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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 878 KB, 1920x1080, Annotation 2020-09-03 222936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4841242 No.4841242 [Reply] [Original]

I'm learning to draw and I decided to start with cats, sice I love them so much.

I followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZiMKem4Owg&gl=US , I taught about drawing a cat everyday for a month, and I have some questions:
Is it a good idea?
Is this tutorial good?
Do you guys know a better tutorial?
Are those drawing that bad for a beginner?
I want to learn to draw and I have no clue where to start, I want to draw mainly animals, plants and abstract shit, what should I focus at more in the beginning?
What you wish you knew that would've saved you time (in the long run)?
When to give up and when to keep going?
Why do you draw?

>> No.4841257

do you really expect me to answer all that shit

>> No.4841259
File: 198 KB, 967x645, Annotation 2020-09-03 225221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good books that would help my case?
I've read Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon 8 months ago and remember nothing. I know, I'm moron.

>> No.4841261

These kinds of tutorials are meant for little kids or your mom. Read "Drawing on the right side of the brain" or "Keys to Drawing" for observational drawing, or watch video about the concepts rather than step by step clickbait.

>> No.4841264

You sound mentally ill. Just copy cat photos and cats from life. Tutorials are a joke.

>> No.4841272

Art is a path. Aint no going back. That being said forget these silly tutorials, they won't lead you places. Like every subjects, drawing cats is a matter of understanding shapes first. Study from life, educate your hand, persist and read the fucking sticky.

Good luck cat man

>> No.4841278
File: 99 KB, 500x736, tumblr_3fc3d12f063370eff76d9a9220f9fc20_f168ef53_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, not gonna lie to you, those gains are legit. You should keep at it, those tutorials are definitely working, these sketches are very good for a beginner. I would also toss in some drawing from real life cats if you aren't already, plenty of great photos on the internet.
Ken Hulgren's "the art of animal drawing" book helped me a ton, but it might be too advanced for your current level. Couldn't hurt to give it a look through though.
If you want to draw plants and abstract shit, I would also do some still lives. Set up a couple of random objects in your house and draw them very methodically. It'll help build your fundamentals tremendously.
Someone also suggested the "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" book, also a very good recommendation. It'll just improve you observational ability a ton.

>> No.4841280

Oh also, if the tutorials you're watching are working with pencil and paper, I would also do your sketches with pencil and paper. Hard to explain why, but I feel like it's a much better tool for improving when you're at the beginner stage

>> No.4841286

dude just watch the FZD video about how to draw, you cant start with something so familiar as cats or humans because we can detect mistakes very easily. Start with turtles or some shit like that

>> No.4841290

stop crabbing

>> No.4841296

Wholesome as fuck OP

>> No.4841302
File: 14 KB, 640x471, counterfeitcat07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've started with one of the hardest animals to draw. Just look at the old animation masters, the fluidity of cats is very hard to do well.

>> No.4841315

Bro, drawing something repeatedly, like think every day and learning from your mistakes is a way to go. Istebrak has the same drill but wit ha human face and not a cat face.

>> No.4841430

Be patient with your art. Tutorials like that aren't too helpful because you need more foundational study.

Look up Big Sticky by Nosebro and start from there. It'll answer all your questions.

Consider starting with drawabox. Still try drawing cats but from your own observation.

>> No.4841460
File: 3.89 MB, 4688x3516, 20200831_171514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you all for taking time to respond !

I've made a folder with stuff I want to draw when I'll get good.


Is 3-2 hours a day good enough?
I'm not looking to improve fast, I'm kinda slow (as some of you deducted).

I'll post after a month my progress if I don't die or something.

>> No.4841462

Unless you learn fundamentals, you will always hate your art. Go to udemy and pick up a course on how to draw cats. Skeleton, muscles, fur.

>> No.4841468

Thank you, I'll look up Big Sticky.

Why is upside down?

>> No.4841627


Sometimes drawing something 100x is one of the best ways to get something down, even if its one part at a time, like a muscle, or eyes. I'm doing that right now, remember you're developing your own style, figuring it out, you're way will be unique, keep trying bro, you got this.


>> No.4841674


>> No.4842156

I'd like to quickly intervene and state the sticky is a team effort of which I have done around 70% of the work, 10% puts, 5% page and 15% others.

It is a collective piece.


>> No.4842363
File: 379 KB, 500x281, Kana headpats.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man just calm down okay? Seems to me that you are stressing over this way more than it is needed.

Draw as much as you feel like drawing without overstressing it, every day. If you keep overstressng it that just teaches your brain to automatically associate drawing with stress. You cannot form a beneficial habit that way, it would be just undermining your own progress.

The only thing you need make sure is that you start, starting it is the biggest challenge when one is building the habit. Once you start you are okay. It is also not a shame to take regular breaks, in fact regular short breaks are very advised. This means standing up from your drawing table and walking away, possibly leaving the room. This is because it allows your brain to get a bit of refresher and purge the image you have been starting at non stop. When you come back you will likely have a slightly more objective assessment of your drawing. This is the point when you will suddenly notice mistakes and feel like it is all shit but do not worry. that is the clearest sign that you are learning so do not fret.

As for how long there is not formula here for simplicity just 1 hour a day is fine, once oyu start forming a habit you will spend longer times at it automatically.

>> No.4842389

Yeah you should.

>> No.4842870
File: 55 KB, 1600x900, idk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank You Everyone for taking time to respond!

The only reason I have discord is because I use to talk to a friend, he left me because of his emotionally abusive gf that makes him brake contact with everyone that she considers a threat to her relationship, aka people that can see trough her bullshit, aka people that don't see her trough rose color glasses. I want to help him, but I can't do anything, it brakes my heart, but it looks like he will have to learn the hard way.
He became a simp for an, at best 7. I broke up with my last gf because she didn't like hunting and called me a killer because of it. Its easy for me give up on women, I simply don't see them as the trophy, a women won't make your life better, if if you are a looser and you get a gf you are a looser with a gf. A woman is a compliment to an already good life, in my opinion. I can't understand people like my friend sometimes. I don't even think that we are friends anymore.

>> No.4843107


>> No.4843122

>I want to draw mainly animals, plants and abstract shit
draw from life. learn the basic forms and you can apply it to everything
after that you can stylize it or go abstract.
my work >>4806929


>> No.4844708

Anon we get that life is shit and you are frustrated but please do not blogpost here.