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4812579 No.4812579 [Reply] [Original]

hello im looking for a art buddy yo go through this curriculum https://www.reddit.com/r/learnart/comments/dapk62/from_the_guy_who_made_the_most_comprehensive_list/
this guide takes you from zero to hero in a year so if your interested add me on discord to work out our schedule epimoní#1763

>> No.4812590
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Sorry, i do not associate with anime niggers.

>> No.4812596


You don't have to listen to me but just my 2C, don't follow that guide. That looks like a recipe for disaster. I'm the one who wrote "Aguri guide" (google it, 1st result on google) despite not really going through the guide myself. It wasn't really a guide, just to win a debate with an anon on curriculums and ever since people here revere the guide as gospel just as easily as that reddit guide. Because most people can't think for themselves...guess I just have a talent for thinking for myself AAAANyway

My advise for you if you want to get started (and what I'm doing currently) is..well let me post a quick infographic

>> No.4812607

I was also thinking of going with the guide cgma foundation and designed guide

>> No.4812631
File: 422 KB, 1790x912, my guide updated aguri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was also thinking of going with the guide cgma foundation and designed guide
Correct. Here is my updated aguri guide. Just follow their program and you can't go wrong.

I think new masters academy is a waste of fucking time and money because too many cooks in the kitchen all teaching the same thing. Proko is great, but as a supplement. And that reddit guide starts you off on figure drawing which is silly.

I would do everything from Brent (including his figure drawing stuff) and then just do CGMA. Ignore all other guides.

>> No.4812632

>course says it's 27 months long
>"zero to hero in a year"

>> No.4812970

make a discord

>> No.4813475

That's looks really helpful, but you raised an interesting point: some guides are made by beginners and aren't very good. Could you post your work?

>> No.4813484

Honestly you can't really go wrong with any course, as long as you're tackling your weakness. Forget people who tell you to ignore guides made by beginners. All those courses in those guides were made by top notch artists.

>> No.4813487

jumping to figure drawing without any knowledge about observation, construction or perspective
good fucking job reddit, you did it again

>> No.4813837

There’s literally nothing I can think of that’s more cringe than ngmi trying to "learn art" following random tutorials and advice on the internet. It’s like they’re so far off the mark I don’t even know where to begin with them. The average good artist, and even the above average, just exist and the things that you consider that they must have "learnt" just happened. No 16 year old pro artist you've seen on Twitter ever had to "grind fundies" or practice drawing squiggly lines, he just existed, and thought it would be cool try the style of his favourite artist and he could just visualise the form. They never though about being how to best game social media websites to get traffic, there’s no thought out into any of this, these things just happened through the natural flow of life. That’s what happens when you’re not a genetic dead end mentally ill freak, you don’t ever find yourself one night lying in bed alone wondering why you still can't into perspective or your poses look stiff. You don’t devise a plan to follow some "art tutorial" written by some fag on reddit for six months in order to be able to draw. You just exist, you do your favourite thing every day, and you end up with a banging portfolio and a couple hundred thousand followers on twitter, with a some nice job and commission offers. If you missed out on this flow, it’s probably because you’re a complete ngmi.

>> No.4813846
File: 118 KB, 300x287, Horny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4813878

Imagine following a beginner's advice

>> No.4814454

Anybody can learn how to draw dummy but keep telling yourself that I know you already give up ngmi

>> No.4814463

I added you

>> No.4814467


>> No.4814474

Post your drawings

>> No.4814477

>Anybody can learn how to draw dummy
explain yourself, then

>> No.4814482

No one is born knowing how to draw a masterpiece at the age of 0

>> No.4814486

>w-w-well eventually i will surely learn

>> No.4814491

isn't he one of those guys who only does studies all the time?

>> No.4814501

yesterday i didn't know how to draw a nose, today i know, see i learned to draw

>> No.4814557
File: 41 KB, 400x428, 1596988752208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>month 1
Even redditors are out here filtering out the NGMI's

>> No.4814565


>> No.4814707


tried this curriculum and gave up after the first 3 units. i decided to focus on what i wanted to mainly draw portraits and i feel a lot happier and productive. in my art schedule i did take inspiration from this guide but i don't think you need follow it exactly.

>> No.4814723
File: 826 B, 31x41, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4814726

Why would he? what he wrote is his cope to explain why he can't draw and won't put effort into learning it. he obviously doesn't have any "work" to post.

>> No.4814743

which is funny because you don't either.

>> No.4814750

Stop projecting, loser.

>> No.4814755

You’ll understand eventually

>> No.4814767

>from zero
>first month is "figure drawing for all it's worth"
That's not a beg book by any stretch of the mind and doesn't take only 1 month to go through.