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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 646 KB, 550x503, 1598261849947vent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4829545 No.4829545 [Reply] [Original]

Tell us what needs to be heard.

>> No.4829558
File: 76 KB, 582x522, 1562024415115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Miku futa gf

>> No.4829573

I am creatively bankrupt but skilled. I will never make anything meaningful. My art career begins and ends with furry and fanart. What a waste of skill.

>> No.4829579

hopefully you had a lot of fun tho

>> No.4829601

I have several meltdowns a month seeing an artists timeline of progress over the course of a few years. I’m on my second and wish it were my 7th already

>> No.4829620

I realized how simple but difficult is to draw animemes

>> No.4829695
File: 980 KB, 1974x1607, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-SLjmt2tYZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell does Shoujo hair work?
I get that a lot of it is implied detail but they make it look so shiny and delicate

>> No.4830328
File: 217 KB, 736x859, 1598018897557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start drawing
>have fun
having fun feels so weird and i don't want this feeling to go stale, help

>> No.4830522

>tfw when non-porn artists are starting to inspire you to draw things that aren't anime coom art
How am I going to make money now, bros?

>> No.4830584
File: 95 KB, 400x400, 1CE651C3-6B03-49B2-A881-2300DBF12144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4830630

I always wonder how they make it look so soft

>> No.4830644

I don't get why you guys feel the need to vent all the time.

I'm having a trouble wrapping my head around manifolds in 3D space right now I guess. Doesn't make me want to complain or anything, though.

>> No.4830657

/ic/ feels like a genuine community compared to other boards. We know each other by artstyle alone, and the whole board's purpose is to helping and supporting each other. Mental Health is a big part of that imo

>> No.4830659

coffee gives me the shiiiiiiiiits

>> No.4830674

There's probably only a few thousand of us that inconsistently post, so makes sense this place would feel more real.

>> No.4830679
File: 233 KB, 1124x1049, AD6BC80A-8E0A-4680-8274-6964D7375099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything just kinda sucks atm

>> No.4830681

I'm fine with that, I just don't get people getting so frustrated with things. I guess I'm more patient, or maybe just more detached.

>> No.4830790


>> No.4830794

I get you, but I guess when I have different annoyances in different areas of life I lose my temper and get tired of art too. Since corona I'm much more stable

>> No.4830799

>Try as hard as I can everyday to improve
>Apparently Im unable to improve at all anymore
>Everyone just keeps improving
>Hurr durr just compare to yourself
>Turns out I have actually regressed since the end of last year and made 0 progress this year whatsoever despite drawing everyday
How do I deal with having fucking anti-talent? Im already doing all of the purposed effective study practice habits and it does nothing for me, I feel utterly hopeless and miserable.

>> No.4830808

Starting at old age really suck ass.
I realize i can never get into the industry because i can't compete with anybody that started younger.
There's zero way to fill in the 15-20 years of experience difference.
And there's no way i'm gonna give up everything i have now just to have a chance to try catching up, which is impossible, because the artists at my age is working full time, so there's no way i can outdraw them unless i don't sleep at all, for years.

>> No.4830838

Whats your drawing schedule look like?

>> No.4830858

>Get back from work
>30 min fig drawing as warmup
>1 hour fundie practice
>Meal break
>2 hour studies
>Short break
>2 hour personal work/output trying to use what I practiced

>> No.4830862

There's no way you're not improving with that schedule anon, even if you're medically retarded.

The progress is slow, and the knowledge isn't necessarily evident, but you're getting better. It helps to follow a course. When I went through Vilppu's figure drawing course, doing all the most basic stuff he recommends, I saw explosive improvement.

>> No.4830887
File: 146 KB, 700x845, 1513278388009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no way you're not improving with that schedule anon, even if you're medically retarded.
Did you miss the part where I actually got worse?

>> No.4830899

anon, im telling you i don't think you actually got worse. If you really did, that'd be a first in a million years. Don't be so down on yourself, the gains won't come as quick as they did at the beginning.

>> No.4830909




>> No.4830915

what do i draw to get followers

>> No.4830916

your eyes improve as you learn so it'll seem like you got worse a lot of the time when your eyes improve more than your drawing because you notice your mistakes better, you've probably still improved

>> No.4830928

You most likely didn't get worse, you just feel worse about your drawings.

>> No.4830976

>post piece I worked in for 15 hours
>lose follower

I know it doesnt matter and all but seeing it makes me still a little sad.

>> No.4830978

i know that feel anon, try to increase the mass market appeal of your drawings

>> No.4831007


>> No.4831040

The only thing I have to complain about is /ic/. Why the fuck do you guys focus so much on popularity and following other artist's methods?

>> No.4831055

was able to draw when i was a teen bullied by a weirdo art teacher now im trying to get back into it and i just cant i got a drawing tablet for Christmas idk if im being to hard on myself but anything i do feels like trash

>> No.4831065

i want to read the loomis books in the sticky but i cant make myself focus on books on my computer screen no matter how its formatted. all of them are checked out of my local library right now and im suffering

>> No.4831069

thin lines

>> No.4831086
File: 46 KB, 585x432, 1571589715772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally making art and having fun, even getting a couple followers, but the dread of not proceeding with the training is seeping into my reptilian brain and making me worry for the future, I might try to SHUT IT DOWN soon and get back to the starting point.

That's when you pair up with someone who can create. Might even pick up how to create by seeing the process from up close.

What a disgusting load of castrated positivity.

>getting the industry
Why? Become an author. Be your brand. It's easier (technically) and offers more gratification.

Are you still in this rut? It's been 2 months.
You should post your work side-by-side with previous ones or stop complaining, it's getting stale.

There, there.

I'll follow you instead. Unless you're a coomer.

Get a vertical monitor (or one that rotates), it is wonderful for reading as an entire page fits the screen and looks even bigger than the real page.

>> No.4831097

ill follow you even if you are a coomer

>> No.4831117

>Why? Become an author. Be your brand. It's easier (technically) and offers more gratification.
I won't be one with the rate of learning + drawing.
Guess i will have to wage my life away in a boring 9-6 job.
What a shame.
I just realized it's so fun to draw.

>> No.4831131

im probably gonna get laughed off the board for this but i really wish people wouldn't use racial/ethnic slurs on here so much

i get that its board culture or whatever but its just upsetting to see

>> No.4831132

what coom sells

>> No.4831134

yea you meet some people from here that are otherwise really nice but then just have horrible edgy /pol/ humor

>> No.4831138

You can't have anon's brutal honesty without anon's brutal personality. They are not separable things and the sooner you understand it, the sooner you will be able to grow. Be it by building immunity or by leaving and finding a place with fine-tuned hardness to your tolerance.

>> No.4831139

you can be brutal without bringing race/gender/sexuality etc into it, you can call someone an idiot without also having to call them a nigger

>> No.4831142

Its 4chan what do you expect. But yeah same

>> No.4831146

I know I know, I just wish it wasnt the case. You can be brutal and honest without using slurs.

>> No.4831147

It's just hard to find places outside 4chan where people dont pull punches on crit/are actually honest about it.

>> No.4831156
File: 67 KB, 315x475, 1573259489925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[nigger]What do you think my post was, you dimwit coon?[/nigger]

Your homo erectus unbrain can't piece 1+1 together unless I highlight the message with neon slurs. Like BBCode.

And that is one of the consequences of overpolicing laguage. It's the 2nd amendment of the Internet. You may think an airsoft "idiot" is all I need to offend someone I really dislike, but my assault-vocabulary shall not be infringed if we are to keep this community safe from roundabout hugboxes.

>> No.4831157

are you a woman?

>> No.4831159


>> No.4831160

>doing animation
>don't want to pay voice actors
>not sure if people are willing to read subs and have animal crossing style sound effects

cant decide.

>> No.4831161
File: 787 KB, 808x805, 25e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont have the iq for drawing lads, fuckin adhd is the worst for anything that involves focus or discipline

eviston is talking but the words arent making any sense fuckkk

>> No.4831179


>> No.4831220

I'm losing the passion to draw.
How do you guys manage it?
The more i study, the more i have to give up drawing my way.
I feel so soulless now.
I feel like i'm just copying instead of actually drawing.
Should i go back to drawing crappy drawing, but i can do it my way so i can have the passion back?

>> No.4831233

Mix in personal works with study, half and half

>> No.4831239

Just began my third year and yeah, I get you. Just try not to think about the passage of time and keep drawing and probably time will pass faster maybe

>> No.4831342

People will read if the animation has enough breathing space to allow for it. That should be decided beforehand, if you're leaving it for last it might be better to just voice it and not run any risk.

Go for smaller windows of working time. Can't you focus for a pomodoro?

>> No.4831347

Still in the planning stages, and just i was doing cost calculations for the size of animations, and the cost of voice acting is going to pretty much eat anything adrev wise (i can do art/backgrounds/animations mself since i do that as a profession).

Then again, there are channels like frame order and pencilmations with no spoken dialogue either, but I do want to have dialogue/talking between characters.

>> No.4831358

I love to draw but I can't finish anything. I get to a point where it's so bad I can't look at it anymore. But by not finishing anything I'm not learning how to fix any of my problems and am going to be shit forever. I hate everything I draw.
It hurts, end me fren

>> No.4831389

t. nigger

>> No.4831411 [DELETED] 

I remembered why I got into drawing in the first place - to give back to the fandoms I enjoy. Art is just one piece of the whole hobby and it was silly getting myself caught up with other artists. It was also silly joining /dad/ for some time to “grow a habit”. That just jaded my whole view of why I’m drawing in the first place; you either want to draw to put more content out there or you don’t.

And, I found these threads to be even more silly. The anons on 4channel are a lot nicer than the red boards and really helped my overall mood so guess I will stay there from now on. Just wanted to get this off my mind.

>> No.4831418

You just have to push yourself to finish stuff anon. Try to finish for a monath as much pics as you can.

>> No.4831421

ic is full of hysterical women and lemmings. that's why

>> No.4831424

>that feel when when

>> No.4831425

Post blog so I can follow you

>> No.4831426

may as well be one. why don't you go take hrt since you're halfway there already

>> No.4831427

If you really want to bank in as a lewd artist try to draw for a very niche fetish, people are more desperate and will pay for anything

>> No.4831433

But that's the best part about this place, go somewhere else if it bothers you that much

>> No.4831444

That amount of honesty and lack of filtering is honestly a breath of fresh air compared to the other boards I used to lurk in. The anonymity this place gives its users allows for unfiltered criticism of your works and allows you to make yourself better provided you grow a thicker skin or a sense of humor.

>> No.4831458

>don't draw porn
>exclusively post my art on porn boards

>> No.4831496

kek the videos are actually shorter than pomodoro. it's just actually focusing and retaining information that's a bitch to do, i've just been out of sorts lately though

>> No.4831551

IQ is nearly irrelevant for drawing, focus on the other hand is very important

>> No.4831585

I've stopped drinking for over a month (smoked weed instead) and made the mistake of drinking spritzer at the pub with friends. Been drinking and smoking weed every evening since and lost all motivation to draw because my shitty brain wants drugs. I just want to go to rehab for a few weeks or something and regain control of my life but I'm still in my apprenticeship. I don't want to be known as an addict

>> No.4831601

I hate that there's so little resources on rendering, it seems that half the battle is figuring out technical bullshit

>> No.4831912

thats rough but eventually your habits will interfere with your apprenticeship/career anyways. I believe in you anon, do what you think is right for your future but I think your mentor might understand if you need to focus on your health. stay safe homie

>> No.4831997


Newfags from the 2016 election backwash fucking ruined this place. Instead of the folksy humorous racism we had in 2004 ("pools closed due to aids!") this place became swamped with retards from defunct stormfront boards.
It doesnt upset me, but it is fucking boring to see people harping on ONE joke like some braindead redditors who just discovered rageface.jaypeg.

>> No.4832007
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I don't connect with anyone. I feel like I don't belong anywhere. I can't relate to anyone. I feel like I'm just around, I add nothing, no one takes notice and why should they? I'll probably never be happy.

>> No.4832013

I think you should watch more sad anime

>> No.4832017

Imo i feel like 4chan ironically has became the one thing it hated, which is reddit.

>> No.4832019
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keep smiling

>> No.4832025
File: 44 KB, 938x524, 7E1205C2-6B66-49F7-B181-788FF291E9FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t need art friends!

>> No.4832038

You need real friends, not art friends.

>> No.4832048

2016 election was just fucking terrible for everywhere in general

>> No.4832053
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, 37229961-40ED-489C-B028-E7FF4B73922D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took two art classes in my community college. I was the worst of the class both times and made me very self conscious about my art. I’m trying to learn basic gestures but can’t even make myself do it. I just get so anxious even with no one judging me.

>> No.4832054

lol sorry you can't be a racist piece of shit anymore :)
get with the times boomer!

>> No.4832069
File: 62 KB, 395x416, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People really are being honest, and it has always been this way, new anon. But I get you, because half of this website is invaded by /pol/ and outsiders who are deliberately shaping this site's community.
And no it's not a board culture.
zoomers truly are the worst generation.

>> No.4832073

I feel this exact way too anon. Everyone just gets it and i don't know they do. Don't worry we all make it at different speeds

>> No.4832076

I'll follow you but only if you're a coomer

>> No.4832080
File: 132 KB, 465x518, 1598756895572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have nowhere to go but up! I've always been laughed at in all the threads I post my work but the important thing is to never give up, and to trust in your efforts to get better. There is always hope for everyone, and everything is recoverable

>> No.4832081
File: 237 KB, 1530x2160, 4A00D65A-F45A-48CD-903F-68F927FDFE80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I’m not the only one going through this turmoil

>> No.4832084

You'd be surprise by how many schizo and emotional wrecks post their thoughts on the internet. Most people dont have a outlet in reality so they find place to vent, therapy forum, yahoo answer, and 4chan are some the best place for these people. You're just happened to be in the center of it.

>> No.4832088

I don’t need real friends, either.

>> No.4832115
File: 468 KB, 960x913, c54f2e9e-6a68-43a7-9da7-bec88c820bbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very wholesome and cute drawing anon. Imma save this. I'm tok shy to post my work ;_;

>> No.4832122

better to have both

>> No.4832130
File: 102 KB, 797x599, the dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, wish I could claim credit for this adorable picture of Rin but it aint mine. We'll both be able to post our own art one day

>> No.4832135
File: 37 KB, 593x777, 799C8282-2FB3-4610-91B9-6B4C6D4905FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've always been laughed at in all the threads I post my work but the important thing is to never give up, and to trust in your efforts to get better. There is always hope for everyone, and everything is recoverable
Based, I’ve been mocked tirelessly here with people deflecting, denying, projecting and dissecting my words as a dunning Kruger retard, but I know I’ll make sure to thoroughly surpass everyone else. There’s no doubt in my heart I’m GMI. I just need to keep trying, though I already know I’m better than everyone else. Pic related is all I could do today since I’ve been burnt out a bit, so I spent the day reading JoJo. Also I worked on my memoir a little
It’s because of how evil and selfish people are. The emotional wrecks aren’t to blame for in an ideal world, the shitty people around them would be less shitty. Rest assured I’ll one day take revenge against these shitty people and make society ‘move’ in a better direction

>> No.4832139
File: 140 KB, 640x720, 1590746793632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent $60 on a 8pack of 8x11 220page sketchbooks off of ebay im disappointed at the rough texture (though thick) paper the books have. Still going to use the fuck out of it but how do get better at identifying wether the paper is rough or smooth be buying?

>> No.4832176
File: 247 KB, 1080x1174, 1575580317084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed anon! May we grind even further

>> No.4832185

Not the anon you replied to, but I used to get laughed at a bit in the beg thread, but I've made immense progress and now nobody replies when I post my art, I guess they're just looking for people to tickle.

>> No.4832190

Put them to rest in water for 2 hours, it will smooth the pages
It's a joke don't do it

>> No.4832198

fuck watercolors
fuck watercolors
fuck watercolors
i hate fucking watercolors yet it's the only way i love to paint

>> No.4832331

I can't get back into drawing no matter how many pills I take. I can't even begin to imagine getting out of this with my own strength

>> No.4832355

>he needs friends to be happy
Lmao what a loser

>> No.4832362


I know right? Who needs friendship? Super overrated.

>> No.4832449
File: 2.91 MB, 300x258, icanticantIcant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ISP is down for 3 days
>Finally crack open the Art Tutorial Shangri-La on my hard drive
>Study for 3 hours a day
>Servers back online
>Become a vegetable again.


>> No.4832489

just stop being a veggie

>> No.4832492

Get rid of your isp for big art gains
>actually im thinking of doing that too

>> No.4832494
File: 571 KB, 500x600, 3119EF2C-9F49-49D7-BEEA-F93F43E164B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my brother drew a loli

>> No.4832509
File: 150 KB, 1278x842, feels bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I-i'm trying! I can manage 2 pages of sketchbook a day- but the thought of finishing an illustration is too tiresome. I've only managed it twice last month. FFFFfffffff

Is there a program that can lock me out of my internet browser that isnt malware? I'd legit unplug my router from the wall if I didnt have family in the house using the connection too.

>> No.4832522

stop drinks and droogs. take 500mg of l-tyrosine every morning on an empty stomach to replenish your dopamine. take a magnesium supplement of your choice at night an hour or so before bed because excessive alcohol use depletes that. you can get both for $20 total at any pharmacy or just order online. thank me in three weeks.

>> No.4832631

I have a good vent today.

I watched Marco Bucci's video on painting shadows yesterday. It made a lot of sense. You should use desaturated versinos of the colors in the environment that reflect onto the object. I didn't know that, and now I'm seeing it in paintings and in real life. Today I was reading a book, and using a yellow post it note as my book mark and I noticed. the shadow had a yellow hue. It wasn't that the light was going through the paper. It's opaque. It was light reflecting off the book onto the post it and then back onto the page. The shadow from the post it blocks the yellow in areas where the ceiling light hits the page directly, but because the post it blocks that area from direct light it's yellow. I really never noticed that before. Had I drawn it a few days ago, I'd have used just gray for that shadow.

>> No.4832646

i have to second this. I stopped drinking 5 years ago. Lost many friends over it. One of the easiest things I ever gave up. Gave up weed about a year ago. didn't lose any friends. Depression went away after a few weeks. Sleeping far better. stress levels down. I was really losing my mind. When weed is good, it's a lot of fun. For me I had a psychotic episode that lasted several days the last time I vaped. My shrink told me like... look I'm not anti weed, but for some people it just doesn't work with your brain chemistry. He said "this isn't the drug for you." and he cautioned me that i was lucky my episode wasn't permanent and that he has some patients for whom it is, and they'll be on meds the rest of their life to manage symptoms.

also ive read that magnesium citrate is the most bioavailable form and that you should take it with b6 for best absorption. I take it for a different reason. Usually magnesium capsules are huge and you have to take several of them, but I recently found it sold as a gummy.

never heard of l-tyrosine. i'm gonna look into that.

>> No.4832659

Fuck off nigger

>> No.4832662

daily reminder that vent thread is genuinely pathetic. your life is not hard, drawing pictures is not a life struggle

>> No.4832666

Drawing just takes too goddamn long.
I can’t believe most but comic publishers only pay 100-200 per page when it takes 8 hours to make a page. You work your whole damn life to learn to draw, and your whole damn career to reach Marvel level... and for what? Getting paid max 25 dollars an hour? That sounds nice now, but the older you get you realize how suffocating it can be to grow older and have this as your only asset.

>> No.4832670

>it's ma'am dot webm

>> No.4832672

comics work is the low level as far as commercial artwork is concerned. It shouldn't be something you work your whole life towards if you're concerned about finances.

>> No.4832728
File: 2.78 MB, 1368x1144, 1598675994014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't i draw like this

>> No.4832742

You lack talent

>> No.4832743

You should try taking hrt

>> No.4832746

What's your brother's blog?

>> No.4832773

just call it an rpg and have little text noises for the dialogue boxes.

>> No.4832831

My life is a joke. I used to have a passion for art when I was younger, but I stupidly fell out of it in adulthood. After returning to drawing, I was so reinvigorated for a while because I was using the brain of a mature adult to actually learn things instead of being an aimless teenager. I improved a lot in just a few months, or so I thought. At some point I took a step back and realized after all my learning and improvements, I still can't draw for shit. Whoop-de-doo I can make flowy gesture blobs and basic skeletons. I still can't draw a face. I've been drawing for years, and I still can't draw a face. I can't draw one realistically, I can't draw one stylized. I could, at best, do some hyper-simplified stylization with little dots for eyes and no nose maybe. Maybe this is just how it feels to shake off the dunning-kruger. I used to think "I'm a decent artist, I'm not amazing but I have a lot of potential." and now I look at how I draw with an actual critical eye and think "I'm awful. I'm fucking terrible. This looks like a 10 year old drew it. What the fuck am I doing with my life?". At this point I draw for maybe an hour if I'm lucky before getting discouraged, then I lurk /ic/ for a bit and see some of the cool stuff people post and I just want to shoot myself for being completely bankrupt, in both creativity and skill.

>> No.4832870

fyi, i couldn't draw faces until 4 years in. Nothing past a moe blob anyways. Don't be too hard on yourself

>> No.4832933

how do you get inspired to draw? I find I don't have motivation for it anymore, it sucks.
it does anon, you'll make it though

>> No.4832940

when 4chan gets shut down no will have a place to be openly racist. they will have to kill themselves

>> No.4832943

t. Nigger faggot

>> No.4832945

I get it, faces are difficult and whatever, but I feel like it's one of the things that I'm just brickwalled on forever. General anatomy could use work, I'm not an expert in any field really, but my faces look hilariously laughably retardedly bad compared to everything else, and I have absolutely no idea how to efficiently improve. Faces are made up of a lot of small details, all of the individual features, lots of underlying detail in the structure of the face, precise proportions that will look wonky as hell if you place a feature wrong, etc. It feels so overwhelming and I don't know how anyone improves the look of their faces, do they grind one feature at a time? Do they just draw entire faces over and over? Do they grind portraits from reference? I feel retarded and inadequate.

>> No.4832947

I felt the same way for a couple months last year. It might help to try a different discipline if you got any interest in one of them. Sculpting (digitally or with clay), general 3d modeling, painting, simple animation, pottery, photography and photo editing, etc etc

>> No.4832967

Scott eatons facial anatomy course sounds absolutely perfect for you. Prepare to grind hard

>> No.4833002

same, rip us.

>> No.4833026

Ever see something so beautiful and be like wow I fucking suck. It's not fair.

>> No.4833043

I think I’m genuinely stupid

>> No.4833111

I can only draw to make my wife happy. I love her very much. However my wife has developed a hypomanic episode, went crazy with delusions and broke up with me in the process. It happened before, but it's been 21 days already, much longer than the other times. I feel like dying every day because no one believes me she has a condition and the psychiatrist just wants to wait for it to pass naturally.

>> No.4833166

I noticed ever since pedo kikes got outed in the lolicon thread and threw a bitchfit, there's been a surge of porn threads. Like, they want this place to become another /b.

>> No.4833191

How the fuck do I stop being lazy get my shit together

>> No.4833197


>> No.4833335

You can't we should all kill ourselves. I'll go first

>> No.4833427
File: 123 KB, 1014x873, 1569554686738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't be surprised but my followers only want to see the art I produce and don't care about me as a person. If I make a personal post, they will unfollow.
I was in a serious accident recently and posted about it just as an FYI, and had a lot of unfollowers. So I had to delete the post and apologize for making a personal post and promise not to talk about my life and just post art
I guess I can't blame them for wanting to just see art, but I don't know, it made me hurty on the inside when I'm already hurty awhile on the outside

>> No.4833453
File: 37 KB, 300x420, halpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked in the mirror today and said "I DON'T NEED ART FRIENDS!".

>> No.4833454

I just made a painting tht i was proud of last week. I started a new one this week and everything looks terrible from the line drawing to the rendering im constantly having to fix and change stuff and it doesnt even look like the model anymore...Idk what happened between my last successful painting to now

>> No.4833455

You build what kind of audiences you want.
If you want people that care about your personal post, then keep posting personal post and people that get attracted and followed will be those that cared.

>> No.4833456


>> No.4833459

Come back to dad. You know you want it.

>> No.4833463


I don't need dad, either.

>> No.4833466
File: 304 KB, 500x375, 1583461988625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today i saw this artist Robbie Travino on instagram. he has been ill for a few months. And his art friends put together a go fund me and were able to raise 45,000 dollars for medical bills.

But the thing is, the guy is fucking super talented. Not just technically but his ideas are awesome too. And I think we have to be really honest with ourselves and while it might seem shitty, it might just be a fact that no one wants to be friends with talentless people. No one cares that we like art and want to be good. They only really care if you are good.

So I have accepted that I don't have art friends because I haven't worked hard enough to get them yet.

Why don't you have a girlfriend/wife? Why don't you have gym friends, why don't you have project car friends? Because you're not good at your hobbies and if you're basing what friends you want on those hobbies then you have a clear cut objective measure of how good a friend you would be. If you're a beg, then don't be surprised you don't have art friends.

>Please someone fucking end my suffering.

>> No.4833467

Fuck i can't even get started on anything
I sit down construct a little bit then go "fuck this" and leave man

>> No.4833482
File: 418 KB, 683x386, progresslol~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how bad you are at faces but I used to suck at them pretty bad. Best things I did were study the skull and do a ton of portraits.

>> No.4833485

Yea, a genuine community filled with autistic retards.

>> No.4833486

I want to git gud like you...so you just studied the skull and did random portraits?

>> No.4833487

Yea, tons of skulls and portraits

>> No.4833493

Thanks, man. I'll talk to my therapist and maybe my parents later about it.
my dad buys those magnesium supplements, lucky

>> No.4833494

Do you need a friend? I can be your friend.

>> No.4833502

I don’t know about that anon, most people just want to see the pretty art unless you’re a hot girl. Then they just want to see your nudes and art. They don’t care about you as a person.

>> No.4833509

ok thanks I think im going to do that then..im already working on some portraits but somehow my second portrait came out worse than my first one which was good

>> No.4833515

i imagine he may also want to break down the portraits and practice facial features on their own, hair rendering on its own, skin rendering on it's own. etc. im a bit of a dummy so i relate everything to the gym, but i think of portraits as like... you're playing a game, and then these little exercises are workouts. and its good to isolate the individual components too. You can get better at running a mile by running a mile everyday, but you can also get better at it by doing squats and lunges and shiznet in between runs.

>> No.4833530

I came to the same conclusion at one point but then I considered it to be a cope. In the end, all friends will betray you.

>> No.4833544

I wish to go back to times when I had a lot of free time, drawing was fun and just tell myself to put more time in it instead of playing games.

>> No.4833566

cant betray you if you dont have any

>> No.4833578


>> No.4833580

You never will have friends because your autism

>> No.4833583

real friends are tolerant to their friend's autism

>> No.4833585


>> No.4833595

sounds like someone didn't tolerate your autism

>> No.4833596

The first one isn't bad at all, but I'd say the new one is better. Looks like the first one is just more of a watercolor traditional illustrative style, it coul be used for other things that the new one couldn't be.

>> No.4833601

but he's even more autistic than me

>> No.4833608

This is really silly anon. Nobody wants to be your friend because you're talented, just like no one wants to be your friend because your pretty. This is just a myth that we grow up with as children- because as children its true. However, the older you get its just alienating when someone is better than you at something. Its crushing really at times. You wouldn't want to go hang out with friends that just remind you that you're overweight, unskilled or ugly. Even if you aren't those things, someone's always going to be better than us at something else. The things that people really are friends for is to bear the load of the pain and anguish of life. If you can open yourself up more and share your struggles, your insecurities- you'd make friends. Look at Robbie Travino - he had to admit he doesn't have enough money to pay his medical bills, his friends are reaching out to him because he's in trouble. This is a weakness amongst artists- we dont' have great health insurance, if any.

>> No.4833615

Also, if this was true then why do celebrities always fight against their friends in public? They're all talented and rich and powerful and yet their friends turn on them.

>> No.4833617

Honey, are you sure you're not over thinking this? That seems pretty ridiculous. Most people eat that shit up.

>> No.4833628


>> No.4833631


And yet, I still loved him. But I must forget about bad friends.

>> No.4833632

I like girls

>> No.4833634

I hate men

>> No.4833642


girls are gross

>> No.4833663

How is that a problem?

>> No.4833666

I like cute or hot girls they are not gross.

>> No.4833672

girls have cooties and periods and have to wear smelly pads all day, yuck

>> No.4833673

This is a problems thread? OP said tell us what needs to be heard and the only thought in my mind that needs to be heard right now is that I like girls (attractive ones)

>> No.4833675

I did my research on girls and cooties aren't real and they rarely get periody

>> No.4833682


I have 2 step sisters, I know what girls are like and no amount of Internet intelligence will reveal to you how icky and gross girls are.

>> No.4833686

Well are they cute or hot? Ugly girls are yucky I should've stated that I like attractive girls

>> No.4833695

They were cute....were. Now they’re 30 something and I don’t know what they look like. Point is, all girls are gross and that’s final.

>> No.4833704

Hmm... I shall research this subject matter more intensely, good day

>> No.4833724

and men don't care about you

>> No.4833746
File: 14 KB, 739x415, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one cared who I was until I putted out good art
Honest question. Do you really care about random /beg/ whos even if they are honestly trying as hard as they can daily? Have you reached out to them?

>> No.4833778

>come up with a username I like
>it's taken by someone very recently
T______T this is so hard, back to the idea board

>> No.4833821

I think I found a good one but it's kinda long but short at the same time as I can just put the short version in my bio.

>> No.4833831

>just like no one wants to be your friend because your pretty
imagine being this clueless and typing out paragraphs of life advice.

>> No.4833835

can someone who actually has friends explain what friendship is

>> No.4833836

I'm seething whenever I'm doing some responsibility that isn't drawing. I JUST WANT TO DRAW.

>> No.4833844

What do friends do? What do art friends even do?

>> No.4833845

It's pretty great. I don't know what you don't understand what friendship is. Do you need someone to write you a list of benefits, or how they are formed?

>> No.4833847
File: 32 KB, 460x345, v4-460px-Make-Your-Sims's-Need-Full-Step-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fills your social meter

>> No.4833850

>Do you need someone to write you a list of benefits, or how they are formed?

Yes, please. I never had a real friend before. Especially an artfriend.

>> No.4833884

This just made me feel even worse, because your "bad" portrait on the left is 100x better than any portrait I've done. Your gains are still admirable and I guess I'll have to just keep banging my head against the grind wall. Did you use any books/video courses or did you just self teach and study on your own?

>> No.4833886
File: 51 KB, 706x960, 1585655329407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is cope.

>> No.4833892


I don't know where to begin. This has to be bate. You think celebrities are talented? You think people don't just want to be around celebrities for being rich and good looking? You think celebrities don't just make up bullshit drama because they love the attention? You thin actors aren't acting? How much more wrong could a person be than you in this comment Anon?

>> No.4833894
File: 20 KB, 438x481, 1594741495225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been making threads for months seeking friends in the NYC/NJ area. Maybe years. Definitely pre-coof. People don't want to meet up.

>> No.4833895


>> No.4833902

I can easily make friends but keeping up with them is hard. I'm not an asshole i just like being alone sometimes

>> No.4833903

after my girlfriend dumped me my art and animation skills overall started to grow literally every day

>> No.4833910

What exactly are you studying? How often and for how long are you studying? Sometimes it's a case if you just not doing the right thing.

For heads, the only construction technique I know is the loomis head.

For my 2013 level, it's really just mileage. it's just the result of drawing a ton of heads(and ONLY heads) while in school, I hadn't studied the skull,planes of the face, etc, I didn't do a ton of portraits and and head drawing skill I had was from doodling a ton. It is very, very broken and you shouldn't be discouraged by it, it's a very attainable level, it's no good.

The only reason why that 2013 head isn't a Naruto doodle is because I was really into Takehiko Inoue's Vagabond manga and was pretty obsessed with it. The only reason there are so many lines on the nose is because of that lol.

I'm happy to critique any head drawing you have to see if there are any glaring flaws if you'd like.

>> No.4833925

Imagine having someone who has your back. It's not just a person you hang out with, but someone who is there for you when you need them, and you do the same for them. Someone who you can trust, and know that if something happened to you, your kids would not be left alone.

Not even an art friend. You may have different views, different hobbies, the age gap between you might be big, but all those things are not important when it comes to friendship.

Most people don't have friends, just acquaintances.

>> No.4833928
File: 323 KB, 622x448, 1576554527232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are so harsh fuck ive never felt worse about my art in my life

>> No.4833930

Make art friends and suck each other off.

>> No.4833940
File: 466 KB, 220x230, SOMEWHAT UPSET.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should stop coming back here for real, but I can't

>> No.4833942


that sounds nice ;_;
i guess I'm going to be forever by myself and die by myself

>> No.4833943


>> No.4833945

It's because you're lonely

>> No.4833950
File: 217 KB, 500x375, 8F2891AE-F0B1-40C6-8C74-3953B7EEF709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve 22, been drawing for three years. My 12 year old sister has been drawing for a year and is already better than me. She saw my drawings and it made her want to draw too, and Imswear she’s surpassed me. I’m proud of her, but also kind like “wtf.” Her technical abilities are upper beg, but more to the point her ideas are so much better. She just draws cool appealing looking stuff, one drawing after the other, like it’s natural to her. Her colors are better, she’s already obviously experimenting with varied lineweight, her perspective isn’t perfect but she clearly understands the basics. I ask her where she gets it from or if she’s ever studied the fundamentals or anything and she said “Not really, I probably should, but meh. I’d rather just draw.”
I feel guilty feeling jealous because I really want to support her and see how far she can go, but still. What the hell, ic?

>> No.4833955


I mean yeah it could be acting but why portray yourself as a humongous faggot who whines about X star every week then make up the following week only to do it aga--maybe you're right...sorry

>> No.4833957

Same, this place has no benefits except for the resources, but I keep coming back...

>> No.4833958
File: 200 KB, 500x281, C05677C5-7873-484C-914C-AC0736000CE7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She might unironically have “soul” or “talent”, and be a savant to some degree, or you’re just retarded. Back to Loomis either way

By the way, once she’s 18, send her my way

>> No.4833959

some of us just have to play a supporting role in other people's life, anon.

>> No.4833960

Just be glad she was born talented, unlike you.

>> No.4833964
File: 300 KB, 1995x1902, gsklg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to grind loomis heads, and by that I mean just practicing the construction and placing rudimentary features, figuring I could just learn features in depth later. That was years ago, and then more recently (some time early this year) when I got back on the art grind. I'm (somewhat) confident in my ability to map out a head with that method, but my features somehow always get placed wrong and I'm unsure if that's a problem with my understanding or something else. More recently I went through all of Vilppu's figure drawing course in the video thread, and after that I started Hampton's. I liked Hampton's approach to head drawing, which he includes as part of the figure drawing course, but I'm not very confident in my ability to actually draw that whole construction out which I think is due to how much he maps out more in depth things for the features in his basic construction (the sphere for the mouth, the "visor" for the eyes, etc). Anyway, this was my most recent honest portrait attempt, which according to the date was from the 9th of august. I have been extremely unmotivated to keep working on portraits since this one. I didn't finish it since the more I looked at it, the more I realized the shitload of problems, like me somehow making the eyes extremely crooked, way too big, etc. Critique it if you want, or just call me a retarded faggot, either way it's not like I can get any lower.

>> No.4833968

This, you should know we have 30+ year olds that still draw like day 1 /beg/s.

>> No.4833970

Make sure you get the ambient occlusion factored in too, the color square in photoshop tends to turn into a backwards C as the bounce light falls into the occlusion shadow (as long as their isn’t subsurface scattering going on). The shadow makes the color a lot more desaturated as it gets darker as well. If you don’t happen to know occlusion that well watch Dorian Iten’s video on occlusion studies, really helps burn the concept into muscle memory.

>> No.4833976 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 1217x610, soul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have fun drawing do you?

>> No.4833983

You were really itching for an opportunity to post that screenshot, weren't you?

>> No.4833984

Everyone has different capacities for learning different things. There's also an effect where if you look down on your own art you might just be overblowing how much "better" her stuff is than yours. As far as creativity, some people are just more creative than others, I don't know how old you are but it's 100% true that as we get older our brains lose that innocent spark that drives our imagination. I can remember doodling shit in notebooks when I was in middle and high school and I could fill several pages daily with nothing but imagination drawings, but now I'm a cynical adult and can barely draw from imagination anymore. Time is cruel.

>> No.4833988

Anon, learn to fucking read

>> No.4833989
File: 611 KB, 1370x1384, 52DBABDD-F02A-45AC-A188-DC1BC59E7C72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it’s fine and all if they’re just starting, but I see nuggas that say they’ve been drawing their whole life wondering why they haven’t made it and they draw like pic related, which is low technical skill but epitome of soul and based but they never have that either

>> No.4833994

post her work

>> No.4833998

Oops, my senile brain forgot the first part apparently. Well, 22 is still old enough to lose your soul. It happens to everyone at some point.

>> No.4834000

I don't much feedback in the /beg threads.

How the Hell do I know if I have improved?

>> No.4834003

If you don't get replies telling you to fuck off from beg you haven't improved.

>> No.4834004

Don't worry anon we are only giving you tough love

>> No.4834005


that would dox me but he drew some loli from my hero academia

he's been liking random porn lately like futa girl porn so I assume he's in the stage of experimenting with new things to get off to and I hope he doesn't go down the path of loli

>> No.4834009

If /beg/ gives you 0 feedback then you either haven't improved enough, or the people there can't properly critique you because you're too far above /beg/ level. There's a sweet spot between "way too skilled for /beg/" and "absolute below-/beg/ dogshit" where you'll get no replies because you're both not good enough for posts fellating your skill and not bad enough for /beg/s to give any useful critique.

>> No.4834014

If you're good you'll get replies anyway because begs are stupid and impressionable

>> No.4834015
File: 125 KB, 680x680, 1586333364929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have one friend. been friends since we were 15 or 16. been through a lot. trust the guy with my life.

but since he got married, maybe 3 years ago, i have never been able to spend a second with the dude without the wife there. and he doesn't get why it's annoying, he doesn't understand why i wouldn't want to do that. and the last few times we hung out he either lied and said she wasn't coming or didn't say anything at all, and then just showed up with her.

I mean me and this dude used to just get high and talk about his dmt trips, the after life, conspiracies, business ideas, ... like anything and everything. Ad when the wife is there she just rolls her eyes. Actually if he invites me over, he doesn't tell her I'm coming and when I get there she'll all fucking annoyed and passive aggressive. She suddenly has a headache and slams the door to their bedroom and locks herself in there.

And on top of that I stopped smoking weed and not only does he offer it to me every time i see him, everything we wants to do to hangout involves weed. he can't bring himself to do anything outside of that. And since I don't want to hang out with his wife or get high, we have nothing in common anymore and haven't hung out in a while. No big argument. We only live a few blocks apart. But maybe that's the end of that. He didn't draw. Wasn't into art. Was never a problem.

>> No.4834030
File: 74 KB, 1600x948, Screen_Shot_2018-02-06_at_3.37.14_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i met a girl last year who draws. she's pretty cute but there are a few problems. for 1, she is a few years older than me, i think 35 or 36 ish... she's also married and hates her husband. And this isn't a deal breaker but her art is fucking terrible and her laugh is fucking hideous. I would put up with it but I told her I'm not interested in someone who is married, period and you're not gonna change my mind on that. Get a divorce. Also, she told me she doesn't want to have kids. Never wanted kids, hates kids. I want to get married and have kids. And on top of that I'm fucked up. I have depression, I see a therapist. And since covid started I've gotten so out of shape I don't even want to see people with my clothes on let alone without. I told her yea we can hang out and be friends and shit, but she is fucking persistent. I think she can't stay in the country if she gets a divorce. Maybe I have low self esteem but I'm pretty sure that's why she is pursuing me like this.

>> No.4834036

we hung out once or twice at a cafe and just drew and chatted for a few hours. Was nice. idk why she likes me though. I'm seriously so negative and depressing. It's a red flag if a girl is into me. Makes no sense. I'm not fun at all.

>> No.4834038

YOUR* life is not hard. Drawing pictures all day? try going to a job you hate, hating yourself, feeling uncomfortable in your own body, being ugly, having no friends, never fitting in, seeing no future stuck living a life you hate, family members on the street, using art as your only escape but even then you suck at that no matter how many years you put in.

>> No.4834047
File: 360 KB, 1263x669, asdasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Your pic is definitely better than my 2013 as far as looking like an actual human is concerned.

2. The construction is solid. Vilppu and Hampton are both good. I don't think your feature placement is as big of an issue as you think it is.

3. You didn't post the reference pic so my version is just winging it so the likeness is probably gone.

4. I would suggest doing your portrait practices with just line for now. Working with value/painting is going to be extra hard if you're having trouble defining/understanding the features as 3d objects(moth as a sphere, eyes as a visor, etc). Trying to to learn that as well as painting/value at the same time is a lot anon.

5. I understand the self deprecation, but chill out man.

6. Most importantly: Like you said, your most recent attempt is from almost over a month ago. You simply aren't putting in the time.

The hardest thing about learning this shit is the hundreds of drawings and hours you put in producing things you don't like looking at. There's no way around it. I don't know what exactly you want to do with art, whether it be a career, a side hustle or simply a hobby but making a bad drawing then not trying for a month doesn't move the needle at all. You would undoubtedly be better if you had been trying every single day. It sucks yeah, but it sucks for everyone.

Try focusing on seperate things like >>4833515 said. Draw the features in isolation, set a timer so you can go through a bunch of faces but only focusing on construction, feature placement etc.

You get what you put in anon.

>> No.4834055

>You get what you put in anon.
Not that guy, but this isn't true for me. I draw and practice everyday and Im still super shit and unable to draw anything I would really like despite regular practice

>> No.4834058

what are you practicing every day and for how long?

>> No.4834061
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, 1587481094446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her you're into animay grills, have a waifu, and collect figurines and watch her Bagina shrivel up and dry like the desert and if she is STILL into you then that is your red flag to stay the fuck away from crazy.

>> No.4834062


>> No.4834067

I would stay away anon. Sounds like she's taking advantage of your self esteem. Especially if she needs a green card. Keep going to therapy and start lifting

>> No.4834069

When it comes to practice these days mainly figure drawing, perspective and hands. 1 hour each.
Pretty much.

>> No.4834071

that doesn't sound like a friendship described here >>4833925

>> No.4834075

red flags all over

>> No.4834076

I get that very response, every once in a while. But if it's only one in a while, how credible is it?

20%(critique), 15%(leave beg), 65% (no response).

>> No.4834080

Shes after you for the green card you ditz.

>> No.4834082

try spending three hours a day on one thing. An hour isn't a lot of time.

>> No.4834100

what do you mean by feature placement? as in where youd place the eyes, ears etc?

>> No.4834101

I do some times since perspective can be extremely boring. But even so I would expect to get something in return if I'm practicing every day instead of being utter shit after 2 years

>> No.4834114

I'm thinking about joining DAD, but I know I can't turn off my ego and just post studies and random stuff.
I'm scared of what other anons might say about my shitty work, my "art" may also be so insignificant that nobody would want to critique or discuss it, which is another fear I have.
I know DAD isn't about recognition or any of that stuff, but their general is full of names and tier-lists, it's really intimidating.
I know something's wrong with the way I think about my work, which is why I never share stuff around. I constantly have to compare myself to artists way above my skill level.

>> No.4834118

Only 1% of artists get noticed over there, really. You have more chances of being noticed by posting on /ic/. If you don't want other people seeing your stuff just don't post anywhere.

>> No.4834124
File: 751 KB, 1344x950, dhdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, I get easily discouraged and I think it only gets compounded when I spend a lot of time on one thing then take a step back and realize it's complete trash. I know I shouldn't expect to become good overnight, but my brain just wants to create appealing things and it hurts so bad knowing I am literally incapable at the moment. I also hate drawing with just lines because I think it looks kind of ugly, which I'm not sure if it's due to my technique or the brush I choose to use or what.
As for the reference, I didn't save it to my pc but I can assure you there was 0 likeness to begin with. Here's one from around the same time, with multiple iterations and the ref included. The top middle one was just a trace over of the ref to see if it would help with the further iterations but it didn't really. I can still remember drawing these and for all of them I swear I was trying to measure the proportions and place the features in relation to eachother as accurately as possible, but still ended up with weirdly long noses, huge eyes, etc. I think you'll see what I mean when I say I end up making horribly disfigured faces. Maybe I have one of those mental disorders that distorts my perception of people's faces.

>> No.4834132


>I'm thinking about joining DAD
Don't and besides there are 150+ users there. Nobody is really going to point you out unless you deliberately stand out which is not hard to do, especially if you draw anime.

>> No.4834135

Your worth as a person isn't determined by what randos on the internet think of your art brother

>> No.4834136

It's a garbage community that lynch its users. Don't bother.

>> No.4834141


i started posting a few weeks ago and i understand how you feel. if it helps, it doesn't seem that folks comment that often on my art. also, it's a good way to get more comfortable sharing and posting artwork online. the discord is chill and i think overall it's just nice to and encouraging to be in an artist community.

>> No.4834146

I get that people like to follow artists who interact, who post YouTube videos and Instagram stories and reply to everything and shout out people who follow/subscribe. However I have never consumed any art like that, I just like/follow quietly. I don't care for constant engagement. It's works against me - I'm really struggling to do all the things you're meant to with online followers, and my follow count reflects that. I actively dislike that model and find it difficult to do.

I'll just be okay with a tiny following that let me quietly do my thing.

>> No.4834196

sucks to be you buddy

>> No.4834210

I'm almost definitely gonna get good at art. I've been improving at a good speed and feel confident in the future. I'm going to keep putting in the work I'll need to get good.
But despite all that, it's definitely going to take a few years, and I wish I was already at the "a few years from now" mark already.

>> No.4834216

Question, how much experience did you have at drawing when you started to draw seriously at 19? Because I'm currently 18 and just started to learn how to draw, I have absolutely zero skill, we're talking stickman levels here, I'm afraid that at this age I might never get good

>> No.4834235

Might as well talk about my issue with /dad/ since you brought it up...

It's really only 1 guy who appears to be many who likes to start shit. No, it's not the loliposters or whatever brigade boogeyman he comes up with. Literally the same faggot who refuses to name himself embellishing and forces fabricated drama mainly to bump the thread up the catelog but just likes to watch others get pelted. Mind you, dad has a population of 180+ users and only 1/3rd of that actually participate in the thread. You might think "well, the rest of them are in the discor--" wrong, they aren't. In fact, 2/3rds probably don't even give a shit about the communications aspect of dad and treat it similarly to the promo thread; leave their URL and skedaddle the f-away.

The discords are "chill" in a sense that there is barely any activity in the first place (aside from the very, very few people in VC) despite what is peddled in the thread. Rather, every discussion is a copy/paste from lascord or at least it has been up until 2 months ago. If it's not a copy/paste discussion it's a biography campfire from the admin (who doesn't draw) or inane babble.

Las discord is just as awful because half the people there aren't on the site and you have admins who aren't even artists themselves. Houses are a waste of time if you want to compete against literal NEETs who are sheltered by their parents or fags who cheat the points system. Houses will be implemented on the site allegedly however you'll just run into the very same problem.

Finally (not really finally, I can talk about the site much further) its system by and large is flawed. I gave many suggestions while withholding more suggestions because fuck them really, yet it's all fallen on deaf ears.

>> No.4834245

The average age of someone starting art school is 24 and they normally don't know how to draw shit. Its not too late just dont waste your time being a dumbfuck "muh style" fag and actually learn and master your fundies

>> No.4834258

>little baby 18 year old thinks he's too old to learn a new skill
You literally have an entire lifetime ahead of you. If you give up now, you'll look back at this time that you thought you were too old to start and kick yourself for being so dumb.
t. 28 yr old that did the same thing and now I realize how stupid it was to throw away an entire decade I could have used to improve the only skill I've ever had a knack for

>> No.4834366
File: 2.98 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20191013_120129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell and I can't get up. Haven't been able to draw for months. When I pick up a pencil I can't stay focused for more than ten minutes, then I go back to lying in bed for hours. I can't do anything I used to like, but being unable to draw hurts me the most. How do you guys deal with times like this?

>> No.4834370


>> No.4834372

still do it for fun because I have nothing else to do

>> No.4834380

My problem is that I'm having a hard time having fun doing anything

>> No.4834381


draw your bed and then draw yourself laying on the bed each time you think about doing it then draw your waifu laying in the bed with you and then get horny and draw porn of your waifu and then you'll be drawing in no time

>> No.4834390


this works with sitting in the chair and staring off into space
>draw you sitting in the chair staring off into space
>then draw your waifu looking at you staring off into space
>then draw your waifu kissing you while you come to your senses
>then draw porn of your waifu after you kiss her
etc etc

>> No.4834391

Do a dopamine detox

>> No.4834399

I love doing detailing, coloring, all the little parts I can just sink hours and hours into

But GOD can I not think up or create poses or setups on my own. I'll draw and erase 100 different times on the sketch phase because it doesn't "look right". I'm super meticulous when it comes to working but I just CAN'T come up with ideas on my own. Eventually I just end up looking up a pose or scene of my drawing topic and imitate it until I have a sketch I can actually stand.

>> No.4834400

What's that

>> No.4834401

Have any of you ever fapped to something you drew? I haven't but I also rarely draw porn

>> No.4834402

Throw away your phone, delete steam, cut off your internet unless you need it , get off 4chin and read a book or draw.

>> No.4834403

Then just start by looking up a pose. Coming up with a pose in your mind won't make you draw better

>> No.4834408


I fap to the idea but sadly no.

>> No.4834413


Just use reference. The trick to coming up with a pose from out of your head is to not come up with a pose from your head. Find a ref, pose the same ref in 3D and pick the camera angle you want.

>> No.4834462

>I can easily make friends

I wish I was you

>> No.4834468
File: 64 KB, 489x543, Arrows first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But GOD can I not think up or create poses or setups on my own.
Try doing this for poses.

>> No.4834471

I prefer sketches/rough drafts over most finished products.
Not to sound lazy, but sometimes inking and color makes a picture much worse, especially fan art.
maybe it's because it looks cringe when someone puts 'finished' fan art as examples of their skill level when they should just be sketches to look like practice. then put out unique stuff as actual examples of their skill.
but I also like rough pencil lines too, color pencil lines a bonus.

>> No.4834477

process it,
what is the character doing in this sketch?
what emotion do they have during it?
how dynamic are they(or your style is) generally?
are they standing or sitting?

and so on, then just find the right pose on stock photo sites.

>> No.4834666

The problem is society is all based in want and choice now. True friends and love are forged out of necessity in being forced to cooperate with one another to meet our needs. Because that is no longer the case, the blackpill reigns supreme.

>> No.4834692

I'm in my mid-twenties, my degree is worthless, I have no "real" job experience, just temp shit lifting boxes at warehouses.

I'm not really amazingly good, but could I survive off commissions, or is it mostly just a side gig thing for people who already have jobs? I live with my parents so it's not like I'm in immediate danger or anything, but they won't stay young and working forever. I'd like to save up money and eventually go to school for animation or something.

>> No.4834695

teach kids in an activity center, just do crafts and shit.
>no hard
>they will never make anything worth while so you can keep the activities at low scale
>paycheck and kinda sorta ties to art

>> No.4834727

did you also study the planes of the face

>> No.4834820

why am i a ditz? i said that in the post.

>> No.4834821

i'm so lonely

>> No.4835100
File: 10 KB, 300x168, fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4835105

what is the fucking obsession with artists putting shine on every lewd drawing, it's like every girl is covered in oil

>> No.4835110


>> No.4835171

oil is good

>> No.4835176

I just want to be good enough to make some extra cash, and the price of shitty anime is shit low due to underage devaintartcucks and I have no online presence whatsoever aaaah.

Before someone tells me to get a job, no fucking place around here is hiring due to coof, at least no place that could fit my school schedules.

I just want some extra money bros....

>> No.4835201

The mere whiff of oil attracts the Americans.

>> No.4835202

lost my index and middle finger in a recent accident. currently trying to train my left hand. it is incredibly frustrating how difficult this is, it makes me feel physically exhausted due to how much my left arm tenses up and i find myself holding my breath because of how much focus i need to put in just to do something that was effortless with my right hand.

>> No.4835209
File: 62 KB, 780x780, IMG_20200820_020030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no artist gf to draw manga with

>> No.4835215

Did you try and grab somone's gun in Kenosha?

>> No.4835227

Post your old hand's work

>> No.4835230
File: 539 KB, 686x960, 4ya5k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I absolutely don't need art friends!

>> No.4835270

How do I tell if my callus comes from drawing or from masturbating?

>> No.4835343

My approach is probably fucked. I keep treating practice as if every time I do a lesson or a study I gain drawing exp, and then one day I'll just be good enough to draw whatever I want. I don't know how to actually start trying to produce things I want to make to see if I can apply skills or techniques to it. I particularly don't know how to approach making finished pieces, since for now I'm just drawing with pencil and everything I've learned seems good for sketches at most. It feels like I'm expecting everything to rigidly fit into a path and trying to make myself understand the actual work I have to put in is daunting.

>> No.4835458


>> No.4835481


no I'm hapypy not sad

>> No.4835564
File: 1.58 MB, 704x396, D-t6mzoU0AAcP3A_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy with friends

>> No.4835628


>> No.4835653

I'll be your gf to draw manga with, but when I say gf I actually mean bf, and when I say draw manga with I actually mean dress you up as a girl and turn you into my gf.

>> No.4835777


>> No.4835787


>> No.4835795

This has got to probably be the worse year of my life so far in terms of drawing. I have made no progress and I haven't done what I wanted to achieve all year long.

>> No.4835931

Are soulmates real? Do you think that in my next life I'll have a greater chance of being closer to the one I love?

>> No.4835938

Yes and yes

>> No.4835950


well that's a relief

>> No.4836239

i like drawing in flipnote more than i like drawing on the computer.
but there's no way to make a living with drawings that are 300 pixels wide.
i mean, how make or break is the (g) part?
you love to see it

>> No.4836507

Fuck life

>> No.4836521

Dude probably dead on the inside.
Fuck marriage

>> No.4836612

Friend deleted his account because I wasn't in the mood for talking...

>> No.4836800
File: 2.90 MB, 200x200, 14634657547.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought myself a bike and don't even feel like drawing anymore. I just drooove around my city every day

>> No.4836825


At first I thought you were having a bad day.I deleted a day later because I thought you just didn't want to talk to me at all in general as you got more friends (I'm happy that you were able to do so btw). I was going to say "good morning" or something but bad thoughts came to my head and just silently deleted.

And then ever since I kept telling myself that I don't need art friends ITT to cope....but the sadness resurfaces.

>> No.4836831

I also just didn't consider you were the type to not keep up with every little thing. It's entirely my fault.

>> No.4836852

I don't have friends.

>> No.4836881

huh?? huh....


>> No.4836893

I may talk to other artists sometimes but that doesn't mean we're particularly close.

>> No.4836934

I guess it was just me overreacting again as I don’t have any friends either and all things aside I should have just asked you if you were feeling better the next day. I understand you don’t want anyone to pry into your personal life nor do you want to know mine (I might be overthinking again) but can I be a little selfish in times like that and ask that you’re okay?

>> No.4836988

It's alright. I was just being moody.

>> No.4837069


I’ll get used to it eventually the more I know about you. Okay!

>> No.4837078


>> No.4837236

creativity is a skill in of itself, don't give up!

if you're painting digitally, just take it one change at a time. create a new layer some times when making a change, turn it off and on, and adjust the opacity to see how it affects the image before merging it. and remember to blend- creating stylized versions of faces (lineart, etc) is a lot harder than trying to paint

today's the day to start! just take it slow and be patient with yourself. being frustrated is a distraction, you're busying up your brain. if you relax you'll naturally focus

sniff it

depends on the appeal of your artwork and your ability to devote time to grinding & posting. it is doable, but it's a hell of a grind

if you're experienced with painting, skip the sketch phase. just dive in and be messy with silhouettes and rough textures. a lot of my friends and I do this.