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4830410 No.4830410 [Reply] [Original]

With the Tezuka Contest coming to a close, it's time to focus on new pastures. As this thread goes on, feel free to post links to publishers and other contests that are taking submissions, pitches, or entries.

The contest was only the beginning. Let's continue to support each other, post resources and opportunities, and talk about our works going forward.

Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).

Previous thread: >>4813541

Some resources.

"Understanding Comics", "Making Comics", "Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga", "Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting," 2000AD Script Book ( https://mega.nz/file/gtNQgY6L#p7vPA_fLOUwxINMBzAX62w_xx282FVQoMhUHDGtiCpE )

Youtube channels:

>> No.4830416 [DELETED] 

Feel free to post scripts for feedback as well. Let's get gud at storystructure as well.

>> No.4830422
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Feel free to post scripts for feedback too. Let's get gud at storystructure

>> No.4830438

How to go about depicting nightmares? Flashbacks seem to follow some sort of rule(black borders), but not sure how to go about nightmares, especially reoccurring ones.

>> No.4830440

Agreed, scripts and thumbnails are also welcome.

To kick off the Alternative Focus list, here are some western / indie publishers that I know of that seem to have a decent readership and are tolerant of or specifically cater to Manga:

Saturday AM ( https://www.saturday-am.com/ )
> Digital indie magazine, seems to be on the up-and-up
> Open submissions for long-form series; also distributes series currently being published elsewhere.
> Regularly publishes one-shots, making it a good potential outlet for already-finished work.

Noir Caesar ( https://www.noircaesar.com/ )
> Focuses on black (specifically African-American) content, but seems willing to publish anyone good enough.
> Seemingly series-based only.
> No "magazine" style updates; series are updated on their own schedule.
> Seems less regular than Saturday AM, but also seems larger in terms of readership.

Oni Press ( https://onipress.com/ )
> Technically indie, but at this point large enough by comic standards to be mentioned in the same breath as other publishers.

Antarctic Press ( https://antarctic-press.myshopify.com/ )
> Longtime large-indie publisher of OEL / manga-esque books.
> Seemingly taking submissions at present if http://www.antarctic-press.com/html/submissions.php is anything to go on.

Viz Media / Viz Originals ( https://www.viz.com/originals )
> *The* western manga publisher.
> Currently in the exploratory stages of setting up an English label.
> Submissions are open and several books have been announced. However, progress on the label seems to be moving very slowly.
> Still might be worth a shot anyway.

>> No.4830451

As an addendum, it's worth noting that as much of a total crapshoot it is, the fact that platforms like webtoon have gotten so huge and are currently in the middle of a heyday have made self-publishing a little less painful than it otherwise would be. You'll lose out on many paneling tricks due to the format, and a lot of webtoon readers prefer color over black and white, but I've seen on forums that there also seems to be a sizable group of people that were hoping for better action /shonen content from the webtoon boom than they got.

So, there's a potential market that has yet to be properly tapped there as well, if you can make an idea that works with the format.

>> No.4830454

personally i'm going for webtoons. I want that sweet six figures that I hear rumors about

>> No.4830463

I've been considering it myself, honestly. I doubt I'll land six figures, but enough to break even and put away some day-out money would be an incredible start for me.

Maybe we could have a brainstorming session re. making shonen work well in the vertical format. No one has really done any proper exploration of that (partially because the vertical format is shit, but also partially because a lot of people use it to draw less and not try. It could be interesting to see it used by the hands of people who are actually interested in doing something intense with it).

>> No.4830467
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>Antarctic Press
They got wrapped up in a lawsuit after being pressured to drop Richard Meyer by a Marvel/DC pro that he pissed off.
as long as you don't piss off any sjw pros by being a part of Comics Gate you should be ok.

>> No.4830469

Today I learned the meaning of addendum

>> No.4830484

you can bend/break a lot of rules when dealing with anything psychological. as far as dreams go i guess broadly speaking it depends on whether your goal is more symbolic or if you want a very corporeal sequence that might not immediately come off as a dream.
>forced perspective
>deliberate breaks in continuity(easier said than done desu)
>optical illusions
>subverting symbolism/conditioning
this can be pretty subliminal desu. not manga, but silent hill does this in particular incredibly well. you can build up associations over the course of a story and when you turn them on their head it is very jarring.
as far as manga, homunculus comes to mind. satoshi kon has some storyboard books as well

>> No.4830490

oh and i guess reposting from the last thread

>> No.4830503

Thanks. I want the reoccurring nightmares to come off as nightmares. I’m not sure if black borders are appropriate or not. Especially since those dreams happen in a black environment and I’m sorta worried that there’d be too much black on the page.

To give context. It’s less psychological and more haunting. Being chased by creatures in a void looking space. I’m still pondering if I’ll change the environment within the dreams as the reoccur or not.

>> No.4830550

>western publishers
Tread EXTREMELY carefully, even if its viz.
IMO, your best bet would be twitter manga or doujins.
This probably doesn't sound like much, but many artists who have an anime right now started that way.

>> No.4830642
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Just a few more days left till the deadline!
Hang in there to all the anons who are still working on their entry!
I'm rooting for you still! You got this! ^_^

>> No.4830645

we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.4830649

44 hours to go
All the time in the world

>> No.4830661
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Last two pages for me, a page I skipped and the cover. Just got back from a much needed bushwalk, got my coffee, ready to bash out this last bit of work!

>> No.4830670
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Almost there! Nice! :D

>> No.4830678
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>trying to draw motion blur on a persian rug with 2 hours of sleep

>> No.4830682

Isn’t there some sort of digital tool you can use for that?

>> No.4830687

Are there any tips tutorials on shading backgrounds in manga should it just be white with a little hatching on it

>> No.4830697
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Special ruler, radial line or just fuck it free hand that shit bro!

How to draw backgrounds for dummies:
1. read manga
2. look for and note down page numbers for good looking backgrounds
3. copy that shit
4. donezo

>> No.4830740

Being a manga/comic artist seems like one of the most difficult jobs in the art field. You not only have to be a good artist, but also be a good writer. And then you have to draw the equivalent of multiple finished art pieces for each page of the comic. And then finishing the comic itself could take months.

It's a lot easier to resign to just drawing coomer pin ups.

>> No.4830774

Good artist
Good storyteller
Good writer
Good cinematographer
Good director

With a heavy workload on the art to boot, where you can’t even just be a focused artist, but good at drawing EVERYTHING from any angle. And the prior fields include you have a thorough understanding of the following fields for authenticity (including but mot limited to): mechanical engineering, biology, psychology, physics, science, HISTORY (big one there), culture, PSYCHOLOGY (another big one), PHILOSOPHY(another big one), sociology, archeology, geology, architecture, design, etc... AND in order to be a good writer, to have lots of life experience (often difficult and rife with personal strife and hardship), as well as be very social and empathetic, and keenly interested in people, and their behaviors and unique quirks, as well as again, empathy, being able to easily understand how other people think, why they think that way, feel what they feel, and get into their heads (character writing and dialogue). Lastly, it’s also a good idea to be well-travelled, and perhaps even have a keen interest in of linguistics and other languages (worldbuilding). Of, it’s also very important that you’re very open-minded and have a very BROAD range of tastes, with deep curiosity for new things, with a vast library of knowledge and experience in comics/manga, as well as film, and believe it or not, music. Stretching well beyond the mainstream, into more indie, experimental and even obscure stuff, as well as sampling things from different cultures.

And all this might sound like an exaggeration, but it’s not, both writing and art are forms of personal expression, and there richer and more cultured a person you are, the more interesting things you’ll have to say. If you aim make truly great works, then you must mold yourself into a truly interesting person.

>> No.4830781

Oh yeah, last one. You also have to be well read, and have read tons of fiction literature to really cultivate those creative juices.

You can’t just make comics by coping from other comics. You must add as much as you can to your own life experience in order have a very broad range of things to pull inspiration from.

When people say they struggle with ideas it’s cause they haven’t cultivated those things.

Ofc, I’m talking about the ideal for how to make the best of the best stuff. Most people don’t do this and take tons of short cuts. But it’s something to aspire to.

>> No.4830802

Does anyone know whether the deadline is at 12 AM or PM? It doesn't specify on the website.

>> No.4830809
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best of luck to the anons who participated.
You all did a great job.
put in the effort and strengthen yourself, even if it's hard, don't stress too much about it. Note your weaknesses and work on it, one thing at a time. With perseverance I'm sure we'll all make it.

>> No.4830812

12pm dude. Midday. Draw!

>> No.4830830

>tfw you got a one page splash left to finish and have lost the will to live...

>> No.4830869

What's the most important job in a animation studio and why?

>> No.4830872

I'm interested in yalls stories more than anything
post them

>> No.4830881

Wrong thread.

>> No.4830895

This is a manga thread manga is pretty much made so it can be animated whats wrong with anons question

>> No.4830900

I assumed that was the anon marking their own question as belonging in the wrong thread, but I also agree that, though somewhat offtopic, it can probably be answered by someone here, since there tends to be a heavy overlap between interest in manga creation and interest in anime creation among people who can actually draw.

>> No.4830904
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>This is a manga thread manga is pretty much made so it can be animated

>> No.4830920

There’s an animation thread, with people who are dedicated animators who can more accurately answer that question. We don’t know. We’re not animators, and don’t have much knowledge about the inner workings of animation studios.

Western and eastern animation are much closer to each other than manga is to anime. And no, manga is not made to be animated, it’s made to be read in print.

>> No.4830935

I think the vertical format is actually really interesting, mainly because of the options you have when it comes to pacing your action. I've been trying to read more webtoons lately, and one thing that surprised me is how similar to watching a movie it is. You end up scrolling at a natural pace for the thing you're reading, and subtle change in the space between two panels can really shape the experience you have

>> No.4830938

Lmaoo anime adaptations are lazy now but hear me out if you made a awesome manga in the 90s its successful doing numbers you wouldnt want it to be animated? At some point ppl are gonna want to see what hair color skintone the character has your gonna get fan art thats if you dont color your manga anime is the reason why manga is famous most people dont even like reading

>> No.4830944

Nine of that changes the simple fact. That this is the wrong thread.

>> No.4830945

Do you understand that Japan is not wherever country you live?
People read manga on the train to work or school. It's basically perfectly suited to pick up and read on pubic transport then chuck it in the bin once you've read the series you wanted. Manga is made to be read and enjoyed for the manga itself, not for any adaptation. Anime is just branching out to other (smaller, but still statistically relevant) audiences to get them to check out the manga too.

Also generally the covers are colored you spaz.

>> No.4830980

Manga has only 3 tones white gray and black and the rest is all hatching right??

>> No.4830984

Black and white only.
Any value between black and white is achieved either with screentones, hatching or stipling. The idea is only one type is being used in printing i: black.

>> No.4831048

There are full color manga, there are blue only manga. The only reason to use only black is economy, not some rule.
If you’re only publishing digitally, there is no reason not to have color outside of personal preference.

>> No.4831125

You need to be 18 to browse 4chan.

>> No.4831143


I feel like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’m glad to finally be able to put it down and never look at it again, lol. I doubt I’ll win anything, but it is what it is, now to get onto working on my writing.

>> No.4831152

Grats mate, I'll be joining you soon! Can't wait to be done so I can actually read some of these entries.

>> No.4831163
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I am the bone of my pen
Paper is my body and ink is my blood
I have hatched over a million lines
Unknown to Tones,
Nor known to Fills.
Have withstood pain to create many pages
Yet, those hands will never hold anything
So as I draw, Unlimited Hatching Works.

>> No.4831238
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submitted what i have to the contest. didn't reach the finishing point i wanted but oh well.


>> No.4831249
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the remaining pages..i still have 12 hours..i might just rush em

>> No.4831256

Anon, you have over 24 hours,

>> No.4831265
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>> No.4831280

You still got time fren.

>> No.4831489
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You did it!
Congrats! ^_^

>> No.4831672
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Don't strain yourself, drink plenty of water and do some warm up exercise.

>> No.4831691

When you put it like that I’m not too surprised that it’s becoming more common for there to be duo manga teams (artist and writer).

>> No.4831719

Being a good "artist" is the primary aspect of a mangaka. It's the drawing and composition part are what we should be concerned toward.
You need good story, but I personally dont think you have to research everything indepth, you just want to be in the element where you're comfortable with.
I mean knowing more help, but I dont think you have to make every story your opum magnus. You should just draw what story that you're familiar with and have fun with it while knowing what to do with it. The harder literary stuffs you can just work gradually over time until I feel like you are confident enough to take it on.

Yes knowing more is better but I dont think it is a necessity or mandatory, but understanding what you want to do and knowing enough to express your idea is what story teller should do. And this varies on the creator, whether the story is light or heavy weight, it's up to them; therefore, we shouldn't delve into convolution.

>> No.4831722

>we shouldn't delve into convolution.
actually I should rephrase that.
"We shouldn't set expectation that is beyond what we want to do" is a better way to put it.

>> No.4831723

Hard disagree, writing and pacing are the most important aspects. Pacing both in the writing sense and the frame sense, which I suppose is partly art.
Note that “writing” doesn’t mean “plot” nor wordswordswords, it means keeping the adventure going and the reader hooked.

>> No.4831750
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The thing is, I find that you have those options in page formats already. Just as you have the rate at which information is presented to you via scroll, you have the rate at which information is presented to you by page. It's rarely used to good effect in page comics, but then again, I don't find most utilizations of it in scroll comics to be that good either. It's a tricky thing to master regardless of format.

A really good example of how this is done in page-based comics is Katsuhiro Otomo's Neo Toyko sequences. Spoilers for Akira follow, in case you're trying to avoid them.
After sequences that are more or less presented in a "normal" page-comic fashion, Otomo presents the psychic destruction of Neo-Toyko in glorified, practically unnecessary detail. The destruction begins by taking one to three panels per page, interspersed by the actions of the characters, only for those panels to grow larger and large in size, until they're all that happens on the page. Following this, Otomo begins devoting several entire pages to a mixture of vertical panels amplified by the details of the buildings, horizontal panels that move towards the source of the destruction, and gigantic single images and double-page spreads of agonizingly-precise architectural drawings being blown apart. He then takes this a step further by presenting double-page spreads as *single page constructions,* drawing out an entire "moment" of page time into two pages in and of itself.

The sheer detail and differences in presentation, similar to the scrolling format, actually forces the reader to slow down in order to properly comprehend everything that's happening in the moment.

(Note: the pages attached to this post and the following one are from the colored and flipped Marvel release from the 80's. This might be a sacrilegious presentation to many here, but it's the easier version to find online for demonstration.)

>> No.4831765
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Otomo (and other artists) also use the more common technique of simply forcing a panel to take up more space on the page in order to lengthen the passage of time over the course of that specific moment, as seen in Takeshi's Death; as this is the moment that directly precedes (and causes, via the disruption of Akira's mental state) the destruction of Neo-Toyko, it is given very nearly the entirety of the page to exist, with everyone else's reactions taking up only as much space as needed. You probably know about this particular usage of space and timing as it's a little basic, so that's all I'll say on that.

That isn't to say that there are no unique timing opportunities in scrolling *at all,* just to say that this is something that comics have been using for a long time already. Personally, I don't find the extrapolations I've seen into the scrolling format to be all that great. There are some interesting ones, such as turning the scroll into one long "action banner" comprised of multiple moments, but that seems to be the one big timing innovation besides just putting a lot of white space between two panels (and that seems clumsier to me than this second example, in which we get not only slowed timing via the usage of white space, but also a beautiful depiction of *spatial presence* to go with it.

All that said, I definitely feel as if there's some untapped potential in the scrolling format, and that we can learn from (at least what I consider to be) the failures of other people using said format in a lackluster way. I'd have to think about it some more, personally.

>> No.4831785

Wow Great entry there. Thought the cover could be a little bit more enticing or interesting to garner up some more interest for your work but overall the artwork and the setting and characters are all executed well. Also loved how the story progressed with nice nods around the beginning so it’s fun to read a second time. Definitely one of the strongest contenders of the bunch.

>> No.4831805

agree I should have put story composition which include basis of story writing, but yes I mean is the art and story composition. And by art I dont mean you need anatomically correct or beautiful technical technique. I think having an aesthetic and style and that suit your story is more than enough.

>> No.4831825
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Been on an art slump since quitting the contest, but I'm slowly starting to pull myself out of it again with some sketches and illustrations. I think I'm starting to look forward to continuing my one-shot on my own terms; might even lengthen it and release it in parts and make it more of a mini-series.

Part of me is still nervous because I feel like I might put all that work in just to drop the first chapter and have no one read it, but I feel like the story has really grown on me since I started it, so part of me feels compelled.

Thinking of starting myself off slowly and working to try and do a portion of each page a day to bring myself back up to speed with the one-shot's style.

>> No.4831842
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Guys, I like making manga and I also like doing stuff in blender.
I can see myself doing assistant work when it comes to backgrounds eventually.

How feasible would it be to work for someone in japan via internet? Specially if you don't speak fluent Japanese / only know hiragana, katakana, and about 10 or 15 kanji.

>> No.4831848

communication is very crucial between assistant and author so I think not knowing the language will be a hefty disadvantage when it comes to employment in general.

>> No.4831853

Personally I'd suggest looking closer and get yourself a job as a webtoon assistant. The pay's probably better and there's an active community for it that'll let you speak English or whatever your native language is. Sometimes LINE Webtoon actively hires assistants that they can distribute to their top-earning talent, so you can even get a potential proper job out of it.

>> No.4831854

Are there any books on how to be funny? I wanna write comedies for webtoons but I've never made anyone laugh in my life

>> No.4831859

slap stick in a very universal gag, you should look into comedies type that works for everyone, and most webtoons does that. Except webtoon's comedies is very Disney-western esque type of comedy.

>> No.4831869

I see only 2000AD Script Book? 0_o

>> No.4831871

It's the only one for which a link was provided, if that's what you're talking about. Gonna have to find the others on your own, unfortunately, unless someone has uploads of the others they want to share..

>> No.4832014

are there any good books/resources for exaggerated anime expressions? like i have pretty good sense of how to study real facial expressions but i don't really feel that confident with the symbol drawing that you see nips do.

>> No.4832119

Read Hunter x Hunter.

>> No.4832188
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>> No.4832204

I don't know if anyone can relate, but I'm having a lot of trouble even getting to the point where I feel like I have an idea worth writing about.

When I do find something, it feels like I can't expand it enough into something that's meaningful.

I'm inspired by writers and mangaka that make huge sprawling worlds that feel bigger than the characters and the story but I can't make something like that myself.

>> No.4832246
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It's a very dangerous problem.
It's called the Macro sickness
I made that name up, but it is self explanatory.
You no longer see the fine details that enrich the world, you zoomed out too much on large abstracts.
Musicians are one of the most extreme sufferers from this.
Often musicians who learn theory would feel empty or panicked, thinking there is no more music to be made. Even simple variation can make two pieces be entirely different. Yet, it's not uncommon to see musicians who genuinely, fully believe that music will reach its end, because there is only so many unique variations of melodies you can have on eight notes.

Instead of thinking about genres, or the overall world final play, start developing characters, start actually writing, and trying to commit to what you are writing, and feel the puzzle you are making enriching as you go.

I was planning to make my tezuka 100 manga about that concept. I decided to put it on hold for being too under developed.

>> No.4832404

I've started drawing.
I am two pages down, 25 hours to go.

>> No.4832537

Look at most best-selling mangaka and comic book writers and you'll see they aren't well-traveled polymaths with multiple stem PhDs. They're just people who love the medium who through a combination of hard work and luck, have made stories that emotionally appeal to others and found success as a result. It's pretty absurd to think you need to do all of this to simply be a good writer.

>> No.4832671

It’s something to aspire for if you truly wanna be the best you can be, not something to be taken as a prerequisite.

>> No.4832708

This. Just use your heart and life experiences to write.

>> No.4832745

Heres my plot:
>A wizard and his minion(short, smart, and arrogant man and his dumb, yet tall and muscular brother) are looking for a relic in ancient ruins
>They discover a dust and cobweb covered, rusty capsule
>Inside lies a strange creature, a being from the ancient civilization that humans believed to all be extinct
>The machine was still operational despite more than 1000 years passing since the supposed collapse of the ancient civilization
>The wizard excitedly prepares for his moment of triumph
>A bit too excited, he entrusts his magical tome to his idiot brother and tells him to turn to the right page for what he is preparing
>He is going to revive the man who is currently in suspended animation and use his powers to take over the world
>The species the being hails from were feared and worshipped as gods by humans back when they ruled the planet so even if the one in the capsule is weak by their standards, it should be more than enough to conquer the world's governments and armies, especially during the current time of peace
>The wizard's brother, being the idiot he is, fucks it up and turns to the wrong page of the book as he forgot what page he needed for the spell
>However, he is enthusiastic that his older brother finally entrusted him with something and overlooks this minor detail before handing him the book
>Summoning all of the energy he has been cultivating in his staff over the past five years, the wizard reads from the book and casts the seperation spell on the slumbering god
>Wait, what?
>It was supposed to be the mind control spell he had spent so long looking for but in his excitement he read what was on the page without stopping to analyze it
>a bright, white light begins emanating from the god and a clear divide runs down the middle of its body
>more afraid than angry at the moment, the wizard grabs his dimwit brother and they flee before the room their in is filled with an explosion, sending them flying back outside

>> No.4832794

what happens next

>> No.4832802

It would help if we could read over a script, but so far the story seems a bit lackluster. Half the story doesn't have any conflict or any back and forth between characters. It's like the story is one big pre-emptive fanfare

>> No.4832824

I was afraid of that. I originally planned for the big collapse of the civilaztion to be the first chapter, then a flash forward to 1000 years to the scene I wrote before this. Maybe I'll go back to that original idea.
>when the smoke clears, the wizard and his brother nervously peer inside the now wrecked room
>the capsule that contained the god has been broken and the god is gone
>cursing his luck, his brother, and the world, the wizard flies into one of his rages
>his brother keeps his gaze pointed to the ground as he always does during these episodes in order to try and tune out his onii-chan's hurtful comments
>its then that he notices two small things next to the destroyed capsule
>he draws his older brother's attention to this and the wizard looks over to see what the buffoon wants now
>he hearts sinks
>the spell seemed to have converted the ancient being into...two slimes?
>the wizard falls to his knees and begins to moan over his woes
>how can he conquer the world with slimes!?
>his brother is at a loss of what to say so he simply remains quiet in order to not aggrivate the small man any further
>its then that noises from the distance are heard
>"It came from over here! Hurry!"
>The two men quickly collect themselves and make a panicked dash for the door
>They're fugitives and did not want to be caught in these ruins as trespassing on these sacred grounds was one of the upmost crimes in the world
>barely missing the two siblings' hasty escape, a team of archeologists enter the scene
>while the group tries to assess what was taking place here, one of them notices the "slimes" laying near the destroyed capsule
>she shows her discovery to the team and they dismiss her
>some baby slimes are no big find, though they do have a somewhat interesting appearance
>she decides she'll take them home for her children as souvenirs
>her daughter had been bothering her about getting a familliar anyway so some young slimes should be easy to look after

>> No.4832828
File: 34 KB, 989x832, the boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image i decided to doodle for this

>> No.4832859

I agree, being a "good writer" is a very vague definition. I think being able to express your story coherently and effectively is what mangaka would aim for. There are plenty of manga in the market more than it ever was, sure you can call most of them trash, but their existent dont have to be masterworks.
Things like ultimate life work should be handled delicately when it is ready in time, and it is not for everyone. Although I would agree that one should strive to understand more outside of their comfortzone as best they can but not to overwork it.

>> No.4832908

what happens next

>> No.4832965

We should start a discord server. Would love to get to know some of yall

>> No.4832984
File: 645 KB, 1299x1813, 00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it done lads.

How long does it usually take for it to be submitted to the contest?

>> No.4832994

>How long does it usually take for it to be submitted to the contest?
Nevermind I got it.

>> No.4833000
File: 28 KB, 415x739, images (22).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you guys familiar with this pen?

>> No.4833013
File: 848 KB, 1024x886, usgyuuun_clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the entry just now.
Congrats on making it on time! :D

>> No.4833016

Kuretake Bimoji Brush Pen

>> No.4833019
File: 318 KB, 689x754, really nice day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers. I'm gonna rest tonight then read people's entries later. Good luck anon.

>> No.4833505
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1511155965516.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the entry time is over, we could post some of our favorites in here

>> No.4833506

Isit over yet?

>> No.4833512

It’s over at noon 9/1 Japan time. So like... 11 and a half hours from now.

>> No.4833514

Also, FYI, Japan Tezuka still doesn’t end for another 30 days, and the results iirc are scheduled for December.

>> No.4833537

I think I'm fucked (GMT +1 here). My delusional side is uploading the whole thing just in case miracles exist

>> No.4833696
File: 112 KB, 368x274, sugeishaberu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you wanted to publish your manga online , would having it read from right to left limit your western audience ? or is that an imaginary problem which I shouldn't even think about?

>> No.4833732

You want to do manga or western? At the beginning i tried to do normal left to right format but i just couldn't do it. So i went full weeaboo and just did it the way i've always read comics (manga).

>> No.4833761

So I guess if you miss the deadline you could finish up your work and find someone who can translate your work and post it to the Japanese portion of the competition within those 30 days.

>> No.4833762

Only thing that would really inhibit as far as I can tell would the fact that most PDF programs don't play well with right-to-left. So if you wanted to put PDFs up on Gumroad or something you'd probably have a hard time of it.

>> No.4833764

The JP contest has different rules, so if you have a full 55 page story you'd have ti significantly revamp it anyway. Their contest has a shorter page count.

>> No.4833803

I would prefer to stick to traditional manga conventions as much as possible, as I think the beauty of the medium comes heavily from its 'limitations'

I'll keep that in mind. I'd probably upload it on Pixiv and as PDFs yeah. Wouldn't the issue be avoided by just having the PDF display pages on top of each other?

>> No.4833809

Oh gotcha, yeah then I guess it would be a bit more tricky than just translating and posting. How many pages do they cap for that contest? Hopefully it isn’t significantly less than the 55 count.

>> No.4833865

Is there any books like Araki that talk about the process of making manga. Kind of like Scott McCloud?

>> No.4833946

start brainstorming. like what do you want to write about? what kind of character would you like to be in a story? you don't have to be deep, just start experimenting with ideas. write them down, sleep over it and if you still like the idea try to build on them.

take your time and think about what kind of stories you enjoy and what you enjoy about them.

just like >>4832246 said start simple. if you read some interviews you'll notice that some writes say "yeah i thought the character would be cool in a story".

>> No.4834113

Uuuuhhh give me some time. I'm trying to come up with a way to convingly write that letting two children travel the world with some little monsters is okay.

>> No.4834284

31 iirc.

>> No.4834312

i'm so close but i don't think i can pull it all together in 4 hours on top of no sleep and wrist pain. but i don't wanna give up either

feels really bad.

>> No.4834351

how much do you have left to do?

>> No.4834363

just like the last 5 pages.
there's a sequence that i'm really struggling to make have proper continuity though and my brain is just shit at this point.
it's a weird feel tbqh. this is the most i've ever enjoyed writing something & it feels like i've learned a shitton but not even being able to limp across the finish line feels really fucking bad.
ty to all the anons who make/post in these threads though. you made me enjoy art again.
good luck bros

>> No.4834415

Could be a good idea

>> No.4834450

It's alright anon dont push yourself. Even if you didnt make it in time, save the story and improve on it until the next contest jump which should be around next year.

>> No.4834630
File: 2.25 MB, 1275x1754, Deperalleled for posting small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell short. One month was not enough for preproduction and execution. I learned a lot, and I still have a lot to learn. I think the biggest thing that ended up slowing me down was choosing a work that's too long, and sacrificing storytelling to keep it to the 55 limit.
This was extremely educational.
It was a wonderful time hanging with you guys and chugging along at the work I want to finish it later, after I fixed up the script to ignore the 55 page limit.
The drawing itself was the easiest part, I intentionally took something that I'm fast at and can draw almost like venting, yet I still had lots to learn and got too exited about filling the world with details.
I hope all the participants had a great time.
Good luck, friends!

>> No.4834679

Damn there's a ton of entries coming in, I didn't expect a turnout like this.

>> No.4834684

Well, as we've been saying for months, the best entries will be submitted at the end. Since, you know, everyone would be working on their entires the whole time.

>> No.4834690

I've been trying to find where naf's is, and I expected to see it within the first 10 pages because he submitted it today, now I'm on page 20 and it's still not there or I've missed it kek. Godspeed to the medibang staff who'll have to choose from these.

>> No.4834705

you can read it on his twitter.

>> No.4834715

How many would be interested in a discord?

>> No.4834716

yeah i'd been keeping up with pretty much every entry and at least skimming through but goddamn the page count doubled in the last two days

>> No.4834728

I can't believe it.
The deadline is in 10 minutes and this shitty medibang page just won't upload my comic for submission.

>> No.4834732

Here it is: https://medibang.com/book/wy2008311323297610003253766/view/
It's really well made. I guess it's to be expected from a previous grand prize winner.

>> No.4834742
File: 17 KB, 512x341, 5e9a996de54cb5138a5be34e8f4ceb2cf53d5c2e_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bros, I'm so mad. I never got any farther than the outline and it's been sitting like that for over a month. Fuck wageslaving, fuck sleep deprivation, fuck depression, but fuck me most of all for not having the grit to do it despite it all.
I mean, it's literally the first time I would have ever made a full comic/manga and I very, very highly doubt I would have won anything, but I'm still pissed at myself for not getting anything done. It would have been enough for me just to have been able to enter.

>> No.4834746
File: 15 KB, 467x269, Screenshot 2020-09-01 at 05.01.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contest closed.
It's stuck at this.

>> No.4834748

Are you uploading your entry? It always takes a while (a few minutes)

>> No.4834755

It took like forever and now It’s too late. I hustled the whole day today to get my comic finished for nothing lol.

>> No.4834761

Continue onward anyway anon. Press on. If you want to finish your manga then finish it.

There's a chance that this contest won't amount to anything other than an award ceremony and publication anyway. What is it in the long run? Well, we won't know for a while, but likely nothing.

There are more ways to get your work seen than ever, and this contest will likely fade away into time and memory in short order.

>> No.4834762

What the fuck
Like, 5% of the people on /ic/ can compete with this.
Notice how I said compete but not eclipse it.
How the fuck are shitters like us supposed to even come close to this shit?
Thats why I stick to hobby/recreational stuff.
I don't enter contests

>> No.4834766
File: 522 KB, 300x300, SoJ_Maya_Fey_pleased_bow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To those who all participated in the contest...

>> No.4834768
File: 3.88 MB, 374x210, 1589675846644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, now you've learned to never leave anything important for the last minute.

>How the fuck are shitters like us supposed to even come close to this shit?
Practice, you dingus! What do you think these contests are FOR?

>> No.4834774
File: 64 KB, 368x300, usgyuuun_angry1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes, it's good to just work in a vacuum so you don't get consumed by the negative emotions that can rise when seeing such works. ^_^;

>> No.4834779

True. But I made sure to try to upload one hour before deadline and it still didn’t upload in time. It’s like 50mb lol. Cmon.
I wrote a message to the support team. Maybe they can do something. I always hated the clunky medibang page.

But maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. I can work on the story some more and expand the rushes parts.

>> No.4834786
File: 18 KB, 640x480, 1449358033496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naf was an /ic/, anon. Well he doesnt care about social media or forum in general.
Also realize that he started drawing seriously since he was out of high school, which is nearly 10 years already. It's a very reasonable mileage.

>> No.4834787


This one is great. Visually and stylistically I mean. Although I don’t dig the permanent shounen fighting..

>> No.4834798
File: 229 KB, 623x409, 1580996952320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's that, everyone, thank you very much for this journey. But this isn't the end, let's continue on and improve ourselves. Whether it's for hobby or for a passionate project, don't lose hope.
The battle with art is not you vs other artist, it's you vs the "you" your from the past. DRAW!

>> No.4834804

>Being a good "artist" is the primary aspect of a mangaka.
absolutely wrong, that's why everything in this thread is so forgettable and lame
if you don't have a good story, nothing will save you

>> No.4834805

I'd be interested. Usually I don't join discord servers but with this specific focus I'd participate

>> No.4834809

"you" from the past*
bah I messed up.
I havent read all of it yet, but so far beside naf's this one is my favorite. https://medibang.com/book/tf2008312335519760000600683/

It's a story about a female assassin and a mechanist dou. It's a very odd chemistry, but it work a lot for me.
The world building maybe come off a bit amateur ish, but I feel that the characters development is very poignant enough though they are a bit quirky in some part.

>> No.4834810

I'm not familiar with this person's work in general, but it looks like a very achievable level anon; what does your work look like now? You should post some for feedback.

>> No.4834813

If you submitted it right before the deadline I would hope they would give you some leeway and allow you to publish on the page in some form.

>> No.4834823

What the hell
This is like One Piece meets Dr. Stone

>> No.4834826

The story is very derivative, but I can definitely feel the spirit of a shonen manga in this composition. At the same time I can't help but think of it as another One piece but only with gag.

>> No.4834829

This is probably one of my top favorite among the submissions.

>> No.4834843

I think naf's story is ok, it's a pretty run of the mill detective kind of stories, but it does best at what it intended to do and completely fulfill its thesis. In my opinion, the elements that will carry it are the pacing, mood, and technical skills. Beside that his isn't the only one you should be beaware of, this one for example is a great contender. https://medibang.com/book/h42009011129234490016643744/view/

>> No.4834860

I have the opposite problem. I'm constantly creating new characters and stories but I never get started with any of them.
Currently I have three major story candidates, one I've had for a few years that would definitely be a long ongoing project that would be at least three major stories in and of itself, so it's probably best to save that one for when my teeth have been cut on something smaller.
The other one was the idea I came up with for the Tezuka manga contest about a month ago (although I have an outline I never finished it), but it quickly outgrew the one-shot and has become a much more fleshed out story with a major antagonist, a good idea of the endgame, a protagonist duo with strongly defined character traits and even a fairly robust cast of supporting characters with strong personalities. The idea I have for the world's gimmick also leaves plenty of room for many smaller self-contained stories with their own antagonists, a few monsters of the week, fun stuff like that.
The most recent one I literally came up with two weeks ago, and while a lot of it is undefined I really like the deuteragonists and they have a fun dynamic going on between them. Basically the adventures of a wandering mercenary/adventurer/jackass and a sentient magical sword that he found in a dungeon, set in a high/mid fantasy world. The main drive for the story is their character dynamic, Hakon (the wanderer) is a laid-back, irreverent gadfly, and the sword spirit Adamas is serious, uptight, and kind of a bitch.
The story is going to be about their developing friendship as they wander the land, getting into trouble, fighting monsters, meeting new people, and finding more about Adamas's past and lost memories.
While this one has the least fleshed out world and plot, I already really love the protagonists and it seems like prime material for making fun one-off stories, building the world organically as I go.

>> No.4834864

> How many would be interested in a discord?

Here! I already asked sometime ago and not many seemed to be interested. If retards can be weeded out I’m in!

>> No.4834873
File: 13 KB, 214x273, 1474869912065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we had one already...
well right before this general started

>> No.4834874

Is it active?

>> No.4834879

I think so but I havent check back on it for a long time because life's been busy with the contest and work.

>> No.4834881

I don’t wanna sound like a contrarian, but I wasn’t too grabbed by this one. Found the beginning really slow and boring, and beyond that, it just follows your standard mystery plot by the book.

Not to say that it’s bad, in fact, it’ll probably win. It’s a very by-the-book execution of a mystery, which, for a contest, that’s a plus. But on a personal level, the story really didn’t grab me, particularly the characters and motivations, and I didn’t leave the story reflecting on anything, let alone wanting to reread it. But that’s just my personal opinion. The work is still excellent regardless.

On the art side, I find Naf is great at backgrounds, but lacks a lot of skill when it comes to dynamic action.

>> No.4834884

Could you check? I’d also like to talk to more people.

>> No.4834886
File: 27 KB, 202x250, his-smile-and-optimism-restored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may be derivative but I fucking love it. It's a true homage straight from the heart and it's executed really well. Gan-motherfucking-batte.

>> No.4834888

I really like nafs other work that won the award two or so years ago but this one he posted for the Tezuka contest was personally alright but nothing too special. I actually enjoyed this entry a lot more which has the same type of detective setting but I feel like it could continue onward as a series in a more interesting manner. Also genuinely like the art a lot more too.


>> No.4834891 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 540x540, 1573608780612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute kino
holy shit

>> No.4834893
File: 128 KB, 540x584, 1582007265488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute kino
holy shit

>> No.4834917

like my previous post, I agree with you here. The mystery and the solution is very in-your-face kind of way. Even the world building of this story itself set-up for the convenient of the deduction of said mystery.
I think the problem with it is that it suffers the slideshow syndrome. The whole chase for the clue is merely a point A to point B kind of pacing. It's not bad, but it's not compelling.
I think the most jarring aspect that I dislike about his story is the way he introduce and develop his antagonist. The lack of subtlety and foreboding for the antagonist was underwhelming. He used one 1 or 2 panels to set-up a suspicion of the suspect then hand out the answer right away in the next 3 pages.
nevertheness it's a good read because it's a complete story with an interesting MC and world building.

>> No.4834978

Yeah, I actually don't disagree with these points.
I think both Naf and VuDinhLan (whom I was keeping an eye out) were branching out and challenge themselves to aim for the next level.
Both entries were very ambitious, but maybe it's just me.. But I did find their previous works to be more engaging and interesting.

I still really liked both of their works, but I think I can relate to the points that were made.
Still strong contenders regardless! ^_^

Toan did another entry called, 'Run To Heaven'.
I really loved this one. It evokes that 'Ashita no Joe' like aesthetic and vibe.

I know, right? I think lot of ppl have their eyes on Devil Dive INFERNO as the strongest contender... And while I cannot disagree about how good the entry is, I'm personally shocked how little attention Silence is getting compared to the page 1 most viewed entries.
Well, I guess we'll see when December rolls in. ^_^;

>> No.4834988

Here's another personal favorite.
I kinda feel like there's a lot of potential with the subject matter.
Good ol' fashion silly fun, with a lot of heart. ^_^


>> No.4835055

ok I finished reading this, who ever wrote this know the basis of detective novel well. The story of this one really blown naf's out of the water. If Tezuka staffs have good judgement, which I hope they do in the spirit of Tezuka, then they will have to pick this one.

>> No.4835077

This guy worked in Cartoon Network and Netflix, he's one of the industry insiders you were worried that'd enter. His comic making (to a noob like me) clearly stands out since he's had the experience. I haven't seen any others surprisingly.
Personally I'd like to see someone win who doesn't have a large resume because there's large room for improvement if they get picked up.

>> No.4835086

You're fucking crazy if you think people from /ic/ can compete with this shit

>> No.4835106

>won the award two or so years ago
there wasn't much of a competition during that time so his stood out the most. Now the threshold has risen and there are more artists that are actually formidably on par.
If anyone think Tezuka contest is all about technical skill then they're really short sighted, try to read some of the JP tezuka winners from the previous years, half of them you can hardly call "artistically skillful."

>> No.4835118 [DELETED] 

There are multiple people that have posted work in this and past threads that looked really good. What's the point in doomering about it anyway?

>> No.4835121

There are multiple people that have posted work in this and past threads that looked really good. What's the point in doomering about it anyway?

>> No.4835196

This is the best one imo.

>> No.4835313

Cringe, you have absolutely no sense of story telling or character development holy shit

>> No.4835517

I actually did read Toan’s other work and weirdly I didn’t like it as much as I did with Imago. Personally felt more interested in the characters and story for Imago than his other work even though it has more views and likes. Also I think that devil dive inferno is really strong but I do worry about it’s pretty blatant grammatical issues it has which I think may hurt his chances as being qualified. I know that the author is French and most likely was having problems translating their script from French to English so maybe they can provide a French manuscript they have if it becomes difficult for the translators to translate their work from their semi broken English to Japanese. However their work isn’t that bad grammatically compared to others I’ve read where it’s almost unreadable yet you can tell it’s really well done if not for the grammatical issues. Hopefully if they do it next year they add at least French and Portuguese as options since there was a lot of French and Portuguese contenders translating their works in either English or Spanish.

>> No.4835547
File: 32 KB, 500x502, KAJI2_-_Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aah it wont let me upload in the jap website i converted it to .tiff too ah well.

>> No.4835566
File: 6 KB, 300x168, download.jpeg-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4835579

The most viewed one shot is actually made by a guy using his color (black) as a way to popularize it, i really hope this contest doesn't depends on views cause honestly the best gems aren't in the front page, hope medibang will really chose the best ones to be submitted to the grand jury

>> No.4835591

Use a vpn?

Views and the like mean fuck all. It’s not a popularity contest. The black dude’s manga won’t even make honorable mention. Get ready to see his autistic meltdown calling the japs “racist” come december.

>> No.4835602

It said bad file a while ago and I tried chaging the filename to the half width

>> No.4835613 [DELETED] 
File: 753 KB, 500x375, Furi+kuri+in+one+gif+i+love+flcl_6e0049_6161131.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There was an error

>> No.4835617
File: 436 KB, 500x566, 798800edbab0983ddd35af3eaca1ebfc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4835637

I really don’t think it’s because he’s black but because he’s very well known in the YouTube and social media space. He’s associated with a very popular YouTube channel with around 4 million followers called Rdcworld1. A lot of highly viewed entries usually have strong social media presence so it’s not too crazy to assume Akai is number one by being attached to a big social media figure. I don’t think judges are going to solely care about views though since looking at other past international contests you’ll see that a lot of winners that are picked are not always the most popular or most well known, but popularity does help with getting seen and thus provides a better chance at getting rewarded and ranked so it’s not totally irrelevant and unimportant in a contest like this.

>> No.4835659

That would be bullshit, most contest are actually rotten with this popularity race, leaving much more capable and talented people unseen when they could be the one creating hit. And yeah his youtube relation clearly matter but he uses the whole black card on his twitter a lot, so anon wasn't wrong, even if it's not because of his blackness he took the numer 1 spot.

>> No.4835677
File: 509 KB, 477x812, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never seen someone hustle this hard. Perhaps I haven't seen enough hustlers, but this guy really leaves an impression.
Any time someone retweeted this tweet, he'd retweet that retweet. I think I counted at least 20.
He's REALLY pushing the 'FIRST BLACK CREATOR' angle... Like bro, calm down.

>> No.4835745
File: 408 KB, 7016x9922, Azazel01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my entry in spanish. I heard of this contest late so I was a bit rushed, but I'm happy I could finish in time.


>> No.4835768

Meanwhile, Whyt has been successfully self-publishing for years and he doesn't chest-thump about how BLACK he is like this tryhard cunt.

>> No.4835778

Thinking about all those black creator who created way better manga and who didn't thought about bragging about their skin color, they need some lesson in term of social network managment obviously

>> No.4835817

where's the page for the jp contest?
outside of the 31 page limit are the rules basically the same?

>> No.4835838

The only other creator that I can think of who hustles like him is the writer of xenotype where he responds to every entries twitter post and leave a comment for almost every entry in mediabang and is very active on Twitter and other social media accounts.

>> No.4835844

I guess the results don't lie.
Both are on top page, regardless of their work's quality.

>> No.4835849
File: 120 KB, 475x485, 1592424766240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Road to heaven is a fine story, however, to me it doesn't really feel like a "story," a scene is a better word to put it. Mainly because most of it revolves around a flashback just to build a premise and thesis of the story which only cover 1/3 of the manga. While it is an emotional meaningful story, but it doesn't fit the bill as a story with coherent pacing and fundamental structure.
I think the nature of Run to Heaven would adjust better in the Silent Manga audition instead of Tezuka.

>> No.4835865

I also forgot about Brandon Chen who has a pretty large following on Instagram and TikTok. Point is if you have really good social media game, your most likely going to also get those large view counts on your Submission. So it’s really important to get a good Twitter/Instagram/TikTok/Pixiv profile for your art and art endeavors and to promote it like no tomorrow. Sometimes it’s weird how there are a good chunk of good artists who submitted in the Tezuka award who don't have any or only a couple of social media profiles.

>> No.4835892
File: 67 KB, 633x758, 1597811973539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4835895

FREE WORLD comes from a huge One Piece fan community, and I think that's how it got its boost to first page within a day.
That being said, I really liked their entry.

Gender X Border's story writer also has a strong IG following.
Also, enjoyed this one. :)

>> No.4835901
File: 92 KB, 789x336, shit astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the deadline

>> No.4835905

>A boy that was born on a leap year in God’s Garden Society: must embark on a supernatural journey to defeat a curse bestowed to him”
>Akai is a young child with high hopes; bound in a society full of undiscovered powers; raised by Grandma in the “Jex” helps him develop a strong will. He will one day, begin a trial to Heaven’s Gate. The journey is a troubled one. The “Black Orlov” chain opens unparalleled events. Will Akai reach his Ultimate goal? Or will Akai bend fate forever?
Did he run this through google translate for a more authentic nip feeling?

>> No.4835940

This is the thing that hurts / annoys me the most about this guy's hustle or whatever you want to call it, personally. It's just straight-up erasure of all sorts of other talented people. He's not the first. He's not even the *best.* It's pure clout-chasing that hurts other black authors; the guy is basically trampling on the backs of everyone else around him as he rushes to the finish line, spouting what are basically lies along the way. There's no humility, and there's no respect for anyone else.

It feels sickening to see that his manga has the popularity that it has. If he were a good and honest guy then I wouldn't care, but he's fucking *lying* and *damaging* other creators while spouting this "ALWAYS CHASE YOUR DREAMS!!!" and "I BELIEVE IN MYSELF SO I'M UNSTOPPABLE!!!" bullshit. What the fuck? Tell that to the people whose work and credit you're sidelining.

>> No.4835948

I think you've been able to point out what's been bothering me about this guy's self-promotion.
The lies and half-truths are the part that really irks me.
I guess there have always been people like this, but I guess I'll never get used to it.

>> No.4835952

I really liked FREE WORLD as well. It’s pretty basic in its story structure and has decent art but its execution is very top notch. It feels a lot like those old one shots for Shonen jump so I feel it would fit right in with the magazine as a one shot.

Gender X Border has a great concept and love how it’s story unfolds but it’s really bad in the grammatical department. I think the creator is Thai so must have been hard to translate from Thai to English.

>> No.4835992

Actually scratch that. Could have possibly not been too hard for him because he could have just gone through some translation website of some sort so he could publish his work. Although personally I think with stuff like this, they should ideally get someone who is fluent in English to review their work just to make sure it reads well but that may me asking too much if you don’t have too much of a following or really close to the deadline and have no time to waste.

>> No.4836026
File: 8 KB, 200x200, sm_130216_018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you guys please just take the non manga
related discussion out in another place?

>> No.4836028

Not sure what you're referring to anon, everyone here is talking about manga.

>> No.4836031

talking about race, social media... no seriously please just focus on the manga itself not the creator, I'm begging you.

>> No.4836054

Sounds like we need to start 10 more Twitter threads in /ic/

>> No.4836094

I don’t really see the problem with taking about leveraging your social media presence for your manga creation for this thread. It’s really important to promote your work and looking at ways people have successfully promoted their work is helpful in noticing key ways to garnering more interests in your current and future work, wether it may be honorable or not. I feel half the reason many who create manga is so they can have it read by (and ultimately loved by) a large amount of people. In order to do this you gotta market yourself and put yourself out there by any means necessary, whether that be by social media or submitting in as many international or Japanese competitions as possibly or simply creating and posting your works to many different hubs online that may get views from many people, where some may have large following and can retweet your work and can get you some nice connections in the industry and even more followers. I mean it’s pretty basic stuff for sure but it’s really important to know how to market yourself and get connected to the right people in order to truly make your self successful in the manga/comic industry. I guess maybe emphasizing it less would be idea for these threads but I think simply taking about it is important and should be discussed in some form.

>> No.4836154

Not him but guru-ing about self promotion should just go to self promotion thread. 4chan is the most useless place to talk about getting a long with social media, no matter how much you try to sell therapy here, nothing will change. It's better to spare this general from all that nonsense and just focus on "crafting" part of the manga rather than "promoting" it, this place isn't an agency. I'll believe you if you actually have proof of experience in the publishing industry, but no all discussion about getting popular will reduce to nothing but gossip and drama.

>> No.4836357


Here’s my manga. It was supposed to have 20 more pages which I had to cut due to time reasons.
So I had to wing in stuff and the end comes too abruptly. I’d appreciate any feedback!

>> No.4836607

I like the theme, but that cartoon shit is seriously off putting.
Was I supposed to root for the MC or laugh at him? What’s was your intention with the design and story?

You got some nice art skills hidden under some obscure tastes.

>> No.4836670

like the other anon said, I'd redesign the mc. The whole story seemed like some satire.

>> No.4836673

I didn't even know about medibang's artstreet site. I have a new place to upload my stuff now.

>> No.4836674

This is great nice

>> No.4836678

He's emulating gag manga, and I think the designs are inspired by old manga.
I agree, anon has nice clean art that can be improved with more polishing.
fusing stylized realism with semi realism is a very hard composition to pull off, anon.
Lose the bucket of pitch black background, it set off a mood for a gag manga.
As for the story itself, it feels too much of a rush and incomplete work for me to make a critique. Practice with making 4koma stories to get used to handling comedies then work on a big one once you have enough knowledge about completing a whole story from head to tail with a paced comedy elements.

>> No.4836681

set off the wrong mood*

>> No.4836695

>He's emulating gag manga, and I think the designs are inspired by old manga.
He has some expressions that aren’t reminiscent of old gag mangas.
One Rick and Morty o3o face and other meme expressions. I’d be okay with the style if the characters were wholesome and charming. But throw in meme faces and I just get annoyed.

>> No.4836861


Thank you. It’s very helpful to hear that since I was experimenting and I have no idea how people would react.
I was going for something like 80s gag manga/Nintendo game&watch for the MC since I love that kind of stuff.

The idea was that the MC who one would consider rather pathetic turns from Gag manga into basically a Jojo character through his own decision to stand up for himself. His transformation is permanent and he realizes that he has the power to do anything he wants and he dumps the manipulative girl.
I wasn’t paying enough attention to how he comes across and what the reader might feel for him.
That said what’s there is maybe like 30% of what was initially planned.
I gotta fix the pacing and polish as well.

>> No.4837150

I didn't read his other work, but Imago had a separate writer named Seldon.

>> No.4837159

Ni siquiera con el cráneo a un lado puedes poner el globo ocular en su lugar.

>> No.4837209

loved it, don't change a thing, wish u had finished it doe.

>> No.4837227

i'm with >>4837209
love the OG tezuka aesthetic
good luck

>> No.4837311

agreed with this anon, the artstyle is really charming

>> No.4837356


I’m really liking this one (its in spanish), the character is what horikoshi would like the most since the said that characters are important for readers. I like the Story concept too, and the art is great!

>> No.4837365

I like this one too, it has the spirit of a shonen and its story is simple and coherent. The drawing maybe amateurish but the composition itself is very solid even for a beginner. This guy got it in the bad, just that he need more improvement in the technical area.

>> No.4837373

It looks really cool. Also really neat how they are using yo yo’s and other unconventional weapons. Wish I knew Spanish so I could actually read it. Hopefully they come out with an English version for this one shot.

>> No.4837419

What’s a good way to get ahold of you anon?

>> No.4837780



>> No.4837925

I wish I knew what the fuck this said because it looked cool

>> No.4837971

Ehh, it was ok.

>> No.4838300

Are there any resources that teach you how to shade/color people or objects during different times of the day like dawn mourning midday afternoon dusk night time overcast

>> No.4838341

I'm p sure that Loomis' Creative Illustration goes over that. Gurney's book helps with it too.

>> No.4838549

Has anyone watch those motion video manga ex soulmadness videos of attack on titan and bleach does anyone know how to make those

>> No.4838567

I need this too especially on screen tone

>> No.4838600

This >>4837925

>> No.4839759

tonko house schoolism course.
if you have a living situation that allows for it, try doing still lifes/ plein air of the same setup maybe over the course of a week/month etc while keeping an eye out for different weather forecasts as well.
blender is also an option, it has at least decent real time rendering now so you could feasibly build a scene and adjust it to all kinds of lighting scenarios
really enjoyed it
you're the jte anon right?

>> No.4839762

any of you fags ever worked with a translator before? any tips?

>> No.4839774

Oh hey I found out how to find the non-English entries. https://medibang.com/contentsSearch/?sort=4&tagName=100thTEZUKA_SP.AWD&tagId=329153&searchCategory=1&adultType=01
On the right there's a change language option.

I can't read gookrunes but the art and setting in this one is nice https://medibang.com/book/9g2008122316382810004286145/

>> No.4839791

The environments in this one exude overwhelming SOUL https://medibang.com/book/7u2008251531495900015900894/

>> No.4840097
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Ashika study

>> No.4840105

Nice. Got the original to compare?

>> No.4840119
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>> No.4840186

Thanks. It seems you might want a slightly larger pen size.

>> No.4840390

How do you write your first scripts?

>> No.4840396

Is anyone else here writing a manga with Japanese characters? What do you do for names? How dumb will it look if I just pick names at random?

>> No.4840453

sometimes i just pick names that sound cool, other times they're a tribute to something sort of e.g. kaneda's name is a tribute to tetsujin 28 go, depending on the situation you can also go with a nickname instead. there are also many circumstances where you wouldn't necessarily need names at all. how often in a 2 person conversation do people address each other by name?

>> No.4841342

most manga character names are just noun or seasons, rarely real name.
But if story is set in modern Japan then you would kinda need a real name.
If not give name with symbolic meaning or element that describe them like most manga do.

>> No.4842010
File: 217 KB, 1000x667, dev12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... now that the contest is over, the general's slowed down massively.

This general might actually die now that no one is making Manga. Making manga/comics is so difficult to get into that there aren't actually that many anons doing it for fun, so I was thinking that we should put together a "sticky" to help ease people into this.

I can make it if you guys want... but I've never actually finished a comic, I'm just at the beginning of this process. I only just now figured out how to write and finish scripts, and now I'm figuring out how to do development and prep work for my comics. Then I need to get into composition, thumbnailing, pencilling, etc and figure out how to do those with ease. I'm still figuring this out one step at a time, so I think its better for those who actually submitted their work into the contest to put together a sticky. We can start a google doc or smthn, idk, just putting it out there.

We can keep this general going by having people submit their wip stages:
Development work
Character Designs
Set Designs

Here's a hot dog man I'm designing

>> No.4842015
File: 196 KB, 1000x667, dev11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4842020

idk, i just love this general because of the complicated and nuanced discussions that go on here. There's so much more to manga, like cinematography, writing, character designs, etc. than just the technical skill of drawing. I want to keep this going any way I can.

>> No.4842137

Yea, there was some discussion about a discord. But I never found out if it exists or if we should make one.

How many people are still lurking for this thread?

>> No.4842154

It's a bit of a Catch 22, since if we do end up making a discord I'm almost certain that this general series will die

>> No.4842183

we can see how this general does... if it flounders then that means only a few people are regularly making manga for fun, so a tight-knit discord server might be better

>> No.4842243

I’d prefer we keep the general than do a discord. Like I said, I’ll be posting some screenplays in a bit, I’ve just got little to show as my rough drafts are unfinished, and reading an outline and reading an actual screenplay are two different things. Especially since you’re not supposed to follow your outlines by the letter, especially past the midpoint, that’s usually when you’ve got a stronger grip on your characters and better ideas to end the story or create intrigue start to crop up.

As for the speed of the thread. Feels the same to me desu. We had several days where we’d just see a handful of posts. Plus, some people are probably taking a slight break or taking things a bit slower for a week to recover after crunching hard. I know I am.

>> No.4842257

I hope you're right about the speed being the same, desu i haven't been paying attention too much to past manga making threads so I wouldn't know for sure.

>> No.4842259

>Plus, some people are probably taking a slight break or taking things a bit slower for a week to recover after crunching hard. I know I am.
Same here.

>> No.4842284

Things started to speed up as the deadline grew closer, but the earlier threads were slower.

There’s several people on 4chan interested in making manga. Imo, keeping a thread like this alive at least on /ic/ is a good idea. Especially for those who aren’t yet aware this exists.

>> No.4842287

Different anon; seems mostly the same to me too speed-wise.

>> No.4842347
File: 270 KB, 885x627, elizabethCarter_01WIPed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a recent drawing I did of one of my main character from the Tezuka entry. :)

I was trying to figure out what she would look when on duty, given how the story was set place when she was wearing plain clothes.

>> No.4842390

Looks neat anon; are you going to be continuing that story in any form or fashion?

>> No.4842398

I'm not sure..
Maybe not as the same aggressive pace I did with the contest.. But I do want to try and expand on it if I can.
I have other projects I'm on, so that'll take precedent.
Maybe another chapter worth of story done bit by bit.

>> No.4842404

Oh, and thank you!
Glad you like it ^_^b

>> No.4842429

there's always another contest around the bend, might as well start prepping for that one

>> No.4842469

Yeah it's a lot of work but like wise anon. Art in general is a process of years, not week. Study one thing at a time.
If you're doing manga art what you should focus on is line art, perspective, and primarily composition.
As for the writing of it self, it come gradually, writing is something you can't force. My suggestion is that you should consume the media within your element of interest first then branch out later.

yes, webtoon etc. Medibang host silent manga audition too, and I've seen people get trained for it personally by the staff too, some even started working for a magazine.

I feel like we should have some sort of direction and objective for this general to passively work toward to on the side together. Like discussing about a manga or film and dissecting its element so that we can understand it. A topic or some way we can combine our research.

>> No.4842477

>trained for it
I meant after they have won.

>> No.4842491

like a monthly manga?
I was thinking of a scenario challenge.
For example, in this month you have to draw 3 or 4 pages of a particular action, sad, romantic scene etc. But that would be too strict towards people who only draw one type of genre. Maybe a group analysis or something would be easier to handle.

>> No.4842499

>hotdog box

>> No.4842515

>If you're doing manga art what you should focus on is line art, perspective, and primarily composition.
This is one that really hurts, cause I love painting and colors, but my skill in both is kinda shit due to a manga focus.

When I see painters post here from time to time I get a little jealous. Illustration and Sequential Art are definitely two different skillsets.

> As for the writing of it self, it come gradually, writing is something you can't force.

As I’ve come to start learning writing this is something I disagree with. Improving in this is much like art. Requires daily practice to gain experience. You need to get yourself to understand various things through instinct. Fortunately, improvement in writing for a base professional level is MUCH faster than in art. You can get pretty damn good in about 6mo - 1 year provided you’ve got access to good critique.

>> No.4842535
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give inking a try, a lot of inking technique translate to painting. I think even in the current manga world, there are artist who use CSP brushes for BG and shading. Again composition, look for a manga that have a style you think that would suit your element then apply it into your composition. Be flexible, manga doesnt have fix art style when it come to expressing story telling.
Some manga have less line art and more shading, some have less shading and more line art, explore, you can do it.
>Fortunately, improvement in writing for a base professional level is MUCH faster than in art. You can get pretty damn good in about 6mo -
that's nice to hear, I think generally in regard to manga, the process is slow due to the double amount of work. However, I have seen many japanese artist simply made it just by sticking to their amateur but coherent art style. They dont improve further because they are satisfied with where they are. The higher your art skill, the harder your composition will be. For beginner I think we should just land somewhere in the middle until we decide to remain or improve.

>> No.4842575

>many japanese artist simply made it just by sticking to their amateur but coherent art style.
From experience, I think comic artists have it easier than writer when it come to cheesy, trope, or most bad writing. I think it's because people are used to comic being wacky so it's easier to forgive as long as it's fun and the design is nice, while people tend to criticize a book more when it is too derivative.

>> No.4842586
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>> No.4843789

What is you want to make your own website what format would you use

>> No.4844341

> I'll keep that in mind. I'd probably upload it on Pixiv and as PDFs yeah. Wouldn't the issue be avoided by just having the PDF display pages on top of each other?

Assuming you mean single-page mode or something, yes, but then you're fucked if you wanna do any spreads.

>> No.4844346

Anyone has CSP EX? Did made your manga making process easier?
I'm thinking of upgrading mine but I'm not sure if Im ready since Im /beg/.

>> No.4844397

Yeah, I used CSP EX. I upgraded from my pirated version of Manga Studio 5EX. I felt it was worth every penny, it offers some neat little new features, but the best thing is access to the store and the cloud. Cloud will instantly back up your work, and store means you have tons of custom pens and materials made by Japanese mangaka. Both pro and amateur. More than anything though Manga Studio had served me so well that it felt worth the purchase retroactively due to how much of a good product it had been.

>> No.4844429

Ah nice, thanks. I'm getting it then.

>> No.4844560

I used CSP EX for the Tezuka entry.
It was my first time ever making a manga, and thankfully the program really made things intuitive to figure out.

The manager system was really great to keep things organized and sane for me.
Also, there's a 3D preview to see whether your margins are getting cut off or not... Which was super helpful.

>> No.4845320
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> Also, there's a 3D preview to see whether your margins are getting cut off or not... Which was super helpful.

I didn't even know this was a thing, holy shit that's cool

>> No.4845709

alright boys I have no interest in the contest but I want to make a 24 page comic off a scene I read
I'm trad.
What type of paper should I be using for this?

>> No.4845877

Is it good to show the main characters parents how they met and how the main character were born or should it be shown later on where the main character is like 15 like naruto

>> No.4845897

There’s manga paper you can buy. Or just buy smooth Bristol paper.

It depends on the story and how relevant it’s to the plot and/or when you introduce it.

>> No.4846010

Is it relevant to the plot and does it move the story forward, if not. No.

>> No.4846668

post some fucking pages and panels you cucks

>> No.4846696

Do you like, Berserk, Vampire Hunter D and Castlevania?

>> No.4846708


>> No.4846770

This. Level E too. Lots of goofy faces there.

>> No.4846845

no u

>> No.4847060

Maybe a bit of an out-there idea, but if there are still people that are serious about making manga in this thread and want some sort of short-term project, what if some of us put together some short manga tied together by some sort of theme or world and made a small anthology book out of it? Since promoting work with no following is super hard it seems like it might help if we leveraged all of our bases at once.

>> No.4847092

That sounds like something you'd do with a group of friends and not on an anonymous chinese image board.

>> No.4847149
File: 2.93 MB, 3724x2096, BFA09314-C5A1-4993-B628-BF28DDBD3EF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so the rough draft is done.

Middle’s a bit of a mess, it’s unfinished I’d say really, there’s a lot of work I gotta do to better tie it to the climax. Kinda like build up the twists and payoffs better and so on... It definitely needs several rewrites, but this is my first pass, so be prepared for it fo be kinda shit:


Also, have a doodle.

>> No.4847439 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 1500x1000, dev13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of prep work do you do before you start on thumbnails/pages? I just do character designs and set designs, but im not sure if there's more.

>> No.4847647

holy crap thanks for the demonstration, and yeah im installing it today

>> No.4847648

imhaving a burn out just let me rest for week

>> No.4848966

Going to read this over when I can anon, but can we get a logline / overall summary of the concept in the meantime?

>> No.4848989

Post more art pls

>> No.4849080
File: 2.81 MB, 3500x2100, Alice Design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be changing a lot in a bit. As I got a bunch of feedback from some writers.

But the general idea is the same:

Overall story is about a witch that hunts horrors. This would be the pilot/first chapter, so it's gonna introduce a lot of the core elements, while also having a self-contained story. This one is centered around a child whose mother was tried for witchcraft and burned for it.

I'll talk about the changes I'll be making to it after you've read it so you go in clean.


I'm gonna sketch some characters today, and start setting up a promo/concept illustration. I also wanna do some EVRs over the next few weeks. And I gotta do turnarounds. As far as self imposed deadlines go. I'm working on Alice, Che's doing Tiger Square (which already has a lot of art), we wanna present both to Shueisha in midOct. So I have till then to get the names for the first couple chapters (at least the 1st chapter) done, translated, as well as some art.

>> No.4849114

this is great!

>> No.4849138

I love your art, anon, especially the details on the backs of the cards. I'm a sucker for that sort of thing.

>> No.4849155

Oh, that's just a photo from a Botichelli set of tarot cards I own. I don't think I can use that back, as I think they're copyrighted, but I'm gonna base it off that.

>> No.4849156
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Tarot deck in question.

>> No.4849167
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Some of the cards.

I’m actually not into tarot, but I went into an occult shop in I came across in some alleyway in Madrid from when I lived there, and I noticed this deck there. I ready liked the art, so I bought it. I’ve kept it as a sort of collectors item since. It’s kinda neat that I’ve got a project I can use it in. The inspiration to make a magic system based on tarot came while listening to this song:


I’d been playing One Step From Eden at the time, and I though a card-based power system (not like YGO where they’re literally playing a game), could make for a interesting and unique power system. Then it all just sorta cane together. Tarot matches the witch theme perfectly, and adds a lot of unique flavor by having the 4 classes: Swords, Wands, Pentacles, and Cups.

A lot of manga live and die by their power systems, so this is an idea that draws my attention a lot cause I think Witch v. Witch fights can have a lot of intrigue.

>> No.4849209

did we win yet?

>> No.4849215

Results are in December.

>> No.4849220

but I want to win nowwwwwwwwwww

>> No.4849229
File: 58 KB, 1966x1400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my double spread..

>> No.4849282
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>> No.4849438

Nice! :)
Do you have an IG?

>> No.4849898

I love the piece with just the colors.. good work anon.

>> No.4850188

>bloods, bolts, u?
>g spear haha
>haha nice
>home-teleports away

>> No.4850644
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>> No.4850740

>how often in a 2 person conversation do people address each other by name?
VERY often in japan. avoiding saying "you" is polite.

>> No.4850911
File: 362 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_7236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out Takahashi Tsutomu draws on regular printer paper for his manga. Wtf, why don't more manga artists do this? Manuscript paper is so expensive.

Also, a sketch I tried out on copy paper with a dip pen, it seems to work fine...

>> No.4850936
File: 247 KB, 3000x2100, wellareya?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any non japanese mangaka who make patrician mangas?

>> No.4851081
File: 748 KB, 848x4811, of_spring_and_summer_storyboard_05_revised_2019AUG12_compiled2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, but I have no idea how to upload to it.

>> No.4851112

Boichi if you wanna talk about published. The guy who made Radiant if you wanna talk outside of Japan.

>> No.4851412

there are several koreans and maybe some chinese/Taiwanese in the manga industry.
As for westerners, are a several indie manga made by foreigners who live there. But very few are in mainline magazine like jump, shonen sunday etc.

>> No.4851419

There are no foreigners in SJ outside of Boichi afaik.

>> No.4851813

This was a genuinely good read. Nice work.

>> No.4852024
File: 569 KB, 1500x900, sketches1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some more art

Cheers, thanks!

>> No.4852036

Left is Ozymandias, Alice's teacher. Middle is a scarecrow character who I've yet to name for a sidekick. His dynamic with the male sidekick (who I'm calling Hans for now), is comparable to Fry and Bender from Futurama. And yes, I know. Wizard of Oz. It's intentional, lol. Just like the Alice in Wonderland stuff. The rabbit, is Alice's familiar. She stuffed a demon's soul inside of it, and it reluctantly helps her out from time to time. It can smell magic. So... "follow the white rabbit."

>> No.4852337

Nice! Love seeing these concepts. :)

>> No.4852536

well not specifically SJ, but have seen Korean artist or immigrants/zainichi working for smaller press. (even several in the BL magazines)

>> No.4852549
File: 175 KB, 1178x1060, 20200907_181819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls don't die, also post cap hit.
Should I make a new thread.
these are very amazing anon, I've always wanted to do those tarot fortune cards project one day. I'll buy some time during my lunch break to read your script.
It's been a while since i saw your art anon, glad that you're still around.

>> No.4852553

>Should I make a new thread.
Wait for page 10. /ic/ isn't particularly fast.

>> No.4853360

New thread.
