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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 51 KB, 408x408, 1597905418188vent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4816733 No.4816733 [Reply] [Original]

"Let us draw and paint, for tomorrow we die."

How are you feeling, anon?

>> No.4816734

I'm feeling procrastination

>> No.4816736

Every day is the same shit, I'm going crazy.

>> No.4816751

Are the mods really going to allow us to have furry and loli generals now? Based if true.

>> No.4816769

why do they band non-pornography stuff after all??

>> No.4816773
File: 203 KB, 1200x910, Eizouken.ni.wa.Te.wo.Dasu.na!.full.2888765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I have art friends?

>> No.4816789

feeling ok tbch

>> No.4816800
File: 16 KB, 228x221, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got drunk and snapped my laptop in half last night in a fit of rage over my shitposting addiction lole

Surely I will spend more time on art and make it now bc phoneposting sucks

>> No.4816853

Only a matter of time before this board goes full cub.

>> No.4816869

Same anon, its just no one wants to be friend with the benchwarmers, everyone wants to hang out with the quarterback

>> No.4816892 [DELETED] 

the girl that i like don't like me :(

>> No.4816902

the girl that i love still don't love me =/ probably never will

>> No.4816909

Suck it up idiot

>> No.4816922

same my personality is too quiet and I dont care for fandoms so it's hard to make friends.

>> No.4816937

After drawing for 2 months, I still can't draw a face without fucking the proportion up.
Only time I draw a good one is following the face proportion sample completely.
Since I'm drawing digitally, I can move and scales the face after I drawn them.
But I feel bad knowing that I fucked up every faces I drawn and I have to fix them after...

>> No.4816938
File: 8 KB, 236x236, 821db6eea9d6e2a0024fbd1a8a00c8e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recently got NMA and did perspective first cause 4chan was talking about how godlike Erik Olsen's course was. So i finished lesson 1, and on the way to finish the second. Took me a couple of days actually lmao, anyways I then took a break on the course and i come back not knowing how to draw anything else other than perspective and boxes. What are some good courses in NMA about like, digital painting, or painting in general, also anatomy so I wont have tunnelvision in my art? Any recommendations? Thanks in advance.

>> No.4817040

ill be your art friend

>> No.4817073
File: 42 KB, 500x500, 1561081607557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking exhausted.
It's been years since i've got this feeling that art might not be the thing for me.I always procrastinate drawing,and everytime before i draw i feel like it's an annoying job.Also,in these years i've made nothing but fucking skethces.
But,when i actually go draw,i feel happy of what i'm doing,and most times i am pretty proud of what i did(even though i get stressed quickly if i do something that requires a good amount of effort),while my problem with procrastination is applied to everything in my life.
I can't understand anymore.Is it about me not really liking art?Or is my considerations of it altered by other problems?
I don't even care about the answer,i just want this feeling to end.

>> No.4817181
File: 429 KB, 989x1500, 815cbrZg8kL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing serious just mad I can't instantly draw like this.

>> No.4817185

Get off /vent/ or I'll have you bent.

>> No.4817200


>> No.4817229

Why is it that these threads always have stupid anime pics? Is being a weeb directly linked to being a ngmi faggot? God you're pathetic lmao

>> No.4817246

Never scrolled through /asg/? The answer is obviously yes.

>> No.4817347
File: 16 KB, 382x322, 1594272056682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might spend the evening drinking and gambling again.

>> No.4817350

I'm still sad about the Mangamaterial situation. Likely, others here are too.

>> No.4817354

I made the last 5 threads or so and I'm a weeb.

>> No.4817360

Ok kaiji

>> No.4817363

Did something new happen?

>> No.4817366

I guess things are hard on your end.
Do you know the source of your pic by chance?

>> No.4817371

Nope. Just reflecting. But hey, at least they didn't quit altogether. We have that hope.

>> No.4817381


>> No.4817384

>Do you know the source of your pic by chance?
No, sorry friend

>> No.4817391

U 2

>> No.4817454

Again got my art feet hit by the same boulder i keep hitting for a while. It's really annoying and i keep stumbling into each , each time i try to make progress but i'll keep going.

>> No.4817455

My last experience with an art friend makes me afraid to try again.

>> No.4817456

What happened?

>> No.4817465

Shittty drama. Long story but each time i was to climb with my art they would turn envious on me and bitch. Really upset me, i had such moments as well but i was trying to tell them each time one of their pieces was that good that made me feel like that but when it happened the other way they would hide it and be pissy. which really upset me that they we're not trusting me with knowing those things unless i kept asking why they we're upset many times.

>> No.4817469

I've had artist friends, but no art-friends. I don't like talking about art with people, I always end up saying stuff they don't like and get humiliated.

>> No.4817476

im 26 and still pretty meh at art, saw an artist's videos about how they improved alot in a few years and they're still younger than me, and a lot of people around this age are already good, feels pretty bad and it feels like i dont have enough time to catch up

>> No.4817490
File: 43 KB, 509x612, 1598162355306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you fren. Mangaka I admire were already published by my age, but here i am struggling to finish more than 4 colored pieces a week

>> No.4817493

the worst part is that despite everyone feeling the same, we can't sympathize because artists hate each other

>> No.4817899

yeah this happened to myself many, many times. get art gains, art friends get salty. if i'm the one complimenting them then it's fair game, but you know, they react like "oh it's not that good" which is code for "kiss my boots more"...

now that the turntables and the currency is not in art gains but social media followers, i'm nothing but an insect to them which sucks.

>> No.4817908
File: 2.79 MB, 1427x1535, 1559944367378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying and failing to make a comic for the past three years
When will I be "ready"
When will I be done with these retarded roadblocks I can't seem to get past?

50 pages of unfinished shit now, I keep trying and practicing but it never works

>> No.4817961

I made a art friend at work recently. Sadly we are now on different sites due to restructuring. I hate the corporate world, they don't care about your happiness, they just want to drain as much as they can out of you.

>> No.4818021
File: 61 KB, 891x900, Feels Guy Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start a family with my gf and make her into a wife, but my family keeps egging me on to pursue a medical career. While it is prestigious and has a lot of money, I know that its not my vocation in life. Children = money. Medical field = time + stress/trauma and no time for artwork or raising a child properly. Medical profession is also full of normies and sociopaths. Meanwhile, I don’t ever get commissions. I have to push through the art field somehow, despite every obstacle in the path.

>> No.4818046

I feel the same thing anon.
For me what has helped is making an habit of drawing something everyday, no matter how small it is. I'll tell myself that I will just doodle a face and that's it (I love drawing faces), but everytime i start drawing I end up having fun and drawing longer.

>> No.4818117

Nigga.Da Vinci did disections.Go into med,you might get art gains and med gains+ cash to feed your family

>> No.4818250


Most of my art teachers did portraits of normies, politicians and local officials for extra dosh. I hear it pays quite well.

>> No.4818447

whatever this nigga said

>> No.4818462

We need another purge. Won't be long until they start spamming the board with porn again.

>> No.4818482

an art career is ironically worse and less freeing than a med career because there's less money and stability and demand for it. enjoy your nightly crunches and not being able to see your kids that much for mediocre work that your company/ies demands from you and always being on the job hunt because you're easily disposable with a younger, cheaper and more desperate competitor.

at least you can make a nice retirement saving in the medical field and have enough to put your kid(s) to a good school. if you're an artist, good luck trying to retire. you would be committing to a grind for life.

art should literally be someone's last resort or it should be for women who will later bank on a rich husband to take care of them for the rest of their lives. most "famous" artists are extremely lucky and grew up with a rich family with a network that helped them get to that point to be able to make it a comfortable living.

if you have the brains and tenacity to endure a medical profession, you should go for that instead, it's definitely the safer route.

>> No.4818492

oh and not to mention how if you're an artist, you are also looking at something worse than normies; you have to deal with green haired, poo skinned mentally unstable banshees we call sjw's. a huge significant portion of them exist in the art community and industry and they are even crazier than the ones you see in any science or medical field.

>> No.4818503

Freelance commercial art pays well and of you're skilled enough, can be an 8 hour or less day in my experience.

>> No.4818589

>an art career is ironically worse and less freeing than a med career because there's less money and stability and demand for it. enjoy your nightly crunches and not being able to see your kids that much for mediocre work that your company/ies demands from you and always being on the job hunt because you're easily disposable with a younger, cheaper and more desperate competitor.
One of my instructors had a similar life. He once had to sacrifice vacation time with his family so he could work on a commission. The company who hired him called him up saying that they didn’t need his illustration anymore. He was understandably mad. This was a time before the rise of digital illustration. I think everyone in any industry knows that there will be sacrifices to made for work in family. Some industries ask for more sacrifice than others.
>art should literally be someone's last resort or it should be for women who will later bank on a rich husband to take care of them for the rest of their lives. most "famous" artists are extremely lucky and grew up with a rich family with a network that helped them get to that point to be able to make it a comfortable living.
I would go on to add that “famous” artists are basically the most extroverted ones who know how how to navigate the social field and have the necessary skills. They know how to both generate content online and play their audience to their whim. Also their work is very “marketable”.
>oh and not to mention how if you're an artist, you are also looking at something worse than normies; you have to deal with green haired, poo skinned mentally unstable banshees we call sjw's
As long as you don’t talk about your personal politics or do something to blacklist you from the industry you should be fine.

>> No.4818654

>As long as you don’t talk about your personal politics or do something to blacklist you from the industry you should be fine.

what do you do when they come up to you and pop quiz you on politics? because that's what i had to deal with many times.

>"don't you think it's sexist that manager bob gets a promotion but blames people like us for not finishing the work that's needed?" (it's always just them)

you're then in a spot where you have to either side with the sjw and risk getting fired from upper management to conspire against them or you're on the "wrong side of politics" and you just made an sjw's black list to cancel you for later.

tl;dr, don't work in silicon valley companies and run very far away.

>> No.4818677

Then your only option is to draw porn, which is even more souless than working an industry job.

>> No.4818685
File: 16 KB, 306x390, 1594696411554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna lay it out here:
I'm kinda bummed out because i don't know where to go artistically. I kinda want to do everything but i know and fully accept that if i want to succeed in the social media game and financially, i need to get my thematic shit together and only do one thing.
I'm anxious about whether or not to do art as a profession. It would be nice to make money off of it, "ideally" from a patreon site or something like that. Might not be easy to do that but how to do it seems clear to me.
Private commissions seems too much of a hassle judging from what i've seen.
Well, my work isn't even that good to begin with but i know i'll get better the more i draw.

Maybe i will never make it, who knows but i really don't want to do anything else beside drawing.

>> No.4818923
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 143662455754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not feeling like drawing entire august, just playing tf2, rimworld, and watching youtube but still occasionally draw
>check my art folder by the end of the month
>more finished pieces than in the last two months and still have 5 days until the end of the month
Crisis averted

>> No.4818991

do medical illustration

>> No.4819001

Just posted my first commission sheet on twitter, by the gods, please let anyone bite. Even just one person commissioning me would mean the world to me

>> No.4819048

when in doubt blame capitalism. alienation causes depression

>> No.4819127

I’ve always been called optimistic and headstrong but I think I’m finally at the end of my rope. I have an eye disease and I can’t afford the surgery to stop it from getting worse. I had to get dentures due to being too poor to see a dentist regularly. Today I was denied unemployment after a long process (boss fired me but claimed I quit and since nothing he said was in writing I can’t win the appeal) and can’t work for another few weeks because of needing more dental work done (had to be broken up into multiple surgeries due to shitty insurance). Have no savings. My art is the only thing that brings me any joy and even just one person on twitter liking a picture I made it makes my entire day. I’m trying to get good enough for commissions but it’s hard. It’s pathetic. I’m pathetic.

>> No.4819321
File: 172 KB, 695x879, 1594454191512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your situation is actually breaking my heart. I hope you come out okay.

>> No.4819459

It's come to the point where all I have is my art and it feels bad. I'm so lonely.

>> No.4819483

using social media to get your art seen feels like such an uphill battle.

wish this shit just didn't matter so much.

>> No.4819496
File: 23 KB, 255x256, meow_town_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is animatiom for characters really tough to learn? I feel like I need something to change up my art for a while and im so tired of grinding my boring art.. my time is also spent on commissions all the time so I feel like I have no me time to experiment and learn. I dont know what to do. I wish I was young again where i didn't have to be concerned with making money and just learn the fundies

>> No.4819648

I'm glad I left the porn art trade a year ago. I've made a lot of progress as an artist since, grown a lot as a man, and found some peace.

>> No.4819711
File: 65 KB, 1023x766, 1596233727573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every college in my third world country has 3 month vacations in summer
>Decide to take some commissions for the summer break
>Due to wrist pain after college finals decided to take a small hiatus of 3 weeks
>We only get 4 weeks vacations
>Back on college
>Shit ton of commissions to work on
Jesus christ why am I so stupid, it's been a month and I am behind 2 weeks of college work, my teachers don't like anything i've been showing them and their "critique" is useless as shit, what the fuck should I do?

>> No.4819746

I know 7 hours isn't a long time period, but I'm still sad no one has showed interest so far... I guess I was overcharging in the end

>> No.4819764
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, 1592019737154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit, now im scared of starting commissions

>> No.4819790

don't be scared anon, maybe you'll be more successful than I was! I'm kind of a beg, so going for this was probably a dumb move from the beginning

>> No.4819810

Share it here

>> No.4819820

I was charging 30 bucks for a half body commission and 45 for a full body. I've never officially done commissions before, but I thought I'd get away with it

>> No.4819825

>Switching to digital art
I really want to make the switch, but I have no understanding of color theory, my figure drawing is amateur, and I have poor work ethic anyway. My last experience was with an old iPad pro but it was too small and the apple pencil cramped my hands. I'm so tempted to get a cintiq 22, but my doubts are holding me back to stick with traditional.

I'm crawling my way through NMA videos. I learned a lot from watching Vilppu's course, but it was such a chore to get through. I'm blazing through Huston's course and am learning so much more as well as having fun. Huston is the fuckin' man. But I don't know if I'm heading in the right direction. I don't think I'm retaining all the info, only bits that occur to me in the process of figure drawing.

I'm desperately running away from an inevitable realization that I'm not disciplined enough to self-teach. I feel like I need a structured routine, someone holding me accountable, and a body of students to compete against.

>Resentment and regret
I'm 25, been drawing all my life, but never took lessons growing up. I'm resentful of my parents for not teaching me discipline, holding me to develop a work ethic, or supporting my interests in the arts. I'm also kicking myself for not taking any initiatives when I was younger. Everything is riding on whether I can withstand a year of serious self-commitment to improve my craft, but I suspect I will burn out.

>> No.4819830

>I know that its not my vocation in life
good for you, some people try to convince themselves otherwise despite knowing the truth in their heart of hearts. it doesn't end well
>Medical field = time + stress/trauma and no time for artwork or raising a child properly
yes. the workaround is full-time nanny. practically every doctor household has a stranger raising their kids because more often than not it's either a two professional household or the wife is useless as a parent because she was gunning for a luxurious carefree life by marrying a medfag in the first place
>Medical profession is also full of normies and sociopaths
actually surprised this isn't well recognized. the most sociopathic women I've encountered were doctors. doubly so for nurses.
people should stick to their strengths and passion instead of doing something that will kill them inside. there is no contentment in approaching 60 with a nice retirement and the ability to pay tuition for your absentee-father-having offspring who don't give a shit about you because you were never around. there is no contentment in wondering where your life went after having spent your prime studying or pulling 80h weeks for years on end, as the last of your prematurely greyed hair finally fall out and your dysfunctional dick shrivels to half its size while the rest of your body sags and wrinkles.
whether the safety is worth it is subjective.
you can choose to minimize contact with such people. now imagine a similar patient who is physically present in front of your spit-covered face and to whom you are legally and morally obligated to provide medical care. granted there is only a subset of med professionals that has to deal with this demographic, but don't ever forget that the field is inexorably 'people facing', whether its patients or their families or other sociopathic professionals. navigating around SJWs is piss easy in comparison.

>> No.4819835

If it helps, just know you aren’t alone in those struggles. I’d say, if you are already drawing all the time, and can afford it, go for the cintiq! Stick with Huston, he’s good. Keep studying the fundamentals if you’re not sure of which direction to take your art. And about discipline, it comes and go. I used to be a hard-ass, waking you at 4am every day and running to the gym. Now I wake up at noon every day. Even if you had discipline before, life will knock you off the path all the same. Just take it one step at a time a build solid habits.

>> No.4819838

Your very best work that you think you can sell to me.
And I will tell you if I would even pay that much for it.

>> No.4819845

I give up on Instagram. The only reason I got a little bit of traction was from some nice anons featuring my shit in their stories, but I never could do much by myself using tags, and I keep losing followers when I upload. What's the point then.

>> No.4819846

>Even if you had discipline before, life will knock you off the path all the same. Just take it one step at a time a build solid habits.
Indeed, I suppose it is what it is. Thanks for validating my thoughts, anon. I'm excited at the prospects of finally owning a Cintiq. Cheers

>> No.4819913
File: 116 KB, 282x281, 20200707_121124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had to put art off on the side for an actual job that'll keep me afloat. It sucks but I hope at the very least I get free time to keep drawing.

>> No.4819914

do you have better luck on other sites?
Insta is the only place where at least I get like 30 likes any ither places is sub 5 rip

>> No.4819924
File: 1.41 MB, 4032x3024, 1590826508450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's because I'm getting older but everyone is starting to feel insufferable to me lately. Clout chasing, following shit just so they can be upset, trying to start a conversation where they just want others to agree when them and constant shilling. I have not had a decent conversation with anyone in the past month and a half because it's nothing but pure bullshit.

>> No.4819929

Yes, I have at least 1k+ followers in everything else, and I get new followers no problem.

>> No.4819933


>> No.4819937

>Have day job that makes me miserable
>Draw and practice every day anyway
>Cannot improve
>Things that I actively practice become forgotten the very moment I move to something else
>Hate my art and my stupid lack of brains which seems to be incapable of learning
Every single day I feel absolutely defeated and extremely sad.

>> No.4819945

I'm glad I hung around people that loved art when I was a teenager. I stopped doing art, but now that I came back everyone is much more cynical. Even twitter shitposts feel calculated to me, barely anyone experiments outside their style cause it's their brand, new anime and vidya get forgotten the next week.

>> No.4819951

It's the age, Anon. Happened to me, too.
The older you get the harder it gets to build or mantain friendships. Young people make friends quick and easy through minor and mostly shallow things, as you grow older you seek depth, but you rarely get it because all your peers are either in their own circles, or many of your friends just aren't mature enough.
I'm not going to sugarcoat it, but with time passing, it will only get worse.

>> No.4819967
File: 585 KB, 780x879, 5ec5bce8e82589508104d0178c2e161a7ff3338387d581ca33d8aabd769204de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"your peers are either in their own circles"


>> No.4820009

>all your peers are either in their own circles, or many of your friends just aren't mature enough.
I feel this strongly more than anything, it's like I'm the only one who left highschool

>> No.4820017

cringe thread

>> No.4820034

cringe post

>> No.4820040

poor baby is dwawing haaawwwddd wahhhhhhhh i cant study and put marks on paper UGHHHHHHH MY LIFE IS HARDDD I JUST NEED TO LIKE VENT YOU KNOW waaaaahhhhhhh MAJOR MOOD

>> No.4820041

cringe reply

>> No.4820048

An artist life is suffering. An artist cannot function if they can't unload their burdens once in a while.
Post your work.

>> No.4820052

I'm stuck with the option of staying with an abusive spouse or moving back home with my abusive parent. No matter what I do I can't make my art gains and its making me salty. Trying to make money to get out of this on my own during covid lock down is impossible, mainly because my spouse likes to call in to my work and get me fired so I have to stay home with them. Also because they indiscriminately drain my savings. Doesn't matter how hard I try to hide my card they always find it or beat it out of me. They're still mad at me for buying a new tablet when my last one got broken by them but blowing my money on stupid shit and takeout is cool apparently. I dont know what to do. Man I just want to draw in peace and make enough money to live off of by myself.

>> No.4820054

Can thr mods do the board a favor and purge the furry and underage threads? They're havens for pedos, and the furry thread is now posting cub porn for fucks sake.

If they take no action, they've knowingly opened a Pandora's box to their insufferable faggotry.

>> No.4820068

If you report enough they might do something. They can't do anything if nobody reports it unless its an egregious rule break.

>> No.4820069

There is a solution to this; highly depending on your gender.
If you're a woman, just explain your situation to any organizations (based on the country you live in) and they will help you relocate and get out.
If you're a man, you just have to figure it out yourself by finding an apartment and moving out without your partner figuring it out.

>> No.4820076

I applied my paperlike wrong...

>> No.4820093

A little creepy how far the range of Bluetooth on the iPad is. I forget I’m wearing earbuds listening to music all the way in another room and no disconnection. Then I end up looking for the thing.

>> No.4820099

Was you starting your commissions before people started asking if you do them? That's the only dms I get despite having "commissions are closed" in my bio

>> No.4820102

Oof. Time to buy a new one and do it right

>> No.4820103


>> No.4820108

Be a man and drop that bitch. If you're a girl then I don't know how to help you.

>> No.4820129

I've never gotten dms like that, but I've also been told by people that I feel kind of hard to approach and serious, so I wonder if my personality is scaring them off.
My follower count also isn't super high, so there might just not be any demand for what I'm drawing

>> No.4820130

Now I wonder how my followers see me, I don't interact with anyone outside dms

>> No.4820154

if you use twitter, a poll would be useful for this kind of information. I mostly know how people following me feel by talking to mutuals I've become friends with over time

>> No.4820292

Divorced anon here, start the process. Depending on your country, it will take 6 months (no kids) or 1 year (with kids). Moving back in with the parent or even living in your car is more ideal. At the same time, anything gained during marriage is considered "shared property." So you are fucked for now
>previously with an emotionally abusive asshole who wouldn't even let me brush my teeth alone ("you might be secretly texting and cheating on me!")
>now divorced and get to draw in blissful peace every day

>> No.4820498

I watched a clip recently of Jim Carey where his paintings were shown and him speaking about it. He came across as this person that was obsessed with painting for a while and his whole apartment was covered with paintings. It made me wonder.

Drawing for me at the moment isnt at that level and its making me question if drawing is for me. Do you need to absolutely be consumed by a hobby to know if its right for you? Im practicing every day but video games always have a bigger pull for me. Is it an addiction that makes everything seem pale in comparison or something?

>> No.4820567

I feel the same way alot of the time anon. I don't think you meed some weird obsession with drawing but you should at least be enjoying it.

I also suffer heavily from playing videogames/procrastination. While I think they are good for blowing of steam they should absolutley not have a greater pull than your actual passions/pursuits and if you can I would reign them in. While they might seem fun now you will only regret having played them later on

>> No.4820570
File: 829 KB, 666x636, 1436455437658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at my own work that I drew 1 year ago and can't believe I am the author

>> No.4820572

>People who have natural talent

>> No.4820581

Videogames are definitely the issue. On good days where i draw either a lot of finish pieces, i don't play at all and don't even think about them,
On days i indulge before drawing, i don't draw as much. Lucky for me i don't play as many games and as time consuming as i used to.

Treat videogames as a reward, you know; first the work, then the leisure.
First few days are going to be weird but tough it out and you'll maybe enjoy drawing.

>> No.4820590

I think about it this way: if I had to stop drawing forever, how would I feel? The answer is fucking awful, so I decided to stick with it even if it's in that non-commital "draw whenever the mood strikes you" fashion. Anything that enriches your life is "for you" I think.

>> No.4820668

What is it called when you use a cute girl as reference but it comes out looking like a tranny freak?

>> No.4820675

What is it called when you try to draw a cute girl but it comes out looking like a tranny freak?

>> No.4820677

Inability to draw

>> No.4820678

I hate trannies

>> No.4820687


>> No.4820705

None of my work gets any engagement on Twitter anymore. I made it to over 1000 followers but none of them like or RT my art. Not shadowbanned and no idea what's going on. Been like this for at least a month
Not sure what else to do. Either do a free avatar giveaway or post coom art. I stopped doing coom art around 10 years ago, so I don't want to go back bros

>> No.4820731


>> No.4820755

Once you have a gf you will lose all desire and free time to draw and ngmi.

gf are for end game only. gf are for people who's already made it.

t. had gf

>> No.4820764

I thought I was able to draw pretty well but this entire year has been nothing but shit, I can't commit to learning fundies at all but I obviously don't actually understand anything and the only thing I can really come up with still are just pages of sporadic, non-committed doodles. Art might not even be for me even if I keep coming back to it but everything else in life feels just as lost if not moreso.

>> No.4820771
File: 55 KB, 600x662, AAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hey check out this thing I'm drawing
>back to her phone

>> No.4820792

Good news, someone finally messaged me and went for the most expensive stuff, they're not even asking for porn...

>> No.4820799

Same with my pieces. I've been having engagements but hardly any likes even when rt'ed.
Isn't it strange though? There are a lot of people with 1000+ followers that average maybe 20 likes per post.
Is twitter just full of bots or people with a fuckton of accounts or what the fuck is happening?
>so I don't want to go back bros
i've been thinking to dive into that territory but i heard other porn artists gatekeep pretty hard.

>> No.4820805
File: 227 KB, 1024x1024, 1589308157727m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing and painting are the only things that make life worth living but I hate playing the social media game, I can't care for likes and follows and clout. I know it's supposed to bring in attention for money through commissions or patreon, but if I don't really care about that should I even be making art anything but a hobby? Part of me thinks I should just go to art school and become a random storyboard/animation monkey. I think of art mainly as a way to connect and share ideas so maybe I could just get into magazine illustration or something too I guess.
My numbers aren't even bad, I just start hating the system and everyone involved and end up deleting everything without a word so I can enjoy doing art again.

>> No.4820807

>Haven't taken commissions in years because I just do art for myself now and have a job
>Friend keeps trying to push me to take their commission anyway
>They wouldn't even be able to afford this even if I was taking commissions
>Also the type to spend money they don't have anyway so this isn't actually something I can use to get out
I'm already over this.

>> No.4820813
File: 2.29 MB, 500x348, 1595037507418-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally content wih life and focused on making this art thing a reality, and people keep throwing stupid fucking politics in my face and I just don't caaaaaaaaaare

>> No.4820817

I've had gfs desu, last was about a year ago tho and not having sex for a year is making me CRAZY IN THE BRAIN!

>> No.4820819

draw fanart.

>> No.4820824

reposting this from the stupid questions thread, sorry

My friend bought a commission from an artist he knows irl, for around £100, he recieved the commission digitally and everything is fine, but today I saw the original artist post the original commission, framed, and listed it as going on sale for £150. My friend didnt know that the artist would be selling it.

Is the artist in the wrong here? As an outside observer I see it as my friend buying the art, so it should belong to him, but instead the guy is double dipping and getting a lot of money from selling my friends idea. Thoughts?

>> No.4820826
File: 260 KB, 827x1300, 89E1657C-13C4-43D5-AE30-E9B2D96136C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4820839

I do, but it's non-coom stuff

>> No.4820846

Your friend commissioned the work, not the original, and not the copyright. The artist has every right to do whatever he wants with something he made.

>> No.4820850

Also, £100 is a pittance for a comission in the first place, your friend shouldn't be complaining about anything.

>> No.4820852

I'm glad I'm not alone but at the same time I'm sorry you're going through the same thing. I think I might start off with some mild nsfw but not full on porn yet. I didn't know that about the gatekeeping though, I wonder what that's all about

>> No.4820898

Yeah, it sucks. I mean, it makes you question your skill and your work, doesn't it? I'd be devastated to put in tons of effort and time into a piece only to be completely ignored.
>I think I might start off with some mild nsfw but not full on porn yet
Same but I'm thinking whether or not to go beyond the mild stuff. Pin-ups and nudes are everywhere and people might get bored of them after the #546516546415 lewd artist draws yet another pin-up of current flavor of the month, but creating sex scenes is actually where it draws me.
>didn't know that about the gatekeeping though
From what i've seen, It's for the most part just insane crabbing. What i don't know could be worse.

>> No.4821170

No? He can buy the original if he wants, but that's not what he paid for here.

>> No.4821176
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 14547856385689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10+ years of experience

>> No.4821178


>> No.4821194

I really recommend doing a raffle, reaching 1k followers is a pretty good excuse. New people will find you that way, and tho you can expect to lose them once the raffle is over, I'm sure a third of new people following you will stick around

>> No.4821195

PY followers and experience

>> No.4821205

Started in 2016 6k+ on twitter since 2019. Not a big number to brag about but you know, it's better than 1k in 10 years

>> No.4821259
File: 1.27 MB, 334x251, dilb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furfag is 8 years younger than me
>kicks my ass on every technical regard
>mutuals won't stop sharing his shit
i fucking hate this kid

>> No.4821269
File: 582 KB, 853x839, 1598367458127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, give it to me straight, is 31year old too late to become a good artist? I have nothing in my life, never had seks, live alone in rented apartment, work the job i hate, my family dont want to see me. I just want to be good at one thing before i die, ive dabbled in drawing before but im inconsistent i have serious internet addiction, i guess im just eternal action faker...

>> No.4821312 [DELETED] 

Drawing won't give you happiness. I suggest you go make up with your family first, before doing anything.

>> No.4821317

Drawing won't give you happiness. Go make up with your family first, before doing anything.

>> No.4821318


Fair enough, thanks. I've personally only ever commissioned digital stuff, I just assumed that commissioning a picture from someone meant you got the original picture. Thanks

>> No.4821341

Im not looking for happines, i just want to become some sort of workaholic/grinding machine

>> No.4821407

I haven’t been using Twitter the whole time. Was Twitter even around in 2010?
Anyway, I didn’t start using it until 2018 but got to 1k around then (currently at around 1,900)
I managed to grow to 1k within a few months since joining this month, though, I don’t know if that’s good

>> No.4821429

Ok so I want to publish my webcomic/pseudo-manga on all the big self-publishing platforms by the end of the year. How do I gain an audience who will read and maybe even support it? Should I bother with insta or just stay with Twitter?

>> No.4821447
File: 82 KB, 245x351, 1577609117050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then drawing's perfect for you

>> No.4821492

just keep using twitter, insta is good if you're aiming to attract children and retarded teens or stunted adults tho

>> No.4821512

Hmm sounds about right, I mostly use it for /fa/ reference anyway. So ... you got any tips on how to grow an audience fast in around 3 months that doesn't require me to make a NSFW alter?

>> No.4821535

why is it when im not drawing im fine with my art and think it looks ok but the moment i start i feel like shit

>> No.4821552
File: 13 KB, 253x238, CMo3WyTUcAA6Ueu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work to improve observational skills
>now I can easily see how lopsided my face is in the mirror

>> No.4821557

It’s the opposite for me.

>> No.4821564

I don't want a art friend. I want that one dedicated follower. That one person who likes all your art, even if they are the only on to like it and they always post a comment. It doesn't have to be a long comment just a "I love/like it." "Good job"

>> No.4821597

I have a handful of those. It’s comfy. I wish one would be my gf tho.

>> No.4821614


>> No.4821637

Because I’m lonely and horny.

>> No.4821671

Go check out the Webtoons thread that’s still up, a lot of good advice there
Keep Twitter and IG, different audiences means you get more exposure
As for gaining an audience, always post on schedule and take advantage of the webcomic promo Twitter accounts that RT you. Don’t get discouraged if your comic doesn’t take off, most webcomic readers on the big sites are female and have specific tastes

>> No.4821692

Is that a good enough?

>> No.4821703

my gf does trad art and i do digital.
i like anime and she hates it
she likes abstract art and i hate abstract art

even if you have art friends there will still be very big differences

>> No.4821781
File: 43 KB, 524x312, dtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any of you go to school for art?

When I was a kid my grandfather offered to pay for me to go to art school and I said no. I had it in my head that 1) turning my hobby into a job would make me hate it. 2) learning from teachers would make me less creative or less authentic than being self taught. 3) (this was pre internet) i thought i would end up unable to get a job. thought i would end up one of those people on a bench in central park drawing tourist caricatures for 5 dollars.

I also got discouraged in school by bad art teachers and bad friends.

I ended up getting an even more useless major. Wasted the entirety of my 20s living in my mom's basement. working temp jobs and warehouse jobs. having one relationship after another fizzle out. lose my friends one by one, get more and more depressed.

At one point I was very seriously looking into design schools and programs. But it was the money that stopped me. The idea of living with my mom any longer made me want to fucking kill myself. Eventually I found a decent office job. and paid off the debt.

Now I have my own place. But after 4 years I absolutely hate this job. Every customer call I take is a test of my patience. Will I hang up on this retard or not. It isn't sustainable. I am a walking time bomb.

Now with this corona shit you can't even consider looking for a new job.

I do have my own place but had to start seeing a therapist last year for depression. Haven't had gf in about 3 years. In the worst shape of my life. Down to 3 friends but to be honest i don't trust any of them anymore.

I found ic last April and have been grinding the fuck out of drawing as hard as I could ever since. Making progress but my level is embarrassing for a 33 year old.

>> No.4821868

ever notice how when women become a dominant demographic on a site, the site turns to shit with drama?

>> No.4821872

Yes. Same goes for a work place.

>> No.4821923
File: 512 KB, 599x598, 1597784979426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start studying
>realize how little i know about drawing anything
>starts drawing worse
what is this cursed knowledge

>> No.4822136

>shitty 10 dollar sketchbook smaller than A4
>can draw with my arm near perfectly, lines flow smoothly without even thinking about it, love art
>200 dollar wacom tablet
>drawing with the arm isn't comfortable at all, have to make a conscious effort not to fuck up despite having an undo button, hate art
the tradchads were right

>> No.4822137
File: 292 KB, 1280x720, mad honda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw something
>it looks bad
>erase it
>its fucking worse

>> No.4822153

nothing I do when studying drawing ever works
stuck in a good job that I dislike, just wishing I could finally fucking draw after trying on and off for 5 years

>> No.4822163

>have been grinding the fuck out of drawing as hard as I could ever since.

How many hours a day are studying?

>> No.4822185

It's because you're on and off, if you make it a habit you'll get into the flow.
You sound immature. You won't be able to grind if you don't enjoy it/don't have a purpose for it. Get your life together, and try to find a thing that is fullfilling for you.

>> No.4822289

I'm very new to 4chan. I was introduced by the unique and cool wallpapers I could in wallpaper general, so I'm slowly, but surely, getting the hang of it all.

>> No.4822302

>I'm very new to 4chan
fuck off back to wherever you came from

>> No.4822304
File: 68 KB, 1920x1080, 1592839975003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically this. GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN.

>> No.4822398


>> No.4822440

Thanks anon. Do you know any of those webcomic promo Twitter accounts or do they use a specific hashtag?
>Don’t get discouraged if your comic doesn’t take off
I don't expect to get all the readers, it's probably not that interesting of a topic for most people, but it is to me and others of this niche and that's all that counts. If I can reach exactly these people then that's already more than I could ever ask for.

>> No.4822483

You can have more than one hobby/interest, for me it comes and goes, when a new expansion for a game I enjoy comes out, sweet, I get really into it and video game alot for 2 weeks, but when I'm done with it, I'm not searching for new games to play, I can go back to using my free time for drawing, and don't really feel like trying new games that I don't know if Id be interested in, so if you keep your video gaming in check it should be fine

>> No.4822486

I want a cute art bf to cuddle with and draw together

>> No.4822490

The opposite actually

>> No.4822509
File: 9 KB, 229x220, D7C4DAE4-42BE-4808-ABC5-0FCBED71415A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was watching a porno on my iPad but the volume was low so I turned it up to full blast. Didn’t realize that it had automatically connected to the Bluetooth speaker in the living room where some of my family was chilling.

That was 30 minutes ago and I still haven’t left my room.

>> No.4822514

Worse thing you can do is stay in your room. You look spineless now. Go out and apologize, and they'll think you're a cool guy. We all watch porn after all

>> No.4822521

You’re right. I’ll go do that.

>> No.4822531

your parents watch porn too

>> No.4822535

Sometimes i just want to draw a brown or black character and deliberately paint their skin tone white, and upload it to my large following on twitter just to piss off some people. I'm not even white but it sure gives me a feeling of righteousness triggering crybabies and their performative SJW nonsense.

>> No.4822540
File: 110 KB, 680x680, 7E9CC923-F37F-467C-9CCA-30B712C502C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, can you not.

>> No.4822541

This is why I'm always so fucking wary whenever I'm watching a video and making sure that I don't accidently hit the "cast" button or something. Fucking technology these days who thought this was a good idea

>> No.4822549

I did that once and it ended in a huge fight with my fiance. I ended up sleeping on the couch.

>> No.4822554

Sweet naive soul, please spare yourself of misery and leave

>> No.4822623

>friend group and I want to make a group project with our new characters
>I work my ass off making the most dynamic I can with them
>full thought into the their individual personalities, interests, ways they take action, their extensive politics based on their upbringing and knowledge
>I-I just worked on them a fucking lot
>and my drawings are pretty nice! >They are pretty meh too, not gorgeous but definitely not terrible
>and when I introduce my character sheets, they liked them enough
>Whatever gets my dopamine going
>secretly prideful
>Then here comes “Steve”
>because you know the “and you friend Steve” lyric?
>they are that exactly
>because all of a sudden they want to be included out of no where
>they know nothing about what the dynamic world its set in
>based off a comic with classes and shit but they don’t understand it what so ever
>So they took a test to see what they are and just made a character off of that
>ugly as shit character, anatomy of a person with chicken breast as muscles
>and hair cut of a hysterical woman that broke down and chopped it all off
>with interests labeled as “likes and dislikes” with shit like “justice!” “Equality!”
>And then dislikes are like “straight men”
>not very equal of you
>already despise it, but be nice and compliment it
>then my other friends rawer in praise in chat
>what the fuck
>so Steve can come in, randomly
>take over my opportunity to be the interesting friend
>because they explicitly said they liked justice and equality in their bio
>gonna fucking lose my mind

>> No.4822625
File: 148 KB, 1100x786, 234f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lonely and I don't love myself enough, I wish I could pat myself on the back, fuck.

>> No.4822682

2 - 3 hours i think

>> No.4822696
File: 38 KB, 544x544, 124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not creative.
I can come up with a character/design I really like but cannot for the life of me come up with a coherent story for them. I try and try for months, sometimes even years. Nothing clicks, nothing makes sense. I wanted so bad to be able to tell my own stories. Turns out, I have no stories to tell. I can't believe I'm this empty. I hate myself.

>> No.4822697

Holy shit learn to greentext properly

>> No.4822710

I always feel tired recently even if I get enough sleep and eat properly. Its cutting in on my drawing time and it's so frustrating it makes me want to cry.

>> No.4822713

Dunning kruger and jealousy. Bad mix.

>> No.4822730
File: 174 KB, 697x768, 1579476079381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey buddy. I was in your position. I'd try so hard to come up with a story I'd stare at the ceiling for 3 hours straight to try to come up with even one idea. I remember I told myself one time to stay up all night until I came up with one idea for a story. I ended up not sleeping that night.

But fast forward to now, I literally write a short story every 2-3 days. My ideas are limitless. Creativity is ABSOLUTELY a skill you can build. It's a SKILL. Forget what Jordan Peterson tells you; you can absolutely become more creative. The way to do it is to be "interested in life". Sstart by writing down one idea. Then another. Then another. slowly, you'll be able to write down 4 story ideas in an hour. Then 6. Then 10. Then 16. That's what happened to me. I would literally sit down and practice having ideas. Practice thinking about things you saw during the day and writing down a premise. Your first few "ideation" sessions will be fruitless. But I promise you those sessions will pay off.

>> No.4822753
File: 140 KB, 992x578, 1598397041946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my last upload gets zero comments in beg, zero likes on deviantart and 2 pity likes on ig. im thinking it might be over for my art career. :(

>> No.4822766

Is that your drawing? You like drawing cars? Check out TheSketchMonkey on YouTube if you’re interested in that.

>> No.4822772

I hate the sketch monkey. his designs are shit. he makes 99% of what he touches worse.

>> No.4822776

Sounds less like low intelligence and more like a lack of sleep, depression, or some other physical/mental illness. Should get that checked out anon.
I find that consuming a variety of media or researching different cultures and histories works well for me.

>> No.4822779

Greentext is retard talk. It's never proper. Just write like a fucking normal human being.

>> No.4822783

Not gonna argue, but if you’re looking for followers and reacts, then the guy is obviously doing something right. Just don’t be too hard on yourself okay, anon?

>> No.4822786

ok. you're right. thanks anon

>> No.4822799

and he cant draw from imagination. he just photoshops pictures of production cars.

>> No.4822811

I think you have to accept unless you go turbo normie and decide to mass appeal to everybody that you're always going to be niche. Try to learn to enjoy your own work, not wait for other people's approval, or else it'll drive you mad.

This is very much a do as I say thing though not do as I do because I have issues with jealousy like this too

>> No.4822883

What the fuck do I do if the more I practice the worse Im getting? Taking a break is not a valid option as I will get even worse from not drawing

>> No.4822915

I'm practing more and all my drawings are looking shittier arggghhhh I want to delete my whole gallery now

>> No.4822916
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1502251750630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its probably not as good as you say it is. but the bigger issue is your friends sound like huge faggots. just abandon them. ghost them. i wouldnt care too much if they were racist and sexist but theyre hypocrites. you cant trust them. theyre not your friends. theyre sociopaths. and theyre not even good artists according to you. why would you spend any time associating with people like this? fucking run, don't walk.

>> No.4822918


>> No.4822932

I wish I had a room so I could have privacy to draw.

>> No.4822953

it's a hard life for sure, and the political aspect is frighteningly awful right now, but the good parts have made my life worth living and you don't have to starve. granted I don't have kids to worry about.

if I wanted a job with more stability I think I'd go for engineering. fucking being a doctor. I cannot imagine being a surgeon saving some fat piece of shit so they can live 4 more years being a fat piece of shit would feel rewarding.

>> No.4822960

found the lying woman. (yes i know that's redundant.)

>> No.4823028

Designed a bunch of characters, decided to write a story to make a comic book. Takes over a year. 25 pages long. give it to a friend to give feedback. friend gives legitimate good constructive feedback. decide i need to rework the characters, make them more human and focus on their arcs. do a full rewrite. spent a week combining the two scripts. realize i just wrote Total Recall meets Vanilla Sky. Have no way to fix it because the problem is integral to every single part of the plot. Suddenly lose interest in a project I worked on for over a year ad I'm gonna be one of those people who has OCs but no story.

>> No.4823084

you are not, anon.

>> No.4823095

What? You don’t have a room? What kind of third worlder are you?

>> No.4823097

Release it anyway! I think we're usually more critical of our work. Like you may have written "Total Recall meets Vanilla Sky" but it's "Total Recall meets Vanilla Sky as written by anon."
Everyone has a unique voice. Plus it will look great on your art portfolio to have a finished story

>> No.4823120

The other anon is right, just post it anyways. In a way everything has been done before. It's about finding a fitting combination of all these things and giving it your own personal touch.

>> No.4823174
File: 3.42 MB, 4160x3120, 20200810_125127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get myself to draw anything actually worth showing anyone. I just do studies and doodles. Not sure what to do

>> No.4823180

draw people from imagination Anon. Draw a hot slut laying provocatively. It's not gonna look good if you've only been doing studies. But you can take it so you at least see your mistakes and figure out where the gaps in your knowledge are. Then redraw that slut again. It'll be way way better the second time. Then you can be the slut drawing guy. That's what I would do if I wasn't a delusional hypocrite.

>> No.4823195
File: 22 KB, 370x398, 1597686324035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be anon
>"grEeNteXt Is ReTaRD TaLK JuSt wRiTe a wAll oF tExt"
>imagine being this fucking new
lurk moar, fag

>> No.4823281


Could be worse. My mom walked in on me masturbating once. She didn't really say anything and pretended nothing happened. My dad walked in on me looking at hentai, nothing happened.

In the end my dad looks at hentai and my mom has a draw full of vibrators.

>> No.4823342
File: 41 KB, 442x276, 1318705122305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at my breaking point, drawing for 6 years and I'm barely at amateur-level.
There's no work in art, not here. Even if I do stuff online I'll still have to wage-slave.
The clocks ticking and I'm not keeping up...

>> No.4823357
File: 444 KB, 748x483, glennfeature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay strong! Stick with the fundamentals!

>> No.4823366

Double. It

>> No.4823367

>>be anon

>> No.4823372

Drawing for 6 years but how disciplined have you been in your studies?

There’s no way for someone to have studied fundamentals for 2-3 hours a day for 6 years to not be quite skilled.

>> No.4823403

I just don't know how to draw good looking figures/and portrait consistently,some week I feel like I'm closer to my goal in therm of artstyle,and then the next week is the downward spiral.
Sometimes I just want to give up,drawing boxes and doodeling ugly monsters everyday.

>> No.4823435

you know i cant do that

>> No.4823560
File: 83 KB, 960x720, 1881000205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every day i contemplate death bros

>> No.4823737
File: 92 KB, 750x790, 1598402352053-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, I still feel trapped by my own lack of everything after so long

>> No.4823791

I wish I was a girl sometimes. I think. Then I could marry the man I love.

>> No.4823876


>> No.4823930
File: 743 KB, 1126x1091, 1438209345269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, /ic/, I've been hospitalized to remove a tumor and I've been unable to draw for like three months now.
I'm trying to come back but it's like I don't know nothing anymore. I wasn't good or anything, but I feel like I never even held a pen. How do you get back in the saddle after a long time away?

>> No.4824066


I didnt go to school for art. I started drawing when I was a kid, got pretty good and continued at intermediate level until high school. After college, I stopped drawing for about 10 years when life got in the way.
Started drawing again in December of last year.
After being in "talented and gifted programs" for most of my life, I can honestly say that the most embarrassing thing one could admit is peaking at a very young age. It quite normal and desirable to keep learning and refining a skill well into adulthood and beyond.
Dont feel ashamed for continuing to make something of yourself.

>> No.4824084


Same person here.
After a long time away from drawing. Practice drawing simple things. Rocks, Trees, small bugs. Things that dont require a lot of symmetry to look "correct". It will help re-calibrate your drawing muscles and get you back in the saddle.

>> No.4824153

I don't know what was the point of getting into drawing, but whatever it was it's not there anymore. I'm going to drop it here. Good luck anons.

>> No.4824161

I have next to no emotions and imagination yet something is stuck in me pushing me to draw. What is a roadblock is the aforementioned lacking means there's nothing I want to see drawn. It's a curious situation

>> No.4824167

There isn't anything in particular that I want to draw, I just want to be able to draw whatever I want if I ever wanted to

>> No.4824288

we draw so we don't end up slitting our wrists, brother

>> No.4824312

You can at least pick up a pencil and a sheet of paper and draw something. The first step is always the hardest.

>> No.4824367
File: 75 KB, 440x660, 1452896551147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im at the end of my college year but I dont really know what will become of my life after it. I''m not passionate at my major nor I am that good at art yet. I feel stupid for not drawing when I got out of high school. I really hate growing up, and I wish I have someone i can hug and cry about it.

>> No.4824406


>> No.4824578

>youtube recs stuck in time from high school days on 1 account
>videos/comments nearly 10 years old

Bros, where did the time go?

>> No.4824585

Studying sucks ass, I just want to draw

>> No.4824588

Ask her out you pussy. Rip the band-aid off. The sooner she rejects you the sooner you can move on.

>> No.4824606
File: 182 KB, 1400x1400, e3650962cbbcb4f14b2566b846766f7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've accepted that I may never experience falling in love, nor being love back so I will pour all of my art and pray that someone will love it in my place.

>> No.4824607

Stop studying and start drawing. You’re not meant to grind fundies mindlessly so just start drawing what you like and apply a critical eye to your works and make sure that the next one will always be better than the last. That’s all there is to it.

>> No.4824610
File: 349 KB, 2048x1106, EgZcoYSXcAA8YyU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art director
>someone is getting paid to draw like this

>> No.4824621

Looked okayish in the thumbnail but when I clicked it, man, did I ever regret it.

>> No.4824623


I would love you but you're far away.

>> No.4824638

>that feel when opening twitter and seeing that the artwork you've spent hours and hours of love and sweat on only got 4 pity likes

Is there anything that hurts more bros. I started posting my stuff online after years of just drawing for myself so not like I'm gonna quit over some random internet validation, drawing is like breathing at this point. But seeing the hard cold truth that, even IF you post your stuff for others to see, nobody actually cares about it, is harsh. It took me so much courage to get it out there in the first place.

Whatever, ngmi, maybe in a couple years I'll have met some cool people by doing so. Or maybe not. Who knows.

>> No.4824641
File: 30 KB, 540x304, ahja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get into an internet comment fight w/ my sibling on a dummy account
>doesn't know it's me
>mindbreak him because I know he's bullshitting
>probably now paranoid
I should be more careful. He's probably gonna be on /ic/ at some point.

>> No.4824654

After getting popular an old IRL art friend feels he is too good to interact with the scrubs anymore. I'd rather have the guy with 1000 followers that interacts friendly with people supporting him than the guy with 3000 followers who can't spare a friendly word or motivation for 'lesser beings' but only suck up to the bigger fish

Petty but that's what this thread is for. I feel really stupid for the validation /I/ have given him though, simply because I was happy for him that he put his art out there and I wanted to support him

>> No.4824658

I've been posting on Twitter for 3 years and I still average out on around 20-30 likes. I don't mind it as much anymore, but it did make me post less over time. It's just how it is if you don't wanna play the game.

>> No.4824660

can believe this to be true, I use art as a coping mechanism for a shitty life anyway

>> No.4824661

I totally would if I had better relationships but I really attract some nasty to creepy people, but it could be the fact I’m a kinda the ‘quiet’ friend in reality, so they see I like something similar but impose their undertale oc on me because I said I played it once
But this guy, he’s not only a retard, they are trying to beg for attention emotionally all the fucking time
This is a long complicated history I won’t go into, but let’s say one friend’s mom has cancer, she just told us her mom might die
Then this ‘Steve’ fellow, 4 hours later, says they had an argument with his mom and needs “CoMFort” (I don’t like the group hugs, some specific people smell really bad)
Hypocrite? Absolutely. He also is the kind of person that associates with a woman who last I remember was all about “killing white people” “cis-hets ruined the planet”
Shows how really disingenuous their justice claims are
Literally only like 2 people from it, they just have strong ties with the rest and I wish they would come to their senses and just ditch them
They aren’t even active all that much, only when they need something from us so what’s the point
(Also bet, I don’t blame anyone who says I’m shit, I wouldn’t believe someone saying that too. I just actually spend all my time on this shit like a autist with their special interest. Plot and character writing are my strong suites, design is about decent, kind of basic if there isn’t a clear set idea, I usually ask for advice for that)
>I know my character wouldn’t summarize their moral standing with “fights for justice”
>like, what kind? Your own? That could be complicated and selfish but you wouldn’t make it purposefully morally grey. The law? You hate the law. That seriously fucks me up

>> No.4824670

“Write like a normal human being”
Like you would read that unfolded like a wall of exposition?
I know it looks like shit, it isn’t written properly, AND there are mistakes
But I really could care less about your made up rules and writing etiquette on a art vent thread
>oh no
>oh look at that, I can write this however I like and it doesn’t effect the outcome of what I’m saying in the reality of it just being a different colour on the screen
You get some people don’t come to threads to read a novel?

>> No.4824761

Say it was some porn pop up ad

>> No.4824940
File: 79 KB, 1024x768, 1592779248398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons.
No point in moping, only thing I can do right now is keep drawing
Thanks, Vilppu.
I'll spend next month doing perspective proper, I really want to drill it into me.
I usually get a minimum of ~7hrs/week but can do 12/day some weeks. I try my best.

Same situation anon. Next year is my last in Engineering, tons of CFD and Thermo stuff, looks real hard...
What are you doing?

>> No.4825065

Im miserable because my art is shit despite my constant best efforts on top of work draining my soul. Having meds prescribed which turns me into a content zombie is only gonna make things worse on the long run.

>> No.4825151

Greentext used to be looked down as newfaggotry, newfaggot.

>> No.4825793


Congrats anon!

>> No.4825802

Nobody cares, oldfag

>> No.4825808
File: 91 KB, 698x668, 2408783.6099999985_210 - gSPTAzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty frustrated at my regression over the years. I've taken on web development to earn money because I'm ngmi at this art shit.

But I'm picking up with drawing characters. At this rate I'll have a commission sheet by the end of the month and hopefully someone finds it good enough.

>> No.4825992

u a g rill

>> No.4826001

Drawing better anyway. Its for the best

>> No.4826027

I wish I had taken that code monkey job straight out of college, it would have been enough to move out of my parents house and would have helped me stay in touch with people. I'd suggest you get any job you can, it doesn't matter what it is or if you like it, you just need to keep moving and think what you're going to do next as you move. Literally ANY job. But I don't know your situation, maybe you wouldn't fuck up as bad as me and whatever you do will be fine. I don't know what you mean by hating growing up but it's not all that bad, you'll get freedom but you'll need to start doing things on your own. I'd imagine it can be great if you play your cards right.
t. wanted to take a rest after college, ended up being a neet for the last 2 years

>> No.4826037

I felt like this before dropping drawing altogether, but you sound more emotionally stable than me. Hope you keep going if that's what you want.

>> No.4826042


>> No.4826047
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 56868568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling so tired, everyday I try to draw but I'm always so fucking exhausted.

>> No.4826207


>> No.4826211

Have sex

>> No.4826222

I’m so alone

what can I do to escape this nobody wants me

>> No.4826232

Have you tried becoming likeable?

>> No.4826281

nobody gives me a chance

>> No.4826308

Yeah, it's no wonder cause you sound like an incel

>> No.4826345

Wake up. Gets told I'm worthless. Goes back to sleep.
I tried to move out but I find myself in the same situation. Just a different setting and different people. From family to relationships. Life's not worth living. I just want to draw and every one in my life just gets off to putting me down. What sucks is that I thought I was successful in getting away only to find myself in similar situations time and time again.

>> No.4826408


Here's a special secret people keep to themselves: Almost no one uses the degree/ major they went to college for. Its just to say you completed higher education and gatekeep people. Your employer doesnt care what the paper says as long as you have skills or are willing to develop them at a nominal fee.
Just get a small part-time job anywhere and grind after you work. Youll be fine.

>> No.4826418

My friend draws mecha better than me and he has 0 interest in the topic. Simultaneously crushing and motivational to improve

>> No.4826710
File: 45 KB, 310x310, thoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will never reach the skills of the masters cause they are using traditional magic to make their art. how am i supposed to make art in this physical world.

>> No.4826744

I just want an art pal who isn't a bitchy crab or an attention whore. Every musician and writer I meet is generally very nice and actually fun to talk to, how do artists have the worst personalities out of all the creative types?

>> No.4826780

pardon, traditional magic?

>> No.4826783

sacred geometry my guy

>> No.4826803

>Why can't I have friends?

>> No.4826812

Drawing it's like masturbation:
Just draw when you feel you need discharge your creativity

>> No.4827265
File: 22 KB, 445x512, wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I am about to post 9000 words worth of my life story and the more I type the more I realize what's wrong with me looking back and how very stupid it is to hold onto these thoughts.

I'm 26. They say that's already 1/3 of your life gone already. But mentally I'm on my 2 chance at life so I'm 1 years old again before I die by age 75. Everything that has happened I'll just forget that happened and draw.

>> No.4827313
File: 52 KB, 226x202, 1589534855583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4827474

im so lon..

>> No.4827485

Am I lonely? I have anonymus...sowhy do i feel this way

>> No.4827486
File: 260 KB, 220x189, AE35ED45-69EA-44B4-9CE3-629A5A7A9379.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing all the old fags on this board reignites the drive in my heart when I think about the tragedy that is a wasted life. For all my charms, all my wisdom, all my cleverness, I am still just as vulnerable to knives, bullets and heartbreak as any man. I can’t give in, because if I do, that means that they were right. That would mean I’m NOT the successful, talented, handsome bastard I know I am, that would mean everyone else would actually think that they’re my equals, or even worse, better than me. As one of the younger fags on this board, my greatest asset is time, so I must make haste and ensure I draw daily, and pour my soul into the things I care for. Then, once I reach the mastery I aspire to, I’ll be able to fulfill my long held dreams of power and success, towering above everyone else. Ciao, I must go draw now

>> No.4827490

i must be sad about something else

but i dont know what that is amd ,y braom hurts today

>> No.4827499
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, C4F199A2-D681-4BD3-B300-4BB8645579BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off avatarfag

>pic related it’s how you actually look irl

>> No.4827511

I was once like you, 19 years old on /ic/ glamouring about my "time". And in the blink of an eye I'm in my mid twenties, still /beg/ and too depressed to draw. The same thing will happen you to.

>> No.4827521

Should I make my own general where I start from 0 and try to go pro? No set time, just me posting work. Maybe that'll motivate me to draw again.

>> No.4827528
File: 597 KB, 782x786, C140226B-3741-40AD-B5DA-4EB12550FAD6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that guy? He doesn’t look anything like me but he’s very handsome and o can tell that he’s talented too, you should donate to his patreon
Maybe, maybe not. But I can’t afford to give in until it’s over, I’ve got too much staked on my aspirations, if I don’t succeed, I won’t be rotting away like you, I’ll be dangling at the end of a rope
>inb4 why are you back here instead of drawing
I did make several drawings today but none turned out good, I’m feeling a little burnt out but I’ll try to draw more after I workout
Go for it, it’ll upset the d/ic/ks, especially if you ‘make it’

>> No.4827535

>Go for it, it’ll upset the d/ic/ks, especially if you ‘make it’

Alright, I'm gonna do it. I'll think of a simple tripcode, nothing fancy, and dump every drawing in dropbox or whatever as I go.

>> No.4827607

what the purpose of this general? no one is posting art

>> No.4827648

tell that to the /dad/ general

>> No.4827659
File: 76 KB, 748x748, 1598025952440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a gf that does cute drawings of us together

>> No.4827661

is it me or did people just stop wearing masks all together overnight this week?

>> No.4827663

i love you guys
coming here makes me feel less lonely

>> No.4827665

you love me but you didn't kiss me yet

>> No.4827667

i'm waiting for the right moment

>> No.4827670

>What's the point of human love and connection?

>> No.4827677


wow that made my kokoro throb doki doki

>> No.4827791
File: 232 KB, 1058x1411, 7C0BAEF5-1CA8-400C-979B-C441AD365483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wishes he looked like reviewbrah

>> No.4827812

I try so hard on my polished work, seeing a shoddy porn sketch I upload on privatter get me 60 followers just because I set the post to "followers only" is kind of dragging me down. I don't want to breach my next follower milestone because of mediocre porn...

>> No.4827836


I never heard of that before. Is this what it feels like to be old like my parents?

>> No.4827854

it's a twitter "add-on" a lot of jp artists use to upload their porn, but you can limit who can view your post to followers/mutuals only, or listed users only.

>> No.4827987

I've just lost literally EVERYONE of my .sai2 files because they broke. the license broke, the files broke, everything broke
5 years gone. The PSD's SAI2 were making were already breaking in photoshop, so i don't even have that as a backup, and now this
Absolutely fucking disgusting software, i'm so fucking tired, i was in the end of a week-long illustration for a client and poof, it's all gone, i had to deliver it today and now i have to do it all over again
I'm just so fucking sad bros, what the fuck
Is CSP worth it? Maybe photoshop for everything now, does it have good stabilization?

>> No.4828087

where were you when Elon Musk just made sword art online real?

>> No.4828444

I seriously regret mainly doing photo-studies and all fan art. I cant come up with any ideas and im freaking out because i need to prepare my art portfolio for an animation art school and so far i have nothing. I want to be able to create comics and short animations and just original illustrations by my mind goes blank.Help i need advice

>> No.4828584


>> No.4828629

loomis if fucking worthless for anything outside of exactly eye level heads
if you tilt the head slightly any direction the whole fucking thing comes apart

>> No.4828689

Great, a piece I worked hard on didn't get any fucking attention

>> No.4828767

Try Krita, no licenses

>> No.4828866

They don't even have HSV selector.
It's been years they took it down too.
That shit is dead.
Move on.

>> No.4828963

But the HSV square is essentially an HSV slider
Spin the wheel for hue
Left for desaturation, right for saturation
Up for lighter values, down for darker values

>> No.4828968

no exact value.
And you can only change either saturation or the brightness.
Also, no way to revert them to default (to the middle) after you adjusted any of it.

>> No.4829304
File: 898 KB, 974x886, 1598524200643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry /ic/ the crabs and doomers got me, I don't think I am going to make it.

>> No.4829400

you don't want art friends

>> No.4829842

look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.4831375
File: 29 KB, 508x463, DAMN YOU LOOMIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this board for reminding me of how fucking bad I am, everyone here sucks and yet their progress is still 100 times faster than mine. Fucking years into this shit and I am getting to the beginning of everyone else's first images in their progress images.

>> No.4831393

What are you talking about, of course Krita has HSV