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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 84 KB, 604x206, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4822821 No.4822821 [Reply] [Original]

Even industry professionals hate Loomis, while /ic/ begs still keep shilling him

>> No.4822825

hard round brush

>> No.4822828

Why so small amount of likes?

>> No.4822832

Also pyw, non beg

>> No.4822837
File: 50 KB, 493x616, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palmer's just mad because he's fat short lardo

>> No.4822838
File: 357 KB, 342x1141, 1598195735660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because OP is a faggot

>> No.4822840

That's okay I never cared for his overrendered edgy pokemon. The guy is creatively bankrupt

>> No.4822848

I am beg, because I fell for loomis meme. Fuck loomis, from now on I only doing NMA

>> No.4822858

Loomis is only an /ic/ meme. Most real artists don't like him.

>> No.4822869

yea but rj palmer is pretty shit

>> No.4822874

>implying normalfags know what a loomis is or why his ass is eight heads tall

>> No.4822884

who are they and why should i care?

>> No.4822985

Loomis explains perfectly that 8 heads is just one of many arbitrary standards, and that depending on the purpose you can change the ratio.

In his book about the head he actually shows that you have to "deform" the basic proportions to add variety.

>> No.4822990

so this palmer guy is drawing dragons from 2006 and this jessica a.m. nobody is just a random beg. yeah, i'm completely convinced that loomis is shit now, thanks for opening my eyes.

>> No.4822997

>the guy famous for "what if Pokémon were realistic???"is a contrarian
Go figure. And Loomis explains that 8 heads is an idealized proportion, not a naturalized proportion. He would know this if he had been paying attention.

>> No.4823008

It's almost as if there's other literature for learning how to draw out there that actually suits some people better than Loomis.

>> No.4823021

Pretty sure 8 heads tall was his heroic male proportions for drawing a realistic 7 foot tall man, its not meant to be applied to his anime girls.

>> No.4823023

how dare i be taught a way to use body parts as proportional guides. ugh. yurgh. and other such noises.

>> No.4823055

>a couple of industry people with art styles I don't like

people that put out art I like do like loomis. the people that put art I love like bridgman.

>> No.4823056

thinking that loomis is not a meme is like thinking that SCP is actually real. People here like to take jokes too far

>> No.4823061

fags on reddit btfo

>> No.4823067

i propose a new measurement system. based on the length of my penis. my penis is roughly 3 heads long, so using penis to measure the body youre looking at the ideal body size being 22 penises.

>> No.4823069

Loomis was racist.

>> No.4823070

let’s use black penises, less counting

>> No.4823071

He was a normal person, people just weren't sjw faggots like you back then

>> No.4823080
File: 472 KB, 836x1200, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you are so original?

>> No.4823081

>3 heads long
Lmao what is it 5 inches

>> No.4823089

wtf how big is your head

>> No.4823092

steve jobs wasnt original, he took what existed and paid ludicrous amounts for marketing. i will market my penis measurement. im already writing a howto book, do keep a lookout.

>> No.4823103

No rules, just tools. Use what works for you.

>> No.4823107

jobs and wozniak started apple out of jobs’ parents’ garage with under $1000 dollars between the two of them

>> No.4823111

did they fucc?

>> No.4823113

jobs’ parents? probably

>> No.4823117

>nooo everyone is a unique snowflake proportions are completely arbitrary and eberyone is beautiful in their own way u hecking raciste
It's always the woke lefty types who get triggered by the concepts of canons of proportion and idealized figure.

>> No.4823123

Proportions literally are arbitrary, did you even read Loomis?

>> No.4823131

>industry professionals
>barely 50 likes between them
>not even 10 comments between them

>> No.4823138

i hear this over and over, mongoloids think loomis invented the 8 heads proportions, lmao

>> No.4823157

Literally who?

>> No.4823158

I can’t read bro

>> No.4823169
File: 389 KB, 638x693, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after the table of contents, this is literally the fourth page of the book. I don't think anyone's getting after Loomis for only drawing pretty people. hate to say it but rent free bro

>> No.4823179

all the old white men that control the slavery ring

>> No.4823205

Hahaha these people wear their insecurities on their sleeves

>> No.4823225

Looking at the schnoz on some of those men you might be correct

>> No.4823228

how is the thumbnail different from the actual image

>> No.4823229

Why wont these two ever shut the up, I never follow them but they always mamage to pop up in every drama twitter thread in every corner of artist i follow.

>> No.4823236


>> No.4823317
File: 938 KB, 4096x2083, EfGCVkeVAAAbx6H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else see that painting he recently posted a few weeks ago that he said he spent 100 hours on? I usually don't like to shit on other people's art but I just don't see where the 100 hours went to.

I've getting annoyed with palmer lately because he's always putting himself front and center in all the latest drama in art twitter. I miss the days of deviantart so much.

>> No.4823356 [DELETED] 

Oh, that explains a lot. That's why Jeffrey Watts is so bad at what he does, as are many other great names in the arts. These idiots should stop studying Loomis and listen to Jessica a.m., so they would stop producing crap like this and would be good freelance designers.

>> No.4823360
File: 34 KB, 475x645, images - 2020-08-26T162758.843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that explains a lot. That's why Jeffrey Watts is so bad at what he does, as are many other great names in the arts. These idiots should stop studying Loomis and listen to Jessica a.m., so they would stop producing crap like this and would be good freelance designers.

>> No.4823368

He might have caught the jk rowling syndrome: once people start forgetting about you, you need to say or do something stupid for them to talk about you again

>> No.4823388

twitter threads should amount to permabans on sight

>> No.4823412

Based as fuck. Loomis was a mediocre artist and an even worse teacher

>> No.4823416

imagine getting filtered by Loomis

>> No.4823421

>contains no loomis but only bridgman
You schizo crabs make it too easy

>> No.4823429


>> No.4823440

This.People who read his book know that the man talked of things he knew.Just cause some fags can't handle Loomis that doesn't make him a bad teacher, only means that the fags better get their ass back at "How to draw manga for beginners"

>> No.4823486

Then post your work you loomis poster. No loomis proponent ever did and that says something

>> No.4823501


pyw your best work and tell us how many hours you spent. Actually, nvm, /beg/. FYI, 100 hours is fine for such illustration.

>> No.4823548

there's not a single discussion in art twitter without her and her petulant warm takes. I've never seen a worse case of twitter addict.

>> No.4823577
File: 255 KB, 1200x900, 1449412497567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even know who jessica is until she keep popping up in drama. I know more about her gossip than her actual art.
To the point that I saw she held the River Girl Dev hostage on twitter because his game made some crude remark on her or something so they caved because she was the bff of their art director.
Just what is her problem?

>> No.4823581

he must go by the 8 hamburger method

>> No.4823824


>> No.4824129
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>> No.4824150
File: 127 KB, 569x297, 218C73C1-A528-4B61-80CF-62BBE05A526C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. /beg/ with no following

>> No.4824165
File: 577 KB, 735x987, Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proclaim the score d/ic/kheads

>> No.4824174


>> No.4824191

Y-you think that painting don't require 100 hours??
Are you peak dunning Kruger?

>> No.4824199
File: 98 KB, 418x434, 1450559631154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will /ic/ follow me if I made it as an artist?

>> No.4824202

not him but I've seen 100 hours painting with a lot more effort than this, that said that painting is probably 2 days long at max.

>> No.4824203

yes, clearly i should only be learning from patreon art tutorials. thank you twitter artist !!

>> No.4824218

>edgy "realistic" pokemon autist
Genuinely hard to think of an artist whose opinion I care for less

>> No.4824223

>who is Hampton, Huston, Vilppu, Bustos, Gnass, Bammes, Bridgman, Hale, Goldfinger

But feel free to be an idiot

>> No.4824233

>Everybody work at same pace
Oh I'm sorry, so you're not Dunning Kruger.
You're just a plain retard.

>> No.4824332

>Dunning Kruger.
this is not about me, your statement is awkwardly directed. I already know that I'm still a beginner, and probably you too.
I'm talking about another "professional" artist who can work faster in the same medium as your favorite artist professional artist, "RJ Palmer."

>> No.4824353
File: 1.32 MB, 699x900, 1BD1CA27-A594-43FA-AA4E-12B7E0E64D0D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which advice should I follow?
>some professionals with really good concept art and a large following, hating loomis
>a bunch of anonymous crabs that never post their work, have been drawing for under three years and grind fundies, recommending loomis
I pick the first group, the second can go crazy while drawing floating loomis heads

>> No.4824356

pick the one that fucking works for you.

>> No.4824361

Clever use of pixel sampling

>> No.4824363
File: 180 KB, 1014x1134, this ain't the one chief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RJ isn't the most professional professional

>> No.4824382

why would you hire a person like this, when they could stab you in the back over petty shit at any moment.

>> No.4824386

t. retard who'd work for exposure

>> No.4824389

that doesn't even make any sense

>> No.4824408

you'd rather keep quiet and lick corporate ass i see, have fun with that

>> No.4824429

no, I just wouldn't be a faggot and whine on social media because I'm salty I didn't get paid as much as video game streamers do for painting generic splash art.

>> No.4824432

that's just another way of saying you'd lick corporate ass man

>> No.4824435
File: 159 KB, 468x587, 1587071751010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if not being an insufferable cunt is being a corporate bootlicker then I don't even care anymore.

>> No.4824440
File: 39 KB, 629x352, 419dd6666ecc6036366fd15f6bbdb180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4824446

Woah 2000 that's a lot I wonder how often he gets offers like that

>> No.4824448

t. beginner artist
Work for a few years before you talk shit like that you hypocrite

>> No.4824453

you'd be surprised at how much you can get paid

>> No.4824455

This thread proves again that only the dunning kruger loomis schizo crabs stayed on this board while the pros left in 2010

>> No.4824459

how am I a hypocrite, I don't use my platform with thousands of followers to publically scrutinize anyone that I feel personally wrongs me.

>> No.4824462

you're going to be here forever

>> No.4824488

Ok palmer none cares
Go back to drawing your furshit now

>> No.4824515
File: 34 KB, 557x305, 1583823742933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The consensus of cherry picked "experts" proves that thing I think is right and thing everyone else thinks is wrong!
Imagine thinking "eight heads tall" is a Loomis thing instead of a Vitruvius thing. What a retard

>> No.4824557

you have chosen wisely

>> No.4824564
File: 963 KB, 496x2540, 1584702139660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he's telling the truth, those are very long legs.

>> No.4826034

I'd love to see your work.

>> No.4826090

>guy that draws imaginary animals hates an art method meant for drawing human faces
I wonder why he doesn't find it useful.

>> No.4826421

Am i brainlet or is that conversion wrong?
>figure is 7 1/2 heads
>one penis is 3 heads
>2 3/4 penis is 7 1/2 heads
>2 3/4 penis is 1 figure

why would you use more penis when you already have more penis per head?

>> No.4826429
File: 56 KB, 750x750, 1588116187265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying everyone would want to be a twitter user

>> No.4827261

His process vid shows him making major changes late in the work, he could have cut down the time significantly if he had a clear plan in place instead of just throwing shit a the wall to see what sticks.

ok but their engagement is fairly low.
The guy averages 500-1k likes a post with 5-8k for more time consuming pieces that rarely get posted.
The chick barely tweets art and spends all day retweeting political shit, when she does post art it barely gets any likes.
Then again they aren't making coomshit so I guess that is the reason.

We should follow matte painters and coom artists who crank out work faster, get more likes per post and get money thrown at them.

>> No.4827273

you might be retarded or very beg.

>> No.4827287

>drawing a realistic 7 foot tall man
more like 6"4'

>> No.4827315
File: 101 KB, 880x860, LOOMIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shits on Loomis and his proportions
>Uses Loomis's Heroic proportions for this >>4823317 piece

>> No.4827345
File: 459 KB, 527x951, Nine-Niiiiiiiiiine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4827356

Oh, I got the idealistic mixed up with the heroic, the heroic is around 7ft.

>> No.4827372

The problem with proportions is the very idea that there is some rigid norm. Real life people have very high variability, some have legs shorter than the torso, some have much longer.
Some have long necks some don't.

Proportions literally don't exist and you shouldn't let that idea pollute your mind. What is important is your anatomy and structure. If your character has a solid structure to it and makes sense, doesn't look flat and mangled up whatever proportions you chose if your artistic freedom, counting heads is absolute autism and you should stop.

>> No.4827378
File: 571 KB, 1200x800, 576F1D97-E3A4-497E-9C57-5FBA4B40F773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4828120

>Proportions literally don't exist
The vast majority of people don't have awkwardly long legs/arms compared to the rest of their body.
This is true across all ethnicitys.
Yea not everyone is gonna line 100% to one of Loomis's guides but the vast majority of people will come close.

>> No.4828126

Proportions do exist. Even if someone has longer legs or torso or a kind of fucked face, they still have proportions. Proportions are just relative measurements. You can have an odd looking person who is still proportional.

Ideal proportions don't really exist, but proportions themselves definitely do. You're stupid to say that they don't matter or exist at all. Pyw

>> No.4830921

>Proportions literally don't exist and you shouldn't let that idea pollute your mind
Some predictions about you:
1. you're a woman
2. you're a zoomer
3. you're politically on the left

>> No.4830923

>Real life people have very high variability, some have legs shorter than the torso, some have much longer.

everyone with common sense knows this. if the person reading loomis forgets this then they're retarded, not loomis' fault, its just a guideline for you to start with and for an aesthetically pleasing proportion that you can use

>> No.4831408

sure, but by that definition standard english doesn't exist either. if you want to have good structure, proportions are normative averages, they're a baseline you deviate from and return to while experimenting with variation.

>> No.4831544

proportions are extremely dangerous. you have to keep in mind the 4 head tall pygmy, who is just as beautiful as a 8 head tall heroic white male

>> No.4831565

Oda's hands typed this

>> No.4831579

real industry professionals don't sit on twitter all day

>> No.4831589
File: 384 KB, 600x623, yeahok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im gonna go with not listening to a word this bitch says

>> No.4831609

>proportions is putting things in categories which is bad

>> No.4831626

jessica does

>> No.4831628

oda's busy working himself to death

>> No.4832074

jessica is a disney storyboarder that has been around for a while

>> No.4832083

>white artists 2020
Haha, not going to listen

>> No.4832093

Never understood why people cannot quite figure out how it is not that amazing to take rules made for designing 6 foot tall stalwart comic book heroes and try using them for teen anime girls or noodle armed child cartoon characters. Obviously it's not going to work out well since it is a totally different style that follows a different set of rules.

>> No.4832381

Yeah, but begs wants you to fail so they can crab at you and feel better about their sonic ocs.

>> No.4832715


>> No.4832875

>I've getting annoyed with palmer lately because he's always putting himself front and center in all the latest drama in art twitter. I miss the days of deviantart so much.
Pretty much this. He has a big following and it's clear he tries to utilize it to get people behind his whining. His art is fine, but the constant drama seeking is what sours it. Everyone on the site seems to think their opinions matter more than they actually do.

>> No.4832890
File: 37 KB, 587x499, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I follow him and he's almost always at the forefront of any art related drama that crops up, making callouts in that typical passive aggressive attitude every holier-than-thou faggot makes on Twitter, but I guess that's to be expected when you live in California and have been conditioned by the corporate cocksuckers of the Hollywood industry. No genuinely good person acting in good faith speaks or behaves like this, and it just comes off as gross overcompensation for something.

>> No.4834166

>posts a random tweet from, practically, a nobody to support his already incorrect argument
OP is a fucking gay faggot

>> No.4834345

Is anyone surprised that modern artists would be triggered by 1940s golden god proportions? These people barely even wear t-shirts anymore. Probably all have half-shaved blue hair too.

>> No.4835701

>seething loomshit
just another 100 floating loomis heads and you'll be finally able to draw!

>> No.4836445

Imagine caring so much about something that matters so little

>> No.4836452


>> No.4836630
File: 2.92 MB, 880x1197, 2020-09-01 18_36_16-Magic the Gathering - Dave Rapoza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am a self taught illustrator from Boston, MA, been working freelance now for 11 years or so(as of 2017). Studied a lot early on from Andrew Loomis' and Bridgman’s figure drawing books"

OP, don't listen to retards, listen to actual GMIs.

>> No.4836707

>listening to faggots on twitter
>meanwhile a lot of actual good teachers endorse loomis as well as teach his methods
Hmmmm, who to believe??

>> No.4836736

I will seriously kill these people before exiting this shitty world.

>> No.4836763
File: 461 KB, 671x1800, watts_head1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm gonna listen to Jeff over some literally whos

>> No.4836826

>LIKE a week or two
Imagine not tracking your billable hours.

>> No.4836833

so how did these cunts learn?

>> No.4836850

Yeah, that is exactly the kind of crap that a young, progressive, woman would say.

>> No.4836878

Imagine being such a loser that you pay by the hour

>> No.4838123

NGMI industry professionals

>> No.4838134

Based and redpilled

>> No.4838139

Like most artists do, by thinking and drawing

>> No.4838161

Real talk for a second: Anyone else think its funny how RJ Palmer is first to cry out about sexual misconduct (even in cases where it was deserved, like Noah) but seems like the type of fucker that has an alt account that sends dick pics out? The fucker always seems to like and comment on selfie pics from female artists and wokeposts/lukewarm takes but rarely their work. Is this final SIMP form? Like Christ, I can smell his cumsock from a mile away

>> No.4838195

>the exception is the norm
None of you crabs is even remotely as talented as dave

>> No.4838217

The meaningless "literally" gave it away.

>> No.4838250

This better be bait anon

>> No.4838339

pot, meet kettle

>> No.4838359

maybe he's exceptional because he doesn't follow the norm(loomis sucks loooool xd sammmee) genius

>> No.4838366

its too hard for a /beg/ like me to into = sucks

congrats your're part of the 80% 90 iq population

>> No.4838376

But anon is not wrong though, people don't look like Loomis drawings irl. It's pretty rare to see someone with 8 heads and are perfectly proportional.

Even then, those art are boring.

>> No.4838390

>those art are boring
>people don't look like loomis drawings irl

t.south american goblina

>> No.4838481

Extremely low quality post

>> No.4838530

Really? A stormtrooper isn't an unlikely hero?

>> No.4838943

Except that there are proportions that our brain naturally finds acceptable or even attractive and some that just looks weird, and unlike in real life where you know the person just has different proportions, in drawings it just looks wrong.

>> No.4841409


>> No.4841417

people shitting on loomis and praising bridgman are retarded. loomis comes from same lineage as bridgman, he's just a modified bridgman.

bridgman IS good, but so is loonis.

>> No.4841419

for me it's vilppu......

>> No.4841496

>proportions doesnt exist
>perspectives doesn't exist
Same fucking retarded shit to say !
It's about aesthetic and helping you to learn. Once you know those basic stuffs, you can create your own proportions and perspective but you need to know the bases.
Just like fucking Picasso. The man was a genius to the point he could play with all his knowledge to create new stuffs, but he was a beast when it come to the basis. Just look what he was capable to do a 14 yo.

>> No.4842596

that's not how iq works

>> No.4842710

ITT salty loomoids

>> No.4842726
File: 16 KB, 320x320, 1573028631749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>industry professionals
>rj palmer

>> No.4842728
File: 37 KB, 445x640, bruceleerarephoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter screencap

>> No.4842732

Picasso was found out to be a troll of sorts. His father painted his shit then when he passed Picasso was like hmmm what so I do and drew what we know today as his "art".

>> No.4843069
File: 2.14 MB, 1090x800, anatomy-rotation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i feel people are hating on loomis because there are far too many artists that treat him as like some sort of a godfigure of art
his books - primarily figure drawing and successful drawing - gives some pretty darn good directions to anatomy, perspective and form
it's not perfect and considering how old it is, it shouldn't be, but it's a great read
no book should be the be all, end all

>another everybody i dislike is a leftist
you don't need /ic/ to make your /pol/ memes

Counting heads being stupid, maybe.
Proportions not existing? I think that's the autism right there. Next thing you tell us that so long as the form is correct, perspective doesn't matter?