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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4838132 No.4838132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>wow you drew an established character and made them BUHLAQ? heres your free 100k likes bro
Why don't you stoop this low for publicity?

>> No.4838133

how many of these threads are we gonna have holy shit who the fuck cares suck my ass OP

>> No.4838135

Just sage them and move on. These threads never bring any interesting discussion and we get one like fucking 3 times a week

>> No.4838279

This is cute as long as they are not hairy and fat right?

>> No.4838288

It's a cute little trend, I don't mind it.
But you just fucking know these same people would absolutely ape out if people started to draw black people to be white.

>> No.4838309

Hey it's princess watermelon

>> No.4838317

>prey on White people's virtue signalling narcissism
not the worst strat

>> No.4838370

Because slapping shit brown color on random characters for cheap likes isn't gonna help me improve my art

>> No.4838385

This is why I don't use Twitter.

Cringe bullshit like this should be ignored, not encouraged or celebrated.

Also, this shit takes away the spotlight from hardworking artists who don't participate in this SJW virtue signalling nonsense.

>> No.4838389

>But you just fucking know these same people would absolutely ape out if people started to draw black people to be white.

That still a thing? I haven't seen that bullshit since Tumblr for almost 10 years

>> No.4838563
File: 565 KB, 498x381, hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much as I dislike SJWs they have a point here.

Black people were and are still barely represented in media, so it's ok to make white fictional characters black. But if you made a black fictional character white, you just took away the little representation they do have.

You could say that representation doesn't mean shit, but it does matter to humans, social animals, who like seeing themselves.

>> No.4838581

I don't care fucking anymore, just make every character black and LGBTQhhjbv or whatever, I just want people to shut up about this fucking topic, my fucking god. Make every one black, good, let's move and never talk about this shit again.

>> No.4838591

The 'turning whuite characters to black characters' trend isn't what pisses me off. What pisses me off is trying to bring back the few black majority IPs to cash in on that nostalgia. Like I just recently read Disney was bringing back Proud Family --why can't you just fucking make something new? Why? And not only that, every show centered around black people is always talking about "black people issues". Why can't we just move past this and just make a normal cartoon that doesn't have to be super blatant that the entire cast is black?

No virtue signaling, no black male white female garbage, no LGBTQ forced drama, no racial tension episodes--none of that. Just let it go and make a fucking normal show already.

>> No.4838597

Id watch The suite life of black and tranny

>> No.4838604


That can be easily done by a youtuber with enough people to waste their life away. I'd watch it for cheap laughs.

>> No.4838630

I mean... they don't look that bad, sure it's a weird redesign of established characters but at least they look pretty and some of their features still remain. I'd fuck those princesses, except Daisy.

>> No.4838632 [DELETED] 

>not picking the best one
paedo detected

>> No.4838636
File: 536 KB, 1280x1109, 0HtTurA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tired of this topic, btw we should make everyone black and gay

>> No.4838637
File: 307 KB, 860x1025, 76C4A3EC-7CF8-48D5-80DC-01E498586C28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss smuggies

>> No.4838640

They don't have a point, they make up much less of the population.
I can only think of one character that is the same race as me and it doesn't matter at all. I relate to people's beliefs and actions, not the color of their skin

>> No.4838648

>Black people were and are still barely represented in media
according to who? in what media? should 50% of all fictional characters be black? should it be more? even in countries where blacks make up less than 1% of the population? should characters be whitewashed in African media if there's not enough white representation?
>as much as I dislike SJWs they have a point here
what point? that Africans should be represented globally?
>so it's ok to make white fictional characters black. But if you made a black fictional character white, you just took away the little representation they do have
doesn't over-representing a majority and under-representing a minority go against your point?

>> No.4838657

>racism is bad
>I need to see people who look like me in media to feel OK
pick one

>> No.4838662

another point... what if creators wanted to make all their chars white? why is that bad?
people can make whatever the fuck they want

>> No.4838663

Except fanart is just fanart. It has no official bearing on the actual character and is immensely stupid to care about it.

>> No.4838668

>why is that bad?
It's bad when you set the story in a non-white country --like Japan.

>> No.4838686

the 2nd isn't racism. it's not tough to let people have their representation.

I'm only focusing on American media.
15% is the goal - the % of black people in America. In American media there is definitely not a 15% representation.

Doesn't matter, the creator and their whole community would get pissed. Not worth getting canceled.

>> No.4838713

>it's ok when they do it but not the opposite
black twitter are such a bunch of hypocritical piece of shit lol

>> No.4838734

Doesn't mean shit.
We have threads seething about some artwork blowing up on Twitter all the time and all of those artists got forgotten. It takes one click to give a like.
Followers are a more valuable measurement if you want social media validation because it means people actually want to see more of your art.

>> No.4838748

>most american movie nowadays have supporting black or lead black character. see the basic most popular movie like avengers or star wars
>american sport medium is dominated by black people, their most popular are lebron, jordan and whatnot
>american music industry stars are black, rihanna, drake, beyoncé and whatnot
>we're not represented :'(
so delusional.
Minus the fact that who gives a shit if someone has the same skin color as you, that's literally a NPC mindset. it's the experience that makes you relate to someone you mindless drones.

>> No.4838753

>media glorifies whiteness for 70+ years
>no bitching
>media experiments with blackness for a mere 5 to 10 years
>no stob it >:(

not taking sides here

>> No.4838757

Imagine taking a cute disney princess and making her a low IQ sheboon and also thinking this will end racism L M A O

>> No.4838769


Out of all the 12 or so disney princesses only 3 of them are considered white according to stormfront.

>> No.4838771

Cringe. Fuck off to >>>/pol/ this isn't yout shitty circlejerk board.

Report and sage every one of these shitty poltard vendetta threads.

>> No.4838772

You can't tell me what to do. I'm not your personal clickworker.

>> No.4838773

>Daisy is the only princess with brown hair and tan skin
>They made her the lightskin one
what a twist

>> No.4838776

>twist my argument to move the goalpost instead of arguing
>"not taking sides"
why do twitter retards do this? you're such a fucker lol.

Anyway, you said that doing blackfacing characters is fine but not the opposite because according to your headcanon there's not enough people of color in media, I gave you exemples of how you're wrong, you can continue the argument from there or keep being intellectually dishonest by attacking me and implying that I'm against poc representation when it's not even the case

>> No.4838778

How about you deal with it or fuck off to a more appropriate safespace like your favorite subreddit?

>> No.4838814

>Minus the fact that who gives a shit if someone has the same skin color as you, that's literally a NPC mindset. it's the experience that makes you relate to someone you mindless drones.

appearance is an important factor. I don't care for it myself, I'm not black, but young minds absorb media. My ex was black and she used to bleach her skin. White was seen as beautiful, and there wasn't much black representation in models back then, so the culture made darkness seem ugly by comparison.

>> No.4838816
File: 4 KB, 234x264, 01618416416854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because white people bad

>> No.4838821

Oh no someone is drawing trendy stuff and getting Twitter likes off of it, and even worse, it's something you don't like! What a travesty.

>> No.4838822
File: 267 KB, 375x475, 1577315852332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder.

>> No.4838868

My goodness, look at all this white fragility! It's... it's fucking BEAUTIFUL!

>> No.4838870

/ic/ is majority asian females first then the rest non white

>> No.4838877

>blacks are 15%
>asians are 5%
Well if i turn a black character into a asian character you better not fucking complain

>> No.4838879


>> No.4838881

>/ic/ is majority asian females

>> No.4838897

you are though

>> No.4838905

Cry harder kek

>> No.4838910

race isn't that big of a factor on whether you identify with a character, it's mostly a matter of whether you can relate to their moral compass, their stated desires and their inner contradictions. If it were a factor, blackwashing popular characters wouldn't do much to make the world a more inclusive place or whatever. It would only stir resentment between the white kid who is suddenly no longer allowed to identify with his hero because he's now a black icon, and the black kid who feels like he's being tricked into worshipping a white devil wearing a black skin.
I think the only justification for race-swapping characters is "because I can and because I want to", which is all the justification you need, but I don't think it's a moral good, really.

As for your ex gf, sounds like she's projecting her insecurity onto her race, just like a lot of anons project their insecurities onto their height or their below-average dicksize. Normativity will always exist, there will always be something for people to irrationally obsess over. All we can do to help people with that kind of problem is counsel them individually.

>> No.4838938
File: 74 KB, 818x864, 1595995457622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ is majority asian females
bullshit there are no girls on 4chan
if there are any asian art girls here though i will pay you to be my gf you can treat me like shit and ruin my life i don't care just pretend to like me sometimes please i don't care how much money it costs and you never have to go out in public with me except to walk me on a leash to the ATM if you're into that

>> No.4838962

Damn does it hurt you that much OP? Just do your own version then and stop shitting on others already.

>> No.4838967

Anon you don't need any females when you have loomis and the hard round brush

>> No.4838977

you don't understand anon
nobody understands...

>> No.4838987


>> No.4838996

Redd*tfag with redd*t spacing

>> No.4839004

they just can't help themselves.

>> No.4839013

>redd*t spacing
Seethe and dilate troomer.

>> No.4839015
File: 85 KB, 502x560, 1577829581812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4839019

Black people are the most represented minority in media by a longshot now. Every other commercial on television includes a black family or a mixed race couple, which is almost always a black lady with the same haircut and a white man.

I don't really care about "representation" as long as the character is good, but when people claim a movie is diverse because it has black people is fucking stupid. A film is "diverse" if it has a mix of blacks, whites, asians, indians, ect.

>> No.4839030

>black lady with the same haircut

That puffy, curly Californian Afro hair? I have never seen a girl like that before IRL but they always put a girl like that in paper ads and commercials.

>> No.4839034

That's the one. Somebody pointed it out to me and now I can't stop noticing it.

>> No.4839038

Yeah I noticed this when I was younger as I would read newspapers a lot. It didn’t bother me until much later when I noticed I never really do see anyone who looks like that.

>> No.4839045
File: 673 KB, 942x726, 1581388491395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he seeks female companionship
pathetic and ngmi

>> No.4839049

Because i want to draw black and white chicks with actual character instead of being known for white washing/black washing any other character.
Wouldn't want that shit to happen to any of your characters so why draw it now for likes and retweets that won't even matter in the long run?

>> No.4839050

Based precurechad

>> No.4839051

They're usually light skinned as well. My guess is marketers concluded they were the least threatening to look at or something.

>> No.4839056
File: 40 KB, 510x476, 6c19236947b2f5026c0b75d7164893d9d9398627b4dfbe7f78d7fd4d2561dd92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna be okay anon. Chicks will flock to you once you change yourself for the better. Currently trying to do that for boys

>> No.4839075

Why are you so upset?
White people really are fragile lol

>> No.4839081

Wow, I would not expect to see a good take on here but hey, i'll take it

>> No.4839088

there's more like that in twitter

>> No.4839087

the power of having your board be hidden

>> No.4839089

>sees people changing the race of characters is a thing
>draws white version of black characters
>gets twittermobbed and probably put on a fucking blacklist
hhhhm, somehow I get the feeling this isn't really about representation.

>> No.4839100

Shhh you're having a wrong opinion anon
That's very problematically problematic

>> No.4839142

Literally anything Kiana does will get 100K likes no matter what it is. She was just given full storyboarding jobs at 17 because she draws well and people like it a lot.