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4826939 No.4826939 [Reply] [Original]

who's got their pre-order in?

>> No.4826983

Nobody, nigger

>> No.4826999

the tea is that that book is just a rip off of some other guys book

>> No.4827008
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Sorry, pal.
I don't pay for books, movies, music or games.

>> No.4827015

I can't wait to support such a hardworking man! ;))

>> No.4827037

lol trad artists in 2020

>> No.4827136

why do these threads keep getting deleted by the Jannies?

>> No.4827153

Everyone knows that Alphonso Dunn has copyright to form, texture and values as well as how to hold a pen. Don't know how he thought he'd get away with it.

>> No.4827165

It’s probably the editor’s doing

>> No.4827193

lol no man, what a shit show

>> No.4827196

because its shillsville

>> No.4827256


>> No.4827270


>> No.4827291

I'm seeing a lot of hate for inktober? What's the story behind this? I'm unaware of any controversies as I haven't participated in the past.

>> No.4827321

In a quick flip through video of Jake Parker’s sketchbook there was a loli witch flying nude on a dip pen broomstick

>> No.4827352 [DELETED] 

>make a free comunity event/trend/gay shit
>artist hop on
>not free any more goy, pay me

>> No.4827357


>> No.4827362

Jake Parker plagiarized Alphonso Dunn's book, chapter for chapter, concept for concept, term for term, diagram for diagram, blatantly, and in the same order as the original text.

>> No.4827374

I already own Dunn's book, so no.

>> No.4827388

I want Alphonso to kiss me.

>> No.4827404

At first i was like "dude, you didn't invent line weight or value".. but as the comparison went on and on, it became pretty damning, tbqh.

>> No.4827426

>loli witch flying nude on a dip pen broomstick

>> No.4827431

it isn't my job to dig out widely available information? educate yourself.

>> No.4827440

Jake parker DMCAd a shit ton of artists last year who sold pieces under the inktober hashtag and threatened them with legal action if they didn't fork over part of the proceeds from their art. Had a lot of blowback from that last year then this year he plagiarized his book almost word for word from alphonso dunn.

>> No.4827459
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Holy shit why would a person do that? You really think someone would just make up lies on the internet?
>real talk though, fuck jake parker why the fuck hasn't he been exposed and canceled already?

>> No.4827463

People tried but a bunch of *famous* artists were buddies with him and defended inktober last. It seems that they aren't able to defend him this time though with how serious i is. The publisher has already been trying to handle the situation and is aware of the mess so jake isn't coming out of this clean. Fuck him for copyrighting and ruining inktober.

>> No.4827468
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I'm afraid his family is going to starve to death

>> No.4827470

>exposed and canceled
in case you hadn't noticed, only people low on the social hierarchy, who hold unpopular political views and/or who have allegedly committed crimes that trigger a strong emotional response (rape, abuse, going after someone weak and innocent) get mobbed. witch hunts are a political power thing, not a justice thing.

>> No.4827472

honestly the only thing that bothers me is that fact that he doesn't really use all those techniques. It's just not his style

>> No.4827488

Damn. I wish i could fucking do something man. Fuck that shithead for doing this to artists. The hell does he think he is?

>> No.4827492

>tfw he's gonna get away with it too because normies love inktober

>> No.4827494

The biggest fuck you to the art community was him copyrighting inktober. Inktober has been a community thing since it started and this greedy asshole actually claims it's his. He even tried to go after people just selling plain ink drawings and black/white artbooks for copyright infringement

>> No.4827500
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It's amazing how you fags bitch and moan about a supposed money grubbing fat cat that is pushing for copyright infringement for content that is rightfully his when in the same breath you're all utilizing a pirated copy of proprietary software, make money off plagiarizing other big name content through the guise of fanart via the flavor of the month, and then have the audacity to complain when someone else rips you off on the Internet because they got a couple of likes and favorites by copying off you.

>> No.4827501

Goddamn it you're right. I can't think of anything else that would be the justice equivolent of getting exposed/canceled other than a lawsuit. But artists are normally poor lmao

>> No.4827502

Other than the stuff listed, dunning krugers mad at the idea that he suggested people learning not to rely on ctrl+z so much.

>> No.4827503

we don't pretend to make any money off of this anon.

>> No.4827510

I feel like we should make our own Inktober. With blackjack and hookers.

>> No.4827520

The primary difference is that I haven't taken my pirated art textbook and tried to sell it under my own name without crediting the original author. Because that'd be really shitty.

>> No.4827523

stupid weeb

>> No.4827529

well yes, that's what the law is for. it's a space that allows people to examine the facts of a case according to clear standards and bracket political considerations. ideal justice is blind.

>> No.4827539

same, but do you think that the braindead trend chasers on social media will abandon inktober for a new thing that may or may not get traction?

>> No.4827541

Inktober was once a niche thing. Personally, I just want to do it as a self-study thing.

>> No.4827543

fair, but most people participate in events like this in hopes of being discovered.

>> No.4827545

t. zoomer

>> No.4827567

Who knows, let's check back in a few weeks and see if anybody's interested in jumping ship.

>> No.4827587

Some anons here primarily work in traditional and others, if they have the money, will go out and buy the programs (sai, photoshop, clip studio paint). Hell whenever there's discounts on csp it gets posted on here most of the time.
People also use krita or art alternatives like it.
>copyright infringement for content that is rightfully his
I don't know if all those artworks done in black and white are his or not. Haven't looked into it but if that's the case then what about artists who have done works in black and white before him or is it just directly tied to every drawing done in inktober? If so that would probably be unfair to do that then every person could just claim a month, dedicate it to only inking artwork, and then copyright every drawing made during that month.
I don't know about the other things you listed like making money off of fanart. The only person popular enough that does that is sakimi chan and there are always threads getting made about her. Dunno about any other anons here. Getting artwork ripped off/copied off of isn't that always deemed a bad thing in any art community? Someone is tracing almost line for line, color to color, your own piece that you made and are passing it off as their own gaining money and notoriety off of your work.
Again though, i'm just a traditional beg who hasn't exprienced anything you've mentioned yet so i don't know much i can only observe.

>> No.4827593

nah his twitter is blowing up with the accusations.

>> No.4827619

desu I'm fucking tired of twitter mobs, I don't care how right they are. let the big names respond to this and sort it out among themselves and support Dunn so he can take the asshole to court if need be.

>> No.4827621
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I wish i could learn more about ideal justice from you senpai~

>> No.4827623

So is there a new hashtag for the inking in October trend? I'm not gonna use inktober

>> No.4827634

Drawtober is gaining but it's stilll small

>> No.4827645

It doesn't really work on a phonetic level, you'd have to go with something like Sketchtember or Drawcember

>> No.4827660

oh, those are good ideas

>> No.4827727

Kind of glad inktober is being canceled this year. I did all 31 days the last couple of years and was going to pull away this year but now I won’t feel any pressure to do it at all.

>> No.4828036

I didn’t see the Alphonso video yet but Jake’s statement about the lawyer stuff makes sense. He just don’t want people to use the “official” logo . If people are too dumb to think an Instagram artist selling stuff with the logo on it are officially endorsed by Jake That’s on them though and I highly doubt that happens

>> No.4828070

>I'm seeing a lot of hate for inktober?
I don't know, are you?

>it isn't my job to dig out widely available information?
I don't know, is it?

>> No.4828077

lmao, whatever. got anything else to say you common commie cuck? you pussyhat-possessed penis-preturbed peaceful protester?

>> No.4828092

You can't learn how to use a question mark, imagine mastering a pen(cil).
Room temperatures hold humanity back.

>> No.4828153

Learn how to use question marks.

>> No.4828158

Jake Parker raped and killed a girl in 1990.

>> No.4828169


Response to allegations

>> No.4828176

Up until last year Parker maintained that inktober wasn’t for profit, there wasn’t any monetary gain for him. Then late last year he saw all the shekels he was missing out on and decided to copyright and brand it, this year adding sponsors and prizes. Really makes you think.

>> No.4828185

no rules just tools, retards. punctuation is a convention.

>> No.4828186

alright this was funny

>> No.4828196

Just fucking use Guptil's book, best book on inking. All these "NEW" books just copy from old dead faggots.

>> No.4828212

If it's just a self study thing, why not do it then? Come up with something like #gmitember or whatever, sounds like a fun project

>> No.4828214

I’ve read Guptill and his approach shows how closely Parker plagiarized Dunn. The biggest tell is how Parker doesn’t even use many of the methods that Dunn teaches in his own work.

>> No.4828227

What's the precedent for something like this? As far I know cases like these where it's heavily similar but not quite a 1:1 rip don't go very far and end up merely as a small section in a Wikipedia article

>> No.4828230

courts are pretty retarded when it comes to determining whether an intellectual property is stolen or merely inspired. it's even worse for music than it is for visual arts or fiction.

>> No.4828239

Is there an inktober for coomers?

>> No.4828240

When it comes to book publications, plagiarism is pretty much a capital offense.

>> No.4828241

the problem lies with how plagiarism is to be defined.

>> No.4828244


>> No.4828248


>> No.4828251


>> No.4828254


>> No.4828261

Fuck you people, is any of this real?

No thats fake too. Destroy dick December is about fapping everyday not drawing every day.

>> No.4828263

Plagiarism isn’t actually a legal term, but Parker can be sued for copyright violation. Dunn’s publisher is probably already preparing for this, and Parker’s publisher is conducting an investigation as well. Aside from Parker’s reputation, the publishers have the biggest stake in this. Since the book isn’t released yet, it
could be the case that Dunn’s book was cited as a source and his publisher was informed and he was not. We’ll find out the extent of plagiarism when the book releases, but the examples in Dunn’s videos are a lot more damning than some
other copyright cases that were won in favor of the plaintiff.

>> No.4828310

TLDR I'm sorry you decided to talk about this publicly before I could beat you to death in court

>> No.4828315

Basically he knew it was coming and said "sue me, bitch". I feel really bad that a seemingly decent guy like Alphonso had to be his target.

>> No.4828325

In all likelihood, Jake is going to countersue for defamation. I’m of the opinion that he knowingly borrowed heavily from Dunn’s book but is banking that the concepts are so widespread that Dunn doesn’t have a strong argument. And while I don’t believe Dunn’s book is wholly profound or original, the presentation of material is probably the strongest evidence of plagiarism. Dunn should’ve known better.

>> No.4828328

Parker* should have known better I mean. He can’t even claim coincidence or ignorance anymore because he was posting Dunn’s book while he was working on his.

>> No.4828333

I'm guessing he knows a good copyright lawyer or had some councelling before creating the book the way he did. The guy is just that slimey after his prior stunt. I hope Dunn gets great representation, this stuff always seems to go 50/50 despite the wronged party being obvious.

>> No.4828335

It'd be great if Parker tried some bullshit in court like "you only got popular thanks to Inktober WHICH I TOTALLY INVENTED AND COPYRIGHTED BY THE WAY so if anything you plagiarized me bro"

>> No.4828336

Someone pointed out in another thread that Dunn's book is even listed alongside other ink books in the Amazon page
>Add it to the shelf with books like Framed Ink: Drawing and Composition for Visual Storytellers by Marcos Mateu-Mestre, Pen and Ink Drawing: A Simple Guide by Alphonso Dunn, and The Drawing Lesson: A Graphic Novel That Teaches You How to Draw by Mark Crilley.

>> No.4828348

Funny thing is Jake doesn’t even use any of the techniques in his book, he always uses the same sloppy hatching. Of course he had to steal material if he doesn’t regularly practice other methods.

>> No.4828353

Weaker plagiarism cases have been decided in favor of the victim though. Dunn has a ton of drafts for his book that he showed in his video. If Parker can't produce something similar to show his process then he's likely fucked.

>> No.4828359

Anons... I just want the nude loli witch and ejaculate my INK inside of her October

>> No.4828360

With Loomis, anything is possible

>> No.4828392
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I don't support plagiarists. Sorry.

I hope he gets fucked over in court. Fuck Jake for ruining inktober.

Cry harder retard. Not many people get away with plagiarism for good reason. It's both morally and legally wrong.

>> No.4828452
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Jake's statement (1/2)

>> No.4828454
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Jake's statement (2/2)

>> No.4828482
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Ok controversy aside, just how bad can it get now that his reputation is in sham? you know I've always been curious about artist who got black listed by the industry. Do most of them go back to slaving at mcdonald or are there alternatives?

>> No.4828484

Kinktober definitely is.

>> No.4828486

Dead in the water, maybe he can go suck dick off a corner now or something.

>> No.4828493

i legitimately do not think there will be any lasting repercussions from this despite how scummy it is, dude will bounce back sooner than later

>> No.4828496



lmao at all the boot lickers trying to defend him

>> No.4828505

fucking hell the mad man's doubling down

>> No.4828512

i don't really think he copied anything, but he's a cunt for the inktober shit he pulled so whatever

>> No.4828524

You should see alphonse’s YouTube video. Before I saw it I was of the opinion that it was probably just a rehashing of the same ink techniques that I’ve seen everywhere else, and both books are, but Parker copies the layout and diagrams, which I think is probably what the Dunn’s publisher will argue, and their strongest case.

>> No.4828525

I think he def referenced Alphonso's book, just as Michael Hampton's book rips off Karl Gnass' lectures, and how many online courses rip off famous books. But I don't think its as serious as everyone's making it out to be, Alphonso's presentation of his case was really powerful and emotional and it got a lot of people on his side off of that alone. I feel a bit bad for Jake actually, in this case. He probably just admired Alphonso's book and thought it was standard inking theory.

>> No.4828528

At least change the layout tho, that’s just lazy

>> No.4828549

Fucking this. I watched it and Im baffled as to how this guy has people with pitchforks up, MOST OF THE TIME THE SHIT ISNT EVEN THE SAME OR ITS LITERALLY THE ONLY WAY TO DEPICT THE CONCEPT.

>> No.4828558

Also, the guy makes it out like a Large creator hitting a small creator. Alphonso Dunn Has MORE subs then Jake Parker has instagram follows, They're basically the same size.

This is just a ploy to sell books. Stop giving these fuckin' people money. Sticky, Loomis Etc.

>> No.4828572
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>this guy is bigger than this guy because he has more social media points

>> No.4828581

For the purposes of selling books.. Yes they are about equal, please don't be retarded understand the context is Click through not prestige of past work.

>> No.4828607

I feel so betrayed by Jake for real.

I listen to his podcast SVS learn and thought he was a good person LOL

>> No.4828660

sounds to me like you didn't watch the whole video

>> No.4828661

he's mormon, what did you expect?

>> No.4828664

I have an uncle that used to work with Jake Parker. Once during a heated argument about Missle Mouse Jake said "the coons have been stealing from us for centuries, it's about time the White race steals back from them". He then flung a watermelon out of the window which hit an innocent black youth

>> No.4828669


>> No.4828676

i went to college with jake parker, he always struck me as odd, was a social outcast. i once walked in on him at the urinal pissing with his pants all the way down to his ankles, asscheeks a-show. I kicked his left buttock and he fell, before catching himself in the piss soup at the bottom of the head, he didn't show up to classes for a good week

>> No.4828722

I actually met Jake Parker once at lightbox expo. His booth was really crowded so I decided to avoid it but I ran into him at the urinals. He had four brush pens duct taped to his penis, one above, one below and one on each side. He had his pants around his ankles and crab walked around the restroom, wildly thrusting his hips to and fro. Beautiful ink black cartoon imagery was all over the walls and I wasn't sure whether to admire the art or to be shocked at the lurid sight before me. He seemed to be in a trance as his penile legerdemain took over. He repeatedly let out the phrase "feel the form, feel the fucking form" in hushed whispers. With one thrust he would lay in a deep black shadow and on the back swing he would use his precum for a quick highlight. Soon we made eye contact and the spell was broken. His eyes grew angry and he started to yell. "What the fuck are you doing here? I'm Kim Jung Gi motherfucker! Kim Jung Gi! I'll Inktober all over your ass cunt! Get out! Get the fuck out!" I was in shock and ran out as fast as possible. That moment has been etched in my mind ever since. Just thinking about Inktober is enough to bring back my trauma. Thank you for listening to my story.


>> No.4828748

I saw Parker at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.4828750
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Imagine caring about all this novella and not just jumping in the hashtag bandwagon for personal gain.

>> No.4828763

Peter Han just made a video about this. https://www.instagram.com/peterhanstyle/?hl=en

>> No.4828794

I already do, I've done three of my own Inktobers without posting anything online.

>> No.4828824


>> No.4828830

absolutely based

>> No.4828836

same lol based on his videos I didnt think he could act this way oh well

>> No.4828896

I always knew Jake's a gamma squirt

Stealing from black people is a huge no no in this current climate

>> No.4829010

>when in the same breath you're all utilizing a pirated copy of proprietary software,
Wrong. I paid for my copy of CSP.

>make money off plagiarizing other big name content through the guise of fanart via the flavor of the month,
I don’t make fanart. I make my money off of character design and freelance work, as well as my personal OC.

>and then have the audacity to complain when someone else rips you off on the Internet because they got a couple of likes and favorites by copying off you.
I’ve literally never done this.

>> No.4829087

anyone know where i can get "pen and ink drawing: a simple guide"? for free, of course.

>> No.4829140

typical :^) behaviour
I still hoped he would have acted better but he did not.

>> No.4829150

Nah not gonna support a thief that got all inktober participants DCMA'd over his plagiarized book where he teaches someone elses inking style.

>> No.4829179

>people have been tagging me on this and, you know, I have no interest getting into it at all
>chill out everyone :)
lmao, just about what I figured. celebs don't want drama unless it's safe and easy, and they've been wanting to get rid of you anyway. just cancel social media, make it illegal or something. that's the only way we'll get back our collective sanity.

>> No.4829231

Can someone explain the inktober DCMA situation? I was busy last year and didn't participate. Was he just hitting people trying to sell prints with the actual word inktober on their pieces?

>> No.4829238

Not me, but I can't wait for the prompt list to be released.

>> No.4829278

i agree, but if he did completely rip off his book then it isnt without warrant

>> No.4829289

How come he waited until 2019 to make a big shitfest about people selling under the inktober hashtag?

>> No.4829291


>> No.4829303

What a fat jew

>> No.4829305

But goyim... imagine the sheckels and profit you can make!

>> No.4829320

every once in a while the witch hunt will capture and burn a real witch, then they'll use it as justification for fucking over more innocents. but is it really worth it?

>> No.4829738

found the /beg/s

>> No.4830515

That can't be real

>> No.4833256

okay im working in it. keep the thread up

>> No.4833626

Fuck off Alphonso, I've read like 15 drawing books, your shit isn't new at all, just another rehash, Stop giving these hos your money.

>> No.4833705

Peter Chad, right again.

>> No.4834811

Jake makes good money, so he’ll coast pretty well.

>> No.4834827

I dunno, the way his co-host/business partner Lee White is spamming the same comments under different usernames all over the internet makes it seem like SVS isn't doing that well. Not to mention the fact that Bobby Chiu dropped them all from Lightbox Expo

>> No.4834854

Based af

>> No.4834885

He basically said nothing which is the best way to play it but idk why he felt the need to make a 30 minute video when he had such a lukewarm take:

>> No.4835657

THIS. Fuck him.
Somehow reminded me of the whole Fine brothers Youtube controversy.

>> No.4837855


>> No.4838570

where's the video

>> No.4838788

Fourth most recent post

>> No.4839154

gugu gaga open mouth anon, it's a spoon feeding time: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CEdRtshB6Hc/

>> No.4839192

Who else has met him in person? His vibe is kind of humble-preachy.

>> No.4839199

Dunn's also a better artist desu. I'd kiss him too.

>> No.4839211

There are a surprisingly large amount of mormon animators and illustrators. Not sure why tho.

>> No.4839212

That's because he is

>> No.4839777
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they all seem to be children's book illustrators too


>> No.4839915
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Mormons love kids, that's why

>> No.4842854

If that's the case in this instance other than inktober fuckery, I feel sorry for him. imagine writing a book and actually talking about and signal boosting other artist you think you're doing a great job in that same round, and then you get called out by said artist. Must be the worst nightmare of an artist to basically be accused of plagiarism by who they are fond of. In that case it doesn't sound deliberate, but he should have made sure to try to change the layouts.

>> No.4842856

*Superlative job in the same field.

>> No.4842868

Wtf I hate stinktober now.

>> No.4843190

BYU is a mormon college in Utah and has a very good animation track. Any alumni who make it into the industry are basically obligated to go back and teach or and help their fellow mormons network.

>> No.4845836

It does?

>> No.4846018

Should have been Drawgust

>> No.4846260

this, i was just watching his video ranting about how he ripped him off and some shit, i was like nigguh i saw this first on peter hans videos nigguh, fuck i cant believe the entitlement joggeers have this days.

>> No.4847910

the problem here is that you're a windowlicker

>> No.4847967
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>> No.4849173

No Smut November

>> No.4849181


>> No.4849219

The publisher has canceled the release of the book. No details yet on if Jake is still gonna try to publish it himself.

>> No.4849447

That isn’t his argument you literal straw man nigger.

>> No.4849450

kek that picture

>> No.4849932

you sound poor
are you poor anon? do you not have any money?

>> No.4850166

No. I have money.
I just don't like giving it to kikes.

>> No.4850184

I don't buy plagarism.

>> No.4850276

i'm not buying some hack's shit book that looks like a quran

>> No.4850367

>dunn: look nigus i have 5 important begginer concepts here in my book, AND FUCKING PARKER ALSO HAS 5, HE STOLE MY SHIT

>> No.4850586

you didn't watch the whole video did you?

>> No.4851466


>> No.4853363
File: 430 KB, 667x670, welp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..well if this is plagarism then they both plagarised the worksheets I had in art class 15 years ago... these are universal concepts -_-

sure its similar and he obviously used it as a loose template but so is literally every other how to draw book, the structure is the basic logical progression of the lessons.

fucking lol how everyone is up in arms over this as opposed to the absolute dick move of copyrighting of the term inktober.

>> No.4853582

He trademarked the name and supposedly his lawyers went after people unbeknownst to him. Lot of people didn't buy his story.

>> No.4853800

Is Guptill far superior to the stuff they put out today?

>> No.4854099

Make one. Ideally for December to cash in on horniness after no nut November

>> No.4854106

So did nothing come of this? Looks they both just went back to posting like nothing ever happened. It blew over pretty quick.

>> No.4854178


>> No.4854257

See >>4849219

>> No.4854311


>> No.4855140

based asians
you dishonor us jake parka, whem , it's over

>> No.4855146

dont ever talk bad about based alphonso again you hear me

>> No.4855217
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