style or hair and eye. Just make your own fucking character.

>> No.4850052

Like I said just my opinion that you shouldn't especially if you're just paint bucketing their skin a different colour and not changing other features. My main point is it's either all okay or none of it's okay and drawing in a different style is pretty different to changing the character's identity.

>> No.4850057

So POCs are not allowed to have fun anymore or even be allowed to see themselves.

>> No.4850063

If your idea of fun is changing a characters race with the paint bucket tool you need new hobbies, or at least don't cry when people change the race of black characters.

>> No.4850071

No it’s pretty much the same since they don’t look alike. Instead of making bowsette a thing, why didn’t people just make a totally new unrelated character? I know some people get pissy but I personally just ignore it and don’t comment when people draw dark skinned characters as lighter. I don’t see any problem as long as you aren’t editing someone else’s art or claiming you improved the original design.

>> No.4850074

Im fine with that. Have fun changing the race of all 5 confirmed black anime characters. You’ll run out of black characters to edit within an hour.

>> No.4850076

>get a new hobby
You're absolutely right. Us darkies need to go back to being slaves while white people have EVERYTHING!

>> No.4850080

Now you are getting it sweety

>> No.4850090

>Finally understood her place after the argument
there's hope for low iq roastie after all. now that you know your place shut the fuck up with your shitposting.

>> No.4850092

asians are not underrepresented, what the fuck are you talking about? East asains have entire hollywood-like media companies to look to for representation. That's why you never see them complaining.

>> No.4850101

You guys are sooo funny! Now say the N word!

>> No.4850117


>> No.4850120


>> No.4850136

You don't understand, anon! Weebs are actually the MOST oppressed!

>> No.4850141

Last time I checked that was actually women not weebs, at least according to social media

>> No.4850149

don't lump me in with those retards, retard
most of those are probably liars anyway

>> No.4850224

The fuck does binary mean?

>> No.4850241

you were born with a pussy and a dick

>> No.4850247

Thats not even .01% of the population, why the fuck is that a option?

>> No.4850248

whoever created it is a retarded

>> No.4850261

Are you autistic? It seems you cannot comprehend sarcasm...

>> No.4850269

This isn't twitter, no one cares if youre black or white here. take that faggot "I'm X so my opinion matters" shit back to twitter/reddit

>> No.4850316
File: 167 KB, 1443x2048, EhR3Lb9XgAkEcP7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's-a me! A non-abinary gendera fluid-a black-a luigi!

>> No.4850355

that mouth

>> No.4850396

Because I have self respect and would rather draw what I like instead of pandering for followers, you retarded faggot.

>> No.4850413

>mup da doo didda bix noop
ok nigger

>> No.4850417
File: 66 KB, 630x1200, BDBF017C-6DD8-46D0-9736-B748CEB2B1C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Mmmbop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du, yeah-e-yeah

white people baka

>> No.4850426

kek s m h switches to baka

>> No.4850448
File: 678 KB, 1652x2048, IMG_20200907_191556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

black zelda

>> No.4850453

so where did all of you niggers and w*men come from? which twitter fag sent you here?

>> No.4850454
File: 290 KB, 2541x2541, 548FE30F-72D1-45B5-BE4C-E45CB636B9A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4850462

forehead hair, yikes, how u niggas can live with that

>> No.4850463

Black features generally aren't appealling to me.

>> No.4850476
File: 48 KB, 400x400, 1598284343250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one cares if youre black or white here

>> No.4850480


>> No.4850482

it's \o retarded nazi

>> No.4850501

that sucks dick dude the other one is way better

>> No.4850523
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>> No.4850525

his stronger form is still blonde and blue eyed though lol

>> No.4850526

nose too small

>> No.4850542


>> No.4850554
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>> No.4850557
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>> No.4850562

>forehead hair
Anon are you bald are something?

>> No.4850569

you're thinking of the scalp, anon

>> No.4850578

doesn't even know what a forehead is

>> No.4850598

I'm one of the "pocs" and while I've always also disliked the term I never really thought of it like this and agree with it whole-heartedly. Good take anon.

>> No.4850600
File: 78 KB, 624x800, billie-dove-kiss-curls_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that, the other anon seems to think it's "forehead hair" when it's just tiny hair on the scalp stylized in a way sort of like those old 1920s hairstyles.

>> No.4850649

those aren't growing from the forehead