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File: 76 KB, 800x1024, 1599020233755m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4841149 No.4841149 [Reply] [Original]

How the do I learn figures in perspective?

>> No.4841150

draw figures in perspective

>> No.4841152

framed perspective vol 2
loomis if you’re a tryhard

>> No.4841154


>> No.4841173


>> No.4841206

best waifu ever.

>> No.4841439


>> No.4841474

draw a cube, sculpt it

>> No.4841556
File: 1.33 MB, 1038x645, 1594432815559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4841560

ooga close up big
booga far away small

>> No.4841590

This is good shit man, thanks.

>> No.4841889
File: 859 KB, 1148x1470, 1551624191374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4842018

you ruined it

>> No.4842094
File: 218 KB, 675x1044, Marie first attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one and two point perspective lines are helpful enough

>> No.4842146

It’s important also to keep in mind—and I’ve been repeating this over and over—that
the box is a tool. What happens often with the box is there is a certain precision about
the box that the students tend to get basically stuck drawing boxes because they are always
looking for sort of the absolute correct answer to something. Well, the box gives us a certain
amount of that. Keep in mind it’s just a tool, that you’ll want to go past the box.
I’ve had many cases where the students literally get stuck on just drawing boxes because there
is a certain satisfaction to having this really clear idea of what the form is doing.
But you have to go beyond that. It’s a tool.
-based villppu

>> No.4842206
File: 575 KB, 2244x2952, 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842222

nigga wtf your grid is all fucked up and the character doesnt even coincide with it, are you paying attention or just parroting mindlessly?

>> No.4842253

I actually repostioned it to the grid just to export the image again, but whatever.

>> No.4842258

Sure you did bro.

>> No.4842262


>> No.4842312

yay someone reposted my meme

>> No.4842315
File: 21 KB, 480x260, IMG_20190818_130849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link the nip god source

>> No.4842318


For me it's all about getting a feel for perspective, learning about how it works, correct studies, etc. And then, putting it all together and kind of developing that 6th sense so that your shit make sense in perspective, as well as it has appeal.
Idk if my point is coming thru lol

>> No.4842319

It´s a book on how to draw loli.

>> No.4842332

all the more reasons to post it

>> No.4842337

Its in the OP

>> No.4842451
File: 3.77 MB, 5800x4060, range murata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have some Range in return

>> No.4842463

>that arm
Yikes, arms have so many room for nice gesture and here is just a tube.

>> No.4842500

Just draw a box, stupid fag.

>> No.4842508
File: 609 KB, 885x726, bones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crabbing THE Renji

>> No.4842555

Nigga, i can do boxes just fine.
I'm just telling OP he'll get a bit of understanding of perspective with 1/2 point perspective and go further on that, but some turdnugget had to make a thread about my lazy put together of what i had weeks ago like some sort of upset tranny.

>> No.4842584

Is not crabbing, I only pointed something that could have been done better, maybe if you spent less time sucking the dick of artist and more time drawing you may start to notice that too, don't be zealot, most artist have weak points and you shouldn't be aiming to copy then, someone may see this Murata drawing and think thats a good way to drawn an arm, grow up dude, not everything is "le crab meme lmao"

>> No.4842588

I'm a brainlet, what exactly are your perspective lines corresponding to on the figure?

>> No.4842605

Nice, now I can draw my giant mecha lolis.

>> No.4843248

What did you change

>> No.4843250

Thats not in perspective

>> No.4843262

he increased the resolution using some AI

>> No.4843264

Notice OP's filename has an "m" at the end, which already means that it's not the actual resolution

>> No.4843522

Oh ok im on a phone so cant tell