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File: 688 KB, 1536x2048, 59e0fb0b4aeeaa86764c440f84c0d94f5557a9aa5c3ee2160ae1f240f51131db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4832082 No.4832082 [Reply] [Original]

i sometimes cannot understand how long the ribcage is supposed to be

>> No.4832086

4 craniums down
hers is 4 craniums down
problem solved

>> No.4832094
File: 51 KB, 396x1136, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much longer than you think it is.

But that's not important, only the external shapes matter for an artist.

>> No.4832102
File: 1.94 MB, 360x640, 1590431683484.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But as a matter of fact you can't actually see the ribcage directly on any people worth drawing.

The structure under the tits is oblique muscules interseting with serratus, not the actual ribs under the skin.

>> No.4832108
File: 63 KB, 486x750, 1593371542925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4832110

The pelvis is 4th head down so it would be 2-3 heads tall, no?

>> No.4832131

Proportions literally don't exist in the real world,

The structure is what matters, but trying to measure shit in numbers and craniums is a brand of a retard.

>> No.4832136

>tfw no harry pusy gf


>> No.4832147

The lowest attached rib is 1 hand-length from the base of the sternum. The sternum is also about 1 hand-length from the pit of the neck.

>> No.4832150

I know that they don't, but if you are going to be using them then might as well use them correctly. Why would be the ribcage be 4 heads long? It doesn't account for the head or the pelvis.

>> No.4832175

You literally see her ribcage

>> No.4832178

>You literally see her ribcage
It's actually not.

>> No.4832183

head =/= cranium
hand ~= cranium

>> No.4832208

Why even mention the cranium and not the head? Why make it even harder for OP?

>> No.4832219
File: 3.44 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20200830_184121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice girl

>> No.4832220

>Great toned body ruined by that piercing
Women are so fucking stupid.

>> No.4832224

how is it harder? the cranium’s size can be seen m basically any angle, the head length not s

>> No.4832229

You can easily spot the costal margin and several plane breaks caused by the forms of the ribcage and soft tissues interfacing. The ribcage is the foundation for the upper torso after all.

>> No.4832230

I have no fucking idea about the height of the cranium, it's not an external shape you can see with your naked eye

>> No.4832236

sometimes i look at a girls body and i think "if i drew you exactly how you are, people would say my anatomy is fucked and i need to study more"

>> No.4832237

It's different on every person. Some woman have compressed torsos, some are all torso. If you're making it up, just make it pleasing, and plausible. General ratios and ballpark, that kind of thing. A short person will have a compressed torso, taller and skinny people tend to have elongated.

>> No.4832238
File: 102 KB, 788x1240, 64baa8ab532567f1202759c8cd84331a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rib cage and soft tissues interfacing
Serratus and internal oblique are two major muscles that interlock and make this saw tooth shape, but as a matter of fact what you see isn't the bone, it's a muscle shape.

>> No.4832240

Because someone who is beginner can just see the head/face. The only other way would be to see the back of someone's head if they have super short hair or bald.

>> No.4832241

That's a general purposes, ball park ratio. It works fine for constructing from imagination, but each body type will be slightly different.

>> No.4832248

you can see the cranium from any angle that you can see the head from
>he’s a beginner
so he should take the 2 minutes to learn what a cranium is

>> No.4832285
File: 95 KB, 1000x1331, 989_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but each body type will be slightly different
this, if you are looking at ref pics and wondering why things don't look like they 'should'

>> No.4832290

This is why I don't find niggers attractive. Fking monkey proportions.

>> No.4832291


>> No.4832293

Wow this is a great image for representing the concept, thank you for posting it

>> No.4832297

I want to see that bush poking out of some loose underwear

>> No.4832300

God, I want to rub them against each other

>> No.4832303

Both are made for black cock

>> No.4832306


>> No.4832309

I'm hornnnyyyyyyyy ahhhhhhhhhh

>> No.4832344

People who say things like this are usually pretty butt ugly themselves otherwise they wouldn't be projecting this hard.

>> No.4832345

surprised that you didnt say it then

>> No.4832346
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 4086FE81-A6F6-432D-B158-4FED4B3E4B0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projection!!! Projection!!! Misogyny!!!! Racist!!!!

>> No.4832352

>bringing up misogyny and racism out of nowhere
seems like anon struck a nerve

>> No.4832360

>look her up
goddamn even if I make sakimichan bucks, i'm never hiring her.

>> No.4832366

Dilate some more tranny

>> No.4832368

>no pusy hair


>> No.4832371

who is this?

>> No.4832378

Look, you can get a hairy gf pussy the hard way or the easy way. The easy way is to get a hobo gf who looks like she’s methed up most of the time. The hard way is to kidnap a cutie gf and keep her in your basement without any type of shaving or cutting implements so her pubes and armpits grow out nice and long.
You’re welcome

>> No.4832392

Luckily no one will fuck you anyway with that attitude

>> No.4832406

I need to go on a diet

>> No.4832414

Having preferences makes you unfuckable ok

>> No.4832436

Calling black people niggers and saying they have monkey proportions in an art thread about ribcages is what makes you unfuckable dipshit

>> No.4832493

"people worth drawing" what kind of subject standard is that?

>> No.4832502
File: 1.26 MB, 2077x1814, iru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of these two

>> No.4832575

that's a cool body shape, where can I get more of this content

>> No.4832613

Id get up in her rib cage if you know what I mean.

>> No.4832653

dunno what monkeys youre looking at. theyre not known for their long legs.

>> No.4832704

this is weird, the left feels like the torso is too small, the right feels like its too big and the legs are too small. I guess traditional proportions aren't that necessary.

>> No.4832713

Nah. It's just proof loomis is unreliable bullshit

>> No.4832734

Hands and heads are pretty much the same size?
At least mine are.

>> No.4832741

It’s because Loomis believe in the future of the white race and didn’t foresee the shitshow we live in now.

>> No.4833085

They are outliers with extreme proportions

>> No.4833104

He calls them ideal proportions for a reason.

>> No.4833126

This is the literal opposite of monkey proportions... Monkey have generally very short stumpy legs and are all torso.

>> No.4833129

Why do you think Loomis and other construction methods are set in stone ? The 4/4 torso/leg head long and yadi yada is just a referential. Use it but lower that pelvis if you want to show more abs etc ...

Hell most koreans do 2/3 torso/leg women and get away with it.

>> No.4833143

draw yours somewhere in between then

>> No.4833158

Asians usually edge towards those proportions.

>> No.4833183

*external oblique, You see both muscle and bony landmarks in the video above.

>> No.4833703

what a beautiful woman!

>> No.4833743

>he doesn't find navel piercings hot

>> No.4833754

I inquire the source

>> No.4833777

dont look at photos that were taken on a short lens to learn this, long lens only

>> No.4833788

>those long ass legs
so that's why blacks run faster huh

>> No.4833866

Longer legs are preferable you hob goblin

>> No.4833872

She is as white as English incest royalty though

>> No.4833927

>taking tutorials as the WORD OF GOD
anon youre supposed to learn not fucking memorize everything

>> No.4833934

Whiteys are closer to monkeys though.

>> No.4834054

>only the external shapes matter
you take that back you mongaloid copying machine, form is everything

>> No.4834072

form is the outer shape, you /beg/ retard

>> No.4834073

To be fair I think he's referring to the bony landmarks on the skin, not contours

>> No.4834134

god i hate this smelly stuck up whore

>> No.4834139

>makes more money in a day than you do in a month

I’m sure she feels bad about that

>> No.4834169
File: 270 KB, 1000x1331, fixd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4834190

Such improvement

>> No.4834398

rent free you fucking retard, christ.

>> No.4834410

Proportions are to get a lay in as they're ideal and don't change. When you start getting closer to a likeness, you adjust them as need be. They're an armature for the final work and you can change them at any time. They exist to make starting a drawing easier.

This shit pisses me off when they say they hate "Loomis" or whatever construction. It doesn't mean every body has to be drawn that way. It's a baseline tool for YOU.

>> No.4834417

No one even brought up misogyny you wojack posting mongrel.

>> No.4834418

Agreed this picture is crazy. I guess you don’t usually notice because reference models tend to be standing alone

>> No.4834424 [DELETED] 
File: 177 KB, 984x550, CastingCouchGagReflex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propaganda Art Thread

When Emma Watson has to cross a sea of wrinkled penises and cross her fingers in order to get to dhe golden statue, dhen her experience will seep into her art and what she does and it/s going to distort dhe entire culture∵
Why I/m Breaking Up Widh Hollywood

>> No.4834425

its true. torso too short, legs too long. asians are the opposite and sometimes they look really boxy and dwarfish but sometimes it works. with black women, basically never.

>> No.4834433
File: 51 KB, 420x420, aaa320b18fcb4c3e98da627f4dc94d51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i drew a woman with the proportions on the left every single person on ic would jump down my throat that her torso was too short her hips were too high.

i mean actually when i draw woman one key landmark for me that seperates women from men is that a woman's elbow fits at her waist line. black woman are built exactly like trannies. go look at a so-called trap and tell me his waist isn't higher than his elbows. and her pussy should be down by her hands.

omg what in the hell am i looking at. her femus is like 3 feet long by itself.

is this a typical black woman or is this soomeone with a chromosomal disorder?

>> No.4834444

Who is this? I must know for reference purposes

>> No.4834460

>that bush

>> No.4834488

Liara Roux

>> No.4834489

That's what makes her hot, the arm pit hair also.

>> No.4834542

didn't even notice the pit hair fucking yikes

>> No.4834613

if you draw a woman with the proportions on the right every single person would jump down your throat that her legs were too short

Either way you'd be beaten down to cries of 'loomis' and 'ngmi'

>> No.4834654


>> No.4834670

No, that's what make her awful, get a fucking shaver, disgusting chimp.

>> No.4834754

so you're saying you're a monkey living rent free in his head?

>> No.4834759

>made the boobs bigger

>> No.4834867

i dont think she worked out to impress you nigga

>> No.4834871

>one key landmark for me that seperates women from men is that a woman's elbow fits at her waist line
bruh wtf kinda weird ass landmarks do you use

>> No.4834896

Jesus, the black girl has ridiculously prominent shoulders, tall narrow hips and lanky arms like a guy.

>> No.4834942

Put the white bitch's torso on the black bitch's hips and legs and you got the classic superheroine proportions.

>> No.4834981

>black woman are built exactly like trannies. go look at a so-called trap and tell me his waist isn't higher than his elbows.
I'm a half black trap and my elbows are at my waist

>> No.4835037

long legs are not a race exclusive thing idiot, it's why some people are models and some are not

>> No.4835053

tfw no buff bodybuilding gf

>> No.4835068

>oblique muscules interseting with serratus, not the actual ribs under the skin.
no it's the rigcage you fucking moron. do you even know where the serratus is?
the serratus is below and TO THE SIDE of the tits, what you see UNDER the tits is in fact the ribcage.
yes the obliques are there but what shows through on thin people is the ribcage.

>> No.4835076

Disgusting, I like seeing either bone or soft skin.

>> No.4835816

post boipussy

>> No.4836003
File: 51 KB, 390x520, la_grpb0031332478_0000000000pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where does ribcage end and hip bone start?

>> No.4836029


>> No.4836040

Why does she cover her mouth? Is she wiping the hot fresh cum off her lips?

>> No.4836099

>tfw when you tell god he needs to grind his Loomis methods more!

>> No.4836113

man...I've really gotta stop drawing the collarbones pointing downwards!

>> No.4836118

>Just discovered that different ethnic grps/races have different proportions..

>> No.4836769

It would be extremely painful

>> No.4837212

>rent free
Of course, we're talking about niggers here.

>> No.4837300
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh was good for practice

>> No.4837439

what do you find hard? i draw an oval and thats it,it doesn't look bad in my drawings

>> No.4837625
File: 25 KB, 356x356, KremlinDualCitizenship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Propaganda Art Thread

Dhere is something about “dual citizenship” and split tongues...
Death to Smoochy (Theatrical Trailer)

>> No.4837657

Maybe if you are looking to practice distortions. If you are not then practicing this: >>4832285 would be more helpful.

>> No.4837821

Wasn’t trying to distort this is probably my 3rd attempt at drawing a figure let alone a nude
It coulda been worse besides getting proportion correct in anything seems difficult at this stage
Better feedback woulda helped oh well

>> No.4838860

I hate you for phrasing it like that, but I agree in that a lot of black people have proportions that just wig me out.

That said, when you find a nice black lady with good body proportions it's aces

>> No.4840202

It ends at the elbows. And the hands are always just past the pelvis around the top of the femur. Necks usually about 0.8 heads long. Shoulder width about 3 heads etc. etc. Theres loads of relationships with body proportions you just need to observe. it helps a lot with imagination drawing

>> No.4840212

>lol youll never get access to my axe wound with that attitude
Guys dont really use this insult tactic almost always girl.
Damn, there really are a lot of females on ic

>> No.4840321

>Pshh! Asymmetrical elbows? There's no way I am blessing her with my dick. No absolute way I could ever be seen hanging around with this monstruosity of a woman.

>> No.4840404

It's funny, I watched that wem three times and didn't notice the piercing until you mentionned it, faggot.

>> No.4840409

that's supposed to be representative of an attractive one too lmfao

>> No.4840410
File: 150 KB, 1024x1536, hoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if i drew you exactly how you are, people would say my anatomy is fucked and i need to study more"

>> No.4840470

based pear

>> No.4842006

I refuse to believe this isn't a liquify edit