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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.46 MB, 1167x1650, green dress color@web.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4836189 No.4836189 [Reply] [Original]

/loli/ general, keep it sfw and post your drawings!

>> No.4836191

You first

>> No.4836192

kill yourself

>> No.4836193


>> No.4836196

Kill yourself

>> No.4836198

keep your smile

>> No.4836199

already did
why so mad?

>> No.4836200

You're not alke, faggot.

>> No.4836206

bitch looks like a chimpmunk
do pedophiles really?

>> No.4836212

i´m, now seethe more pls

>> No.4836213

that's exactly what I told your mother when you were born before I left her

>> No.4836215

alke doesn't post here pedo larper

>> No.4836217

post progress pic

>> No.4836221

how can you possibly know, are you Alke´s boyfriend?

>> No.4836223


>> No.4836225

Ok so I know they're just drawings and not real kids but ask yourself this. Why are you drawing kids? Why are you attracted to characters that are depicted as/have the characteristics of kids? Just because you aren't attracted to irl kids does not make you any less of a pedo. Get help or kill yourself.

>> No.4836229

I just like kids :)

>> No.4836231

Is aike a loli who uses her own refs confirmed

>> No.4836233

Yeah, I take the photos :)

>> No.4836234
File: 1.18 MB, 2340x3000, 7cbf925ab45c2a62eddd9c86e98c43b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you draw old people you are atracted to old people
>if you draw midgets you are atracted to midgets
>Steve Huston has a fetish for boxers
>you cant draw things because they are appealing/challenging

>> No.4836237

Yeah, like that's not weird at all. No normal sane person looks at drawings of kids that are mostly suggestive in nature and doesn't feel uncomfortable.

>> No.4836238

>Why are you drawing kids?
because they are cute & funny :)))

>> No.4836241

>Steve Huston has a fetish for boxers
he actually does im pretty sure

>> No.4836246

We're not talking about any classical paintings here, retard. These are people who unironically use the term loli to refer to kids. A term that is inherently sexual

>> No.4836258

If God didn’t want to create pedophiles then he shouldn’t have made kids look so good.

>> No.4836259

>A term that is inherently sexual
source: my ass
go back to twatter if you find everything offensive or with an obscure undertone, you overly fragile faggot.

>> No.4836265

>overly fragile
Im not the one seething because some stranger on the internet claimed that being attracted to children is unhealthy.

>> No.4836268

not him and you're probably trolling but in case you're not, "loli" is from the book "lolita" which is about a pedo grooming and fucking a little girl

>> No.4836280

please kill yourself!

>> No.4836282

lick my balls and suck them

>> No.4836287


>> No.4836291

the book is about surrendering to yout inner weaknesses and letting temptation win, its like crime and punishment, holy fuck do you fuckos even read the sources or just take anything you see on the internet as literal and true?

>> No.4836292

you don't have balls, fucking pedo-troll.

>> No.4836296

Tear the hairs from the walls of my buttcrack and use it as dental floss

>> No.4836319

As a pedophile, that girl is not particularly attractive.

>> No.4836329

he failed at boxing, so painting boxers was is a coping mechanism fro him

>> No.4836334


>> No.4836344

>loli thread
>post toddler
Every time

>> No.4836348

No, you

>> No.4836366
File: 86 KB, 1879x419, 1549842082303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your freedom while you can pedoscums

>> No.4836378


>> No.4836381

>no "gay sex with hats on"
>no "how to take a screenshot"

>> No.4836385

>draw roree
I didn't know America was this based

>> No.4836425

Glorious to see the shitposting in here, brothers. It's about time we run pedos off this sub.

>> No.4836430

Please stop clogging this thread with bullshit. Everyone knows that art is universal that also includes pedophiles. Can you now fuck off guys

>> No.4836456

Guys is cereal a soup?

>> No.4836469

4chan rules are so fucking ambiguous. apparently you can report a post here for "lolikon", whatever that means
also, how is that a loli? seems more like a toddler to me

>> No.4836475


>> No.4836490

>0 drawing posted
shit thread

>> No.4836493

>only three OC pictures created in the last thread
You already proved that lolifags that hang aound here are pedos only interesting kids getting raped and nothhng more. Failed general, failed thread.

>> No.4836498

I bet 10000 dollars you never read the book lmao.

>> No.4836500

Edging dangerously close to toddlercon
Keep it 9 and older

>> No.4836505

>interesting kids getting raped
wtf where?

>> No.4836508

I'm going to follow that other anon and I'm going to submit a tip to the FBI, seethe pedos.

>> No.4836510


I'm a pedo and will do the same. Fuck other pedos.

>> No.4836515
File: 235 KB, 287x200, 190332FB-4E60-44CD-AF45-D2572FDAC207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based beyond all belief

>> No.4836520


if you 2edgy4u retards can't understand why drawing kiddies in sexy pinups or getting fucked indicates a bigger problem, take your 'obscure undertone' lolita art and do everyone in your life a favor by offing yourselves, fucking degenerates.

>> No.4836526


>> No.4836530

plebbitor spotted

>> No.4836536

>last thread

>> No.4836541

RIP alke, you were a real one.

>> No.4836544
File: 37 KB, 600x450, 1510833679430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheres the bigger problem?
>"A-Advocation of child molest-"
Prove that loliartists are child molesters.
Prove that lolicon art promotes child molestation.
You have the floor, you retard.

>> No.4836545
File: 152 KB, 1336x900, 1590455218548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't understand why drawing kiddies in sexy pinups or getting fucked indicates a bigger problem
The only problem I see is a detachment from reality displayed by people like you. While I wouldn't draw that shit I also recognize that it's not real. There is no harm being done to anyone. Do you sperg at art depicting murder or cannibalism? no of course you don't because that's not how the conditioning works. You've been told to act this way, and thus you do. You act just like a religious nut, and so, your opinion is worthless at best, at worst it would result in people not creating simple works of art like pic related out of fear of being demonized by people like you.

>> No.4836549

He's doing well though, you poser

>> No.4836551

Shouldn't the janitors do their jobs?
Get this shit off my board.

>> No.4836559


>> No.4836561

whatever, but that picture is clearly against this board's rules

>> No.4836562

all characters depicted are 18 years or older :^)

>> No.4836565

This is gross

>> No.4836568

I like to draw naked loli and shota because of the symbolism. They are untouched by the corruption and cynicism of the modern adult world, so their nudity is reflective of their innocence and relative closeness to nature. There's an inherent pureness in seeing a group of loli and shota play naked together, no stress, no fear, no judgement. Nothing to be ashamed of or nothing to hide. Just adorable little humans, in their most honest, natural form, bonding and having fun in an egalitarian context.
I love loli and shota because in many ways they represent a wisdom and spark that is lost with age, and our society is worse off for it.

>> No.4836570
File: 916 KB, 909x1645, 1596838669757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe you as I've never had a problem posting it or other works of art similar to it in the past, this also highlights the demonization I just mentioned. Young, old, fat, thin, the body is art and we should be so lucky to ever be able to craft anything even half as beautiful.

>> No.4836575

>my board
scuse me nigger

>> No.4836578

i like drawing naked loli because it makes my pp big :)

>> No.4836581

>no response to my inquiry for evidence

>> No.4836582 [DELETED] 
File: 165 KB, 800x800, resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uhh? any loli artists here?

>> No.4836587

loli is explicitely banned in all boards, save for /b/
pretty sure they also delete it from /b/ for undisclosed reasons

>> No.4836590
File: 10 KB, 300x168, brainmelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're going to clog the FBI's tip jar with reports of people not breaking any laws!!! that'll show those PLEBOPHILES!!!
This isn't reddit, retard. Nobody will give you "le gold" to award your retardation.

>> No.4836592

go to a museum and throw a shit fit see what happens

>> No.4836593

only NSFW

>> No.4836594

how is this >>4836545 sfw?

>> No.4836595
File: 1.23 MB, 3000x2342, 1592260900270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been posting loli though. Only art that could serve as good reference for anyone who would like to contribute to the thread with their own.

Because it's art. It's not gratuitous, it's not vulgar, it's not sexual. Surely your understanding of art can't be THIS sheltered?

>> No.4836597

I never said it was, don't drag me into your gayass argument

>> No.4836600
File: 2.84 MB, 720x1280, sketchbook.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, is this allowed or not?

>> No.4836603

Is this yours? Why do you chicken scratch so much?

>> No.4836609

>chicken scratch
you fell for that crazy wine aunt pseudo science right brain bullshit. all the strokes that make a painting are also considered chicken scratch?

>> No.4836617

>prove that child porn promotes child molestation

>> No.4836619

It's not chicken scratch but there are bad strokes when painting too

>> No.4836620
File: 69 KB, 666x891, practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this sfw?

>> No.4836624

useless thread 99% talk 1% art and it's not even lewd

>> No.4836626

try posting it on /tv/ or /v/ and you'll be banned for "sexualizing a minor", being a "retarded pedo", or even posting "off topic"
global rules are the same for all boards

>> No.4836636

If that's yours then that's some genuinely good work. Love the pages with smaller pics in them.

>> No.4836669
File: 48 KB, 467x531, 1580849528606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(How to draw Moe (Basics) - Most 'loli' like book - book 1)

(How to draw Moe (action & expressing emotion) - book 2)

(Young girl anatomy book - very "loomis-y")

>> No.4836671
File: 138 KB, 740x1035, af23e57ab13619d69e0b1a43edd8b844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a loli though. pic related is a loli.

>> No.4836685

Nice, thanks anon!

>> No.4836691

>wojakshitter is a newfag
color me surprised

>> No.4836714

I'm gonna ask again, is there any loli hentai artist arrested for committing crimes against actual minors?

>> No.4836717
File: 2.06 MB, 1526x1250, de3q63e-038cf07f-2e2d-4caa-8117-72fdcce4455b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able to post your sfw images/studies of children without any issue.
just don't post any nude chests/exposed sex organs or imply sexual situations, regardless of innocent portrayal. don't post lifted skirts or squatting, showing panties, while playing, boys comparing penises or anything focusing on children's genitals.
the current severity of the taboo towards seeing nude children, regardless of your opinion towards it or personal intentions, isn't going to change any time soon.
all pic related should be fine to post for instance, I would think.

>> No.4836718


>> No.4836727

kill yourself

>> No.4836744

Subject matter aside, alke's painting is so fucking good. His use of color and texture are definitely worth studying.
I wish he painted more stuff besides those toddler creatures

>> No.4836752

>please alke use all your years of hard work and study to paint things I like
Entitled little fuck, also whats with this thread and all the assblasted trannies seething in rage?

>> No.4836760

R*dditors and other assorted entities who do not belong on this website.

>> No.4836767
File: 35 KB, 320x235, 1593022006172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just don't post any nude chests/exposed sex organs
>showing panties
Innocent stuff that happens in the real world? fucking clown world rules here. Even The Simpsons still has the occasional panty shots.

>> No.4836772

To be fair there’s better loli artists like Murata, Alphonse, etc.

>> No.4836778

Not really. They're just different. Alphonse is really bad at faces though.

>> No.4836781

>please alke use all your years of hard work and only paint ugly gremlins
Imagine liking alke shitty art style

>> No.4836782

why do you have this in the first place

>> No.4836786

>Alphonse better than Alke
Maybe at composition, Alke just doesnt have any compositions, his pictures are mostly referenced copies with le ebin moe face and the weird ears he draws, his art beyong the icing of rendering is pretty boring, used to like the guys a lot but you can only see so many random lolis doing random shit before it gets old

>> No.4836788

I was talking about the people in this thread complaining about loli in general.
I think most of his faces are pretty bad, with only a few decent ones, his lighting is spot on though.

>> No.4836789

Who the fuck looks at the OP pic and gets a sexual attraction?! Wtf

>> No.4836791

I didn't, it was a quick google search to prove a point. A girl showing her underwear isn't sexual, how you depict it now that's what matters is what I'm saying. No one should give a shit if a skirt raises as a girl does a twirl for example, but if she's purposely showing them to someone then you have an argument.

>> No.4836795
File: 268 KB, 521x586, 1484430201893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pantyshots have been used since long time in animation to depict cuteness

>> No.4836799

just because an artist draws sexualized characters sometimes that doesn't mean every single illustration they make has the goal of making your pp hard.

>> No.4836805

the human body is inherently sexual, and that includes 10 year old girls
there's no way to clearly separate "erotic" from "aesthetic" or "hot" from "cute" without making subjective, biased, and unfair judgements

>> No.4836811

What a nice projection you have there buddy lmao, submitting my tip on you now, creepo

>> No.4836814


>> No.4836820

Most degenerates are either anglo scum or slavshits, so nope

>> No.4836821

>the human body is inherently sexual
Brain dead coomer spotted

>> No.4836822

>the human body is inherently sexual
holy shit that is some fucking projection right there, dude I like loli as an art but real children are fucking gross and are in no way sexual

>> No.4836828
File: 476 KB, 1280x1634, 1587255694244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the human body is inherently sexual
I'm not even going to bother reading the rest of your drivel. I truly despair for you if that's your world view. The body is not sexual, it is art.

>> No.4836834
File: 1.74 MB, 690x389, E8F7A382-8A94-4CD8-B5DC-B390AF552C72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To this entire thread

>> No.4836839
File: 1.07 MB, 778x1296, 1595564121591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mindless drones and roasties still seething at the sight of an anime character

>> No.4836857

>the human body is inherently sexual
lmao. there's nothing sexual about the human body pedo creep

>> No.4836864

This legitimately makes me angry at how ugly this is, you've could at least posted a decent drawn loli.

>> No.4836867

>post loli
>get banned from patreon for being IMMORAL
>"iT wAs JuST anIMe!11"
this is not how a real woman looks, it's a CHILD. anime literally encourages paedophilia.

>> No.4836870

>sexualizing a minor

>> No.4836877

It's on your mind, tranny

>> No.4836882


>> No.4836883

>this is not how a real woman looks

>> No.4836884

>big tits
>wide ass
you're mentally ill anon

>> No.4836888
File: 383 KB, 1200x1757, 1577408431544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is not how a real woman looks
Glad we agree
3DPD wish they looked even close to 10% of anime perfection lmao

>> No.4836890

Only you are seeing it as sexual, which means you are actively sexualising a minor and just admitted to doing so. Tell me anon, have anything to admit?

>> No.4836892

I don't see what is inherently sexy about these paintings, then again I don't see kids as something sexual to begin with so maybe my problem lies there. How are paintings of young people in a tasteful manner like these painting, even be possible to be viewed in a erotic fashion?????

>> No.4836915
File: 82 KB, 300x300, 1584700119060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caps lock on random word for the facebook "Karen effect"
>twitter "paraphrasing with random caps" meme
>reddit "real women don't look like this" meme
>anime + pedo meme from TTV
solid as fuck you know your classics. The only thing I would add would be a buzzword like incel, chud or a personal attack on a stereotype from anime watchers
but overall it's a solid as fuck shitpost for how short it is

>> No.4836920

based shitposter

>> No.4836928

It was a dumpster fire

>> No.4836937


jacking off to loli shit is the same as jacking off to real children--you're attracted because they look like kids but idealized, the same reason lonely weebs jerk it to big tiddy anime girls reflecting their attraction to women. pedophiles don't always act on their urges either, but that doesn't mean that they don't have something wrong upstairs you fucking twats. i don't think i need to explain to you like a 5 year old how your sexual preferences and porn taste influence your IRL sex life and all of that shit.

i don't need to be religious to have some fucking decency and not jack off to children, and anyone who enjoys that shit should be demonized.

>> No.4836939

The reason this board is so anti loli is the higher concentration of females
The roasties here realize that men find 2D lolis more attractive than them and this makes them very angry

>> No.4836946


same anon as >>4836937 here; i don't give a fuck who you draw nude if it's tasteful or not purposefully for sexual gratification. the shit i'm sick of it retards defending 'loli' artists who like to draw girls with pre-pubescent bodies taking cock like a college slut on the side or posing them in scantily clad 'sexy' outfits, while parading their 'SFW' art to all of the suspicious normies.

>> No.4836948


loli is not cute moe anime girls with big tiddies, fucktard. i don't give a shit what you jerk off to as long as it doesn't look like a literal underdeveloped child.

>> No.4836953

We can never have art threads like when stupidass weebs cant understand that not everyone thats into anime isnt into/ doesnt want to be associated with fucking fetish.

Only pedos like pedoshit, and you'd know this if you had conversations with people that's wasn't the internet you failed adult.

>> No.4836955

>nooo you can't mistreat the fictional characters, think about how they'd feel if they were real

>> No.4836960

Stay mad :^)

>> No.4836961

>you're attracted because they look like kids but idealized
So you agree again that 3dpd children don't look like perfect anime girls, nice.

>> No.4836966

don't care what you give a shit about though, you're a random
this nigga writes like his opinion matters lol

>> No.4836967

>jacking off to loli shit is the same as jacking off to real children
take me to the 2d jail faggotron

>> No.4836968

>stupidass weebs cant understand that not everyone thats into anime isnt into/ doesnt want to be associated with fucking fetish.
finally one of you anti-loli brigaders is being honest. your crusade has nothing to do with morality or "real harm" done to kids. you don't want to be associated with "creepy" behavior because you're afraid of what your friends might think of you.

>> No.4836975

So why aren't you campaigning to have violence in media removed? every time one of you nut cases bring up this argument, it is instantly disabled by this because you have no answer. Porn taste influences your IRL sex life? then by extension playing games where you murder innocents should turn you into an IRL murderer too. But it doesn't. The simple fact is you can't handle people drawing what they want, so you and people like you have constructed a narrative. A narrative that falls apart when anything else is applied to its logic.

>> No.4836977
File: 97 KB, 929x136, shitpost101-98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brother, it's a skill of its own

>> No.4836979

don't have to when you'll probably off yourself once you're 30 with no woman or stable life because everyone found out about your animated child porn fetish


same to you fags

>> No.4836980

>I lost the argument f-fuck y-you
I accept your concession.

>> No.4836983

I get that sentiment, it's also why publically liking lolis in Japan is also looked down upon, but the idea of anon imageboards is to talk about things without having to fully link it to yourself, so I don't get why everyone here is so anal about clicking on a thread they could've hid from the get go with filters

>> No.4836984

nice projection brah

>> No.4836985

Zankuro is top tier dude, wtf.

>> No.4836994

porn and sexual stimulation produces dopamine, overstimulates your brain to the point of changing your levels of tolerance and pretty much rewire the part of the brain that deals with arousal/what you're turned on by. now just imagine all of that, but with loli porn.

violence doesn't do that, idiot. your analogy is shit.

>> No.4836995

I want to piss everyone off here by saying I fucked a virgin legal loli Korean girl and it was the best shit ever

>> No.4837005
File: 162 KB, 1212x170, shitpost101 - 51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personal attack on a stereotype from anime watchers
Nice you followed my advice but next time don't Multi-reply like this because it shows that you're seething hard and lost the argument with no content to back you up
If you're doing a 1v5 in a thread and it becomes overwhelming then just reply to NO ONE, just post your answers as a general attack and act like you're gone from the thread.
your opponents will reply to you to have the last words but since you didn't reply to them it makes them look mald

>> No.4837006

>violence doesn't do that
Oh lol tell me you don't actually believe that. Tell the entire fighting game community this, or anyone who's ever won a UFC bout. Fuck ask anyone who's ever gone on a killing spree in GTA. But no those good feelings are completely unrelated to dopamine. Literally laughing right now.

>> No.4837009

Why would literally anyone here be pissed off by that?
Pedos don't care because >legal and redditors won't care because it's legal.

>> No.4837010

>violence doesn't do that
actual peak retard

>> No.4837015

my argument wasn't about dopamine release. try reading it 5 more times and seeing if anything clicks in that bird brain of yours.

>> No.4837016

so what, if you watch pornhub so you'll want to rape women?

>> No.4837018

why doesn't videogame violence rewire the brain to associate hurting people with pleasure?

>> No.4837020

I did read it numb nuts. You're saying the same rush from another source can't have the same effect which is so absurd I'm surprised you're even able to type with a brain that small.

>> No.4837021
File: 86 KB, 705x1000, EZOwdBjU0AAgPAe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WELL how about we start posting our cute and funny drawings

>> No.4837025

if you watch women getting raped, you're also probably kind of fucked but you'll likely just develop a rape fetish which is extremely common among women. rape-play/rape related roleplays is nothing uncommon between couples.

>> No.4837026
File: 122 KB, 936x894, crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee i wonder why Japan has such low crime rate while producing so much porn

>> No.4837028

That explains why I have a hard time finding real women attractive because of too much 2D
I always need to do it from the back with my tinder dates

>> No.4837031
File: 2.70 MB, 1684x2500, 1510978713233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can mods ban the shitposters please.
Take that shit to /b/ if you want to have philosophical discussions about the morality of 2D drawings, but we don't give a shit.

>> No.4837032

Any references that aren't in the linked thread?

>> No.4837033

it's not related to sex. sexual pleasure is extremely different due to human sexuality being a lot more malleable. tho people getting pleasure from hurting people isn't unheard of, it's not common either.

no, violence does not rewire your brain into making your dick hard, dipshit. people also watch porn expecting to get turned on by it and to jerk off, not something people usually do when playing CoD or street fighter.

>> No.4837035

huh, mods?

>> No.4837042

Noooo don't post art I don't like.

Don't you ever think that maybe this mentality is better served on r*ddit?
Like seriously, what's keeping you from just going there? The literal only thing 4chan has over r*ddit is freedom from censorship.

>> No.4837045

>no, violence does not rewire your brain into making your dick hard
It's like you live in a world without BDSM and rape. People have also been known to get a boner in a fight.
>or street fighter
I see you know nothing of that game then.

Agreed. It's all very tiresome and these nut cases will never listen to reason. So this is my last post on such things, as you said they have no place on /ic/ and I apologize.

>> No.4837051

if we continue with these threads people will get tired of arguing soon enough.

>> No.4837054

I knew there was going to be another pedo vs moralfag debate in this thread, kek. Hey pedofags, just tell those anons to dilate or something already and fuck off already.

>> No.4837057

or better yet stop replying to them

>> No.4837058

i'm pretty sure this is pure "trolling"

>> No.4837066

You're damn I dont want to assosicate with you fuck creeps. You fucks are constantly trying gaslight people by calling them jealous/ bring up false equavalencies/ or some other dumb shit, you fags are always inflitrated places where you're not welcome, and every time I turn around some fuck is getting busted with GBs of 2D and 3D of porn on their PCs and you tards whistling walk away pretending like your tribe doesn't foster pedophillia. T-that was one guy bro, d-dont lewd the loliing lolireno. Even in japan your fetish is barely tolerated, yet you morons got it in your heads that you can bring you fucking napalm whereever you go because muh one first world socieity, and stranger still you expect not to be treaded on when we know you fags are going to go full retard the moment people stop paying attention and start posting detestable shit to trigger the normalfags ;). Your kind is fucking cancer, always has been.

>> No.4837074

>jacking off to loli shit is the same as jacking off to real children
twitter drones cold take
>"nooo real women don't look like this"
>"3dpd is the same as 2D perfect fictional characters with top tier aesthetic, if you like one you like the other"
choose one, you can't just bring one or the other depending of the argument you're having. I know it's hard for twitter NPCs to understand this but you need a defined paradigm, you can't have positions that oppose each other

>> No.4837079

Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's madame and daughter of famed Mossad agent Robert Maxwell (arguably considered the founder of Israel) frequently labeled her child porn folders "lolicon", as investigators did a deep dive.

A Jew outed himself here in the previous thread defending the Talmud's acceptance and encouragement of exploitating of underaged "goyim" children.

Let that sink in.

They don't hide their attraction to IRL children.

>> No.4837083
File: 1.62 MB, 1770x1202, 1593023632683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tru-... OH NO WTF
>inb4 T-that was one guy bro
too late you used it

>> No.4837087

it's ok dude she's 10000 years old

>> No.4837088
File: 75 KB, 460x613, 1591163805588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4837090

hummmm anti-lolibros care to explain this?

>> No.4837095

you mean like the book lolita

>> No.4837096

It’s possible to be a non offending pedo, but there’s a weird push I’ve noticed of denying the possibility that Loli could be a sublimation of genuine desire for children. Why is that?

>> No.4837099


>> No.4837106
File: 147 KB, 1227x796, ER1FkjBWsAcMLxm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4837107
File: 2.91 MB, 2481x4406, book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something im working on. tried to do an asymmetric hairstyle but it kinda looks awkward instead of just derpy

>> No.4837108
File: 245 KB, 850x1202, 1597689562008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't even like loli content but dislike normalfags who imply that 3DPD is the same as anime kino
The kind of normalfags who take HRT and think that they look like their anime profile picture

>> No.4837110

because it's stupid you loony fuck

>> No.4837111 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 489x690, nooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4837112


>> No.4837116
File: 82 KB, 1435x1569, 1569379455919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4837119


>> No.4837121

Why? It seems defensive. Again it doesn’t make you a criminal in and of itself, but I think it strains credulity that there’s no one who actually desires children and also consumes loli art, as if they are mutually exclusive.

>> No.4837122

the feet need to be gooder

>> No.4837127

oh hi there thank you for your tip

>> No.4837128

and you sound loony
>liking sylvanas make me necrophiliac

>> No.4837130 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 626x799, hello.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4837131 [DELETED] 

>tfw a phonefag draws better than you on a drawing tablet
but seriously, how long have you been drawing, and how did you learn?

>> No.4837135

>tfw a phonefag draws better than you on a drawing tablet
but seriously, how long have you been drawing, and how did you learn?

>> No.4837138

liking action movies makes you a homicidal maniac

>> No.4837139

hi ramune

>> No.4837140

No shit pedophiles are willing to blend with the crowd to sheild themselves from being outed as as pedos, it still doesn't make you fags any less fucking detestable.

>> No.4837141

t. pedo

>> No.4837145

it's like when that super vocal anti-gay pastor turned out to be using twink call boys. it's one thing to dislike something a lot but for whatever reason the people who are most against it, to an obsessive level, have closeted interest in it

>> No.4837147


>> No.4837157
File: 85 KB, 960x814, 1587746029904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4837160
File: 629 KB, 1384x1643, 1593030351596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

said like a truly assblasted seething nigger. I never said I didn't like loli
yes, of course there are. Alke isn't even my fav loli artist but some of his pieces -like OP- are so good in terms of render and lightning. Like I said, It'd be great if he had more variation in subject matters, seeing those toddlers doing cute stuff makes it boring really fast.

>> No.4837161

She looks like she has very puffy nipples and likes to throw up a lot

>> No.4837163

>no art in sight
You pedophiles can't even defend you fetish by drawing, how embarrassing.

>> No.4837164

Oh, I'm sorry we didn't know you were a neuroscientist.
But, Dr., I thought people watched violent movies because they were fun? I thought people played violent video games because they were fucking fun, and literally stimulated your brain with a positive reward when you get a killshot.

Your argument is just cherrypicking that you pulled out of your ass. You are seriously telling me that people don't watch violent movies or play violent games because they're fun. Only jerking of releases dopamine, nothing else.

>> No.4837165

This thread has nothing to do with art critique or self-improvement. It's an excuse for pedos to infiltrate/ic and turn it into their cumrag.

Mods, why is this shit up?

>> No.4837166
File: 159 KB, 1160x825, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4837167
File: 83 KB, 279x273, 1573143892235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4837170


And even more defensiveness and now strawmen, you’ll notice that I never said liking loli MAKES you a pedophile, I said pedophiles CAN ALSO enjoy loli, which seems like an uncontroversial statement. Liking violent entertainment doesn’t make one violent, neither does that mean no one whose violent would not also seek out violent media.

Likewise seeking out loli isn’t in an of itself is pedophilic, but can you admit that a pedophile might also seek loli on as an outlet? I mean it’s always cited how Japan’s instances of child molestation are so low even though loli art is “more” socially acceptable there. You can’t have it both ways, either loli allows pedophiles to sublimate their desires or the amount of loli in Japan has nothing to do with their lower victimization rate.

>> No.4837176


>> No.4837177
File: 91 KB, 1121x782, ahhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4837179

Wait, do you think that dopamine is a sexual hormone or something?

Your brain rewires itself according to any reward. It doesn't have to be sexual. If you have fun playing violent video games every day, then you are rewiring your brain toward violent video games. It's that simple. I don't understand what problem you're having.

>A says "kill all pedos"
>B is a pedo
>B says "good thing I'm not a pedo"
Same with denying that traps are gay. It's people's reaction to shaming and perceived threats. They can't stop being gay/pedo/jew so their only options are deny or face consequences.

>> No.4837180

>I said pedophiles CAN ALSO enjoy loli
pedophiles can also enjoy icecream.

>> No.4837181

is it intentional that the head doesn't fit the body ?

>> No.4837182

very based.

>> No.4837183

correlation does not imply causation, pedophiles also breathe air anon, you know what to do

>> No.4837188

>a loli thread on /ic/
please make this a constant thing, loli art deserves to be here!

>> No.4837189


>> No.4837190
File: 291 KB, 850x2068, 1597134689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only cowards and insecure idiots hates loli,

most of them are tasteless normie who don't sharpening their intelligence

>> No.4837196

legs too long to be a loli

>> No.4837201


>> No.4837208

Is this a boy?

>> No.4837214
File: 124 KB, 1160x825, 6p7nq9wy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more forms, keep the cunny work senpai

>> No.4837217
File: 33 KB, 626x256, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4837219

>keep it sfw
>turns into a pedo porn dump

Like clockwork.

>> No.4837221

holy shit who r u

>> No.4837224

that's a boy chief

>> No.4837225


>> No.4837226

I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while Wysteriary, but what/how did you study to get to your current skill level?

>> No.4837230

Funny that they always prove why they shouldn't ever be given an inch.

>> No.4837231


That’s extremely disingenuous, and at this point you’re just restating you argument as if that changes what I said. Air and ice cream have nothing to do with sexuality, but if you want to play that semantic game, it still doesn’t deny a correlation with loli art and actual pedophiles, it just insinuates it irrelevant.

So do you concede that Japan’s victimization rates have nothing to do with the availability of loli art then? Again if you’re making equivalencies to air and loli art then you can’t reasonably hold the position that loli art makes kids safer.

>> No.4837239
File: 107 KB, 996x620, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still typing

>> No.4837246

No answer at all huh?

>> No.4837248

Yes they can, but then again "loli" is a broad term that can mean a 2 year old or a 16
If a pedo want to look at a drawing of a 2 year old taking dicc you bet it's not because they watched animu and suddenly they have a interest in children

>> No.4837249

>So do you concede that Japan’s victimization rates have nothing to do with the availability of loli art then?
yes, has nothing to do with it, now fuck off

>> No.4837250

cute af

>> No.4837254

So why is brought up as a defense?

>> No.4837259
File: 722 KB, 2244x2952, 027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone post Alke's archives?

>> No.4837261


>> No.4837265


>> No.4837267

Misdirection is high schooler logic. Focus on the main road

>> No.4837268
File: 84 KB, 258x360, 15737686897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.4837272

Everything is on sadpanda

>> No.4837274

Do people who enjoy loli have that broad a definition, are teenagers included under the umbrella?

>> No.4837276

kys disgusting pedo

>> No.4837277

Just asking questions, it would probably help mainstream acceptance of loli art if you could prove that it is a net good for society. Nobody goes after children’s book authors solely for drawing children.

>> No.4837281

Because children books don't make a fortune on patreon. It's just peoples jealousy.

>> No.4837284

>help mainstream acceptance of loli art
not him, but I'll never let that allow that shit, normalfags don't deserve cunny imo and good job being filter to make cunny more exquisite.

>> No.4837287

>mainstream acceptance
dont care, never will care

>> No.4837297

That’s a novel interpretation, I hadn’t thought of it that way.


It’s that or criminalization, which seems to be the direction things are headed. No amount of filter will help then.

>> No.4837299

I guess so
a Teen girl who's petite and smoll is defined as legal loli

>> No.4837305
File: 577 KB, 735x987, Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the third world man, I don't give a shit about your morals in children protection via pixels on the screen.

>> No.4837308

this is precisely why finding hentai I enjoy is fucking annoying.
there is no standard.
inputting "flatchest" nets you a dumpster truck of toddler shit, but also some of the shit I like gets tagged loli. so i can't just filter that out.

>> No.4837309

study cp

>> No.4837314

i'm always repeating this, but peter bright was a legit good tech reporter and never let his political views ruin his work
also, the whole thing seems like a consenting adult woman roleplaying, and he just going with the flow

>> No.4837317

Never had I made an appeal to morality, and at the end of the day people making loli art is the least of my concerns. It’s not that much of a flex to say how much you love cunny and that I can’t stop you, lol.

>> No.4837324

I can see how that would be annoying, “tomboy” tags seems to have smaller busts, but it’s hit or miss if that’s what you’re into.

>> No.4837330

there's nothing essentially wrong or immoral about cp
is just erotic pictures of minors

>> No.4837339
File: 442 KB, 592x603, 1565642865745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2D loli
good, super based.
>3D loli
Kill yourself.

>> No.4837345


>> No.4837366

Where's the loli paintings? All I see are discord trannies arguing some shit

>> No.4837370


>> No.4837372
File: 85 KB, 936x915, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks spacejinbro

>> No.4837387
File: 36 KB, 640x604, 258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up,post the kids

>> No.4837403
File: 262 KB, 644x362, 1566492280726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All this positivity and support from work being posted by others
>mfw you get henpecked to death whenever you post work
Seriously fuck you guys.

>> No.4837405

People are way more tolerant of lolicons than toddlercons. Also acting like an asshole while also posting work didn't help.

>> No.4837441

There are plenty of people who dislike or even hate loli that say teenagers are lolis. The definition has always been vague.

>> No.4837492


>> No.4837499


>> No.4837503

Spammers got it near the bump limit so it'll die soon

>> No.4837511
File: 230 KB, 397x253, discord server.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the council is displeased by this thread

>> No.4837518
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 1596106467129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /ic/ council are trannies
>What anon mean by this?

>> No.4837529

according to nabokov's book nymphets only occur between the ages of 9 and 14
i'd personaly say, under 8 is toddler, and over 13 is jailbait

>> No.4837549

>smug ben franklin
always makes me chuckle

>> No.4837559

>if you are not a pedophile you are my enemy!
Fuck your narrative, retarded schizo.

>> No.4837562

nobody is a pedo here, well, maybe you since you are projecting so fucking hard.

>> No.4837578

I actually like the trees and the rocks/boulders between 0:26 and 0:29.
Why didn't you draw some in combination with lolis, though?

>> No.4837600

That looks more like a chibi

>> No.4837639
File: 97 KB, 1152x721, 7c5a0792e95965c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>person jacks off to cartoon barafur porn of two muscular furries buttfucking each other
>call them a gay homo faggot
>they don't care cause they probably are actually gay
no big deal

>draw porn of fictional character getting raped
>it gets tagged as "rape" on boorus even though rape is the name of an actual crime that can actually be committed
also no big deal

>draw porn comic of fictional adult having sex with a japanese school child
>moralfags call it a depiction of pedophilia and call the people who fap to it pedophiles
>coomers proceed to immediately get defensive even though being a pedophile isn't illegal and fictional depictions of pedophilia isn't illegal in many places, and there's literal evidence to suggest that availability of fictional porn comics featuring children and pornography in general correlates with less child sexual abuse

>> No.4837655

loli raping sounds like actually degenerate bullshit
cute harmless softcore is what normal men like. same for 3d

>> No.4837660

cartoons arent real

>> No.4837662

They're afraid of little girls. They ngmi

>> No.4837686
File: 907 KB, 1711x1001, Screenshot_2020-09-02 Mother, son charged with incest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw porn of dipper and mabel having sex
>upload it on boorus
what should I tag it? would I be correct to tag it with incest? The crime of having sexual relations with a blood relative?

>> No.4837687

>>upload it on boorus
>what should I tag it
tagme tag

>> No.4837688

plz stay on topic
you can create another thread for your degenerate shit

>> No.4837693

? + - incest 21597

sorry but this thread is a train wreck, I quietly posted my art in both this thread and the last but people just couldn't help but respond to all the fucking bait. it's near the bump limit now, so just let this one die

>> No.4837712

since when is incest a crime?

>> No.4837714

>the feet need to be gooder
I'll work on it but im unsure how much gooder it has to be considering its almost out of frame
its not a phone drawing but thanks I guess
that doujin was indeed an inspiration, I'm thinking of copying a panel from it for the photo preview in the bottom left
>what/how did you study to get to your current skill level?
I studied what my favorite artists studied. sometimes they leave clues. Use your brain when they don't, or pay better attention to what they post or say

>> No.4837731

>art board
>against free expression
Does /ic/ really?

>> No.4837733
File: 177 KB, 772x304, 2020-09-02-15:30:07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since when is incest a crime?
depends on your jurisdiction, but it probably is in some form.

>> No.4837735

people don't draw here
they visit this board to feel like they are drawing

>> No.4837794

This is more accurate with the exemple of saying that all furfags are zoophile and want to fuck real animals
it is what it is, you can be attracted to appealing anime characters and not give a fuck about 3dpd brats.
Like those furry who like MLP but not real horses I guess?

>> No.4837809

They have to dehumanize the subject with intense zealotry else they with have to the face music that they're all infact pedophiles.

>> No.4837813

In the end lolifags proved that they were far worst than furries.

>> No.4837819

Yeah that is a blatant lie

>> No.4837832

>because they make me dilate more AAIIIIIIIIEEEEEEE

>> No.4837857
File: 118 KB, 488x334, 2020-09-02-17:24:02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like those furry who like MLP but not real horses I guess?
out of all the types of furries you could have picked, this is the absolute worst example to make your point with. I'm sorry but you know nothing: MLP coomers and horse furry coomers are BOTH into the idea of fucking a horse pussy and the prospect of getting their faces drenched in the sweat of a musky horsecock. Not all of them are into it sure, but a sizeable chunk are, and that's just the consoomers. If you single out the artists specifically, you will find that the majority of them are like that. And they aren't insecure about it either, they own the term "horsefucker", but unironically.

>it is what it is, you can be attracted to appealing anime characters and not give a fuck about 3dpd brats.
I get what you're saying, and yes that is true for most, but things need to be called what they are: If a brother and sister cartoon have sex, that's incest, if they're both male cartoons and fuck, it's gay, etc.

>> No.4837869

>one joke

>> No.4837889

Retards freaking out about loli because it's supposedly against their morals have no problem with art depicting rape, murder and gore. Think about that, and realize that they just want to censor your art because it's offensive to them personally. It's threads like these where /ic/'s female majority really shows itself.

>> No.4837980


>> No.4837989


>> No.4838013

I don't think women are jealous of prepubescent girls.
I'm a man and I don't think girls 9 or younger should be sexualised.

>> No.4838038

Good thing i only sexualize 10 or older

>> No.4838051

(I think that's the joke)

>> No.4838065

Damn that's good.

>> No.4838127

real lolicons are proud to be pedos

>> No.4838129
File: 346 KB, 1440x2048, My Broken Mariko - Chapter 1_ Escape - 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My broken Mariko

>> No.4838137

does that mean that other people should be ashamed of not being pedos?

>> No.4838152

No. It means lolicons shouldn't do mental gymnastic on how liking loli doesn't mean you're a pedophile.

>> No.4838157

That is some patrician taste right there. Good luck man.

>> No.4838316

Cute beat up loli

>> No.4838386

I want to beat up kids

>> No.4838451

fuck off lrd

>> No.4838485

free my nigga thad mcmichael

>> No.4838503

this goes to the very core of the issue: how is evil portraying cute, happy, harmless, sexy minors, but is a-ok portraying degenerate gore and torture porn, as long as you can't see a nipple?

>> No.4838531

fuck off ironic lolicon

>> No.4838543

it makes no sense being "proud" of something that is just ingrained in your human nature
if anything, you can be proud of not choosing to be a hypocrite moralist leftist

>> No.4838548

kill yourself pedo virgin

>> No.4838562

How come blacks are allowed to be proud of being born black

>> No.4838575

it makes no sense. same with whitetoids

>> No.4838580


Black people aren't proud to be black. I would go on a long rant but this isn't pol.

>> No.4838586

arbitrary rules of what can and cant be drawn. if you are offended by art, you dont deserve to look at any of it.

>> No.4838606

except that those "arbitrary" rules are bannable in this board. if you don't like them, make your own 4chan

>> No.4838610

It's sad this thread reached bump limit in under 24 hours faster than the furry general that was up for a week. Why does lolikon trigger people more than dogfucking?

>> No.4838617

so ban the ones posting porn. this thread can exist without porn, but some moral-fag still has to get a word in about how offended they are.

>> No.4838620

pedo hysteria is heavily marketed in the media. is the go-to excuse for authoritarian governments
nobody gives a shit for zoophilic degeneracy

>> No.4838634

you're choosing to ignore the core issue. there's nothing wrong with erotic depictions of young girls
nymphets had been a favorite subject for artists in all human history, why they need to be banned here?

>> No.4838667


>> No.4838723

those paintings arent erotic. naked isnt automatically erotic.

>> No.4838747

debatable, but the point stands: erotica is valid as art and shouldn't be censored

>> No.4839865

lol his patreon got terminated, pedos doesn't have future.

>> No.4840004

He's doing fine on fanbox now. Seethe more tranny

>> No.4840455

Post blog please

>> No.4840569

Is it a good idea to make your own website for a portfolio if posting loli? I was going to use a linking service but that's just a middleman and not enough customization and the monthly fee is too high.

But the wordpress costs is $300 USD annually + whatever other fees however at least I have greater ownership.

>> No.4840582


>> No.4840587

post your work

>> No.4840594


I'm not that good, I just wanted to mimic an artist I really like that I been following forever. I'm just debating on spending that much money if I'm nowhere professional.

>> No.4840597

>not good
then why bother with wanting portfolio site lmao

>> No.4840602
File: 218 KB, 900x851, DepYUSI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to feel kakkoii

>> No.4840606

then just post your work, thread is dying so no one's gonna see your garbage

>> No.4840612

I'll w-wait till next thread

>> No.4840653

There won't be one, pussy.

>> No.4840654

yeah there will b-because I'llmake one

>> No.4840700


>> No.4840816

unless you're interested in web design, i don't see no reason
all of your potential clients will find you in traditional art/social media sites anyway

>> No.4840871

New Thread